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Research Organizer

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\\\Research Organizer

The research graphic organizer will help you gather and organize your research.

When gathering information about your source, remember to take an objective perspective. This
means you are not simply evaluating whether or not the author’s opinion is “good” or “bad.”
Sources that disagree with your opinion are still important sources to consider, and will help you
to consider perspectives that will strengthen your own argument.

My Topic: Should violent videos be banned for children and teens

My opinion about this topic so far: I believe that children and teenagers are to be banned
from watching violent videos because of the terrible
effects it has on them.

Source No.

Title and author of TV Violence And Children

the source

How do I know this The information was published on December 2014

source is credible? It is related to my topic

Source’s main claim: Violence affects children

(How would you
summarize the
opinion of the author
in one sentence?)

Important points It provides me with evidence from an experiment that was performed
made by this source:
(What types of
evidence or
reasoning does the
author provide to
make their argument
more effective?)

Is your source in It is in agreement with my position

agreement or I stated that violence desensitizes children and the stated that hudreds
disagreement with of researches have been conducted on the impact of media violence on
your position? children and teenagers, with the majority of findings indicating that
Explain: youngsters might become immune to violence and aggressive behavior
(Compare and
contrast the author’s
opinion to your own.
Note that the author
may also have a
neutral opinion, or
may provide a
different perspective
on the topic all

Source No.

Title and author of the source Effect Of Exposure To Gun Violence In Video Games
On Children’s Dangerous Behavior With Real Guns: A
Randomized Clinical Trial. Brad Bushman and Chang
How do I know this source is The information is not outdated
credible? It is related to the point I stated

Source’s main claim: In summary, they talk about the effect of video games
(How would you summarize the and media on children. They learn from what they see
opinion of the author in one and tend to imitate, and that the highest children
sentence?) mortality rate in united state is caused by firearm

Important points made by this They performed an experiment that confirmed that
source: children imitate
(What types of evidence or reasoning
does the author provide to make their
argument more effective?)

Is your source in agreement or It is in agreement with my position

disagreement with your position?
(Compare and contrast the author’s
opinion to your own. Note that the
author may also have a neutral
opinion, or may provide a different
perspective on the topic all together.)
Source No.

Title and author of the source Chidley, Joe, et al. TV And Kids' Violence | The
Canadian Encyclopedia
How do I know this source is It is related to the point I made

Source’s main claim: They talk about how children are affected by TV
(How would you summarize the violence negatively
opinion of the author in one

Important points made by this A typical Canadian would have witnessed up to 12000
source: violent acts by the time they are 12
(What types of evidence or reasoning
does the author provide to make their
argument more effective?)

Is your source in agreement or It agreed with my position

disagreement with your position? They talk about the effect TV violence have on kids,
Explain: like how they enjoy watching it. How they participate
(Compare and contrast the author’s in it because of what they have seen.
opinion to your own. Note that the And my point is that violent videos should be
author may also have a neutral considered damaging to children and teenagers
opinion, or may provide a different because they encourage aggressive behavior
perspective on the topic all together.)

Title and author of the source Flannery, Daniel. Here's How Witnessing Violence
Harms Children’s Mental Health
How do I know this source is It is not outdated
credible? The author is the director of the begun violence
Prevention Research and Education at Case Western
Reserve University’s Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel
School of Applied Social Sciences.
Source’s main claim: They talk about the effect of violence on the health of
(How would you summarize the children
opinion of the author in one

Important points made by this They explained students exposure to violence

source: contributes to their anxiety and fear which is
(What types of evidence or reasoning dangerous to their health
does the author provide to make their
argument more effective?) They performed a study with children in grades three
to eight who watched someone being hit, slapped or
punched found that 12 percent of them experience
anxiety level that could demand treatment

Is your source in agreement or It is in agreement

disagreement with your position? I stated that , violent content is likely to affect
Explain: children’s health by causing fear and anxiety and it is
(Compare and contrast the author’s backed up with their experiment
opinion to your own. Note that the
author may also have a neutral
opinion, or may provide a different
perspective on the topic all together.)

Title and author of the source Furlow, Bryant. Media Violence And Youth Aggression

How do I know this source is The information is not outdated

credible? It is related to my point
The author is a medical journalist

Source’s main claim: It shows the effect of media violence on youth

(How would you summarize the
opinion of the author in one

Important points made by this The author stated how negatively it affects children by
source: making them more aggressive
(What types of evidence or reasoning
does the author provide to make their
argument more effective?)

Is your source in agreement or It is in agreement

disagreement with your position? The author stated that according to Brad Bushman of
Explain: Ohio State University says that exposure to violent
(Compare and contrast the author’s media is connected with the increased child and
opinion to your own. Note that the teenage interpersonal aggressiveness which supports
author may also have a neutral my point that violent content increases aggressive
opinion, or may provide a different behavior in children
perspective on the topic all together.)
Title and author of the source Huesmann, L. The Impact Of Electronic Media
Violence: Scientific Theory And Research
How do I know this source is The author is a Professor of Communication Studies
credible? and Psychology and Research Professor in the
Institute for Social Research of the University of
The information is related to my point
Source’s main claim: The author mentions the different effect on a child,
(How would you summarize the both short term and long term effects on their emotion,
opinion of the author in one behavior.

Important points made by this the observation learning theory implies that children
source: who are acquiring normative views may become
(What types of evidence or reasoning aggressive if they witness violent activities in the
does the author provide to make their media and the desensitization process says that
argument more effective?) frequent exposure to emotionally activating media
causes individuals to get accustomed to these
emotions, resulting in a decrease in negative emotional
Is your source in agreement or It is in agreement
disagreement with your position? It supports my point that it can make children more
Explain: aggressive and that they would be more likely to
(Compare and contrast the author’s approve of violence
opinion to your own. Note that the
author may also have a neutral
opinion, or may provide a different
perspective on the topic all together.)

Title and author of the source Madan, Anjana, et al. The Effects Of Media Violence
On Anxiety In Late Adolescence - Journal Of Youth
And Adolescence
How do I know this source is It is not outdated
credible? It is related to my point
The two authors are psychologist. Madan Anjana from
pectoral fellowship at the university of Miami
Source’s main claim: Exposure to media violence would cause anxiety and
(How would you summarize the fear
opinion of the author in one

Important points made by this They performed an experiment on college students,

source: some to watch violent clips and other non-violent clip
(What types of evidence or reasoning and recorded more anxiety levels than those who
does the author provide to make their watched non-violent clip.
argument more effective?)

Is your source in agreement or It is in agreement with my position, because it

disagreement with your position? provides evidence for the point I stated that violent
Explain: content is likely to affect children’s health by causing
(Compare and contrast the author’s fear and anxiety
opinion to your own. Note that the
author may also have a neutral
opinion, or may provide a different
perspective on the topic all together.)

Title and author of the source Shrier, Carrie. Young Children Learn By Copying You

How do I know this source is The information is not outdated


Source’s main claim: They talk about how children learn from what they see
(How would you summarize the
opinion of the author in one

Important points made by this Research was made where some children a video of a
source: stranger pulling a toy apart and some others did not
(What types of evidence or reasoning watch it, the one that watched way of it while the ones
does the author provide to make their that didn’t watch did it in their own way.
argument more effective?)

Is your source in agreement or It is in agreement

disagreement with your position? It supports my point that children copy what they see.
(Compare and contrast the author’s
opinion to your own. Note that the
author may also have a neutral
opinion, or may provide a different
perspective on the topic all together.)

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