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9th Papers New Pattren

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NOTE: Attempt all questions of Section-A by filling the corresponding bubble on the MCQs
RESPONSE SHEET. It is mandatory to return the attempted MCQs sheet to the
Superintended within given time
Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 12
1. The branch of biology that deals with the study of virus is:
A. Paleontology
B. Microbiology
C. Pharmacology
D. Entomology
2. Which one of the following statements describes hypothesis the best?
A. It is made with five senses
B. It helps biologists to do experiments
C. It is a proposed statement to answer the problem
D. It allows other people to verify the results
3. Organism’s anatomical features and evolutionary history are considered during its:
A. Classification
B. Growth
C. Reproduction
D. Development
4. In animal cell, hollow and cylindrical organelles are:
A. Plastids
B. Golgi bodies
C. Cytoskeleton
D. Centriole
5. Diffusion is a type of passive transport because
A. cell membrane does not spend energy when molecules diffuse through it.
B. cell membrane spends energy when molecules diffuse through it.
C. cell wall does not spend energy when molecules diffuse through it.
D. cell wall spends energy when molecules diffuse through it.
6. Which of the following events takes place during the G1 phase of cell cycle?
A. RNA, ribosomes and several enzymes are synthesized
B. Cell prepares proteins
C. Cell duplicates its chromosomes
D. Microtubules appear from the area of centrioles at each end

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
7. In adult organisms, the number of cells are kept relatively constant through:
A. Apoptosis and necrosis
B. Necrosis and division
C. Apoptosis and division
D. Necrosis only
8. In Lock and Key model, the active site of enzyme and substrate have specific
A. names of substrate.
B. role of substrate.
C. geometric shapes.
D. size.
9. Respiration is an oxidation-reduction process during which food molecules are broken
down into:
A. Oxygen and water
B. Hydrogen and water
C. Nitrogen and water.
D. Carbon dioxide and water
10. At dawn and sunset, the intensity of light will be
A. high.
B. low.
C. moderate.
D. zero.
11. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body that plays an important role
A. Transport of oxygen to the cell of the body
B. Blood clotting
C. Controls of blood cholesterol
D. Absorption of heat in human body
12. The transpiration pull occurs when mesophyll cells of leaves lose water vapors, and
more water enters in them from the
A. phloem vessels of leaf.
B. phloem vessels of root.
C. xylem vessels of leaf.
D. phloem vessels of stem.

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes Marks: 32
1. Attempt any EIGHT of the following short questions. Each question carries 4

i. Complete the organization levels against each example.

Example Organization level


ii. Briefly explain the following FOUR distinguishing characteristics of kingdom

a. Cell type b. Nuclear envelope c. Cell wall d. Mode of nutrition

iii. Write short note on electron microscope keeping in view its radiation type,
lenses, magnification and images.

iv. Define turgor and also write any TWO points to show its importance in plants.

v. How is a prokaryotic cell different from a eukaryotic cell in terms of nucleus,

cell membrane, cell wall and size?

vi. Enlist the events (and show with a diagram) through which mitotic apparatus is
formed in prophase in animal cells.

vii. How are enzymes specific for their substrate? Justify it with the help of diagram
of shape of active site of enzyme and its specificity. Also give its TWO

viii. Both respiration and photosynthesis are important for living organisms. How
these two processes are opposite of one another. Write FOUR differences
between respiration and photosynthesis.

ix. Write any FOUR deficiency symptoms of vitamin D.

x. List any FOUR functions of plasma in human body.

xi. Why are arteries important? Draw a labelled diagram of an artery. .

Marks: 21
NOTE: Attempt any THREE of the following questions. Each question carries 7 marks.
2. i. Explain the application of mathematics rules used in biology research work. 3
ii. Define the term conservation. Write any THREE examples of the steps taken in
Pakistan to conserve biodiversity. 1+3
3. i. Briefly explain following animal tissues.
a. Fibrous connective tissues b. Smooth muscles c. Nervous tissues 4
d. Epithelial tissue
ii. Define Cell Cycle and write names of its TWO main stages. 1+2
4. i. Why is mitochondrial enzyme called intracellular? Give justification. 3
ii. Explain the synthesis and breaking of ATP through ATP-ADP cycle with proper
diagrams. 2+2
5. i. State the symptoms, causes and preventions of diarrhea. 1+1+1
ii. Differentiate between Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis 2+2

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055


1 B Microbiology

2 C It is proposed statement to answer the problem

3 A Classification

4 D Centriole

Cell membrane does not spend energy when

5 A
molecules diffuse through it

RNA, ribosomes and several enzymes are

6 A

7 C Apoptosis and division

8 C geometric shapes.

9 D Carbon dioxide and water

10 B Low.

11 B Blood clotting

12 C Xylem vessels of leaf

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Q.NO 1 Question Reference
i. Complete the organization levels against each example. Textbook
Biology 9th
Example Organization level KPK,
Stomach Textbook
Man Board
Glucose Peshawar
Possible Example Organization level
answer Stomach Organ
Man Organism
Glucose Molecule
Ribosome Organelles
Marking One mark for each correct organization level Textbook
Hints 1+1+1+1= 4 marks Biology 9th
ii. Briefly explain the following FOUR distinguishing KPK,
characteristics of kingdom Protista. Textbook
a. Cell type b. nuclear envelope c. cell wall d. mode of Board
nutrition Peshawar
Possible a. Cell type: Eukaryotic unicellular- colonial or simple multicellular
answer b. Nuclear envelope: Present
c. Cell wall: Present in some forms, various types
d. Mode of nutrition: Photosynthetic or heterotrophic or
combination of these.
Marking One mark for each correct distinguishing characteristic of kingdom
Hints Protista
1+1+1+1= 4 marks
iii. Write a short note on electron microscope keeping in view its Textbook
radiation type, lenses, magnification and images. Biology 9th
Possible Radiation type: Beams of electrons KPK,
answer Lenses: Magnetic Textbook
Magnification: 100 times greater than light Board
Images: TEM shows 2D while SEM shows 3D images Peshawar
Marking One mark for correct description of each part of electron
Hints microscope
1+1+1+1= 4 marks
iv Define turgor and write any TWO points to show its importance Textbook
in plants. Biology 9th
Possible Turgor: The pressure which is exerted by the cytoplasm against the KPK,
answer cell wall is known as turgor pressure and the phenomenon is Textbook
called turgor. Board
Importance of turgor in plants: Peshawar
i. It plays an important role in maintaining the shape of the
ii. It provides supports to plants especially in young tissues.
iii. It helps in closing and opening of the stomata.
iv. Some flowers open during the day time and close at night.
This is also due to change in turgor in the cells of sepals of
Marking i. Correct definition of turgor: 2 marks
Hints ii. One mark for each correct importance of turgor in
plants: TWO required
2+1+1= 4 marks

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
v. How is a prokaryotic cell different from a eukaryotic cell in Textbook
terms of nucleus, cell membrane, cell wall and size. Biology 9th
Possible Component Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell KPK,
answer Nucleus They lack membrane The nuclear material is Textbook
bound nucleus. surrounded by a double Board
membrane. Peshawar
Membrane Membrane bounded Membrane bounded
organelles organelles are organelles are present.
Cell wall Cell wall is made of Cell wall is made
peptidoglycan (a cellulose (plants) or chitin
singular larger (fungi).
polymer of amino
acids and sugar).
Size Comparatively Larger in size (10-100nm)
smaller in size
Marking One mark for each correct difference between prokaryotic cell and
Hints eukaryotic cell
1+1+1+1+ 4 marks
Vi. Enlist the events (and show with diagram) through which Textbook
mitotic apparatus is formed in prophase in animal cells. Biology 9th
Possible i. In animal cell, when two parts of centrioles reach opposite KPK,
answer pole of the cell. They make a network of spindle fibers between Textbook
the two poles. The complete set of spindle fiber forms mitotic Board
apparatus. Peshawar
ii. Correct label diagram of late prophase.

Marking i. These TWO underline events required. 1 mark for each correct
Hints events.
1+1= 2 marks
iii. Correct label diagram of late prophase. 2 marks
Total marks 2+2= 4 marks
vii. How are enzymes specific for their substrate? Justify it with Textbook
the help of diagram of shape of active site of enzyme and its Biology 9th
specificity. Also give its TWO examples. KPK,
Possible Enzyme specificity: Textbook
answer Diagram Board

Enzyme protease: Speed up the digestion of protein only.
Enzyme amylase: Works for the digestion of starch only.
Enzyme cellulose: Speed up the digestion of cellulose only.
Enzyme lipase: Digests lipase only.
Marking Correct diagram of enzyme specificity: 2 marks
Hints (1 mark for each correct example of enzyme specificity) only TWO
2+1+1= 4 marks

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
viii. Both respiration and photosynthesis are important for living
organisms. How are these two processes opposite to one
another? Write FOUR differences between respiration and
Possible Differences between respiration and photosynthesis Textbook
answer Respiration Photosynthesis Biology 9th
It is energy releasing process. It is an energy storing process. KPK,
Stored energy of food Energy of sunlight is trapped by Textbook
molecules is released for the chlorophyll and converted Board
cellular activities. into chemical energy and stored Peshawar
in organic food molecules.
Glucose and oxygen are the Carbon dioxide and water are
raw materials while carbon used as raw materials while
dioxide and water are the glucose and oxygen are the
products. products.
Oxygen is required in aerobic Oxygen is liberated as by
respiration. product.
It takes place in all the cells of It takes place only in green cells
all living organisms. of plants, algae and some
It is destructive (catabolic) It is constructive (anabolic)
process during which organic process during which organic
food molecules are broken and food molecules are synthesized
energy is released. and energy is stored.
Due to respiration, loss of Due to photosynthesis, plant
weight occurs. body gains weight.
It occurs round the clock, day It occurs during the daytime
and night. It does not require when sunlight is available which
sunlight. is necessary for it.

Marking One correct difference between respiration and photosynthesis

Hints contains ONE mark: Only FOUR required.
1+1+1+1= 4 marks
ix. Write any FOUR deficiency symptoms of vitamin D. Textbook
Biology 9th
Possible Deficiency symptoms of vitamin D. KPK,
answer • Bones can become thin, brittle and soft. Textbook
• In children vitamin D deficiency leads to rickets (condition in Board
which bones weaken and bow under pressure). Peshawar
• In adults, vitamin D deficiency symptom causes
osteomalacia (soft bones).
• Vitamin D deficiency symptom also causes fractures.
Note: Any other related or correct deficiency symptom of
vitamin D out of textbook may be considered.
Marking One correct deficiency symptom of vitamin D contains ONE mark:
Hints Only FOUR required.
1+1+1+1= 4 marks
x. List any FOUR functions of plasma in human body. Textbook
answer • Plasma keeps all the tissues moist. KPK,
• Plasma of the blood transport nutrients, water, salt, Textbook
hormones and waste materials. Board
• Plasma helps in regulating body temperature. Peshawar
• Small amount of oxygen is also carried by plasma. Most of
the carbon dioxide is carried by plasma.
• Plasma proteins e.g. albumins maintain the osmotic pressure
of blood
• Important plasma proteins called antibodies defend the body
against pathogens.
• Another plasma protein fibrinogen is responsible for blood

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Marking One correct function of plasma contains ONE mark: Only FOUR
Hints required.
1+1+1+1= 4 marks
xi. Why are arteries important? Draw a labelled diagram of an Textbook
Biology 9th
artery. KPK,
answer All the arteries carry oxygenated blood from heart to other organ of Peshawar
the body except pulmonary arteries which carry deoxygenated
blood to lungs.
Diagram of Artery:

Marking Correct explanation of the importance of arteries contains 2 marks

Hints and 2 marks for correct label diagram of artery.
2+2= 4 marks

2. i. Explain the applications of mathematics rules used in biology
research work. (3)
ii. Define the term conservation. Write any THREE examples of
the steps taken in Pakistan to conserve biodiversity. (1+3)
answer BIOLOGY RESEARCH WORK Biology 9th
• Population studies KPK,
• Drugs studies Textbook
• Sequencing of plants and animals Board
• DNA Peshawar
All the above fields of biology require mathematical knowledge/
rules for organizing and analyzing data.
Conservation means to use the resources such as plants, animals,
minerals and water in a sensible way.
Examples of steps taken in Pakistan for conservation of
• Indus Dolphin Project (IDP) to save Indus Dolphin
• Projected Areas Management Project in Machian in Azad
Jammu Kashmir
• Marine Turtle Conservation Project
• Ban on the hunting of markhor and urial in Balochistan
• Himalayan Jungle Project to protect the biodiversity in
Himalayan region
• Conservation of migratory birds in Chitral, Khyber
• Himalayan Wildlife Project to check the hunting of brown
• Conservation of Chiltan Markhor
• Ban on Bear-baiting in Pakistan
One marks for each correct application of mathematics in biology
research area. Only THREE required. 1+1+1= 3 marks

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
ii. Correct definition of conservation contains ONE mark. 1 mark
One mark for each correct examples of steps taken in Pakistan
for conservation of biodiversity. Only THREE required.
1+1+1= 3 marks
Total marks for (ii) 1+1+1+1= 4
3. i. Briefly explain following animal tissues. Textbook
a. Fibrous connective tissues b. Smooth muscles c. Biology 9th
Nervous tissues d. Epithelial tissue (4) KPK,
ii. Define Cell Cycle and write names of its TWO main stages. Textbook
(1+2) Board
Possible i. Animal Tissues Peshawar
answer a. Fibrous connective tissues: Its extracellular material contains
tightly packed collagen fibers. It is the form of tendon which attaches
muscles to bones and ligaments join two bones.
b. Smooth muscles: These are found in the walls of hollow
structures such as blood vessels, gut etc. They produce slow
c. Nervous tissues: It is composed of nerve cells which are called
neurons. Neurons are capable of transmitting nerve impulses to
conduct messages in the whole body.
d. Epithelial tissue: The skin is made of epithelial tissue, which is
in the form of continuous sheets of cells. Epithelial tissue also lines
the gut, lungs and urinary tract.
ii. Cell Cycle: The series of events that take place in a eukaryotic
cell leading to its replication is called cell cycle.
Main stages of cell cycle
• Interphase or resting stage
• Division phase (Mitosis or Meiosis)
Marking i. Animal Tissues
Hints ONE mark for each correct brief description of given tissue.
(1+1+1+1) = 4 marks
ii. Cell Cycle: ONE mark for correct definition of cell cycle. 1 mark
Main stages of stages of cell cycle: ONE mark for each correct
name of the stage of cell cycle. 1+1 = 2 marks
(1+2) Total marks= 3
4. i. Why is mitochondrial enzyme called intracellular? Give Textbook
justification. (3) Biology 9th
ii. Explain the synthesis and breaking of ATP through ATP-ADP KPK,
cycle with proper diagrams. (4) Textbook
Possible i. Why is mitochondrial enzyme called intracellular? Board
answer All enzymes are synthesized inside cells. Mitochondrial enzyme Peshawar
also work inside the cells so it is also called intracellular enzymes.
ii. Synthesis and breaking of ATP through ATP-ADP cycle
Synthesis: ATP molecules are constantly broken by the cell into
ADP and inorganic phosphate and energy is obtained.

Breaking of ATP: ATP molecules are constantly regenerated from

ADP and phosphate using energy released from the breakdown of
food. This is how constant cycle of ATP breakdown and reformation
goes on in the living cells.

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Marking i. Correct description of mitochondrial enzyme as intracellular
Hints contains THREE mark. 3 marks
ii. Synthesis: Correct description contains ONE mark and ONE
mark of correct diagram. 2 marks
Breaking of ATP: Correct description contains ONE mark and
ONE mark of correct diagram. 2 marks
Total marks ( 3+2+2) 7 marks
5 i. State symptoms, causes and preventions of the diarrhea.
ii. Differentiate between Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis

Possible i. State symptoms, causes and preventions of the diarrhea.

answer (1+1+1)
Symptoms frequent, watery, loose bowel movement,
abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
Causes bacterial infection, viral or parasitic infection of the
colon walls
Prevention can be prevented by taking sufficient amounts of
clean water and food

ii. Differentiate between Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis

Atherosclerosis Arteriosclerosis
It is characterized by the It is the hardening of the
deposition of fatty material e.g. arteries due to the deposition of
cholesterol inside the arteries. calcium in the walls of the
Due to this, the lumen (interior) arteries. Such artery cannot
of the artery becomes narrow expand when blood is pumped
and blood flows with difficulty. with pressure into it with
Later, the artery may systole. Due to this inflexibility
completely be blocked. Some makes the heart to work hard.
obvious reasons of This disorder occurs with
atherosclerosis are increasing age.
hypertension, smoking,
diabetes mellitus and increased
lipid level in blood

Marking i. ONE mark for each correct symptom, causes and prevention of
Hints Diarrhea. 1+1+1= 3 marks
ii. TWO marks for correct description (differences) of
Atherosclerosis. 2 marks
TWO marks for correct description (differences) of
Arteriosclerosis. 2 marks
Total Marks: 1+1+1+2+2= 7 marks

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Ch: Cognitive
CH: Name Topic Sub Topic Item Item+ Marks SLOs Selected for model paper Items (Biology)
No Level

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Introduction to
Branches of Biology MCQ 1+1 Knowledge •Define biology its major divisions i.e. botany, zoology and microbiology.
Introduction Biology
1 to biology
Level of biological •Describe the level of organization of life (organelles, cells, tissues, organs
Level 5: Tissues RRQ 1+4 Understanding
organization and organ systems and individuals).
•Describe the steps involved in biological method i.e. recognition of a
biological problem, observation and identification, building up hypotheses,
Solving Biological method Deductions MCQ 1+1 Understanding
drawing deductions, devising experiments and inferring results (malaria as
2 Biological
an example).
Examples of Data organization
ERQ 1+4 Understanding • Justify mathematics as an integral part of the scientific process.
biological method and data analysis
Classification of Principles of • Explain the aims and principles of classification, keeping in view its
MCQ 1+1 Understanding
organisms classification historical background.
Biodiversity Five kingdom
3 characteristics of RRQ 1+4 Understanding • Describe the diagnostic characteristics of the five kingdoms
five kingdoms
Conservation of Conservation of
ERQ 1+3 Knowledge • Define the concept of conservation.
biodiversity biodiversity
Cellular structure • Identify the structure and describe, in general terms, the functions of the
and functions components of plant and animal cell.
Passage of
MCQ 2+2 • Compare passive transport of matter by diffusion and osmosis with active
Cells and Application
4 molecules into Diffusion transport (e.g. Diffusion of glucose from intestine to villus epithelium and
and out of cells active transport of Sodium ions from nerve cell to outside.)
Electron Understanding • Explain the concepts of light microscopy and electron microscopy
Microscopy RRQ 2+8
microscopy + Knowledge • Define turgor and describe its importance.
Osmosis Turgor
Animal tissues Animal tissues ERQ 1+4 Understanding • Describe major animal tissues.

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Events of
Cell cycle
interphase Understanding
• Describe the sub-phases of Interphase of Cell Cycle.
MCQ 2+2 +
Apoptosis and
Apoptosis and • Describe Necrosis and Apoptosis.
Differences Differences
Cell Cycle between between
5 • Describe the differences in the structure and function of prokaryotic and
prokaryotic and prokaryotic and
Application+ eukaryotic cell
eukaryotic cell eukaryotic cell RRQ 2+8
Knowledge • Enlist the events through which Mitotic Apparatus is formed in prophase in
animal and plant cells.
Karyokinesis Prophase
• Define Cell Cycle and describe its main phases i.e. Interphase and
Cell cycle Cell cycle ERQ 1+3 Knowledge
Mechanism of Lock and Key
MCQ 1+1 Understanding • Describe the action of enzyme through Lock-n-Key Model.
enzyme action model
Enzymes Characteristics of Specificity of
6 RRQ 1+4 Understanding • Describe the specificity of different enzymes for different substrates.
enzyme enzyme
Characteristics of Characteristics of
ERQ 1+3 Application • Categorize enzymes as intra and extracellular
enzyme enzyme
Importance of
Bio- Importance of • Describe the importance of Oxidation-Reduction reactions for the flow of
oxidation- Understating+
7 Energetics oxidation-reduction MCQ 2+2 energy through living systems.
reduction Understanding
reactions • Explain the concept of limiting factors in photosynthesis.
The concept of The concept of
limiting factors in limiting factors in
photosynthesis photosynthesis
Comparison Comparison

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
between between
RRQ 1+4 Application • Compare respiration and photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis Photosynthesis and
and respiration respiration
ATP as the
ATP as the energy
energy currency ERQ 1+4 Understanding • Describe the synthesis and breaking of ATP through ATP-ADP cycle.
currency of cells
of cells
Minerals Role of calcium MCQ 1+1 Application • Categorize minerals nutrients into macronutrients and micronutrients.
Nutrition Components of • Describe the deficiency symptoms of Vitamins A, C and D and of Calcium
8 Vitamin D RRQ 1+4 Understanding
human food and Iron.
• State the signs and symptoms, causes, treatments and preventions of the
Disorder of Gut Diarrhea ERQ 1+3 Understanding
disorders of gut i.e. diarrhea, constipation, and ulcer.
Transportation of Transportation of
MCQ 1+1 Understanding • Describe the pathway of water and food in stem.
water water
Transport in
Human Beings
Transport Knowledge+ • List the functions of the components of blood.
9 RRQ 2+8
Understanding • Describe the external and internal structure of human heart.
Human heart Arteries
Cardiovascular Atherosclerosis and
ERQ 1+4 Application • Differentiate between Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis.
Disorder Arteriosclerosis
Table 1: No of items and marks distribution
Marks to
Items No of items Marks for each item Total Marks
MCQs 12/12 1 12 12
RRQs 8/11 4 44 32
ERQs 3/4 7 28 21
Total 23/27 - - 65

Table 2: Cognitive level of items

Items No of items Knowledge Understanding Application
MCQs 12 2 (17%) 8 (66%) 2 (17%)
RRQs 11 3 (25%) 6(55%) 2(20%)
ERQs 04 1(22%) 2(53%) 1(25%)
Total 27 23(%) 59% 18(%)

Table 3: Difficulty level of items

Items No of items Easy Moderate Difficult
MCQs 12 4 (33%) 6(50%) 2 (17%)
RRQs 11 4 (36%) 5(45%) 2(19%)
ERQs 04 1(25%) 2(50%) 1(25%)

Table 4: Chapter Assessment Weightage Given in Biology (IX-X) Curriculum 2006

Chapter wise Items selected

weightage MCQS ERQs(Marks)
CH. Chapter RRQs(Marks)
given by National (Marks) Each ERQ
No Name Each RRQ
Curriculum for Each MCQ has
BiologyIX-X 2006 has 4 marks
has 1 Marks 3+4= 7 Marks
1 6 1 1(4) -
to biology
2 Biological 6 1 - 1(3)

3 Biodiversity 6 1 1(4) 1(4)

Cells and
4 16 2 2(8) 1(4)

5 Cell Cycle 14 2 2(8) 1(3)

6 Enzymes 12 1 1(4) 1(3)
7 14 2 1(4) 1(4)

8 Nutrition 12 1 1(4) 1(3)

9 Transport 14 1 2(8) 1(4)
Total 100 12 44 28

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Note: Attempt all questions of Section A by filling the corresponding bubble on the
MCQs RESPONSE SHEET. It is mandatory to return the attempted MCQs sheet
to the Superintendent within given time.
Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 12

1. Which one of the following is homogeneous mixture?

A. Smoke
B. Air
C. Fog
D. Smog

2. The gram molecular mass of HNO3 is:

A. 60
B. 100
C. 63
D. 98

3. Mass of an atom is mostly due to its

A. nucleus.
B. neutrons.
C. electrons.
D. protons.

4. Elements have similar chemical properties in a:

A. Period
B. Group
C. Row
D. Column

5. An atom with a charge is called

A. an electron.
B. a molecule.
C. a metal.
D. an ion.

6. Which of the following ions do not have the electronic configuration of an argon atom?

A. Ca+2
B. S-2
C. K+
D. O-2

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
7. Ink spreads in water because of:

A. Vapour Pressure
B. Expansion
C. Diffusion
D. Compressibility of water

8. Water droplets in air is an example of solution:

A. Gas in gas
B. Gas in liquid
C. Colloids
D. Liquid in gas

9. When KCl dissolves in water, which of the following will be produced?

A. K and Cl
B. K+ and Cl-
C. K and Cl2
D. K+ and Cl2

10. Milk is an example of:

A. Compound
B. Saturated solution
C. Colloids
D. Suspension

11. Oxidation number assigned to manganese in KMnO4 is:

A. +7
B. +3
C. +2
D. +4

12. Which one of the following is NOT an alkali metal?

A. Francium
B. Cesium
C. Rubidium
D. Radium

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes Marks: 32
1. Attempt any EIGHT of the following short questions. Each question carries
4 marks

i. Differentiate between atomic number and mass number with an example

of each.

ii. Write electronic configuration of Na11, Cl17.

iii. Why S-Block elements have two groups only?

iv. Differentiate between atomic radii and covalent radii.

v. Define Covalent Bond. Briefly explain its three types with examples.

vi. Draw the Lewis structure of CO, CCl4, SO2 and HCl.

vii. Why a gas is compressible but a solid is not compressible? Give reason.

viii. Explain Molarity with the help of formulae.

ix. Define colloids and suspension. Give examples of each.

x. Define oxidizing and reducing agents. Give one example of each.

xi. Give FOUR differences between hard and soft metals.

Marks: 21
NOTE: Attempt any THREE of following questions. Each question carries 7 marks.
2. i. Describe Ruther’s Ford Atomic model. 4

ii. Calculate molecular mass of the following compounds. 3

i. Benzene (C6H6) ii. Ethane gas (C2H6) iii. Iron oxide (Fe2O3)

3. i. Define electro negativity. Write two trends of electro negativity in groups

and periods. 3

ii. What is dative bond? Explain its formation. 4

4. i. What is evaporation? Write any THREE factors affecting evaporation. 3

ii. Calculate molarity of solution composed of 5.85 grams of potassium

iodide (KI) dissolved in enough water to make 0.125 dm3 of solution. 4

5. i. Explain principle, working and construction of Daniel Cell with the help of
labeled diagram. 4

ii. Describe inertness of Nobel metals. 3

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Marks: 12


1 B Air

2 C 63

3 A Nucleus

4 B Group

5 D An Ion

6 D O-2

7 C Diffusion

8 D Liquid in Gas

9 B K+ and Cl-

10 C Colloids

11 A +7

12 D Radium

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Marks: 32
Q.NO 1 Question Reference
i. Atomic Number (Z): Atomic number of an element is the number protons present in the
Possible nucleus of one atom of that element. It is represented by Z. e.g. Atomic Number of Carbon
answer is 6 so it has 6 Protons. Chemistry
Mass Number (A): The mass number of an atom is equal to the sum of the number of Textbook
protons and neutrons present in the nucleus. It is also called nucleon number. It is 9thTextbook
represented by A. e. g. mass number of carbon is 12. It has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in the Board KPK,
nucleus. Peshawar
Checking 1 mark of definition +1 mark of example +1 mark of definition +1 mark of example =
Total 4 marks
ii. Na Main Shell Electronic Configuration Chemistry
Possible K=2,L=8,M=1 Textbook
answer Sub Shell Electronic Configuration 9thTextbook
1S2, 2S2, 2P6 , 3S1 Board KPK,
Cl17 Main Shell Electronic Configuration Na Cl Peshawar
K = 2, L = 8 , M = 7
Sub shell Electronic Configuration
1S2, 2S2, 2P6 , 3S2, 3P5

Checking 2Marks for (Main shell)+ 2 Marks for (Sub Shell)= Total 4 marks
iii. S-Block elements of the Periodic Table can accommodate only two electrons so they have Chemistry
Possible only two groups. IA Alkali Metals and IIA Alkaline Earth Metals. Textbook
answer 9thTextbook
Checking Correct Reasoning allocated 4 Marks Board KPK,
iv. Atomic Radii: The distance between the nucleus and the valence shell of an atom is termed Chemistry
Possible as atomic radius. It is represented by r. Textbook
answer 9thTextbook
r Board KPK,

Covalent Radii: The one half of the distance between the nuclei of two similar atoms of the
same molecule containing a single covalent bond is called covalent radii. It is represented by
“d". A d B

Checking Definition 1 + 1 , Representation 1 + 1 = Total 4 marks

v. Covalent Bond: A covalent Bond is formed when two atoms are joined together by sharing Chemistry
Possible of electrons. It is formed between two non-metal elements. Textbook
answer H=1 H= 1H - H 9thTextbook
Board KPK,
Types of Covalent Bond: There are three types of covalent bond
i. Single Covalent Bond: The bond in which two atoms share one electron each to form a
pair of electrons. e.g. H2,H-H
ii. Double Covalent Bond: The bond in which two atoms share two electrons each to form
two pairs of electrons. e.g. O2, O= O
iii. Triple Covalent Bond: the bond in which two atoms share three electrons each, to form
three pairs of electrons. e.g. N2 , N=N
Checking Definition 1 + Each Type 3 = Total 4 marks
vi. i.CO ii. CCl4 iii. SO2 Chemistry
Possible Cl Textbook

:C:O Cl C
Cl O S O
Board KPK,

iv. HCl

H Cl
Checking 1 Mark is for each structure = Total marks : 4

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
vii. There is large space between the particles of the gas and they have weak intermolecular Chemistry
Possible forces so they can be compressible. While in solids the molecules of the solid are closely Textbook
answer packed and there is no space between the molecules of the solid. They have strong 9thTextbook
intermolecular forces so they are not compressible. Board KPK,
Checking 2 marks for each reason = Total 4 marks Peshawar
viii. Molarity is the number of moles of solute dissolved per dm3(Litre) of solution. It is Chemistry
Possible represented by “M”. Formula used for morality is Textbook
answer 9thTextbook
Number of moles of Solute
Molarity (M) = Board KPK,
Volume of solution in dm3 Peshawar
Amount of Solute in gram
Molarity can also be given as M =
Molecular mass of Solute x Volume of solution in dm3
Checking 1 Mark for definition 1 Mark for Symbolic representation and 2 marks for each formula =
Total 4 marks
ix. Colloids: i. Particles that are intermediate in Suspension: I. A suspension is a Chemistry
Possible size between solution and suspension form heterogeneous mixture of undissolved Textbook
answer mixtures known as colloidal dispersion or particles in a given medium. 9thTextbook
simply colloids. ii. They do not have uniform composition. Board KPK,
ii. They have uniform composition iii. Their particles settle down at the Peshawar
throughout the solution. bottom.
iii. Their particles do not settle down at the iv. Examples: Flour in water, Mud in water,
bottom. Chalk in water
iv. examples : Milk, Cheese, Butter
Checking 2 marks each for colloids and suspensions = Total 4 marks
x. Oxidizing Agent: The oxidizing agent is the species that oxidizes a substance and itself get Chemistry
Possible reduced. e.g. KMnO4, K2Cr2O7, HNO3and Cl2 etc Textbook
answer Reducing Agent: it is the species that reduces a substance and itself get oxidized e.g. H2S, 9thTextbook
SO2, Na, Al and Mg etc Board KPK,
Checking 1 mark for definition of oxidation agent and1 mark for its example = 2 marks Peshawar
1 mark for definition of reducing agent and1 mark for its example = 2 marks
1+1+1+1= Total 4 marks
xi. Soft Metals: Hard Metals: Chemistry
Possible i. The metals present in group Ist A and IInd A i. These metals are present in d-Block Textbook
answer are called soft metals. elements. 9thTextbook
ii. They have low ionization energy and are ii. They have high ionization energies and Board KPK,
very electro positive so they are very are less electro positive so they are less Peshawar
reactive. reactive.
iii. Their melting and boiling points are very iii. Their melting and boiling points are very
low. high.
4. Example: Sodium, 4. Example: Iron
Checking 2 marks each for Soft Metals and Hard Metals = Total 4 marks

Marks: 21

i. Rutherford’s Atomic Model

1. Atom consists of positively charged central portion called nucleus

2. Electrons are revolving around the nucleus with very high speed just like the planets around the
3. The size of the nucleus is very small as compared to the size of the atom and most of the volume
occupied by the atom is empty.
4. Atom is neutral as the number of electrons is numerically equal to that of protons.
5. Nucleus is responsible for mass and energy of the atom.

Checking 4 points for correct description of Ruther’s ford atomic model = Total 4 marks

ii. Benzene (C6H6)

C6H6 = 6 (atomic mass of carbon) + 6 (atomic mass of hydrogen)

= 6(C) + 6 (H)
= 6(12) + 6 (1)
= 72+6= 78 a.m.u
ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Ethane gas (C2H6)

C2H6 = 2 (atomic mass of carbon) + 6 (atomic mass of hydrogen)

= 2(C) + 6 (H)
= 2(12) + 6 (1)
= 24+6= 30 a.m.u
Iron Oxide (Fe2O3)

Fe2O3 =2( atomic mass of iron) + 3 ( atomic mass of oxygen)

= 2(Fe) + 3 (O)
= 2(56) + 3 (16)
= 112+48= 160 a.m.u
Checking Each numerical contain 1 mark = Total 3 marks

i. Electronegativity: The ability of an atom to attract the shared pair of electrons
towards itself in a covalent band is called electronegativity. It is represented by
Electronegativity in the groups
The electronegativity at the top of the group is maximum while down the group is
Electronegativity in the periods
When we move from left to right in the periodic table the electronegativity value
increases from left to right so the elements at the extreme right have maximum
Checking 1 mark for Definition of electronegativity and 2 marks for its trends = Total 3 marks

ii. Dative or Coordinate covalent bond

The covalent bond in which only one atom donates the shared pair of electrons is
called coordinate covalent bond or Dative bond.
The atom, which donates the shared pair of electrons is called donor atom while
the atom which accepts the shared pair of electrons is called accepter atom. An
arrow ( →) represents the coordinate covalent bond e.g. Ammonium ion
In ammonium molecule Nitrogen atom is bounded to three Hydrogen atoms.
There is still one unshared pair of electrons with the Nitrogen. The H+
is electron deficient species. Therefore Nitrogen donates this lone pair of electron
while Hydrogen ion accepts forming Ammonium Ion.

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Checking 1 mark for definitions 1 for representation 2 marks for example + explanation = Total 4 marks
i. Evaporation
The phenomena in which liquid is converted into its vapours without external
heating is called evaporation. Or simply we can see that the conversion of liquid
state into gaseous state at room temperature is called evaporation.
Factors affecting evaporation
a. Surface area
The process of evaporation takes place from the surface. Greater the
surface area, higher will be the rate of evaporation and vice versa
b. Temperature
With the increase in temperature, the average kinetic energy of the liquid
molecules increases, so the rate of evaporation increases.
c. Intercellular force
Evaporation of liquids depends upon the intermolecular forces. Stronger the
intermolecular forces, slow will be the rate of evaporation and vice versa.
Checking 1 mark for Definition and 3 marks for 3 factors= Total 4 marks
Given mass = 5.85g
Molar mass of KI= 39+127= 166 a.m.u
Volume of solution= V= 0.125 dm3
Find= Molarity ?
Number of moles of KI = Given mass
Molar mass
= 5.85/166= .035 moles
Molarity (M)= No of moles of solute/Volume of solution in dm3
.035/0.125 = 0.28 M
Checking 1 mark for Data and 1 mark for formula 1 for answer = Total 3 marks

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
i. Principle behind the Daniel Cell is redox reaction. Oxidation and
reduction reactions occur in this process.
The Zn metal has tendency to lose electrons more readily than
copper. As a results oxidation takes place at Zn-electrode. The electrons
flow from Zn-electrode through the external wire in a circuit to copper
At Anode:
Anode is negatively charged and oxidation of Zn takes place by loss of
e-to form Zn+2 ions.
Zn Zn+2 + 2e-
At Cathode:
Cathode is positively charged and reduction of CU+2 takes place by
gain of 2e- to form Cu.
Cu+2 + 2e- Cu
Redox Reaction:
Zn + Cu+2 Cu + Zn+2
It consists of two cells, each called as half cell connected externally by
a salt bridge. In each of the half cell, an electrode is dipped in 1M solution of
its own salt and connected through a wire to an external circuit.
The left half of cell consists of an electrode of zinc metal dropped in
1M solution of ZnSO4. The right half cell is a copper electrode dipped in 1M
solution of CuSO4. Salt bridge is a U-Shaped glass tube. It consists of saturated
solution of strong electrolyte (KCl) supported by a jelly type material. The
ends of the U-tube are sealed with a porous material like glass wool. The
function of the salt bridge is to keep the solutions of two half cells neutral by
providing a pathway for migration of ions across the cells.

Checking 1 mark for Principle 1 for working 1 for construction and 1 mark for diagram = Total 4 marks

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
ii. Inertness of Noble Metals:
i. Noble metals are those metals which resist oxidation and corrosion in moist air.
ii. Chemically noble metals are relatively inert in nature and found free in nature.
They are valuable because of their inertness.
iii. Rhodium (Rh), Palladium (Pd), Silver (Ag), Platinum (Pt) and Gold (Au) are noble
metals. They are very useful metals in metallurgy, high technology and
ornamentation (jewelry etc)
Checking 1 mark for 3 points each = Total 3 marks

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Item + Item Difficulty
Chapter # Chapter Name Topics/Sub-Topics Items SLOs Selected Item Cognitive level
Marks level
Items K U A E M D

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Differentiate among Elements/ MCQs ✓ - - - ✓ -
Elements, Compounds and 2(2) Compound and Mixture, Describe how
Mixtures/Moles, Avogadro MCQs
Fundamentals 1(4) Avogadro’s No. is related to mole of any
1 Numbers, Atomic Numbers, RRQs RRQs ✓ - - - ✓ -
of Chemistry 1(3) Substance, Define Atomic No., Change
Mass Numbers/Molecular ERQs
09 Atomic Mass/Molecular Mass/Formula
Mass into Gram Molecular Mass ERQs - - ✓ ✓ - -
Describe the Contribution that Rutherford MCQs - ✓ - - ✓ -
Structure of Atom, made for development of Atomic Theory,
Rutherford Atomic Model, MCQs 1(4) Describe the Structure of Atom including
Structure of an
2 Electronic Configuration, RRQs 1(4) location of Proton Electron and Neutron, RRQs ✓ - - ✓ -
concept of S and P sub ERQs Write Electronic Configuration for 18
shell. 09 Elements, Distinguish between Shells
and Sub Shells ERQs - - ✓ - - ✓
MCQs - - ✓ ✓ - -
Groups and Periods, 1(1) Distinguish between Period and Groups
Periodic Table Electronegativity, Trends of MCQs in the Periodic Table, describe how
3. & Periodicity of Electronegativity, atomic RRQs Electronegativity, changes within a group RRQs - - ✓ - ✓ -
Properties size / atomic radii and ERQs and within a period in a Periodic Table,
covalent radii 12 describe atomic radii and covalent radii
ERQs - ✓ - - ✓ -
MCQs ✓ - ✓ ✓ - -
Valence concept / covalent 2(2) Describe the Formation of Ions/ state
MCQs 2(8)
Structure of bond /Lewis structure / octet and duplet rule. Describe formation
4. RRQs 1(4) RRQs - ✓ ✓ - - ✓
Molecules covalent bond and of covalent bond between two non-
coordinate covalent bond. 14 metallic elements. Draw Lewis Structure
ERQs - ✓ - - ✓ -
MCQs - ✓ - ✓ - -
Properties of Gases, 1(1) Explain the Properties of Gases,
MCQs 1(4)
Physical States Diffusion, Properties of Summarize the properties of liquids like
5. RRQs RRQs - ✓ - - ✓ -
of Matter liquid, Boiling Point, 1(3) Evaporation, Vapour pressure and boiling
evaporation 08 point.
ERQs - ✓ - - ✓ -

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
MCQs ✓ ✓ - ✓ - -
2(2) Define molarity, Solve problems involving
Molarity, Types of Solution, MCQs 2(4) Molarity, Explain formation of Solutions,
6. Solutions composition of solution, RRQs RRQs ✓ - ✓ - ✓ -
1(4) Define colloids and suspension, explain
Colloids and Suspension ERQs
14 formation of solution.
ERQs - - ✓ - ✓ -
Identify movements of ions, define MCQs ✓ - ✓ ✓ - -
Concept of electrolyte , 2(2) oxidation state, define oxidizing and
MCQs 1(4)
Electrochemistr oxidation state/oxidizing and reducing agents in a Redox Reaction.
7. RRQs RRQs ✓ - - - ✓ -
y reducing agents, Electrolytic 1(4) Sketch a Danniell Cell labeling the
Cells /Daniel Cell 10 cathode, the anode and the direction of
flow of electrons. ERQs - ✓ - - - ✓
MCQs ✓ - - - ✓ -
Metals, Properties of Metals, MCQs 1(4) Differentiate between Soft and Hard
8. Soft and Hard Metals, RRQs Metals, Explain alkali Metals, describe RRQs - ✓ - ✓ - -
Reactivity 1(3)
inertness of Noble metals ERQs inertness of nobel metals
ERQs - ✓ - - ✓ -
Table 1: No of items and marks distribution
Items No of items Marks for each item Total Marks Marks To Obt
MCQs 12 1 12 12
RRQs 8/11 4 44 32
ERQs 03/04 7 28 21
Total - 65

Table 2: Cognitive level of items

Items No of items Knowledge Understanding Application
MCQs 12 3 (25%) 7 (58%) 2 (17%)
RRQs 11 3 (25%) 6(55%) 2(20%)
ERQs 04 1(25%) 2(50%) 1(25%)
Total 27 26(%) 56% 18(%)

Table 3: Difficulty level of items

Items No of items Easy Moderate Difficult
MCQs 12 4 (33%) 6(50%) 2 (17%)
RRQs 11 4 (36%) 5(45%) 2(19%)
ERQs 04 1(25%) 2(50%) 1(25%)

Chapter Assessment Weightage Given in Chemistry (IX-X) Curriculum 2006


weightage given ERQs
CH. by National MCQS RRQs
Chapter Name (Marks)
No Curriculum for (Marks) (Marks)
Each ERQ
Chemistry IX-X Each MCQ Each RRQ
has marks
2006 has 1 Mark has 4 marks
3+4= 07
1 10 2 1(4) 1(3)
of Chemistry
Structure of
2 10 1 1(4) 1(4)
Periodic Table
3 and Periodicity 10 1 1(4) 1(3)
of properties
Structure of
4 16 2 2(8) 1(4)
Physical states
5 10 1 1(4) 1(3)
of matter

6 Solutions 14 2 2(8) 1(4)

7 Electrochemistry 20 2 2(8) 1(4)
8 10 1 1(4) 1(3)
Total 100 12 44 28

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055



1 B Late

2 D Generosity

3 C Add

4 A Quaid-A Great Leader

5 D They help me.

6 C more interesting

7 B Hear

8 D Surprise

9 C imperative sentence

10 D 4

11 A I belong to the city of war.

12 B Mangoes are being put on the table by him.

13 A !

14 C Thankful

15 D Alliteration and personification

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055


Marks: 36

1. Attempt any six of the following short questions. Each question carries 3 marks. 18

i. Why was The Holy Prophet (SAW) and his family Bannu Hashim ostracized to
Shab- Abi-Talib?
POSSIBLE ANSWER: The Holy Prophet (SAW) and his family Bannu Hashim was
ostracized to Shab- Abi-Talib because the Quraish did not want him to preach Islam.
(Page 2, para 2)

Checking Hints Marks

Correct answer 03 marks

ii. What role can media play in politics? 3

POSSIBLEANSWER: If media plays its role honestly, it can build the nation. It brings
masses closer to their leaders. It shows political developments, decisions and
scenarios. (Page no 126, para 2)
Checking Hints Marks
Correct answer 3 marks

iii. Write a sentence each for present perfect continuous tense, future simple 3
and past continuous tense.
1. It has been raining since morning.
2. We will help you.
3. He was sweeping the floor that time.
Checking Hints Marks
Correct sentence 01 mark for each tense

iv. What is the theme of the lesson ‘Nasiruddin?’ 3

POSSIBLEANSWER: The theme of the lesson ‘Nasiruddin’ is ‘humour’.

Checking Hints Marks

Correct theme of the lesson 03 marks

v. Write any three elements of story. 3

POSSIBLEANSWER: Three elements of story are: character, plot, setting, conflict,
climax and anti-climax.
Checking Hints Marks
Correct element of story 01 mark for each
vi. What is the main idea of the lesson ‘Technology in Everyday Life’? 3
POSSIBLEANSWER: The main idea of the lesson ‘Technology in Everyday Life’ is to
highlight the advantages of technology which make our lives easy and comfortable.
Checking Hints Marks
Correct main idea of the lesson 03 marks

vii. Pick out ‘Uncountable Nouns’ from the given list: 3

tree, sugar, watch, water, star, oil.
POSSIBLEANSWER: The ‘Uncountable Nouns’ in the given list are sugar, water,
Checking Hints Marks
Correct uncountable noun 01 mark for each

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
viii. What is the main idea of the poem ‘Hope Is the Thing with Feathers’? 3

POSSIBLEANSWER: The main idea of the poem ‘Hope Is the Thing with Feathers’
is the hope that make you survive even in the toughest situations.

Checking Hints Marks

Correct main idea of the poem 03 marks

2. Paraphrase one of the following stanzas. 5

i. As a white candle ii. “And is mine one” said Abou. “Nay, not so,”
In a holy place, Replied the angel, Abou spoke more low,
So is the beauty But cheerfully still; and said, “I pray thee,
Of an aged face. then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow men.”

i. The presence of an old person is just like a white candle placed in some sacred
Checking Hints Marks
Correct paraphrasing 05 arks

ii. When Abou asked the angel whether his name was there, the angel replied in
negation. Then, he requested the angel politely to note his name among those people
who love their fellow humans.
Checking Hints Marks
Correct paraphrasing 05 arks

3. Read the stanza carefully and answer the questions given at the end. 8
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

QUESTIONS: Note: Each answer should be in one to two sentences.

i. What is the main idea of the stanza? 2

POSSIBLE ANSWER: The main idea of the stanza is the description of the beauty
and strength of the daffodils.
Checking Hints Marks
Correct main idea of the stanza 02 marks

ii. Pick out an example of simile from the stanza. 2

POSSIBLE ANSWER: An example of simile is ‘Continuous as the stars that shine’.
Checking Hints Marks
Correct identification of simile 02 marks

iii. Write down the contextual meaning of the word ‘margin’. 2

POSSIBLE ANSWER: The contextual meaning of ‘margin’ is boundary/ brim/ edge
Checking Hints Marks
Correct contextual meaning 02 marks

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
iv. Identify at least two pronouns in the stanza? 2
POSSIBLE ANSWER: The pronouns are they, their, and I.

Checking Hints Marks

Correct identification of pronoun 02 arks

4. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end. 5

Yahya was working in a factory as a daily wager. He lived near the factory. His wife
was an uneducated rural woman. His eldest son was working in another city and
often came to meet his family. The youngest son was reading in a nearby school with
his sister. Yahya’s wife was well aware about her husband’s low income and had a
very good control over daily expenses. She tried to keep away her husband from
timely glitches at home. They were spending a contented life.


i. Suggest a suitable title to the passage. 1

POSSIBLE ANSWER: A suitable title to the passage is A Happy Family/A Good
Housewife/Yahya’s Family

Checking Hints Marks

Suitable/correct title of the passage 01 mark

ii. Write the main idea of the passage in your own words. 1
POSSIBLE ANSWER: The main idea of the passage is the role of woman in the
family/family management/a good family life.

Checking Hints Marks

Correct main idea of the passage 01 mark

iii. How many family members are there in Yahya’s family? 1

POSSIBLE ANSWER: There are five members in Yahya’s family including him.

Checking Hints Marks

Correct answer 01 mark

iv. What is meant by the underlined word in the passage? 1

POSSIBLE ANSWER: The word ‘glitches’ means minor problem/small issues.

Checking Hints Marks

Correct meaning of the word 01 mark

v. Give your own opinion about Yahya’s wife in one sentence. 1

POSSIBLE ANSWER: Yahya’s wife is a nice/hard working/helpful/good woman.

Checking Hints Marks

Correct sentence about Yahya’s wife 01 mark

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

Marks: 24
5. Translate the following into Urdu. 3+3

i. A man is known by the company he keeps. A good student avoids the company of those
fellows who shirk work. There are many students in the school who set an example for
others and inspire them with their hard work and ideal character.

       

   
 Hints
Checking    " "Marks     
Correct translation of the passage      03 
ii. (i) He comes off a rich family. (ii) The government banned public gatherings.
(iii) Pollution is the biggest threat to our planet.


  

  .ii    .i
   .iii
Checking Hints Marks
Correct translation of the sentences 01 mark for each

6. i. Write an application to your principal for leave. 6


The Principal,

Subject: Application for Two Days Leave

Respected sir,

With great reverence it is stated that the wedding ceremony of my cousin is

going to be held at Saalar Wedding Hall. The ceremony starts from tomorrow morning
and will continue till the eve of day after tomorrow. All the family members have
planned to attend the ceremony and I do not want to miss these moments of joy and
Therefore, you are kindly requested to allow me two days leave i. e. Friday
and Saturday. I will be very thankful to you for this act of kindness.

Yours obediently,

Class: 9
Roll No. 13
Checking Hints Marks
Correct beginning 01 mark
Appropriate body and punctuation 04 marks
Correct ending 01 mark

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

Write a letter to your father intimating him about your success in exam.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C
October 29, 2022.

Dear father,

It gives me immense pleasure to inform you about my brilliant success in exam. I

stood first in my class and have been awarded an honorary shield by the principal. I hope
this will be a great news for you and for the whole family.

Kind regards to mother and love to the younger sisters.

Your loving son,

Checking Hints Marks
Appropriate beginning 01 mark
Appropriate body and punctuation 04 marks
Correct ending 01 mark

ii. Develop a story with the help of the outlines given. 6

There lived an old king ___________ three sons ___________ worried about their
quarrel ___________ a bundle of sticks ___________ all failed to break
___________untied the bundle ___________ broke all the sticks easily.


Once there lived an old king who had three sons. They always quarreled with one
another. He was much worried about their disunity. One day, he called them all and gave
them a tied bundle of sticks and asked them to break it. They all tried but failed to break
it. Then, he untied the bundle and gave one stick to each son. They broke all the sticks
one by one easily and thus, they learnt an important lesson.

Moral: “Union is Strength”.

Checking Hints Marks

Correct beginning 01 mark
Correct middle 04 marks
Correct moral 01 mark

7. Translate the following into English. 6

 .iii   .ii   .i

     .vi  .v    .iv

   .viii   .vii

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

i. They will not come here.

ii. Think before you speak. Think before you leap.
iii. There are twelve months in a year.
iv. Help me, please./Please, help me,
v. Where are you from?
vi. The world has become a global village.

Checking Hints Marks

Correct translation of the sentences 01 mark for each

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

NOTE: Attempt all questions of Section-A by filling the corresponding bubble on

the MCQs RESPONSE SHEET. It is mandatory to return the attempted
MCQs sheet to the superintendent within given time.


Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 15

1. Which of the following is an adverb?

A. slow
B. late
C. mine
D. sit

2. The theme of the lesson ‘The Two Bargains’ is:

A. tolerance
B. dignity of labour
C. nature
D. generosity

3. Which of the following is a regular verb?

A. put
B. see
C. add
D. speak

4. As soon as he appeared, the whole crowd roared with one voice, “Pakistan

The above sentence has been taken from the lesson:

A. Quaid- A Great Leader

B. Safety First
C. The Fantastic Shoemaker
D. Nasiruddin

5. Choose the sentence containing a transitive verb.

A. He sleeps all the time.
B. We arrived very late.
C. She laughs loudly.
D. They help me.

6. Complete the given sentence with the correct option.

Ajmal is ___________ fellow than Bahar.
A. interested
B. interesting
C. more interesting
D. most interesting

7. Which of the following words comes first in the dictionary?

A. hire
B. hear
C. house
D. human

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
8. The word ‘astonish’ means:
A. encourage
B. confuse
C. afraid
D. surprise

9. ‘Bring me a glass of water’. This sentence is an example of:

A. Declarative sentence.
B. Interrogative sentence.
C. Imperative sentence.
D. Exclamatory sentence.

10. The word ‘implication’ has ______ syllables?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

11. Which of the following sentences is correctly capitalized?

A. I belong to the city of Peshawar.
B. He is the best friend of amjad.
C. The Road of our Village is dusty.
D. We visited lahore last month.

12. Choose the correct passive voice of the given sentence.

He is putting mangoes on the table.
A. The table is being put on the mangoes by him.
B. Mangoes are being put on the table by him.
C. The table on the mangoes is put on by him.
D. Mangoes are put on the table by him.

13. Choose the correct punctuation mark.

What a beautiful scene it is_____
A. !
B. .
C. ?
D. –

14. The synonym of the word ‘grateful’ is:

A. Respectful
B. Pitiful
C. Thankful
D. Awful

15. Which figure of speech has been used in the following lines?

‘And then my heart with pleasure fills,

And dances with the daffodils.’

A. simile
B. alliteration and simile
C. metaphor and simile
D. alliteration and personification

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes Marks: 36

1. Attempt any six of the following short questions. Each question carries 3 marks. 18

i. Why was The Holy Prophet (SAW) and his family Bannu Hashim ostracized to
Shab- Abi-Talib?
ii. What role can media play in politics?
iii. Write a sentence each for present perfect continuous tense, future simple and
past continuous tense.
iv. What is the theme of the lesson ‘Nasiruddin?’
v. Write any three elements of story.
vi. What is the main idea of the lesson ‘Technology in Everyday Life’?
vii. Pick out ‘Uncountable Nouns’ from the given list.
Tree, sugar, watch, water, star, oil
viii. What is the main idea of the poem ‘Hope Is the Thing with Feathers’?

2. Paraphrase one of the following stanzas. 5

i. As a white candle ii. “And is mine one” said Abou. “Nay, not so,”
In a holy place, Replied the angel, Abou spoke more low,
So is the beauty But cheerfully still; and said, “I pray thee, then,
Of an aged face. Write me as one that loves his fellow men.”

3. Read the stanza carefully and answer the questions given at the end. 8
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

QUESTIONS: NOTE: Each answer should be in one to two sentence.

i. What is the main idea of the stanza? 2

ii. Pick out an example of simile from the stanza. 2
iii. Write down the contextual meaning of the word ‘margin’. 2
iv. Identify at least two pronouns in the stanza? 2

4. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end. 5

Yahya was working in a factory as a daily wager. He lived near the factory. His wife
was an uneducated rural woman. His eldest son was working in another city and
often came to meet his family. The youngest son was reading in a nearby school
with his sister. Yahya’s wife was well aware about her husband’s low income and
had a very good control over daily expenses. She tried to keep away her husband
from timely glitches at home. They were spending a contented life.


i. Suggest a suitable title to the passage. 1

ii. Write the main idea of the passage in your own words. 1
iii. How many family members are there in Yahya’s family? 1
iv. What is meant by the underlined word in the passage? 1
v. Give your own opinion about Yahya’s wife in one sentence. 1

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

Marks: 24
5. Translate the following into Urdu. 3+3

i. A man is known by the company he keeps. A good student avoids the

company of those fellows who shirk work. There are many students in the
school who set an example for others and inspire them with their hard
work and ideal character.
ii. (i) He comes off a rich family. (ii) The government banned public
gatherings. (iii) Pollution is the biggest threat to our planet.

6. i. Write an application to your principal for leave. 6

Write a letter to your father intimating him about your success in exam.
ii. Develop a story with the help of the outlines given. 6
There lived an old king ___________ three sons ___________ worried
about their quarrel ___________ a bundle of sticks ___________ all failed to
break ___________untied the bundle ___________ broke all the sticks easily.

7. Translate the following into English.

 .iii   .ii   .i

     .vi  .v    .iv
   .viii  .vii

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

Table 1: Number of Items and Marks Distribution



Reading and
MCQs 15 1 15
formal Lexical
Reading and
critical thinking Short Questions 06 03 18
+ lexical
Reading and
critical thinking Paraphrase 01 05 5
and Writing
Reading and Stanza Reading
04 02 8
critical thinking comprehension
Reading and
comprehension 5 1 5
critical thinking
of passage
Total: 36
Lexical English to Urdu
02 3+3 06
+Writing translation
Writing Application/ letter 01 06 06
Writing Story 01 06 06
Urdu to English
Creative Writing 06 01 06

Table 2: Cognitive Level

Cognitive Level Percentage(100) Marks (75)

Knowledge 20% 15

Understanding 40% 30

Application 40% 30

Table 3: Difficulty Level

Difficulty Level Easy Medium Difficult

Marks 20 30 25

Percentage 27% 40% 33%

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
S.No Content Unit K U A
MCQ=1 Mark RRQ=4 Marks ERQ= 8Marks
Wise %age %age %age
%age No of %age No of %age No of
items items items

1 Percentage 14 2.66 2 4 1 8 1 2 4 8

ratios and


2 Zakat usher 6 1.33 1 4 1 - - - 6



3 Business 6 2.66 2 4 1 - - - 6


4 Financial 6 1.33 1 4 1 - 2 - 4


5 Consumer 10 2.66 2 8 2 - - 6 4


6 Exponents 10 2.66 2 8 2 - - 10 -



7 Arithmetic 10 2.66 2 8 2 - - 10 -




8 Sets and 14 1.33 1 4 1 8 1 - 14 -


9 Linear 14 1.33 1 4 1 8 1 - 14 -


10 Basic 10 1.33 1 - 8 1 - 2 8


11 Total 100 20 15 48 12 32 4 4 60 36

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

Note: Attempt all questions of Section A by filling the corresponding bubble on

the MCQs RESPONSE SHEET. It is mandatory to return the attempted MCQs sheet
to the Superintendent within given time.
Q1: Choose the correct option. Allowed time 20 minutes
Maximum Marks 15

1. Ratio between 4 grams and 12 grams in simplest form is

a. 1:1 b. 1:2 c. 1:3 d. 1:4
2. If X:3 : : 8:6 is a proportion then X = _ _ _
a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 24
3. Zakat payable on Rs. 50000 is _ _ _
a. Rs. 1300 b. Rs. 1240 c. Rs. 1250 d. Rs. 1215
4. If cost price is Rs. 430 and sale price is Rs. 488. The profit is Rs. _ _ _
a. 56 b. 58 c. 48 d. 68
5. Marked price is Rs. 550. Sale price is Rs. 418. Discount percentage is
a. 24% b. 22% c. 21.5% d. 23%
6. Markup is the profit received by
a. Customer b. Bank c. Government d. Organization
7. Property Tax = Rate X _ _ _ _
a. Price of item b. Value of property

C .Excise Duty d. Capital value tax

8. GST stands for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a. General Sales Tax b. Government Standard Tax

C .Government Simple Tax d. Grand Service Tax

9. X ͫ * Xn = _ _ _ _
a. 𝑋 𝑚𝑛 b. 𝑋 𝑚+𝑛 c. 𝑋 𝑚/𝑛 d. 𝑋 𝑛/𝑚
10. Log ₂ X = 3, then X = _ _ _ _
a. 8 b. 9 c. 6 d. 23
11. Arithmetic mean between 6 and 2 is _ _ _ _ _
a. 8 b. 4 c. 12 d. 6
12. Geometric mean between 3 and 27 is _ _ _ _ _
a. ±4 b. ±6 c. ±9 d. ±81
13. (A’)’ = _ _ _ _
a. A’ b. Empty Set c. A d. U
14. The point (-3 , 4) is located in
a. 1st Quadrant b. 2nd Quadrant c. 3rd Quadrant d. 4th Quadrant
15. In the data {2, 3, 7, 2, 9, 4}, mode is _ _ _ _

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
a. 3 b. 1 c. 9 d.

Time: 2Hours 40 Minutes Marks: 36

Q1. Attempt any 9 of the following short questions. Each question carries equal marks.

1. Hafsa got 84% of the total marks in her annual examination. If she had obtained 861 marks. Find
out total marks in the examination?
2. Hafeez had trade goods worth Rs.175,000 and a cash amount of Rs. 90,000. If his wife possessed
jewelry worth Rs. 84,000, find the amount of zakat payable by him?
3. Ali bought 8 dozen eggs at the rate of Rs. 70 per dozen. 6 eggs were found broken. He sold
remaining eggs at the rate of Rs. 7 per egg. Find his profit or loss.
4. Mr. Jawad deposits Rs. 90,000 in a Profit Loss Saving (PLS) account. If the profit rate is 12% then
how much profit would he get after two months
5. If the worth of the property of a person is Rs. 5,000,000. How much tax would he pay at the rate
of 5%.
𝑏 𝑐 𝑎
6. Simplify: √𝑋 𝑐 X √𝑋 𝑎 X √𝑋 𝑏
7. Log₈ x =
8. Find the 10th term of an Arithmetic Progression (AP) 18, 15, 12, 9,. . .
9. Find three geometric means between 27 𝑎𝑛𝑑 3.
10. Plot the points W,X,Y and Z in the XY plane: W(3,1), X(-2,-4), Y(-5,6), Z(3,-3 ).
11. Salam has a post-paid connection. Last month he consumed a total of 3 hours and 20 minutes
time for calls. If per 30 seconds call charges is Rs.0.50, then what was his bill?
12. If X = {1, 2, 3} and Y={4, 5, 6}, Write an ONTO function from X to Y


Marks: 24

Note: Attempt any three of the following. Each question carries equal marks.

Q2. 12 men take 5 hours to spray insecticides on fruit trees spread over 40 hectares. How many men will
be required to spray 32 hectares area in 8 hours?

Q3. Draw the graph of equation: 3x + y = 6

Q4. From the following distribution

Daily Wages (In Rupees) 112 – 116 117 – 121 122 – 126 127 – 131 132 – 136

Number of Workers 3 20 11 4 5

i. Construct a table.
ii. Find the class boundaries for each group
iii. Calculate Median wages.

Q5. If U = {1, 2 ,3 ,4, 5, 6, 7}, A = {1,2, 3}, B = {3, 4, 5}. Then with the help of Venn diagram verify
Demorgan’s Law: (A U B)’ = A’∩ B’

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Total Time: 20 minutes Total Marks:15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15

Time: 2Hours 40 Minutes

Total Marks: 36

Q1. Attempt any 9 of the following short questions. Each question carries
equal marks.
i. Hafsa got 84% of the total marks in her annual examination. If she had
obtained 861 marks. Find out total marks in the examination?
84% of x=861
× 𝑥 = 861
𝑥 = 861 ×
ii. Hafeez had trade goods worth Rs.175,000 and a cash amount of Rs.
90,000. If his wife possessed jewelry worth Rs. 84,000, find the
amount of zakat payable by him?

Value of trade goods=175,000 1

Cash amount= 90,000
Value of Jewelry = 84,000
Total amount =175,000+90,000+84,000
Total amount =349,000

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Zakat Rate =2.5%
Zakat Payable =2.5% of 349,000
Zakat Payable = × 349,000 1
Zakat Payable =8725

iii. Ali bought 8 dozen eggs at the rate of Rs. 70 per dozen. 6 eggs were
found broken. He sold remaining eggs at the rate of Rs. 7 per egg.
Find his profit or loss.
Cost price=70×8
Cost Price=560 1

Total number of eggs=8 dozen

Total number of eggs=8× 12
Total number of eggs =96

Number of broken eggs=6 1

Remaining eggs =96-6
Remaining eggs =90
Sale price=90×7
Sale price=630
Sale Price> Cost Price
So, Profit has occurred
Profit= Sale Price− Cost Price 1
Profit= 630-560

iv. Mr. Jawad deposits Rs. 90,000 in a Profit Loss Saving (PLS) account.
If the profit rate is 12% then how much profit would he get after two
𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑙 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 ×𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡
Profit for one month = 2
12 1
Profit for one month = 90,000 × × 1
100 12

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Profit for one month = 900
Profit for two months = 900×2 1

Profit for two months = 1800

v. If the worth of the property of a person is Rs. 5,000,000. How much

tax would he pay at the rate of 5%.
Total value of Property=5,000,000 1
Tax Rate = 5%
Tax= Rate× Value of property 1
Tax = 5% × 5,000,000
Tax = × 5,000,000
100 1

𝑋𝑎 𝑋𝑐 𝑋𝑎
vi. Simplify: √ X √ X √
𝑋𝑐 𝑋𝑎 𝑋𝑏

𝑋𝑎 𝑋𝑐 𝑋𝑎
√ X √ X √ = √𝑋 𝑎 𝑋 −𝑐 X √𝑋 𝑐 𝑋 −𝑎 X √𝑋 𝑎 𝑋 −𝑏
𝑋𝑐 𝑋𝑎 𝑋𝑏

= √𝑋 𝑎 . 𝑋 −𝑐 × 𝑋 𝑐 . 𝑋 −𝑎 × 𝑋 𝑎 𝑋 −𝑏 1

= √𝑋 𝑎 . 𝑋 −𝑎 × 𝑋 𝑐 . 𝑋 −𝑐 × 𝑋𝑏 𝑋 −𝑏 1
= √𝑋 𝑎−𝑎 . 𝑋 𝑐−𝑐 . 𝑋𝑏−𝑏
= √𝑋 0 × 𝑋 0 × 𝑋 0 1
= √1 × 1 × 1
= √1 1
= ∓1

vii. log 8 𝑥 = 3
log 8 𝑥 = 2
∴ log 𝑎 𝑦 = 𝑥

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
∴ y = 𝑎𝑥
x= 8 3 1
x= (23 )3
x= 2 1
x = 16

viii. Find the 12th term of an Arithmetic Progression (AP)

18, 15, 12, 9, . . .
𝑎1 = 18 1
𝑑 = 15 − 18
d = −3
𝑎12 =?
Since, 2
𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎1 + (𝑛 − 1)𝑑

𝑎12 = 18 + (12 − 1)(−3) 1

𝑎12 = 18 + (11)(−3)
𝑎12 = 18 − 33
𝑎12 = −15
ix. Find three geometric means between 𝑎𝑛𝑑 3.
Let G1, G2, G3 be 3 Geometric means between 𝑎𝑛𝑑 3.
, G1, G2, G3, 3 are in Geometric mean.

𝑎1 = 𝑎 = , n=5, 𝑎𝑛 = 3, r=?

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎1 𝑟 𝑛−1
3 = 𝑟 5−1
27 2
1 4
3= 𝑟
3 × 27 = 𝑟 4
81 = 𝑟 4
(3)4 = (𝑟)4

1 1
G1 = a𝑟 = ×3 = 1
27 9
1 1
G2 = a𝑟 2 = × 3 =
9 3
3 1
G3 = a𝑟 = × 3 = 1
1 1 1
, and 1 are 3 Geometric mean between and 3.
9 3 27

x. Plot the points W, X, Y and Z in the XY plane: W (3,1), X (-2, -4), Y (-

5,6), Z (3, -3 ).
W (3, 1) , X(-2,-4)
Y (-5, 6) , Z(3, -3)

Each Plot
Carries 1 marks

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
xi. Salam has a post-paid connection. Last month he consumed a total of
3 hours and 20 minutes time for calls. If per 30 seconds call charges is
Rs.0.50, then what was his bill?
Consumed time= 3hrs and 20 minutes
Consumed time in minutes= 200 minutes
Call charges per 30 seconds =Rs.0.5
Call Charges per minute= Rs.1.0
Cost of 200 minutes=Rs.200
Line Rent=Rs. 499
Line Rent= Rs. 699

xii. If X = {1, 2, 3} and Y={4, 5, 6}, Write an ONTO function from X to Y.

𝑋 = {1, 2, 3}
𝑌 = {4, 5, 6}
𝑋 × 𝑌 = {(1,4), (1,5), (1,6), (2,4), (2,5), (2,6), (3,4), (3,5), (3,6)}
𝑅 = {(1,4), (2, 5), (3, 6)}
Domain ={1, 2, 3}
Domain= X 2

So, R is a function 1
Range = {4,5,6}
Range = Y
So, R is onto function from X to Y.

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Total Marks:24
Q2. 10 men take 12 hours to spray insecticides on fruit trees spread over 40 hectares. How many
men will be required to spray 32 hectares area in 8 hours?

10 12
x 8
10:x 8:12  

Men Area 1
10 40
x 32
10:x 40:32 

Taking Compound Proportion

10:x 8:12 2
10:x 40:32

Product of means = Product of Extremes

𝑥 × 8 × 40 10 × 12 × 32 2
10 × 12 × 32
8 × 40
𝑥 = 12

Q3. Draw the graph of equation:

3x + y = 6

1 1
3x + y = 6

y = 6 - 3x

X 0 1 2 -1 -2
y 6 3 0 9 12

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Put x=0
Put x=1
y=6-3(1) 1
Put x=-1
y=6+3 1
Put x=-2
y=12; (-2,12)

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Q4. From the following distribution

Daily Wages 112 – 116 117 – 121 122 – 126 127 – 131 132 - 136
(In Rupees)
Number of 3 20 11 4 5
i. Construct a table.
ii. Find the class boundaries for each group
iii. Calculate Median wages.

Solution: 3

Class limits Frequency Class Boundaries Cumulative

112-116 3 111.5-116.5 3
117-121 20 116.5-121.5 33+20=23
122-126 11 121.5-126.5 23+11=34
127-131 4 126.5-131.5 34+4=38
132-136 5 131.5-136.5 38+5=43
Σ𝑓 = 43

𝑛𝑡ℎ 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚
Median= = 21.5 3

Median Lies between 116.5-121.5 group
ℎ 𝑛
Median=𝑙 + ( − 𝑐)
𝑓 2

𝑙 = 116.5
ℎ = 121.5 − 116.5 = 5
𝑓 = 30
Median=116.5+ (21.5 − 3)

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

Q5. If U = {1, 2 ,3 ,4, 5, 6, 7}, A = {1,2, 3}, B = {3, 4, 5}. Then with the help of
Venn diagram verify Dorgan’s Law:
(A U B)’ = A’П B’
L.H.S= (A U B)’
𝐴 ∪ 𝐵 = {1, 2, 3} ∪ {3,4, 5} 2
𝐴 ∪ 𝐵 = {1, 2, 3,4,5}
(𝐴 ∪ 𝐵)′ = 𝑈 − (𝐴 ∪ 𝐵)
= {1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7} − {1, 2, 3,4,5}
= {6,7}

R.H.S= A’∩ B’
A’ = U-A
A’ ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7} - {1,2,3}
A’ ={4,5,6,7} 2

B’ = U-B

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
B’ ={1,2,3,4,5,6,7} - {3,4,5}
B’ ={1,2,6,7}
A’∩ B’={4,5,6,7} ∩ {1,2,6,7}
A’∩ B’= {6,7}

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
S. SLO Item Item Ability Difficulty
No Type Number Level Level
1 Know: A ratio has a relation in which one MCQ Q1(i) * *
quantity bears to another quantity with
regard to their magnitude
2 Know the concept of compound proportion MCQ Q1(ii) * *
3 Know the rate of zakat MCQ Q1(iii) * *
4 Identify the relation between cost price and MCQ Q1(iv) * *
sale price
5 Identify the relationship between discount, MCQ Q1(v) * *
mark price and sale price
6 Calculate mark-up/profit MCQ Q1(vi) * *
7 Know the cost price as the price an article MCQ Q1(vii) * *
is purchased for
8 Know: sales tax, excise duty, property tax, MCQ Q1(vii) * *
income tax and GST
9 Apply the laws of exponent to simplify MCQ Q1(ix) * *
expressions with real exponents
10 Define logarithm of a number to the base a MCQ Q1(x) * *
as power to which a must be raised to give
a number
11 Know the arithmetic mean between two MCQ Q1(xi) * *
12 Know the geometric mean between two MCQ Q1(xii) * *
13 Perform the following operations on sets: MCQ Q1(xiii) * *
Union, intersection and complement
14 Locate the ordered pair (a , b) as a point in MCQ Q1(xiv) * *
rectangular plain
15 Calculate mean, median and mode MCQ Q1(xv) * *
16 Solve real life problems involving Sec B Q1(i) * *
17 Calculate the amount of zakat in respect of Sec B Q1(ii) * *
assets owned by a person
18 Identify the following relations: Sec B Q1(iii) * *
Profit = Sale price – Cost price
Loss = Cost price – Sale price
19 Know commercial bank deposits and type Sec B Q1(iv) * *
of bank accounts (PLS saving bank
account, current deposit account, PLS term
deposit account, foreign currency account)
20 Calculate the amount of property tax Sec B Q1(v) * *
imposed on a property
21 Apply the laws of exponent to simplify Sec B Q1(vi) * *
expressions with real exponents
22 Define logarithm of a number to the base a Sec B Q1(vii) * *
as power to which a must be raised to give
a number
23 Find the nth or general term of an Sec B Q1(viii) * *
arithmetic sequence
24 Find the nth or general term of an Sec B Q1(ix) * *
geometric sequence
25 Locate the ordered pair (a , b) as a point in Sec B Q1(x) * *
rectangular plane.
26 Calculate the amount of bill for Electricity, Sec B Q1(xi) * *
Gas, Telephone
27 Define the function and identify its Sec B Q1(xii) * *
domain and range

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
28 Solve real life problem involving ratios Sec C Q2 * *
29 Draw the graph of equation y = mx + c Sec C Q3 * *
30 Calculate (for grouped and ungrouped Sec C Q4 * *
Arithmetic mean by definition and using
deviations from assumed mean
Median, mode, geometric mean and
harmonic mean
31 Use venn diagram to verify De Morgan’s Sec C Q5 * *

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

Key- MCQs
1. d-5 7. c-weight
2. a-5 m/s2 8. b-360 watt
3. c-3 m/s 9. a- Kinetic energy
4. d- unit less 10. b- Pascal law
5. a-∑ T=0 11. c- 98.60
6. d-900 12. a- Radiation


Item no 1 Question (description) Reference

i. Describe at least Four crucial roles of Physics in daily life? Text book
Possible answers KPTBB For
1. Physics is the science that helps us understand various Grade 9
natural phenomena that are embedded in our reality. (01)
2. Help in daily life activities (walking, cutting, watching, Book page
listening, operating machines etc. (01) 03
3. Provide understanding for developing new instruments in
field of heath science (CT-Scan, MRI etc.). (01)
4. Help us in information technology (computer, cells,
internet, etc.). (01)

Marking 1+1+1+1 4
ii. Differentiate scalars and vectors with suitable examples?
Possible answers Text book
1. Scalar is a physical quantity that has only magnitude, but KPTBB For
no direction.eg mass, density, speed, power, etc. (01) Grade 9
Vector is a physical quantity that has magnitude and Book page
direction.eg displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, 32
etc. (01)
2. Scalar quantity is one dimensional whereas Vector
quantity can be one, two or three dimensional. (01)
3. Scalars are added by arithmetic ordinary rules, whereas
vectors are added by head to tail rule, graphical method.
4. Scalars have simple presentation whereas boldface letter/
arrow above or below the letter is used for vectors. (01)
Marking 1+1+1+1 4
iii Define momentum along with its mathematical form and unit? Text book
Also write at least Two factors on which it depends? KPTBB For
Possible answers Grade 9
Book page
1. It is quantity of motion in body and defined as product of the
mass of a particle and its velocity. (01)
2. It is denoted by P and mathematically written as
Momentum = mass x velocity
P = mv (01)
3. Its unit is N-m/s, and it is a vector quantity. (01)
4. It depends on mass and velocity of body. (01)
Marking 1+1+1+1 4
iv. Define friction and write at least Three methods to reduce
friction? Text book
Possible answers KPTBB For
1. Friction is a force between two surfaces that are sliding, Grade 9
or trying to slide, across each other. For example, when Book page
you try to push a book along the floor, friction makes this 79-80

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
difficult. Friction always works in the direction opposite to
the direction in which the object is moving or trying to
move. Friction always slows a moving object down. (01)
2. Make the surfaces smooth. (01)
3. Lubrication like oil, grease, etc. (01)
4. Make the object more streamlined/ sharp or Use of ball
bearings etc. (01)

1+1+1+1 4
v. Calculate the mass of earth by using Newton’s law of Text book
gravitation? KPTBB For
Possible answers Grade 9
Step 1: (01) Book page
Data: 133-134
G=6.673 × 10−11 Nm2/kg2
Re=6.4 ×106 m
Step 2: (01)
𝐺𝑀 𝑚
𝐹 = 𝑒2 
𝐹 = 𝑤 = 𝑚𝑔 
𝐺𝑀 𝑚
𝐹 = 𝑒2 
𝐺𝑀𝑒 𝑚
𝑚𝑔 =
𝑅𝑒 2
𝑅𝑒 2
Step 3: (01)
𝑔𝑅𝑒 2
𝑀𝑒 =
Step 4: (01)
9.8×(6.4×106 )2
𝑀 = 6 × 1024 𝑘𝑔

Marking 1+1+1+1 4
vi. Define heat and temperature. Write at least two differences Text book
between heat and temperature? KPTBB For
Possible answers Grade 9
1. Heat is the total energy of the motion of the molecules of a Book page
substance. OR The amount of energy flow from hot body 203-204
to cold body. (01)
2. Temperature is average kinetic energy of molecule in a
body. (01)
3. The heat of an object is the total energy of all the
molecular motion inside that object. Whereas
Temperature is the measure of the thermal energy or
average heat of the molecules in a substance. (01)
4. The unit of heat is Joule whereas temperature unit is
kelvin OR Heat has the ability to do work whereas
temperature is used to measure the degree of heat etc.
Marking 1+1+1+1 4

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
vii. Derive K. E= ½ mv2 Text book
Possible answers KPTBB For
Derivation of the equation for kinetic energy: Grade 9
Step 1: (01) Book page
Consider a body of mass "m" starts moving from rest. After 153-154
a time, interval "t" its velocity becomes V. Unit -6
If initial velocity of the body is Vi = 0, final velocity vf = V
and the displacement of body is "d". Then
Step 2: (01)
First of all, we will find the acceleration of body.
Using equation of motion
2aS = Vf2 – Vi2 
Putting the above-mentioned values in eq 
2ad = V2 – 0
a = V2/2d 
Step 3: (01)
Now force is given by
F = ma 
Putting the value of acceleration from eq  in eq 
F = m(V2/2d)
As we know that
Work done = f.d
Step 4: (01)
Putting the value of F
m𝑣 2
Work done = ( 2𝑑 )(𝑑)
m𝑣 2
Work done = 2
OR Work done = 2 mv2
Since the work done is motion is called "Kinetic Energy"
i.e., K.E. = Work done
OR K.E. =2mv2.

viii. Define power along with its mathematical form and unit. Is it is a Text book
scalar or vector quantity? KPTBB For
Possible answers Grade 9
1. Rate of doing work, is called power OR Product of force Book page
and velocity of the body is called power, and it is the 164165
amount of energy consumed per unit of time. (01) Unit -6
2. It can be calculated by dividing work done by time. The
formula for power is given below. Power = work/time i.e.,
P= w/t here, P is the power, W is the work done and t is
the time taken. (01)
3. The SI unit of power is Joules per Second (J/s), which is
termed as Watt. Watt can be defined as the power needed
to do one joule of work in one second. The unit Watt is
dedicated in honor of Sir James Watt. (01)
4. As power doesn’t have any direction, it is a scalar
quantity. (01)
Marking 1+1+1+1 4
ix. State Pascal ‘s Law and also write Three applications in daily Text book
life? KPTBB For
Possible answers Grade 9
1. Pascal’s Law states that the pressure applied to a fluid in Book page
a closed container is transmitted equally to all points in the 169-170
fluid and act in all directions of the container. Pascal’s Law Unit -7
is applicable to both solids and liquids. (01)
2. A hydraulic lift operates on Pascal’s law. It has a hydraulic
apparatus which is used to lift heavy objects. (01)
3. Hydraulic jacks, which works on principle of Pascal’s
Law. (01)

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
4. Hydraulic press brakes also work on principle of Pascal’s
Law. (01)
Marking 1+1+1+1 4
x. Define pressure? show that liquid pressure p=ρgh. Text book
Possible answers KPTBB For
Grade 9
1. Pressure due to the weight of a liquid of constant density Book page
is given by p=ρgh, where p is the pressure, h is the depth 180-181
of the liquid, ρ is the density of the liquid, and g is the Unit -7
acceleration due to gravity. (01)
2. Consider a liquid in container of mass m and density p
(rho), having depth h, the pressure exerted by liquid is
𝑃 = 𝐴 (01)
3. 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑔
Putting these values into the Pressure equation and we
have, (01)
4. 𝑝 = 𝑉 and of course, m/v gives us the density
p (rho) 𝑃 = 𝑚𝑝ℎ (01)

Marking 1+1+1+1 4
xi. Define transfer of heat by convection; give three examples from Text book
daily life? KPTBB For
Possible answers Grade 9
1. Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of Book page
molecules of liquids and gases. Convection happens in 180-181
liquids and gases because, unlike in a solid, molecules Unit -7
are able to freely move. For example, the air molecules in
your living room continually move around, all moving at
about the same speed.
2. Examples:
i. Breeze. The formation of sea and land breeze form the
classic examples of convection. ...
ii. Boiling Water. ...
iii. Blood Circulation in Warm-Blooded Mammals. ...
OR Air-Conditioner etc.

Marking 1+1+1+1 4
Q2 i. State Newton’s second law of motion. Text book
ii. Prove that time rate of linear momentum is equal to net KPTBB For
force acting on body. Grade 9
iii. The momentum of bullet fired from gun is 0.732 Ns and Book page
velocity is 62m/s. Find the mass of bullet? 65-67
Possible answers Unit -3
1. According to Newton's second law if a body is moving with
acceleration ‘a’ and mass of a body is ‘m’ then the force on the
body will be equal to F=ma.(02)
2. Consider a body of mass m moving with velocity vi, after time t,
its velocity becomes vf, then
Steps: (0.5 Marks For each Step)
F = ma 
a= t  put in equation 

F= 𝑚 t where
∆v = vf - vi

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
mvf− mvi
F= 𝑡
3. Data:(01)
P = 0.732 Ns
v= 62 m/s
Solution: (01)
m = P/v = 0.732/62=0.012kg

Marking 2+3+2 7
Q3 i. Define and explain turning effect of force by relating it to Text book
everyday life? KPTBB For
ii. The force applied to open door is 12 N at 30 0. Find the Grade 9
horizontal and vertical components of force? Book page
Possible answers 112,106
1. The turning effect of a force is called the moment of the Unit-4
force or torque. Mathematically it can be written as
Torque = force x moment arm (01)
T = f x r its unit is N-m (01)

• A person pushing a swing will make the swing rotate

about its pivot. OR (01)
• A worker applies a force to a spanner to rotate a nut.
• A person removes a bottle’s cork by pushing down the
bottle opener’s lever. OR
• A force is applied to a doorknob and the door swings open
about its hinge. OR
• A driver can turn a steering wheel by applying a force on
its rim.
2. Given data
F = 12 N, Fx =?, Fy =? (01)

θ = 300
Fx = F cos θ (01)
Fx = 12cos300
Fx = 12 x 0.866
Fx = 10.4 N so horizontal component of force is 10.4 N
Fy = F Sin θ
Fy = 12Sin 300
Fy = 12x 0.5
Fy = 6 N so vertical component of force is 6 N (01)
Marking 4+3 7
Q4. i. Define work and its units? Text book
ii. A Girl is pulling trolley school bag by applying a force of 15 KPTBB For
N at 450 and covers a distance of 100 m. Calculate the Grade 9
work done. Book page
Possible answers Unit -6
1. Work done by a force acting on an object is equal to the
magnitude of the force multiplied by the distance moved in the
direction of the force. We define work to be equal to the
product of the force and the displacement. (01)
2. Work done = force × displacement
W= F Cos θ x S (01)
W= FS Cos θ

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
When 1 N forced is applied on a body and it covers distance of
1m the work done is 1 Joule. (01)
where Joule (J) is the unit of work. Work is independent of path
3. Data: (01)
F = 15 N
S= 100 m
Angle θ= 450
As we know that
W= FS Cos θ (01)
W= 15. 100 Cos 45
W= 15 x100x 0.707 (01)
W = 1060 joules
Marking 4+3 7
Q5. i. Describe the thermal expansion of solid? Text book
ii. Explain why evaporation causes cooling? KPTBB For
Possible answers Grade 9
1. When matter is heated, its particles gain energy Book page
(01), which is exerted as kinetic energy. (01) In 205
solids, the particles vibrate harder and faster, Unit -8
creating more space between the particles, causing
them to expand. (01) This is most visible in metals.
This process is thermal expansion. (01)

2. When a molecule at the surface uses enough

energy to exceed the vapor pressure(01), the
liquid particles will typically escape and enter the
surrounding air as a gas. (01) The energy taken
from the vaporized liquid during evaporation
lowers the temperature of the liquid, resulting in
cooling. (01)

Making 3+ 4 7

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
NOTE: Attempt all questions from Section A by filling the corresponding bubble on the
MCQs RESPONSE SHEET. it is mandatory to return the attempted MCQs sheet
to the Superintendent within given time.
Time: 20 Minutes Marks: 12

1. The number of significant digits in 0.0096800 is

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
2. Car is moving along the straight road with velocity 10 m/s, after 4s its velocity becomes
30 m/s, the acceleration of car is:
a. 5 m/s2
b. 10 m/s2
c. 80 m/s2
d. 160 m/s2
3. The centripetal acceleration of body of mass 1.5 kg moving with velocity 3 m/s in circle
of radius 3 m is:
a. 6 m/s2
b. 4 m/s2
c. 3 m/s2
d. 0.5 m/s2
4. The unit of coefficient of friction is:
a. m/s
b. m/s2
c. N-m
d. Unit less quantity
5. The second condition of Equilibrium is:
a. ∑ T=0
b. ∑ F=0
c. ∑ P =0
d. ∑ W=0
6. The angle between rectangular components of force is:
a. 300
b. 450
c. 600
d. 900

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
7. Which of the following quantity will change when a body moves from sea level to
a. Mass
b. Volume
c. Weight
d. Density
8. A boy of mass 45 kg runs up on stairs of height 4m in 5sec, the power in boy
(g=10m/s2) is:
a. 450 watts
b. 360 watts
c. 36 watts
d. 24.5 watts
9. The energy due to motion of body is:
a. Kinetic energy
b. Potential energy
c. Chemical energy
d. Thermal energy
10. The hydraulic brakes of heavy vehicles operate on:
a. Archimedes Principle
b. Pascal’s principle
c. Work energy principle
d. Principle of moment arm
11. The temperature of human body is 37o C, the same temperature in Fahrenheit will be:
a. 96.60F
b. 97.60 F
c. 98.60 F
d. 99.60 F
12. The transfer of heat from the sun to earth is due to:
a. Radiation
b. Convection
c. Conduction
d. Absorption

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes Marks: 32
1. Briefly attempt any Eight of following short questions, each carry 4 marks

i. Describe Four crucial roles of Physics in daily life.

ii. Differentiate scalars and vectors with suitable examples.
iii. Define momentum along with its mathematical form and unit. Also write at least Two
factors on which it depends.
iv. Define friction and write at least Three methods to reduce friction.
v. Calculate the mass of earth by using Newton’s law of gravitation.
vi. Define heat and temperature. Write at least two differences between heat and
vii. 1
Derive K. E= 2 mv2

viii. Define power along with its mathematical form and unit.
ix. State Pascal ‘s Law and also write Three applications in daily life.
x. Define pressure. Show that liquid pressure P = ρ g h
xi. Define transfer of heat by convection, and give three examples from daily life.

Marks: 21
NOTE: Attempt any THREE of the following questions, each carry 7 marks

2. i. State Newton’s second law of motion. 2+3+2

ii. Prove that time rate of linear momentum is equal to net force acting on body.
iii. The momentum of bullet fired from gun is 0.732 ns and velocity is 62 m/s.
Find the mass of bullet.
3. i. Define and explain turning effect of force by relating it to everyday life. 4+3
ii. The force applied to open door is 12 N at 300. Find the horizontal and vertical
components of force.
4. i. Define work and its units. 4+3
ii. A Girl is pulling trolley school bag by applying a force of 15 N at 45 0 and
covers a distance of 100 m. Calculate the work done.
5. i. Describe the thermal expansion of solid. 4+3
ii. Explain why evaporation causes cooling?

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Table 1: No of items and marks distribution
Items No of items Marks for each item Total Marks Marks Obt
MCQs 12 1 12 12
RRQs 8/11 4 44 32
ERQs 3/4 7 28 21
Total - 65

Table 2: Cognitive level of No of items

Items No of items Knowledge Understanding Application
MCQs 12 3 (25%) 7 (58%) 2 (17%)
RRQs 11 3 (27%) 6(55%) 2(18%)
ERQs 04 1(25%) 2(50%) 1(25%)

Table 3: Difficulty level of items

Items No of items Easy Moderate Difficult
MCQs 12 4 (33%) 6(50%) 2 (17%)
RRQs 11 4 (36%) 5(45%) 2(19%)
ERQs 04 1(25%) 2(50%) 1(25%)

Paper setting criteria for Grade -9 Physics

Chapters Weightage in Test items in each chapter
Name of chapter assessment Marks
1. Physical quantities
12 1 1 - 1 4
and measurement
2. Kinematics 12 1 1 1+1 1 4 3+4
3. Dynamics 14 2 2 - 2 8
4. Turning effect of
12 2 2 - 2 8 -
5. Gravitation 10 1 1 1+1 1 4 3+4
6. Work and energy 10 2 2 2 8
7. Properties of matter 10 1 1 1+1 1 4 3+4
8. Thermal properties
14 1 - 1+1 1 - 3+4
of matter
9. Transfer of heat 6 1 1 - 1 4 -
12 11 08 12 44 28

Total SLOs (120) Physics 9th

Item Knowledge ability %age Understanding ability %age Application ability %age
1. 26 54 20

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
weig Test items in each chapter
htag M
S.No Unit Topic Sub-Topic e in C ERQ Marks SLOs Difficulty level
RRQ level
%ag Q S distribution
e S
Introduction of
1. ---- Describe the crucial role of Physics in Science, Technology and Society. understanding Moderate
Explain with examples that Science is based on physical quantities which consist of numerical magnitude and
2. Physical Quantities Base quantities understanding Moderate
a unit.
Drive /basics Moderate
3. Differentiate between base and derived physical quantities. understanding
Physical quantities and measurement

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
List the seven units of System International (SI) alongwith their symbols and physical quantities (standard
International understanding Moderate
4. Basic/Drive units definitions of SI units are not required).
system of units
Prefixes power of Interconvert the prefixes and their symbols to indicate multiple and sub-multiple for both base and derived application Moderate
5. --------
ten units.
12 1 1 -- 1 4 --
application Moderate
6. Scientific notation ------ Write the answer in scientific notation in measurements and calculations.
Meter rod/tape/
Vernier caliper
7. Measuring Identify and explain the limitation of measuring instruments such as metre rule, vernier callipers and screw
clylider/stop understanding difficult
instrument s gauge.
8. Screw gauge
understanding Moderate
9. Significant figures rules of signifigure Describe the need using significant figures for recording and stating results in the laboratory.
10. Rest and motion 12 describe using examples how objects can be at rest and in motion simultaneously. understanding Moderate
Translatory Identify different types of motion i.e; translatory, (linear, random, and circular); rotatory and vibratory motions and
11. Types of motion understanding
/rotatory/vibratory distinguish among them. Moderate
Sealers Differentiate with examples between scalar and vector quantities. application Moderate
12. Scalar and vectors
/vectors/representati Represent vector quantities by drawing. understanding Moderate
Position /distance
Term associated and displacement
13. Differentiate with examples between distance and displacement, speed and velocity. understanding Moderate
with motions /speed and velocity

1 1 1+1 1 4 3+4 define the term speed, velocity and acceleration. knowledge easy
plot and interpret distance-time graph and speed-time graph. application easy
Graphical Distance –time grapg
Determine and interpret the slope of distance-time and speed-time graph.
14. representation of /speed-time graph
Determine from the shape of the graph, the state of a body. i. at rest ii. moving with constant speed iii. moving with
motion and related topics understanding Moderate
variable speed.
Calculate the area under speed-time graph to determine the distance traveled by the moving body.
First /second/third derive equations of motion for a body moving with a uniform acceleration in a straight line using graph. application Moderate
15. Equation of motion
equations of motion solve problems related to uniformly accelerated motion using appropriate equations. application Moderate
Motion of freely
16. ----- solve problems related to freely falling bodies using 10 ms-2 as the acceleration due to gravity. application Moderate
falling body
define momentum, force, inertia, friction, centripetal force. knowledge easy
Force , inertia and Force/inertia
17. solve problem using the equation Force = change in momentum / change in time. application easy
Momentum /momentum
explain the concept of force by practical examples of daily life. understanding Moderate
Frist/ second/third state Newton’s laws of motion. understanding easy
18. Laws of motions laws of motions / distinguish between mass and weight and solve problem using F = ma, and w = mg. application easy
Mass and weight Moderate
Tension and Tension and calculate tension and acceleration in a string during motion of bodies connected by the string and passing

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
19. application Moderate
acceleration string acceleration string over frictionless pulley using second law of motion.
Force and Force and state the law of conversation of momentum. knowledge easy
momentum momentum use the principle of conservation of momentum in the collision of two objects. application difficult
Law of conservation

21. determine the velocity after collision of two objects using the law of conversation of momentum. understanding Moderate
of momentum
14 2 2 2 8
Friction and their Explain the effect of friction on the motion of a vehicle in the context of tyre surface, road conditions
understanding Moderate
type/applications of including skidding, braking force.
22. Frictions
friction /advantages Demonstrate that rolling friction is much lesser than sliding friction. application easy
and disadvantage of List various methods to reduce friction. understanding Moderate
Explain that motion in a curved path is due to a perpendicular force on a body than changes direction of
understanding Moderate
motion but not speed.
Uniform circular Calculate centripetal force on a body moving in a circle using mv2 /r. application Moderate
motion/centripetal state what will happens to you while you are sitting inside a bus when the bus understanding Moderate
Uniform circular
23. force/centrifugal 1. starts moving suddenly
force and their 2. stops moving suddenly
applications 3. turns a corner to the left suddenly
Write a story about what may happen to you when you dream that all frictions suddenly disappeared. Why
understanding Moderate
did your dream turn into a nightmare?”
Like and unlike Like and unlike
24. Define like and unlike parallel forces. knowledge easy
parallel forces parallel forces
State head to tail rule of vector addition of forces/vectors. knowledge easy
25. Addition of Forces Head to tail rule
Resolution of Resolution Describe how a force is resolved into its perpendicular components. understanding Moderate
forces forces/perpendicular Determine the magnitude and direction of a force from its perpendicular components. understanding Moderate
Define moment of force or torque as moment = force x perpendicular distance from pivot to the line of
Torque or moment Torque / line of knowledge easy
27. action of force.
of force action of forces
Explain the turning effect of force by relating it to everyday life. understanding Moderate
Turning effect of force

Principle of
28. Principle of moment State the principle of moments. knowledge easy
12 2 2 -- 2 8 --
rning effect of force

29. Center of mass Center of mass define the centre of mass and centre of gravity of a body. knowledge easy
12 2 2 -- 2 8 --
Center of
gravity/center of
30. Center of gravity gravity regular and
irregular shape thin
Define couple as a pair of forces tending to produce rotation. knowledge easy
31. Couple Couple
Prove that the couple has the same moments about all points. knowledge easy
Equilibrium Define equilibrium and classify its types by quoting examples from everyday life. state the two conditions for
knowledge easy
32. Equilibrium /conditions of equilibrium of a body
Equilibrium/ states of Solve problems on simple balanced systems when bodies are supported by one pivot only. application Moderate

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Stability and Stability and position Describe the states of equilibrium and classify them with common examples. • explain effect of the position of understanding Moderate
position of center of center of mass the centre of mass on the stability of simple objects.
Law of gravitation State Newton’s law of gravitation. knowledge easy
/law of gravitation Explain that the gravitational forces are consistent with Newton’s third law. understanding Moderate
34. Force of gravitation
and newton law of Explain gravitational field as an example of field of force. understanding Moderate
motion /gravitation Define weight (as the force on an object due to a gravitational field.) knowledge easy

Calculate the mass of earth by using law of gravitation. application Moderate

35. Mass of earth Mass of earth 10 1 1 1+1 1 4 3+4
Solve problems using Newton’s law of gravitation. application Moderate
Variation of g with Variation of g with understanding Moderate
36. Explain that value of ‘g’ decreases with altitude from the surface of earth.
altitude altitude
Artificial understanding Moderate
37. Artificial satellite Discuss the importance of Newton’s law of gravitation in understanding the motion of satellites.
satellite/motion of
define work and its SI unit. knowledge easy
38. Work Work /unit of work/
calculate work done using equation Work = force x distance moved in the direction of force application
Energy and their
39. Energy Define energy, kinetic energy and potential energy. State unit of energy knowledge easy
40. Kinetic energy Kinetic energy Prove that Kinetic Energy Ek = ½ mv2 and. application Moderate
41. Potential energy Potential energy potential energy Ep = mgh and solve problems using these equations application Moderate
Mechanical 10
/heat/electrical/soun understanding Moderate
42. Form of energy d/light/ list the different forms of energy with examples
Inter-conversion of Inter-conversion of
43. • describe the processes by which energy is converted from one form to another with reference to understanding Moderate
energy energy
Work and Power

2 2 -- 2 8 --
Fossil /nuclear
fuels/renewable o.fossil fuel energy
energy o hydroelectric generation
Work and Power

o solar energy
sources/energy from
o nuclear energy
water /energy from
2 2 -- 2 8 -- o geothermal energy
Major sources of sun/solar house o wind energy
energy/ heating/solar cells o biomass energy
Wind energy, State mass energy equation E = mc2 and solve problems using it. application Moderate
44. hydroelectric geothermal energy, Describe the process of electricity generation by drawing a block diagram of the process from fossil fuel input
generation//Power energy from bio understanding difficult
to electricity output.
/ power generation mass, mass energy
List the environmental issues associated with power generation. understanding Moderate

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
relation, electricity
Differentiate energy sources as non renewable and renewable energy sources with examples of each. understanding Moderate
from fossil fuels ,
energy and Explain by drawing energy flow diagrams through steady state systems such as Filament lamp, a power
understanding difficult
environment , flow station, a vehicle traveling at a constant speed on a level road.
diagram of an energy
Define efficiency of a working system and calculate the efficiency of an energy conversion using the formula o
knowledge easy
45. Efficiency Efficiency efficiency = energy converted into the required form / total energy input
Explain why a system cannot have an efficiency of 100%. understanding easy
define power and calculate power from the formula application Moderate
Power = work done / time taken application
46. Power Power
Define the unit of power “watt” in SI and its conversion with horse power. Solve problems using mathematical
application easy
relations learnt in this unit.
Kinetic molecular Solid , liquid, gasses, State kinetic molecular model of matter (solid, liquid and gas forms). Describe briefly the fourth state of understanding Moderate
model of matter plasma matter i.e. “plasma”.
define the term ‘density’ knowledge easy
48. Density Density
Compare the densities of a few solids, liquids and gases. understanding Moderate
Define the term pressure (as a force acting normally on unit area). knowledge easy
49. Pressure Pressure Explain how pressure varies with force and area in the context of everyday examples. understanding Moderate
Measurement of Explain that the atmosphere exerts a pressure. understanding Moderate
Describe how the height of a liquid column may be used to measure the atmospheric pressure. understanding Moderate
Atmospheric atmospheric pressure
pressure /variation in Describe that atmospheric pressure decreases with the increase in height above the earth’s surface. understanding Moderate
Properties of matter

atmospheric pressure
Explain that changes in atmospheric pressure in a region may indicate a change in the weather. understanding difficult
State relation for pressure beneath a liquid surface to depth and to density i.e., (p=ρgh) and solve problems
Pressure of liquids, 10 1 1 1+1 1 4 3+4 application difficult
using this equation.
51. Pressure of liquids Pascal law and its
State pascal’s law. knowledge easy
apply and demonstrate the use with examples of pascal’s law application easy
State Archimedes principle. knowledge easy
Archimedes Archimedes principle,
52. Determine the density of an object using Archimedes principle. understanding Moderate
principle density of object
State the up thrust exerted by a liquid on a body. knowledge easy
Principle of State principle of floatation. knowledge easy
Principle of
53. floatation/ship and Explain that a force may produce a change in size and shape of a body. knowledge easy
submarines understanding Moderate
54. Elasticity Elasticity/stress/strain Define the terms stress, strain and young’s modulus. knowledge easy
Hook law/ young understanding Moderate
55. Hook law State Hooke’s law and explain elastic limit.
Define temperature (as quantity which determine the direction of flow of thermal energy). knowledge easy
Temperature and Temperature and
Heat Heat Define heat (as the energy transferred resulting from the temperature difference between two objects). knowledge easy
Liquid in glass
57. Thermometer List basic thermometric properties for a material to construct a thermometer.

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
thermometer understanding Moderate
Scale of thermometer
/ Conversion of
58. temperature from Convert the temperature from one scale to another (Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin scales). application Moderate
one scale into other
temperature scale
Thermal properties of matter

Specific heat
Specific heat
59. capacity/importance Describe rise in temperature of a body in term of an increase in its internal energy. understanding difficult
of large specific heat Define the terms heat capacity and specific heat capacity. knowledge easy
14 1 1+1 1 3+4 Describe heat of fusion and heat of vaporization (as energy transfer without a change of temperature for
60. Change of state Change of state understanding Moderate
change of state).
Latent heat of Describe experiments to determine heat of fusion and heat of vaporization of ice and water respectively by
61. Latent heat of fusion understanding Moderate
fusion sketching temperature-time graph on heating ice.
Latent heat of Latent heat of understanding Moderate
62. Explain the process of evaporation and the difference between boiling and evaporation.
vaporization vaporization
Temperature/ Explain that evaporation causes cooling. understanding Moderate
63. The evaporation
surface area/wind/ List the factors which influence surface evaporation. understanding Moderate
Linear thermal Describe qualitatively the thermal expansion of solids (linear and volumetric expansion). understanding Moderate
expansion in solid / Explain the thermal expansion of liquids (real and apparent expansion). understanding Moderate
volume thermal Solve numerical problems based on the mathematical relations learnt in this unit. application Moderate
64. Thermal expansion expansion
/consequences of
Recall that thermal energy is transferred from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower knowledge easy
65. Transfer of heat Transfer of heat
Conduction /thermal Describe in terms of molecules and electrons , how heat transfer occurs in solids. understanding Moderate
State the factors affecting the transfer of heat through solid conductors and hence, define the term “Thermal
conductivity /uses of understanding Moderate
66. Conduction Conductivity”.
conductor and non-
Solve problems based on thermal conductivity of solid conductors. application Moderate
Write examples of good and bad conductors of heat and describe their uses. understanding Moderate
Transfer of heat

Convection/convectio Explain the convection currents in fluids due to difference in density. understanding Moderate
67. Convection
n in air/ uses of State some examples of heat transfer by convection in everyday life. application Moderate
6 1 1 -- 1 ` --
Explain insulation reduces energy transfer by conduction. understanding Moderate
Radiation /emission Describe the process of radiation from all objects. understanding Moderate
and absorption of explain that energy transfer of a body by radiation does not require a material medium and rate of energy
68. Radiation understanding difficult
radiation transfer is affected by:
/greenhouse effect · Colour and texture of the surface
· Surface temperature o Surface area
Application of Application of
69. consequences of consequences of --------------------------------------------------
radiation radiation
MCQs 10 1 10 ALL=10
RRQs 8 4 24 6
ERQs 3 8 16 2
TOTAL 21 - 50 18


ITEMS knowledge % Understanding % Application %
MCQs 10 4 (4/10*100) 40% 5(5/10*100) 50% 1(1/10*100) 10%
RRQs 8 3(12/32*100) 37.5% 4(16/32*100) 50% 1(4/32*100) 12.5%
ERQs 3 3(12/24*100) 50% 3(12/24*100) 50% 0 0
TOTAL 21 28/66*100 42.5% 33/66*100 50% 5/66*100 7.5%


ITEMS Easy % Moderate % Difficult %
MCQs 10 3(3/10*100) 30% 5(5/10*100) 50% 2(2/10*100) 20%
RRQs 8 3(12/32*100) 37.5% 4(16/32*100) 50% 1(4/32*100) 12.5%
ERQs 3 2(8/24*100) 33.3% 3(12/24*100) 50% 1(4/24*100) 16.7%
TOTAL 33.6% 50% 16.4%

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Marks: 10

1 B ِ ‫دكںیموخفِدخارےتھکںیہ‬
2 A 1000
3 C ‫اپوچناں‬
4 B ‫واہعقرجہت‬
5 D ‫اگلاترٓاےنواےل‬

6 A ‫دیقی‬
7 C ‫زغوہدبراکدم‬
8 A ‫االستغفار‬
9 B ‫اصفرھتسارےنہیک‬
10 D 1974‫ربمتس‬7

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

‫ِِوساكربمن‪ِ 2‬‬
‫لکربمن‪4‬‬ ‫‪ 1‬۔اکیتفصےنھکلاکاکیربمن وکیئیساچرافصتےنھکلرپاچرربمنِ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪2‬۔بجامےکاسےنمٓاںیتیڑپیھاجیتںیہوتاماکاامیمزایدہوہاجاتےہ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪3‬۔اےنپاہللرپوتلکرکےتںیہ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪4‬۔امنزاقمئرکےتںیہ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِِ‬ ‫‪5‬۔اہللےکدےئوہےئرزقںیمےسرخچرکےتںیہ۔‬
‫لکربمن‪ِ 4‬‬ ‫‪2‬۔اافنكاکبلطمےنھکلاکاکیربمن۔اکیودعہےنھکلاکاکیربمن۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪2‬۔اہللاعتٰیلےکاہںامےکڑبےڑبےدرےجںیہ‬
‫ِِ‬ ‫‪4‬۔امےکےئلزعتیکروزیےہ۔‬
‫لکربمن‪ِ 4‬‬ ‫‪3‬۔رتہمجےنھکلےک‪2‬ربمن‪،‬اکیااعنلےنھکلاکاکیربمن۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪2‬۔اہللاتممزرکدےاگ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‪3‬۔انگہاٹمدےاگ۔‬
‫لکربمن‪ِ 4‬‬ ‫‪4‬۔۔ومونمںٓاسپںیمرقیفوہےنیکاکیابتاک‪1‬ربمن‪،‬لکاچرابںیتدراکرںیہ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪2‬۔رجہترکان‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪3‬۔اہللےکراےتسںیماجماورامكےساہجدرکان‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‪4‬۔ااصنریکدمدرکاناوراکھٹہندانی‬
‫لکربمن‪ِ 4‬‬ ‫‪5‬۔رتہمجِ‪2‬ربمن۔اکیذہمداریےنھکلرپِ‪1‬ربمن۔‬
‫‪2‬ربمن‬ ‫متںیمےسرہاکیرگنام‪/‬ابہگنمےہاوراسےساسیکرتیعےکابرےںیموپاھچاجےئاگ۔‬
‫مہ ی‬
‫لکربمن‪ِ 4‬‬ ‫ِِِِِِِِِِِِِ‬ ‫ِ‪6‬۔رتہمجےنھکلےک‪3‬ربمن۔ مناکبلطمےنھکلاک‪1‬ربمن۔‬
‫‪1‬۔رتہمج‪:‬اور(اےربمغیپ)مہےنمترپیچساتکبانزكیکےہِ=‪1‬ربمنوجاےنپےسےلہپاتکوبںیکدصتقیرکیتےہِ=ِ‪1‬ربمناورامرپابہگنمےہ۔=‪1‬ربمن ِ‬
‫ِ‪2‬۔ مناکبلطمےہیلھچپاتکوبںیکامیلعتتوجوفحمظہنرہںیکساموکیھبرقٓامےنوفحمظرکدایےہ۔ِ =‪1‬ربمن ِ‬

‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
‫لکربمن‪ِ 4‬‬ ‫ِِِِِِِِِِِِ‬ ‫‪7‬۔رتہمجےنھکلےک‪2‬ربمن۔رشتحیےنھکلےک‪2‬ربمن۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪2‬۔رقامدیجمیکافحتظاہللاعتٰیلرکرکاہےہ۔ِ=ِ‪1‬ربمن ِ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‪-3‬رقامدیجمٓارخیٓاامسیناتکبےہ۔اسےکدعبوکیئاتکبانزكںیہنوہیگ۔=‪1‬ربمن ِ‬
‫لکربمن‪ِ 4‬‬ ‫‪8‬۔اکیتنسےنھکلاکاکیربمن۔‬
‫‪1‬۔اہنےنےسےلہپمسجاکوجہصحِاناپکےہاےسدوھان۔ ِ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‪2‬۔نیتابریلکرکانہکاپینقلحکتےچنہپ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪-3‬انکںیمنیتابراپینڈاانل‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‪4‬۔لمکمووضرکانےسیجامنزےکےیلووضایکاجاتےہ۔‬
‫‪-5‬داںیئدنکےھرپےلہپاپینڈاانلرھپابںیئدنکےھرپاپینڈاانل ِ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪-6‬وپرےمسجرپاسرطحاپیناہبانہکوپرےمسجیکوکیئہگجکشخہنرےہ‪ِ -‬‬

‫لکربمن‪ِ 16‬‬

‫لکربمن‪ِ 8‬‬ ‫وساكربمن‪ِ2‬‬

‫ِ‬ ‫‪1‬۔زغوہدبرےکواہعقیکرطفااشرہےہ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪2‬۔املسمونںرپدنینیکیستیفیکاطریرکدییئگ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪3‬۔ٓاامسمےساپیناُاتراایگینعیراتوکوخبابرشوہیئ‪-‬‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪4‬۔اطیشیناجنتسوکدوررکدایایگ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪5‬۔دِولںوکوبضمطرکدایایگینعیدِولںےسافکراکوخفاکنكدایایگ۔ِ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪6‬۔املسمونںوکاثتبدقیماطعیکیئگ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ب)‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪1‬۔رضحتدمحمروسكاہللاخمتانییبنلﷺِاہللاعتٰیلےکٓارخییبناورروسكںیہ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ٓاپﷺِےکدعبایقتمکتوکیئیبنایروسكںیہنٓاےئاگ۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪2‬۔وجصخشٓارخییبنرضحتدمحمﷺےکاخمتا یننوہےنرپیعطقاورریغرشموطوطر‬
‫ِ‬ ‫دوعیرکاتےہ‬
‫رپاامیمںیہنراتھک‪،‬وجرضحتدمحمﷺےکدعبیسکیھبوہفملںیماییسکیھبمسقاکیبنوہےناک ٰ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫اییسکاےسیدمیعوکیبنایدینیحلصممیلسترکاتےہ‪،‬وہٓانیئاپاتسکمےکتحتاملسممںیہنےہ۔‬

‫لکربمن‪ِ 8‬‬ ‫وساكربمن‪3‬۔‬

‫افل)رتہمج‪ً:‬انیقیومونمںںیمےساکلمرتنیاامیمواالوہےہوجامںیماالخقےکاحلظےسبسےسااھچےہ۔=‪2‬ربمن ِ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫یبنرکمیﷺِِےکنسحاالخقاکوکیئیھبواہعقےنھکلرپ‪2‬ربمن‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ہکلبدونمشںےکدولںںیمیھبرھگایکاجاتکسےہ۔نسحقلخدرالصروزرمہیکزدنیگںیماہلل‪،‬اسےکروسكﷺ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ب) رہچےوکدوھان‪،‬وینہکںتیمساہوھتںوکدوھان‪،‬رساکحسمرکان‪،‬ونخٹںتیمساپئوںدوھان‬

‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬

‫لکربمن‪ِ 8‬‬ ‫وساكربمن‪4‬۔‬

‫رتہمج‪:‬سجےنھجمرپاکیرمہبتدروداجیھب‪،‬اہللاعتٰیلےناسےکےئلاعتیفاکاکیدروازہوھکكدای۔=‪2‬ربمن ِ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫یبنارکلﷺنسحمااسنتینںیہ‪ٓ،‬اپﷺِےنینبونعااسنموکدایناورٓارختںیماکایمیبیکراہداھکیئ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫امےکااسحانتاکاقتاضےہہکامیکامیلعتترپلمعایکاجےئاورتبحمےکوطررپدرودوالسلاجیھباجےئ۔=‪2‬ربمنِ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ٓاتیاکرتہمج‪:‬‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪1‬۔ینبارکلﷺومونممےکےئلامیکاینپاجونںےسیھبزایدہوبحمبںیہِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِِ (اکیٓاتیاکرتہمجےنھکلرپ‪2‬ربمن)‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪2‬۔اہللاعتٰیلاوراسےکروسكﷺےسٓاےگہنڑبوھاوراہللےسڈرےتروہ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫دحثیاکرتہمج‪:‬‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪1‬۔متںیمےسوکیئاُسوتقکتاکلماامیمواالںیہنوہاتکسبجکتںیماےسامںابپ‪،‬اوالدِِِِِِِِِِِ(اکیدحثیاکرتہمجےنھکلرپ‪2‬ربمن)‬
‫ِ‬ ‫اورامتلولوگںےسزایدہوبحمبہننباجوں۔‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪2‬۔متںیمےسوکیئاسوتقکتاامیمواالںیہنوہاتکسبجکتاسیکوخااشہتامااکحلےکاتعبہنوہ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫اجںیئوجںیمالایوہں‬

‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
‫‪UNIT NO‬‬ ‫‪UNIT NAME‬‬ ‫‪SUB TOPIC‬‬ ‫‪MCQ‬‬ ‫‪RRQ‬‬ ‫‪ERQ‬‬ ‫‪OF‬‬
‫افل)وسرہاالافنلٓاتیربمن‪1‬ات‪11‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬
‫نمدھیارقلٓانِارکلمی‬ ‫ب)وسرہاالافنلٓاتیربمن‪11‬ات‪11‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪K‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬

‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
‫ج)وسرہاالافنلٓاتیربمن‪01‬ات‪02‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪K‬‬
‫افل)وسرہاالافنلٓاتیربمن‪01‬ات‪73‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫ج)وسرہاالافنلٓاتیربمن‪44‬ات‪42‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪K‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫د)وسرہاالافنلٓاتیربمن‪41‬ات‪42‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪K‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫افل)وسرہاالافنلٓاتیربمن‪41‬ات‪44‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫نمدھیارقلٓانِارکلمی‬ ‫ب)وسرہاالافنلٓاتیربمن‪44‬ات‪41‬‬
‫ج)وسرہاالافنلٓاتیربمن‪31‬ات‪34‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫افضل االعمبل ٰ‬
‫ِالالہ االہللا ُ و افضل الدعب‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫طلب ُ العلم ِفریضۃ ٰ‬
‫علی ک ِّل مسلم‬ ‫َ‬
‫خیرکم مه تعلم القرآن و علمہ‬
‫مرۃ فتح ہللا لہ ببببًمه العبفیہ‬
‫ی ّ‬‫مه صل عل ّ‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫حتی یکون ھواي تبعبًلمب‬ ‫الیومه احدکم ٰ‬
‫نمدھیادحلثی‬ ‫جئت بہ‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫لیس مىب مه لم یرحم صغیروب ولم ٗیوقر‬
‫الراشی والمرتشی کال ھمب فی الىبر‬
‫المومىیه ایمبوبًاحسىھم خلقب ً‬
‫ا ِّن اکمل ٗ‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫کلکم راع و کلکم مسئول عه رعیتہ‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫خیر الىبس اوفعھم للىبس‬
‫رقٓاندیجم‪،‬اعترف‪،‬افحتظاوراضفلئ‬ ‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫‪U+K‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫اہللاعتٰیلاوراےکسروسل ﷺیکتبحموااطتع‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫‪K‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫اہطرتاورامسجینافصیئ‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪K‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪A‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪13‬‬
‫‪1‬۔اًَب انًٕيٌُٕ انریٍ اذا ذکس ہللا ٔجهت قهٕ ثٓى ‪:‬اسٓاتیںیمومونمںیکتفصاکذرکےہ‪:‬‬
‫ب)دكںیم ِ‬


‫ج) اپوچناں‬
‫د) دوساں‬

‫َّللاُ َخي ُْس ْان ًَب ِك ِسیٍَ ِ اسٓاتیںیمسکواہعقیکرطفااشرہےہ‪:‬‬ ‫‪4‬۔ َٔیَ ًْ ُك ُسٌَٔ َٔ َی ًْ ُك ُس ه‬
‫َّللاُ َٔ ه‬
‫ب) واہعقرجہت‬
‫ج) واہعقاکف‬
‫‪5‬۔رُم ِدنیف‪:‬اکبلطمےہ‪:‬‬
‫ب) دعبںیمٓاےنواےل‬
‫ج) اورپےسٓاےنواےل‬
‫د) اگلاترٓاےنواےل‬

‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
‫بزٖ اکینعمےہ‪:‬‬
‫س َ‬‫‪6‬۔ أ ُ َ‬
‫ب) الغل‬


‫‪8‬۔دحثییک ُروےسالضفداعےہ‪:‬‬
‫افل) االافغتسر‬
‫ب( لیلہت‬

‫‪9‬۔ َٔ ِثيَبثَ َك فَ َ‬
‫ط ِ ّٓ ْس ح اسٓاتیںیماہللاعتٰیل ےنیبنارکلﷺوکدہاتییکےہ‪:‬‬
‫ج) اثتبدقلرےنہیک‬
‫د) ملعاحلصرکےنیک‬

‫افل)‪7‬ربمتس ‪1947‬‬
‫ج)‪27‬اوتکرب ‪1971‬‬

‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
‫لکربمن ‪24‬‬

‫دنمرہجذلیںیمےسوکیئےس ےھچوساالتےکوجاابتدںی۔رہوساكےکربمنرباربںیہ۔‬ ‫وساكربمن‪:2‬‬

‫‪1‬۔وسرہاافنكیکادتبایئٓاایتںیماہللاعتٰیلےنومنینمیکافصتایبمیکںیہ۔وکیئیساچرافصترحتریرکںی؟ ‪4‬‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪2‬۔اافنكاکایکبلطمےہ؟وسرہاافنكںیماہللاعتٰیلےنےچسومونمںےسوکمےسنیتودعےرفامےئںیہ؟‬
‫‪3‬۔ َیب أَیُّ َٓب انهرِیٍَ آ َ َيُُٕا ِإ ٌْ تَتهقُٕا ه‬
‫َّللاَ َی ْج َع ْم نَ ُك ْى فُ ْسقَبًَب َٔیُ َك ِفّ ْس َع ُْ ُك ْى َ‬
‫س ِيّئَب ِت ُك ْى َٔ َی ْغ ِف ْس‬
‫نَ ُك ْى ط ۔‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫وقتیاایتخررکےنرپنجااعنامتاکذرکےہامںیمےسوکیئےسدورحتریرکںی۔‬
‫ٓاتیرکہمیاکرتہمجرکںی۔ٓاتیرکہمیںیم ٰ‬

‫ص ُسٔا أُٔنَئِكَ‬
‫َّللاِ َٔانهرِیٍَ آ َ َٔ ْٔا َََٔ َ‬ ‫اِ هٌ انهرِیٍَ آ َ َيُُٕا ََْٔب َج ُسٔا َٔ َجب َْدُٔا ِثأ َ ْي َٕا ِن ِٓ ْى َٔأ َ َْفُ ِس ِٓ ْى فِي َ‬
‫س ِجي ِم ه‬ ‫‪4‬۔‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫ض ُٓ ْى أ َ ْٔ ِنيَب ُء ثَ ْعض۔اسٓاتییکروینشںیمنکاچرابوتںیکوہجےسومنماکیدورسےےکرقیفںیہ؟‬
‫ثَ ْع ُ‬

‫‪4‬‬ ‫زعيتہ۔رتہمجرکںی۔‬ ‫‪5‬۔ کهکى زاع ٔ کهکى يسئٕل عٍ‬


‫ص ِدّقًب ِن ًَب َثيٍَْ َیدَ ْی ِّ ِيٍَ ْان ِكتَب ِ‬

‫ة َٔ ُي َٓي ًًُِْب‬ ‫بة ِث ْبن َح ّ ِ‬
‫ق ُي َ‬ ‫‪6‬۔ َٔأ َ َْزَ ْنَُب ِإنَي َْك ْان ِكتَ َ‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫ٓاتیےکاسےصحاکرتہمجںیھکل۔اور" ُي َٓي ًًُِْب"اکوہفملرحتریرکںی۔‬ ‫ع َه ْي ِّ۔‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫۔اسٓاتیاکرتہمجںیھکل؟‬ ‫‪7‬۔ إَِهب َ َْح ٍُ َ هَز ْنَُب ان ِرّ ْك َس َٔ ِإَهب نَُّ نَ َحبفِ ُ‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪8‬۔لسغاکونسممرطہقیرحتریرکںی؟‬

‫لکربمن ‪16‬‬

‫ونٹ‪ :‬وکیئےسدووساالتےکوجاابترحتریرکںی۔رہوساكےکربمنرباربںیہ۔‬
‫بء َيب ًء‬‫س ًَ ِ‬ ‫بس أَ َيَُخً ِي ُُّْ َٔیُُ ِ َّز ُل َ‬
‫عهَ ْي ُك ْى ِيٍَ ان ه‬ ‫‪2‬۔(افل) ِإ ْذ یُغَ ّ‬
‫شِي ُك ُى انُُّ َع َ‬
‫عهَٗ قُهُٕثِ ُك ْى َٔیُثَ ِجّ َ‬
‫ت ِث ِّ‬ ‫ظ َ‬ ‫بٌ َٔ ِنيَ ْس ِث َ‬
‫ط ِ‬ ‫ش ْي َ‬‫ع ُْ ُك ْى ِز ْجزَ ان ه‬
‫ت َ‬ ‫ط ِّٓ َس ُك ْى ثِ ِّ َٔیُ ْر ِْ َ‬
‫ِنيُ َ‬
‫ْاْل َ ْقدَ َ‬
‫( ‪)1+3‬‬ ‫اسٓاتیںیمسکواہعقیکرطفااشرہےہ؟اسٓاتییک ُروےساہللاعتٰیلےناملسمونںرپوکمےسنیتااسحانتےئک؟‬
‫(‪)2+2‬‬ ‫(ب)متخّوبنتےسایکرمادےہ؟ٓانیئاپاتسکمیک ُروےساملسممیکرعتفیرکںی۔‬
‫‪3‬۔(افل)اٌ اکًم انًٕيُيٍ ایًبَباحسُٓى خهقب ۔اسدحثیاکرتہمج ںیھکل۔یبنارکلﷺےکنسحِاالخق (‪)2+2‬‬

‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
‫(‪)1+1+1+1‬‬ ‫(ب)ووضےکرفاضئرحتریرکںی۔‬
‫(‪)2+2‬‬ ‫‪4‬۔(افل)نمیلصیلعرمۃحتفاہللہلابابنمااعلہیف۔دحثیاکرتہمجاوررشتحیںیھکل۔‬
‫(‪)2+2‬‬ ‫(ب)یبنارکلﷺ یکتبحمےکابرےںیمیسکاکیٓاتیرکہمیاوریسکاکیدحثیابمرہکاکرتہمجںیھکل۔‬

‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
Marks: 10
Q. No. 1

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Answer Key C D A B D D B A B C

Marks (8 x 3 ) = 24
Q. No. 2

i. Write three important objectives of ideology which are helpful for attaining the
national objectives.
Ans: i. Ideology keeps the members of a nation or society united.
ii. Ideology guides the nation in framing their constitution and related state laws.
iii. Ideology guards the culture, civilization, social and religious values of nation.
iv. Ideology creates the ability among nations to face difficult conditions and
solve their problems.
v. Ideology plays an important role in shaping the national identity and character
and makes a nation distinguished from others.
vi. Ideology motivates a nation to lead a purposeful life.
vii. Ideology guides a nation towards knowledge and action along with material
development, the path and spirituality of humanitarianism.

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

Each correct Objective 1
Three Correct Objectives 1+1+1=3

ii. Write three main reasons due to which Congress felt her mistake of giving the
finance ministry to Muslim League.
Ans: i. All the Congress Ministers were at the mercy of Ministry of Finance.
ii. Pressing steps were taken in the budget to poverty elevation.
iii. Taxes were levied on industrialists.
iv. An inquiry commission was also proposed to check the tax evasion.

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

Each correct Reason 1
Three Correct Reasons 1+1+1=3
iii. Write three important suggestions of Cripps mission for the solution of political

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
crisis of India.
Ans: i. Indian independence at the end of war.
ii. Newly constitution adheres to the principles of federation and defend the right
of minorities.
iii. It was proposed that any province would be given a right to opt out of the

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

Each correct Suggestion 1
Three Correct Suggestions 1+1+1=3
iv. Write three important suggestions of Cabinet Mission Plan 1946.
Ans: i. Group A included the Hindu Majority Provinces i.e. U.P, Madras, Bombay,
Central Provinces, Orisa and Bihar
ii. Group B included the Muslim Majority Provinces i.e. Punjab, Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa (NWFP), Sind, Baluchistan
iii. Group C included the Muslim Majority Provinces of Assam and Bengal.
iv. There will be a central active consisting of all the groups having defense,
communication and Finance departments. Important thing in this proposal was
that if a promise decide separation from any group, after 10 years, will have
the right of separation.

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

Each correct Suggestion 1
Three Correct Suggestions 1+1+1=3

v. Write three unjust decisions about Economy by British during their role in
Ans: i. Levied heavy taxes that finished the exports of India and became a country of
ii. Discourage the industrial development.
iii. The feudal system was left as it was, which discouraged the people
participation in government affairs.

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

Each Wrong Decision 1
Three Wrong Decisions 1+1+1=3

vi. Write main three reasons of Climate of an area on which it depends.

Ans: i. The distance from the Equator and the sea.
ii. Altitude from sea surface.
iii. Direction of winds and Mountains.

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Checking / Marking Hints Marks
Each correct Reason 1
Three Correct Reasons 1+1+1=3

vii. By carefully looking at the map, write the names of three Eastern Tributaries
of the Indus River.
Ans: i. Sutlej
ii. Ravi
iii. Jhelum
iv. Bias
Checking / Marking Hints Marks
Each correct Eastern Tributary 1
Three Correct Eastern Tributaries 1+1+1=3

viii. Write three main characteristics of coastal areas of Pakistan.

Ans: i. The weather remains moderate due to sea breeze.
ii. Because of very gentle slope, marshy areas like Ran kuch are found here.
iii. Thickly populated areas due to Karachi Sea Port.
iv. Main occupation of people is fishing besides trade.

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

Each Correct Characteristic 1
Three Correct Characteristics 1+1+1=3

ix. According to Indus Basin Treaty 1960, which three rivers were given to
Ans: i. Indus
ii. Chenab
iii. Jhelum

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

Each correct name of River 1
Three correct names of Rivers 1+1+1=3

x. Write the three important points of Muslim Family Law Ordinance of Ayub
Khan rule?
Ans: i. Willingness of the first wife was mandetory for second marriage for any male.
ii. Traditional method of divorce of three times together was abandoned in the
law for divorce and it was given a legal shape.

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
iii. Imam and Khateeb were appointed as registrar for entry of marriages in the
Union Council.
iv. First time family planning was introduced for the control of population.

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

Each important Point 1
Three important Points 1+1+1=3

xi. Write three important reasons of British victory in war of Independence 1857.
Ans: i. Modern Sciences.
ii. Military Equipment
iii. Advancement of Training

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

Each important Reason 1
Three important Reasons 1+1+1=3


Marks (2 x 8) = 16

Note: Attempt any two of the following. All Carry equal marks.

Q. No. 3 Explain the points of 3rd June 1947 Plan? How did Radcliff divide Punjab and
Ans: Following are the points of 3rd June Plan.
i. Separate Sessions will be held of Muslims and Non-Muslims members after some
days of Punjab and Bengal, if any one group was in favour of division of
respective province then the province will be divided into two parts.
ii. In case of partition of provinces, a Commission will be constituted to determine the
iii. Sindh provincial assembly would decide in special session to join either India or
iv. The future of Kyhber Pakhtunkhwa shall be decided by voters of the province
through referendum that they want to join Pakistan or India.
v. The decision of Balochistan shall be made by Shahi Jirga and members of
municipal committee Quetta
vi. District Sylhet of Assam province shall be decided through referendum either to
join Muslim majority Bengal or not.

According to the 3rd June, plan the provinces of Punjab and Bengal were decided
to be divided. For this purpose, a British lawyer, Sir Radcliff was appointed as Chairman
unanimously to demarcate the boundaries. In case of disagreement, the final decision

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
was to be made by Radcliff. Several sessions of both the Group of Boundary
Commission i.e. Bengal and Punjab were held but representatives of the congress and
the Muslim league could not agree on any scheme. On 17th August, 1947, Radcliff
award was declared which gave some Muslim majority areas to India, for example
district Gurdaspur state, Non-Muslims were in majority in only one Tehsil Pathankot of
District Gurdaspur. In those area the Head works of rivers to irrigate Pakistan were
given to India which later on created the canal water dispute between India and
Pakistan. Likewise Calcutta, the capital of Bengal was given to India and demand of the
Muslim league was to hold referendum in Calcutta because Muslim league expected the
poor and destitute Hindus will also vote in favour of Pakistan along with Muslim minority.
But the British did not agree with this demand of the Muslim league. Thus Calcutta, the
place of great economic sources went to India.
This award shows that most leading Government Officers played vital role to
damage Pakistan by favouring congress. In spite of all these injustices, Quaid-e-Azam
showed statesmanship and told “Based on injustice, this award cannot called
constitutional. This award reflects the bad intentions. Here political decisions are made
instead of constitutional but as a prestigious nation we are bound of this award”.

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

One Mark of Each Point of 3rd June 01
Total Six Points 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6
One Mark each for detail of Punjab and 1+1 = 2
Bengal Division
Total Marks 06 + 02 = 08

Q. No. 4 What is meant by Natural Vegetation? Explain in detail six types of forests in
Ans: Definition: Forests are those natural vegetations which have covered a large part of
the Land.
Six Types of Forests:
1. Highland Forests:
These forests are found in Northern areas, Chitral, Dir, Kohistan and Galliyat etc.
these are evergreen forests. Deodar and pine trees are found here. These trees
are used for furniture and building purpose.
2. Coniferous Forests:
These forests are found in the Northern areas of Pakistan. These are found in
Abbotabad, Mansehra and Murree. Besides, these forests are also seen in the
highland of Quetta and Qalat Division in Baluchistan. These forests are
evergreen and grow in low temperature. The coniferous, Deodar and pine trees
are important. Moreover, it plays an important role in keeping the environment
clean, prevent soil erosion and attracts tourists. These are used as timber and
for making furniture.

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
3. The Riverain or Bela Forests:
Such forests are found along the banks of Indus River and its tributaries. The
main verities include Shisham and Babul trees. It provides very fine and hard
wood for furniture.
4. Coastal Forests:
These forests are found on the Delta of river Indus and river Hub. Trees in these
forests are of small size. These trees can also survive in salty water. Height of
these trees are about 3 meters and sometimes it rises up to 6 meters. People
living in coastal areas use its wood as timber.
5. Artificial Forests:
These are planted forests. Most of the species such as Shisham, Acacia and
eucalyptus are grown for different purposes. These forests are found in Changa
Manga near Lahore, Thall Desert, District Sahiwal, Ghulam Muhammad and
Guddu Barrages.
6. Dry Shrub Forests:
These forests are also called arid or desert forests. The arid thorny forests are
the important. Acacia, Berry, Karid, Oak etc are important plants in the region.
These plants are found in the Indus plain and arid regions of Baluchistan.

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

Definition of Natural Vegetation 02
1 Mark for each type and its detail 1+1+1+1+1+1 = 6
Total Marks 06 + 02 = 08

Q. No. 5 When did East Pakistan separate? Write in detail the cause of this separation.
Ans: East Pakistan was separated and became Bangladesh on 16 December 1971.
Causes of the Separation of East-Pakistan:
1. Problem Of Geographical Location:
Unluckily, both parts of Pakistan were at a distance of 1600 km and India was in
between the two. This physical distance was creating problems in defence and
2. Language Issue:
After the establishment of Pakistan, only Urdu was adopted as National
language but majority of the East Pakistanis loved their language and literature,
used to speak Bengali. After independence, when central government declared
only Urdu as national language of Pakistan, the people in East Pakistan
demonstrated and launched a movement in favour of Bengali. At last under
compulsion, the central government declared both Urdu and Bengali as national
languages but now the time had passed. The people of East Pakistan disliked
the West Pakistanis and the issue of language reached the Bengali nationalism.

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
3. Deviation From Democratic Values:
New constitution was prepared in a long period of 9 years in Pakistan due to
which different pillars of the government opposed each other. Hardly a
constitution was prepared in 1956, but the same was abolished after some time
and a never ending military dictatorship was becoming strong in the country.
Awami league, the wining party of 1970 election was deprived of the power by
one pretext or another, although the party got overwhelming majority in the
election of 1971. The result was the separation of East Pakistan.
4. Economic Disparity:
Pakistan was not economically stable as a whole, from the inception but
especially the ratio of poverty in East Pakistan was very higher due to different
causes. Bengalis were of the opinion that their economic backwardness will be
finished with the establishment of Pakistan but their dreams remained untrue.
Besides, there was displeasure due to the undemocratic attitude of the
politicians of West Pakistan. At last the six point formula of Sheikh Mujib-ur-
Rehman became very popular among the people. Mujib-ur-Rehman told the
people of East Pakistan that without provincial autonomy, the progress of East
Pakistan is impossible. At last after the election of 1970, when Yahya Khan did
not transfer the power to Mujib-ur-Rehman, he substituted the demand of
provincial autonomy for freedom.
5. Military Action:
Political restlessness and Armed struggle of Awami League in East Pakistan was
termed as revolt by the government of Pakistan and took action in East Pakistan.
Many innocent citizens along with the Armed persons were killed in the military
action. As a result people of East Pakistan became enemies of the Army. Last
Governor of the East Pakistan, Dr. M.M. Malik, advised President General Yahya
Khan to solve the matter through political means, but his proposals were not
taken into account.
6. Role Of India And Super Powers:
Taking advantage of the internal political situation of Pakistan, the then superior
powers (Soviet Union and America) used to interfere in East Pakistan through
different means. India not only imparted military training to the escaped refugees
from East Pakistan but also provided them weapons. Later on, American
government declared that 7 American Marine Craft in Indian ocean is coming to
save West Pakistan instead of East Pakistan. Thus the process of separation of
East Pakistan was secretly supported by America. During the 2 nd Islamic Summit
Conference held in Lahore in February, 1974, Pakistan properly accepted
Bangladesh, (The Former East Pakistan).
7. Negative Role Of Hindu Teachers:
After establishment of Pakistan, unfortunately, Bangali Muslims had always been
backward in education than Hindus. The Hindu teachers were in majority in

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
schools and colleges. They prepared the minds of new generations to rebel
against the ideology of Pakistan. It paved the way for disintegration of Pakistan.

Checking / Marking Hints Marks

1 mark for date of separation 01
1 Mark for 1 cause (Total Seven Causes) 1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 7
Total Marks 07 + 01 = 08

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
     
  MCQs Response Sheet    
 
      MCQs

 
10   
15 

  1
 

    .1
             

   .2
      
     
   

    .3

              

   .4
             

      .5
       
      

  1920 .6
               

   .7
           

  75       1947 .8

 15    30    25    20  

    1970 .9

        
         

   1958 .10

            

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
   
 
45  1  
24 
      .2

    .i

      .ii

   .iii

   1946 .iv

    .v

    .vi

        .vii

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
   .viii

    1960 .ix

  .x
   

     1857 .xi

16 
     

 1947 3 .3

        .4

    .5

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

Note: Attempt all questions of Section A by filling the corresponding bubble on the
MCQs RESPONSE SHEET. It is mandatory to return the attempted MCQs sheet to the
Superintendent within given time.
Time: 15 Minutes Marks: 10

1. The Foundation of ideology of Pakistan is:

a) Patriotism
b) Democracy
c) Kalma e Toheed
d) Racism

2. In Sub-Continent, two nation theory was first presented by:

a) Quaid-e-Azam
b) Allama Muhammad Iqbal
c) Liaqat Ali Khan
d) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

During Khilafat Movement, the basic reason of distance between the Hindus and
the Muslims was:
a) Mopla Tribes Rebellion
b) British Pressure
c) Aligarh Movement
d) Movement of Non-Violence

4. According to the suggestions of Cripps Mission, the kind of Government will be:
a) Unitary
b) Federal
c) Parliamentary
d) Presidential

5. Shiwalik Range is situated in mountains range of :

a) The Hindu Kush
b) The Karakorum
c) The Sulieman
d) The Himalayas

6. In 1920, the political leader who resigned from Congress due to the differences:
a) Gandhi
b) Sardar Patel
c) Abul Kalam Azad
d) Muhammad Ali Jinnah

7. In Pakistan, the areas falling under the influence of sea winds are located in the:
a) North
b) South
c) East
d) West

8. In 1947, at the time of division of assets, out of Rs. 75 Crore, Pakistan got only:
a) Rs. 20 Crore
b) Rs. 25 Crore
c) Rs. 30 Crore
d) Rs. 40 Crore

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
9. In 1970, Yahya Khan gave a constitutional formula called as:
a) Presidential Ordinance
b) Legal Framework Order
c) Martial Law
d) Constitutional Amendment

10. In 1958, Martial Law was imposed by:

a) Ayub Khan
b) Ghulam Muhammad
c) Sikandar Mirza
d) Liaqat Ali Khan

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Time: 1 Hours 45 Minutes
Marks: 24

Q.2. Answer any Eight Parts from Section B. Each question carries 3 marks
i. Write three important objectives of ideology which are helpful for attaining
the national objectives.
ii. Write three main reasons due to which Congress felt her mistake of giving
the finance ministry to Muslim League.
iii. Write three important suggestions of Cripps mission for the solution of
political crisis of India.
iv. Write three important suggestions of Cabinet Mission Plan 1946.

v. Write three unjust decisions about economy by British during their rule in
vi. Write three main factors of climate of an area:

vii. By carefully looking at the map, write the names of three Eastern
Tributaries of Indus River.

viii. Write three main characteristics of coastal areas of Pakistan.

ix. According to Indus Basin Treaty, which three rivers were given to Pakistan?

x. Write the three important points of Muslim Family Law Ordinance of Ayub
Khan rule.
xi. Write three important reasons of British success in War of Independence

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
Marks: 16

Note: Attempt any Two of the following questions. All carry equal marks.

Q.3 Explain the points of 3rd June 1947 Plan? How did Radcliff divide
Punjab and Bengal?

Q.4 What is meant by Natural Vegetation? Explain in detail six types of

forests in Pakistan.

Q.5 When did East Pakistan separate? Write in detail the causes of this

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
       

 
10   
15 

 

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 
          

 
24   
45 1 

       

 3

     .i .1

    (ii)   (i) 
 (iv)    (iii) 
 (v) 
 (vi) 
   (vii)

   
 
1 

3 = 1+1+1 

     .ii

    (i) 
     (ii)
   (iii)
   (iv)

    
1 

3 = 1+1+1 

   .iii

     (i) 
    (ii)
      (iii)

    
 
1 

3 = 1+1+1 

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
   1946 .iv
         (i) 
        (ii)
   (iii)
  (iv)
    

    
 
1 
3 = 1+1+1 

     .v

       (i) 
    (ii)
 
          (iii)
   

    
 
1 

3 = 1+1+1 

    .vi

   (i) 
     (ii)
   (iii)

    
 
1 

3 = 1+1+1 

        .vii

  (iv)   (iii)   (ii)   (i) 

    
 
1    

3 = 1+1+1    

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
   .viii
     (i) 
      (ii)
    (iii)
      (iv)

    
1 
3 = 1+1+1 

     1960 .ix

  (i) 
  (ii)
  (iii)

    
 
1   

3 = 1+1+1    

      .x

     (i) 
        (ii)
     
           (iii)
   (iv)

    
 
1 

3 = 1+1+1 

     1857 .xi

 (i) 
   (ii)
 (iii)

    
 
1 

3 = 1+1+1 

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
 
16 

     

 1947 3 .3
 
  .i
  
   .ii
      .iii
    .iv
       
     .v
         .vi
   
      3
      
     
      1947 17 
  
     
         
    
     
   
      
 
           
      
1 
  3
6 = 1+1+1+1+1+1 6
2 = 1+1  
8 = 6+2 

         .4

       
 
           .i
       
 

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
             
  .ii
       
         
           
         
        .iii
   
  
         .iv
     
   
  
          .v
    
   
   
            
   .vi
  
       
    

2  
6 = 1+1+1+1+1+1  
 
8 = 6+2 

     .5
   1971 16   
 
         .i
       
 
            .ii
           
            
            
    
         .iii
   1956       
        
      1970
  
 

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
       .iv
          
       
        
       
   1970  
    
            .v
               
               
   
         .vi
        
      
    
          
   1974    
       
          .vii
           
     

1    
1 
7 = 1+1+1+1+1+1+1 
8 = 7+1 

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055

Table: 1 Number of Items and Marks Distribution


Reading and Reading and
15 1 15
formal Lexical formal Lexical
Writing Passage 08 02 16
Writing Writing 02 05 10
Lexical Lexical 05 02 10
Writing Passage 01 06 06
Writing Poem 01 06 06
Writing Ghazal 01 06 06
Creative Writing Beeti 01 06 06

Table 2: Cognitive Level

Cognitive Level Percentage(100) Marks (75)

Knowledge 30% 17

Understanding 50% 34

Application 20% 24

Table 3: Difficulty Level

Difficulty Level Easy Medium Difficult

Marks 17 34 24

Percentage 30% 50% 20%

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
  

   

MCQs Response Sheet
    MCQs 
  
 

 
15   
20 

    .1

            
 "  "     .2
           
 .3
   
             
 "  "     .4
             
  ______  .5
   
        
       .6
           
      .7
           
     .8
           
  .9
            
   .10
                   
  .11
            

    .12

                
   .13
  
       
 " " .14
           
   "  " .15
               

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
   
 
40 2 
36 
(8216)           .2
    "     "   
      

        

        
        
       
      


   .ii     .i

   .iv     .iii
  .vi   .v
   .viii   .vii
  .ix

(5210)   " " .1  

  "   "  .2

(5210)    

  ""  "  "
  .ii     .i
 
  .iv   .iii
     
   .vi   .v
 
24 
6     .3

     
 
 
 
  

  
   
 
   

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
6  
    .4

                   
          

               
    
  
    

6    

  .5

              
   

        

         

6    "   " .6

 

    

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
    (RUBRICS)

  MCQs Response Sheet    

 MCQs 
   

 
15   
20 
    .1
             
 " "     .2
            
 .3
   
             
 "  "     .4
              
  ______  .5
         
   
        .6
            
      .7
            
     .8
            
  .9
              
   .10
                
  .11
              

    .12

                 
   .13
  
        
 "  "  .14
            
      "   " .15

             

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
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36 
 8216)           .2
    "     "   
       

      

        
        
       
      

 

          .i

         .ii
       .iii
         .iv
     .v
         .vi
     .vii
       .viii
        .ix

 2 

(5210)   "  " .1  

   
        
      
          
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   

 5

  "   "  .2

   "   "
   
  
       
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ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
(5210)    
 1 + 1      .i
             
    " "   
 1 + 1      ""  "  " .ii
 " "    
  
   ""     
 1 + 1   .iii
  ""      
  ""       
 1 + 1      .iv
     
   
 2    .v

  ""         
 1    + 1          .vi
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          

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24 
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  ""  ""  

 
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ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
  
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 "  

  ""  "

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 

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2 

6  
    .4

                  
   " "  " "    
 

  
      
 
    
  
     
 
  
  

         


  
 
 
  
 
 
         
  
 
  
   
 
 

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
               
    

  ""      

 

          

    

    

      
     

  
    

  
      
          
         
     
      

2  
  
1   

1  

6      .5

            
  ""   
 

  
   
  
   
  
      
   
  
     

   
             
   
          
  
     

        

   

 

   " " 

     
  
       
 
   
  
      
 

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
   
  
     
           
 
        
   

2 
  
1    
1    
     "   "   .6

      2   

(1) (2)   

     

  (1)  (2) /   /
       
  (1)  (2)

0 3 6

  ""   

  (1)  (2 )      
      /
   (1)     (2 ) 
       
  (1)  (2)

0 3 6

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
‫امسرٹ سوامڈلرپیپ‬



‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
MCQs 10 1 10 10*1MARK=10
RRQs 16 2 32 12*2Marks=24
ERQs 6 4 24 4*4Marks=16
TOTAL 32 ------------- 66 50

TABLE NO 2 (Cognitive Level of No of Items)

ITEMS NO knowledge % Understanding % Application % TOTAL
OF %
MCQs 10 4(4/10*100) 40% 5(5/10*100) 50% 1(1/10*100) 10% 100%
RRQs 16 7(7/16*100) 43.8% 8(8/16*100) 50% 1(1/16*100) 6.2% 100%
ERQs 6 -------------- ------ 6(6/6*100) 100% 0 0 100%
TOTAL 32 11/32*100 34..4% 19/32*100 59.4% 2/32*100 6.2% 100%

TABLE NO 3 (Difficulty Level of No of Items)

ITEMS NO OF Easy % Moderate % Difficult % TOTAL
MCQs 10 4(4/10*100) 40% 5(5/10*100) 50% 1(1/10*100) 10% 100%
RRQs 16 6(6/16*100) 37.5% 8(8/16*100) 50% 2(2/16*100) 12.5% 100%
ERQs 6 ------------- ------- 6(6/6*100) 100% ---------------- -------- 100%

ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055
‫امسرٹ یبساطمہعلرقآن‪،‬رباےئامجتعمہن۔اسل‪23‬۔‪2022‬‬
‫لکاحفصت‪/‬لک‬ ‫آایتواحفصت‬ ‫آایتواحفصت‬ ‫ونعان‬ ‫ربمنامشر‬
‫‪3‬احفصت‬ ‫ہصقرضحتزرکایہیلعاالسلم ہحفصربمن‪6‬ات‪8‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫‪4‬احفصت‬ ‫ہصقرضحترممیہیلعاالسلم ہحفصربمن‪9‬ات‪12‬‬ ‫‪2‬‬
‫‪3‬احفصت‬ ‫ہصقرضحتعب ٰسیہیلعاالسلم ہحفصربمن‪13‬ات‪15‬‬ ‫‪3‬‬
‫‪98‬آایت‬ ‫آتیربمن‪1‬ات‪98‬‬ ‫وسرہرممی‬ ‫‪4‬‬
‫آتیربمن‪99‬ات‪45 135‬آایت‬ ‫آتیربمن‪1‬ات‪8‬‬ ‫وسرہٰہط‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫آتیربمن‪74‬ات‪89 112‬آایت‬ ‫آتیربمن‪1‬ات‪50‬‬ ‫وسرۃاالایبن‬ ‫‪6‬‬
‫‪78‬آایت‬ ‫آتیربمن‪1‬ات‪78‬‬ ‫وسرۃاجحل‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫‪77‬آایت‬ ‫آتیربمن‪1‬ات‪77‬‬ ‫وسرۃارفلاقن‬ ‫‪8‬‬
‫‪10‬احفصت‬ ‫ہحفصربمن‪86‬ات‪95‬‬ ‫ہصقرضحتولطہیلعاالسلم‬ ‫‪9‬‬
‫‪45‬آایت‬ ‫آتی‬ ‫آتیربمن‪1‬ات‪9‬‬ ‫وسرۃارعشلا‬ ‫‪10‬‬

‫امجتعمہناطمہعلرقآنمیکحہّصحاہچرم لُکاپچنصصقاوررتسہ(‪)17‬وسروتںرپلمتشمےہ۔امسرٹ یبسںیماچرصصق‬
‫ونٹ‪:‬اساسلوتقیکیمکاوربتکیکرتلیسںیماتریخےکابثعذموکرہامسرٹ یبسوجتزیایکایگےہ۔اےلگاسلت م ام‬


‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
‫اسوسالںیماطمہعلرقآنامجتعمہنےکامسرٹ یبست لک‪10‬ازجااشلموہںےگ۔رہزجےکےئلاچر‬
‫ہنکمموجاابتدےئاجںیئےگ۔انںیمت رصفاکیوجابدرتسوہاگ۔رہدرتسوجابےنھکلرپ‪1‬ربمنصتخم‬

‫اسوسالںیماطمہعلرقآنامجتعمہنےکامسرٹ یبست لک‪16‬وساالتدےئاجںیئےگ۔نجںیمت ‬

‫اسوسالںیماطمہعلرقآنامجتعمہنےکامسرٹ یبست لک‪6‬آایت(ایآایتاکھچکہصح)دیاجںیئیگ۔‬
‫نجںیمت ‪4‬آایت(ایآایتاکھچکہصح) اکرتہمجدراکرےہ۔رہآتیاکدرتسرتہمج‪/‬مہآگنہےنھکلرپ‪4‬ربمن‬


‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
‫لکربمن‬ ‫امڈلرپیپ‬ ‫امجتع‬
‫‪50‬‬ ‫اطمہعلرقآن(الزیم)‬ ‫‪9TH‬‬

‫وسالربمن‪1‬۔درجذلیایبانتوکوغرت ڑپںیھ۔اوردرتسوجاباکااختنبرکںی۔‪-‬‬

‫‪Ⓓ‬رضحتٰیسیعہیلعاالسلمےک‬ ‫‪Ⓒ‬رضحتومٰیسہیلعاالسلمےک‬ ‫‪Ⓑ‬رضحتزرکایہیلعاالسلمےک‬ ‫‪Ⓐ‬رضحتاویبہیلعاالسلمےک‬
‫‪Ⓓ‬رضحتٰیسیعہیلعاالسلم‬ ‫‪Ⓒ‬رضحتومٰیسہیلعاالسلم‬ ‫‪Ⓑ‬رضحتزرکایہیلعاالسلم‬ ‫‪Ⓐ‬رضحتیحیٰہیلعاالسلم‬
‫‪Ⓓ‬وسرۃارفلاقنیک‬ ‫‪Ⓒ‬وسرۃٰہطیک‬ ‫‪Ⓑ‬وسرۃاجحلیک‬ ‫‪Ⓐ‬وسرہرممییک‬
‫‪Ⓓ‬رضحتٰیسیعہیلعاالسلمےک‬ ‫‪Ⓒ‬رضحتزرکایہیلعاالسلمےک‬ ‫‪Ⓑ‬رضحتومٰیسہیلعاالسلمےک‬ ‫‪Ⓐ‬رضحتیحیٰہیلعاالسلمےک‬
‫یَۚۖ۝داعےہ‪:‬‬ ‫‪5‬۔ َاّل ۤ اِل ٰ اه اِ َاّل ۤ ا ا ْن ات ُس ْب ٰح ان ۖا ۗ‬
‫ك اِ ِ َّنْ ُك ْن ُت ِم ان َٰ‬
‫الظلِ ِم ْ ا ۗ‬
‫‪Ⓓ‬رضحتویسنہیلعاالسلمیک‬ ‫‪Ⓒ‬رضحتاویبہیلعاالسلمیک‬ ‫‪Ⓑ‬رضحتزرکایہیلعاالسلمیک‬ ‫‪Ⓐ‬رضحتآدمہیلعاالسلمیک‬
‫الظا لِ ُم ع ٰال اي اَ ْي ِه وسرہارفلاقنےکاناافلظیک لروت ایقتمےکدناظمل‪:‬‬
‫ض َا‬‫‪6‬۔ او اي ْو ام اي اع َُ‬
‫‪Ⓓ‬دوابرہداینںیمآےنیکوخاشہرکںیےگ۔‬ ‫‪Ⓒ‬اےنپاہھتاکںیٹےگ۔‬ ‫‪Ⓑ‬اےنپابلونںیچےگ۔‬ ‫‪Ⓐ‬اےنپہنمرپیٹمڈاںیلےگ۔‬
‫ی ان ِذ ْي ارا۝‪:‬اسآتییک لروت ارفلاقنت رمادےہ‪:‬‬ ‫اان ع ٰال اع ْب َِ ٖه لِ ای ُ‬
‫ك ْو ان لِل ْٰعل ا ِم ْ ا‬ ‫ٰب اك الَا ِذ ْ‬
‫ی ان َاز ال الْف ُْرق ا‬ ‫‪7‬۔ ات ٰ ا‬
‫‪Ⓓ‬زوبر‬ ‫‪Ⓒ‬وترات‬ ‫‪Ⓑ‬الیجن‬ ‫‪Ⓐ‬رقآندیجم‬
‫‪Ⓓ‬رضحتامیلسنہیلعاالسلمےن‬ ‫‪Ⓒ‬رضحتویسنہیلعاالسلمےن‬ ‫‪Ⓑ‬رضحتزرکایہیلعاالسلمےن‬ ‫یحیہیلعاالسلمےن‬
‫‪Ⓐ‬رضحت ٰ‬
‫ت ال اْع ِتی ِق‪:‬اسآتیںیمتیباقیتعلت رمادےہ‪:‬‬
‫‪9‬۔ او ل اْی َاط َاوفُوا ِبا ل اْب ْی ِ‬
‫‪Ⓓ‬دجسمنیتلبق‬ ‫‪Ⓒ‬تیبادقملس‬ ‫‪Ⓑ‬اخہنہبعک‬ ‫‪Ⓐ‬دجسمابق‬
‫‪10‬۔وقم لِلوطرپاہللاعتٰیلےن ذعابانزلایک‪:‬‬
‫‪Ⓓ‬ززلہلاک‬ ‫‪Ⓒ‬الیسباک‬ ‫‪Ⓑ‬خیچ اک‬ ‫‪Ⓐ‬رھتپوںیکابرشاک‬


‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬

‫ونٹ‪:‬درجذلیںیمت ‪12‬وساالتےکوجاابتدںی۔رہوسالےک‪2‬ربمنںیہ۔‬

‫رضحتحیہےنایکتنمامینیھت؟اوراوہنںےنہیتنمےسیکوپرییک؟‬ ‫‪.i‬‬
‫ال فا ُق ْ‬
‫ل اي ْن ِسف اُها ار ِ َّب ْ ان ْسفًا۝ف اایذا ُر اها قااعًا اصف اْصفًا۝ وسرہٰہطیکانآایتںیم(اہلل‬ ‫ك اع ِن الْ ِج اب ِ‬
‫او اي ْسـال ُْو ان ا‬ ‫‪.ii‬‬

‫ض اع ْن ِذ ك ِْر ْ‬
‫ی فااِ َان لا ٗه ام ِع ْی اش ًة اض ْنكًا َاو ان ْح ُ ُ ْ ا ٰ ا‬ ‫او ام ْن ا ا ْع ار ا‬
‫شرهٗ ايوم الْ ِقیم ِة ا ا ْع ٰم۝ اسآتیںیماہلل ٰ‬
‫اعتٰل‬ ‫‪.iii‬‬
‫یکتحیصنت ہنمومڑےنواولںوکوکنیسدوودیعںیانسیئیئگںیہ؟‬
‫ْي‪ :‬اسآتییک لروت اہللاعتٰیلوکنیسدوزیچوںت ااسننیکآزامشئرکےتںیہ؟‬ ‫او ان ْبل ُْوك ُْم ِب َا‬
‫الش َِر اوالْ اخ ْ ِ‬ ‫‪.iv‬‬
‫اّلل ُي َْخ ُ ا‬
‫ت اج َٰنت‪ :‬وسرۃاجحلیکااسنٓتییکروینشںیماہللاعتٰیلل ول ںںوک‬ ‫ِل الَ ِذ ْي ان ٰا ام ُن ْوا او اع ِمل ُوا ا َٰ‬
‫لصلِ ٰح ِ‬ ‫اِ َان َٰ ا‬ ‫‪.v‬‬
‫وسرۃارفلاقنںیماہللاعتٰیلےناےنپدنبوںیکوجافصتایبنیکںیہانںیمت دوافصت ںیھک۔‬ ‫‪.vi‬‬
‫يرا۝اسآتیںیماہللاعتٰیلےنیبنارکمﷺ یکوکنیسدوافصتاکذرکایکےہ؟‬ ‫و اما أار اسل ْ ٰن ا ا‬
‫ك إِ َّل ُم اب ِ َش ًرا او ان ِذ ً‬ ‫ا ْ‬ ‫‪.vii‬‬
‫رضحت للوطہیلعاالسلموکاہللاعتٰیلےنل دوویتسبںیکرطفیبنانبرکاجیھباھت؟‬ ‫‪.viii‬‬
‫وسرۃارعشلاںیماےھچاشرعوںیکنجافصتاکذرکےہانںیمت دوافصت ںیھک۔‬ ‫‪.ix‬‬
‫وقمولطسکرجمںیمالتبمیھت؟اہللاعتٰیلےناسوقموکسکذعابت الہکایک؟‬ ‫‪.x‬‬
‫ی۝ وسرۃارعشلایکانآایتںیماہللاعتٰیلےنرقآندیجمیکوکنیسدو‬ ‫ِبلِ اسان اع ار ِّب َ َُم ِب ْین۝ او اِ نَا ٗه لا ِ ْ‬
‫ِف ُز ُب ِر ْاّل َااو لِ ْ ا‬ ‫‪.xi‬‬
‫ن او ك ًَُّل ٰا ات ْی انا ُحك ًْما َاو عِل ًْم ؗا ‪ :‬وسرۃاایبنیکاسآتیںیماہللاعتٰیلےنرضحتامیلسنہیلعاالسلموکدی‬
‫فاف َاه ْام ٰن اها ُسل ْای ٰم َۚا‬ ‫‪.xii‬‬

‫الط ْ ن ا‬
‫ْي او ُك َانا ٰف ِعلِ ْ ا‬
‫ی۝اسآتیںیماہللاعتٰیلےنرضحتداودہیلع‬ ‫ال ُي اس َِب ْح ان او َا‬ ‫َاو اس َاخ ْر انا ام اع اد ٗ‬
‫او اد الْ ِج اب ا‬ ‫‪.xiii‬‬
‫االسلموکدےئےئگوکنت دوزجعماتاکذرکایکےہ؟‬
‫ع او اّل ُي ْب ِص ُر‪ :‬اسآتیںیمرضحتاربامیہہیلعاالسلمےناےنپوا دوک‬ ‫اال ِّل ابِ ْی ِه ٰۤياا اب ِ‬
‫ت لِ ام ات ْع ُب َُ اما اّل اي ْس ام ُ‬ ‫اِ ْذ ق ا‬ ‫‪.xiv‬‬
‫رضحتٰیسیعہیلعاالسلمےنرضحترممیاھیلعاالسلمیک ںدںیموجابںیتںیکانںیمت دوابںیت ںیھک۔‬ ‫‪.xv‬‬
‫ ُ ك ُ َال اخ َاوان اكفُور‪:‬اسآتییکروت اہللاعتٰیلااسننیکل دوابوتںوکاندنسپرفاماتےہ؟‬ ‫إِ َان َٰ ا‬
‫اّلل اّل ُي ِح َُ‬ ‫‪.xvi‬‬


‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬

‫ونٹ‪:‬درجذلیںیمت وکیئت ‪4‬ازجااکرتہمجرکںی۔رہزجےکربمنرباربںیہ۔‬

‫یم۝‬ ‫اّلل ار ِ َِ او ار َبُ ُ‬
‫ك ْم فاا ْع ُب َُو ُه اهذا ا ِص ار ٌاط ُم ْس ات ِق ٌ‬ ‫اوإِ َان َٰ ا‬ ‫‪.i‬‬
‫ّلل اّل ۤ اِل ٰ اه اِ َاّل ُه ن او لا ُه ْاّل ْاس امٓا ُء الْ ُح ْس ٰن۝‬
‫ا ا َٰ ُ‬ ‫‪.ii‬‬
‫ون ۝‬ ‫َْت اب لِل َان ِ‬
‫اس ِح اسا ُب ُه ْم او ُه ْم ِِف اغ ْفل اة ُم ْع ِر ُض ا‬ ‫اق ا ا‬ ‫‪.iii‬‬
‫ۤ ا ا‬
‫ك ْم۝‬ ‫ايا أ َُي اها الَ ِذي ان ٰا ام ُنوا ْ‬
‫ارك ُاع ْوا اوا ْس ُج َُ ْوا اوا ْع ُب َُ ْوا ار َبا ُ‬ ‫‪.iv‬‬
‫ی ان ِذ ْي ارا۝‬ ‫اان ع ٰال اع ْب َِ ٖه لِ ای ُ‬
‫ك ْو ان لِل ْٰعل ا ِم ْ ا‬ ‫ال الْف ُْرق ا‬ ‫ٰب اك الَا ِذ ْ‬
‫ی ان َز ا‬ ‫ات ٰ ا‬ ‫‪.v‬‬
‫ی ِم ْن ات ْح ِت اها ْاّل ا ْن ٰه ن ُر‬ ‫اّلل ُي َْخ ُ ا‬
‫ت اج َٰنت ات ْج ِر ْ‬ ‫ِل الَ ِذ ْي ان ٰا ام ُن ْوا او اع ِمل ُوا ا َٰ‬
‫لصلِ ٰح ِ‬ ‫اِ َان َٰ ا‬ ‫‪.vi‬‬


‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
‫لکربمن‬ ‫رپہچ‬ ‫امجتع‬
‫‪50‬‬ ‫اطمہعلرقآن(الزیم)‬ ‫مہن‬


‫‪1.B‬‬ ‫‪2.D‬‬ ‫‪3.A‬‬ ‫‪4.B‬‬ ‫‪5.D‬‬ ‫‪6.C‬‬ ‫‪7.A‬‬ ‫‪8.B‬‬ ‫‪9.B‬‬ ‫‪10.A‬‬


‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫رضحتحیہےنتنمامینیھتہکوہاینپاوالدوکتیبادقملسیکدختمےکےیلوفقرکںییگ۔رضحترممی‬ ‫‪.i‬‬

‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫اہپڑوںوکدوھلانبرکالڑادایاجےئاگ۔اورزنیموکاصفدیمانانبدایاجےئاگ۔‬ ‫‪.ii‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫داینیکزدنیگوکگنترکدایاجےئاگ۔ایقتمےکدنادناھالاھٹایاجےئاگ۔‬ ‫‪.iii‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫رشاورریخ‬ ‫‪.iv‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫اامینالےنواےلاورلمعاصحلرکےنواےل۔‬ ‫‪.v‬‬
‫زنیمرپاعزجیت ےتلچںیہ۔اجلہول ںںت وگتفگںیہنرکےت۔دجہتڑپےتھںیہ۔منہجت انپہامےتگنںیہ۔وضفلرخیچ ‪1+1‬‬ ‫‪.vi‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫وخربخشیانسےنواال۔ڈراےنواال‬ ‫‪.vii‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫یتسبومعرہ‪،‬یتسبدسوم‬ ‫‪.viii‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫اامینالان۔کینلمعرکان۔اہللاعتٰیلاکزایدہذرکرکان۔‬ ‫‪.ix‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫ےبایحیئ‪،‬رھتپوںیکابرش۔‬ ‫‪.x‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫رقآنرعیبزابنںیمانزلوہا۔یلہپاتکوبںںیماساکذرکےہ۔‬ ‫‪.xi‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫ملعدایاورتمکحاطعیک۔‬ ‫‪.xii‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫رضحتداودہیلعاالسلمےکےئلاہپڑوںوکاتعبرکان‪،‬اوررپدنوںوکاتعبرکان۔‬ ‫‪.xiii‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫تبہنیسکیکابتنسےتکسںیہاورہنیسکوکدھکیےتکسںیہ۔‬ ‫‪.xiv‬‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫ںیماہللاکدنبہوہں۔اسےنےھجماتکبدی۔اسےنےھجمیبنانبای۔اسےنےھجمابربتکانبای۔اسےنےھجمامنزاورزٰوکۃ‬ ‫‪.xv‬‬
‫اکمکحدای۔وا دہےکاسھتنسحولسکرکےنواالانبای۔ےھجمرسشکرحمومںیہنانبای۔السمےہھجمرپسجدنںیمدیپا‬
‫‪1+1‬‬ ‫ایختنرکےنواےلوک۔انرکشےوک۔‬ ‫‪.xvi‬‬


‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬
‫‪1+ 1+ 1 + 1‬‬ ‫اورےبکشاہللریمااور مھاراربےہسپایسیکابعدترکویہیدیساھرااتسےہ۔‬
‫‪1+ 1+ 1 + 1‬‬ ‫اہللوہےہسجےکوساوکیئوبعمدںیہنایسےکےئلبساےھچانمںیہ۔‬
‫‪1+ 1+ 1 + 1‬‬ ‫ول ںںےکےئلاسحباکوتقرقبیآایگاوروہتلفغںیمہنمومڑےوہےئںیہ۔‬
‫‪1+ 1+ 1 + 1‬‬
‫اےول ںوجاامینالےئوہ‪،‬روکعرکو‪،‬اوردجسہرکو‪،‬اوراےنپربیکابعدترکو‬
‫‪1+ 1+ 1 + 1‬‬
‫‪1+ 1+ 1 + 1‬‬
‫ےبکشاہللدالخرفامےئاگانوکوجاامینالےئ‪،‬اوروہنجںےنکینلمعےئک‪،‬وتنجںںیمنجےک ےچیت ‬


‫‪ENIACNET Point, 1st Floor, Bilal Plaza, Sheranwala Gate Main Bazar Haripur Cell No: 0333-5150055‬‬

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