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MasterClass 2

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Guys this is probably the ballsiest most arrogant attitude and order to achieve your goals you must

must first maximize her

belief anyone can state and its absolutely true in my reality--- orgasmic pleasure and to do that you must also satisfy her
how do I know this? emotional desires as well -- in other words
Because I Have Done It! You Must Make Love To Her Mind And Emotions As Well As
As the years have passed and I have gained tremendous real- Her Body.
world feedback on the system and techniques I am going to The key to Maximum Sexual Arousal as many women will tell
share with you; I'm convinced that my skills and approach to you is what is commonly referred to as - Foreplay! I'm here to
giving sexual pleasure is so strong that I actively encourage my tell you from personal experience that if you learn nothing else
playmates to go out and sleep with other men! Some times they from this series learn this…
do… most of the time they don't but The Better You Are At Foreplay i.e. "Sexual Arousal" The
When They Did… Greater Your Chances That Your Woman Will Experience
Without exception they all came back to me, disappointed about Bigger, Better and More Powerful Orgasms During Sex
the quality of the average man when it comes to sexual With You!
performance. I will be honest. I tested the power of the sexual Sexual Arousal Skills are by far one of the single biggest
conditioning method I will be sharing with you even further than categories that separate the "average lover" from the Sexual
I probably should have and I won't say much beyond that fact Master. A man who knows how to touch, tease and arouse a
other than that in the interest of testing the power of what I am woman will never lack for female company both in and out of the
sharing here… I put some women through hell, but I had to test bedroom…
the power behind the sexual conditioning method I'd discovered. Why?
I'm not proud of some of those times in my life but the Because Women Talk!
information gleaned from them is priceless because… That's right! Women talk to each other about their men, about
Feedback Is The Breakfast Of Champions… their personal lives and most assuredly about the skills of their
Here is the bottom line... lovers and they will say things to their friends about sexual
When you get to the point where you can confidently encourage relations with you that they will not tell you and believe me
your woman to play with others and she comes back begging for when a woman starts talking about how amazing a lover you
you, then you will truly appreciate and understand the power of are…
what you're learning. By the way Other Women Get Curious!
encouraging her to sleep with other men does need to be I'm pretty sure you can figure out what often happens
handled the right way and I'm not recommending that you do from there. There are very few forces in the world that
that. Its simply part of what I did to test the validity of the are more relentless than a curious woman!
system I was creating. This is an advanced level attitude derived Sexual Arousal is important for women because women in
from extensive work and practice in the field. general have a much longer arousal time than we men do.
Do not try this in the formative stages of your training. I will Women get just as horny as men do and they want orgasms just
describe more about that in … as much if not more than men do; But because God in her
Forbidden Secrets of Sexual Mastery Volume Three infinite wisdom gave women a much longer and somewhat more
Make Her Yours! complex process to achieve peak sexual arousal than we males
Secrets of Sexual Influence! of the species. Most men
Another reason to encourage her… have little or no patience for the amount of foreplay necessary to
By simply giving her permission to "explore her options" with get her completely turned on plus many men simply lack the
other men it also helps insure that she probably won't do it. So skills to play a woman's body like a master musician plays
if you are worried about her straying from you, then you can use Mozart! Therefore they often fail to get her turned on enough to
this tactic to help inoculate against her leaving you as well. orgasm easily. That recipe usually equates to…
Advanced Power Attitude He Cums… She Doesn't!
Every Woman I Have Sex with Falls Madly In Love with You see as I mentioned earlier foreplay is a key to creating
Me Because I Give Her Experiences She Has Only intense sexual arousal which ultimately leads to bigger more
Dreamed Of, Fantasized or Read About In Her Romance satisfying orgasmic responses. But you see when it comes to
Novels… women's orgasms it's not just about the physical stimulation
"I Am The Quintessential Romantic Hero!" necessary its also about the emotional/subjective elements that
I cover this much more fully in Volume Three – Secrets of actually drive her orgasmic responses. There are several key
Sexual Influence, but for now it's important to understand factors that play into a woman's orgasm and some of the most
that all sexual technique aside; if you don't embody certain key powerful are not physical elements so much as mental/emotional
male characteristics your chances of getting to the sexual stuff ones.
are reduced to two chances… In fact it's been documented that the more intensely stimulated
Slim and None! a woman's emotions are, the more intensely she will cum during
You see there is a certain type of man, or shall I say a certain sex. Orgasm is a part subjective (mental/emotional) and
set of very "male characteristics" that instantly and objective (physical) phenomenon. You must learn to activate
automatically trigger a woman's attraction mechanisms to the both in order to truly achieve the sexual power I'm describing.
point where she becomes bound and determined to pursue you You see regardless of whether we are talking about mental and
and the simple truth is this type of cultural and biological emotional stimulation or physical stimulation…
conditioning is so powerful it doesn't even matter if she's In The End it's all About the Orgasm!
married or not! Here's why…
The best part of learning how to install and take on these traits Orgasm Facts Every Sexual Master Should Know And
for yourself is that when you do so… Every aspect of your life Understand.
improves! What exactly is an orgasm anyway?
Women become less important to you and that actually Okay I know that sounds funny but… What exactly is an orgasm?
makes you more attractive to them and therefore you Obviously any of us who have actually had one know how good it
become more important to women! What a great tradeoff! feels but for the most part almost no one actually knows what
Everyone wins! the heck an orgasm actually is. But once you do understand
In fact, you have to be careful because these traits may what the deeper aspects of an orgasm are you will quickly
be even more compelling to married women! discover that this knowledge gives you incredible sexual power
You Have Been Warned! and influence with your women. I'm not kidding guys; the truth
For More Details See will amaze and empower you beyond words!
Forbidden Secrets of Sexual Mastery Volume Three: Orgasm Defined:
"Make Her Yours!" • Orgasm is defined as the peak of sexual arousal when all of
Secrets of Sexual Influence the muscles that tighten during sexual arousal suddenly
"Rogues… Renegades… and Rascals! – The "Bad Boy" relax causing a very pleasurable feeling that involves the
Women Can't Resist! entire body.
Secrets of Sexual Arousal • In addition during sexual climax chemicals called endorphins
The Forbidden Knowledge Every Woman Wishes You are released into the blood stream causing incredible
Knew and Some Secretly Fear! Understand Why You Must sensations to ripple through the body (pay attention here
Excite Her Mind Body and Emotions! kiddies this becomes real important later on), these
Like I mentioned earlier Sexual Mastery encompasses far more endorphins and hormones can also make a woman feel
than just sexual techniques. Sexual Mastery demands that in happy, giddy, flushed, warm and sleepy.
For now what I want you to pay special attention to is the
second bullet point. Specifically the entry that says…
"During sexual climax chemicals called endorphins are We all know that human beings become conditioned by their
released into the blood causing incredible sensations to experiences both good and bad. It's just the way things work.
ripple through the body." For most folks these mechanisms are far outside of conscious
There is one chemical in particular I wish to discuss very briefly awareness and naturally because of that lack of awareness they
with you right now. That chemical is called oxytocin. Oxytocin is are also outside of most people's ability to control.
secreted by the pituitary gland and serves a surprising number This may be the reason why some people tend to date the same
of functions in the body many of which have to do with orgasms, "type" of partner over and over again. Researchers think
intimacy and pair bonding.6 humans develop a "love map" as they grow up—a blueprint that
This will become very very important in later chapters on sexual contains the many things that they have learnt is attractive.
conditioning but for right now pay attention to the following This inner scorecard or template is something that people use to
facts… it might be a little dry but it will become very practical rate the suitability of potential partners. Understanding the
very soon… oxytocin/orgasm connection can allow you to literally re-write
The True Secret behind the Orgasm/Oxytocin Connection your woman's internal sexual program and cause her to
Sexual congress stimulates the release of oxytocin in human install you as the template by which all other males are
beings. In fact all forms of pleasurable touch tend to release measured by. Sounds pretty Machiavellian don't it, but its just
some levels of oxytocin however the largest amounts of oxytocin evolution my friend's nature made us that way!
are only released during sexual orgasm. In fact the more intense I personally know this aspect of oxytocin and behavior
the orgasm the more oxytocin gets released and because modification to be true because I have in fact observed that
orgasm is part subjective and part objective phenomenon the many of the women I ‘stopped' seeing immediately went out and
more turned on she becomes physically and mentally the more created relationships with men who were remarkably similar to
powerfully she releases large amounts of this amazing hormone! me in terms of appearance, mannerisms, style of dress, hobbies,
When you can utterly turn her on subjectively and masterfully etc. even when I was actually not someone that they initially
stimulate her physically you cause the optimum amount of considered their "type" before we started sleeping together.
oxytocin to be released. Now of course you're probably asking... Gaining an understanding of how orgasm actually works on a
So What? psychological level and a physiological one allows you to begin
What is the Big Deal and who cares about what chemicals to understand the tremendous power you now have to create
get dumped where? the types of relationships and responses you desire from the
The Answer… women in your life.
YOU! Although theoretically this process also works well on men. In
In About Sixty Seconds or Less! order for it to work best on males you really have to increase the
Trust me here because there is a method behind the madness. quantity and frequency of orgasmic response in them… for most
The purpose behind the release of oxytocin during orgasm all guys its bit problematic and we will address that another time…
starts with… this work focuses on pleasuring the women in your life and
Serotonin sexually conditioning them to respond to you in ways they have
The Happiness Hormone! never responded to anyone before. You now have to potential to
Serotonin makes you feel happy! completely change what she finds attractive and sexually
The more oxytocin that is released during orgasm the more exciting… that's an awesome power to have…
powerfully responsive and active serotonin receptors in the body But we aren't done yet…
become ultimately resulting in that wonderful sense of euphoria Let's Talk About LUST!
that accompanies orgasmic release --- Might As Well Face It Your Addicted To Love, Lust, and
The Release That Women Biologically Need And Crave! Attraction!
But Guys and Gals That's Only The Tip of The Orgasmic Iceberg! Attraction, lust and romantic love, perhaps no other set of
Check this out… emotional response can boast such blurred lines. Researchers
Little Known Facts About Oxytocin and its Affect upon have come to the conclusion that attraction, lust and romantic
Mind, Body and Behavior! love are in fact three independent processes which can and often
Fact! do operate simultaneously and in spite of one another.
• Oxytocin plays a key role in certain types of behaviors Because they are independent these systems (lust, attraction
specifically those types of behavior that influence loving, etc) can work simultaneously in different directions — with
nurturing, sexual pleasure and obsessive compulsive dangerous results.
disorders. So what does this mean exactly…?
• High levels of oxytocin in the brain have been linked to "You Can Feel Deep Attachment For A Long-Term Spouse,
While You Feel Romantic Love For Someone Else, While
certain types of OCD7 and it has been demonstrated in lab You Feel The Sex Drive In Situations Unrelated To Either
tests that increasing levels of oxytocin in the body Partner."
significantly impacts a person's ability and desire to nurture This independence means it is possible to love more than one
and care for others. person at a time. This particular book focuses on the lust factor
• The upshot here is … the more oxytocin in her system the but we will touch on the other aspects of emotional "addiction"
more she wants to cuddle and nurture and take care of you for the sake of giving you a better understanding of the whole
map of female emotional/sexual response.
Wait! It Gets Even Better... Lust, of course, involves a craving for sexual release i.e. orgasm.
Oxytocin Plays a Key Role in the Meltdown of Prior In fact most folks confuse the need and desire for orgasm with
Learning In Preparation for New Learning! the need on the woman's part to be penetrated during
In other words the more oxytocin you cause to be released into intercourse… as you will learn later on this isn't exactly true.
her body during orgasm the more powerfully old patterns of Women in fact do lust for orgasm… but not necessarily
behavior and things that sexually arouse or excite her can be penetration! Learning to give her orgasms without penetration
"overwritten or changed by new programming." will put you light years ahead of every other man out there who
Oxytocin Is Considered the Primary Psycho-Biochemical is still relying on his penis to satisfy her!
Mechanism by Which "Unusual Sexual Preferences i.e. In addition to giving them immense sexual pleasure the
Human Fetishes Are Created. biological need for orgasm and its subsequent oxytocin release is
Human fetishes tend to develop early in life and are actually a major stress control and hormonal balancing
almost impossible to change! mechanism. Women need orgasms to stay healthy!
Why? However the interesting part is that the aftermath of sexual
Because the oxytocin release causes the pleasure being climax is similar to the state induced by the taking of opiates!
experienced at the time of the initial sensitizing event to become The heady mix of chemical changes that occur when a woman
linked to the situation, activity or object of attention; thereafter achieves sexual climax increases the her levels of serotonin,
anytime the person is presented with a similar stimuli more oxytocin, vasopressin and endogenous opioids --- the body's
oxytocin will be released which also serves to reinforce the natural equivalent to heroin
pleasure response being generated. What about Love?
Simply Stated The Person/Fetishist "Connects" Or "Links" Researchers Took Students Who Claimed They Were
The Object Of the Pleasure To Previous Sexual Madly In Love Put Them Into A Brain Scanner And Looked
Experiences And To Sexual Gratification –Oxytocin Helps At Their Brain Activity What They Discovered Rather
Facilitate That Process!8 Surprised Them…
It's all About Conditioning!!
The brain areas active in love are different from the areas
activated in other emotional states, such as fear and anger.
Parts of the brain that are love-bitten include the one
responsible for gut feelings, and…
"The Parts Of The Brain Which Generate The Euphoria
Induced By Drugs Such As Cocaine!"
The brains of people deeply in love do not look like those of people experiencing strong emotions,
but instead like those of people snorting coke!
In other words, LOVE uses the same neural mechanisms that are activated during the process of
"We Are Literally Addicted To Love!"
Attraction and/or the state of being in love aka romantic or obsessive love is a refinement of mere lust9 that
allows people to fixate on a particular mate. This state is characterized by feelings of exhilaration, and
intrusive, obsessive thoughts about the object of one's affection.
Some researchers suggest this mental state might share neuro-chemical characteristics with the manic phase
of manic depression. Research suggests that behavioral patterns of those in love — such as attempting to
evoke reciprocal responses in one's loved one — resemble obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
Is any of this starting to make sense to you?
By now you're probably asking that same old question….
So What?
Here is what…
Start With What You Already Know…
If we know that the intensity of an orgasm which is as much a subjective experience as it is a physical one;
releases large amounts of oxytocin and that oxytocin influences sexual behavior, learning and programming as
well as pair bonding between human beings then obviously by having the ability to cause her body to release
large amounts of this substance in a very short period of time we can cause her mind, body, and emotions to
• Experience Intense Ever-Increasing Levels of Pleasure!
• Rewrite Or Modify What She Used To Find Attractive, Desirable and Sexually Arousing
• Create Deeper Levels of Bonding, Connection, Sexual Desire, Intimacy and Propensity To
Nurturing In Her And Powerfully Link It To Ourselves!
• Activate The Natural Mechanisms Within Her That Literally Make Her More Sexually And
Emotionally Responsive To You!
• Alter Her Internal Template Of What She Finds Attractive So That You Become The Dominant
Model/Prototypical Man By Which She Measures All Other Men By!
• Generate, Activate And Link Her Addiction Mechanisms For Attraction, Lust and Love Via The
Pleasure You Provide And Ultimately To You!

How is that for starters? Okay over the next few chapters we will be discussing and learning exactly how to do
this on both a physical and mental/emotional level all of which ultimately influence her on a bio chemical level.
From Her Perspective (and it's a valid one by the way) She Will Be Experiencing Deeper Levels of
Connection, Attraction, Arousal and Sexual Pleasure with You than Any Man She Has Ever been
Whether or not your in a long term committed relationship, looking for a few good fuck buddies, or any point in
between, these factors will help you to live the life
you have dreamed of… a life filled with happy willing sexually eager women who only want to take care of you
in as many ways as they can in return for the wonderful pleasures that only you can give them...
Is That A Fair Trade?
Body Language & the Secrets for Unlocking Her Sexual Code
Secrets for Getting To Know Her Better and Faster!
Sexual Maps and Territories
The first thing to understand about any kind of communication, sexual or otherwise is that we all have a
structure to our thought processes. Consequently everything that is based on those thoughts also has a similar
structure to it.
Does that make sense?
Thoughts, ideas and perceptions are all processed by our nervous system and therefore have a structure that
mirrors the system from whence they arose.
Although there are similarities from person to person no two people are exactly alike in the structures or
processes that they use to make sense of the world. Now each and everyone one of us man, woman, child…
carries around an internal map of exactly the way things are "supposed" to be in order for those "things" to
be considered right or proper for them. We also carry an internal map of "how we know" when we are
getting those "things" Sexual matters are no different. We have an internal set of elements that must be
satisfied before we are willing to allow ourselves to go to the next stage of the romantic/sexual process.
In persuasion and influence circles we call these things or elements "values and criteria" and the how we go
about satisfying those values and criteria are referred to as "strategies"
Only the top persuasion and influence trainers in the world really understand the power of values and criteria
but those lucky individuals that do have that knowledge wield tremendous influence over others. Once you
understand the full power of values and criteria you can persuade anyone to do just about anything and make
them feel really good about it.
For the record let me state again.
Values and criteria: are elements within the mind of a human being that must be satisfied in order
for them to consider something to be right, good or proper for them.
However there is more to this concept and we can use the natural extension of this principle to create
incredible levels of sexual arousal in our partners by perfectly matching what they consider to be the exact
right way to feel pleasure, express emotions etc. Here is what I mean…
Understanding Projection – secrets to sexual pacing and leading
As I just explained each and every one of us has this internal set of values and criteria within us. These Values
and Criteria are highly context specific and change as the context changes. Be that as it may the primary point
I want you to get here is…
Every Woman Has An Internal Map Or Set Of Criteria For What Constitutes Good Kissing, Good Sex,
Great Relationships etc.
She also has certain internal strategies for getting more aroused. If you can decipher what her values and
criteria are for getting more aroused and going to the next level of intimacy you can get her "in the mood" very
quickly. Now if you have studied any form of hypnosis, NLP or CPI is pretty common knowledge. The challenge
as always is…
How to Get That Information In The First Place!
Well the good news is much of this information she will give you unconsciously and non-verbally but you really
have to pay attention. This brings us to the all important concept of…
Sexual Pacing and Leading:
The Key To Giving Her What She Wants The Way She Wants and Needs It!
This concept is a bit off the beaten track for those with any kind of back ground in hypnosis or other mind body
systems such as NLP™, CPI® or any other derivatives there of. And completely new territory for those with no
training in these areas; but here is the key concept I want you to get…
Women Naturally Project Their Own Internal Processes On To Those Around Them!
Now this concept is not limited to females. In fact all human beings exhibit this phenomenon. The simple truth
is that any time we make a judgment or comparison of one thing with another we are engaging in some form
of this internal/external map matching system. In terms of sexual arousal and stimulation this process happens
as well but almost none of it is verbalized or conveyed by words in any way.
This information is communicated almost purely in a visual-kinesthetic manner. What that means is that each
and every time you kiss her or touch her in some way her unconscious mind is going to run an internal check
against what she holds to be the "ideal" kiss, stroke, caress, etc for her. It also happens purely outside of
conscious awareness for her as well but she's instantly aware of it when there is a match or a mismatch.
This is the phenomenon that happens when a woman describes how they can tell by the first kiss whether you
will get a second date or not. So the bottom line is kiss her right and you get to play through to the next level,
mismatch her too much and BLAM… your back to the minor leagues for remedial kissing class.
So what's a guy to do? If you're among the many aspiring sexual masters out there who may not have a lot of
kissing experience the deck seems stacked pretty high against you doesn't it?
Well the good news is I am going to show you a way to master kissing and other elements of love play in
minimum time. That means you will be able to figure out her kissing style and closely match it the first time
you kiss her… and when you do that; what you think happens inside her mind, body and emotions?
You Get To Go To The Next Level!
Remember I said she will naturally project her own "ideals" onto those around her. If she's in a sexual or
romantic context her filters for what's right and proper for a sexual encounter will turn on and start being
projected onto the object of her attention… that would or should be YOU.
Here's how you make this information practical --understand this...
She Will Tend To Do To You Exactly What She Wants Done To Her!
That's Right!

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