Template For A5
Template For A5
Template For A5
Step-by-step Method
- is the bending of light
as it passes from one
transparent substance
into another.
Convex Lens
1. Pick a point on the top
of the object and draw
three incident rays
traveling towards the
2. Pick a point on the top
- A concave lens is
of the object and draw
thinner in the middle
three incident rays
and thicker at the
traveling towards the
- A diverging lens
(CONCAVE) takes
General Physics 2
O = inverted
S = larger
T = real
Legend: Legend:
L = at 2F No image formed
O = inverted
S = same size
T = real
L = in front of the lens
O = upright
S = larger
Legend: T = virtual
L = beyond 2F
General Physics 2
2.2 The ray that L = in front of the lens
travels towards the O = upright
focal point will S = smaller
refract through the T = virtual
lens and travel
parallel to the
principal axis.
Lens equation
Word Problems:
- f is + if the lens is a
double convex lens
(converging lens).
- f is - if the lens is a
double concave
lens (diverging lens)
- di is + if the image is a
real image and
located on the opposite
side of the lens.
- di is - if the image is a
virtual image
and located on the
object's side of the
General Physics 2