JPSP 2022 230
JPSP 2022 230
JPSP 2022 230
2022, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2174 – 2184
This paper discusses the challenges of cyberbullying on society. Research shows that almost 43% of
children have been bullied through the web. 1 in 4 children has had it happen more than once. This
shows that cyberbullying is rampant in our society and more and more young adults are affected by its
catastrophic effects. There are many varying methods in which cyberbullies reach their victims, such
as instant messaging over the Internet, social networking web sites, text messaging and through calls
made to smart phones. Similar to bullying, cyberbullying is a solemn issue which can make the victim
feel uneasy and overly self-sensitive. This can eventually, result to the possibility of committing
suicide due to being cyberbullied. A survey was undertaken to determine and understand the
challenges faced by victims of cyberbullies. It is found that cyberbullying indeed increased the risk of
self-harm and suicidal thoughts among young adults.
Keywords- cyberbullying, challenges, society, depression, young adults
any discussions about computer or cell phone different people from almost six high school in
activities. Florida. In this both cases cause a death result
due to the cyberbullying.
In the near future, we can found that there is a
II. Literature lot of cyberbullying occurred in many
The word "bullying" can be dated back to the difference types of social media platforms and
1530s [3]. In the case of bullying normally applications. A 15-second Instagram story can
included two people which is an intimidator be shared on Twitter, Facebook and WeChat
and a victim. A bullying consider occurs when and Weibo within a few hours. Sometimes the
there is someone intentionally used some words post can be also shared on YouTube which is a
or some actions over and over again that cause channel where everyone in this world can view
someone distress in their life. Bullying are the post and comment on the post. This can
normally done by someone who is more power cause the victim of the cyberbullying be a
to the one who weaker or less power [4]. target for millions of people just in a very short
Due to the affordable of personal computers,
we can see the traditional bullying is started In 2010, a boy named Tyler Clementi
happened in the web begin from 1990. As the committed suicide by jumped down from
technology developed, bullying has spread. George Washington bridges. The reason why
With the existence of the Internet, chat rooms he jumped off from the bridge is because of a
soon appeared. In this situation, no matter it is video share on the Twitter which is capture by
in public chat room or in a private messaging his roommate about Tyler Clementi kissing a
chat room, an adult or even strangers can be a guy. The Federal Cyberbullying Act was
subject that tend to be bully by children and passed in 2012 and named after him.
teens. Nowadays, everyone can unscrupulously In the 2010 also, a similar case happened in
conduct cyberbullying due to the web’s Canada. Amanda Todd committed suicide a
cryptonym provided a perfect protection for month after she uploaded a video on YouTube
web user. The bully would not have much entitled ‘My story: Struggling, bullying, suicide,
repercussion after bullying someone online. self-harm’. In that video, she said about how
States started to pass anti-bullying laws after a she being persuaded by a trespasser to show her
shooting incident happened at the Columbine breasts on camera. The stranger keep the
School in 1999. A part from these laws picture and used in on a fake account as her
criminalize cyberbullying, however many laws name. Canada started enacting legislation for
do not. Cyber cyberbullying became national anti-bullying legislation after a week
mainstream after online harassment caused she dead.
many teenagers to commit suicide. In 2007,
Tina Meier committed suicide because of her
neighbor harass her with a fake account under III. Methodology
the name of ‘Josh Evans’ [5].
Cyberbullying is on the rise in our daily life
When smartphones became the latest must- along with the increase as well as availability
have products, cyberbullying made great strides of technology at our fingertips [6]. For this
in the mid-2000s. Anyone who has a study, we have done an online survey research
smartphone can forward or share any photos or by assigning our questionnaire to a small
text message to anyone they one or even post it sample of students who is studying in a private
on social media. Jessica, who was aged 18, institution. Students were asked questions
committed suicide after her nude photo being about experiences with cyberbullying which
share by her boyfriend to the students in at least occurs frequently either in society or life.
seven Ohio high school. She then was being Overall, we obtained 38 respond from UCSI
cyberbullying by stranger through social media students which aged from 16 to 25 years old,
which is Myspace by text message. There is they are the most who use the social media sites
also a nearly similar case happened a year later. for example Instagram, Facebook and so on.
A 13-years-old girl killed herself after her nude
photos were shared by her boyfriend of to
Kasthuri Subaramaniam et al. 2176
From our research, we can saw that Instagram With any imperfect social study, we should use
and Facebook are the social media cites which alert when constructing the result. However, we
people use the most and they are the social can use the large sample size so that it can
media which always posted the post that related helps to lessen the potential negative effects of
to cyberbullying. Exceed half from the sample outliers. Moreover, to guarantee effective
students has been bullied online with some responses within the survey, procedures should
elegant words or videos. We have focused the be taken. For example, we required the
research on appearance, school performance, respondents to report their age and gender at
weight, racism and sexism. What we will get two varied points in the survey before
from the research is the impact of answering the questions, so that we can get an
cyberbullying in society. effective result from the survey.
Our 2019 pie chart survey involved a small being anxiety/depression 42.9%, with
sample of students from UCSI and also young aggression and suicidal thoughts being the
adults that allows us to extrapolate how society lowest. Depression is a sickness that is not
feel after being cyberbullied. We surveyed a entirely understood by many people, and may
total of 35 people age ranged from 16 to 25. As have different causes, but it is obvious that it is
we can see from the pie chart, the main impacts connected to bullying. Both bullies and their
of cyberbullying are loss of confidence 28.6%, prey tend to stand from depression comparing
difficulty with decision making 11.4%, lack of to youngster who are not implicated in bullying.
interest in school work, lack of interest in This relationship can last for a period of time;
personal appearance 11.4%, anxiety/depression people who are being bullied such as children
42.9%, aggression, self-harm and suicidal are more likely to suffer from depression as an
thoughts. The highest impact of cyberbullying
2177 Journal of Positive School Psychology
From the pie chart above, the person who are obviously that the percentage of parents is quite
being cyberbullied tends to tell their friends the low. We can conclude that the victims may not
truth has the highest percentage which is 50%. tell anything to their parents although they stay
However, teacher or trusted teachers are the together every day. The reason that the victims
person who rarely tell and only represents 2.4% would not tell their parents the truth is they
of the responders. There are 2 categories have think their parents might be overreacted. They
the same percentage and represents 23.8% are confirm their parents will make out
which are parents or family members and no something to let the situation worse like
one. The reason why the victims tends to find making phone call to the school or the other
their friends instead of family members parents [8]. Apart from that, they worry their
because they don’t dare to tell their family phone will be confiscated if they tell parents
about the truth. Friends are like the second they are being cyberbullied. Sometimes,
closest people in their life. As a friend, they are parents are busy with their works till ignore
more likely to know about the situation that their children what they are saying. Then, the
was faced by the victim. Sometimes, friends victims may be threatened by the cyberbullies
give them advices and supports. As we know, that they will get in trouble if they tell their
parents are the closest people in our life and parents.
brought us up. On the contrary, we can see
Kasthuri Subaramaniam et al. 2178
This pie chart illustrates the various target of cyberbullying. Boys trend to act out or take no
cyberbullying which consist of racism, sexism, offence, while girls experienced lower self-
appearance, religion, weight as well as esteem and feelings of depression. [9]. In
performance. According to the pie chart above, conclusion, we can see that the reason bullies
the largest percentage goes to appearance target on the appearance of their victims was to
which consist of 38.9%, followed by school feel more superior and have a higher social
performance 27.8%, racism 16.7%, weight status among their peer group.
13.9% and the least would go to sexism 2.8%.
Girls often receive comments about being
overweight, while among boys, it was common
to receive comments about looking or seeming
"gay." A great cause for enchanting in
appearance-related cyberbullying was to realize
higher social status in the lord group. The girls
and boys responded vary to appearance-related
2179 Journal of Positive School Psychology
Fig 4. Findings of the age of the society who had experienced cyberbullying
This pie chart demonstrates the various age respective ISP (Internet Service Provider). If
group of people who had experienced the bullying took place on a social networking
cyberbullying at least once in their lives. The site, it must be reported as well. Portents of
age group from 18-25 took up 54.5% of the pie death, portents of physical violence or
chart which is the majority while the age group evidences of seeking reactions are against the
from 16-18 took up 43.2% of the pie chart. It is law. A police report should be made if any
obvious that 18-25 age range are the ones that trouble continues over a lengthened period of
experienced cyberbullying the most. As time as well as any accordance that involves
students age they are verbally and physically trouble based on race, religion or disability.
bullied less but cyberbullied more, people with
english language not as their first language are Bullying, no matter cyberbullying or traditional
not bullied more than native English speakers bullying can cause important emotional and
and bullying increases as students' move from psychological trouble to oneself. In reality, just
elementary to middle school [10]. Considering like any other victims of bullying, cyberbullied
that it is the oldest age range who get victims may undergo desire, avidity, low self-
cyberbullied the most often, school personnel respect and depression. They might also have
should focus their intervention resources on to handle physical symptoms and tussle to
students that age range. Intervention should perform in their daily tasks. However, some
educate social-emotional learning skills to unique consequences and negative feelings will
students and suitable ways to navigate new peer also be experienced by targets of cyberbullying
groups and social hierarchies. in every single day.
Individuals that are being targeted by
cyberbullies will have a feeling of vulnerable
V. Discussion and powerless, as such that they will feel
insecure and think that bullying is everywhere.
A. Challenges on individual This is due to cyberbullying can intrude their
When cyberbullying happens on an individual’s house by a computer or mobile phone at any
individual accounts or happens at home, it is second of a day. In addition, the cyberbullies
major to report the issue. Copies of the can remain anonymous online, therefore
cyberbullying must be forwarded to your escalating feelings of fear to the victims. When
Kasthuri Subaramaniam et al. 2180
cyberbullying break out, the disturbing Victims of cyberbullying are not the only ones
messages, texts or posts can be shared with affected. In fact, the target’s family members
mass of people. The transparent amount of also are encountered. Parents may be worried
people that know about the bullying can head about their kids being bullied in the school.
to rigorous sense of humiliation of the victim. Instead, kids can be bullied during school time,
after school or even in their own bedroom.
Besides, cyberbullying often invades victims Now we are living in the age of science and
when they are at an unprotected stage. As a technology, with smartphones, computers,
consequence, point of cyberbullying often start tablets, and cell phones, bullies are able to
to dispute their worth and value. They may involve in a child's life and affect every aspect
make response to these sense by self-harming of it. These are called cyberbullying.
with several methods, as example, wrist cutting Cyberbullying is no longer a simple problem of
or involve themselves in dangerous activities. standing up to the bully and having a face-off.
Sometimes, cyberbullying-victim will gain bad- It's no longer a simple matter. Instead, child
tempered about what is occurring on them. As who is being cyberbullied are less concerned by
time goes by, they will start plotting avenge their parents. A research from Canadian
and engage in reprisal. This can cause them to Journal of Public Health concluded that
be very revengeful and start bullying others. cyberbullied children had poorer relationships
When cyberbullying is unremitting, victims with their parents [12].Similarly, other research
usually connect to the world around them from Children and Youth Services Review
differently than others. Life is hopeless and agree that children who had a poor relationship
meaningless to most of the victims of with their parents were more likely to be
cyberbully. Hence, they will start losing cyberbullied victims [13]. Cyberbullying can
interest in things they once enjoyed and spend influence a kid’s emotional and physical levels.
lesser time interacting with family or friends. This case will indirectly affect the parents too.
Victims of cyberbully will stay away from any At the emotional level, parents will feel
social events by providing excuses and hide powerlessness. Cyberbullying is a case that
themselves alone. These can slowly lead to parents cannot do to control the situation. The
depression and thoughts of suicide, as they cyberbully made a choice themselves to
might have a feeling that the only mean to get cyberbully someone. The parents can’t make it
away from the suffering is through suicide. In stop although they keep reporting the case of
the end, they may imagine about ending their cyberbullying. They feel they should be the one
life to run away from their tormentors. and responsible to make it stop buy yet they
can’t. Hence, they feel so helpless and
On a contrary, cyberbullying is a huge matter powerlessness. Next, the family members of
that should not be managed alone. Victims the victims feel alone and isolated. Other
must be sure to enclose themselves with parents and neighbours would not stand on
supportive friends and family. Innermost their side once knew the child being bullied.
thoughts and feelings can either be shared by This is because they don’t want to get
talking to someone trustful or be written down implicated. They would rather stay neutral
in a diary. This can greatly prevent negative about a cyberbullying situation than stand up
feelings from bottling up, which can lead to for what is right [14]. Apart from that, most of
depression or suicidal thoughts in oneself. the parents become obsessive about the
Friends or family members of a cyberbullied situation. They can’t stop worrying when their
victim should also encourage them to speak up kid is being cyberbullied. They are also afraid
and give them company, so that victims of that their child will commit suicide due to
cyberbullying will feel secure. If they do not isolation by their friends. They will over think a
have enough courage to speak up, family lot of bad things until they cannot control.
members should encourage them to write a Their parenting style becomes oppressive and
letter, avoiding them from having the wrong limiting. Most parents are always busy with
conception towards life. their work until they ignore their children. They
communicate less with their children. A poor
quality of family communication, avoidant, not
B. Challenges on family open, and with difficulties in general, is related
to a greater probability of becoming a cyber-
2181 Journal of Positive School Psychology
victim. On the contrary, good communication of the insecurities and anxious. In this century,
works as a protective factor, reducing the risk mobile phones and computers are so-called
of becoming a cyber-victim [15]. Parents can friends for teens and children. When they do
also go through the emotional symptoms such not have friends, they will as well go on their
as anger, depression, confuse, and agitation. mobile phone and computer all day long [20].
Family members often struggle with a feeling This is the reason why most of the students are
of failure when it comes to cyberbullying. They being targeted by cyberbullies. Fourth, the
self -doubt their parenting abilities and question victims of cyberbullies will have violent
why they fail to protect their own child being tendency. They will get angry easily on what is
cyberbullied. They also blame themselves that happening around them [21]. For example, they
they missed the sign of cyberbullying. will use aggressive behavior to take revenge on
someone or their enemies.
C. Challenges on school
Based on the Ipsos survey in the year 2018, the D. Challenges on workplace
highest percentage is classmates were the
bullies [16]. Cyberbullying is the most common Technology has been advancing rapidly over
issue in society. Cyberbullying is an offensive the years that it has tremendously changed the
through the network but not through physically. way we work. It allows people to work
Unfortunately, students are one of the victims. remotely and has successfully connected
The students who became the victimized, they colleagues from all around the world. However,
will eventually feel the pain mentally and there is a darker side to these new technological
physically. Research has shown that students advancement as quite an amount of workers are
who become one of the victims of cyberbully misusing them lately in the workplace. The
have a lot of pressure [17]. Everyone would be misuse of technological advancements has led
wondering why are cyberbullying exist in this to one of the severe issues worldwide, which is
world. What is the main reason that occurs in called cyberbullying.
cyberbullying among the students? One thing Cyberbullying is always related with youngster
that people will do cyberbullying because of it and schools, but it is enhancing common in
can be done by anonymous. The people who workplaces. Emma Kenny, psychologist and
are doing cyberbullying did not think of the founder of well-being site Make Your Switch
consequences on those people whom they are stated that cyberbullying usually involves a
cyberbullying on. Here are a few impacts that ‘gang/pack mentality’ in work places, whereby
will affect the students who are been involved the victim was left sensing extremely
in cyberbullying. Firstly, they will have to deal disengaged. Adult cyberbullying in the
with an illness called depression. Depression workplace can be more tenuous, but it is
can lead to the idea of suicide if they are not equally distressing, though the outcomes are
open-minded on a certain issue. For children, often the same, which is to disgrace an
they will refuse to attend classes and feel individual. Victims of bullying are often given
sadness. For youth, they will also have the advice to toughen up and just neglect the
same problem as well. For example, skip behavior. But with technology generating an
classes, sadness, self-harm and the most serious always-on work culture, and smearing the
social issue is takes drugs and alcohol [18]. limitations between personal and professional
These are all the depression symptoms that will lives, cyberbullies have new methods to
occur to the one who is facing cyberbully. interfere their victim’s life outside office hours
Secondly, the students will drop out of the [22].
school due to they did not perform a well
academic performance in school because of the A limit of various examples of bullying on
affection of the cyberbullying. The victims of work using electronic ways include offensive
cyberbullies will often feel a lack of interest in emails, email portents, offensive posts and
studying. They find it difficult to concentrate comments on social networking sites, spreading
on academics. In some special cases, the lies and malicious gossips via messaging or
students will eventually stop to continuing their chat. Social networking sites and blogs are
studies [19]. Third, they will isolate themselves usually the most common methods in which
with all the human being around them because people become cyberbullied victims in this
Kasthuri Subaramaniam et al. 2182
form. Cyberbullying can happen via any end. Sometimes victims will try to change
electronic methods including text messages, something else such as change their looks or
phone calls as well as social media (such as attitude to get out of extra cyberbullying [26].
Facebook and Twitter). Normally a person may These may cause the victims to be lack of
not have experienced any direct form of confidence. Then, they don’t dare to post or
cyberbullying, but instead the bullies are share anything on social media to prevent
departing offensive or disturbing comments additional cyberbullying.
about them on blogs and social networking
sites which can be saw publicly. The comments Feeling alone and scheduled all the time.
posted may be about the person’s entertainment Teenagers will exclude themselves from a
at work, or even be personal. group of people. The experience is extremely
torture because friends are crucial. When teen
Although cyberbullying in a workplace may do not have friends, this can lead to boycotting
seem to be a situation where it is difficult to be or cyberbullying. Nowadays, for teens, their
handled, there are still various ways to keep the electronic devices are one of the most
situation under controlled. A victim who face important way to communicate with people.
cyberbullying should not give immediate
respond nor respond in anger no matter how The person who are being cyberbullied refuses
much the words hurt. Instead, take a deep to talk to others because they feel depressed.
breath and collect your feelings, as the tip is not Physical health is most likely affected by
to react but to respond in a reasonable manner. cyberbullying. Victims of cyberbullying often
Sometimes, victims could also choose to ignore develop characteristics such as anxiety,
and just focus on their respective tasks. depression and low self-esteem. This occurs
However, if the situation requires an individual mainly because cyberbullying reduces their
to respond, make sure that arguments and self-confidence and self-esteem.
accusations are avoided as it may worsen the Feeling self-destructive and self-harming most
situation. If the cyberbullying is done by work of the time. Cyberbullying may increase the
colleagues, victims may report the case to the risk of self-harming or suicide. They think that
HR Department so that they are aware of what self-harming or suicide are the only way to
is going on in its company. Do give them escape the pain. For instance, we can observe
copies of the screenshots too as an evidence of some fresh scars on their skin that could show
that particular bully, in case the posts are self-destruct. Sometimes, they may dress
removed one day [23]. differently like wearing long sleeved clothes
whole day and try to cover or hide any scars.
Apart from that, this may also can lead them to
E. Challenges on social media upload negative post in online to make others
feel comfortable.
Cyberbullying is the act of bullying that takes
place over electronic devices like smart phone,
computer through text such as Email,
VI. Conclusion
Chatroom, WhatsApp, social networking site
such as Facebook, Instagram & Twitter [24]. In conclusion, the investigation has clarified
There are some signs for you to look out for if that cyberbullying crime and fraud is a major
you are conscious that your children or close prejudicial impact on teenagers’ health. In fact,
relatives or your friends might suffer from cyberbullying is a manufacturing society well-
cyber bullying [25]: being, connected to solemn mental health
follow with important impact on teenagers,
The victims feel displeased with themselves. anxiety, dejection, emotional distress, self-
Cyberbullying usually attacks victims on places respect, and suicidal behavior from the studies
where they are most sensitive and lack of reviewed. However, cyberbullying also
confident. Therefore, targets of cyberbully will connected to youngsters’ physical well-being
often doubt their worth and value. For example, respects [27].
if someone tease the body size of the girl, she
may start a strike diet with the persuaded that if It is significant to notice that the plurality of
she alters how she looks then the bullying will knowledge researching the connection among
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