SDLSSC301 Assingment
SDLSSC301 Assingment
SDLSSC301 Assingment
Soft skills are essential attributes that go beyond technical expertise and play a crucial role in
the success of individuals and organizations. Soft skills are described as non-technical skills
that describe how you work and interact with others. They can also be defined as non-
technical skills that are essential for effective communication, collaboration and overall
success in the work place. Although technical skills and knowledge are important,
organizations also prioritize soft skills when hiring employees. These soft skills can include
communication, adaptability, problem solving, team work, leadership skills and creativity
only to mention a few.
Adaptability refers to the ability to adjust to new situations, changes and challenges in the
workplace. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations require employees
who can adapt to changing technologies, market trends and organizational prioritizes (NACE,
2019). Employees who possess adaptability skills can quickly learn new skills embrace
change and navigate uncertainty. For example, during the coved 19 pandemic, organizations
needed employees who could adapt remote work and utilize digital communication tools
effectively. Adaptability ensures employees remain productive and contribute effectively to
the organizations goals and objectives.
Problem solving
Problem solving skills are highly valued by organizations as they enable individuals to
analyze complex situations, identify alternatives and develop effective solutions. When
facing challenges and obstacles, employees who possess strong problem solving skills can
think critically, approach issues creatively and make informed decisions. (LinkedIn, 2021)
conducted a research and identified problem solving as one of the most in demand skills for
employers globally. By applying problem solving skills, employees contribute to innovation,
process improvement and overall organizational success. For instance, a marketing team
member who identifies a gap in the customer outreach strategies and develops a new
approach can easily impact the company’s market position.
Time management
Time management is crucial for individuals to prioritize tasks, manage deadlines and allocate
resources effectively. Effective time management ensures productivity and contribute to work
life balance. Studies have shown that employees with strong time management skills are
more likely to experience reduced stress and improved job performance (Claessens et al,
2007). Organizations value employees who can prioritize their time, meet deadlines and
maintain high quality work. If an organization has a project manager who effectively
manages their time can ensure that projects are done and submitted on time and maintain
team productivity.
Creativity is defined as the ability to generate new ideas, think outside the box and approach
challenges with innovative solutions. In today’s competitive business world, organizations
are seeking employees who can bring a fresh start and new ideas, drive innovation and
contribute to problem solving. (Shalley et al, 2004) studies and emphasizes the importance of
creativity in enhancing job performance and organizational success. Creative individuals can
contribute to product development, process improvement, strategic decision making driving
the organizations growth and competitiveness. Employees who come up with creative
marketing strategies can attract new customers and increase the visibility of the company
thereby increasing the brand’s profit.
Communication skills that are effective play a pivotal role in promoting collaboration, clarity
and understanding within the work place. Good communication can lead to both verbal and
written skills, active listening and the ability to pass or convey information clearly without
any misunderstandings. In today’s diverse and globalized work environment, strong
communication skills are crucial for building relationships, resolving conflicts and ensuring a
shared understanding among team members (Goleman, 1998). When communication skills
are built within an individual, one can be able to one can be able to address their ideas and
worries without any challenges, reduces misunderstandings and promoting productivity
within the workplace.
Team work is defined as the ability to work well with others especially at work or even at
school whilst doing group discussions. It involves the ability to contribute positively to the
group and effective cooperation. (Smith et al, 1993) suggested that when employees work
well together, they can capitalize on individual strength, maximize productivity and achieve
common goals. For instance, when employees collaborate with a team of skilled professionals
on a project all parties share the workload at the same time possessing and sharing a range of
different skill sets therefore the diversity can improve outcomes. Employees who collaborate
effectively start to think as a team motivated by shared goals. Strong bonds and relationships
are formed between team members. This can create a solid workplace culture and improve
staff morale.
In conclusion, soft skills are highly valued by organizations when hiring their employees.
Developing these soft skills can enhance an individual’s employability, contribute to their
professional growth and positively impact the work place environment. They can also
contribute to organizational success by fostering resilience, driving innovation, enhancing
collaboration and improving decision making. In a rapidly changing work environment,
employees who possess these soft skills can navigate challenges, contribute to a positive
work culture and drive towards business growth.
Claessens, B.J.C., van Eerde, W., & Rutte, C.G.2007. Planning behavior and perceived
control of time at work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(2), 539-555
Goleman, D. (1998). What makes a leader? Havard Business Review, 76(6), 93-102
Smith, D.K., Katzenbach, 1993. The discipline of teams. Havard Business, 71(2), 111-120