The analytic rubric assesses speech choir and jazz chant performances across several criteria on a scale from excellent to poor. For speech choirs, criteria include voice and diction, rhythm and tempo, choral blend, pacing and timing, and expression and emotion. For jazz chants, criteria are rhythm and tempo, pronunciation and articulation, expression and emotion, creativity and originality, and collaboration and coordination. The rubric provides descriptors to distinguish between levels of performance quality for each criterion.
The analytic rubric assesses speech choir and jazz chant performances across several criteria on a scale from excellent to poor. For speech choirs, criteria include voice and diction, rhythm and tempo, choral blend, pacing and timing, and expression and emotion. For jazz chants, criteria are rhythm and tempo, pronunciation and articulation, expression and emotion, creativity and originality, and collaboration and coordination. The rubric provides descriptors to distinguish between levels of performance quality for each criterion.
The analytic rubric assesses speech choir and jazz chant performances across several criteria on a scale from excellent to poor. For speech choirs, criteria include voice and diction, rhythm and tempo, choral blend, pacing and timing, and expression and emotion. For jazz chants, criteria are rhythm and tempo, pronunciation and articulation, expression and emotion, creativity and originality, and collaboration and coordination. The rubric provides descriptors to distinguish between levels of performance quality for each criterion.
The analytic rubric assesses speech choir and jazz chant performances across several criteria on a scale from excellent to poor. For speech choirs, criteria include voice and diction, rhythm and tempo, choral blend, pacing and timing, and expression and emotion. For jazz chants, criteria are rhythm and tempo, pronunciation and articulation, expression and emotion, creativity and originality, and collaboration and coordination. The rubric provides descriptors to distinguish between levels of performance quality for each criterion.
points) points) Voice and All speakers Most speakers Some Many speakers Diction are audible, are audible, speakers are difficult to articulate, and articulate, and struggle to be hear or have clear in their clear in their heard or have very unclear pronunciation pronunciation unclear diction, diction and and making it enunciation enunciation, difficult to but some understand the struggle to be words heard or have unclear diction Rhythm and The speech The speech The speech The speech Tempo choir maintains choir maintains choir choir is unable a steady a mostly experiences to maintain a rhythm and steady rhythm significant consistent tempo and tempo, variations in rhythm or throughout the with only minor rhythm and tempo, making performance, variations or tempo that it difficult to with no errors detract from follow the noticeable the overall performance variation or quality of the errors performance Choral Blend The speech The speech The speech The speech choir's voices choir's voices choir's voices choir's voices blend together mostly blend do not blend are so seamlessly, together, but together well, disparate that creating a there are some creating a they cannot be unified sound noticeable disjointed or blended that is pleasing differences in unpleasant together at all to the ear tone or pitch sound that detract from the overall quality of the performance Pacing and The speech The speech The speech The speech Timing choir is able to choir mostly choir struggles choir's pacing pace the maintains an to maintain an and timing are performance appropriate appropriate so inconsistent effectively, pace and pace and that the maintaining an timing, but timing, making performance is appropriate there are some it difficult to difficult to speed and sections that follow the follow timing for each are rushed or performance section dragged out
Expression The speech The speech The speech The speech
and Emotion choir conveys choir conveys choir struggles choir does not a range of some emotions to convey convey any emotions and and emotions or emotions or expressions expressions expressions expressions, through their through their effectively, resulting in a voices and voices and detracting from flat and body body the overall unengaging language, language, but impact of the performance enhancing the there are some performance overall impact moments that of the feel flat or performance forced
Analytic rubric for assessing a jazz chant performance:
Criteria Outstanding Very Remarkable Remarkable Interesting (4
(10 points) (8 points) (6 points) points) Rhythm and The jazz The jazz chant The jazz The jazz chant Tempo chant maintains a mostly chant is unable to maintains a consistent rhythm experiences maintain a consistent and tempo, with significant consistent rhythm and only minor variations in rhythm or tempo variations or rhythm and tempo, making throughout the errors tempo that it difficult to performance, detract from follow the with no the overall performance noticeable quality of the variation or performance errors Pronunciation All performers Most performers Some Many and demonstrate demonstrate good performers performers are Articulation excellent pronunciation and struggle with difficult to pronunciation articulation, pronunciation understand and accurately and due to poor articulation, enunciating most articulation, pronunciation accurately words and making it and and clearly sounds, but with difficult to articulation enunciating some minor errors understand each word or unclear diction some words and sound in or sounds in the jazz chant the jazz chant Expression The The performers The The and Emotion performers convey some performers performers do convey a emotions and struggle to not convey range of expressions convey any emotions emotions and through their emotions or or expressions voices and body expressions expressions, through their language, but effectively, resulting in a voices and there are some detracting flat and body moments that feel from the unengaging language, flat or forced overall impact performance enhancing the of the overall impact performance of the performance Creativity and The jazz The jazz chant The jazz The jazz chant Originality chant demonstrates chant lacks is entirely demonstrates some creativity significant unoriginal and a high degree and originality, creativity or lacks any of creativity with some unique originality, unique or and originality, or innovative relying innovative with unique ideas or elements, heavily on ideas or and innovative but with some familiar or elements ideas and reliance on clichéd elements familiar or clichéd themes and themes ideas Collaboration The The performers The The and performers mostly work well performers performers are Coordination work together, with struggle to entirely seamlessly good collaboration work together disjointed and together, and coordination, effectively, uncoordinated, demonstrating but with some with poor resulting in a excellent moments of collaboration chaotic and collaboration confusion or and unstructured and miscommunication coordination performance coordination that detracts in their from the delivery of the overall quality jazz chant of the performance Analytic rubric for assessing a reader's theater performance:
Vocal The performers The performers The The performers Expression use a variety of use some vocal performers do not use any vocal techniques to struggle to vocal techniques, convey the use vocal techniques to such as pitch, emotion and techniques convey the tone, and tone of the effectively, emotion and inflection, to script, but with resulting in a tone of the convey the some moments lackluster script, resulting emotion and of inconsistency performance in a flat and tone of the or flat delivery that is difficult unengaging script, making to follow performance the performance engaging and compelling Characterizatio The performers The performers The The performers n embody their embody their performers do not embody characters with characters with struggle to their characters authenticity and some embody their effectively, believability, authenticity and characters resulting in a bringing them to believability, but effectively, confusing and life and with some resulting in a unconvincing enhancing the moments of lack of performance overall impact of inconsistency or connection the performance lack of depth with the audience Fluency and The performers The performers The The performers Pace maintain a maintain a performers are unable to consistent and mostly experience maintain a appropriate consistent and significant consistent or pace throughout appropriate errors or appropriate the pace throughout hesitations pace, making it performance, the that detract difficult to with no performance, from the follow the noticeable with only minor overall quality performance errors or errors or of the hesitations hesitations performance Collaboration The performers The performers The The performers and work mostly work well performers are entirely Coordination seamlessly together, with struggle to disjointed and together, good work together uncoordinated, demonstrating collaboration effectively, resulting in a excellent and with poor chaotic and collaboration coordination, collaboration unstructured and but with some and performance coordination in moments of coordination their delivery of confusion or that detracts the script miscommunicati from the on overall quality of the performance Costumes and The costumes The costumes The The costumes Props and props used and props used costumes and props used in the in the and props in the performance performance used in the performance are appropriate, are mostly performance are non- creative, and appropriate and are existent or enhance the creative, but inadequate or haphazard, overall quality of with some inappropriate, resulting in a the performance moments of detracting lack of visual inconsistency or from the interest lack of attention overall quality to detail of the performance
Holistic rubric for assessing a storytelling performance:
Exemplary Storyteller (20 points)
demonstrates mastery of the skills required for storytelling engages the audience with a clear, engaging, and dynamic delivery effectively conveys the meaning and emotion of the story skillfully uses pacing, tone, and body language performance is memorable and leaves a lasting impression on the audience
Accomplished Storyteller (15 points)
demonstrates a strong understanding of the skills required for storytelling engages the audience with a mostly clear, engaging, and dynamic delivery efficiently conveys the meaning and emotion of the story efficiently uses pacing, tone, and body language performance is engaging and enjoyable for the audience
Developing Storyteller (10 points)
demonstrates an adequate understanding of the skills required for storytelling engages the audience with an adequate delivery adequately conveys the meaning and emotion of the story adequately uses pacing, tone, and body language performance is generally enjoyable for the audience Beginner Storyteller (5 points) demonstrates some difficulty with the skills required for storytelling hesitant or unclear delivery complicates the story that detracts from the meaning and emotion of the story struggles to engage the audience with pacing, tone, or body language performance is somewhat engaging for the audience
Holistic rubric for assessing a poem recital performance:
Excellent Performance (20 points)
voice is clear and expressive conveyed the mood of the poem effectively through tone and intonation used appropriate facial expressions and gestures demonstrated fluency and pacing throughout the recital have memorized the poem and demonstrated confidence
Good Performance (15 points)
voice is adequately clear and expressive conveyed the mood of the poem with few lapses through tone and intonation had some appropriate facial expressions and gestures demonstrated fluency and pacing half through the recital have memorized the poem but lacked confidence
Satisfactory Performance (10 points)
unstable voice clarity and expressiveness achieved little conveyance of the mood of the poem with lapses through tone and intonation showed limited facial expressions and gestures inconsistent fluency and pacing throughout the recital forgot to recite few lines of the poem
Poor Performance (5 points)
voice lacked clarity and expressiveness completely misused tone and intonation made no attempt of using facial expressions and gestures showed no fluency and disrupted pacing throughout the recital forgot to recite few paragraphs of the poem