CCD 06 December
CCD 06 December
CCD 06 December
CCD: A Serious Threat in Beekeeping
Mr. Digvijaysinh H. Padhiyar
Department of Entomology
3rd Semester, M.Sc. (Agri.)
Reg. No. - 2010118078
Major Guide Co-Guide
Dr. S. R. Patel Dr. G. B. Chopada
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology Department of Plant Pathology
N.M. College of Agriculture, Navsari N.M. College of Agriculture, Navsari
• Honey bees are considered as keystone
species because of the significant role
they play in supporting various
ecosystem through their massive
pollination service .
• In now a days honey bees have been
disappearing in large number across the
globe due to various reasons.
• Why this is so happen?
Productive Insect
Caste system of honey bee colony 5
Various major species of honey bees
Rock bee (Apis dorsata Fabricius)
• It is the largest of the honey bees also known
as Giant bee.
• In India it is generally found in plains as well
as hills.
• It build an open single comb of huge size
about a meter in diameter, which is attached to
the branches of the trees or rock.
• Due to its ferocious nature and strong tendency
to swarming, it can’t domesticate.
• It produce plenty of honey and the annual yield
from a colony is about 40 kg.
Product and Service of Honey bee
Table 1: The monetary value of honey bees as commercial pollinators in the United States
Proportion of Value
Crop Category Attributed to
Dependence on Insect Pollinators Major
(ranked by share of honey bee pollinator Honey Bees
Pollination That Are Producing States
Honey Bees ($ millions)
Alfalfa, hay & seed 100% 60% 4,654.2 CA, SD, ID, WI
Apples 100% 90% 1,352.3 WA, NY, MI, PA
Almonds 100% 100% 959.2 CA
Citrus 20%-80% 10%-90% 834.1 CA, FL, AZ, TX
Cotton (lint & seed) 20% 80% 857.7 TX, AR, GA, MS
Soybeans 10% 50% 824.5 IA, IL, MN, IN
Onions 100% 90% 661.7 TX, GA, CA, AZ
Broccoli 100% 90% 435.4 CA
Carrots 100% 90% 420.7 CA, TX
Sunflower 100% 90% 409.9 ND, SD
Cantaloupe 80% 90% 350.9 CA, WI, MN, WA
Other fruits & nuts 10%-90% 10%-90% 1,633.4 —
Other vegetables/melons 70%-100% 10%-90% 1,099.2 —
Other field crops 10%-100% 20%-90% 70.4 —
Total — — 14,564 —
CA = California WI = Wisconsin MI = Michigan AZ = Arizona GA = Georgia IL = Illinois ND = North Dakota SD = South Dakota WA = Washington
PA = Pennsylvania TX = Texas MS = Mississippi MN = Minnesota ID = Idaho NY = New York FL = Florida AR = Arkansas IA = Iowa IN = Indiana
Johnson, R. (2010). Honey bee colony collapse disorder, Congressional Research Service, 14
Bee Colony Losses
Johnson, R. (2010). Honey bee colony collapse disorder, Congressional Research Service, 20
Johnson, R. (2010). Honey bee colony collapse disorder, Congressional Research Service, 22
Enemies and Diseases of Honey bee
• Living socially, make the bees vulnerable to pathogens due to
close and extensive social interactions among individuals.
• The presence of honey and beeswax in the hive attracts a number
of enemies.
• Some feed honey, other on wax and still others on bees.
• These Enemies and diseases can create serious problem to the
Bee Enemies
Wax Moth: Greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella)
• Important Lepidopteran pest.
• The wax moth larvae tunnel through the
midrib of the comb, eating the wax, the
pollen residue and the cocoons left by the
emerging adult bees.
• They prefer to attack on the older, darker
• Its attack is more prevalent in the
• They destroy the comb, leaving behind
webbed masses of excrement and bits of
Source: A Handbook of Beekeeping by S. Dharm and S. P. Devender 25
Parasitic mites
Varroa mite (Varroa jacobsoni)
• It is the external parasite of the honey bees
mainly feed on the haemolymph of the bee.
• It attacked on both brood and adult, attacked
brood either dies or results in deformed adult.
• This mite develops and reproduce in to the sealed
brood cells of the honey bees.
• Parasitism can result in to the loss of adult
weight, severe deformations of the wings and
reduce longevity of the worker and drone honey
Nosema disease
•Cause by Nosema apis.
•It is an obligatory intracellular parasite.
•Sick bees have slightly swollen abdomen.
•Shorter life cycle of the bees.
•Queen bee stops laying or laid egg do not hatch and
ultimately die after few weeks.
•The water content is higher than the normal bees.
Table 2: Analysis of pools of bees tested for candidate pathogen
CCD Non CCD Total Sensitivity
Agents Predictive
(n=30) (n=21) (n=51) (%)
value (%)
25 (83.3%) 1 (4.8%) 26 (51.0%) 96.1 83.3
(Israeli acute paralysis virus)
30 (100%) 16 (76.2%) 46 (90.2%) 65.2 100
(Kashmir bee virus)
N. apis 27 (90%) 10 (47.6%) 37 (72.5%) 73.0 90.0
N. ceranae 30 (100%) 17 (80.9%) 47 (92.1%) 63.8 100
All four agents 23 (76.7) 0 (0%) 23 (45.0%) 100 76.7
Numbers in the CCD, Non CCD, and Total columns represent the percentage of samples found to be positive among all
samples tested in each category.
Positive Predictive Value: Positive predictive value represents the probability that a positive result for a given agent is
associated with CCD.
Sensitivity: Sensitivity is the probability that test results will be positive in all CCD cases.
Season Status Colonies DWV (%) BQCV (%) ABPV (%) SBV (%) SPV (%) N. ceranae (%)
Sr. Sample V. A. N.
Apiary Location BQCV DWV LSV ALPV Trypanosomatids Neogregarines N. apis
No. ID destructor Woodi ceranae
1 55 1 Guadalajara 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
2 56 1 Guadalajara 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
3 57 1 Guadalajara 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
4 58 1 Guadalajara 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
5 59 1 Guadalajara 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
6 1980 2 Vizcaya 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
7 324 3 Murcia 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
8 325 3 Murcia 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
9 328 3 Murcia 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
10 329 3 Murcia 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 = Not Detected, 1 = Detected
BQCV= Black Queen Cell Virus, LSV= Lake Sinai Virus
DWV= Deformed Wing Virus, ALPV= Aphid Lethal Paralysis Virus
Figure 3: Infection Percentage (%) of Phorid Fly Larvae per Worker in Different Locations in Egypt
Egypt Khattab et al. (2014)
Figure A: Maggot of Phorid fly Figure B: Pupa of Phorid fly
Figure 4: Different stages of Phorid fly observed on Honey bee collected sample
Egypt Khattab et al. (2014)
Rates of parasitism for
bees sampled from April
2009 through November
2010. Black solid line
shows rates in stranded
bees from under lights on
the San Francisco State
University campus, while
the pink dashed line
shows rates in foraging
• Neonicotinoids are used to control crop and ornamental plant pests such as aphids or
leaf beetles, structural pests like termites and pests of domesticated animals such as
• However, because these chemicals are systemic and absorbed into plant tissues,
insects that rely on nectar, pollen, or other floral resources have increased oral
exposure to residues of neonicotinoids or their metabolites.
• The failure of foraging bees to return to their hives has led many people to suggest
that a link exists between CCD and the behavioral disruption observed with
sub-lethal exposure to neonicotinoid insecticides
• Insecticide exposure may interact with other factors such as viruses or parasites to
weaken colony health and increase susceptibility to CCD.
Source: Chelsea, G.Colony Collapse Disorder: The Vanishing Honey bee
Figure 6: Combine effect of pesticides and living parasites in CCD of honey bee
Australia Francisco et al. (2016)
Table 7: Toxicity of different neonicotinoid insecticides to honey bees, Apis mellifera
Sr. No. Neonicotinoid Level Known toxicity to honey bees (Apis mellifera)
Contact LD50 (μg/ bee) Oral LD50 (μg/ bee)
1 Acetamiprid M 7.1– 8.09 8.85 – 14.52
2 Clothianidin H 0.022– 0.044 0.00379
3 Dinotefuran H 0.024– 0.061 0.0076 – 0.023
4 Imidacloprid H 0.0179– 0.243 0.0037 – 0.081
5 Thiacloprid M 14.6– 38.83 8.51 – 17.3
6 Thiamethoxam H 0.024– 0.029 0.005
H= Highly toxic; M = Moderately toxic
Toxicity: Highly toxic: LD50 < 2 μg/ bee; Moderately toxic: LD50 2-10.99 μg/ bee
Slightly toxic: LD50 11-100 μg/ bee; Practically non toxic: LD50 > 100 μg/ bee
Source: Chelsea, G.Colony Collapse Disorder: The Vanishing Honey bee
• For an efficient rearing of the healthy bees; a good mix of pollen is required as diet.
• In general in U.S. hives are moves from west in the spring, for almond crop to North
and East in Summer for other crop.
• This transportation put strain on the honey bee immune system.
• Most of the bees used for commercial pollination are placed in the areas where only
one, or perhaps just a few, pollens are available. Also many commercial beekeepers
that transport their bees long distances to pollinate crops use high fructose corn syrup
to feed their bees during their travel.
• These food source, however are not the best replacements for the enzyme and nutrient
rich raw honey and pollen that normally make up a bee’s diet. These diet supplements
will increase bee numbers, but bees are not as nutritionally well fed and
physiologically robust as are bees that have been living on a mix pollen diet.
Source: Chelsea, G.Colony Collapse Disorder: The Vanishing Honey bee
Source: Chelsea, G.Colony Collapse Disorder: The Vanishing Honey bee
Table 8: Changes in colony status of Apis mellifera exposed to cellphone radiations
Parameter Control (mean ± SD) Treated ( 15 minute exposure) (mean ± SD)
Bee strength
Start 7 frame 7 frame
End 9 frame 5 frame
Brood (cm2)
Total brood
Start 2033.76 ± 182.6 (7-532) 2866.43 ± 169.0 (0-574)
End 1975.44 ± 138.8 (0-427) 0760.19 ± 111.0 (0-348)
Prolificacy (egg laying rate/day)
Start 387.24 545.9
End 376.20 144.8
Honey stores (cm2) 3200 400
Pollen stores (cm2)
Start 230.5 ± 21.60 (198-305) 218.2 ± 17.48 (141-241)
End 246.7 ± 16.94 (195-289) 154.7 ± 7.30 (142-168)
Chandigarh, Punjab Sharma and Neelima (2010)
Figure 7: Experimental colony showing placement of mobile phones 53
Table 9: Changes in foraging behavior of Apis mellifera exposed to cellphone radiations
Control (mean ± Treated ( 15 minute exposure) (mean ±
Parameter SD) SD)
Flight Activity
(No. of workers bees leaving the hive
Before exposure 35.9 ± 13 (12–61) 34.1 ± 10 (18–48)
During exposure 37.2 ± 12 (12–72) 22.8 ± 6 (13–34)
Returning ability
(No. of worker bees returning to the hive/min)
Before exposure 39.6 ± 13 (12–61) 36.4 ± 11 (21–58)
During exposure 41.3 ± 11 (14–78) 28.3 ± 8 (16–48)
Pollen foraging efficiency
(No. of worker bees returning with pollen
Before exposure 7.0 ± 2 (4–9) 6.3 ± 2 (4–10)
During exposure 7.2 ± 2 (4–11) 4.6 ± 2 (2–7)
Chandigarh, Punjab Sharma and Neelima (2010)
Table 10: Change in colony status of honeybees, Apis mellifera exposed to mobile phones
Parameter Control (mean ± SD) Treated (10 min. exposure for 10 days)
Number of worker bees leaving the hive entrance / minute
Before exposure 40.7±15 38.2±12
During exposure 41.5±14 18.5±13
After exposure 42.4±14 Nil
Returning Ability
Before exposure 42.5±15 39.5±14
During exposure 43.6±14 15.6±13
After exposure 44.6±13 Nil
Bee strength
Before exposure 9 frame 9 frame
During exposure 9 frame 5 frame
After exposure 9 frame 1 frame
Egg laying rate of queen / day
Before exposure 365.25 355.10
During exposure 362.15 198.60
After exposure 350.15 100
Kollam, Kerala Sainudeen (2011)
• It can be concluded that the loss incurred by beekeeping industry is depend on multiple factors
mainly through abiotic and biotic along with some unknown factors.
• In case of biotic, virus like BQCV (62%) is predominantly associated with CCD followed by
parasites like Nosema ceranae and IAPV found in large numbers followed by Nosema apis,
Trypanosomatids shown its presence in CCD and parasitoids like phorid fly found devastating in
August to October on honey bee colonies.
• Chemicals like z-chlorfenviphos and among neonicotinoids, clothionidin, denitofeuron,
imidacloprid, thiamethoxam were highly toxic to honey bees and shown positive assurance towards
• Low genetic variation make bees susceptible for pest and disease and colony losses observed.
• Malnutrition and Transportation also contribute in CCD by reducing the immune system of bees.
• Cell phone radiation distracts bee colonies drastically by interrupting life cycle parameters (egg
laying capacity) and colony building behavior (flight capacity, return to colony and pollen carrying
capacity) in honey bees and finally it nullifies colony by reducing foraging capacity in case of Apis
• So for appropriate management is necessary to overcome honey bee loss caused by CCD.
Thank you