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Reinforced Concrete Beams

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CIVL 1112 Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams 1/11

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Mathematical modeling of reinforced concrete is essential to Mathematical modeling of reinforced concrete is essential to
civil engineering civil engineering

Concrete as a material
Concrete in a structure
Stress distribution in a reinforced concrete beam

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Mathematical modeling of reinforced concrete is essential to Mathematical modeling of reinforced concrete is essential to
civil engineering civil engineering

Blast failure of a reinforced concrete wall

Geometric model a reinforced concrete bridge

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Mathematical modeling of reinforced concrete is essential to
civil engineering Mathematical model for failure in an unreinforced concrete

Blast failure of a reinforced concrete wall

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Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Mathematical model for failure in an reinforced concrete beam
In the reinforced concrete beam project, there are three
different failure mode we need to investigate

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

First, lets consider the loading of the beam The purpose of RC is the reinforcement of areas in concrete
that are weak in tension


P/2 P/2 P/2 P/2

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Let’s look at the internal forces acting on the beam and The shear between the applied load and the support is
locate the tension zones constant V = P/2

 F  2 V  V
F  2 V  V 

V is the shear force P/2

P/2 P/2 P/2
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Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

The shear between the applied load and the support is The shear between the applied load and the support is
constant V = P/2 constant V = P/2

The shear force V = P/2 is constant between the applied load

and the support

P/2 P/2
P/2 P/2

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Let’s look at the internal moment at section between the  Let’s look at the internal moment at section between the
supports and applied load supports and applied load
M  2 x  The bending moment is the internal reaction to forces which
cause a beam to bend.
X max = 8 in.
M is the bending moment
 Bending moment can also be referred to as torque

x P/2
P/2 M  P/2
4P (lb.-in.)

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

The top of the beam is in compression and the bottom of the To model the behavior of a reinforced concrete beam we will
beam is in tension need to understand three distinct regions in the beam.
Two are illustrated below; the third is called shear.

Compression force on the upper

part ofmoment distributed
the concrete beamon Bending moment distributed on
the cut surface
MC MCthe cut surface

P Tension force on the lower P
part of the concrete beam
2 2
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Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

We need models to help us with compression, tension, and We need models to help us with compression, tension, and
shear failures in concrete shear failures in concrete



Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

We need models to help us with compression, tension, and We need models to help us with compression,
shear failures in concrete tension, and shear failures in concrete


Shear Shear Shear Shear

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Compression and tension failures in a reinforced Compression and tension failures in a reinforced
concrete beam concrete beam
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Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Shear failure in a reinforced concrete beam Shear failure in a reinforced concrete beam

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Typical rebar configuration to handle tension and
Let’s focus on how to model the ultimate tensile load in a
shear loads
reinforced concrete beam


Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Typical rebar configuration to handle tension and Typical rebar configuration to handle tension and
shear loads shear loads
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Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution

In the 1930s, Whitney proposed the use of a rectangular In the 1930s, Whitney proposed the use of a rectangular
compressive stress distribution compressive stress distribution

k3f’c 0.85f’c
b k 2x 0.5a

C a C

h d



Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution

Assume that the concrete contributes nothing to the tensile Assume that the complex distribution of compressive
strength of the beam stress in the concrete can be approximated by a rectangle

k3f’c 0.85f’c k3f’c 0.85f’c

b k 2x 0.5a b k 2x 0.5a

C a C C a C
c c

h d h d

As As


Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution

The height of the stress box, a, is defined as a percentage The height of the stress box, a, is defined as a percentage
of the depth to the neural axis of the depth to the neural axis

f 'c  4000 psi  1  0.85

0.85f’c 0.5a 0.85f’c 0.5a

a  1c a C
f 'c  4000 psi a C

 f 'c  4000 
1  0.85  0.05    0.65
 1000 
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Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution

The values of the tension and compression forces are: If the tension force capacity of the steel is too high, than
the value of a is large
C  0.85f 'c ba
T  As fy
0.85f’c 0.85f’c
0.5a As fy 0.5a
C 0.85f 'c b C
F  0  T C
a a

If a > d, then you have too much steel
As fy
0.85f 'c b T T

Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution

If the tension force capacity of the steel is too high, than The internal moment is the value of either the tension or
the value of a is large compression force multiplied the distance between them.

 a
 a M  As fy  d  
 M  T  d  2  0.85f’c 0.5a
 2
0.85f’c 0.5a

a C Substitute the value for a a C

 a
M  As fy  d   d  Af  d
 2 M  As fy  d  0.59 s y 
 f 'c b 
M  4P

Whitney Rectangular Stress Distribution Reinforced Concrete Beams

The internal moment is the value of either the tension or
compression force multiplied the distance between them Let’s focus on how to model the ultimate shear load in a
reinforced concrete beam
 Af 
M  As fy  d  0.59 s y 
 f 'c b  P
We know that the moment in our reinforced
concrete beans is
M  4P
Shear Shear
Af  Af 
Ptension = s y  d - 0.59 s y 
4  f'c b 
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Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

We can approximate the shear failure in unreinforced concrete Lets consider shear failure in reinforced concrete
Av fy d
Vc  2 f 'c bd Vs 
If we include some reinforcing for shear the total shear P
capacity of a reinforce concrete bean would be approximated
Vn 
Vn  Vc  Vs Af d 
Pshear  2  v y  2 f 'c bd 
 s 

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Let’s focus on how to model the ultimate compression load in There is a “balanced” condition where the stress in the steel
a reinforced concrete beam reinforcement and the stress in the concrete are both at their
yield points
The amount of steel required to reach the balanced strain
condition is defined in terms of the reinforcement ratio:

P P As
Compression Compression

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

The limits of the reinforcement ratio are established The limits of the reinforcement ratio are established
as: as:
Reinforcement ratio definition
A  0.600 Beam failure is controlled by
  s d compression
bd  as function of c/d
0.375   0.600 Transition between tension
d and compression control
c f 'c
  0.85 1 c
d fy  0.375 Beam failure is controlled by
d tension
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Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beams

Lets consider compression failure in over reinforced concrete. Lets consider compression failure in over reinforced concrete
First, let define an equation that given the stress in the tensile First, let define an equation that given the stress in the tensile
steel when concrete reaches its ultimate strain. steel when concrete reaches its ultimate strain

d c
fsteel  87,000 psi 
 c 
 M  4P only if fs  f y
If fsteel < fy then or  0.600

As  d  c   a
 d  c  a Pcompression  d   87,000 psi
Mcompression  As    d  2  87,000 psi 4  c   2
 c  

Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis

Consider the different types of failures in reinforced concrete:
Let’s use the failure models to predict the ultimate strength-to-
weight (SWR) of one of our reinforced concrete beams from

Consider a beam with the following characteristics:

Concrete strength f’c = 5,000 psi

Steel strength fy = 60,000 psi
The tension reinforcement will be 2 #4 rebars
The shear reinforcement will be #3 rebars bent in a U-shape spaced at
4 inches.
Use the minimum width to accommodate the reinforcement

Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis

Reinforcing bars are denoted by the bar number. The Based on the choice of reinforcement we can compute an
diameter and area of standard rebars are shown below. estimate of b and d
#4 rebar diameter Minimum cover #3 rebar diameter
Bar # Diameter (in.) As (in. )
3 0.375 0.11 b b  2  0.5 in  2(0.75 in ) 2(0.375 in )
4 0.500 0.20
5 0.625 0.31
6 0.750 0.44 0.75 in  4.0in.
7 0.875 0.60
8 1.000 0.79 d
6 in. Space between bars
9 1.128 1.00
10 1.270 1.27 #4
11 1.410 1.56
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Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis

If we allow a minimum cover under the rebars were can We now have values for b, d, and As
estimate d
Half of #4 bar Minimum cover
 Af 

b b
M  As fy  d  0.59 s y 
d 6 
0.75 0.375  f 'c b 
#3 rebar diameter
d The As for two #4 rebars is:
6 in. 6 in.
d 4.625 in. #4 As  2(0.20 in.2 )  0.40 in.2

Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis


Compute the moment capacity Let’s check the shear model

Af d 
 Af  Pshear  2  v y  2 f 'c bd  6 in. d

M  As fy  d  0.59 s y   s 
 f 'c b  #4

Area of two #3 rebars

 0.4in.2 (60ksi)   
 2 0.11in.2  60,000psi  4.625in. 
 0.4in.2 (60ksi)  4.625in.  0.59   2  2 5,000psi  4in. 4.625in. 
 
 5ksi (4in.)  

Shear reinforcement spacing

M  35,757lb. 
 94.0 k  in.  P  23.5 kips 35.76kips
Since Ptension < Pshear therefore Ptension controls

Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis

Let’s check the reinforcement ratio An 1 estimate is given as:

f 'c  4000 psi  1  0.85

Reinforcement ratio definition
  s
bd  as function of c/d
f 'c  4000 psi
 f 'c  4000 
c f 'c 1  0.85  0.05    0.65
  0.85 1  1000 
d fy  5,000  4,000 
1  0.85  0.05    0.80
To compute , first we need to estimate 1  1,000 
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Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis

Check the reinforcement ratio for the maximum steel allowed However, the maximum about of steel where compression is
for tension controlled behavior or c/d = 0.375 in control is c/d = 0.600

c f 'c 5ksi c f 'c 5ksi

  0.85 1  0.85(0.80)0.375   0.85 1  0.85(0.80)0.600
d fy 60ksi d fy 60ksi
 0.021  0.034
c/d = 0.375 for tension c/d = 0.600 for compression
controlled behavior controlled behavior

As 0.4 in.2 As 0.4 in.2

   0.022    0.022
bd 4in.(4.625in.) bd 4in.(4.625in.)
The amount of steel in this beam is just a bit over the Therefore, the beam is in the lower part of the transition zone
allowable for tension controlled behavior. and for our purposes is OK.

Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis

An estimate of the weight of the beam can be made as:
In summary, this reinforced concrete beam will fail in tension
Size of concrete beam Unit weight of concrete

S  P  23.5 kips
4 in.
(4in.)(6in.)(30in.)  145lb. 
W    
1728in.3 ft.3  ft.3 
Unit weight of steel
 W  62.81 lb.
Additional weight of rebars 4.625 in.
6 in.

(0.4in. )(30in.)  490lb.  145lb. 


1728 in.3 ft.3  ft.3 
 23,500 lb.
SWR   374.2
 60.42lb.  2.39lb.  62.81lb. 62.81 lb.

Reinforced Concrete Beam Analysis


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