This document discusses Christian doctrines and theology. It contains questions and answers about the meanings of theology, the relationship between religious beliefs, practices, and feelings, and how faith and reason relate to religious experience. It also describes the characteristics of good Christian theology and lists the major Christian doctrines as Revelation, God, Humanity, Salvation, the Church, and the Last Things. It explains that these doctrines are all related and work together to teach the truth about Christianity.
This document discusses Christian doctrines and theology. It contains questions and answers about the meanings of theology, the relationship between religious beliefs, practices, and feelings, and how faith and reason relate to religious experience. It also describes the characteristics of good Christian theology and lists the major Christian doctrines as Revelation, God, Humanity, Salvation, the Church, and the Last Things. It explains that these doctrines are all related and work together to teach the truth about Christianity.
Original Title
Jayoma^J Jyan Gay D. - Christian Doctrines Seatwork 1
This document discusses Christian doctrines and theology. It contains questions and answers about the meanings of theology, the relationship between religious beliefs, practices, and feelings, and how faith and reason relate to religious experience. It also describes the characteristics of good Christian theology and lists the major Christian doctrines as Revelation, God, Humanity, Salvation, the Church, and the Last Things. It explains that these doctrines are all related and work together to teach the truth about Christianity.
This document discusses Christian doctrines and theology. It contains questions and answers about the meanings of theology, the relationship between religious beliefs, practices, and feelings, and how faith and reason relate to religious experience. It also describes the characteristics of good Christian theology and lists the major Christian doctrines as Revelation, God, Humanity, Salvation, the Church, and the Last Things. It explains that these doctrines are all related and work together to teach the truth about Christianity.
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Christian Doctrines
Name: Jyan Gay D. Jayoma Year: 1 Course: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Questions for review:
1. What meanings does the word theology have? The word theology comes from the Greek words “theos” which means “God,” and “logos” which means “speech” or “word.” Literally speaking, theology means “God-talk” or “the language that speaks about God.” Theology, however, has different meanings. The word “theology” is expressed and linked after the names of religious groups to designate their beliefs such as the Seventh-Day Adventist theology, among others. Moreover, theology also refers but is not limited to (1) the beliefs of any religious denominations; (2) the activity of reflecting on our religious beliefs; (3) the scrutiny of our religious beliefs with the intention to express them in a comprehensible and logical manner; and (4) anything that uses the name of God, or/and any holy beings. 2. What is the relation between religious beliefs and religious practices and feelings? According to the book “Reign of God” by Richard Rice, “Religion is a practice more than a belief” and “is primarily emotional in nature.” Our religious practices and feelings are directly connected with our beliefs since the way we feel and the way we live are reflections of what we believe. Say, for example, you believe in the verse that is found in Matthew 7:12 which says, “Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.” You will then start practicing treating people the way you want to be treated as well and you will start feeling empathy toward your neighbors. 3. How are faith and reason related to a mature religious experience? Faith and reason complement each other since there is only a single truth. For example, Christians believe that every “man is made out of the dust…,” (Gen. 2:19) as written in the Bible. On the other hand, Science has proven that the elements in our body are likewise found in the soil or dust. The more one tries to reason out everything through scientific explanations, the more faith be proven right. And this is how faith and reason relate to a mature religious experience. Both explain that the way we live and the things around us are planned and created by the Lord, these two elaborate that there are so many things to be grateful for with God and that enables us to experience Him every single day of our lives and develop our relationship with Him through worship. 4. What are the characteristics of a good Christian theology? Good theology is biblical, rational, historically sensitive, contemporary, creative and constructive, systematic, and is for the church. Good theology helps strengthen our confidence in God and makes us thirstier for biblical truths. Moreover, it binds humanity and God closer together leading to eternity. 5. What are the major Christian doctrines and how are they related to each other? The major Christian doctrines are the Doctrine of Revelation, the Doctrine of God (Theology), the Doctrine of Humanity (Anthropology), the Doctrine of Salvation (Soteriology), the Doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology), and the Doctrine of the Last Things (Eschatology). These doctrines are related to each other as they all contain one truth and speak about One God and Christianity, although they do not have equal importance. If there is an absence of one of these doctrines, its entirety will only bring people into confusion, and the goal of enlightening humanity might be a hard task to do. Moreover, our Christian experience would not be possible without the presence of these doctrines as they are the fundamentals of Christianity.