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Journal of Nonformal Education p-ISSN 2442-532X | e-ISSN 2528-4541

Vol 8, No 1 (2022) 46-53 https://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/jne

Effects of 21st Century Learning on the Development of Critical

Thinking, Creativity, Communication, and Collaboration Skills
Entoh Tohani*, Ismatul Aulia
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
*Email: tohani@uny.ac.id

Submitted: 2021-11-13. Revised: 2021-12-04. Accepted: 2022-02-05

Abstract. 21st-century teaching needed in the Package C equality education program because it is the key to developing the critical
thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration (4C) skills of students. These skills are not optimally encouraged for students of
the program even though they have to adapt to changing environment. This research intended to reveal the effects of 21st century learn-
ing toward development of the 4C skills for the program. The method used was survey through a quantitative approach. The research
population numbered 2,268 students in Special Provine of Yogyakarta, Indonsia, all of whom being registered in the Community Learn-
ing Activity Center (CLC) or the Learning Activity Center (Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (SKB)). The research sample was Paket C stu-
dents selected through a quota sampling technique, numbering 301 students. Data collected by distributing online questionnaires and
analyzed using regression analysis by SPSS 24. The study concluded that influence of 21st century learning influences significantly on
development of the 4C skills of students in the Paket C equality education program. Therefore, to develop quality of the program, it is
needed research plannedly, innovative and sustainable to create and support forming of the 21st century skills for students.

Key words: 21st century learning, skills 4C, equality education

How to Cite: Tohani, E., & Aulia, I. (2022). Effects of 21st Century Learning on the Development of Critical Thinking, Creativity,
Communication, and Collaboration Skills. Journal of Nonformal Education, 8(1), 46-53.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/jne.v8i1.33334

INTRODUCTION industrial revolution 4.0. This capability, further

described as critical thinking, creativity, communi-
Transformation to Industry 4.0 delivered an im- cation, and collaboration (4C) skills, is of absolute
pact to nonformal education institutions providing necessary, allowing students to adapt to the changes
various educational services to an individual and/or occurring in the community and be able to solve
society. One of the services is Paket C equality problems in life as an individual or a social being.
education service, whose goal is to provide all In- Lacking this capability, a student may not be ready
donesians with an opportunity to obtain high school to play a role in community life, resulting him to
equivalent education. In Indonesia, Paket C equali- provide insufficient positive contributions to com-
ty education program has an important role to guide munity development and even become an unpro-
Indonesians to have outstanding qualities of being ductive citizen (Prasetyo & Wahyudi, 2018). Thus,
capable to develop their full potencies and abilities, at the management level of the equality education,
improving themselves and their environments, and making use of the information and communication
playing an active role in life or taking self- technological advancements in the learning process
development education or activities. Empirically, of developing 4C skills is imperative and must be
this Paket C program is intended to provide educa- an integrated part of the development of the envi-
tion to those who have not taken senior high school ronments, and students are expected to optimally
education level due to financial difficulties, limited develop their capability. The availability, accessi-
access to equality education, disadvantageous geoF- bility, and useful implementation of information
igureal factors, or social-psycho factors that derail and communication technology in the activity and
learners (Ishofwan, et al, 2021). This program, by learning managements need to be continuously
jurisdiction, may be conducted by non-school gov- developed so that learning continues, reaches un-
ernment agencies, pondok pesantren (Islamic served target groups, and introduces effectiveness
boarding schools), community social foundations, and efficiency in education management.
community learning activity centers (CLC), and As a means for students to be able to adapt to the
others. changes mentioned previously, 21st century learning
One of the various impacts of such a transfor- as an innovative tool should be accommodated in
mation affects the students’ mastery of the learning the implementation of Paket C equality education.
results (output) and the implementations (outcome), 21st century learning is basically a proper thing to
i.e how students’ learning capability of the educa- do as it allows an opportunity for optimal develop-
tion program is developed in compatibility with ment of potentials of an individual by positioning
Entoh Tohani & Ismatul Aulia / Journal of Nonformal Education 8 (1) (2022): 46-53

students as the subjects of education. In Indonesia, • Collaboration skills show that individuals are
this kind of education has already been adapted into responsible for their actions, work productively,
the national education system throught the imple- show flexibility and are able to compromise, are
mentation of Kurikulum 2013 (K-13, Curriculum able to manage tasks or projects well, and have
2013) which emphasizes student-centered and 4C mutual respect for other individuals (Greenstein,
skill development-oriented learning. Unfortunately, 2012).
the implementation of this kind of learning is still • Communication skills include the ability to lis-
far from optimal in developing 4C skills due to the ten and understand well, ask questions that lead
facts that educators still rely on the use of conven- to problem solving, and set a goal that leads to
tional approaches and methods in conventional mutually beneficial solutions.
learning and low innovation in learning (Adrian & • Creativity skills show that individuals can think
Rusman, 2019; Junaedi, et al., 2019). In regard to imaginatively, have a good curiosity, desire to
equality education management, preliminary re- explore and try new things, like challenges, and
search focusing on 21st century competence is mea- have and understand ambiguity.
ger as research is dominated by the ones focusing Skills mentioned previously are required by the
on people’s learning motivation (Estafianto, students to face and adapt to the social changes,
Fakhrudin, Sutarto, 2020; Senjawati, et al., 2017), allowing the learners to survive and compete well
learning process (Hardika & Triamansyah, 2020; in life (Suminar, et al, 2021). 4C skills enable stu-
Nengsih & Himi, 2019; Mustangin, 2018), and dents to face and adapt to the development of the
learning impact (Asran, 2011; Salman & Tohani, environment, compete, make use of the potentials to
2019). identify and solve problems, create opportunities,
In reference to this view, a study needs to be work effectively, improve their verbal and analyti-
conducted to understand how mastery of the com- cal skills, reflect to themselves, socialize, be heed-
munication, critical thinking, collaboration, and ful to the environment, and control egos and emo-
creative skills of the Paket C students are developed tions, and develop thoughts and ideas to solve prob-
through the implementation of 21st century learning. lems (Griffin & Care, 2015; Bourn, 2018; Rhedana,
Data obtained through this study will serve as a 2019; Fakhriyah, Masfuah & Mardapi, 2019). By
valuable input to the improvement of the learning mastering 4C skills, students are expected to be
quality of the equality education program. ready for competitive work life, self-development,
In regard to industrial revolution 4.0., all learn- and doing their social functions in accordance with
ers should possess 21st century skills to be able to their fields of interest.
adapt to life. 21st skills, according to experts, di- For 4C skills to develop in students, 21st learn-
versely vary and include skills for mastering ing, as an innovative effort, should take place. 21st
knowledge, metacognitive skills, problem-solving century learning is the process of facilitating stu-
skills; ability to think critically and creatively, dents to have skills, knowledge, and abilities in a
communicate and collaborate effectively; using variety of fields such as technology, media and
communication and information technology; mak- information, learning and innovation skills, and life
ing use of media; cross-cultural communication; and career skills. The goal is to develop qualified
career development and promotion; and self- human resources in the form of independent indi-
development (Trilling & Fadel, 2009; Trinidad, et viduals which are willing and capable of creating
al., 2013; Hughes & Maas, 2017; Murugiah, 2020; prosperity and possessing skills usefully required
Bakir, 2019; Sari & Winda, 2019; Sholihah & for the changes and developments of the times. The
Lastariwati, 2020; Koenig, 2011). This research learning process is carried out based on student-
specifically refers 21st century skills to innovation centered teaching where educators are required to
and learning skills (Trilling, & Fadel, 2009) com- be able to manage learning effectively, use various
prised of critical thinking, collaboration, communi- learning models, employ active learning, build ef-
cation, and creativity which are elaborated in the fective relationships with students and community,
following: use appropriate technology and learning, and con-
• Critical thinking skills show that individuals are duct a sustainable reflection on learning (Darling,
able to make decisions, respond or comment 2006; Donovan & Green, 2014; Kilbane & Milman,
with consideration, willing to correct their mis- 2014). This learning should be supported by the
takes, able to analyze things systematically, dare availability of adequate facilities and infrastructures
to convey the truth even though it is difficult to and a learning atmosphere integrated with the
bear, are meticulous, honest, and sincere, act community, the use of communication and infor-
fairly, and avoid harming others.

Entoh Tohani & Ismatul Aulia / Journal of Nonformal Education 8 (1) (2022): 46-53

mation technology, and the employment of authen- techniques by the means of SPSS version 24. De-
tic assessments (Kemendikbud, 2013). scriptive data analysis was performed to determine
the frequency and variability of the data. The pro-
METHOD cessed data was then classified into three categories
based on the standard deviation (Azwar, 2012),
The research method used in this study was sur- namely high (μ + 1σ ≤ X), medium (μ - 1σ ≤ X < μ
vey with quantitative research. Survey is a method + 1σ), and low (X < μ - 1σ). Furthermore, the data
to obtain data from a specific place naturally but the was analyzed according to the focus of research, i.e.
researchers conduct particular treatments for data the effect of learning on the formation of 21st centu-
collection, for example, distributing questionnaires, ry skills, using the technique of regression analysis.
performing tests,
The research population was students of the Pa- RESULT AND DISCUSSION
ket C program in the Province of Special Region of
Yogyakarta, all numbering 2,268 students. The The result of the research is described in the fol-
selction of the sample was carried out using a quota lowing, with the focus on, first, the description on
sampling technique with an error rate of 5% how the 21st century learning was carried out, and
(Sugiyono, 2016). The sample in this study was 301 then the resultant effects of the 21st century learning
students of Paket C determined by observing the on the development of the intended skills.
distribution of students studying in non-formal edu-
cation units, namely the Learning Activity Center 21st century learning
(Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (SKB)) and CLC in 5 The following Figure 1 describes the total scores
districts/city in Yogyakarta with 107 respondents of the respondents’s answers on the impartation of
from SKB and 194 from CLC respectively. the 21st century learning in Paket C education pro-
gram in Special Region of Yogyakarta. This catego-
Table 1. The number of respondents ry Figure shows that a great number of the students,
Class Gender Total 116 students or 38.5%, perceived that 21st century
10 Female 68 learning was performed in the high category. 185
Male 67 students (61.8%) believed that the implementation
11 Female 24 of the 21st century learning was put in the moderate
Male 35 category. None of the students thought that this
12 Female 53 learning was not implemented or put in low catego-
Male 54 ry. This shows that the 21st century learning process
Total 301 in the Paket C equality education program already
takes place, or all students experience such learn-
Data was collected by distributing online ques- ing. It suffices to say that the learning conducted
tionnaires either by e-mail or a Google Forms for- tries to keep up with the time, for example, the
mat that respondents needed to access and fill. The learning already utilizes internet as learning re-
questionnaire was previously formulated with refer- sources, etc.
ence to theoretical construct which had been devel-
oped before going into reliability. Reliability was
ensured by using the Cronbach alpha formula. The
base for decision making was if the Cronbach alpha
value is greater than (>) 0.60 then the instrument is
declared reliable. The results of this test show that
both 21st century learning variables, having 33
statement items, and 4C skills, consisting of 29
statement items, had values of 0.915 and 0.943
respectively. This means both research instruments Figure 1. 21st century learning category
were declared reliable. Meanwhile, the validity of
the instrument was guaranteed by consultations A more detailed view of the frequencies, based
with two experts specializing in non-formal educa- on the 21st century learning indicators, is presented
tion. in the following
The collected data was selected, observed, cod-
ed, and later processed using quantitative analysis

Entoh Tohani & Ismatul Aulia / Journal of Nonformal Education 8 (1) (2022): 46-53

Table 2. The category of 21st century learning indica-

tors The previous table explains that students who stat-
Category ed 4C skills in the high category numbered 168
Indicators High Moderate Low (55.8%), while those who said that 4C was in the me-
f % f % f % dium category amounted to 133 (44.2%), and none of
Goals 247 82,1 52 17,3 2 0,7 the students (0%) claimed the 4C implementation was
Learners 237 78,7 64 21,3 0 0 in the low category. When the frequency of each cate-
Educators 245 81,4 55 18,3 1 0,3 gory that has been mentioned was the focus, it can be
Curriculum 185 61,5 115 38,2 1 0,3 seen that the 4C skills in the Special Region of Yog-
Process 265 88,0 35 11,6 1 0,3 yakarta were included in the high category. This im-
Facilities 89 29,6 209 69,4 3 1,0 plies that students had 21st century abilities that were
Atmosphere 260 86,4 40 13,3 1 0,3 obtained through the learning process. The four abili-
Evaluations 191 63,5 109 36,2 1 0,3 ties being discussed can be considered to be already
possessed by the majority of students who took the
The previous table states that a considerable num- Paket C equality education program. Furthermore,
ber of students claimed that the indicators of goals, each 4C skill indicator is presented in detail in the
learners, educators, curriculum, learning process, at- following table.
mosphere, and evaluation were in the high category.
This proves that learning in Paket C program is al- Table 3. Indicators of 4C skills of Paket C students
ready 21st century learning-oriented. However, the Category
component of facilities is still in the moderate catego- Indicator High Moderate Low
ry. This signifies that the 21st century learning that f % f % f %
occurs still could not use the required facilities opti- Critical Thinking 243 82.1 53 17.6 1 0.3
mally to achieve optimal learning. This means that a Collaboration 271 90.0 30 10.0 0 0
facility improvement, both making those facilities Commucation 210 69.8 91 30.2 0 0
available and utilizing them, is necessary. Creativity 200 66.4 101 33.6 0 0

4C Skills Data presented in the table shows that all indicators

The research outcome on the achievement of 4C are in high category. However, among those four indi-
skills of the students of the Paket C educational pro- cators, communication and creativity are still per-
gram in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which ceived by many to belong to moderate category, in
includes the indicators of communication, critical which their percentage values are 30.2% and 33.6%
thinking, collaboration, and creativity, is described by respectively. This is a sign that the development of
the following Figure 2. those skills through attractive, constructive, and mean-
ingful learning still becomes a challenge for educators
working in equality program.

Impacts of 21st century learning to 4C skills

The following table contains data which is useful
to identify whethere there is an impact of 21st century
learning to 4C skills of the Paket C students in Special
Region of Yogyakarta.

Figure 2. 4C skills of the students of Paket C

Table 4. Coefficient of determination

Model Summaryb
ModelR R SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the Estimate
1 .826a.682 .681 5.51563
a. Predictors: (Constant), Pembelajaran Abad 21
b. Dependent Variable: Keterampilan

Entoh Tohani & Ismatul Aulia / Journal of Nonformal Education 8 (1) (2022): 46-53

The value of the Adjusted R Square, as shown by Judging from how the 21st century learning pro-
the data in the previous table, is 0.681 or 68.1%. This cess affects the formation of 21st century skills for
means that the independent variable affects the de- students, the results of the study show that the learn-
pendent variable as much as 68.1%. The rest comes ing process has a significant effect on the develop-
from other variables not stated in the model. ment in question. This means that the learning in
The 21st-century learning in managing of the Paket C program has already anticipated and/or
package C equality education is a must for every adapted to the changes in the environents. The 21st
educational institution to organize it in order to stu- century learning in Paket C equality education pro-
dents develop all of their potential and abilities. Each gram is in accordance with the 21st century learning
component of the education must be held in a quality framework that prioritizes the mastery of: critical
manner. The results showed that all aspects of 21st- thinking and problem solving, communication and
century learning according to the respondents had collaboration skills, the ability to create and update,
gone well in the indicators of goals, students, educa- technology and information literacy, contextual learn-
tors, curriculum, learning process, climate, and learn- ing abilities, and information skills and media literacy
ing evaluation but in terms of facilities it was still (Larson & Miller, 2012). This also conforms to the
considered moderate. This information provides an 21st century learning objectives stating that students
illustration that education has implemented learning should possess skills that are important and useful for
based on the principle of central learning for students them to be able to be more responsive to changes and
and considers environmental changes that must be today’s conditions (Andrian & Rusman, 2019: Kauf-
adopted by students. This means that this shows that man, 2013).
the non-formal education learning process is held It is important to support the skills, so the learning
with the aim of equipping students to adapt to rapid process of the Paket C equity program has to be de-
environmental changes (Viinikka & Uban, 2019; signed effectively and well planned in terms of the
Donovan & Green, 2014). However, the success of student aspect, curriculum, facilities, and learning
the learning is strongly influenced by the availability evaluation are still compared to the components of
and functioning of the learning facilities such as in- objectives, processes, learning climate, and curricu-
ternet networks, computers, teleconferencing build- lum. So, some improvement actions could be carried
ings, etc. As understood, one of the characteristics of out to optimal the forming of the skills which are
this learning is that the use of communication and include: first, to identify how 4C skills are mastered
information technology is highly emphasized, so by the students. This first step means the learning
students need to also develop their ability to use ICT process should previously identify which 21st skills
tools so that they can carry out learning effectively are already obtained and which ones are still not mas-
(Phua, Wong & Abu, 2011; Sumadi, et al., 2020). tered. Second, to foster the students’s learning moti-
Therefore, organizers need to plan the availability and vation and learning behaviours. Students should be
feasibility of the internet and other ICT facilities positioned as subjects of learning, which is in line
needed in the learning process of the program. with Knowles’ (1986) theory which states that stu-
The learning process must be able to develop the dents’ characteristics are having their self-concepts,
knowledge, skills, and attitudes of students by educa- being an independent individual, having a wide range
tional goals. Related to it, the learning process of the of experiences, having learning preparedness which
program viewed by students that it has been able to orientates to their social role development tasks, be-
equip and develop their abilities in terms of thinking, ing desirous of functional and immediate learning
thinking, communicating, and collaboration. The outcomes, and their learning orientation is problem-
results of the study show that the learning process of centered.
the program has been able to develop these abilities Third, the learning process must apply methods
even though with different levels of achievement. The that lead the students to play an active role in the
difference of achievement occurs because the majori- development of 4C skills. Previously, data shows that
ty of students are adults who have differences such as the lowest achieved skill is creativity. It shows that
experience, motivation, learning style, and learning the applied learning approach or method needs to be
ability (Landriscina, 2009; Haselberger & Motschnig, improved by using the one which allows the students
2011; Mavropoulosa, Pampourib & Kiriatzakoua, to recontruct their obtained knowledge into new
2021). This difference can also occur due to the influ- knowledge which leads to the creation of creative
ence of a quality learning process and climate (Kim, products/ideas to solve an existing problem. Problem-
Raza, & Seidman, 2019; Owusu-Agyeman & Larbi- based learning and action-based learning (learning by
Siaw, 2018) and the ability of educators to teach stu- doing) are applicable in education by teaching stu-
dents (Habulezi, Batsalelwang, & Malatsi, 2017). dents (Koroneou, Paraskeva, & Alexiou, 2013; Atun
& Latupeirisa, 2020; Toheri & Haqq, 2020) using

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