Eora Metodología
Eora Metodología
Eora Metodología
The UNCTAD-Eora Global Value Chain (GVC) database offers global coverage
(189 countries and a “Rest of World” region) and a timeseries from 1990 to
2018, reporting on key GVC indicators. This paper explains the methodology for
compiling the UNCTAD-Eora GVC database, including nowcasting employed in
the estimation of recent years; second, it provides a comparison of the results
against other value-added trade databases, with a focus on the OECD Trade in
Value Added (TiVA) dataset; and lastly discusses the relevance of GVC data for
the analysis of globalisation patterns, particularly at the intersection between trade,
investment and development.
Keywords: trade in value added; MRIO; global value chains; complex value chains;
value added in export; input-output analysis
1. Introduction
A pivotal element in the analysis of international production are global value chains
(GVCs), which are fragmented and geographically dispersed production processes
where different stages are located across different countries. GVCs are coordinated
by multinational enterprises (MNEs) investing in productive assets worldwide and
trading inputs and outputs intra-firm, at arm’s length or through their network of
non-equity mode (NEM) partners. UNCTAD estimates that up to 80 per cent of
global trade involves MNEs (World Investment Report 2013). In this respect, the
analysis of GVCs is fully complementary to the analysis of FDI and international
* Bruno Casella and Richard Bolwijn are at the United Conference on Trade and Development. Daniel
Moran and Keiichiro Kanemoto work at Eora. Correspondence with the authors may be addressed
jointly to Bruno Casella (Bruno.Casella@unctad.org) and the Eora MRIO maintainers (info@worldmrio.
com). The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the authors.
116 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Volume 26, 2019, Number 3
UNCTAD/Eora National Supply-Use and I-O tables, 189 26-500 1990–2015 Meta database drawing together many sources
and I-O tables from Eurostat, IDE- depending on (nowcast for 2016, and interpolating missing points to provide broad,
GVC Database
JETRO and OECD the country 2017 and 2018) consistent coverage
Trade in Value OECD National I-O tables 64 34 2005–2015 Information on all OECD countries, and 27 non-
Added (TiVA) (projections 2016) member economies (including all G20 countries)
World Input-Output Consortium of 11 National Supply-Use tables 43 56 2000–2014 Based on official national account statistics; uses
Database (WIOD): institutions, EU funded end-use classification to allocate flows across
2016 Release partners and countries
EU-based consortium, National supply-use tables 44+5 200 1995–2013 Covers 44 countries plus five rest-of-world
exiobase.eu regions
ADB Multi-Region Asian Development An extension of WIOD which 45 35 2000, 2005– The information for the 5 additional Asian
Input-Output Bank includes 5 additional Asian 2008, 2011 countries are estimates methodically produced to
Database economies (Bangladesh, Malaysia, assist research and analysis, not official statistics
(ADB MRIO) Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam)
Improving the analysis of global value chains: the UNCTAD-Eora Database
Purdue University Contributions from individual 121 65 2004, 2007, Includes data on areas such as energy volumes,
Global Trade
researchers and organizations countries 2011, 2014 land use, carbon dioxide emissions and
Analysis Project
plus 20 international migration.
ECLAC and Institute National I-O tables 10 40 2005 Based on official information from National
South American of Applied Economic Accounts
Input-Output table Research (IPEA) from
Source: UNCTAD.
118 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Volume 26, 2019, Number 3
In this section we briefly retrace the steps that lead to the establishment of the
new UNCTAD-Eora database. The first step (section 2.1) – the construction of a
multiregional input-output (MRIO) dataset – is the most technically complex and
computationally intensive. We present it only qualitatively; for more detail the
existing literature is referenced. Once an MRIO is available, some straightforward
algebraic steps allow to fit the relevant information contained in the MRIO into the
framework of value-added trade and derive the key GVC indicators (section 2.2).
Finally, a nowcasting procedure is implemented to project value-added trade data
from the last available year onward (section 2.3). Unlike section 2.1 and section 2.2
which are essentially summaries of existing material, the treatment of nowcasting in
section 2.3 is new, hence its analytical elaboration here is more detailed.
http://worldmrio.com/unctadgvc/. For references to the UNCTAD-Eora database, cite this method
paper as follows:
Casella, B. et al. (2019). Improving the analysis of global value chains: the UNCTAD-Eora Database,
Transnational Corporations Journal 26(3). New York and Geneva: United Nations.
Improving the analysis of global value chains: the UNCTAD-Eora Database 119
Geschke (2013); and Moran (2013). The documentation section of the Eora website
(at http://worldmrio.com) also provides several papers and reports that present the
main elements of I/O analysis.
The Eora dataset provides a multi-region input-output table at the global level to
estimate value added in trade. The construction of the Eora MRIO table follows
several steps.
a. The starting points are the national IO tables or supply/use tables (SUTs).
National SUTs are recommended over input-output tables because they provide
information on both products and industries. However, the national statistics
bureaus in some countries still provide only input-output tables. A supply table
provides information on products produced by each domestic industry and a
“use” table indicates the use of products by industries or final users. As SUTs
are only available for a limited number of countries, the remaining countries
are hence represented by input-output (I/O) tables, which can be sourced
from available data or compiled according to a range of assumptions. In order
to avoid departures from the original raw data, EORA preserves the sectoral
classification from each data provider. The complete list of raw data sources
involved in preparing the IO table for each country in Eora is available at the
Quality Report section of the Eora website and in the Supplementary Information
of Lenzen et al. (2012).
b. National SUTs and I/O tables are linked through international trade statistics
using import tables to obtain a multi-region input-output table. At this step, an
estimation procedure is used to construct so-called “off-diagonal” trade blocks,
estimating flows from each export sector in each origin country (rows) to each
importing sector in each destination country (columns). Trade data is most often
reported by product and by producer and consumer country. However, an off-
diagonal trade block in an IO table requires knowing how goods from each
exporting sector are absorbed into each importing sector. Put another way, the
raw data is three-dimensional, but the IO table requires four dimensions. Thus,
creating the trade blocks involves several assumptions and estimation steps.
The challenges and procedures used to estimate trade are presented in full in
Lenzen et al. (2012).
c. After obtaining a first estimate of an MRIO table, the resulting trade data are
balanced through an industry-level balancing condition: the total output
produced by each sector must equal the sum of the inputs used by that sector.
This has been achieved via “constraints data”: i) Input-output tables and main
aggregates data from national statistics offices; ii) Input-output compendia from
Eurostat, IDE-JETRO and OECD; iii) The UN National Accounts Main Aggregates
Database and official country data; iv) The UN COMTRADE and UN Service
Trade international trade databases. An optimization procedure (a variant of the
120 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Volume 26, 2019, Number 3
RAS algorithm that can handle multiple conflicting constraints; see Lenzen et
al., 2014) is set up so that the solution should be some compromise table that
respects the initial estimates and also satisfies constraints with as little deviation
as possible. For the optimization exercise, a standard error is estimated for each
data point based on the reliability of the data. In general, larger values are taken
to be more reliable than smaller values, in relative terms. Data from national
statistics agencies are assumed to be more reliable than other sources. The
ordering of data sources listed above largely corresponds to the data reliability
assumed in assigning standard errors.
d. The time series is constructed iteratively, by starting with an initial year estimate
(year 2000), balancing it with all the starting year constraints, and taking the
solution as the initial estimate for the following year, and so on. In each year, all
available data for that year (GDP totals, trade data, new I/O tables, interpolated
I/O table estimates, and so on) are overlaid onto the initial estimate of that year,
and the table is rebalanced. The practice of using the previous-year solution as
the initial estimate for the subsequent year has an effect to “smooth” timeseries
data, though other constraints that introduce “jumps” will also be considered in
the solution table for each year.
Figure 1 shows a simplified MRIO table, considering only one industry for two
Figure 1. Structure of an MRIO Table
Value added VA VB
Gross input XA XB
Improving the analysis of global value chains: the UNCTAD-Eora Database 121
The rows in an MRIO table indicate the use of gross output from a particular sector
in a country. The gross output X produced in country A (first row) can be used by
country A itself as intermediate or as final consumption, or by country B, again as
an intermediate input or final product. From here, we can retrieve a measure of
gross exports from A to B, summing the intermediate and final output produced in
country A and used in country B (the grey blocks in the example above).
The columns of an MRIO table provide information on the technology of production,
as they indicate the amounts of intermediates needed for the production of the
gross output whose use is then decomposed along the row. Hence, each column
provides the domestic and foreign share of intermediates in the production of one
unit of output. The first column thus shows how much domestic inputs contribute
to the production of the gross output of country A (first cell, “Intermediate use of
domestic output”), and how many inputs are sourced from abroad through imports
(second cell, “Intermediate use by A of exports from B”). The difference between
the gross output produced in each country and the sum of the (domestic and
foreign) inputs necessary for production yields the value added generated in each
country (V).
122 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Volume 26, 2019, Number 3
where x is the (NH x 1)2 vector of gross outputs by countries and by industries, T
is the corresponding vector of intermediate uses, y is final demand. From (1), we
introduce the (NH x NH) key matrices of the GVC construction: the technological
coefficient matrix A and the Leontief inverse L (Leontief, 1970).
The fundamental relationships in (1) can be applied to the “value-added trade”
framework. After introducing the (NH x NH) diagonal matrices V and E, reporting
respectively value-added share and exports by countries and industries, we define
the matrix (NH x NH) of embodied value-added flows F as follows:
where F is a (H x H) matrix showing inter-sector flows between country r and
country s (domestic flows in the case that r and s are the same country). The
matrix F is the key matrix of our analysis (figure 2). The matrix essentially describes
how the value added contained in the exports of each country (and industry) is
generated (by column) and distributed (by row) across countries. Henceforth, in
order to facilitate the intuition, we will describe the elements of F (2) as if they were
scalar (this is equivalent to considering an economy with only one product) rather
than (H x H) matrices as in the general case. Thus, the first column of the matrix
describes the value added contained in the export of country 1. This is composed
of two parts:
11 11 1 11 1
• the term F (in the matrix multiplication we have that F = V L E ) denotes
the Domestic Value Added (DVA) content of exports of country 1;
r1 r1 r r1 1
• the generic term F (in matrix notation F = V L E ) denotes the Foreign
Value Added (FVA) content of exports of country s generated by country r
(with r ≠ 1). Recall that the production of output by country s (part of which is
exported) requires inputs from other countries. In producing these inputs, the
other countries also generate value added. Hence, this term represents the
share of value added that has been generated in country r (V ) and that has
r1 1
been imported by country 1 (L ) in order to produce its exports (E ).
The (column) sum of domestic and foreign value added, by construction, will yield
the total exports of country 1. The other columns of the F matrix replicate the
The notation (NH x 1) refers to the dimensions of a matrix with NH (i.e. N times H) rows and 1 column
(a column-vector). The same type of notation is used throughout the paper to provide the dimensions
of any matrix when relevant.
Improving the analysis of global value chains: the UNCTAD-Eora Database 123
exercise for the other countries. Therefore, in column 2 of the matrix we will find the
term F , which denotes the DVA content of exports of country 2, as well as the
generic term F , which denotes the FVA content of exports of country 2 generated
by country r, and so on. Hence, the DVA can be read on the diagonal of the matrix
as the generic term F for any country r in the dataset.
Finally, by reading the matrix along the row rather than along the column (and
excluding the diagonal terms F ), we have an indication of how much of each
country’s domestic value added enters as an intermediate input in the value added
exported by other countries. The latter terms are what Koopman et al. (2014) call
“indirect value-added exports” (DVX). Clearly, by constructing what each country
contributes to all the others in terms of indirect value-added exports has to be
equal at the world level to what each country sources from all the others in terms of
foreign value added, that is at the world level FVA = DVX. The latter gives a rough,
though not perfect, proxy of the double counting embedded in the gross (official)
trade figures.
Figure 2. The matrix of the value-added content of trade
The nowcasting is based on estimates from the IMF’s World Economic Outlook
(WEO), December 2017 edition (IMF, 2017). The WEO provides estimates of the
annual change of GDP, imports and exports, in each country. These estimates are
provided as nowcasts for recent years (2016, 2017 and 2018 for the 2017 edition)
and with 2+ year predictions for selected indicators.
The UNCTAD-Eora nowcasting of GVC indicators is performed in two stages. First,
the value-added contribution from each origin country is adjusted according to their
(nowcasted) change in GDP. Second, for each exporting country, resulting value-
added contributions are then rescaled and normalized in order to sum the WEO
nowcasted values for gross exports. In other words, the WEO GDP nowcasting
determines the changes in the distribution of a country’s export among its value-
added contributors, while export nowcasting affects the change in the level of
value-added trade. In this way, nowcasting essentially provides a simple and
transparent way to project GVC indicators from actual year t to a following year
t+1, by incorporating the macroeconomic estimates from the IMF’s WEO into the
standard GVC setting of section 2.2.
We may provide a formal elaboration of the procedure. The mathematical treatment
presented below will be more detailed than for the standard GVC calculations
illustrated in the previous section (noting that the basic computation of value added
in trade is presented in a number of papers already, cited in the previous section).
To this end, we also develop the formulas in the most general case of N countries
and H industries.
Let F then be the final GVC matrix (2) at time t containing data from the latest
observed period. For each country r = 1, 2, …, N, let and be
diagonal (H x H) matrices, reporting on the diagonal the sum between the unit and
the (WEO-nowcasted) annual growth rate of GDP and export respectively, say
and . In principle, of course, each industry would have its own growth rates, i.e.
the elements in the diagonal of the matrices should be different. However, this is
not possible in the nowcasting setting as the WEO estimates are provided only at
the aggregate level.
First, we define the adjusted matrix .
Step 1. Value-added adjustment:
The matrix in (3) potentially defines a new structure of the countries’ export at
time t+1; this is denoted by a (NH x NH) block diagonal matrix where each
component (s= 1, 2,…, N) is a (H x H) matrix reporting the exports of country s
as implied by (3). Otherwise stated, the diagonal elements of correspond to the
sums of the NH columns of .4 These elements are determined by the structure
of the exports at time t, by the existing production technology at time t and by the
economic growth between t and t+1.
In the second step of the nowcasting we incorporate in the GVC estimation the
WEO information on the export’s growth rates by country, (s = 1, 2, …, N). Let
be the (NH x NH) export matrix, as resulting by the application of the WEO
nowcast of export growth to export at time t, i.e. = x where is the
matrix of exports at time t and is a diagonal block matrix with components
(s = 1, 2, …, N).
The export structure resulting from (3) does not coincide with the one implied by
the WEO nowcasting, i.e. ≠ . Thus, we need to normalize and rescale (3) to
make sure that the resulting export at time t+1 is consistent with nowcast provided
by the WEO.
More specifically, when r = s, the element indicates the domestic value added extracted by
country r, related to the intermediate use of domestic output i necessary to meet export levels of
product j; if s ≠ r, it indicates the foreign value added generated by country r, related to the provision
of the intermediate input i necessary to meet export of product j from country s.
Formally, for each exporting country s, the (H x 1) vector of exports implied by (3), say (the vector
of the diagonal element of the matrices , is defined by where i is a unit vector (1 x
NH) and is a (NH x H) representing the value-added structure of export of country s.
126 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Volume 26, 2019, Number 3
The first product in (4) normalizes value-added exports resulting from (3), the second
rescales them in order to sum aggregate exports implied by the WEO nowcasting.
The generic element of the block matrices (r,s = 1, 2, …, N) is then given by
for any i, j, r, s. At the same time, for each exporting country s and each industry
j, the sum of value added contributed by all other countries (domestic and foreign)
equals the export implied by the WEO nowcasting:
Table 2 provides an example of the nowcasting approach using three countries with
one industry.
There are two main sources of uncertainty in the estimation of value-added trade
data and GVC indicators. The major one, discussed in section 3.1, is related
to the original construction of an MRIO, requiring modelling assumptions and
computational steps. This uncertainty is common to all MRIO approaches and it
stems from the complexity of the estimation problem inherent to the construction
of an MRIO, i.e. reconstructing the global network of bilateral trade flows across
sectors and countries in the most comprehensive and granular way. A second set
of uncertainties involves more specific data issues affecting the interpretation of
value-added trade data and GVC indicators (section 3.2).
Owen et al., 2014; Owen et al., 2016; Steen-Olsen et al., 2016; Owen, 2017;
Tukker et al., 2018; Rodrigues et al., 2018). Together, these studies indicate that
the major MRIOs agree to within +/-10 per cent for most values for most larger and
structurally central economies, and to within +/-30 per cent for smaller economies
or economies with less comprehensive or reliable data.
Re-exports / re-imports
Re-exports refers to goods imported and then re-exported with null or negligible
transformation (e.g. goods that land, are warehoused and are then shipped
out). The accounting of re-exports can be problematic. Different countries may
account for re-exports differently. Additionally, the value of re-exports is sometimes
estimated. The estimated value of re-exports can form a significant portion of trade,
in particular for trade-intensive economies such as Belgium and the Netherlands.
When re-exports form a large share of imports or exports, inconsistencies in how
re-exports are reported in MRIOs or, whether they are excluded entirely, can drive
large divergences in the calculation of value added in trade. Eora preserves re-
exports. Other databases may handle re-exports differently. In the benchmark
provided in the next section, we shall see that such differences in the treatment
of re-exports is a major cause of divergence in results between GVC indicators as
estimated by the UNCTAD Eora and the OECD TiVA databases, in particular for
trade-exposed countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands.
Processing trade
Most MRIO databases and published Chinese IO tables treat export processing as
structurally identical to domestic production. They do not differentiate the technical
coefficients between production for exports and production for domestic use.
However, in reality, production for exports often uses more foreign imports than
does production intended for domestic consumption (Dietzenbacher et al. 2012).
Processing exports account for 35-50 per cent of total Chinese merchandise
exports (varying by year) so this homogeneity assumption affects a substantial
share of the total economic activity in China. Mexico, and likely other countries, face
a similar situation whereby export-led firms operate with a different mix of inputs
than their peers selling to the domestic market. It is important to differentiate export
processing. Chen et al. (2018) empirically studied the importance of distinguishing
130 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Volume 26, 2019, Number 3
Following the discussion of the issues above, it is possible to identify three areas
where future development would help improve the data accuracy and reliability of
the database. This list is not intended as a fully-fledged research agenda for future
work but rather as a partial list of issues that merit priority.
i. Improve results agreements across MRIO databases. Other fields have inter-
comparison projects or model suite projects that help implementors identify
errors and improve alignment across models.
ii. Improve sectoral detail that will offer high sector and product level resolution in
the results.
iii. Provide more consistent treatment of re-exports and processing trade.
Improving the analysis of global value chains: the UNCTAD-Eora Database 131
4. C
omparison between UNCTAD-Eora and other GVC
4.1. UNCTAD-Eora GVC Database and the OECD’s TiVA (2018 versions)
We compare results from the new UNCTAD-Eora database and the OECD TiVA
(2018 versions). To run the comparison, we selected one key GVC indicator, the
foreign value-added share or FVA share, i.e. the share of foreign value added in
total export. This, and the corresponding domestic value-added shares, is the most
basic and fundamental GVC indicator. The comparison involves those years for
which both datasets report actual values, a time horizon between 2005 and 2015.
The reference year for most analysis is 2015, the most recent year of comparison.
Country perimeter includes all 64 countries covered by the OECD TiVA, a subset of
the 189 countries covered by UNCTAD-Eora.
Figure 3 shows the correlation between FVA share from UNCTAD-Eora and the
OECD TiVA for 2015. High correlation (linear correlation coefficient Rho= 0.75)
indicates an overall consistency between the results. A slope of the linear regression
line close to 1 (0.85) suggests that values of FVA shares are generally similar
between the two databases. The consistency between the results is substantially
preserved over time, as confirmed by figure 4a plotting FVA share across countries
and years. The correlation coefficient between the two sets of data is consistently
above 0.7 in all years considered (figure 4b).
132 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Volume 26, 2019, Number 3
FVA share UNCTAD-Eora
10 Slope = 0.85;
Linear correlation ρ = 0.75
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 4a. FVA shares of UNCTAD-Eora and the OECD TiVA, 2005–2015
FVA share UNCTAD-Eora
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Figure 4.b. Linear correlation coefficient between UNCTAD-Eora and OECD TiVA
across countries by year, 2005–2015
Coefficient (ρ)
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Improving the analysis of global value chains: the UNCTAD-Eora Database 133
Figure 5 summarizes the results of the by-country comparison along the two critical
dimensions: comparison of values (x-axis) and of trends (y-axis). Almost 60 per cent
of the countries (36 out of 64) show highly consistent trends of FVA shares in the
period of interest 2005–2015 ( >0.6) and more than a third (23 countries) display
similar values ( I FVA share I < 5pp).
12 10 11 3 36 (57%)
Trend comparison
4 4 4 1 13 (20%)
7 4 2 2 15 (23%)
5 10 15
Value comparison
( FVA share 2015, percent points, absolute value)
There are six countries (Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Singapore, Belgium,
Lithuania and Malta) that present substantial divergence between the estimates
( I FVA share I > 15pp). These economies, particularly Hong Kong, Netherlands,
Belgium and Singapore have a large amount of imports and exports relative to their
total GDP, so the challenges discussed above relating to the macro constraints
of total imports and total exports, and the sector-wise attribution of value added,
become especially acute. Additionally, for these countries, the difference in the
treatment of re-exports between UNCTAD-Eora and the OECD TiVA (see section
3.2) may heavily affect the final estimation as high level of re-exports would amplify
UNCTAD-Eora FVA share relative to the OECD TiVA. Figure 6 tests this hypothesis
by comparing the two databases, both in their original form (left-hand side) and
134 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Volume 26, 2019, Number 3
after removing the re-export component from UNCTAD-Eora estimate. In half of the
cases (the Netherlands, Belgium and Lithuania), the values of UNCTAD-Eora and
the OECD TiVA substantially realign after removing re-export from the UNCTAD-
Eora estimate. Hong-Kong and Singapore are somehow surprising cases as we
would expect the level of re-exports to be high and relevant. These cases warrant
further consideration and analysis.
More generally removing re-export from the comparison further improves the
overall consistency between the UNCTAD-Eora and the OECD TiVA. For exemple
in figure 5, the share of countries with absolute delta less than 5 percent points
would increase from current 36 per cent to 58 per cent after removing the re-export
Figure 6. Comparison between FVA shares of UNCTAD-Eora and the OECD TiVA
for selected (problematic) countries, with and without re-exports,
40 40
20 20
40 40 40
Improving the analysis of global value chains: the UNCTAD-Eora Database
20 20 20
0 0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Foreign Value Added, Eora MRIO Foreign Value Added, Eora MRIO Foreign Value Added, Eora MRIO
136 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Volume 26, 2019, Number 3
Aslam et al (2017) compare for different years the FVA shares of UNCTAD-Eora and
the OECD TiVA, essentially the same exercise as figure 3 but replicated on several
years. For illustrative purposes figure 8 reports some of their scatterplots, showing
a substantial alignment between the two datasets similar to what we found. The
authors conclude that “Overall, the scatterplots reassure us that Eora and the
OECD-WTO TiVA statistics are generally consistent with one another. Given this,
we can feel somewhat more comfortable using Eora for countries for which the
OECD-WTO data are not available. However, the researcher should be aware of
possible problems, given the method by which the input-output table have been
constructed for countries where no official supply-use tables are available. Some
important country examples, such as China, Hong Kong etc. … depending on the
year, have Eora data points that are not aligned with those of the OECD-WTO”
(page 19).
Comparison in UNCTAD (2013b), while quite limited in scope, is interesting
because it uses the WIOD instead of OECD TiVA. The UNCTAD report shows that
global average FVA shares estimated by UNCTAD-Eora and the WIOD are close,
both in values and trends, and the difference is narrowing over time (figure 9a).
Furthermore, the comparison of FVA shares at the country-level for 2009 reveals
a strong correlation between data reported by UNCTAD-Eora and by the WIOD,
close to 0.9, and a slope of the regression line at around 1 (figure 9b).
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Improving the analysis of global value chains: the UNCTAD-Eora Database 137
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
5. C
oncluding remarks: the importance of GVC data in the
analysis of globalization
The analysis of GVCs has long occupied a central place in the analysis of trade
and development. The concept gave development economists, in particular, an
essential tool to examine the role of countries in the global production system and
to identify opportunities for investment and growth in specific industries and value
chain segments.
GVC analysis received a significant boost when data on value added in trade
became available in the early part of this decade. The new data yielded many policy
insights. For example, it was helpful in explaining the link between economies’
openness to imports and export success; it showed the importance of services in
GVCs; and it shed light on relative levels of GVC participation of, and integration
between, countries and regions in the world.
The slowdown of trade growth relative to GDP growth after the global financial
crisis again showed the utility of the new data as they helped to explain the factors
behind the trend. At the time, GVC data could not provide all the answers, mainly
because of the significant time lag inherent in most datasets. With the UNCTAD-
Eora database now covering the full timespan since the financial crisis, the data
show that GVCs reached an inflection point at about 2010-2012. Since then, foreign
value added in exports has been stagnating after a lengthy period of continuous
growth that started in 1990 (see UNCTAD, 2018, p. 22).
138 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Volume 26, 2019, Number 3
GVC data confirmed some important intuitions right away. A key insight was that
GVCs have created an inextricable link between trade and investment. With the
exchange of goods and services within the international production networks of
MNEs comprising such a large part of global trade, it meant that the slowdown
in global FDI flows – which today are still well below their peak level in 2007 –
was a major factor behind the deceleration of global trade. The reverse is equally
true; the current suite of policies designed to slow cross-border trade will have
consequences for FDI. Trade and investment are two sides of the same coin – the
very coin that ultimately pays for development.
The importance of GVC data as a barometer of trends in international production
means the accuracy, universality and contemporaneity of the data are crucial. For
these reasons, the efforts to renew and improve the UNCTAD-Eora dataset, as
described in this paper, were undertaken.
The requests UNCTAD receives for GVC data are growing in number. This is in part
owing to the realization among researchers that the dataset is reliable while the
coverage has been expanded. The growing reliance on GVC data is also in large
part the result of the current turbulence in the global policy environment for trade
and investment. GVC analysis is critical to enable a serious assessment of the
consequences of trade wars, including the shifting of supply chains, the effects on
intra-firm trade and the potential relocation of production stages. It is also important
for understanding other major global policy trends, such as the increasing reliance
on regional economic cooperation, which is explained by the relatively greater
importance of regional, over global, value chains.
GVC analysis is also relevant for understanding the impact of technology
development on global trade and investment patterns. The digital economy and
the new industrial revolution will cause important shifts in value chain-related
sourcing patterns across geographies, industries and value chain segments. For
policymakers, especially those in the 100+ countries that are actively pursuing
industrial policies (cf. UNCTAD 2018), anticipating potential changes and identifying
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