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Krilling Antarctica Final

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Australia and New Zealand’s
outsized role in krill fishing
Bob Brown Foundation ©2023 All rights reserved
Level 4/116 Bathurst St, Hobart TAS 7000
bobbrown.org.au • contact@bobbrown.org.au
Executive Summary 4

Krill fishery and its impacts 12

The global krill industry 20

AkerBioMarine: selling krill at all cost 30

Australia and New Zealand’s oversized role 36

in the global krill industry

The krill fish feed sector 46

Conclusion 50

Recommendations 52

References 54
KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

Krill are the foundation of the Antarctic ecosystem. They are the main source of food for whales,
penguins, and seals. Almost all marine life in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean relies on krill
either directly, or indirectly. Without krill, species such as penguins, seals and whales would not
be able to survive. Incredibly, krill provides 96% of calories for seabirds and mammals in the
Antarctic Peninsula.


The fishery is managed by the Commission for the

Conservation of Antarctic and Marine Living Resources
(CCAMLR). However, the commission is struggling to
maintain adequate control over the fishery and the
impacts of krill fishing are becoming more and more
Squid prevalent. The problem isn’t just that it’s a targeted
Orcas fishery of a keystone and vital species, but the fishing
areas are concentrated exactly where penguins and
whales expect to find krill to feed on and survive. Instead,
they are finding empty oceans once these trawlers pass
Penguins through. In some instances, they are even becoming
Seals victims themselves.


Diet Supplements

A combination of climate change, global heating and

industrial-scale fishing is threatening the krill population
in Antarctic waters and the animals that rely on them. Krill caught in
Despite this, industrial super trawlers target krill in the
Southern Ocean. Krill are caught predominately for two
things: Fish farm feed, which is where the majority is
used, and diet supplements in the form of capsules as an
Omega 3 oil. It is also used in pet food.
Fish farm feed
KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


With three modern trawlers and a dedicated refrigerated cargo vessel, Norwegian company, Aker BioMarine currently
dominates the krill fishery, taking 65% of the catch in 2021. However, there are five countries and a total of 12 vessels involved,
along with numerous reefer vessels that tranship the krill in the pristine Southern Ocean to transport it to port. It is also expected
that in 2023/24 there will be two new supertrawlers joining the fishery.
KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


To compile this report, Bob Brown Foundation travelled to the South Orkney Islands and Antarctic Peninsula to witness the
impacts of the krill fishery. Investigators witnessed supertrawlers fishing amongst abundant wildlife, including trawling right
through a group of over 100-200 fin whales. In one week of monitoring the krill fleet, fin whales or chinstrap penguins were
always observed in the immediate vicinity of the trawlers.
KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

Bob Brwno Fo’undatio s tigaonev then dactr who and ewhr
kril is being sold and ealdvr Aualitrs and New Zealnd’s
edsizout oler in kril -s,hery as a major temark orf kril s.oductpr
Deespit wngor altmevin s,pact kril is emor talnvp on
Aualintrs and New Zealnd eshlv than erv .ofb

2 Both major Aualintrs steuprmak erw oundf ot be seling

kril. Woorthslw sel thbo kril oil stuplemn as elw as armedf
salmon tha asw edf kril. Coles also sel salmon tha has ben
edf kril.

100% fo edysurv Aualintrs and New Zealnd pharmcies and
healt odf esort edysurv ariedc kril stuplemn on their

4 Intigaonseudvfhkrlwybte Auowmajr alintrs

eaqucltr ompaniesc and their edf suplier .elyspctivr
Bi,omar edatloc in Weysle Vale, Tasmani, use 1200 onest fo kril
meal a the— ryalenquiv fo 3.3 bilon indvual kril.
This makes Biomar one of Australia’s biggest users of krill. Biomar supply
feed primarily Huon Aquaculture, owned by JBS. Skretting was found to use
approximately 200 tonnes a year. Skretting supply feed primarily to Tassal, owned
by Cooke Seafood.

A yesurv fo the 50 tgeslar healt sailert seling kril oil apsulec
kril soductpr ea in Aualintrs and New Zealnd s.iert
KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

In al,to -sixtyenw fo Aualitrs and NZ’s tgeslar ietr and eaqucltr suplier erw dyesurv
orf kril soductpr and the seultr edwsho who widely ailbev it is in thbo tries.ounc Of thes 26
sailert and s,uplier 20 (76%) used or edckts ril.


Australian Grocery tS ores Australian hP armacies
Sells krill/ Sells Krill sup - Sells krill/ Sells Krill sup -
No of Krill No of Krill
Company products Uses Krill plied by Aker Company products plied by Aker
brands brands
containing krill BioMarine containing krill BioMarine

Woolworths Warehouse

My Chemist
C( hemist
Coles - - Warehouse

Aldi - - - - r(P iceline)

- - - (Terry white,
eH alth Saev )

Coosc - - - - Good rP ice

hP armacy

iS gma
Australian Health/Supplements (Amcal+,
iD scount rD ug
tS ores)
Sells Krill
Sells krill/
No of Krill supplied by
Company products Uses Krill
brands Aker
containing krill
Australian Aquaculture
Sells krill/ Sells Krill sup-
Go Vita - N/A Company products Uses Krill plied by Aker
containing krill BioMarine

Nutrition Huon
- N/A Aquaculture

Tassal -
Australian Online Stores
Sells Krill
Sells krill/
No of Krill supplied by
Company products Uses Krill Biomar N/A
brands Aker
containing krill

Amazon - Skretting N/A -

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


Grocery Stores Pharmacists
Sells krill/ Sells Krill
Sells krill/ Sells Krill
products No of Krill supplied by
Company products No of Krill supplied by
containing brands Aker BioMa- Company
containing brands Aker BioMa-
krill rine
krill rine

Foodstuffs Group
New World
- - - subir eropmet ot itaN
Chemist Warehouse

te sin alle sinmo ,sui

Foodstuffs Group
- - - soe murer mus epulod
Pak’n Save
Bargain Chemist

aitnurap easui ,tserexe tine epmetnE

subila madsutpulov ommoc met iuq
(Countdown) etu ,matpeauq ,tser iuq mingiled
op a mureads utnevni lepecelov

Cosco - - -
itiduper iuq te tis mus merp suM
Life Pharmacy

Health/Supplements General retail

Health 2000 N/A The Warehouse


This report shows that the krill fishing industry is unsustainable, and krill fishing is an environmental crime hidden from sight.
It threatens one of the world’s most fragile ecosystems, which is already under pressure due to a rapidly-accelerating climate
emergency. It is unjustifiable to continue to allow this industry to plunder Antarctica to produce unnecessary products.

The krill industry is aware of their flimsy social license to be fishing in the wild and pristine Antarctic ecosystem. Krill companies,
all the way from the fishing companies themselves to the suppliers and distributors of krill products—especially the world’s
largest supplier, Aker BioMarine—have invested heavily in promoting the capture of Antarctic krill as ‘sustainable and green’.

In a move that shocked conservation groups they have even gone so far as to have their Antarctic krill fishery certified by the
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). This certification fails to consider the effects of climate change on krill populations or the
impact of the fisheries as a whole on predators of krill, such as whales, seals and penguins. The certification from MSC provides
a smokescreen for the industry and prevents further criticism of the fishery. It completely ignores our limited understanding of
krill’s life cycle and its importance to the Antarctic food web.

“Blackmores has not had a krill product for many years and, currently, we
are seeking to promote a Vegan Omega 3, derived from algal oil as a more
sustainable option for the planet.“

Email correspodence, Sept 2021

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

With 76% of retailers and suppliers using krill in Australia and New
Zealand, Bob Brown Foundation is calling for:

1 An immediate ban
on krill fishing.

Retailers, feed producers
and fish farms to stop the
use of wild-caught fish for
aquaculture, including krill.

Retailers to immediately
stop stocking krill dietary

Consumers to stop using krill
supplements and to demand
their farmed seafood be krill-

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


One of the biggest issues with the krill fishery is where the fishing takes place and
how proximal it is to wildlife. Conservationists have been warning for years about
the impacts of krill fishing in the current fishery areas, known as sub-areas under
the CCAMLR regulations.

This highly-concentrated fishing overlaps with In addition to threats to predators, current fishing
foraging areas for key predators, which means they management is potentially affecting the krill population.
have to compete with fishing vessels for food.1 This has been overlooked because of a common perception
that the catch trigger-level represents only a small fraction
The South Orkney Islands and Antarctic Peninsula of the total biomass. A 2020 study found that, because of
are part of Sub-area 48.1 and Sub-area 48.2. Both the restricted distribution of successfully-spawning krill and
areas are part of a proposed Marine Protected Area, high inter-annual variability in their biomass, the risk of direct
which has been submitted to CCAMLR. fishery impacts on the krill population might be higher/more
serious than commonly perceived.3
It was clear from our monitoring that there is
considerable conflict between wildlife and industry. It is also critical to view this fishery through the lens of climate
Trawlers were even observed altering course to fish change, which current CCAMLR regulations do not. This is a
through pods of whales. glaring omission, with a study finding the krill fishery would
benefit from management at a local scale to help mitigate
In a recent report, WWF also highlighted growing
the impacts of climate change on this ecosystem.4 It also
seabird bycatch due to the Aker Biomarine fleet
found that current krill fishing limits further increase risks of
using a net-monitoring cable, and the seabirds
depletion, and that stopping fishing altogether in certain
colliding with it.2
areas could offset the increased risks associated with ocean
warming – particularly risks to the penguins that depend on
With four whales caught as bycatch in 2021/22, there
krill for their survival.
is increasing evidence of the harmful impacts on
Antarctic wildlife.
Images top to bottow: 1. The krill supertrawlers operate incredibly close
An empirical analysis that reviewed over 30 years together, intensifying their impacts. 2. A dead humpback whale is released
of monitoring data found that climate change and after being caught in a vacuum pump trawl net. 3. The Antarctic Peninsula
concentrated fishing are having – and will continue wilderness, inside the allowed krill fishing area 4.The Aker Biomarine vessel

to have – negative impacts on penguin colonies at Antarctic Sea, uses a vacuum pump method of trawling, allowing it to fish for
days straight.
two sites adjacent to some of the most important krill
fishing areas in Sub-area 48.1.74.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

South Orkney Islands

Shelf MPA

Domain 1 MPA

Weddell Sea MPA



Fishing effort
Foraging grounds
Proposed MPA

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


Any organism can be a keystone species, whether it is a plant, animal or even
bacteria or fungi. What all keystone species have in common is that they define entire
ecosystems, and when they are removed or significantly-impacted, it can set off chain
reactions that can forever change whole ecosystems.

Krill is one such keystone species. Krill are small shrimp-like Adult krill feed on the surface water during the night and
crustaceans of the order Euphausiacea and are found in sink into deeper waters during the day. In winter, krill have to
all the world’s oceans. There are more than 80 species of use other feed sources and often rely on algae that grow on
krill, ranging from small tropical species of less than 1cm in the underside of pack ice. By grazing on phytoplankton, krill
length, to the largest pelagic krill species in the Southern absorb vast amounts of nutrients into their bodies and this
Ocean which can reach more than 6cm. The scientific name in turn makes krill the primary food source for most of the
of the most prominent Antarctic krill species is Euphausia larger marine animals in Antarctica.
superba and it is this species that is commercially fished.
Without krill, species such as penguins, seals and whales
E.superba live for five to six years and form some of the
would not be able to survive. Incredibly, krill provides 96%
largest swarms in the animal kingdom.
of calories for seabirds and mammals in the Antarctic
Antarctic krill is a keystone species due to the vital role they Peninsula. The dependency loop is then closed by whales
play in the food chain. Krill is one of the few species that eating krill and then defecating. This releases iron, which
can eat phytoplankton—microscopic ocean plants that are is locked within the krill, back into the water. The iron
suspended in the upper water column. The krill life cycle is subsequently becomes available to phytoplankton, which
dependent on a delicate balance which makes the species need it to survive and become food for krill. As a result,
vulnerable to change in its environment. Female krill lay their scientists have shown that a decline in whales from humans
eggs close to the water surface during summer. The eggs hunting 1.5 million baleen whales between 1910 and 1970, led
then sink to cooler temperatures for hatching. To survive, the to a reduction in phytoplankton and therefore a reduction
krill larvae then swim back to the surface waters where they in krill.5 To sustain a large number of whales, the krill
must find food within 10 days. population in the early 20th century must have been much
larger than what was previously thought.


Krill provides 96% of calories
for seabirds and mammals
in the Antarctic peninsula.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic and Marine Living Resources
(CCAMLR) –made up of 27 nation states – was established to protect the marine
animals of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. CCAMLR provides the framework for
all fisheries in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, creating the rules and regulations
that govern the krill fishery.

Despite CCAMLR’s mandate to protect Antarctica’s marine

animals, it has failed to implement any Marine Protected
Areas (MPA) since the Ross Sea MPA in 2014. This failure is
largely due to decisions and regulations being decided upon
unanimously by all member states. It has become a major
challenge for CCAMLR, especially regarding how fisheries
are managed in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.

Krill biomass estimates, used to set the quota levels for

krill catch, currently rely on just two surveys6. The first was
conducted in 2000, with no other surveys until 2019. These
are single-season surveys in just one CCAMLR region. They
are funded by commercial interests and often carried out
aboard krill fishing vessels.

This system falls well short of effective monitoring of the krill

biomass, especially such large time scale gaps.
The Antarctic endevaour trawls for krill off Coronation

Unlike other Antarctic fisheries, the krill fishery has no ‘move-

on’ orders in the event of bycatch. It has been reported
anecdotally to Bob Brown Foundation that when Norway
was questioned about the seabird strikes caused by the Aker
Biomarine fleet’s trawling method, Norway responded that
CCAMLR needs to accept there will be seabird bycatch as
part of the fishery.7

In contrast, Australian toothfish vessels must end their entire

fishing season if they catch more than two seabirds. The
number of whale deaths as bycatch in the krill fishery is only
likely to increase, as whale numbers recover and conflict
between the trawlers and whales grows.

One of the key issues with CCAMLR’s management is that

they do not consider the impacts of climate change on the
krill population. This prevents management from adapting
quickly to arapidly-changing climate. Scientists predict that
The 120 metre long, Shen Lan, hauling in its net upon arrival climate change will have a profound impact on krill hatch
of investigators. rates, due to the loss of sea ice cover for the young8.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

This is in direct contravention to emerging science that

shows that even with current CCAMLR regulations and
industry-decided exclusion zones, the krill fishery is having a
direct negative impact on both penguin10 and seal colonies11,
as they compete with trawlers for their food source.

With the building of new krill trawlers underway, and further

plans to expand the number of vessels catching krill in
Antarctica, CCAMLR is struggling to manage the krill fishery.

A new krill management plan is expected to be voted on by

CCAMLR in 2023, but without key issues like climate change
being addressed, and significant progress with Marine
Protected Areas, there is little hope of improvement for the
penguins, whales and seals that rely on krill to survive.

The Sejong from South Korea, was routinely seen fishing

fishining amongst whales.

Much like the wider attempts to create marine protected

areas, efforts to create MPAs specifically for krill have been
sabotaged both by industry and CCAMLR members who have
either a stake in the fishery or geopolitical motives.

Rather than meaningful marine parks being ratified, ‘voluntary

restricted zones’ were created by the industry. These do not
include all key sensitive areas, and they are neither monitored
nor enforceable. The voluntary zones also derail efforts to
establish MPAs that have been actively fought against by
industry9, and instead allow the industry to make claims that
A myriad of Antarctic birds drawn in by the net of the Long
the areas in question are already ‘adequately protected’.
Fa, from China.


Despite significant effort, CCAMLR has HAVE DECLINED BY
not been able to agree to expand Marine 80% SINCE 1970
Protected Areas, including around the
Antarctic Peninsula, for 9 years.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


Krill play an important role in mitigating human-induced climate change, but research
also shows that krill are severely impacted by the rising temperatures caused by
greenhouse gas emissions12.

It is often said that krill is one of the most abundant species was likely related to a decline in the abundance of krill from
in the world. But every year, more than half of the krill climate change-induced sea-ice reduction18. And despite
biomass is eaten by whales, seals, penguins, squid and claims by the krill fishing industry that it is only catching a
fish. In theory, the krill population is then replaced through small percentage of the krill biomass and therefore has no
reproduction and subsequent growth. However, this has negative impacts, recent studies suggest otherwise. Scientists
not been the case for some time. Over the past 40 years, found that both commercial fishing and climate change
populations of adult Antarctic krill have declined by 70 to result in the decline of krill and penguin populations. They
80% in key habitats.13 discovered that far fewer penguins were noticeable in the
years following a very large harvest of krill, combined with
Because krill are dependent on winter sea-ice for food, global warm winters that lead to low sea-ice cover.19
warming and the associated reduction in ice can become
a dominant driver of krill population decline. Scientific
models suggest that the Antarctic krill habitat could shrink
by 80% by the end of the century14. Spawning grounds along
the west Antarctic Peninsula might disappear completely
– in the area where 70% of the present-day krill stock is
concentrated. Compared to the 1970s krill population, it could
decline by 96%. However, there are significant uncertainties
in such studies due to the lack of knowledge of ecosystems
interactions. Nevertheless, scientists state that the combination
of sea ice decline, an increase in ocean acidification15 – also
associated with climate change – and commercial fishery
activities could be catastrophic for the krill population16.

Such a scenario would then also be catastrophic for the

species that depend on krill. There is evidence that the decline
of krill biomass in recent decades has already impacted
penguins17. In 2012, scientists suggested that a 36% decline in Scientific models suggest that the Antarctic krill habitat
the number of chinstrap penguins between 1999 and 2008 could shrink by 80% by the end of the century.



KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


Krill, and the species dependent on it, are not only affected by climate change, they
also play a key role as one of the world’s largest carbon sinks

Anything that removes and stores more carbon from the Because they live deeper in the water column than adult
atmosphere than it releases is considered a carbon sink, like krill, the faecal pellets have a better chance of escaping any
forests. Krill do this by digesting carbon-richphytoplankton ocean currents that may return them to the surface and are
and releasing carbon-rich relatively-large pellets21. The more likely to reach the deep ocean.
pellets sink to the deeper waters where they may remain
and lock away carbon for many years. Younger krill who live It has been estimated that over the entire Southern Ocean,
near sea-ice may be particularly important in the carbon krill transfer 0.3 million tonnes of carbon daily22. This is the
sink. equivalent of the annual Australian emissions from the
industrial and agricultural sectors combined.23

DEAD This whale was found floating after being

released from an Aker Biomarine krill net.
HUMPBACK Note the krill still stuck to the body of the
WHALE whale.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


In addition to the indirect harm the fishery is causing through the removal of krill from
the ecosystem, the industry also has to consider bycatch of non-target species.

Global fisheries bycatch is a major threat to the world’s This overlap between fishing grounds and feeding grounds
oceans. It can contribute to overfishing and slow efforts can also directly result in whale fatalities.
to rebuild fish stocks that have already been depleted.
Moreover, bycatch often disproportionately affects There are currently no restrictions in place that mandate
endangered species. The largest bycatch ratio of the krill fishing vessels to cease their activities in the presence of
fishery occurred in 2010 at 2.2%.24 whales. In 2022, a humpback whale became entangled and
died in Aker BioMarine’s krill fishing nets. In the previous
One of the biggest concerns with the krill industry is the year, three dead juveniles were caught in the same Aker
effect on whale populations. The industry overlaps with the BioMarine nets. There is also evidence of increased
whales’ foraging areas and the subsequent competition interaction between pods of whales and fishing vessels. In
between the fishing vessels and whales has become a major 2022, awhale ‘supergroup’ of up to 1,000 individuals was
problem for management25. This is especially worrying, as observed by scientists while four krill vessels were fishing
CCAMLR’s ecosystem-based approach is that fishing should amongst them27. In February 2023, Bob Brown Foundation
not interfere with either the population growth of krill, or witnessed trawlers fishing in a pod of up to 200 whales. In
krill-dependent species. However, there are concerns about addition to the dangers from ship strikes and entanglement
krill depletion as the industry has become very focused on in nets, fishing vessels are depriving whales of krill as their
specific, small hotspots .
primary food source.


A humpback whale killed in an Aker Biomarine net
This humpaback whale was trapped in an Aker
Biomarine vessels net and subsuquently drowned.
There are no regulations requiring krill vessels to
stop fishing in an area where a whale death occurs.

BETWEEN 2021 AND 2022,


KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing



The Soviet Union and Japan began Initially, the total catch remained below 50,000 tons
per year, but by 1980, it had reached more than
sending vessels to Antarctica for
450,000 tonnes annually, culminating in a catch of
exploratory krill fishing expeditions 528,000 tons in 1982.30 At least partially in response to
in the early 1960s.28 Commercial concerns about the global krill fishery, CCAMLR was
operations in Antarctic waters by established in 1980 to help regulate the industry.
these two nations commenced in the
With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Antarctic
early 1970s. krill catch collapsed and stayed at just over 100,000
Initially, the Southern Ocean krill fishery started in tons a year until 2007. However, driven mostly by the
the Indian Ocean sector and then spread around activities of Norway, and to a lesser extent China, the
the continent. But from the 1990s, the fishery began annual catch has increased rapidly. By 2020, more
to concentrate in the Southwest Atlantic Sector, than 445,000 tons of Antarctic krill were caught by
where nearly all krill is caught today in the Food and vessels from Norway, China, Korea, Ukraine and
Agricultural Organisation (FAO) fishing zone 48 and its Chile.31
four sub-areas.29

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing








‘72 ‘73 ‘74 ‘75 ‘76 ‘77 ‘78 ‘79 ‘80 ‘81 ‘82 ‘83 ‘84 ‘85 ‘86 ‘87 ‘88 ‘89 ‘90 ‘91 ‘92 ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18 ‘19

Figure 1. Historic Antarctic Krill Catch

0.56% Japan
12.64% Republic of Korea
Jun 16.72% China
61.89% Norway
Oct 4.19% Ukraine
Dec 4.00% Chile
0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%

Figure 2. Fishing effort by month and subarea 2000-2021 Figure 3. Countries catching krill 2012-2021

Over the last twenty years, the vast majority of krill in the In Sub-area 48.1, the catch limit was reached before the end
Antarctic have been caught in the autumn months. March, of the fishing season eight times between 2010 and 2020,
April and May account for nearly 50% of the total catch while and the limit was also reached much quicker. During the
the southern hemisphere spring months account for less 2019/2020 season, 95% of the catch limit in sub-area 48.1
than 5% of the total catch.33 One reason for this may be that was reached in only 69 days compared to an average of
the fishing season begins on December 1st every year, and 130 days in the five previous years.35
being an ‘Olympic style’ fishery, everyone is allowed to catch
as much krill as they like until the CCAMLR trigger limit of As can be seen from the graph below, the fishing season
620,000 tons is reached. currently begins in November/December in Sub-area 48.2,
in the area around the South Orkney Islands, before its
In addition to the overall trigger limit, no more than 25% of fishing vessels predominantly move to Sub-area 48.1 from
the catch can be taken from Sub-areas 48.1 (155,00 tonnes); March to May while still maintaining some activity in Sub-
45% from areas 48.2 and 48.3 (279,000 tonnes each); and area 48.2. Sub-area 48.3 (South Georgia Island waters)
15% from 48.4 (93,000 tonnes). These sub-area limits have
becomes the main target in the period June to September,
a sum greater than 620,000 tonnes to allow operational for the end of the season.
flexibility for the fishery. However, the overall catch across
the four sub-areas is still limited by the trigger level.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

3.3 CURRENT VESSELS & At the time of writing there were twelve
vessels authorized by CCAMLR to be fishing

COMPANIES ENGAGED for krill in Antarctica. They are operated

by companies from the five nations that

IN THE KRILL FISHERY currently have an active krill fishery

Fish hold Days in
Current vessels Vessel Owner capacity fishing
(m3) ground 2022

Antarctic Endurance Aker BioMarine 129.6 6,400

Antarctic Sea Aker BioMarine 133.88 7,720

Saga Sea Aker BioMarine 92.00 3,858

300 80
250 70
Catch per year 200 Days in fishing 50
2017-2021 in 150 grounds 40
Tonnes ‘000 100 (2017-2021) 20

2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

south korea
Fish hold Days in
Current vessels Vessel Owner capacity fishing
(m3) ground 2022

Sae in Leader 88.94 5,324

Sae in Champion 93.50 2,845

Sejong 110.22 3,743

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

Fish hold Days in
Current vessels Vessel Owner capacity fishing
(m3) ground 2022
Fu Yuan Yu 9818 102.65 2,847

China National
Long Fa Fisheries 120.70 3,582

China National
Long Teng Fisheries 120.70 3,582

Jiangsu Sunline
Shen Lan Deep Sea Fishery 111.20 4,904
100 40
Catch per year Days in fishing 30
60 25
2017-2021 in grounds 20
40 15
Tonnes ‘000 20
(2017-2021) 10
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Fish hold Days in
Current vessels Vessel Owner capacity Fishing
(m3) ground 2022

Antarctic Endeavour Pesca Chile 73.50 901

Fish hold Days in
Current vessels Vessel Owner capacity fishing
(m3) ground 2022

More Sodruzhestva Pesca Chile 73.50 901

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


Krill is caught by two main methods. The more conventional method involves large, towed, pelagic otter trawls in which the
catch in the closed end of the net (the codend) is hauled onboard. The other technique involves a continuous pumping of
catch from the fishing depth directly to the vessel via a vacuum hose.36

The two main products derived from krill are krill meal (predominantly used in animal feed) and the more valuable krill oil,
much of which is utilised in omega-3 nutritional supplements for human consumption. Increasingly, companies are also
diversifying into protein for human consumption based on krill meal, or producing krill products for pet food.

There are several options for processing krill once it is caught but in all cases, the processing or freezing must start
immediately. Krill can be frozen into blocks to be transported to onshore facilities where they are processed into meal
and oil. The other option is to first dry the krill onboard. More advanced vessels can also carry out most of the processing
onboard, including boiling and pressing the krill to produce oil and meal.37

Kril epast

Kril Meal Kril Oil Re-ne Kril oil

Kril digest

Dried kril meal Seoratp

Exactr Drery Pres
Reoract Enzyme +PH
Transport ot Coerok
eshor tplan
Frenzo Faoryct
Blsock Frerz Ship


KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


A number of estimates exist when it comes to the Because krill products have not been assigned
value of the krill oil and krill meal markets globally unique international trade classification codes,
but these fluctuate significantly – testament to the
there are no clear global statistics available
lack of data availability when it comes to the krill as to which countries are the major importers
market and trade and exporters of krill meal and krill oil, or their
value-added products.
The global krill oil market has not been without its
controversies. In 2021, the Antarctic and Southern Ocean
Coalition (ASOC) commissioned Poseidon Aquatic
In 2020, South Korean authorities recalled 12 krill Resource Management Limited to map the
products after they were found to include banned global trade of krill oil and krill meal at the point
substances or excessive use of solvents in the 41 of harvest for the five countries currently engaged
products tested. As a result, authorities introduced in the fishery. The figures are based on 2020
a one-year-long policy that required all imported market volume estimates. Note however, that
Antarctic krill products, including supplements, to based on average reported yields of 14% for meal
be proven safe before they can be imported.39 This and 4% for oil, the total volume in terms of Live
in turn led to a collapse in the South Korean market Weight Equivalents (LWE) significantly exceeds the
for companies such as Aker BioMarine whose South reported total catch of Antarctic krill in 2020.41
Korean business had previously boomed.

South Korean tests also found that a number of

products that claimed to be 100% krill oil contained
vegetable oils and other fats. Some of the
incorrectly-labelled products were produced by
well-known krill manufacturers.40

Full vertical integration to produce
oil tablets and aquafeed

Seafood processor
Belarus Oil extraction factori
CHINA in China/South Korea
Partial vertical integration to
Seafood products produce oil and animal/aqua feed
exported to Russia/

The global
krill trade
ies US
a US krill oil market
and global export

Oil extraction factory

Houston, Texas

Aquaculture feed Central

America & global exports

Export of krill meal to Asia
for oil extraction

Krill oil ends up on shelves all
around Australia. Fish feed
factories process krill meal into
feed Homebase

Aker support

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


Despite the concerns by scientists
about the impacts the global krill
fishery has on ecosystems42, there are
signs that future fishing could increase. RUSSIA
Alarmingly, it has been argued that
the addition of only a small number of
krill fishing vessels will mean that the
CCAMLR catch limit will be reached.43

A conservative prediction by the Changing Markets

Foundation in 2021 argued that if currently planned
vessels were to be built and have the same average
catch as the existing authorised vessels, the current
catch limit would be exceeded44. In reality, the new
vessels are likely to be bigger to generate more catch.

Industry plans to expand the fishery will undoubtedly

put pressure on the national governments involved at
CCAMLR meetings to argue for an increase in the krill
catch limit.

The industry itself is banking on a catch limit increase CHINA

to accommodate its fishing efforts. Javier Arata, the
Executive Officer of the Association of Responsible
Krill Harvesting Companies (ARK) – an industry self-
regulatory body based in Tasmania – told a journalist,
“The expectation is that with the new management
system the quota may increase.”

Yet, in 2021, scientists found that already there is not

enough krill in the Southern Ocean to support the
recovery of whale populations to pre-whaling numbers,
even in the absence of krill fishing.45

Amongst the indications that the krill fishery will

increase in the short to mid-term are as follows:


KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

Before the pandemic, re-entering the krill industry was a key strategy for Russia to achieve its goal of doubling revenue
from seafood. The first practical step toward its implementation took place in early May 2020 with a five-month-long
krill research expedition.46 The expedition report provided recommendations for how Russian vessels can engage in
economically-effective fishing for Antarctic krill.47 The last time Russia sent vessels to Antarctica to catch krill was in 2010.48
It remains to be seen to what extent the Russian invasion of Ukraine will further set back the country’s krill fishing plans or
whether its increased economic isolation might provide a new impetus for its own independent krill fishing. In late 2022,
the head of the Russian Federal Fisheries Agency (Rosrybolovstvo), said the country will not start fishing for Antarctic krill
before 2025.49

For some years, there have been indications that China will ramp up its krill fishing and processing. Already, China has
tripled its krill catch between 2017 and 2020, though in 2021 it fell significantly, possibly due to the pandemic.50 It has been
reported that China has built several factories for krill extraction, which will require constant supply.51

One expert close to the industry argues that if the potential of the Chinese krill market were fulfilled, this would result in 4.5
times the current global krill oil production and four times the amount for krill meal. With increased demand in other regions,
this could result in a catch of 1.2 million tons of krill – nearly double the current catch limit set by CCAMLR.52

However, there are also recent signs that the Chinese industry may not be growing as fast as forecast, with the cancellation
of the construction of some additional vessels, and more carefully-worded government policies suggesting a slower and
more managed approach.53

One new vessel certain to become part of the global krill fishing fleet is owned by Norwegian company, Rimfrost, which
operated the vessel Juvel until 2017 when it was sold to Aker BioMarine54. However, due to legal cases and a fire onboard,
Aker BioMarine never used the vessel and sold it in 2020. It has not been used in the krill fishery since. That same year,
Rimfrost announced it had commissioned a new, purpose-built krill vessel, and the hull was launched in late 202155. Even
though the company expected the vessel to be in operation in late 2022 and started to hire crew in March 202256, at the
time of writing it was not yet included on the list of CCAMLR-authorised vessels for the 2023 season.75

In 2020, Aker BioMarine launched its new support vessel, the Antarctic Provider, which transports krill land crew between
the fishing grounds and the company’s logistics hub in Uruguay. The purpose-built vessel has space for 40,000 m3 of
cargo and represents a significant investment – an undeniable signal for the company’s long-term plans to expand its
krill fishing.58

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

Aker BioMarine is the major driving force of the global krill industry. The
company says it is responsible for more than 70% of the global krill catch59.

It is currently the only dedicated and vertically- Aker BioMarine was listed on the Norwegian
integrated krill fishing company that operates Euronext Growth in July 2020, before transferring to
vessels in Antarctica and does not fish for other the main Norwegian stock exchange, the Oslo Børs
species (though Rimfrost is likely to join it soon).60 the following year. The company is part of Aker
Aker BioMarine has become increasingly vertically- ASA, a major industrial investment company that
integrated and now also manufactures its own also has interests in oil and gas, renewable energy
branded vitamin supplements, which are for sale in and other business sectors. In 2021, the companies
major US retailers such as Walmart, Costco and CVS.61 controlled by Aker SA turned over more than AUD
In addition, Aker BioMarine also manufactures health 13 billion, and as of November 2022, nearly 80% of
supplements for third-party brands. Most of the Aker BioMarine’s shares are owned by Aker ASA
revenue generated by the company now comes from subsidiaries.63
its branded products.62

While the operations of its competitors currently

5% Other (pet food etc)
engaged in Antarctic krill fishing include fishing for
other species and non-krill interests, Aker’s size,
vertical integration, fishing capacity and control over Krill oil
the global krill market make it the key driver of the Branded

Aker BioMarine was founded in 2006 when the first 36%

Krill meal
vessel was put into operation. Soon, the company’s
krill oil brand ‘Superba’ and the krill meal brand ‘Qrill’
were trademarked. In 2012, its fishery was MSC-
certified (see elsewhere in this report). In 2014, it AKER BIOMARINE
began transforming a factory in Houston, Texas into REVENUE 2022
its main krill extraction plant. In 2019, Aker BioMarine
bought Lang Pharma Nutrition, a major private-label After many years of posting losses, Aker
and corporate brand supplement manufacturer in the BioMarine posted a net profit of USD 10 million
United States. In 2021, the Antarctic Provider, which in 2022 from a revenue of USD 262 million.
transports krill to Montevideo, the main logistics hub Branded products made up 390% of revenue,
for Aker BioMarine, was launched. followed by krill meal (36%) and krill oil (20%).64

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

For many years, the global krill
oil supply had been dominated
by only three companies.

The original pioneer of the industry was

Quebec-based Neptune Technologies and
Bioresources. Aker BioMarine entered the
market much later but had its own harvesting
vessels and quickly became a major player.
The third company was Israeli specialist
chemical company Enzymotec. Neptune
owned a number of patents and vigorously
defended its intellectual property with
actions against the other two companies
in what became known as the ‘krill wars.’
Relations between the companies became so
acrimonious that in 2009, bailiffs and security
removed Aker Biomarine’s products from a
food ingredients conference after Neptune won
an injunction. Nevertheless, this phase of the
krill wars ended in agreements amongst the
three players and, subsequently, Aker acquiring
Neptune’s krill oil supply business.65

Since then, Aker BioMarine has become bullish

but has often been unsuccessful in the defence
of what the company regards as its intellectual
property. The krill wars continue to this day
The only fishing
and now focus on a dispute between Aker
company with its own
BioMarine, which owns more than 100 patents,
dedicated refriger-
and its Norwegian competitor Rimfrost,
ated cargo ship, Aker
which had also reached an agreement over
BioMarine catches
a dispute with Neptune in 2013. The current
more krill than any
clash between the companies has generally
other company.
not been going Aker’s way and, by mid-2019, it
They also achieve this
was reported that Rimfrost had won its seventh
by using a continuos
legal case against Aker BioMarine. vacuum style of fishing,
seen here on the vessel
Antarctic Sea.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is a Secondly, MSC’s certification process has
non-profit organisation that sets standards been criticized for its lack of transparency
for sustainable fishing practices and certifies and inclusivity.
fisheries that meet these standards. However,
There have been instances where
recent certification of krill fisheries by the MSC
certification has been granted despite
has raised concerns about the efficacy of its
concerns raised by external stakeholders,
certification scheme.
such as conservation organizations and
The initial certification of Aker BioMarine by independent scientists. This suggests
MSC was meet with strong criticism from that MSC’s certification process does not
environmental groups back in 2010. adequately consider the opinions of these
important groups.
Since then, Aker Biomarine has used the
MSC certification as one of their key defence Thirdly, MSC’s certification scheme has a
mechanism whenever the fishery is meet with history of failures, including the certification
criticism. of unsustainable fisheries such as the
Orange Roughy fishery67 and the North Sea
Overall, MSC’s certification of krill fisheries can cod fishery68. These failures raise questions
be criticized for several reasons. Firstly, despite about MSC’s ability to effectively evaluate
krill being a keystone species in the Southern and ensure sustainable practices.
Ocean, and its population declining due to
overfishing and climate change, MSC has Ultimately, given the history of failures
certified several fishing companies. It does not in MSC’s certification scheme, the
take into account the impact of climate change certification of krill fisheries by MSC
on the fishery, nor does it take into account the undermines efforts towards ensuring
impact the fishery may have on predators of sustainable and responsible krill fishing
66 practices.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

Aker BioMarine frequently stresses that
its krill products have superior health
and nutrition benefits for humans and
aquaculture, compared to existing, non-
krill products.

Yet, the company has a history of highlighting misleading

studies and referencing research that it has funded
itself, rather than independent work. In its latest investor
presentation from November 2022, and for several years
previously, the company pointed to three studies to support
its claims of superiority compared to similar, non-krill-derived
feed, and supplement products.69

The first study asserts that krill oil is twice as effective in

increasing the omega-3 index than other fish oil. However,
the presentation by Aker BioMarine fails to mention that this
study was debunked nearly ten years ago. The authors of the
paper used non-typical fish oil that was diluted with corn oil
in their comparison. Research results have been assessed by
independent scientists as being “not justified and misleading.”
The original authors conceded that diluting fish oil could
have influenced the results but stood by some of the other
conclusions they made.70

Aker BioMarine also claims its krill meal results in higher

salmon feed intake and growth rates. What Aker BioMarine
fails to inform its investors is that most of the six authors
cannot be considered independent scientists. Two of the
authors were employees of Aker BioMarine. One, while
having scientific credentials, was a Senior Vice President for
Sales, Marketing and R&D. Three other authors of the paper
worked for Norwegian research institute, Nofima, which has
collaborated and possibly been funded by Aker BioMarine for
krill research.71

The third paper highlighted in the investor presentation

argues that Aker BioMarine’s krill increases the omega-3
index in pets. In this case, all three authors were employees of
Aker BioMarine, with no independent scientists taking part in
the study.72

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing



Aker BioMarine has not been profitable for most of its To implement its new products strategy and to
history since it was listed on the stock exchange. become a profitable company, Aker Biomarine has a
goal to nearly double its revenue from 2021 to 2025.
The company’s strategy to turn this around is to decrease
While some of this may be achieved with higher
production costs and increase the value of its products.
efficiency and vertical integration, it will undoubtedly
As a result, Aker BioMarine is developing new, value-
lead to increased krill fishing and pressure on fish
added product categories, which can be sold with higher
stocks. Aker itself predicts a catch increase for its
margins than that achieved with krill meal and krill oil
operations of up to 60%. Australia is a crucial goal
in the company’s growth strategy and, in 2022,
To increase the profit margins on krill meal, Aker it reported an increase of 35% in krill oil sales in
BioMarine has developed INVI, a protein powder for Australia.73
human consumption, which can be incorporated into
Aker BioMarine’s goal to increase its krill catch is
ready-to-mix and ready-to-drink beverages. Aker
also supported by its largest-ever reported offshore
BioMarine says INVI has received regulatory approval
krill meal production of 52,000 tons in 202274. It is
for sale in the Unites States, Australia and New Zealand,
concerning that according to Aker BioMarine, this
with processes on-going in the EU and other target
high catch still does not reflect the capacity of the
geographies. To this end, the company is building a
company’s fleet.
production plant in Norway and has launched a new
product website by the name of Understory.

No specific scientific studies showing that Invi would

outperform other, more sustainable protein powders
could be found for this report. Considering the
environmental impacts caused by krill-harvesting and
the mature low-impact and plant-based protein powder
market, there seems little justification for marketing this
product other than Aker BioMarine trying to increase its

To further increase product margins, Aker BioMarine is

developing Lysoveta for the health market. It has signed
an agreement with Trofi Nutritional Inc. to develop
medical food products based on Lysoveta. It targets
Alzheimer’s disease, male infertility and gestational
diabetes, in addition to pre-natal supplements in the
The Aker BioMarine vessel, Antarctic Endurance,
US. The company predicts that its first medical food and
trawls for krill next to feeding fin whales.
dietary supplements will come to market in 2024.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

The Association for Responsible Krill Operators (ARK) was formed in 2010. ARK claims to
promote responsible and sustainable krill fishing practices.

Recent research on the impacts caused by the krill fishery This voluntary exclusion program is intentionally too lenient
would suggest that ARK’s sustainability claims may be a and does not address the long-term sustainability of krill
form of greenwashing, and its actual practices fall short of populations. Moreover, ARK lacks accountability measures to
its supposed mission. ensure its members adhere to sustainable practices.

ARK’s membership comprises large-scale fishing Dr Helena Herr, a cetacean expert and scientist, resigned
companies, whose activities are known to have significant from the ARK expert panel specifically citing concerns that
impacts on the environment. This raises questions about it was just a greenwashing exercise. Dr Herr stated she was
whether the organization is promoting genuine responsible convinced that the expert panel’s role was not to “improve
fishing practices. measures or even design appropriate measures” – rather,
the purpose was to “solely legitimise” the industry.
Most companies who fish for krill are part of ARK but, once
again, it is Aker BioMarine that plays the leading role. Dr Herr also said ARK’s voluntary exclusion zones did
The head of the association is a former executive at Aker nothing to stop vessels fishing in whale-foraging areas
BioMarine, and all the surveys carried out as part of ARK’s and, again, labelled ARK’s highly-touted exclusion zones as
mandate are on board Aker BioMarine vessels. ‘greenwashing’.

ARK was formed, like most industry bodies, in response to ARK’s sustainability claims remain unproven whilst the
the criticism facing the krill industry and the problematic organisation seems to focus more on its public image
certification by Marine Stewardship Council. The association rather than implementing meaningful actions to ensure
operates as the forward-facing PR machine for the krill sustainable krill fishing practices.
fishery. During the voyage to gather evidence for this report,
Ultimately, ARK’s greenwashing undermines any efforts
they defended the krill industry and contacted the voyage
towards creating Marine Protected Areas and instead works
leaders to dispute what was witnessed, as opposed to the
towards increasing krill fishing in Antarctica.
actual companies documented.

Following extensive pressure from environmental groups

ARK agreed to impose voluntary exclusion zones for krill
fishing to try and address the wildlife impacts of the fishery.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


Despite their proximity to Antarctica, neither Australia nor New Zealand have ever
been engaged in the commercial krill fishery. Yet, the two countries are key markets
for krill products for both oil and krill meal.

Finished products can be imported and both countries Despite this, exactly how much krill, krill oil and krill meal
export krill-based supplements to overseas markets. For is imported to Australia and New Zealand is not publicly
instance, products of one of China’s top krill brands, VIK, are known, since no official statistics exist. Data requests sent to
made in Australia and New Zealand75. Salmon reared on both governments for this report were turned down.
krill-based feed are also exported globally.

Krill oil supplements are not only manufactured here but, as

this report found, 100% of health and pharmacy retailers sell
krill supplements compared to a global average of 68%.

Many supermarkets sell salmon that is fed on krill. Moreover,

the two specialised Norwegian krill companies also have
dedicated offices in the region.

An industry representative told Bob Brown Foundation that

the per capita krill supplement consumption in Australia is
one of the highest globally.76 Salmon inside pens like this one pictured here are fed using
Antarctic krill meal.

With 100% of chemists surveyed found to be selling
krill, Australia is outsized in its impact on Antarctic
krill. When you combine the krill meal fed to salmon
in Australia, the prevalnce of krill in Australia is

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


The refusal of krill data by the Australian Bureau

of Statistics under the Freedom of Information Act 8
was due to the information being collected under 9
the Census Act. 6
Despite multiple attempts through different departments and agencies,
all requests were refused. It is concerning that the Australian Government
is so determined not to share how much krill is coming into the country,
especially as it is a member of CCAMLR.

However, companies such as BioMar, confirmed that their krill came

from Aker BioMarine.77 BioMar’s one fish-feed factory alone (in Wesley
Vale, Tasmania) imports as much as 1200 tonnes of krill meal a year. This
equates to 7800 tonnes of wild krill used solely by Biomar Australia.

Aker BioMarine has an office in Australia which, it is believed, is largely

to generate sales in the region, with no krill processing capacity or
operations78. Unlike New Zealand, the Norwegian krill company Rimfrost,
does not have an office here.

1 Super-trawlers attempt to catch up to 600,000 tonnes of krill in Antarctica.

2 Large refrigerated cargo ships or “reefers” tranship the krill and take it to port.

3 Krill is landed in Montevideo and is processed, ready to be distributed.

krill is the refined and turned into oil capsules in factories. For companies like Aker Biomarine, this is done in Houston,

5 Krill oil is then transported around the globe to be bottled and branded. Krill meal is shipped in large bags.

6 Krill oil arrives in Australia and is packaged and branded. Krill meal is transported to fish feed factories.

7 Krill oil is put on the shelves of chemists and supermarkets around Australia.

8 Fish feed factories incorporate krill meal into their salmon feed pellets.

9 Krill is fed to farmed salmon.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


The New Zealand government advised Bob Brown
5 Foundation that the request for data was refused on the
grounds that neither New Zealand customs nor any other
entity agency holds this data.
Considering New Zealand is an active member of CCAMLR, it is concerning that
the country does not know the roles it plays in the global krill supply chain.79

New Zealand’s official trade data is believed to include krill products under
HS code 030619, (Harmonized System) which includes crustaceans but also
processed meals and flours, and not included elsewhere in trade data.80
Despite the lack of dedicated HS codes, it is telling that over the last ten years, 92%
of all New Zealand imports of HS code 030619 originated in Norway (at an import
2 value of NZD $30 million), followed by the USA and China. Particularly for Norway,
there are likely few, if any, other species except krill, that this HS code would
1 include. In fact, New Zealand’s imports from Norway may even be higher. In 2022,
no imports from Norway under code 30619 were reported but more than
NZD 7 million worth of products were included in HS code 030990 (flours and
meals of crustaceans fit for human consumption).

The lack of dedicated krill import and export data is especially worrying, as
commercial international customs databases show frequent shipping of krill
products to and from New Zealand. Such databases do not cover all countries
but between 2020 and 2022. A total of 38 shipments of krill products arriving in
New Zealand were identified and there could be many more not included in the
database81. Of these shipments, 25 included krill meal, four shipments were made
up of krill oil and nine of frozen krill: the vast majority was shipped to the port of
Nelson. This appears to be the central hub in New Zealand’s krill operations, from
where Norwegian company Rimfrost operate. Some of the shipments consisted of
Olymeg-branded krill meal, a trademark owned by Rimfrost.82

The origin of the frozen krill is unknown but, with a total weight of more than 110
tons imported into Nelson identified83 (there may be additional shipments not
captured by the database), significant operations likely take place there.

At least one of the krill oil shipments is described as containing ‘Superba 2’ krill oil,
which is a brand owned by Aker BioMarine84. Three of the four krill oil shipments
that could be identified were at least initially sent to Auckland.85

Aker BioMarine has a subsidiary in New Zealand by the name of Wanaka BioMarine
(renamed from Aker BioMarine New Zealand Ltd in August 2020). It is a 100%
subsidiary of Aker BioMarine and while Aker says it is based in Nelson – where most
of the shipments identified through customs data have landed – the New Zealand
company office publishes an address in Christchurch for Wanaka BioMarine.

In Australia, medicinal products containing such ingredients as herbs, vitamins, minerals, nutritional supplements,
homeopathic and certain aromatherapy preparations are referred to as ‘complementary medicines’ and are regulated as
medicines under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.

All medicines supplied in Australia must be included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) and krill products
carry AUST L numbers for ‘listed’ medicines, which have not been assessed for efficacy.

As can be seen from the table below, in Australia the largest number of products was put on the market by Pharmacare
(9) followed by Nature’s Care Manufacture Pty (5) and Caruso’s (4). Not all of the products that were registered are
necessarily for sale at retailers or online.

Sponsors and brands for Australian krill oil products Sanofi-Aventis

Nature’s Own
Healthcare Pty Ltd
No. of
Sponsor Brand products
on ARTG Provita Health Antarctic Krill
Pty Ltd Oil Plus Fish Oil

Bioglan Ferngrove
Pharmaceuticals Krill Oil
PharmaCare/ Quality Australia Pty Ltd
Natural Health
Bio Pty Limited Australia Lifetime
FIT-BioCeuticals UltraClean
Limited Krill Oil
Nature’s Care Care
Proudex Australia
Manufacture Orgin-A
Pty Ltd
Pty Limited Nature’s
RF Six Pty Ltd Krill
Natural Health Caruso’s
Pty Ltd Traditional Chinese 
   Krill Oilj

Medicine Life Pty Ltd Complex

Lipa Vitamode
L & M Group Australia
Healthy Haniel
Swisse Pty Ltd
Wellness Pty Ultiboost
Australian Naturalcare
Krill Oil
Products Pty Ltd
Company Evergreen Healthcare
Marine Krill
Limited Pharmacy Pty Ltd
Modere Australia
Pharmacy Pty Ltd
Soul Pattinson The Better Health
Company (Australia) GO Krill
BioSource PTY

Jmm Mysekyo Australia

Wild Red Mysekyo
International Pty Ltd
Pty Ltd
Pharmaceuticals Marine Al
Spring Leaf
Pty Ltd
Australia Biotechnology
Krill Oil
Top Life Research Pty Ltd Krill Oil

Symbion Pty Faulding

Nature's Bio
Nature Top
Ltd Krill Technology Pty Ltd

While no sales figures for krill products exist, based on the brands available at major retailers (see next chapter), the
largest supplement manufacturers in Australia and New Zealand are Pharmacare, Nature’s Care, Swisse, Sanofi, Caruso
and The Better Health Company, which are profiled below

Pharm-A-Care Laboratories Pty. Limited

Warriewood, NSW, 2102. Krill brands: Bioglan, Nature’s Way.

40 countries particularly in Europe, Asia and North America.

Ownership: Founded in 1985 by Toby Browne and the company says it is still 100% Australian family owned.

Most likely the krill used in Australian and New Zealand products is from Aker BioMarine. One
product available in New Zealand carried the Aker-trademarked Eco harvesting logo. So does
Krill origin packaging of a Bioglan product for sale in the UK. Recently, a manager at PharmaCare Australia,
has commented on posts by the CEO of Aker BioMarine on LinkedIn that highlighted recent studies
promoting the benefits of krill.

No policy found.
ingredient policy

PharmaCare says it is the Australian market leader in the VMS (Vitamins, Supplements, Minerals),
Skincare, OTC (over the counter, Personal Care and Health Foods industries. In 2020, the
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) issued 13 infringement notices to PharmaCare totalling
Notes $164,520 for alleged breaches of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 in relation to the advertising of
two listed complementary medicines. This came just a year after PharmaCare paid penalties of
$12,600 for an infringement notice for the alleged advertising of a therapeutic good after it had
been canceled from the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG).

Sanofi-Aventis Australia Pty Ltd

Macquarie Park, 2113, NSW. Krill brands: Nature’s Own.

Nature’s Own was initially a health food store founded founded by Vaughan Bullivant in Brisbane.
Bullivant was purchased by the Mayne Group some time before 2002 which later de-merged and
Ownership: was renamed Symbion. In 2008, Sanofi acquired Symbion a subsidiary of Primary Health Care
Ltd for AUD $560 million and with it the Nature’s Own brand.Sanofi is a very large French-owned
pharmaceutical and health company.

The origin of the krill used in Sanofi’s

Krill origin Nature’s Own brands is currently not No policy was found.
ingredient policy

The company owns a large manufacturing facility in Virginia, Brisbane with more than 200
employees to develop, test, manufacture, and package vitamin, mineral and supplement
products. The major brands manufactured in Brisbane include Ostelin, Nature’s Own and Cenovis.
The facility has the capacity to produce 2.7 billion tables a year.

Nature’s Care Manufacture Pty Limited

Belrose, NSW, 2085. Krill brands: Nature’s Care, Healthy Care.

The company says products are distributed internationally from its production facility in Sydney
International including to the USA, Canada, China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Thailand. In 2011 the
operations: company established a logistics centre in Taiwan. In 2014 a new warehouse facility in Australia
trilped production capability.

In 2018, it was reported that a Chinese consortium featuring one of China’s biggest diversified
conglomerates, CITIC Limited, agreed to acquire a controlling stake in Nature’s Care. The Sydney-
Ownership: based Wu family who started the company retained a portion of the company. Nature’s Care was
valued at AUD 800 million. The consortium, comprised of Beijing-based China Jianyin Investment
(JIC) and Tamar Alliance, a joint venture between CITIC and Dah Chong Hon.

Krill origin Currently the supplier is not known. ingredient No policy found.

Nature’s Care was involved in an important case relating to the Australian-owned logo. The company
says “Nature’s Care products are encapsulated and blended in Sydney Australia from local and
imported ingredients. Until now our products have proudly worn the Australian made logo. A recent
decision in the Federal Court has caused us to review our association with the Australian Made
campaign and therefore we will be removing the Australian Made logo from many of our packs.”
The case is related to 2018 ruling when Nature’s Care applied to renew its license from the Australian
Made Campaign Limited (AMCL) so it could continue to use the ‘Made in Australia’ logo for its Fish
Notes Oil 1000 + Vitamin D3 soft gel capsule product. The AMCL rejected Nature’s Care’s licence renewal
application. Nature’s Care instituted proceedings in the Federal Court for a declaration its product
was last ‘substantially transformed’ in Australia, which would have permitted it to be labelled ‘Made
in Australia’ despite containing primarily imported ingredients. While Nature’s Care’s action was
against AMCL, the ACCC intervened in the case as a matter of public importance and to assist
the Court by providing expert evidence. The ACCC provided evidence to support its view that
encapsulation and the addition of a vitamin should not be considered a ‘substantial transformation’
of the imported ingredients and the Court accepted the ACCC’s position.

Caruso’s Natural Health Pty Ltd

Eastern Creek, 2766, NSW. Krill brands: Caruso’s King Krill.

Ownership: Believed to be still owned by Frank Caruso.

The origin of the krill used in Caruso’s Marine

Krill origin No policy was found.
krill products is currently not known. ingredient policy

The company says that all of the Caruso (ABN 16 002 029 227) products are manufactured in Australia,
but it is likely that the manufacturing is largely outsourced since the company says “We have some of
the best manufacturing facilities in the world right here in Australia. At Caruso’s we always make it a
priority to support Australian manufacturers and therefore local industry.”

Swisse Wellness Pty Ltd.

Among other locations, Swisse-

branded products are also
International available in China, India, Singapore,
Krill brands: Swisse Deep Sea krill oil.
operations: USA, Netherlands, Italy, Brunei,
Vietnam and Sri Lanka, and recently
launched in the UAE.
In 2015 the company had already achieved a significant size and was the market leader in
Australia and New Zealand in the vitamins, herbal, mineral supplements (VHMS) sector when it
was sold to Hong Kong-based Biostime. Initially the company acquired 83% of Swisse for (at the
Ownership: time) AUD 1.386 billion with the remaining 17% of the company being bought in 2016 for another
AUD 311 million. Biostime was later rebranded to the Health & Happiness (H&H) Group that also
owns a number of other brands including Biostime, Zesty Paws, Solid Gold, Dodie, Good Goût,
Aurelia London and CBII. H&H is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Aker BioMarine is most certainly a supplier of krill oil to Swisse in Australia as stated by Aker
Krill origin:
BioMarine in July 2022.
The H&H group (and by extension Swisse) has a policy to only source fish and krill oil that is
certified by either MSC, Friends of the Sea or the MarinTrust.

Of importance is also that Swisse together with Aker BioMarione and Blackmores has been one of
the founding partners of the Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund (AWR). BioMar is also listed as a donor.
Swisse is also one of the most well-known supplements brands in Australia and engaged in extensive
sponsoring and advertising. In the past, brand ambassadors have included Chris Hemsworth, Nicole
Kidman, Esla Pataky, Ricky Ponting and Ashley Hart. In addition, the company is a sponsor of the
Australian Olympic Team through to 2024.

The Better Health Company

Auckland. Krill brands: GO Krill Oil.

The company is now owned by Nestlé. A Singapore based investment fund manager China
Diamond Holdings (CDH) took a large controlling stake of the company in 2017 with the rest
remaining with the founders. In mid-2022, it was announced that Nestle would be buying The
Ownership: Better Health Company. Nestle said the acquisition was a strategic fit for its existing operations,
and the factory in Auckland would help quicken growth and allow new products to be introduced
locally. The transaction requires regulatory approval by the Overseas Investment Office and it
approved the sale worth NZD 375 million in late August 2022.

The krill used for the production of GO Healthy is supplied by Aker BioMarine. THBC says “Aker
Krill origin: BioMarine, based in Norway, supplies us with high quality Antarctic Red Krill Oil for the GO Krill Oil
range of supplements.“

No policy found.
ingredient policy

The Better Health Company (TBHC) was founded by Hastings-based entrepreneur Greg Driscoll and
Wellingtonians Lisa South and Kurt Renner in 2008. TBHC includes GO Healthy New Zealand, GO Healthy
Australia, Egmont Honey and New Zealand Health Manufacturing. TBHC has staff based in Auckland,
Notes Wellington, Taranaki, Melbourne and Singapore. It has manufacturing and processing facilities in
Auckland (supplements) and New Plymouth (honey). In total TBHC employs around 270 staff across its
various businesses. The company says it is also one of New Zealand’s largest contract manufacturers via
its production facility New Zealand Health Manufacturing (NZHM).

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


To get a better understanding of the extent to which krill-based supplements are sold by major
Australian and New Zealand retailers, we carried out an online survey in December 2022.

The survey focused on retail chains with online shopping could be made it was always Aker BioMarine which is not
operations but for some retailers that lack online shopping surprising given the company’s dominance
such Aldi, store visits were also conducted in early 2023.
In Australia, nine of the fifteen retailers included in this
It is, however, possible that only some selected stores within survey were found to be selling krill products two of the
a retailer chain sell krill products and these may not have five major grocery retailers were found to be selling krill oil
been the stores that were visited. Similarly stores that do not supplements.
sell krill products online may do so in some physical stores.
Both Coles and Woolworths offer the Nature’s Way brand
The survey was carried out in December 2022.
which is owned by Pharmacare. When it comes to the big
Krill products were found in just over half of the retail chains pharmacy retail chains, all six chains were found to be
in Australia and New Zealand that were included in the selling multiple krill supplement brands with the Chemist
survey. What is most noticeable is that the grocery retailers Warehouse selling no less than 8 brands and MyChemist
have not embraced krill products to the same extent selling 7 brands of krill supplements. No krill supplements
pharmacy chains have done. All pharmacy chains included were found to be sold by the two health store chains and by
in the survey were found to be selling krill products with Kmart. The largest number of supplements is undoubtedly
some of them retailing their own private label products for sold by Amazon Australia, but this is partly due to the
krill supplements. structure of Amazon compared to more traditional retailers.

Although no information can be found on actual sales

figures for individual brands, the most widely available krill
supplement brands in the retail chains in Australia include
Nature’s Way & Bioglan (Pharmacare), Nature’s Own
(produced/distributed by Sanofi) , Caruso’s and Healthy
Care (Nature’s Care). In New Zealand, major brands also
include Nature’s Way (Pharmacare), and Go Healthy (Better
Health Company / Nestle).

In some cases, it is possible to link specific krill suppliers to

the manufacturers/distributors of the supplements but the Grocery
robustness with which these links can be made varies. For all
supply chain links it is recommended to carry out additional Pharmacy
investigations to confirm them directly with the companies.
Some of the manufacturers/distributors also have significant Supplements
sales operations overseas and may be using different
General & online
suppliers and contract manufacturers for those markets.
Where a connection or possible connection to a krill supplier

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


Aualitrs New Zealnd
Resailert Kril Resailert Kril
include oundf include oundf
5 3

5 3

5 1

5 1

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

1. Krill meal has been described
as a “comfort” food for salmon
by the industry

2. Benefits to salmon are unclear

and often rely on industry

3. 1200 tonnes of krill used in just

one Australian factory

Our investigation found that krill meal is predominantly used in aquaculture as an additive to
salmon and shrimp feed.

The production and sale of krill meal is vital for krill companies, grow the industry through the National Aquaculture Strategy,
as it makes up a significant portion of their revenue. In 2022, which, in collaboration with state and territory governments,
36% of Aker BioMarine’s revenue was generated by its krill meal aims to double aquaculture production in Australian waters to
products compared to 2% which came from krill oil (most of an annual value of AUD 2 billion by 2027.88 The Tassal Group
the company’s sales are now generated by its ownership of and Huon Aquaculture are the largest salmon companies
supplements companies) . The importance of sales of krill meal
operating in Australia, with Petuna Aquaculture taking a smaller
in Australia and in New Zealand is also illustrated by the fact market share. Tassal produces around 40,000 tons of salmon
that Oceania has the second largest customer base for Aker and 5,500 tonnes of black tiger prawns. Huon produced more
BioMarine’s krill business after Europe. than 35,000 tonnes of salmon in 2021. All three companies have
planned vast expansions of their operations. Their products are
Australia’s farmed salmon industry started in the mid 1980s, and
sold throughout Australia and also exported overseas.
has since grown to turn over more than AUD 1 billion a year.
This is nearly as much as Tasmania’s dairy, beef and potato
industries combined. The Federal Government aims to further

In the last two years there have been significant changes and raises nitrogen levels, which can trigger toxic algae
in the ownership of the two largest Tasmanian salmon blooms and affect native marine life. Dead zones in waters
companies. In November 2021, Brazilian company JBS, where salmon production takes place have been reported92,
the world’s largest meat processing company, purchased and pollution impacts from salmon farming rendered the
Huon Aquaculture for AUD 425 million.89 A year later, major Macquarie Harbour Wilderness World Heritage Area a
Canadian seafood company Cooke Inc, one of the world’s alomst fully dead zone through severe low levels of oxygen.
largest farmed salmon producers, bought Tassal for around Intensive farming operations not only harm the environment
AUD 1.7 billion. In 2017, 50% of Petuna Aquaculture was sold
but also the salmon themselves. In one six-month period
to the Sealord Group, which has its headquarters in Nelson, from October 2017, 1.35 million salmon died from disease in
New Zealand. Sealord is equally owned by Māori through Macquarie Harbour.93 The companies also use underwater
Moana, New Zealand and global seafood company, Nissui explosions to stopseals from getting too close to the pens. In
Corporation. 91
one 14-month period, Huon Aquaculture used underwater
explosions 8,000 times. As a result of the explosions, Huon
Since its beginning, the salmon industry has been marred
caused the death of eighteen seals while Tassal was
by severe environmental effects, and local opposition to the
responsible for killing five seals.94
operations/industry has grown. Effluent released by large,
concentrated swarms of fish build up underneath the pens

The history of the new owners of Huon and Tassal does not suggest improvements to
their environmental performance in the future.

Tassals vessel, The Aqua Spa. JBS fish farms in the Huon River, Tasmania

In 2017, Cooke (owners of Tassal) was found to be negligent JBS had not been in the aquaculture business before its
in maintaining its salmon pens when a collapse resulted purchase of Huon Aquaculture but it is a major player in
in hundreds of thousands of escaped Atlantic salmon. The the international and Australian beef industry. It has been
company was fined USD 332,000 and some of its leases estimated JBS’s direct supply chain in Brazil has been
were cancelled.95 Cooke later paid USD 2.75 million in a responsible for the deforestation of 200,00 hectares of
civil lawsuit over the incident, and Washington State passed natural forests in South America, and its indirect supply
laws to ban the farming of Atlantic Salmon in its waters. In chain for 1.5 million hectares, which is larger than the area
one international sustainability-scoring system, Cooke was of greater Sydney.97 In 2017, the controlling shareholder of
the worst performing aquaculture company, with a score of JBS agreed to pay USD 3.2 billion—one of the largest fines
0.7 out of 100.96
in global corporate history—when they admitted to bribing
hundreds of politicians.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing


Huon is the only salmon company in Tasmania that is In June 2022, Huon said in its feed fact sheet that BioMar is
using krill in its feed through its supplier BioMar, one of its main feed supplier. Not only does the same fact sheet
the world’s largest salmon feed companies. link to a BioMar list of feed ingredients that includes krill,
a report on the European salmon feed industry suggests
For many years BioMar in Australia mostly operated as a
that no other feed company has embraced krill as an
distributor of imported BioMar feed. But in 2020, the company
ingredient to the extent BioMar has done. In this context
opened its Tasmanian feed mill in Wesley Vale to the east of
it is also important to point out that Mowi, the world’s
Devonport. At the time, BioMar said trials of its products are
largest salmon farming company does not use krill since
already underway in a variety of species in Australia and New
the company is not convinced of the cost-benefit of krill as
Zealand and that the facility will ultimately produce up to 110,000
a feed ingredient. The use of krill in the feed formulations
tonnes per annum of aqua feed to support the Australian and
for Huon is also confirmed through an email by the
Oceania aquaculture industry.
company’s Corporate Communications & Community
Our report investigators visited the Wesley Vale Biomar factory in Relations Manage to the Tasmanian Alliance for Marine
May 2023. During this visit, David Whyte, the Managing Director, Protection (TAMP). Since Huon is believed to be the only
confirmed that they used up to 1200 tonnes of krill meal, supplied major salmon company in Australia that is believed to
by Aker Biomarine annually. be using krill in its feed, through its supplier BioMar, the
company is likely the key driver for Aker BioMarine’s krill
An audit report for one of Huon’s farms (Zuidpool Rock Farm)
meal sales in Oceania.
from 2018 stated that three feed suppliers (Biomar, Ridley and
Skretting) were used. Two other reports from 2018 for Flathead
Bay and Storm Bay listed Skretting and Biomar.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

There are a number of documents in the public Petuna says it sources it feed from Ridley and
domain that indicate that the main (and possibly only) Skretting.
feed supplier for Tassal’s salmon farms is Skretting,
Ridley is an Australian owned company that produces not
another major player in the global salmon feed
just aquaculture feed but also feed for many farm animals
such as beef and dairy cattle, horses, pigs, poultry and sheep.
Skretting Australia (owned by Nutreco which in turn is owned However, no ingredient list or references to krill were found for
by SHV) has a feed mill located in Cambridge in Tasmania its salmon feed.
where more than 90 people are employed. In 2021, Skretting
announced it was going to expand on the Cambridge facility
by purchasing Ridley’s (another feed company) extrusion
facility in Westbury, Tasmania for AUD 54.85 million. Skretting
supplies both the Australian and the New Zealand aquafeed
market from its facilities in Tasmania.

Even though an investigation found that in Europe Skretting

uses krill from Aker BioMarine in its feed, according to a
source at Tassal, the company does not currently use krill in its
feed formulations.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing

Despite industry claims, the krill fishery threatens the fragile and unique ecosystem that is
Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Our own observations of supertrawlers plowing through
pods of foraging fin whales and chinstrap penguins, showed exactly how damaging the fish-

are also complicit in this damage highly questionable. It is also becoming

caused to the penguins and whales of increasingly known that the same
Antarctica. Krill-oil health supplements omega oils can be made using plant
are sold by ALL or 100% of Australia and based sources and is a completely
New Zealands largest health-product viable alternative.
retailers. Compare this with 68% of
Nevertheless, the industry is not giving
global health food retailers and you
up and it continues to create new
can see just how outsized Australia’s
products and markets to prop up its
representation is. While krill-fed farmed-
unprofitable operations.
salmon products are routinely sold by 3
leading supermarkets across Australia Aker BioMarine, which has run a net
and NZ, none have adopted policies loss nearly continuously for the last

The industry is not only ignoring these that exclude the use of krill in the feed decade, aims to turn this around

threats, they actively try to hide them, used to produce their salmon products. through increased revenue from new

and have employed several tactics and existing markets, increased fishing
The abundance of krill-based products
to present krill-derived products as efforts and the development and
on Australian and New Zealand shelves
sustainable – from pushing inexact marketing of new products, such as krill
is striking. Although a significant amount
narratives about the impact of krill protein for human consumption and pet
of research has been conducted to
fishing in its marketing to relying on food.
proclaim superiority of krill-based
problematic certification to justify the products, often funded by the industry
plunder. itself (so as to justify its high price
The retailers, fish farms and aquafeed compared to other marine-based
manufacturers, which we found are products), the purported superiority and
routinely selling krill-based products, associated cost-benefit still remains

Krill is caught for products we do not need. Whether it is to

KRILL IS THE FOUNDATION OF feed industrial farmed salmon, or to be used as a supposed
health supplement, its use is entirely unnecessary.

Image right: a pod of fin whales feeds between two supertrwalers a pod of fin whales feeds between two supertrawlers. Coronation Island, Antarctica.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing



Bob Brown Foundation is calling for an
immediate moratorium, followed by a
ban, on krill fishing
Aquafeed and aquaculture companies
must stop using Antarctic krill and
switch to more sustainable alternatives,
ensuring these alternatives do not
give rise to other social and ecological
problems. This recommendation
is in line with the latest 2022 IPCC
report. The use of fishmeal and fish oil
(including krill) must be phased out
entirely, across the entire industry, for
transformational change to take place
by 2025.

KRILLING Australia and New Zealand’s
ANTARCTICA outsized role in krill fishing



Certification schemes, especially the Marine RETAILERS
Stewardship Council, should not certify
Antarctic krill, as doing so gives the false
Retailers should:
impression that krill fishing can be sustainable.
Stop sales of krill-based health
supplements and adopt policies to
phase out krill from the farmed-seafood
products on their shelves.
Have due-diligence measures in place
and conduct regular audits to ensure
implementation of these policies.
Commit to phasing out the use of wild-
caught fish in feed more generally.
Provide full transparency about farmed-
seafood supply chains – the identity
of suppliers, processors, aquafeed
companies, and fishmeal and fish oil
producers – and whether the suppliers
CONSUMERS use Antarctic krill-feed additives.

Consumers should stop using krill-based

dietary supplements, pet foods or
krill-consuming aquaculture.

“Retailers should stop selling krill-based products and

work towards a krill-free seafood supply. Transparency and
sustainable fish feed practices are essential

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