141+muli+et+al ++formating
141+muli+et+al ++formating
141+muli+et+al ++formating
Analysis and Validation of Metformin in Human Plasma Using the HPLC Method
Analisis dan Validasi Obat Metformin Dalam Plasma Manusia Menggunakan Metode
Mulidini1*) , Asri Yuniar Dwi Nanda 1), Nissa Khalida Hanum 1), Lina Nurfadhila 1), Marsah
Rahmawati Utami 1)
Program Studi Farmasi, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, ,
Karawang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
e-mail Author: mulidini1405@gmail.com
Analytical method validation is a process that ensures accurate, specific, reproducible and stable analysis of
the analytical range appropriate to the intended use. Analytical method validation include all procedur for that
demonstrate quantitative measure of analytes such as from plasma. Determination of the concentration of a
drug in plasma is complex because plasma is a complex matrix. The drug identified was metformin. Metformin
is a drug orally antihyperglycemic agent used in the management of type II diabetes mellitus. Methods for
quantitation of metformin in human plasma or in pharmaceutical form, one of which uses High Performance
Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). HPLC is a liquid chromatography technique used to process various mixture
components. This article review aims to make it easier for readers and future researchers to determine the
presence of metformin in human plasma by using the HPLC analysis method accurately. This research method
uses the literature review method using national journals and international journals through the google scholar
database. Methods by KCKT or HPLC that can be used to validate the determination of metformin levels in
plasma include RP-HPLC, HPLC, HPLC-UV, and U-HPLC. The most commonly used method with the best
validity, efficiency and time estimation is RP-HPLC..
Validasi metode analisis adalah suatu proses dalam menjamin akurasi analisis, reprodusibel, spesifik dan
stabil dari kisaran analisis sesuai dengan tujuan penggunaan. Validasi metode analisis mencakup semua
prosedur yang menunjukkan pengukuran kuantitatif analit dari matriks biologis seperti plasma. Penentuan
konsentrasi suatu obat dalam plasma merupakan hal yang kompleks karena plasma merupakan matriks yang
kompleks. Metformin adalah agen antihiperglikemik oral yang digunakan dalam pengelolaan diabetes mellitus
tipe II. Metode untuk kuantisasi metformin dalam plasma manusia atau dalam bentuk farmasi, salah satunya
menggunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) atau High Performance Liquid Chromatography
(HPLC). HPLC adalah teknik kromatografi cair yang digunakan untuk mengolah berbagai komponen
Tabel 1. Hasil Review Metode analisis obat metformin pada plasma darah manusia
No. Metode Fase Kolom Elusi Laju Alir Detektor LOQ Pustaka
Gerak (mL/min)
1. RP-HPLC MeOH: Thermo Isokratik 0,8 PC220 2.18 Shakoor A et
ACN: dapar Hypersil UV-Vis μg/mL al., 2018
fosfat ODS C18 (212 nm)
(5:30:65, (5µm, 4.6
v:v) pada mm × 250
pH 3,5 mm)
2. RP-HPLC MeOH : MAGELLE Isokratik 1 DAD (235 0.18 Sebaiy e al.,
0,025 N C18 (5 nm) μg/mL 2018
KH2PO4 μm, 150
pH 3,20 mm × 4.60
(85:15 v/v) mm)
3. RP-HPLC MeOH: Onyx Isokratik 0,4 PDA (220 0.373 Balamurugan
ACN: Monolithc nm) ug/m et al., 2018
KH2PO4 C18 (100 μg/mL l
(pH 4±0,5) mm, 5μm)
4. RP-HPLC MeOH : Thermostat Isokratik 1,2 RS DAD 0.136 marie A et
0,05 M ed RS (227 nm) μg/mL al., 2023
buffer Column
KH2PO4 + Compartme
TEA 0,05% nt
(78:22, v/v)
5. HPLC MeOH Hypersil Isokratik 0.814 DAD (235 0.50 Magdy et al.,
:0,05 M BDS C18 nm) μg/mL 2023
buffer (250 mm ×
KH2PO4 4.6 mm)
pH 7
6. HPLC- ACN : fase Discovery Isokratik 1.3 UV (233 0.125 Chheri, 2014
UV air (10 mM Reversed nm) μg/mL
Keterangan : ACN= Asetonitril; TFA = Trifluoro Acid; MAA = Asam Metakrilat; PDA= Photodiode Array; DAD =
Diode array detector; HRMS = High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Karakteristik Metode
Temperatur kolom 45oC [5] 35oC[1]
Ukuran partikel 5 um 5 um
Volume injeksi 20 ul 10 ul
Dimensi kolom 250 mm × 4.6 mm 150 mm × 4.60 mm
Laju alir 0.814 ml/menit 1 ml/menit