Do You Know The Tochigi Dialect?
Do You Know The Tochigi Dialect?
Do You Know The Tochigi Dialect?
◎Sign up method
Elderly people with a low income can receive benefits. ・Sign up via mail
Application forms have been mailed to elderly people who ・ Sign up desk: City Hall 1F Shimin Hall (4/26 -
have the possibility of receiving the benefits. The financial 6/17), 16F Jisshi Honbu (6/20 - 7/29), local Jichi
benefits will be transferred to the applicable bank Centers, local Shimin Centers, and branch offices
(4/26 - 7/29)
◎Eligible people
Q. I moved to Utsunomiya City after January 1, 2015,
・People with a resident certificate in Utsunomiya City as
but can I receive the benefit in Utsunomiya City?
of January 1, 2015
A. No, you can receive it from the municipality that
・People not taxed for the citizen’s tax for 2015 you had your resident certificate on January 1, 2015.
・People who will be 65 years or older by March 31, 2017 Q. Can people who had a resident certificate in
(people born April 1, 1952 or earlier). (However, people Utsunomiya City on January 1, 2015 and have since
who are dependents of someone who was taxed for the moved overseas receive the benefit?
citizen’s tax for 2015, or people who are receiving A. Yes. ※ Anyone who is planning to go overseas
welfare, etc. are not eligible to receive this benefit.) should call to inquire.
◎Application period: 4/26 (Tues) – 7/29 (Fri) Inquiries: Rinji Fukushi Kyuhukin Jisshi Honbu
◎Amount: 30,000 yen per person (1 time) (Temporary Welfare Benefit Implementation Head
Office) 028-632-5172
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【Eligible users】 Groups functioning for the purpose of multi-culture symbiosis or international