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Midterm Reviewer

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It measures the efficiency of credit

BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT 2 and collection procedures.
 Inventory Turnover number of times that
FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Makes the financial inventory is sold during the accounting period. It
statements useful, primarily to the management then to indicates whether the company holds excessive
other interested parties. stocks of inventory.
HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS Also called “trend  Operating Cycle number of days it takes to
analysis”, evaluates a sequence of information contained convert inventory into cash.
in the financial statements over several periods.
VERTICAL ANALYSIS Interprets financial statements SOLVENCY RATIOS
data that are presented in percentages of a base amount.  Time Interest Earned Ratio ability to source
COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS for the preceding interest payments from net profits in regular
and current periods make it possible for an evaluation of business operations.
the changes in line items.  Debt-Service Coverage Ratio measures
RATIO ANALYSIS Shows the correlation among whether earnings or net profit before interest
specific line items in financial statements. expense is sufficient to cover interest and
LIQUIDITY ability of a firm to efficiently manage principal payments on long-term debts.
working capital and to guarantee that there would be  Debt Ratio shows the percentage of assets
adequate assets to pay for its current obligations. provided by the creditors.
SOLVENCY ability of a firm to meet its long-term  Equity Ratio shows the percentage of assets
liabilities and financial indebtedness. from the owner.
PROFITABILITY RATIOS set of measurements used  Debt-To-Equity Ratio shows the proportion of
to determine the ability of a business to create earnings. liabilities to owner’s equity in financing
company resources.
HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS refers to getting the  Debt-To-Capitalization Ratio the ratio that
growth trend over several periods of certain items or gives the degree of significance of long-term
ratios in the financial statements. debt as part of the business capitalization.
VERTICAL ANALYSIS the ratio of each item in the
financial statement to a certain base item is obtained and PROFITABILITY RATIOS
expressed in percentage. In the SCI, the base item is the  Gross Profit Margin refers to the ratio of gross
net sales. In SFP, the base item is the total assets. profit to total revenues.
 Net Profit Margin/Return on Sales equal to
LIQUIDITY RATIOS the ration of net profit after taxes to total
 Working Capital difference of current assets revenues.
and current liabilities.  Return on Assets computed as the ratio of net
 Current Ratio capability of the entity to settle profit after taxes to average total assets.
its current liabilities by using its current assets.  Return on Equity equal to the ratio of net profit
 Acid-test/Quick Ratio ability to pay current after taxes to average owner’s equity.
liabilities with the assets that are most readily
convertible into cash. QUICK ASSETS includes cash and other items under
 Accounts Receivable Turnover number of the current assets that are easily converted to cash.
times that receivables on credit sales are AVERAGE ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES average of
the begging and ending balances of accounts receivable.

A. Liquidity Ratios

1. Working Capital=Current Assets−Current Liabilities

Current Assets
2. Current Ratio=
Current Liabilities
Quick Assets
3. Quick Ratio=
Current Liabilities

Net Credit Sales

4. Accounts Receivable Turnover=
Average Accounts Receivable

Cost of Sales
5. Inventory Turnover=
Average Inventory

6. Operating Cycle=Collection Period+ Average Age of Inventory

Number of days
7. Collection Period=
Accounts Receivable Turnover

Number of days
8. Average Age of Inventory=
Inventory Turnover

B. Solvency Ratios

Net Profit Before Interest ∧Income Taxes

1. ¿ Interest Earned Ratio=
Annual Interest Expense

Net Profit before Interest

2. Debt −Service Coverage Ratio=
Payments on Principal ∧Interest

Total Liabilities
3. Debt Ratio=
Total Assets
Owner s Equity
4. Equity Ratio=
Total Assets

Total Debt
5. Debt −¿−Equity Ratio= '
Owner s Equity

Total Debt
6. Debt −¿−Capitalization Ratio=
Total Debt + Equity

C. Profitability Ratios

Gross Profit
1. Gross Profit Margin Ratio=
Net Revenue/ Net Sales

Net Profit after Taxes

2. Returnon Sales=
Net Revenue/ Net Sales

Net Profit after Taxes

3. Returnon Assets=
Average Total Assets

Net Profit after Taxes

4. Returnon Equity= '
Average Owner s Equity

A. Liquidity Ratios

1. Net WorkingCapital=Current Assets−Current Liabilities

Current Assets
2. Current Ratio=
Current Liabilities

Current Assets−Inventory
3. Quick Ratio=
Current Liabilities

B. Activity or Asset Utilization Ratios

Net Credit Sales

1. Accounts Receivable Turnover=
Average Accounts Receivable

Cost of Sales
2. Inventory Turnover=
Average Inventory

3. Operating Cycle=Collection Period+ Average Age of Inventory

Number of days
4. Days of Sales Outstanding=
Accounts Receivable Turnover

Number of days
5. Average Age of Inventory=
Inventory Turnover

Net Sales
6. Total Asset Turnover=
Average Total Assets

C. Solvency Ratios

Net Profit Before Interest ∧Income Taxes

1. ¿ Interest Earned Ratio=
Annual Interest Expense

Total Liabilities
2. Debt −¿−Equity Ratio= '
Owner s Equity

Total Liabilities
3. Debt −¿− Assets Ratio=
Total Assets

D. Profitability Ratios

Gross Profit
1. Gross Profit Margin Ratio=
Net Revenue/ Net Sales

Net Income
2. Profit Margin=
Net Revenue/ Net Sales

Net Income
3. Returnon Total Assets=
Average Total Assets
Net Income
4. Returnon Equity= '
Average Shareholder s Equity

BUSINESS FINANCE THREATS unfavorable situation in a firm’s external

environment which may adversely affect the way a firm
MODULE 4: Financial Projections and Budget does business.

STRATEGIC PLAN grand plan of any organization FINANCIAL PLANNING plays a vital role in the
wherein the overall objectives are set and specific success of any business organization. It sets out
programs are created in support of the objectives. It roadmaps intended to guide, coordinate, and control
outlines how a company will achieve its goals and actions undertaken by the firm in order to achieve its
business objectives. objectives. Provide quantitative measures that would aid
businesses towards assessing the viability of their goals
The following are the elements included in a strategic and objectives.
1. Vision Statement description of what the lay out the direction of the firm through intended actions
organization aspires to be in the long-term. whose anticipated results are expected to produce an
2. Mission Statement the statement of the impact within the firm for a period of 5-10 years.
organization’s core purpose. It provides  Considerations on Research and Development
direction to the whole organization. for existing and future products.
3. Corporate Objectives statements which outline  Expenditures for major capital assets.
the specific goals, in line with the mission, that  Possible long-term sources of financing.
an organization would like to achieve. SHORT-TERM or OPERATING FINANCIAL
4. Corporate Strategies concrete programs for PLAN specify financial actions whose results or impact
specific business units, departments, and/or are expected to occur for a shorter period of time,
cross-functional areas. Must be aligned with the typically one to two years.
mission-vision and must all be aimed at BUDGETS plan expressed in quantitative terms, which
achieving the corporate objectives but strategies emphasizes the resource use and resource allocation of
will differ for each business unit. an entity over specified period of time.
5. Departmental Plans and Programs *Advantages of Preparing a Budget
synonymous with operational plans. Specific in  Efficient and Effective Resource Utilization
terms of activities, the people responsible for  Frameworks for Performance Evaluation
carrying out those activities, the time lines, the  Facilitates Coordination, Communication, and
targets, and the budget per activity. Cooperation within the organization.
6. Financial Forecast and Budgets they tie BUDGET….
everything together. 1. Prepares the sales forecast.
2. Determine the production volume.
SWOT ANALYSIS one of the ways through which 3. Estimate the manufacturing costs and operating
managers can quickly assess the situation of the expenses.
company and make the necessary plan of action. It also 4. Estimate cash flow.
refers to the internal strengths and weaknesses of a firm 5. Prepare the Financial Statements.
and the environmental opportunities and threats it faces. OPERATING BUDGET detailed projection of all
income and expenses for a given period of time, which is
STRENGTH resource that is owned or controlled by or usually one year.
is available to a firm. It will give a firm an advantage 1.Sales Budget indicates the number of units a firm
over its competitors. expects to sell.
WEAKNESS limitation which affects a firm’s position 2.Production Budget contains the estimated
relative to its competitors. It may affect the way the firm number of units the firm needs to produce for a
delivers products and services to customers. specific time period.
OPPORTUNITY situation in the external environment
which the firm can take advantage of.
3.Direct Materials Budget summary of the quantity 3. Investment climate investor in securities and
of direct materials required in order to meet other financial or investment products always try
production requirements. to see whether the economy is bullish or
4.Direct Labor Budget the estimate or projection bearish.
on how much to produce will be used in order to 4. Competitive position of the firm in the
come up with the estimate for the labor industry whether a company is a market leader,
requirements. a nicher, or a challenger is huge determinant of
5.Factory Overhead Budget manufacturing sales, investments to be made, and other
expenses other than direct materials and direct expenses to be incurred in support of operations.
labor. 5. SWOT analysis the analysis of the company’s
6.Ending Inventory Budget necessary for strength and weaknesses, matched with the
constructing the budgeted statement of opportunities and threats in its external
comprehensive income and the budgeted environment.
statement of financial position. BUDGETED STATEMENT OF
7.Selling and Administrative Expense operating COMPREHENSIVE INCOME it shows the entity’s
costs that are not associated with production. budgeted sales, budgeted cost of sales, along with
FINANCIAL BUDGET/CASH BUDGET shows the budgeted operating expenses in order to arrive at the
planned inflows and outflows of cash in the entity for a projected net profit for that given accounting period.
given period of time. This schedule will aid the firm BUDGETED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL
towards estimating its short-term cash requirements. POSITION it shows the projection of the resources,
Cash is essential to sustain the operations of a business. claims, and residual interests in the firm for a specific
Need to be managed well. date. Preparation of a budgeted statement of financial
*Types of Cash Budget position requires the use of various assumptions.
1. Cash Receipts Budget focuses on all cash inflows
expected by the firm for a given time period. MODULE 5: Financial Statement Analysis
*Most common sources of cash
 Cash sale of goods and services FINANCIAL RATIO ANALYSIS the analysis where
 Accounts receivable collection the numbers included in the SCI and SFP will be broken
 Other cash receipts down. Can mark how a company is performing over
2. Cash Disbursement shows the possible outflow or time, while comparing a company to another within the
uses of cash for a given time period. same industry or sector.
*Typical disbursement of cash FINANCIAL ANALYSIS used it to understand the
 Cash purchases overall health of an organization. Process of analyzing a
 Payment of accounts payable company’s financial statements for decision-making
 Payment of expenses purposes. It is used by external and internal stakeholders
SALES FORECAST projection of sales of a product or to evaluate business performance.
service expressed either in units or absolute monetary
value. It is generally based on past sales performance. HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS also known as base-year
*Factors that may affect future sales performance: analysis used in financial statement analysis to compare
historical data. Can either use absolute comparisons or
 Inflation rate
percentage comparisons, where the numbers in each
 Trends in the market
succeeding period are expressed as a percentage of
 Investment climate amount in the baseline year, with the baseline amount
PROJECTED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS present a being listed as 100%.
firm’s expected financial position, future results of VERTICAL ANALYSIS method of financial statement
operations, and expected cash flows. It is prepared by analysis in which each line item is listed as a percentage
finance professionals to the best of their knowledge of of a base figure within the statement.
future performance and the study of past performance.
*Factors that are considered when preparing Limitations of Financial Ratios
projected financial statements.  Varying accounting practices of companies
1. Market conditions include inflation, which may affect the way the financial
competitiveness of specific industries, growth of information is presented.
the economy, global markets, consumer demand  Varying management practices of decision
and spending patterns of specific market makers in organizations.
segments.  Financial ratios focus on past financial
2. Economy taken into account if the economy is performance rather than the future.
thriving, plateauing, or slowing down.
 One may need to break down the components of 2. Fluctuating or Variable Working Capital portion
financial ratios to have better insight on the of the total capital that is required over and above
company’s performance. the fixed working capital. This working capital is
 Users of Financial Statements who rely on required to meet the seasonal needs and some
financial ratios for analysis may compare their contingencies.
firm’s ratios with industry averages. *Importance of Working Capital Management
1. The goal of working capital management is to
MODULE 6: Concept and tools in Working Capital maximize operational efficiency.
Management 2. Efficient working capital management helps
maintain smooth operations and can also help to
WORKING CAPITAL also known as net working improve the company’s earnings and
capital, is the difference between company’s current profitability.
assets and its current liabilities. 3. Management of working capital includes
*Components of Firm’s Working Capital inventory management and management of
 Current Assets accounts receivables and accounts payable.
o Cash *Insufficient amount of working capital may affect
o Accounts Receivable the profitability of the firm and may lead to the
o Inventories following scenarios:
 Current Liabilities  Implementation of operating plans may become
o Accounts payable difficult.
o Debts  If the firm is unable to maintain its operations, it
NET WORKING CAPITAL is a measure of a will obviously result in inefficiencies, thereby
company’s liquidity, operational efficiency and short- increasing the firm’s cost of doing business.
term financial health. It is used to fund its daily  Fixed assets may not be utilized due to lack of
operations, is equivalent to its short-term assets. Small working funds.
business owners often refer to working capital as  The firm will have to forgo opportunities to
“Paikot na Puhunan” purchase lower inputs, avail of attractive credit
*The Working Capital of a firm normally consists of opportunities, and get better terms with
the following: suppliers.
 Cash on hand and in the bank.  The firm will be deemed by creditors as high
 Cash equivalents risk due to its inability to meet obligations.
 Accounts receivable *Excessive working capital may also have the
 Inventories and supplies following effects on the firm:
 Prepaid expenses and deferred items  People working on the firm may purchase
*A firm uses working capital for the following supplies and inventories that are not really
purposes: needed.
 Replenishment of inventories  The firm may be enticed to loosen its credit
 Provision for operating expenses
 Decision makers in the firm may become too
 Support for credit sales
optimistic when making financial
 Provision for contingencies
Components of Working Capital
1. CASH MANAGEMENT Cash is the best
Working Capital=Current Assets−¿) provider of liquidity for the firm. It is the
PAYABLES purchased supplies and inventory on credit lifeblood of operations.
 Accounts payable *Two goals:
 Other current liabilities a. To make sure that there is sufficient cash
ACCRUALS salaries owed to employees and taxes in order to support its operational needs.
owed to the government. b. To invest excess cash in order to
 Accrued salaries maximize the profit-earning potential of
 Accrued taxes the firm.
*Types of Working Capital *Factors to consider when managing cash:
1. Permanent or Fixed Working Capital portion of a. The amount of the firm’s liquid assets.
the total capital that is required to be maintained in b. Existing financial obligations
the business on the permanent basis or c. The firm’s reputation as a debtor in the
uninterrupted basis. industry.
d. Rate of return on investments in case the b. Capacity ability of the applicant to
firm has excess cash that can be invested cooperate successfully.
in financial products. c. Character reputation for honesty and
e. Allowance for contingencies or integrity of the applicant.
unexpected events. d. Conditions required to extend the
*Ways on how firms can avoid/ minimize credit.
delays in the timing of collections and cash 3. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT refers to the
inflows: process of ordering, storing, using, and selling a
1) Postdated Checks a check on which the company’s inventory. It tries to efficiently
issuer has stated a date later than the streamline inventories to avoid both gluts and
current date. shortages.
2) Check Warehousing service wherein *Determining inventory levels, consider the
the bank safe keeps the postdated checks following:
of the client using a standalone system a. Lead times must be continuously
and credits these checks to the client’s monitored.
account when the value date fails due. b. When making forecasts, always consider
3) Preauthorized Debits allows the biller shelf life and obsolescence.
to withdraw money from your bank c. Storage costs must be monitored.
account when a payment is due. d. When borrowing money, the cost of
4) Wire Transfers electronic way to money and interest rates is to be
transfer money. Also known as “bank considered as well.
transfer”. *Signs of inefficient inventory management:
5) Electronic Money Transfers via a. Significant write-offs of inventory
computer-based systems, without the b. Downtime of manufacturing facilities
direct intervention of bank staff. c. Lack of storage space
2. RECEIVABLES MANAGEMENT process of d. Uneven production
managing the accounts receivables within a e. Extension of time for back orders
business organization. It involves taking f. Shortage in raw materials
decisions regarding the investment to be made in g. Cancellation of orders
trade debtors by organization. h. Frequent lay-offs and rehiring
CREDIT DEPARTMENT is tasked to ensure i. Significant variance between inventory
that guidelines for extending credit are in place. recorded and physical inventory.
Their functions are: j. Varying turnover rates among inventory
a. Compile information about the credit items in the same inventory categories.
scores of the customers before they are *Tools for Efficient Inventory Management
granted credit lines. a. Quantity Discount reduces the cost of
b. Monitor receivables and make sure that raw materials, supplies, and other types
they are collected on time. of inventories purchased by the firm.
c. Determine ways by which aging Formula:
receivables are collected such that they Cost −discount =Discounted Cost
do not become bad debts.
*Source of credit information about b. Average Cost of Inventory average
customers: quantity of inventory multiplied by per
a. Information provided by the customers unit cost of inventory.
in the customer information sheets. Formula:
b. References provided by the customers. Average Inventory−Unit Cost= Average Cost of Inventory
c. Reports published by the credit bureau
and/or by the credit scoring or credit c. Carrying Costs also known as “holding
reporting companies. costs” refer to the costs associated with
d. Banking institutions or other financial the holding of inventory.
institutions the customers cited in the Formula:
information sheet. Q
*Every credit risk is evaluated based on the H= xC
following: Wherein:
a. Capital financial resources of the Q=order size
applicant H=carrying cost/holding cost
C=carrying cost per unit

d. Ordering Costs are the costs associated

with the placement and receipt of orders.
Ordering cost= xS
D=total usage
Q=order size
S=setup cost

e. Economic Order Quantity helps the

finance manager in determining the
optimal level of inventory to be ordered
to satisfy a given level of inventory to be
reordered to satisfy a given level of

√ 2(D)(S)
For the number or orders per month:
Number of orders=

f. Reorder Point tells the one in charge of

managing the firm’s inventories when to
place an order.
ROP=Lead time x Average usage per unit time+ Safety stock
g. ABC Warehousing and Inventory
Control all items in the warehouse are
classified into 3 categories: A, B and C.
h. First in, First Out Inventory Control
is a system wherein the oldest stock is
used first.
i. Just-in-time Inventory Management
System (JIT) system is used by
companies to help them ensure
efficiency and reduce waste that results
from spoilage and obsolescence.
*Benefits of using JIT
a. It reduces the inventory levels, thus
reducing investment in inventory.
b. Less space is needed for storage.
c. There is reduced risk of obsolescence.
d. There is significant reduction in wastage
and rejects.
e. Cost of direct materials is reduced.
THE REGION AMADO V. HERNANDEZ well-known for his
disapproval of social injustices in the country. Later
DR. NICANOR TIONGSON “Creating art that will imprisoned for his participation in the communist
contribute to social change by enlightening viewers and movement.
audiences about the nature and causes of the problems
they face as Filipinos today.” National Artists for Architecture
1972 year when the Philippines named its first national
artists – world-class painter. PHILIPPINE ARCHITECTURE reflects its cultural
NATIONAL ARTIST AWARD great honor given to heritage and the demand to adapt to it environment.
the Filipino whose life and works have contributed to the BAHAY KUBO small one-room hut built using light
advancement of the country’s arts and letters. Country’s woven materials.
highest honor given to an artist who, according to SARIAYA, QUEZON a town in Quezon known for its
NCCA, “embodies the nation’s highest ideals in the old houses and heritages.
humanities and aesthetic expression through the distinct
achievements of individual citizens.” ILDEFONSO P. SANTOS, JR. one of the most
PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION No. 1001, S. recognized landscape architects in the country.
1972 created and established “the Award and Decoration
of National Artist.” This law enabled the government “to LEANDRO V. LOCSIN his works include the “Istana
give appropriate recognition and prestige to Filipinos Nurul Iman”, the palace of the Sultan of Brunei and
who have distinguished themselves and made “CCP”.
outstanding contributions to Philippine arts and letters.”
INSIGNIA JUAN F. NAKPIL an engineer that has a strong faith in
 Grand Collar adorned by circular links the Filipino Architect, with the “belief that there is such
representing the arts. a thing as Philippine Architecture”. He reconstructed
 Main Medallion commemorates the sun and the the Quaipo Church in 1930.
colors of the Philippine Flag.
 Stylized Letter K’s stands for katotohanan, PABLO S. ANTONIO one of the leaders in modern
kabutihan, at kagandahan. Philippine Architecture. His works are simple and
National Artists of the Philippines for Literature
JOSE MARIA ZARAGOSA country’s 82nd licensed
FRANCISCO ARCELLANA one of the greatest architect. An architecture graduate from UST.
Filipino poets of is generation. Wrote his first story,
“The Man Who Would Be Poe”. National Artists for Film

N.V.M Gonzalez he received a Rockefeller Foundation JANUARY 1, 1897 Philippines experienced its first
Fellowship, which allowed him to study in Stanford movies.
University and Columbia University.  Man with a hat
 Scene from Japanese Dance
NICK JOAQUIN known for the works that is prolific  The Boxers
and unparallel. Used the pen name “Quijano de  The Place of L’Opera
place where the films are shown.
F. SIONIL JOSE was the founder of the Philippine 60MM GAUMONT CHRONO-PHOTOGRAPH
Chapter of the International Oganization PEN. In 1999, PROJECTOR using this the four films were shown.
he was awarded the CCP Centennial Honors for the ANTONIO RAMOS Spanish soldier who shot the first
Arts. movie in the country in 1898.
 Panorama de Manila
JOSE GARCIA VILLA considered as a powerful  Fiesta de Quiapo
literary influence in the country. He commonly used  Puente de Espana
comma in his works.  Escenas Callejaras
VILGILIO S. ALMARIO Filipino poet and Historian. LINO BROCKA his contributions are unparalleled,
He is known for the translation of “Noli Me Tangere and “breath life and hope for the marginalized sectors of the
El Filibusterismo” society”.
ISHMAEL BERNAL considered to be one of the FERNANDO C. AMORSOLO heralded as the
pillars of Philippine Cinema. He directed “Himala” “’Grand Old Man of Philippine Art.” Most of his works
starring Nora Aunor, the country’s most popular depicted the rich rural landscape of the Philippines.
celebrity at that time. This film served “as social
commentaries and bold reflections on the existing CARLOS “Botong” V. FRANCISCO most commonly
realities of the struggle of the Filipino”. known as “Botong”, a muralist from Angono Rizal.
Botong’s artistic genius is in his ability to turn
GERARDO “Gerry” DE LEON holds the sole “fragments of the historic past into vivid records of the
distinction as the most awarded film director in the legendary courage of the ancestors of his race”.
country for the prestigious Filipino Academy of Movie  Blood Compact
Arts and Sciences (FAMAS) awards, the country’s  Bayanihan sa Bukid
equivalent to the Oscars. He directed the film adaptation  First Mass at Limasawa
of Noli Me Tangere.  Magpupukot
 The Martyrdom of Rizal
FERNANDO POE, JR. also known as “Da King” or  Fiesta
FPJ. Has been given the title as the “King of Philippine
Movies”. One of the most admired Filipino film actors BENEDICTO “BenCab” R. CABRERA also known
of all time. as “BenCab”, a brilliant painter who has “upheld the
PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO primacy of drawing over the decorative color.”
2004 political rival of FPJ. She is the one who declared SABEL symbolic scavenger which he describes as “a
FPJ as national artist in 2006. melancholic symbol of dislocation, despair, and
isolation – the personification od human dignity
EDDIE S. ROMERO works are cited as “delivered in threatened by life’s vicissitudes, and the vast inequities
an utterly simple style – minimalist but never empty, of Philippine society.”
always calculated, precise and functional, but never
predictable.” His presence in Philippine cinema is one National Artists for Dance
that is “devoted to the art and commerce of cinema”.
CARINOSA well-liked dance in the country. Derived
National Artists for Visual Arts from the Spanish word that means “the loving or
affectionate one”.
NAPOLEON ABUEVA considered as the Father of *3 Category of Dance
Modern Philippine Sculpture. Youngest awardee to
 Rural
receive the National Artist Award.
 Tribal
ANG KIUKOK his works which are, as cited by the  Muslim
NCCA, “imbued with nationalist fervor and sociological
agenda.” FRANCISCA R. AQUINO one of the pioneers of the
Filipino folk dances. First Filipina to be awarded of the
VICTORIO C. EDADES the subjects found in his Order of the National Artists for Dance.
works are Filipino Laborers in their everyday
situations. His paintings, according to NCCA, depict the LEONOR O. GOQUINGCO also known as Cristina
working class in ‘rough, bold impasto strokes, standing Luna, has been dubbed as the Trailblazer, Mother of the
tall and singular in his advocacy and practice.” Philippine Theater Dance, and Dean of Filipino
Performing Arts Critics.
CESAR LEGASPI recognized as the “pioneer of the
Neorealist movement in the country”. He is known for RAMON OBUSAN dancer, choreographer, stage
“use of the geometric fragmentation technique, weaving designer, and artistic director. He established the Ramon
social comment and juxtaposing the mythical and Obusan Folkloric Group (ROFG), dance company that
modern into his overlapping, interacting forms with reflects the culture of Filipinos in dance and music.
disturbing power and intensity”.
LUCRECIA REYES-URTULA dance director of the
VICENTE S. MANANSALA extraordinary illustrator Bayanihan Philippine National Folk Dance Company,
and cubist painter. His works are often characterized as which is considered as the oldest dance company in the
“as visions of reality teetering on the edge of country.
ALICE REYES legendary founder of Ballet
Philippines, the country’s premier ballet dance company.
THE HUMAN PERSON MAGNUM OPUS Latin for “main work”.
*Four Parts of Summa Theologica
CHAPTER 3: The Human Person as an Embodied 1. On God
Spiritual Being 2. On Creation
Our understanding of the nature of human beings will 3. On Man
affect how we deal with others and ourselves. 4. On Christ
*Five Parts of the Articles of Summa Theologica
PHYSICAL BEING Our main concern will be the 1. The question is formulated.
satisfaction of our physical desires. 2. A number of objections is listed.
RATIONAL BEING Our main concern will be 3. Aquinas’ own position is stated.
satisfaction of our intellectual curiosity. 4. The main body of the article is stated.
EMOTIONAL BEING Our main concern will be the 5. Aquinas answers each of the objection listed on
satisfaction of our emotional needs or desires. the second part.
IMAGE OF HUMANITY was dealing with many issues about human existence.
A. A Machine Three issues relating to existence were particularly
This perspective focuses on human being’s ability significant:
to perform or do tasks.  the nature of being;
B. An Animal  the nature of the human person; and
Sees human beings mainly as part of the animal  the nature of knowledge.
kingdom. The is no qualitative difference between THE THREE ASPECTS OF AQUINAS’
animals and humans. CRITICISM OF PLATO
C. An Economic Being  The first problem of the nature of being. Plato
This view believes that economic forces are what separated being from becoming.
truly motivates human beings. Being intelligible and stable.
D. A Sexual Being Becoming is what we know and
Sexuality is key to understanding human beings. perceive through the senses.
E. A Free Being  -The second concerns the problem of the nature
This emphasizes human freedom and sees the of man. For Plato, there is the separation of the
human will as the essence of human personality. soul and the body. A person’s body is only a
F. A Social Being tomb, a sort of prison.
This view sees human beings as fundamental Soma-body
members of society. Sema-tomb
 The third was the problem of the nature of
SIGMUND FREUD psychoanalyst, believed that knowledge. Plato taught that true knowledge
sexuality is the key to human nature. comes from the intellect.
 Id basically amoral. INTELLECT true knowledge is attained through this.
 Ego conscious part of the personality and seeks THE HUMAN PERSON AS AN EMBODIED
only gratification. BEING This holistic understanding of the human person
 Super Ego acts as a kind of control on the has implication also for holistic community development
drives and desires of the human person. and social relationships. A human being is a whole
 Libido powerful sexual drive which seeks being, an integrated being and embodied being. A body
gratification. without a soul is a corpse; a soul without body is a ghost.

THOMAS AQUINAS He is an Italian Dominican and Relationship between Soul/Mind/Spirit and Body
Medieval Saint. He reconciles the religion with science
and faith with reason. He loved the twin characteristics BODY AND SOUL
of simplicity and clarity. These two components are distinct. The body is not the
THE GREAT CONVERSATION a conversation soul and the soul is not the body, yet they are related to
between philosophers that is ongoing. Even though they each other. The body and the soul are neither identical
may be from different periods, we must picture them as nor separate. They are distinct but integrated parts of our
seated around the table, conversing with each other. being.
Aquinas. He did not complete it. It is about 4000 pages A human body is a physical thing like other things. A
long. Summa was written for beginners. human being has weight, is solid and has shape like
other things. A human body, in other words, is a material  PROGRESS measured in quantitative terms; we
object. measure life only in financial, economic, and
will notice that whatever our theory of the relationship of ECOLOGICAL PHILOSOPHY deals with the
the mind and body is, the mystery and complexity destruction and liberation of the Earth. Modern industrial
remain. and technological society has thrown the ecosystem out
RELATIONSHIP *Causes of the Ecological Crises
 Physical Attribute something that can 1. Western Scientific and Technological
characterize any physical object including Civilization crises brought about by modern
human beings. technological civilization.
 Mental Attribute property of being that has 2. Our Lifestyle ecological crisis is also brought
awareness or consciousness, especially self- about by our lifestyles.
consciousness. 3. Neglects of Nature’s Right another cause for
*Several Theories about the mind-body problem the ecological crisis.
1. Behaviorism focuses on behavior based on how PERSON AND THINGS human beings divide
we react to the things around us. everything into this two.
2. Idealism based on ideas in our mind that SABBATH the ancient Jewish wisdom teaches us that
associates with reality. Physical or material both nature and humans are God’s creations. It is a day
objects have no real existence. of rest for humans, animals, and nature. Jewish concept
3. Dualism combination of behaviorism and in the Bible that is a day and reverence for God, respect
idealism. for human rights ad nature’s rights.
4. Materialism sees the human person as a *Two-fold obligation and responsibilities for every
material being. It is being a material possession nation:
and consciousness is a by-product of matter. 1. To protect these people
THE HUMAN PARADOX your inner self is exactly 2. To protects its land.
identical with the self of all. RIGHTS has to do with certain privileges and
 Descartes knew the power of the mind. He  Nature- animate or inanimate- has the right to
believed that studying humankind was like existence, that is, to the preservation and
studying mathematics. development.
 Pascal knew that mathematical ideas are clear,  Nature has the right to the protection of its
distinct and precis. But unlike Descartes, he ecosystems, species, and population in their
knew that studying human beings and interconnectedness.
mathematics are very different.  Nature has a right to the preservation and
development of the animal's genetic
CHAPTER 3: The Human Person in their inheritance.
Environment  Disturbances of nature require a justification.
 Rare ecosystems, and above all those with an
ECOLOGY study of the environment. It is also the abundance of species, are to be placed under
study of the balance of living things in nature. absolute protection, wherein the driving of
THE END OF ECOLOGY? species to extinction is forbidden.
Modern plunder of nature is serious for two reasons: SIMPLE LIFESTYLE To live an ecologically sensitive
There are a lot more people now than in the past; and and responsible lifestyle means we must live a simple
through science and technology, the rape of nature is life.
happening on a bigger scale and a faster rate. REDISCOVERY OF SLOWNESS One characteristic
PHILIPPINES 3rd largest generator of plastics in the of modern men and women is our lack of time. Despite
world. all the labor-saving technological and mechanical
MODERN CIVILIZATION AND ECOLOGY devices and gadgets, we have so little time.
 CIVILIZATION desire to dominate those fuels Carpe Diem seize the day or seize the moment.
modern men and women. It has to do with LEISURE has to do with the need for creating spare
organized structures, urban centers, and time for human beings.
technological facilities. DAY OF THANKSGIVING In 2015, Pope Francis
proclaimed September 1 as the Day of Thanksgiving for
Creation. Pope Francis called it the season of Creation
FAILURE OF IMAGINATION A lot of our problems
in life and the world are due to a failure of imagination.
MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY  Data Triangulation process of finding two or
more sources for the same information.
LESSON 3: How is information categorized?
 ON THE RECORD strongest form of
TYPES OF INFORMATION attribution because the identity of the source of
 Scholarly information drawn from the research information is fully known.
of field experts. An expert is someone whose  ON THE BACKGROUND a piece of
credentials are recognized by the practitioners, information is said to be from an anonymous
leaders, and students of a particular field. Peer- source.
review is a process where one’s finding is  DEEP BACKGROUND the source cannot be
evaluated by fellow experts. identified on one way at all.
 Professional/Trade overall news and trends  OFF THE RECORD the information may not
about a specific industry presented to experts be used at all.
and enthusiasts by someone with knowledge in
the field. Professional or journal do not have to LESSON 11
be peer-reviewed to be published but they are
exposed to a higher level of scrutiny from COPYRIGHT legal protection extended to the owner of
people with knowledge in that field. the rights in an original work (Intellectual Property
 Entertainment/Popular information meant for Office of the Philippines). This means that the owner or
the general population. creator of an idea-expressed through his or her original
 Opinion viewpoint, judgement or statement that work-has the sole right to use and sell it.
is not conclusive. RA 8293 an act prescribing the Intellectual Property
PROVIDERS OF INFORMATION Code and establishing the Intellectual Property Office.
 Academic Institutions schools, colleges, and *Two types of Rights
universities that confer degrees.  Economic Rights meant to ensure that the
 Government Agencies organization under the creator of a work will be paid by other parties if
government which is responsible for the the latter use their work.
administration of a specific function.  Moral Rights designed to protect the personal
 Private Sector includes businesses, connection between the creator/originator and
organizations, ad other players in the economy the work they created.
that are not owned or operated by the general.
PLAGIARISM the act of using another person's words
 Private Individuals those who do not represent
or ideas without giving them credit. It is presenting
another person, corporation or group.
someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or
without their consent by incorporating it into your work
 Primary Sources are simply put, firsthand
without full acknowledgment.
accounts. Some examples are diaries, thesis and
FAIR USE instances or acts which are not considered
dissertations, interviews, letters, speeches,
copyright infringement even if done without the consent
photographs, and original works of art and
of the copyright holder.
*Fraudulent Imitations of Information
 Secondary Sources anything that comments on
1. Propaganda the presentation of facts in a
analyzes, or tackles a primary source. Some
manner that elicits the desired response from its
examples are textbooks, biographies, and critical
audience. The presence of words that can
misinterpret or distort information is common in
 Tertiary Sources sources that refer to a primary propaganda.
or secondary sources. It gives and overview of 2. Misinformation the unintentional propagation
the topic but rarely contains original material. of incorrect information. It is commonly found
Some examples are dictionaries, handbooks, and in urban legends and chain mail.
encyclopedias. 3. Disinformation the deliberate propagation of
ATTRIBUTIONS AND DATA TRIANGULATION incorrect information. Outright fabrication of
ways of evaluating information. information requires an ulterior motive;
 Attribution identification of the source of
therefore, sources of disinformation often
benefit from disseminating it.

Criteria for Source Evaluation

1. Authority refers to the author of the information
gathered from a particular source.
*Types of News Sources
 Sourceless News refers to an
account that makes no specific
mention of where the
information comes from.
 The journalist as eyewitness
refers to an account that is
clearly stated to be the firsthand
experience of a journalist.
 Credentialed Experts
individuals who have the
qualifications that can establish
them as reliable sources.
 Anonymous Sources
individuals who have their
identity withheld, usually to
avoid potential backlash.
2. Accuracy sources in which contents are truthful
and correct.
3. Objectivity refers to the disinterested, fair, and
factual presentation of information.
4. Currency information is time-sensitive and
changes constantly.
5. Coverage source is thorough and consistent
with prior information on a particular subject.
Coverage is the extent of how much a source

WIKIPEDIA is a free online encyclopedia, the contents

of which are built collaboratively by its users.
21st Century Literature and scholars continue to share and transmit these texts,
Muslim folk literature will endure.
Ilokano Writers Association of the Philippines) serves to Genres of Muslim Folk Literature include myths,
empower writers to produce works in the Ilokano legends, epics, poems, proverbs, and riddles.
Language. Aiming to be the foremost proponent of
literary criticism, history, and research in the Ilokano NATIONAL ARTIST AWARD FOR LITERATURE
literary scene.
MAGDALENA JALANDONI Filipino feminist writer.
Genres of Ilokano literature include folk songs, folk Remembered as one of the prolific Filipino writers in the
tales, myths, religious works, epics and metrical Hiligaynon language. Haling from Western Visayas her
romances. works are said to have left permanent and significant
milestones in the Philippine literature. She still managed
BIKOLANO LITERATURE thanks to the vigorous to publish 36 novels, 122 short stories, 7 novelettes, 7
efforts and projects of Bikolano writers-such us the long plays, 24 short plays, and dialogues in verse
quadrennial Bicol writers’ conference “Pagsulat Bikol”, compiled in two volumes, seven volumes of personally
the Premio Tomas Arejola para sa Literaturang Bikolnon compiled essays including some translations from
and the Juliana Pagsurat Bikol Workshop-Bikolano Spanish, and two autobiographies. She has been
literature will continue to bloom. displaced from her hometown twice and has survived the
Philippine Revolution, the Filipino American War, and
Genres of Bikolano Literature include poems, mythical the Japanese Occupation. In 1977, she received the
narratives, articles, protest plays, stories, and novels. prestigious Republic Cultural Heritage Award for her
literary achievements from government, about one year
CEBUANO LITERATURE Cebuano writers continued before her death. She died on September 14, 1978, at the
to find ways of reinventing their literature. Cebuano age of 87 and is survived by a few nieces as well as
literature remained strong, thanks to writer groups such several other close relatives.
as LUDABI, BATHALAD, and WILA. The annual
Cornelio Faigao Memorial Writers Workshop at the "The greater challenge lies outside the awards. We need
University of San Carlos. to address inequalities in conditions of literary and
cultural production by investing more heavily (by the
Genres of Cebuano literature include riddles, proverbs, regions themselves and not just Manila) in more
improvised poetry, folk tales, corridos, short stories, effective and strategic initiatives in scholarship, literary
novels and drama. education, translation, publishing, dissemination, and
promotion. We need to build the nation in the National
ILONGGO LITERATURE Government initiatives [Artist] Awards." - Butch Dalisay
have helped Hiligaynon literature to continue thriving.
Campus writing in Kiniray-A was promoted and Ang Guitara (The Guitar) - is read in classrooms all over
multilingual writing’s prominence rose. Palanca Awards the country today. Literary critics and historians claim
began to recognize their exemplary works. that she has mastered a special talent for poetry and
description as well as dramatic evocations of landscapes
Genres of Ilonggo Literature include folk songs, ballads, and events in her novels and short stories.
devotional prayers, novenas, plays, poems, essays, and The ORDER OF NATIONAL ARTISTS of the
stories. Philippines (Filipino: Orden ng mga Pambansang
Alagad ng Sining ng Pilipinas) is an order bestowed by
LITERATURE FROM EASTERN VISAYAS The the Philippines on Filipinos who have made significant
Waray language endured even when the Americans had contributions to the development of Philippine art.
taken over the country. Waray found venues for Members of the Order are known as National Artists.
expression in local radio stations during the 1970’s, and Originally instituted as an award, it was elevated to the
up to this day, local citizens submit poems to be read on status of an order in 2003.
air daily.
Genres of Eastern Visayas Literature include poems, The INSIGNIA OF THE ORDER OF NATIONAL
narratives, and plays. ARTISTS composed of a Grand Collar featuring
circular links portraying the arts, and eight pointed
MUSLIM FOLK LITERATURE In the 21st century, conventionalized sunburst suspended from a sampaguita
the challenge for Muslim groups is to preserve their folk wreath in green and white enamel. The Insignia of the
literature for the future generation. As long as natives Order of National Artists Medallion is divided into three
equal portions, red, blue, and white, recalling the known as the "Manunulat ng Manggagawa." In his view,
Philippine flag. The Insignia of the Order of National the function of a writer is to act as the conscience of the
Artists has three stylized Ks - the KKK stands for the human spirit in the face of inequality and oppression.
CPP's motto: Katotohanan, Kabutihan, Kagandahan. - His works talked about the struggles of Filipino
First Lady Imelda Marcos, CPP's founder. Laborers.

Honors and Privileges: JOSE GARCIA VILLA known as Doveglion, the

1. The rank and title of National Artist, as Comma Poet, was the finest contemporary poet
proclaimed by the President of the Philippines. regardless of race and language. He introduced the
2. The insignia of a National Artist and a citation. reversal consonance and comma poems.
3. A lifetime emolument and material and physical
benefits comparable in value to those received NICK JOAQUIN The most distinguished Filipino
by the highest officers of the land such as: writer in English Writing, known as Quijano de Manila.
a. a cash award of one hundred thousand His contribution includes the exploration of the
pesos (P100,000.00) net of taxes, for Philippine colonial past under Spain and his probing into
living awardees. the psychology of social danger as seen by the young.
b. a cash award of seventy-five thousand He has written plays, novels, poems, short stories,
pesos (P75,000.00) net of taxes, for essays, reportage, and journalism.
posthumous awardees, payable to legal
heir/s. RESIL B. MOJARES a Filipino historian and critic of
c. a monthly life pension, and medical and Philippine literature best known for his books on
hospitalization benefits. Philippine History. He is acclaimed by various writers
d. life insurance coverage for Awardees and critics as the Visayan Titan of Letters, due to his
who are still insurable immense contribution to Visayas literature. He has been
e. a state funeral and burial at the Libingan a recipient of six Philippine National Book Awards.
ng mga Bayani;
f. a place of honor, in line with protocolar CARLOS P. ROMULO his career spanned 50 years of
precedence, at national state functions, public service as an educator soldier, university
and recognition at cultural events. president, journalist, and diplomat. He was the 1 st Asian
President of the UN General Assembly and the
Philippine Ambassador to the US. He was a reporter at
16, a newspaper editor at 20, and a publisher at 32. His
Criteria: broadcast during the Japanese colonization was known
as the VOICE OF FREEDOM. The only Asian to win
1. Living artists who have been Filipino citizens the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism for a series of articles
for the last ten years before. predicting the outbreak of WWII.
2. Artists who have helped build a Filipino sense of
nationhood through the content and form of their FRANCISCO ARCELLANA Writer, poet, essayist,
works. critic, journalist, and teacher. One of the most important
3. Artists who have distinguished themselves by progenitors of the modern Filipino short story in English.
pioneering in a mode of creative expression or He pioneered the development of the short story as a
style, making an impact on succeeding lyrical prose poetic form.
generations of artists.
4. Artists who have created a significant body of N.V.M. GONZALES Filipino novelist, short story
works and/or have consistently displayed writer, essayist, and poet. Distinctively wrote the
excellence in the practice of their art form, Filipino life and the Filipino in the world. He said there
enriching artistic expression or style; and is no such thing as children’s literature.
5. Artists who enjoy broad acceptance through
prestigious national and/or international EDITH L. TIEMPO Widely acknowledged as the
recognition, awards in prestigious national Mother of Philippine Literature. A poet, fictionist,
and/or international events, critical acclaim teacher, and literary critic. Her works are characterized
and/or reviews of their works, and/or respect and by a remarkable fusion of styles and substances of
esteem from peers within an artistic discipline. craftmanship and insight. Her poems “The Little
Marmoset” and “Bonsai” are intricate verbal
AMADO V. HERNANDEZ Poet, playwright, and transfigurations of significant experiences. Tiempo
novelist. He practiced "committed art" and he was founded and directed Siliman National Writers
Workshop in Dumaguete City which produced some of arts. He held regular funded and unfunded workshops
the country’s best writers. throughout the country to bring poetry and fiction closer
to people who otherwise would not have the opportunity
F. SIONIL JOSE his writings since the late 60s when to develop their creative talent. He is a teacher of
taken collectively can be described as epic. His works literature and realized that the classroom is an important
reflect the consistent espousal of aspirations of Filipinos: training ground for Filipino Writers.
His works were translated into various languages.

VIRGILIO ALMARIO also known as Rio Alma. A

poet, literary historian, and critic who has revived and
reinvented traditional poetic forms. In 34 years, he
published 12 books of poetry. His works reflected his
often-severe examination of the self and society. He
founded LIRA (Larangan sa Imahen, Retorika, at Anyo)
and GAT (Galian sa Arte at Tula). He put a face to the
Filipino writer in the country, one strong face
determinedly wielding a pen into untruths, hypocrisy,
and injustice.

ALEJANDRO R. ROCES Short story writer and -

essayist. The country's best writer of comic short stories.
He wrote innumerable newspaper columns that focused
on the neglected aspects of Filipino cultural heritage. His
works were published in international magazines. He
brought to attention the aesthetics of the country's
fiestas. He was instrumental in popularizing several local
fiestas like Moriones and Ati-Atihan. He changed
Independence Day from July 4 to June 12.

DR. BIENVENIDO LUMBERA poet, librettist, and

scholar. He introduced Tagalog literature what is known
as Bagay Poetry, a landmark aesthetic tendency that has
helped to change the vernacular poetic tradition.


biographer and historian. He is known for his early
biography of Jose Rizal. He also wrote several works
such as The Philippine History and Biographies of
President Manuel Quezon and The Painter Damian
Domingo. In 1997, he was recognized as a National
Artist of the Philippines for Historical Literature.

LAZARO FRANCISCO Developed a social realist

tradition in Philippine Fiction. His novels embodied the
author’s commitment to nationalism. His novels exposed
the evils of the tenancy system, exploitation of farmers
by unscrupulous landlords, and foreign domination. His
pen dignifies the Filipino and accents all the positives
about the Filipino way of life. He is known as the

CIRILO F. BAUTISTA Poet, fictionist, and essayist

with exceptional achievements and significant
contributions to the development of the country’s literary

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