The document contains log entries from a device spanning multiple dates. It records information like the number of WiFi transmissions and retries, app usage statistics, and settings changes for an Instagram app. The logs indicate the device was running the Vivo Gallery app which encountered errors loading albums and videos.
The document contains log entries from a device spanning multiple dates. It records information like the number of WiFi transmissions and retries, app usage statistics, and settings changes for an Instagram app. The logs indicate the device was running the Vivo Gallery app which encountered errors loading albums and videos.
The document contains log entries from a device spanning multiple dates. It records information like the number of WiFi transmissions and retries, app usage statistics, and settings changes for an Instagram app. The logs indicate the device was running the Vivo Gallery app which encountered errors loading albums and videos.
The document contains log entries from a device spanning multiple dates. It records information like the number of WiFi transmissions and retries, app usage statistics, and settings changes for an Instagram app. The logs indicate the device was running the Vivo Gallery app which encountered errors loading albums and videos.
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12-06 19:31:53.
737 1552 2373 D _V_VivoTaskDisplayAreaImpl: vivo_multiwindow_fmk
setSplitRootTask mRootPrimaryTask:Task{3fcb866 #5 type=undefined ?? U=0 displayId=0 visible=false mode=split-screen-primary translucent=true sz=0} TaskDisplayArea:DefaultTaskDisplayArea display 0@152173235 12-06 19:31:53.761 1552 1846 D _V_VivoTaskDisplayAreaImpl: vivo_multiwindow_fmk setSplitRootTask mRootSecondaryTask:Task{7fb99ab #6 type=undefined ?? U=0 displayId=0 visible=false mode=split-screen-secondary translucent=true sz=0} TaskDisplayArea:DefaultTaskDisplayArea display 0@152173235 12-06 19:46:52.151 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 107811 tx_bad 33 rx_good 152187 tx_retry 34190 tx_retry_times 0 12-06 21:16:44.376 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 945812 tx_bad 7 rx_good 1521650 tx_retry 166972 tx_retry_times 0 12-06 21:37:25.788 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1314624 tx_bad 10 rx_good 2122769 tx_retry 251521 tx_retry_times 0 12-06 22:49:57.956 1552 16280 E ActivityManager: +0% 15219/ 0% user + 0% kernel 12-06 22:50:00.210 1552 1848 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting className:com.instagram.fbpay.w3c.views.PaymentActivity newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-06 22:50:00.267 1552 1568 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-06 22:50:00.284 1552 4291 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-06 22:50:00.297 1552 1848 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-06 22:50:00.141 1552 1856 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting className:com.instagram.fbpay.w3c.ipc.IsReadyToPayServiceImpl newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-06 22:50:00.152 1552 1848 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting className:com.instagram.fbpay.w3c.ipc.FBPaymentServiceImpl newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-06 22:50:00.338 1552 1848 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting nterop newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-06 22:50:00.349 1552 4291 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-06 22:50:00.354 1552 4291 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting nterop newState:1 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-06 22:50:00.411 1552 1568 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting ty newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-06 22:50:00.415 1552 1568 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting tyInterop newState:2 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10340 callingPid:15219 12-07 13:26:48.439 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1732 tx_bad 6 rx_good 1521 tx_retry 439 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 13:29:07.683 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 10964 tx_bad 14 rx_good 15211 tx_retry 4306 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 15:15:19.313 1552 20073 E ActivityManager: 0.1% 15213/ 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 1507 minor 1 major 12-07 16:09:37.780 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 36629 tx_bad 16 rx_good 57652 tx_retry 15214 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 19:58:18.290 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 15217 tx_bad 0 rx_good 29350 tx_retry 7127 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 20:34:18.513 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1521 tx_bad 0 rx_good 1580 tx_retry 756 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 21:20:04.309 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 92651 tx_bad 95 rx_good 152118 tx_retry 40112 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 21:20:07.325 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 92658 tx_bad 95 rx_good 152128 tx_retry 40112 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 21:20:10.354 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 92661 tx_bad 95 rx_good 152131 tx_retry 40115 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 21:20:13.368 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 92664 tx_bad 95 rx_good 152134 tx_retry 40116 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 21:20:16.397 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 92667 tx_bad 95 rx_good 152137 tx_retry 40118 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 21:20:19.423 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 92688 tx_bad 95 rx_good 152158 tx_retry 40125 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 21:20:22.449 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 92690 tx_bad 95 rx_good 152160 tx_retry 40127 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 21:20:25.466 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 92695 tx_bad 95 rx_good 152163 tx_retry 40132 tx_retry_times 0 12-07 21:20:28.486 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 92730 tx_bad 95 rx_good 152199 tx_retry 40151 tx_retry_times 0 12-09 21:05:03.407 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 15213 tx_bad 0 rx_good 18972 tx_retry 5700 tx_retry_times 0 12-09 21:34:24.944 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 654930 tx_bad 72 rx_good 1043237 tx_retry 152150 tx_retry_times 0 12-09 22:26:14.015 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1521166 tx_bad 187 rx_good 2426526 tx_retry 363023 tx_retry_times 0 12-09 22:26:17.051 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1521409 tx_bad 187 rx_good 2426921 tx_retry 363134 tx_retry_times 0 12-09 22:26:20.065 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 1521795 tx_bad 187 rx_good 2427551 tx_retry 363199 tx_retry_times 0 12-10 01:52:09.167 1552 1769 E DiscreteRegistry: Deleting file 1702053152100tl 12-11 15:11:58.007 1552 1613 D _V_VivoFreeformGesturesPointerEventListener: onPointerEvent ev:MotionEvent { action=ACTION_MOVE, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=519.0, y[0]=218.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=177334738, downTime=177334630, deviceId=6, source=0x1002, displayId=0, eventId=741521336 } 12-11 17:37:22.478 1440 1521 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for 12-12 14:09:42.233 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 152175 tx_bad 6 rx_good 277227 tx_retry 42913 tx_retry_times 0 12-12 14:45:21.256 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 152164 tx_bad 117 rx_good 193963 tx_retry 50197 tx_retry_times 0 12-12 14:58:11.430 1281 1281 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 426609 tx_bad 266 rx_good 621149 tx_retry 115213 tx_retry_times 0 12-12 16:03:55.132 2886 6286 E _V_NRMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory process=com.bbk.launcher2 pid=2821 size=152135KB 12-12 16:20:24.359 19252 19823 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [06:0xb400006e195dbc90] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006e19555350 frame=1521 [ 240x 426: 256,32315679] 12-12 16:28:31.444 875 965 E android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service.multihal- mediatek: akm_log setv_mag(uT) 36.300003, -6.000000, -64.800003 ts 507621521172 12-12 16:38:27.359 1521 1521 E Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent. 12-12 16:38:29.685 1521 1989 E _V_VCodeI/SecUtils: seckeysdk class not found 12-12 16:38:29.688 1521 1989 E _V_VCodeI/IdentifierManager: JLibrary class not found 12-12 16:38:29.740 1521 1521 E _V_ANRManager: mPackageName =, Get anr service =$Stub$Proxy@94f8ad 12-12 16:38:29.762 1521 2020 E _V_VG_ConfigUtil: getValue 12-12 16:38:29.891 1521 2020 E _V_SuperResolutionManager: getService: return mService 12-12 16:38:29.924 1521 2020 E MemcManager: getService: mService != null 12-12 16:38:30.079 1521 1989 E _V_VCodeI/a: sqlcipher class not found 12-12 16:38:30.357 1521 1989 E _V_VCodeI/a: failed! aie not support mobile status 12-12 16:38:53.552 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:1, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:38:53.552 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:1521, uid:10156 12-12 16:38:54.544 1521 1521 E _V_AnimHelper_SpringEffectHelper: flinger exception : java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field mViewFlinger in class Lcom/android/gallery3d/vivo/widget/VivoRecyclerView; (declaration of '' appears in /system/app/VivoGallery/VivoGallery.apk!classes2.dex) 12-12 16:38:54.950 1521 3149 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 12-12 16:38:55.145 1521 3149 E OpenGLRenderer: fbcNotifyFrameComplete error: undefined symbol: fbcNotifyFrameComplete 12-12 16:38:55.145 1521 3149 E OpenGLRenderer: fbcNotifyNoRender error: undefined symbol: fbcNotifyNoRender 12-12 16:38:55.642 1521 1521 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 16:38:56.026 1521 3236 E _V_VG_LocalAllAlbumSet: onFutureDone error return (mLoadTask != future) 12-12 16:38:56.039 1521 1992 E _V_VG_LocalAllAlbumSet: AlbumsLoader::run : loadBucketEntries mType = 6, jc.isCancelled=true error!, curThreadId=4914 12-12 16:38:56.070 1521 3383 E ion : ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 12-12 16:38:58.972 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:1, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:38:58.986 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:0, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:38:59.110 1521 3810 E _V_VG_LightCountDownLatch: PriorityThread- permission denied 12-12 16:38:59.142 1521 3813 E _V_VG_LightCountDownLatch: PriorityThread- permission denied 12-12 16:38:59.702 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:0, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:38:59.829 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : 60 => -1 12-12 16:38:59.830 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:-1 12-12 16:39:00.830 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : -1 => 60 12-12 16:39:00.830 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:39:01.824 1521 1521 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[7] 12-12 16:39:01.824 1521 1521 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[9] 12-12 16:39:01.825 1521 1521 E BbkTitltView: setIconViewVisible failed id[10] 12-12 16:39:01.830 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : 60 => -1 12-12 16:39:01.830 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:-1 12-12 16:39:01.843 1521 1521 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object={2f9d96d V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-720,120 #7f0907f9 app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e= java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class Lcom/vivo/vivotitleview/BbkTitleView; (declaration of '' appears in /system/app/VivoGallery/VivoGallery.apk!classes3.dex) 12-12 16:39:01.844 1521 1521 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object={2f9d96d V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-720,120 #7f0907f9 app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e= java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class Lcom/vivo/vivotitleview/TitleView; (declaration of '' appears in /system/app/VivoGallery/VivoGallery.apk!classes3.dex) 12-12 16:39:01.844 1521 1521 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object={2f9d96d V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-720,120 #7f0907f9 app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e= java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class Landroid/widget/RelativeLayout; (declaration of 'android.widget.RelativeLayout' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar!classes3.dex) 12-12 16:39:01.845 1521 1521 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object={2f9d96d V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-720,120 #7f0907f9 app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e= java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class Landroid/view/ViewGroup; (declaration of 'android.view.ViewGroup' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar!classes3.dex) 12-12 16:39:01.845 1521 1521 E _V_VG_ReflectUtils: getFieldAll: object={2f9d96d V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-720,120 #7f0907f9 app:id/vivo_title_view}, filaName= isHoleScreen, e= java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: No field isHoleScreen in class Landroid/view/View; (declaration of 'android.view.View' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar! classes3.dex) 12-12 16:39:02.830 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : -1 => 60 12-12 16:39:02.830 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:39:03.831 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : 60 => -1 12-12 16:39:03.832 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:-1 12-12 16:39:35.364 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:36.271 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : -1 => 60 12-12 16:39:36.272 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:39:37.273 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : 60 => -1 12-12 16:39:37.274 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:-1 12-12 16:39:39.371 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:39.534 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:40.276 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : -1 => 60 12-12 16:39:40.277 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:39:41.276 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : 60 => -1 12-12 16:39:41.277 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:-1 12-12 16:39:42.579 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:43.278 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : -1 => 60 12-12 16:39:43.278 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:39:43.298 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:43.697 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:44.106 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:44.267 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:44.464 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:44.641 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:45.336 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:47.279 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : 60 => -1 12-12 16:39:47.281 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:-1 12-12 16:39:50.774 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:51.004 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:51.284 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : -1 => 60 12-12 16:39:51.285 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:39:51.766 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:52.154 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:52.415 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:52.769 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:53.046 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:53.234 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:53.379 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:53.934 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:54.516 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:54.598 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:55.602 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:55.774 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:57.287 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : 60 => -1 12-12 16:39:57.288 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:-1 12-12 16:39:57.414 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:57.592 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:57.595 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:39:58.288 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : -1 => 60 12-12 16:39:58.289 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:39:59.289 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : 60 => -1 12-12 16:39:59.290 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:-1 12-12 16:40:00.071 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:00.574 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:01.289 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : -1 => 60 12-12 16:40:01.290 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:40:01.299 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:01.337 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:01.472 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:02.220 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:02.731 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:03.007 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:04.292 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : 60 => -1 12-12 16:40:04.293 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:-1 12-12 16:40:04.578 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:04.849 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:05.242 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:05.296 888 988 I libPowerHal: [updateFPS] pid(1521) : -1 => 60 12-12 16:40:05.297 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:5, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:40:05.467 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:06.758 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:06.930 1521 1521 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl$1@22c0778sensor=NULL num: 0 12-12 16:40:08.409 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:0, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 16:40:08.454 1521 1521 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 16:40:08.455 1521 1521 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 16:40:08.660 1521 2020 E _V_VG_QueryHelper: batchQueryData cursor query fail! 12-12 16:40:08.665 1521 2020 E _V_VG_QueryHelper: batchQueryData cursor query fail! 12-12 16:40:08.717 1521 2020 E _V_VG_GalleryUtils: getCountFromDB cursor query fail!, uri= content://media/external/images/media 12-12 16:50:13.631 2886 6286 E _V_NRMS-Leak: WARNED!!! physical-memory process=com.bbk.launcher2 pid=2821 size=152104KB 12-12 17:20:42.671 1521 15151 E VCAP- : File: jni/../core/runtime/cpu/cpu_runtime.cpp, Func: set_sched_affinity() --- syscall error -1 12-12 17:20:42.672 1521 2095 E VCAP- : File: jni/../core/runtime/cpu/cpu_runtime.cpp, Func: set_sched_affinity() --- syscall error -1 12-12 17:20:42.673 1521 15153 E VCAP- : File: jni/../core/runtime/cpu/cpu_runtime.cpp, Func: set_sched_affinity() --- syscall error -1 12-12 17:20:42.673 1521 15152 E VCAP- : File: jni/../core/runtime/cpu/cpu_runtime.cpp, Func: set_sched_affinity() --- syscall error -1 12-12 17:20:44.297 1521 2095 E _V_image_preference: model error: /data/bbkcore/gallery/assets/clusterrank/mbn_ranker_128.ckpt-15000_tf1.12.vaim: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.325 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.325 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.329 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.329 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.333 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.334 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.336 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.336 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.339 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.339 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.341 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.342 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.344 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.344 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.347 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.347 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.349 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.349 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.351 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.351 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.354 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.354 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.356 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.356 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.358 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.359 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.361 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.361 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.363 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.363 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.473 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.473 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.484 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.484 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.486 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.486 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.489 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.489 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.492 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.492 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.496 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.496 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.499 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.500 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.502 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.503 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.507 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.507 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.510 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:45.510 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.000 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.000 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.000 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.000 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.001 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.001 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.001 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.001 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.001 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.001 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.002 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.002 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.002 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.003 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.003 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.003 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.004 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.004 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.022 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.023 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.031 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.031 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.032 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.033 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.037 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.037 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.038 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.038 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.038 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.038 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.038 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.038 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.039 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.039 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.039 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.039 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.039 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.039 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.040 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.040 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.040 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.040 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.040 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.040 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.040 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.041 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.041 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.041 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.041 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:46.041 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.000 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.001 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.060 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.060 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.061 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.061 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.091 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.092 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.103 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.104 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.108 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.108 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.112 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.112 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.113 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.114 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.117 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.117 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.120 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.121 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.124 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.124 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.126 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.126 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.128 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.129 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.129 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.129 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.131 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.132 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.134 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.135 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.137 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.137 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.139 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.139 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.142 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.142 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.144 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.144 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.144 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.144 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.144 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.144 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.144 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:47.144 1521 15154 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.603 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.604 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.605 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.605 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.606 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.606 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.607 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.607 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.608 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.608 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.608 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.608 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.609 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.609 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.609 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.610 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.610 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.610 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.611 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.611 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.612 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.612 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.612 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.612 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.613 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.613 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.613 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.613 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.614 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.614 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.741 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.741 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.743 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.743 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.744 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.744 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.745 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.745 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.746 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.747 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.748 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.748 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.749 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.749 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.750 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.750 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.751 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.752 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.752 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:50.753 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.034 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.034 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.035 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.035 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.036 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.036 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.048 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.048 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.050 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.050 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.051 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.051 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.051 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.052 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.052 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.053 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.053 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.053 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.054 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.054 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.055 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.055 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.055 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.056 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.056 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.057 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.057 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.057 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.057 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.065 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.065 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.065 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.065 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.066 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.066 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.072 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.073 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.073 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.074 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.074 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.075 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.075 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.075 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.076 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:51.076 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.000 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.001 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.001 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.001 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.027 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.027 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.027 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.027 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.028 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.028 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.028 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.029 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.029 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.029 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.029 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.029 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.030 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.030 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.031 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.031 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.031 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.032 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.032 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.032 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.033 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.033 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.033 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.033 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.034 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.034 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.042 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.043 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.048 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.048 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.058 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.059 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.059 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.059 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.060 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:52.060 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.050 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.050 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.051 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.051 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.052 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.052 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.059 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.059 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.060 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.060 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.061 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.061 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.077 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.077 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.078 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.078 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.120 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.120 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.120 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.120 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.121 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.121 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.123 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.123 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.125 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.125 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.125 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.126 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.127 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.128 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.128 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.128 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.129 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.129 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.130 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.139 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.139 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.140 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.140 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.140 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.141 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.141 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.141 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.141 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.169 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:53.169 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.009 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.010 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.010 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.010 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.011 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.011 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.011 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.011 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.012 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.012 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.012 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.013 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.013 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.013 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.014 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.014 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.017 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.017 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.018 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.018 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.019 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.019 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.020 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.020 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.021 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.021 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.022 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.022 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.043 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.043 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.043 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.043 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.044 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.044 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.047 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.048 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.048 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.048 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.048 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.049 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.050 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.051 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.051 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.051 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.062 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:54.062 1521 2095 E IMGSRV : :53: GetCmdlineFileContents: Failed to open /proc/844/cmdline (No such file or directory) 12-12 17:20:55.046 1521 2095 E VideoClassify: TensoFlow 模型文件加载成功 12-12 17:20:55.570 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:20:56.528 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:20:56.826 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:20:57.753 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:20:58.033 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:20:58.708 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:20:58.990 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:21:00.041 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:21:00.334 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:21:05.589 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:21:05.869 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:21:07.824 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 17:21:08.114 1521 2095 E _V_VG_VivoVideoSummaryWrapper: mDecodeVideo == null 12-12 18:19:04.281 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState],, state:3, pid:1521, uid:10156, fps:60 12-12 18:19:04.281 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState], pid:1521, STATE_DEAD 12-12 18:24:43.011 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:201521 hint:1155 pid:915 duration:356 lock_user:vperf@1.0-servi => ret_hdl:201521 12-12 18:24:43.369 888 998 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req] TIMER_MSG_PERF_LOCK_TIMEOUT hdl:201521 12-12 18:24:43.369 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:201521, idx:0 12-12 18:24:43.387 915 29355 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:201521, tid:29355 12-12 18:24:43.388 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:201521, idx:-1 12-12 18:24:46.471 915 915 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:201521, tid:915 12-12 18:24:46.472 888 998 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:201521, idx:-1 12-12 18:28:25.373 23593 27839 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 05:0xb400006e195d7b50 crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=225065.1521 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW 12-12 18:28:25.385 23593 27839 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 05:0xb400006e195d7b50 crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=225065.1521 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW 12-12 18:28:25.396 23593 27839 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 05:0xb400006e195d7b50 crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=225065.1521 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW