MCQ On Abdomen
MCQ On Abdomen
MCQ On Abdomen
b. Two arcuate ligaments: medial (is situated superior to the quad ratus
lumborum) and lateral (is situated superior to the psoas major)
d. The hiatus for the passage of the inferior vena cava is located in this area
e. The hiatus for the passage of the aorta is located in this area
b. Aortic opening
a. Yes, because the aorta passes through the aortic hiatus when entering
the abdomen so, the diaphragmatic muscle will con strict the hiatus
b. Yes, because the aorta passes through the aortic hiatus which is formed
by the diaphragm on one side and the vertebral column on other side, the
con tractions of the muscle will push the aorta towards the vertebral
column and minimize the diam eter of the aorta
c. No, because the aorta passes through the aortic hiatus, which is a
tendinous one, not muscular, and it’s located posterior to the xifoid process
of the sternum
d. No, because the aorta has nothing to do with the dia phragm
e. No, because the aortic hiatus is located between the me dian arcuate
ligament anterior, vertebral column posterior and diaphragmatic crura
lateral, basically posterior the muscular part of the diaphragm, this way
a. Aorta
b. Phrenic nerves
c. Toracic duct
d. Lymphatic trunks
a. Phrenic nerves
b. Toracic duct
c. Oesophagus
d. Vagal trunks
e. Gastric nerves
a. Phrenico-oesophageal arteries
b. Coeliac trunk
c. Oesophageal arteries
d. Aorta
e. Renal arteries
10. the venous drainage of the superior surface of the dia phragm is
ensured by:
a. Phrenic nerves
b. Vagus nerves
e. Splanchnic nerve
a. Linea alba
d. Internal oblique
15. The posterior wall of the inguinal canal it’s form by the:
d. External oblique
e. Peritoneum
a. Spermatic cord
b. Round ligament
c. Ilioinguinal nerve
d. Iliohypogastric nerve
e. Femoral artery
b. Ovarian arteries
c. Ilioinguinal nerve
d. Femoral vein
e. Round ligament
b. A tendinous strap that is located between the xiphoid process and pubic
19. A patient has a very strong pain just inferior to the xifoid process, that is
the name of that area?
a. Epigastrium
b. Hypochondrium
c. Umbilical
d. Lumbar
e. Hypogastrium
a. Femoral artery
b. Internal iliac artery
d. Abdominal aorta
a. Lumbar arteries
b. Internal thoracic
e. Umbilical artery
a. Subcostal
b. Lumbosacral
c. Iliohypogastric
d. Ilioinguinal
e. Genitofemoral
26. Patient has a tumor located at the level of the right fank
c. Internal oblique
d. External oblique
e. Pyriformis