Metals 12 02167
Metals 12 02167
Metals 12 02167
Self-Diffusion Coefficients of Components in Liquid Binary
Alloys of Noble Metals
Nikolay Dubinin 1,2, * and Roman Ryltsev 1,2
1 Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 101 Amundsen St.,
620016 Ekaterinburg, Russia
2 Ural Federal University, 19 Mira St., 620002 Ekaterinburg, Russia
* Correspondence:
the industry. Moreover, Au-Ag and Au-Cu are jewelry alloys, for manufacturing of which
it is necessary to know the velocity of the concentrations’ convergence at melting, which
depends on the diffusion properties.
2. Theory
In accordance with Einstein’s well-known expression [63], the self-diffusion coefficient
of the i-th-kind atom in the mixture Di is inversely proportional to the friction coefficient of
the same atom, ξ i :
Di = ( βξ i )−1 (1)
8 2
ξ HC = ρσ g(σ ) (π M/β)1/2 (3)
( βπ M)1/2
ξ non−HC =− [S(q) − 1]φ(q) q3 dq (4)
12π 2
Here, ρ is the mean atomic density; σ is the diameter of the hard core; g(r ) is the pair
correlation function; M is the atomic mass; S(q) is the structure factor; φ(q) is the Fourier
transform of the pair potential, φ(r ), outside the hard core.
Davis and Palyvos [60] modified Equation (2) by taking into account the cross effect between
HC and non-HC forces, and generalized the resulting expression to γ-component mixtures:
ξ iHC = (2π/β)1/2 ∑ ρ j σij2 gij (σij ) µij 1/2 (6)
3 j =1
(2πβ)1/2 γ
12π 2 j∑
ξ inon−HC =− ρ j µij 1/2 hij (q) φij (q) q3 dq (7)
=1 0
(2β/π )1/2 γ
ξ icross =−
3 ∑ ρ j µij 1/2 gij (σij ) ( xij cos( xij ) − sin( xij )) φij (q) dq (8)
j =1 0
ξ iHC = (2π/β)1/2 ∑ ρ j σij2 gijSW (σij ) µij 1/2 (9)
3 j =1
(2πβ)1/2 2 c j 1/2 Z SW
12π 2 j∑
ξ inon−HC =− µij Sij (q) − δij φijSW (q) q3 dq (10)
Metals 2022, 12, 2167 3 of 10
(2β/π )1/2 2
ξ icross =−
3 ∑ ρ j µij 1/2 gijSW (σij ) ( xij cos( xij ) − sin( xij )) φijSW (q) dq (11)
j =1 0
1, i=j
δij = (12)
0, i 6= j
Sij (q) is the Ashcroft-Langreth [65] partial structure factor:
1 − c j ρ c jj (q)
Sii (q) = (13)
[1 − c1 ρ c11 (q)][1 − c2 ρ c22 (q)] − c1 c2 ρ2 c212 (q)
c1 c2 ρ c12 (q)
S12 (q) = (14)
[1 − c1 ρ c11 (q)][1 − c2 ρ c22 (q)] − c1 c2 ρ2 c212 (q)
where i 6= j; cij (q) is the Fourier transform of the partial direct correlation function, cij (r );
φijSW (q) = 4πε ij [sin(λij xij ) − sin( xij ) − λij xij cos(λij xij ) + xij cos( xij )] /q3 (15)
where ε ij is the partial SW depth and (λij − 1)σij is the partial SW width. For the additive
mixture exploited here, the Lorentz–Berthelot rule is used to describe parameters attributed
to the unlike-atoms’ interaction:
The Fourier transform of the partial direct correlation function is calculated here in the
framework of the semi-analytical method [57] of solving the Ornstein–Zernike equation [66]
for the square-well fluid within the mean spherical approximation [61,67,68]:
( n +2 m −2
∂m sin( x12 ) n n (m + 1)!b12m ∂m sin(y12 )
12 ( q ) = − βϕ12 ( q ) +
q3 ∑ 2− m
x11 m
∂x12 ∑ b12l ∏ (l + 1 − k) + y12 b120 cos(x12 ) + ∑ m
x11 m
m =1 l =0 k =0 m =1
where n ≥ 3 (we take n equal to 5); y12 = q(σ22 − σ11 )/2 at σ22 > σ11 ; [(n + 1)/2] is
the integral part of (n + 1)/2; and bijm are coefficients determined numerically from the
condition that the partial pair correlation functions must be equal to zero inside the HC:
where i, j = 1, 2.
The condition (19) is fulfilled numerically by the simplex method using the well-known
Fourier-transform relation:
1 sin(qr ) 2
gij (r ) = 1 + 2 √ [Sij (q) − δij ] q dq (20)
2π ρ ci c j qr
and Ag-Au systems and from the work [70] for Cu-Au system. Values of the SW parameters
for the alloy’s components (σii , ε ii , λii ) are taken to be the same as ones for the pure metals
from the work [62].
The calculated concentration dependencies of the self-diffusion coefficients of alloys’
components in Cu-Ag, Cu-Au, and Ag-Au alloys are shown in Figure 1, Figure 2, and
Figure 3, respectively. For the convenience of the readers, all obtained results are duplicated
in Tables 1–3.
Table 1. Self-diffusion coefficients of Cu and Ag in liquid Cu-Ag alloy at T = 1423 K and T = 1573 K.
Table 2. Self-diffusion coefficients of Cu and Au in liquid Cu-Au alloy at T = 1423 K and T = 1573 K.
Figure 1. Self-diffusion coefficients of Cu (circles) and Ag (squares) in liquid Cu-Ag alloy at T = 1423 K
(dashed line) and T = 1573 K (solid line).
Metals 2022, 12, 2167 5 of 10
Table 3. Self-diffusion coefficients of Ag and Au in liquid Ag-Au alloy at T = 1423 K and T = 1573 K.
Unfortunately, the experimental information needed for the comparison with obtained
results is absent for the alloys under consideration. Therefore, we calculated the self-
diffusion coefficients of Cu and Au in two Al-rich binary alloys with 20% of Cu and Au,
respectively, at the same temperatures as we take for Cu-Ag, Cu-Au, and Ag-Au alloys, to
estimate the accuracy of our results in comparison with available literary information [7,51].
To realize these calculations, we used the experimental values of the mean atomic densities
of Al80 -Cu20 and Al80 -Au20 alloys taken from the works [51,72], respectively. The obtained
results listed in Table 4 agree well with both experimental data [7] and the results of classical
molecular-dynamic (MD) simulations [51]. Note that the range of the experimental error in
the work [7] (as it was reported in Figure 4 of the work [9]) is equal to approximately 8.5%.
On the other hand, the uncertainty in determination of values for the SW parameters in our
work can spread up to 4% in dependence on the kind of the parameter and the kind of the
element. This leads to a calculation error for the self-diffusion coefficients in the range of
approximately 8%. These facts show that our calculated results and experimental results [7]
lie within the limits of the mutual error. For the results of the work [51], the range of the
simulation error is not presented, and we can conclude only that the named results lie in
the limits of our error.
Table 4. Self-diffusion coefficients of Cu and Au in liquid Al80 -Cu20 and Al80 -Au20 alloys, respectively,
at T = 1423 K and T = 1573 K calculated in the present work in comparison with the experimental [7]
and MD-simulation [51] results for Al80 -Cu20 and Al80 -Au20 alloys, respectively.
Figure 4. Arrhenius plot of the self-diffusivity of Cu in Al80 -Cu20 liquid alloy obtained by different
methods [7,15,73,74] in comparison with our results (the red area restricts the 95% confidence interval
of the linear fit).
As far as we know, there has only been work carried out [51] where self-diffusivities
of Au in Al-Au liquid alloy were studied. At the same time, for Al80 -Cu20 melt, there
are several available sources with data on the self-diffusivities of Cu at different temper-
atures: experimental data of Brillo et al. [7] and Dahlborg et al. [15], results of ab initio
molecular dynamics (AIMD) obtained by Wang et al. [73], and results of classical MD
simulations with modified embedded atom model (MEAM) obtained by Trybula [74], who
used both the mean square displacement (MSD) and the Stokes–Einstein (SE) equation. To
estimate the accuracy of our results more correctly, the statistical analysis of the named
above data was performed as follows: all these data were collected together and fitted by
linear function, after which the 95% confidence interval of the fit was calculated and com-
pared with our calculations (Figure 4). One can see that our data are within the obtained
confidence interval.
Thus, this additional study and our earlier results on the self-diffusivities of liquid Cu,
Ag, and Au in the pure state [62] show a satisfactory agreement of the calculated results
with the ones in the literature, and allow us to hope for the high reliability of the results for
Cu-Ag, Cu-Au, and Ag-Au presented in Figures 1–3.
From Figures 1–3, one can see that the behavior of the concentration dependencies of
the self-diffusion coefficients is slightly different for all three systems. In Ag-Au system,
having the full mutual solubility of components in the solid state, these dependencies are
the straight lines (Figure 3). In the Cu-Ag eutectic system, some concavities are observed
on all calculated curves (Figure 1). In the Cu-Au system, all obtained curves are slightly
fractured and, herewith, the positions of the bends correspond approximately to the alloy’s
compositions at which the chemical compounds exist in this system in the solid state at low
temperatures (Figure 2).
Metals 2022, 12, 2167 8 of 10
The comparison of the results obtained at different temperatures show that the chang-
ing of the temperature leads to a significant change in magnitude of the self-diffusivity, but
has almost no effect on the behavior of the concentration dependencies under consideration.
In Figure 3, the experimental self-diffusion coefficients of Au in pure Ag at T = 1300 K
and at T = 1500 K [71] are shown. It can be seen that our results are slightly understated in
comparison with this experiment.
4. Conclusions
This work shows that the SW-MSA-LTA approach allows the obtaining of satisfactory
results for the diffusion coefficient in liquid binary alloys of noble metals as well as for the
liquid binary alloys of alkali metals, as it was shown earlier [61].
Since the experimental data for the objects under study are absent, the results obtained
can be used for an approximate estimation, encouraging experimental or MD-simulation
studies of the systems under consideration.
Author Contributions: N.D. and R.R. provided methodology and wrote the manuscript; N.D. pro-
vided the calculations for alloys of noble metals; R.R. provided the calculations for Al-rich binary
alloys. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant № 22-22-00506, https:
// (accessed on 11 January 2021).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data are contained within the article.
Acknowledgments: The numerical calculations are carried out using computational resources of the
“Uran” supercomputer of IMM UB RAS ( (accessed on 11 January 2021)) and
Joint Supercomputer Center of Russian Academy of Sciences ( (accessed on 1
January 2022)).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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