Selfish Operons and Speciation by Gene Transfer - Ti
Selfish Operons and Speciation by Gene Transfer - Ti
Selfish Operons and Speciation by Gene Transfer - Ti
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ne distinctive feature Bacterial genes providing for single arrangement to allow cotran-
O of bacterial genomes is
the operon, a cluster of
cotranscribed genes that typi-
metabolic functions are found in operons, scription; there is no selection
possibly because this organization allows
efficient horizontal transfer among
for physical proximity without
cotranscription. This rare event
cally provides for a single meta- organisms. Transferred genes can confer must be strongly selected so
bolic function. Models for the novel metabolic phenotypes on their new that when it occurs it is not lost
origins of gene clusters can be hosts and allow rapid, effective by genetic drift. Moreover, such
divided into four classes (see exploitation of new environmental niches. rare events must occur repeat-
Box 1). The 'natal' model Moreover, the mobility of selfish operons edly to place each gene into every
asserts that some gene clusters may facilitate bacterial speciation. operon. Genomic rearrange-
arose by duplication and di- ments can perform such feats3;
vergence, and it does not apply J.G. Lawrence is in the Dept of Biological Sciences, however, three caveats should
to typical bacterial operons. University of Pinsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA. be noted. First, two genes are
tel: +1 412 624 4204, fax: +1 412 624 4759,
Bacterial operons have evolved e-mail: jlawrenc@vms, juxtaposed most readily by the
by the assembly of previously deletion of the intervening
unlinked ancestral genes: the DNA: this is not possible when
remaining three models describe this process. As dis- the intervening DNA encodes useful functions. Second,
cussed below, the 'selfish operon' modeP is distinct inversions and translocations that bring some genes
from the other models in several ways: (1) it provides closer together also serve to disrupt existing gene clus-
a plausible mechanism for the gradual assembly of ters. Third, the necessity for genomic rearrangements
genes into operons, (2) it provides a selection mecha- can be alleviated if operators providing for co-regulation
nism both for the assembly of gene clusters and for evolve at unlinked genes I (e.g. the Escherichia coli arg
their maintenance over evolutionary time, (3) it is genes).
consistent with the observation that genes providing Both the co-regulation model and the 'Fisher' model
for nonessential functions are found in operons and also have difficulty explaining the composition of typi-
(4) it does not postulate that gene clusters initially cal bacterial operons. The co-regulation model pre-
provided any selective benefit to host organisms. dicts that genes whose co-regulation would be most
beneficial should be found in operons, but inspection
Can operons assemble in situ?. of the E. coli genome reveals that the genes providing
Since the discovery of the operon more than 35 years for virtually all of the central metabolic processes are
ago 2, the regulatory benefit of cotranscription has been not found in operons. With notable exceptions ~, most
assumed to select for operon assembly (see the 'co- operons provide for nonessential functions [e.g. amino
regulation' model in Box 1). Although co-regulation acid biosynthesis (trp, his, leu) and carbon source uti-
is an important consequence of operon assembly, and lization (rnel, lac, pdu)]. Extensions of the Fisher model
certainly plays a role in the maintenance of operon or- predict that genes encoding coadapted proteins may
ganization, it is difficult to explain operon formation be clustered to prevent detrimental recombination be-
by selection for cotranscription. For co-regulation to tween coadapted alleles4'5. Although this is plausible
select for operon assembly, previously unlinked genes when considering genes whose products physically
must be precisely juxtaposed in a single genomic re- interact, it is difficult both to reconcile this model with
Copyright © 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 0966 842X/97/$17.00 PII: S0966-842X(97)01110-4
(a) (b)
G ~
\ 1 1
/I ~
Horizontal transfer ~ ~ ~ _ _ /
Unclustered genes
cannot be mobilized
Mutation and loss Mutation and loss
by genetic drift by genetic drift
(9 Q
Fig. 1. The propagation of selfish clusters. (a) Unclustered genes for weakly selected function (wsf) can be lost from genomes: these
genes cannot be mobilized to new genomes. (b) Clustered wsfgenes can also be lost from genomes. However, if clustered, wsf
genes are transferred to a new genome. Following transfer, any essential genes (aeg) between the wsfloci are now useless genes
(hug) that can be deleted. The solid circles represent donor genomes, and the open circles represent recipient genomes.
1/2Ne (Ne represents the effective population size) are gressed selfish operons must be compared with the
effectively neutral1°], mutations in these genes will ac- potential for diversification generated by mutation
cumulate in the population and the function will be and adaptation. To compare these values, the rate of
lost from the species by genetic drift (Fig. 1). If selection horizontal transfer among extant genomes must be
is sufficiently weak, the gene for such a weakly selected elucidated.
function may be lost by genetic drift, as the mutants are To assess the rate of horizontal transfer in enteric
not counterselected (e.g. Salmonella enterica has lost bacteria, Lawrence and Ochman analyzed E. coli and
the phoA geneH). Species that have lost a weakly se- S. enterica chromosomal DNA (Ref. 16): three critical
lected function may regain this capability by horizontal parameters were determined (see Box 2). The amount
transfer of the necessary genes (e.g. the Salmonella cob of horizontally transferred DNA present in the E. coli
operonl2). chromosome was estimated to be 620 kb (-15% of
the chromosome), which is similar to previous esti-
Selfish operons move frequently among genomes mates 13-15.All of these estimates have taken advantage
Several studies have concluded that many bacterial of the remarkable similarity in base composition, codon
genes have been introduced recently into several species usage bias and dinucleotide frequencies between native
by horizontal transfer 13-16.As predicted by the selfish genes within bacterial chromosomes. These features
operon model, many of these genes comprise operons differ markedly in horizontally transferred genes. Al-
providing for useful, but nonessential, metabolic func- though horizontally transferred genes do not resemble
tions. Among the closely related
enteric bacteria E. coli and S.
wsfA wsfB wsfAB
enterica, horizontally transferred wsfA
genes provide for the biosynthesis
of polysaccharides, pilins, surface
antigens and coenzyme B12, for
the transport of iron, citrate and
phosphate, and for the degrada- Deletion of Fusion of
tion of lactose, propanediol and intervening genes into
phosphonates 1. genes an operon
To determine if horizontally in- Fig. 2. The creation of selfish operons. Any essential genes (aeg) located between genes for the
herited selfish operons can have a weakly selected function (wsf) in the donor taxon are now useless genes (nug) in the recipient
taxon. These nuggenes are subject to rapid deletion in bacterial chromosomes 3. Gradual, stepwise
substantial impact on the evolu- deletion of unselected DNA can lead to juxtaposition of the wsfAB genes in a single transcription
tionary history of bacterial taxa, unit. Open circles represent recipient genomes, and the solid parts of the circle represent horizon-
the potential for diversification tally transferred DNA.
imparted by the gain of intro-
old EFG
6 2 0 k b of old genes newKLM
23 '~'~wNOP~ ~
...... of
transferred D N A transferred D N A
not maintained
Fig. 3. Speciation of Escherichia coli by horizontal transfer. Since divergence from the Salmonella lineage, the E. coli chromosome
has gained ~620 kb of novel DNA (newgenes) from a pool of ~3000 kb of horizontally transferred DNA (Ref. 16): most of the hori-
zontally transferred DNA has been lost (see Box 2 for calculations). A corresponding amount of ancestral DNA (oldgenes) has been
lost. Open circles represent recipient genomes, and solid parts of the circle and solid arrows represent horizontallytransferred DNA.
The selfish operon model was developed in collaboration with John Letters to the Editor
Roth. I thank RogerMilkmanfor helpfuldiscussionsand CarolineAsh, Trends in Microbiologywelcomes correspondence. Letters (not more
Dan Dykhuizen and Roger Milkman for critical comments on the than 500 words) may relate to topics raised in earlier issues of the
manuscript. journal or to other matters of general interest to microbiologists.
Please send letters to:
References Caroline Ash, Editor, Trends in Microbiology,
1 Lawrence,J.G. and Roth, J.R. (1996) Genetics 143, 1843-1860 Elsevier Trends Journals, 68 Hills Road,
2 Jacob, F. et al. (1960) C R. Acad. Sci. 250, 1727-1729 Cambridge, UK CB2 1LA.
3 Roth, J.R. et al. (1996) in Escberichia coil and Salmonella: fax: +44 1223 444630, e-mail:
Cellular and Molecular Biology (2nd edn) (Neidhardt, F.C. et al.,