... 1.paper On Marketing Management
... 1.paper On Marketing Management
... 1.paper On Marketing Management
NAME……………………………….. ID:
MARCH, 2022
Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................3
1.5. Merits, demerits, deficiencies or strengths of the organization with marketing information
1.6.1. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................14
1.6.2. Recommendation.............................................................................................................15
1. Introduction
1.1. Company Background
Dashen Bank was founded by eleven visionary shareholders and veteran bankers with initial
capital of Birr 14.9 million in September 1995. Upon securing license from the National Bank of
Ethiopia, Dashen opened its doors for service on the 1st of January 1996 with eleven fully-
fledged branches. Dashen Bank coined its name from the highest peak in Ethiopia, mount
Dashen, and aspires to be ‘’Best in class Bank in Africa’’. The Bank aimed to be among the
leading banks in Africa and it will extend its reach across Africa both for competitive
benchmarking and business. Ras Dashen is Part of the Simien Mountains National Park, an
exotic setting with unique wildlife and breath-taking views on a landscape shaped by nature and
traditional agriculture. The Simien Mountains is home to endemic wild life including the Walia
Ibex, Simien Fox or Ethiopian Wolf and the Gelada Baboon. Dashen aspires to set new heights
in banking services through the delivery of unique value propositions second to none.
Dashen Bank is the first bank in Ethiopia to provide a full-fledged payment card service as a
principal plus member of AMEX, VISA, MasterCard and Union Pay (as the first African Bank to
sign such agreement).
The Bank issues AMEX branded debit cards that give clients the added convenience of round-
the-clock banking through Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and conduct purchases at a
growing number of merchant locations via point of sale terminals (POS). Dashen is exclusively
acquires and issues American Express cards in Ethiopia. Dashen provides Salary Card for staff
of institutions to handling salary payment.
It is Dashen Banks’ Omni channel banking service which offers digital payment capability and
access to aggregated digital products and services from Retailers, the Entertainment Industry,
Airtime Dealers, Bill Payment Points, Airlines, Social Media Players and third-party service
providers. The service is available on both smart phones and ordinary mobile sets using USSD.
Dashen Bank customers can transact at their convenience, easily, safely and affordably,
regardless of where they are – at any-time using Amole digital platform, without necessarily
being physically present at the transaction point, all done without leaving the comfort of their
homes, office or moments of relaxation. Customers can access Dashen Bank’s services and make
payments on the go. Amole services include: Fund transfer, Transfer within own account,
Transfer within Dashen Bank account, Transfer to other Bank , Transfer to mobile (registered &
unregistered),Mobile payment, Bill payment, DSTV subscription payment, School fee payment,
Air time top up, Digital content sales payment (concert tickets, Ethiopian great run ticket
payments & many more), Utility payment, Air ticket purchase, Merchant payment ,Remittance
(Direct Remittance to mobile wallet), Balance enquiry , Transaction history/statement ,
Transaction alerts messages, Salary payment, The application ‘’Amole’’ can be downloaded
from Google Play or the App Store. The customer can also user internet banking
In banking industries, marketing market management review market is important issues
customers to determine the products and services consumers and businesses need, which help
them, develop pricing and promotional strategies. Dashen is the most reputable brand in the
domestic banking market. Thus, this paper is formalized to assess marketing management
activities the case of Dashen bank.
1.2. Introduction to Market Management Activities
In the case of Dashen bank, the strategic Marketing management plan has been effective
starting from July 1, 2017 to June30, 2018 has tried to address overall Corporate
Strategy and services as guide line for specific Marketing Programs. An assessment
of the current marketing condition facing the Dashen Bank, its product and service lines
has been pin pointed in brief. Despite the odds saw the sector, there are still untapped areas
with regard to banking service. Still a number of areas are under served to have the benefit of
this trust based service, banking at full scale. Yet, there a r e f a v o r a b l e t r e n d s w h e r e
i t i s b e l i e v e d t h a t c u s t o m e r n e e d a n d opportunities are not being satisfied and
where it can compete effectively. In fact, the country which anonymously noted with famine
and stayed for long in the quagmire of poverty is hastening to wake up from the years of deep
sleep. To capitalize on the growth, we, as a big Bank, need to spend some of our income
on effective promotion. Armed on the insights given above also, this marketing Plan has
included all pertinent costs to be incurred during the implementation of set out
strategies aimed to attain objectives drawn from overall corporate strategies of the
Bank. At his juncture, we understand the importance of tailoring our marketing strategy to
meet the needs and demand trends of different market segments. As a result, our
new brand “primer branch and Interest free Banking also got a peculiar focus in this
Marketing Plan. Since Banks under competition are competing for the consumers
‘discretionary income or sharing wallets, coordinated marketing efforts a re pair
amount at this time to remain highly competitive in the industry. Having in mind this hard
fact, the marketing plan put its basis on four main tools of marketing
communications such as, Advertising, Sales promotion, Public Relations, and
Personal selling. The fifth one, direct marketing has obtain end l e s s c o n s i d e r a t i o n f o r
t h e f a c t t h a t t h e g r o u n d w o r k i s l e f t f o r f u t u r e undertakings of the Bank
Dashen Bank was established as per the intent of the new policy and the Ethiopian investment
code. It came into existence on September 20, 1995 according to the commercial code of
Ethiopia, 1960, and the licensing and supervision of banking business proclamation No. 84/1994.
The marketing Management system is a continuing and interacting structure of people,
equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyses, evaluate, and distribute pertinent, timely and
accurate information for use by marketing decision makers to improve their marketing planning,
implementation, and control.
The highlight the importance and also the importance of the Marketing information management
on decision-making, along with defining the procedure of choices taken by the supervisors.
Nevertheless, the information is also beneficial for various kinds of companies, such as
government, development companies, academicians, and also researchers. The schedule of
prompt and also accurate information to all interested parties is as a result vital, whether it be
given by the public and private itself or by the different sector.Moreover, The case study
additionally intends to lay out the necessary requirements for the effective application of in
decision-making. Marketing information managements reveals that the roles for computer-based
assistance for creating advertising method present a genuine challenge to an individual computer
system-based strategies and technologies in a fast-changing atmosphere supplemented by extra
requirements connecting to worries the value of the interior database, market research and also
marketing intelligence requirements and their impact on organizational choice making success.
1.3. Practical Study of Market information Management in Dashen Bank
The Marketing purpose of the banks as enshrined in its basic documents is to render commercial
banking activities both at the domestic and international spheres. On the basis of country The
economic policy introduced in November, 1991 caused the culmination of the command
economic heralding the establishment of a market oriented one. This policy change created
marketing opportunity and a conducive environment for the emergence of private financial
institutions aimed at the bringing a meaningful economic role in the development efforts of the
country. Dashen Bank was established as per the intent of the new policy and the Ethiopian
investment code. It came into existence on September 20, 1995 according to the commercial
code of Ethiopia, 1960, and the licensing and supervision of banking business proclamation No.
84/1994. The first founding members were 11 businessmen and professional that agreed to
combine their financial resources and expertise to form this new private bank. The rationale
behind its name, “Dashen Bank”
“Ras Dashen” is the highest mountain of Ethiopia. It is also the habitat of rare wild animals; the
Wali Ibex, the Gelada Baboon, and the Lammergeyer – the beautiful bone breaker eagle. These
unique characteristics of the mountain coincided with the interest of the founders of the Bank
and prompted them to adopt this great name and epitomize their aspiration. Rightly, reaching the
top of banking business in dynamic and competitive business environment symbolized the
highest peak, while the unique and efficient services the bank caters for the public through state -
of-the-art computer technology and carefully selected and trained man-power equated with the
rare wild animals. Today, indeed, reliability, efficiency and modernity are the hallmark and the
bank’s distinguishing features which make them synonymous with Dashen Bank as much as the
rare animals are synonymous with Ras-Dashen Mountain.
1.3.1. The Marketing Management of the Bank
The business purpose of the banks as enshrined in its basic documents is to render commercial
banking activities both at the domestic and international spheres.
Dashen has four shareholders who each hold shares, including the three brothers of the Ethio-
Saudi tycoon, Sheik Mohammed Al-Amoudi, and Nyala motors. None have made a move to
dilute their excess shares so far, according to sources who spoke to Fortune. Market orientation
is a business approach wherein the processes of product development and creation are focused on
satisfying the needs of consumers. It is a type of marketing orientation technique that designs
products with qualities those consumers Types of Customers play a significant role in any
business. By better understanding the different types of customers, businesses can be better
equipped to develop want, which is completely different from the conventional marketing
approach. The better understanding of performance-increasing market share as an organizational
choice-making based upon advertising info system research study by investigating architectural
Operational marketing information systems amongst interior information base, market researches
well as marketing intelligence. This is lots of aspects is of one of the most essential elements of
the research study procedure. In many cases, nevertheless, the reason is that the information does
not get to the relevant decision-makers or is not readily obtainable. Usually, when the research
study is at first performed this presents much less of an issue, as those who appointed and paid
for the study want the outcomes. However, there may be other managers operating in various
nations who might make use of the searching for. In addition, there may be research study
studies conducted in the recent past that are relevant to issues currently dealing with a manager.
The remedy is to develop an international details system to help with dissemination as well as
use the information.
1.3.2. The Marketing Information Management of the Bank
A certain amount of marketing information systems is being organized all the time by companies as they
engage in their daily operations. Unfortunately, in many organizations, information isn’t shared very well
among departments. Even within departments, it can be a problem. For example, one group in a
marketing department might research a problem related to a brand, uncover certain findings that would be
useful to other brand managers, but never communicate them. A marketing information system (MIS) is a
way to manage the vast amount of information firms have on handle information marketing professionals
and managers need to make good decisions. Marketing information systems range from paper-based
systems to very sophisticated computer systems. Ideally, however, a marketing information system should
include the following components:
As assessment Marketing information Management, the marketing system integrates data
collection, processing, analysis, and reporting for streamlining marketing activities using the four
primary techniques or components. The following is conceptual representation of Market
information Managements provided;
Collected Allocation
Data Developing Information Informa of obtained
input data
tion Out put
from diffrent
Marketing Internal Marketing
inviroment reporting system Decisions
Research System
Marketing Marketing
intelegence Decision Support
4.Competitors system system Operational
5.Legal Issues Decisions
Decisions O.Marketing Communications
As one can see from part of the above figure Types of Marketing Decisions.The marketing
information system have to follow is is all about making a correct decision by the marketing
personnel at the right time to serve the organizational objectives. Following are the three major
marketing decisions taken with the help of the marketing information system are Strategic
Decisions wich realte with higher-level managers make such decisions since these are related to
the organizational objectives, structure and policies which are crucial and affects the whole
organization. The other is the Control Decisions the operational marketing systemThese are the
fundamental managerial decisions which are taken as corrective actions (by middle-level
managers) in case of any deviation. In this case study, the invistigation identified consider what
challenges are being faced by today's marketerwich can help you to recognize and overcome
them. Demonstrating marketing's value, Lack of fundamental marketing
knowledge,understanding customer behavior, making digital strategic and Creating growth on a
budget Identify best practices in marketing measurement, accountability and analytics Clarify the
value of measuring marketing Create measurable marketing objectives Establish performance
targets Formulate a set of marketing measures that will serve as the foundation for your control
panel in the marketing operation.Further,Many marketing problems and opportunities can be
solved by gathering information from a company’s daily operations and analyzing it and Market
intelligence involves gathering information on a regular, ongoing basis to stay in touch with
what’s happening in the marketplace. when the case study always has actually been conducted,
the data collected as well as examined, the following action is to integrate this information into
monitoring choice making. For a study to be valuable, it must remain in a type that is quickly
recognized by supervisors and also available to all who could benefit from the findings. This is
lots of aspects is of one of the most essential elements of the research study procedure. All also
frequently, the research study is conducted and a variety of final thoughts or implications for
marketing strategy and techniques are drawn, and yet these are not acted upon.
needs are kept in mind while developing and upgrading the product offering. a market-oriented
organization uses a customer-centered approach, which means that the most pressing concerns,
immediate needs, and personal preferences of the consumer base must be researched. The
strategy must be focused on values, culture, and other behavioral traits of the consumer base.
Thus, the development efforts of the organization are focused on characteristics that are most
widely demanded. This enables companies to adapt to different markets and enhance
Finally, Market orientation is a marketing approach wherein the processes of product
development and creation are focused on satisfying the needs of consumers in the activities of
market management. Marketing orientation is the business approach that dictates all the
processes within that organization. It comes in several types: sales orientation, market
orientation, production orientation, and societal orientation. Market orientation offers several
advantages, including product differentiation and increased consumer satisfaction.
1.3.4. Operational High light of Marketing Activities in Dashen Bank
At the close of the reporting period, Dashen Bank’s aggregate deposits amounted Birr 53.4
billion. Compared to last year’s same period, the Bank achieved year-on-year growth of Birr 8.8
billion, or 20%. The record high performance had been supported by expanding market outreach,
improvement in Customer orientation and relationship and banking business management, and
enhanced marketing activities. As regards to market expansion, the Bank opened ten full-fledged
branches (including one dedicated IFB branch) and two outlets in the capital and regional towns.
These new and already existing branches had been able to recruit 439 thousand deposit
customers, 222 thousand debit cardholders and 1.1 million Amole users, beside to retaining the
existing customers.
separate financial markets. Marketing examines the motives and needs, which are in settings in
saving drive, or for investment. Thanks to the results of such research activities is defined
marketing program (Shaip Bytyqi, 2010). Program on activities of marketing
Include the shares and how should be resolved the bank problems but also to bank customers. By
identifying the motives and needs of customers, the bank organizes placement of funds.
Placement of funds is done in support of marketing research results, because the relevant
information is able to take optimal decisions, without the obvious risks. The role of marketing in
banks is extended and focused in two ways: in its business and in particular bank in solving the
problems of clients, in efficient and effective manner. Concerning the realization of tendencies
to expand sales of bank services, is applied the strategy of market segment, which achieves the
homogeneity of the requirements of population groups. This way the elements of marketing mix
combine, to be brought in the function of the respective directions.
Banks are financial institutions, which effectively mean the use for profit. Placement of certain
assets prices of services is useful for development, namely ensuring the existence of companies
concerned and for users of tools. Banks important exercise is connected with numerous partners,
individuals, institutions, enterprises. Bank business is dependent on the market situation. Market
savers and market consumers (and those who invest), are entirely separate financial market.
Marketing examines the motives and needs, which are in settings in saving drive, or for
investment (consumption). Thanks to the results of such research activities defined marketing
program. Program activities include marketing the shares and should be resolved the bank
problems but problems of bank customers, by identifying the motives and needs of customers,
the bank organizes placement of funds. Placement of funds is done in support of marketing
research results, because the relevant information is able to take optimal decisions, without the
obvious risks.
leads to prepare for the upcoming Dis advantages due to the plan for future business
Management's passivity can be due to lots of reasons, consisting of alternate analyses of the
outcomes, the obscurity of the findings, internal political considerations or outside affordable
elements. These are genuine reasons and also there is commonly not a clear and regular means to
obtain administration to act upon the info. In many cases, nevertheless, the reason is that the
information does not get to the relevant decision-makers or is not readily obtainable. Usually,
when the research study is at first performed this presents much less of an issue, as those who
appointed and paid for the study want the outcomes.
In marketing decision support system, various mathematical and economic tools (regression,
linear programming, optimization, statistics, time series analysis, etc.) are used to process,
analyze and convert the raw data to obtain useful marketing information to support the decision-
making activities. As further disadvantages, The information might be negatively influenced and
hacked by other companies due to negative competition in marketing system and it might be
corrupted difficult to restore in the case of removed unexpectedly.
The Bank marketing management is continued with enhancing IT as an enabler and business. In
ensuring system security, multi factor authentication has been further strengthened. POS
interoperability with Eth Switch has been successfully done. Strides have been continued in in-
house developing of solution for pressing internal business challenges. These include
engineering system, school fee collection solution, and fleet management solution.
As demerits of market information management of Dashen bank, technology remained the key in
overcoming the potential challenges imposed by Covid-19 by enhancing work from home,
facilitating online banking and ensuring online conference by interconnecting more than 450
management members. Risk Management and Compliance the Bank considers risk in marketing
management as one of its strategic pillars. During the fiscal year, risk management took center
stage of the operation through identifying
Potential risk areas, properly measuring the likelihood and potential impacts on marketing
activates to put alternatives in place and continuously monitoring materialized and potential
risks. In this regard, the Bank is persistently working on internalizing risk management practice
across the organization through enhancing risk management process into the mainstream of the
Bank’s culture. This has been done through continuous awareness creation trainings, risk
register, leading risk indicators as well as periodic risk assessment reports on credit, financing,
liquidity, marketing operation.
1.6. Conclusion and Recommendations
1.6.1. Conclusion
From all this analyses we can come to a conclusion that unsatisfied customers are clients in
marketing activities is the result of poor marketing management activities really are concerned
with the service provided by banks. They are customers who go and not be returned. Some will
complain, but research has shown that only 1 in 20 will actually complain to the bank.
Complaints should be taken seriously. Thus, a complaint may be meaning that 19 other
customers have had the same bad service but are not complaining. Unsatisfied customers will
also tell their family and friends. American research shows that unsatisfied customer will be
showing to the other eleven people. Not satisfied customers perceive the service. They take for
granted the work that will take it for what they paid. Concerning the fan customers, the bank
would like to have many clients’ admirers because these individuals:
In order to satisfy clients, staff should behave towards them so that customers will notice the
Difference and be like. Most banks are the same (products, services, location, payments, etc)
Bank should give an effort to be noticed by the client by showing itself as better and different
than other banks, on the contrary, the clients rather chose the other bank.
With the enhancing use of the Marketing management, businesses are coming to be more
thinking about the growth of a corporate-wide, integrated administration information system.
The objective of such a system is to bring all of the circulations of recorded information in the
whole company into a linked whole. Thus, it is really hoped that the supervisor's ability to
strategy as well as control the company's activities will certainly be enhanced. Such a system is
typically seen as a marked enhancement over existing treatments. As companies have actually
attempted to present such a system, exactly however before, a consensus seems to be expanding,
specifically amongst some computer suppliers, that an extra reasonable method is to start with
smaller systems, such as one in advertising, or in production. The human mind merely cannot
understand the entire market information management operation with effective clearness and
also information to allow it to be structured as well as modeled. However, there may be other
managers operating in various nations who might make use of the searching for. In addition,
there may be research study studies conducted in the recent past that are relevant to issues
currently dealing with a manager. The remedy is to develop an international details system to
help with dissemination as well as use the information.
1.6.2. Recommendation
On the basis of theorotical and conceptual case study,the following suggestion pinpointed to be
It is enhanced for Commercial Banks focusing on, improving marketing operations is becoming
more critical for digital marketing teams trying to get ahead.
As successful marketing operations better than the experienced marketers and business owners of
today. is better for business to understandtheir customers, implementing customer data
properly, and measuring campaign performance
Themarketing focuses on managing the technologies that the marketing team purchases, and
measuring marketing effectiveness across the board. It’s not just your marketing techniques, but
rather, it’s what goes on behind the scenes to make sure your campaigns reach their goals.
The most important piece of improving your marketing operations is establishing
a project workflow between marketing and the rest of the organization.
It is enhance to influences the effectiveness of the marketing information and the disparity in the
behavior of the lower management level staffs and the upper management level staffs.
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