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Lecture 1-Ar

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Lecture 1

Introduction to Metrology and Measurements

 Man has used measurements since the dawn of history as a practical
means to determine the things he uses during his daily life.
 Man has invented measuring devices for lengths and measures since
the first human civilizations to organize his social and economic
 Metrology word is derived from two Greek words such as metro
which means measurement and logy which means science.
 It is the science of measurement of lengths and angles and all
related quantities like width, depth, diameter and straightness
with high accuracy.
Objectives of Metrology
1. Complete evaluation of newly developed products.
2. Determination of the process capabilities and ensure that
these are better than the relevant component tolerances.
3. Determination of the measuring instrument capabilities and
ensure that they are quite sufficient for their respective
4. Minimizing the cost of inspection by effective and efficient
use of available.
5. Reducing the cost of rejects and rework through application
of Statistical Quality Control Techniques.
6. To standardize the measuring methods
7. To maintain the accuracies of measurement.
8. To prepare designs for all gauges and special inspection
Need and importance of metrology
 Accurate and reliable information can be obtained.
 Higher productivity and accuracy is called for by the present
manufacturing techniques
Lecture 1
1 ‫محارضة‬

Introduction to Metrology and Measurements

‫مقدمة في علم المقاييس والقياسات‬

Man has used measurements since the dawn of history as a practical means to
determine the things he uses during his daily life.
‫ استخدم اإلنسان القياسات منذ فجر التاريخ كوسيلة عملية لتحديد األشياء اليت يستخدمها‬
.‫خالل حياته اليومية‬

Man has invented measuring devices for lengths and measures since the first
human civilizations to organize his social and economic lifestyle.
‫ اخرتع اإلنسان أجهزة قياس األطوال والمقاييس منذ الحضارات اإلنسانية األوىل لتنظيم‬
.‫أسلوب حياته االجتماعي واالقتصادي‬

Metrology word is derived from two Greek words such as metro which means
measurement and logy which means science.
‫ واليت‬logy‫ واليت تعين القياس و‬Metro ‫كلمة مرتولوجية مشتقة من كلمتني يونانيتني مثل‬
.‫تعين العلم‬

It is the science of measurement of lengths and angles and all related quantities
like width, depth, diameter and straightness with high accuracy.
‫هو علم قياس األطوال والزوايا وجميع الكميات المتعلقة بها من العرض والعمق والقطر‬
.‫واالستقامة بدقة عالية‬

Objectives of Metrology
‫أهداف علم القياس‬

1. Complete evaluation of newly developed products.

.‫ التقييم الكامل للمنتجات المطورة حديثا‬.1

)2( ‫صفحة‬
2. Determination of the process capabilities and ensure that these are better than the
relevant component tolerances.
.‫ تحديد قدرات العملية والتأكد من أنها أفضل من تفاوتات المكونات ذات الصلة‬.2

3. Determination of the measuring instrument capabilities and ensure that they are
quite sufficient for their respective measurements.
.‫ تحديد قدرات أجهزة القياس والتأكد من أنها كافية للقياسات الخاصة بها‬.3

4. Minimizing the cost of inspection by effective and efficient use of available.

.‫ تقليل تكلفة التفتيش من خالل االستخدام الفعال والكفء للمتاح‬.4

5. Reducing the cost of rejects and rework through application of Statistical Quality
Control Techniques.
.‫ تقليل تكلفة الرفض وإعادة العمل من خالل تطبيق تقنيات مراقبة الجودة اإلحصائية‬.5

6. To standardize the measuring methods

‫ توحيد طرق القياس‬.6

7. To maintain the accuracies of measurement.

.‫ المحافظة عىل دقة القياس‬.7

8. To prepare designs for all gauges and special inspection fixtures.

.‫ إعداد التصاميم لجميع أجهزة القياس وتجهزيات الفحص الخاصة‬.8

Need and importance of metrology

‫الحاجة وأهمية علم القياس‬

Accurate and reliable information can be obtained.

.‫ يمكن الحصول عىل معلومات دقيقة وموثوقة‬

Higher productivity and accuracy is called for by the present manufacturing

‫تتطلب تقنيات التصنيع الحالية زيادة اإلنتاجية والدقة‬

)2( ‫صفحة‬
 Improving the quality of production necessitates proportional
improvement of the measuring accuracy, and marking out of
components before machining and the in-process and post
process control of the dimensional and geometrical accuracies of
the product. Proper gauges should be designed and used for
rapid and effective inspection. Also automation and automatic
control, which are the modem trends for future developments,
are based on measurement.
Standardization of Units
The two accepted units are:
SI Units (N, m, s) and US Customary system (lb, ft, s)
Two classes of SI units
A) Base units:
7 dimensionally independent units
Length, Amount of substance, mass, time, electrical current,
thermodynamic temperature, luminous intensity
B) Derived units:
By combination of base units
Quantity SI derived unit
area m2
velocity m/s
density Kg/m3
force N(newton) = 1 Kg.m/s
power W(watt) = 1 n.m/s

The three basic elements of measurements

1. Measurand, a physical quantity such as length, weight, and angle to
be measured
2. Comparator, to compare the measurand (physical quantity) with a
known standard for evaluation.
3. Reference, the physical quantity or property to which quantitative
comparisons are to be made, which is internationally accepted.
Improving the quality of production necessitates proportional improvement of the
measuring accuracy, and marking out of components before machining and the in-
process and post process control of the dimensional and geometrical accuracies of
the product. Proper gauges should be designed and used for rapid and effective
inspection. Also automation and automatic control, which are the modem trends for
future developments, are based on measurement.
‫ ووضع عالمات عىل المكونات قبل‬،‫يتطلب تحسني جودة اإلنتاج تحسيًنا متناسًبا لدقة القياس‬
‫ يجب تصميم‬.‫التصنيع والتحكم أثناء العملية وما بعد العملية لدقة األبعاد والهندسية للمنتج‬
،‫ كما أن األتمتة والتحكم اآليل‬.‫أجهزة القياس المناسبة واستخدامها للفحص الرسيع والفعال‬
.‫ تعتمد عىل القياس‬،‫وهي اتجاهات المودم للتطورات المستقبلية‬

Standardization of Units
‫توحيد الوحدات‬

The two accepted units are:

:‫الوحدتان المقبولتان هما‬

SI Units (N, m, s) and US Customary system (lb, ft, s)

)lb، ft، s( ‫) والنظام األمريكي العرفي‬N، m، s( ‫وحدات النظام الدويل‬

Two classes of SI units

SI ‫فئتان من وحدات‬

A) Base units:
:‫أ) الوحدات األساسية‬

7 dimensionally independent units

‫ وحدات مستقلة األبعاد‬7

Length, Amount of substance, mass, time, electrical current,

،‫ التيار الكهربائي‬،‫ الزمن‬،‫ الكتلة‬،‫ كمية المادة‬،‫الطول‬

thermodynamic temperature, luminous intensity

‫ شدة اإلضاءة‬،‫درجة الحرارة الديناميكية الحرارية‬

)3( ‫صفحة‬
B) Derived units:
:‫ب) الوحدات المشتقة‬

By combination of base units

‫عن طريق الجمع بني الوحدات األساسية‬

Quantity SI derived unit

‫ للكمية‬SI ‫وحدة مشتقة من نظام‬

area m2
2‫مساحة م‬

velocity m/s
‫ث‬/‫الرسعة م‬

density Kg/m3
3‫م‬/‫الكثافة كجم‬

force N(newton) = 1 Kg.m/s power W(watt) = 1 n.m/s

‫ث‬/‫ نانومرت‬1 = )‫ث الطاقة ث(واط‬/‫م‬.‫ كجم‬1 = )‫(نيوتن‬N ‫القوة‬

The three basic elements of measurements

‫العنارص األساسية الثالثة للقياسات‬

1. Measurand, a physical quantity such as length, weight, and angle to be measured

‫ الكمية الفزييائية مثل الطول والوزن والزاوية المراد قياسها‬:‫ القياس‬.1

2. Comparator, to compare the measurand (physical quantity) with a known standard

for evaluation.
.‫ لمقارنة القياس (الكمية الفزييائية) بمعيار معروف للتقييم‬:‫ المقارن‬.2

)3( ‫صفحة‬
3. Reference, the physical quantity or property to which quantitative comparisons are
to be made, which is internationally accepted.
‫ الكمية المادية أو الخاصية اليت سيتم إجراء المقارنات الكمية لها والمتعارف عليها‬،‫ المرجع‬.3

)3( ‫صفحة‬
Calibration of Measuring Instruments
The validation of the equipment/instrument which used to measure a
given physical quantity is essential. The device should be calibrated
by a secondary standard that possesses a higher accuracy than the
instrument to be calibrated. If deviations are detected, suitable
adjustments are made in the instrument to ensure an acceptable level
of accuracy.
Accuracy and Cost
It can be observed from the figure that as the requirement of accuracy
increases, the cost increases exponentially. If the tolerance of a
component is to be measured, then the accuracy requirement will
normally be 10% of the tolerance values. Demanding high accuracy
unless it is absolutely required is not practical, as it increases the cost
of the measuring equipment and hence the inspection cost. In
addition, it makes the measuring equipment unreliable.
Calibration of Measuring Instruments
‫معايرة أدوات القياس‬

The validation of the equipment/instrument which used to measure a given physical

quantity is essential. The device should be calibrated by a secondary standard that
possesses a higher accuracy than the instrument to be calibrated. If deviations are
detected, suitable adjustments are made in the instrument to ensure an acceptable
level of accuracy.
.‫األداة المستخدمة لقياس كمية مادية معينة أمًر ا رضور ًيا‬/‫يعد التحقق من صحة المعدات‬
‫ إذا تم‬.‫يجب أن تتم معايرة الجهاز بمعيار ثانوي يمتلك دقة أعىل من الجهاز المراد معايرته‬
‫ يتم إجراء التعديالت المناسبة في الجهاز لضمان مستوى مقبول من‬،‫الكشف عن االنحرافات‬

Accuracy and Cost

‫الدقة والتكلفة‬

It can be observed from the figure that as the requirement of accuracy increases, the
cost increases exponentially. If the tolerance of a component is to be measured, then
the accuracy requirement will normally be 10% of the tolerance values. Demanding
high accuracy unless it is absolutely required is not practical, as it increases the cost
of the measuring equipment and hence the inspection cost. In addition, it makes the
measuring equipment unreliable.
‫ إذا كان‬.‫ تزداد التكلفة بشكل كبري‬،‫ويمكن مالحظة من الشكل أنه مع زيادة متطلبات الدقة‬
‫ إن‬.‫ من قيم التسامح‬%10 ‫ فإن متطلبات الدقة ستكون عادًة‬،‫سيتم قياس التسامح لمكون ما‬
‫ ألنه يزيد من تكلفة‬،‫المطالبة بدقة عالية ما لم تكن مطلوبة بشكل مطلق ليس أمًر ا عملًيا‬
‫ فإنه يجعل معدات القياس غري‬،‫ وباإلضافة إىل ذلك‬.‫معدات القياس وبالتايل تكلفة الفحص‬

)4( ‫صفحة‬

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