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Business Laws

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QP CODE: 22100503 Reg No : .....................

Name : .....................


APRIL 2022
Third Semester
Bachelor of Business Administration


2017 Admission Onwards
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Part A
Answer any ten questions.
Each question carries 2 marks.

1. Explain the term "right in rem".

2. Define the term "void agreement".

3. "An agreement entered into on the basis of natural love and affection is valid even if not
supported by consideration". Do you agree?

4. Explain the essentials of 'bilateral mistake'.

5. Explain the doctrine of frustration.

6. Explain the role of various parties in a contract of guarantee.

7. Explain 'general lien'.

8. What is pawn?

9. Define sub-agency.

10. Explain whether a principal has authority to revoke the authority of the agent unilaterally.

11. What are express conditions?

12. When is ownership transferred under an auction sale?

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Part B
Answer any six questions.
Each question carries 5 marks.

13. What are the various modes whereby an offer ceases?

14. What are the remedies available in case of a fraud?

15. What are the rights of an indemnity holder when a case is filed against him?

16. Explain the nature and extent of surety's liability.

17. Explain the rights and liabilities of a finder of goods.

18. What is meant by implied agency? Explain the various types of implied agency.

19. Explain the concept of 'personal liability of an agent'. Describe few situations where he is
personally liable.

20. Explain the basic rules regarding transfer of ownership.

21. What are the rules regarding delivery of goods under a contract of sale?
Part C
Answer any two questions.
Each question carries 15 marks.

22. Explain the essential features of consideration.

23. Enumerate the duties of bailor and bailee in a contract of bailment.

24. Explain the rights of an agent.

25. Briefly explain the differences between a 'sale' and an 'agreement to sell'.

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