L23 - Postulates of QM
L23 - Postulates of QM
L23 - Postulates of QM
Postulate 3:
Any measurement of a physical quantity yields one of the eigenvalues an of
the corresponding operator representing the observable.
Postulate 4:
When the observable corresponding to the operator A is measured on a
system state represented by ψ, the probability of obtaining an is given as
Pn = Cn , ψ = ∑ Cn un ,
Where un are the eigenstate of A
Postulate 5:
Immediately after the measurement an the system originally in
the state ψ jumps to the state un. This is the so-called Dirac jump
postulate (named after Paul Dirac) and the process of the
wavefunction collapsing to an eigenstate of the operator which
represents the measurement, is called wavefunction collapse.
Another measurement of A will result in an with certainty.
Postulate 6:
Between two measurements, the state ψ(r,t) evolves according to the
Schrodinger equation.
Probability of finding the particle between x and x + dx
P( x) d x = ψ ( x)ψ ( x) d x
∞ ∞
∫ = ∫ ( x)ψ ( x) d x = 1
ψ *
P ( x ) d x
−∞ −∞
P(1,2) = ∫ P( x) d x
ψ (x)
Red curve
2 π x
ψ ( x) = sin
Take, L=10
Blue curve
2 2 π x
ψ ( x) = sin
2 P(k1 , k2)
ψ ( x,0) = ∫ g (k ) e
ik x
2π −∞
∫ψ ( x ) e
−i k x
g (k ,0) = dx
2π −∞
One can completely specify the state of the system by giving the
position and momentum (or equivalently velocity) of every
particle in the system at any particular time.
b) Note that instead of specifying the forces you can specify the potential
energy function, which is equivalent: force is the gradient of potential.
In quantum mechanics the situation is a little more complicated
The systems that you study are still made of particles, and the basic
procedure is in some ways similar:
a) You measure the state of a particle at some initial time, you specify
the forces acting on that particle (or equivalently, the potential energy
function describing those forces), and quantum mechanics gives you a
set of equations for predicting the results of measurements taken at
any later time.
ii) You perform a measurement on that particle that tells you its state, i.e., its
iii)You let it evolve for a certain amount of time and then take another
iv)Quantum mechanics can tell you what result to expect from this second
There are thus three questions we need to address in
formulating the basic theory of quantum mechanics.
x=1: ψ =1+i
x=2: ψ =2-2i
x=3: ψ =2+2i
Position probabilities with a discrete wavefunction
x=1: ψ =1+i
x=2: ψ =2-2i
x=3: ψ =2+2i
φ ( x) = A x( L − x); 0 ≥ x ≥ L
= 0 elsewhere
Find A.
∫( )
A 2
x L + x − 2 L x dx = 1 ⇒ A =
2 2 4 3
ψ ( x, t ) = φ ( x ) e − iE t /
ψ ( x, t ) = φ ( x ) e − iE t /
• Now, by applying some basic probability theory to those numbers,
we can answer another very important question: if I had a lot of
particles in exactly this state, and I measured all their positions, what
would the average result be?
• They may seem like such a special case that it isn't very interesting: how
often is ψ going to happen to be in just exactly that form?
• But in fact, the basis states are the key to the whole process.
• This is not a basis state, so the momentum is not exactly specified. But this
wavefunction is a sum of two different basis states, e23ix/ħ and e42ix/ħ.
• We can therefore say with confidence that the momentum of the particle
must be either 23 or 42.
• To find the relative probabilities, we look at the coefficients—the numbers
multiplied by these basis states—and we square them. (2)2=4, |2+2i|2=8, so
the particle is twice as likely to have momentum 42 as it is to have
momentum 23.
In summary, there are two key rules you need to know about