Ica 2 Review Mga Naalala Ko Lang Na Question
Ica 2 Review Mga Naalala Ko Lang Na Question
Ica 2 Review Mga Naalala Ko Lang Na Question
KIYONURO KIKUTAKE Floating City ARCHITECT-IN-CHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION who is directly and professionally
responsible and liable for the construction supervision
TO-MORROW: A PEACEFUL PATH TO REAL REFORM a book by the British urban
planner Ebenezer Howard “Garden City of Tomorrow” CONSULTING ARCHITECT who is professionally and academically qualified and with
exceptional or recognized expertise or specialization in any branch of architect
SECTION 20 A duly licensed architect shall affix the seal prescribed by the Board
CHAUNCY HARRIS AND EDWARD ULLMAN The Nature of Cities bearing the registrant's name, registration number, and title "Architect" on all
ADVOCACY PLANNING defends the interests of a particular client or group (which is architectural plans, drawings, specifications and all other contract documents prepared
preferably economically disadvantaged and/or politically unorganized or by or under his/her direct supervision
underrepresented) (basta advocacy yon nasa quizlet) SECTION 33 Drawings and specifications and other contract documents duly signed,
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT is a document that developers are required stamped or sealed, as instruments of service, are the intellectual property and
to provide for large planning projects. It outlines the possible effects of the project on documents of the architect
the environment, including a project description, description of the existing SECTION 24 Section that states the Re-issuance or Replacement of Revoked or Lost
environment, impact on the environment, adverse environmental effects, alternatives Certificates of Registration, Professional Identification Card or Special and Temporary
to the proposed action, long-range impacts, and irreversible and irretrievable Permit
consequences of the project
SECTION 28 In what section of RA 9266 can you find the provision that all practicing STUDY THE EXISTING LAWS You were commissioned to do a Master Plan. What
architects shall maintain a program of continuing professional development should you do first
MISDEMEANOR What offense is committed if a person uses the name of another PERCENTAGE FEE AND COST METHOD If the Owner continuously order changes
architect in his practice without the consent of the latter to the design, what methods of compensation should be use
SPACE PLANNING The Architect determines the adequate size and appropriate CONTRACT DOCUMENTS What do you call Working Drawings, Specifications,
configuration and assemblage for a proposed project in consideration of the use, Estimates and General Conditions
allocation and interface of spaces for given activities
2 After an expiration of how many years from the date of revocation and upon
ARCHITECT act or representative in construction for the owner application and for reasons deemed proper and sufficient, reinstate the validity of a
revoked certificate of registration
Regular Design Services refers to a specific document that is associated with regular
1.5% - 9% bp 220 what is the required minimum slopes of crowns of the roads
design services. This document likely outlines the scope, requirements, and
10% BP 220 rooms for habitable use shall be provided with windows with a total free specifications for the design services that are provided in a regular manner
area of openings equal to at least
ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAMMING refers to the process of gathering and analyzing
PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS under BP 220, housing project will be mandatory to information about a project, including the client's needs, goals, and requirements. This
provide process helps architects and designers develop a design solution that meets the
specific needs of the client.
100 SQ.M. BP 220 Parks and playground must be atleast
15 YEARS Under the Civil Code, how long is the liability of the Architect for the regular
3.5% BP 220 How much in percentage of parks and playgrounds must be allocated design of structures
for 150 and below dwelling units\
BUILDING OFFICIAL This individual is responsible for overseeing and enforcing the
4 % BP 220 How much in percentage of parks and playgrounds must be allocated for regulations and standards set forth in the code. They ensure that buildings are
151-160 dwelling units constructed and maintained in a safe and compliant manner, and they have the
OPTIMIZATION AS TO NUMBER OF LOTS TO LESSEN AREA FOR ROADS Under authority to issue permits, conduct inspections, and enforce penalties for non-
BP 220, the planning consideration will be: a. Observance of hierarchy of roads compliance
MACADAM Under BP 220, the sidewalk or alley must be what finished 6.0 SQM Under PD 1096, habitable rooms have a minimum area
1.5 M Under BP 220, the setback in the sides will be provide UAP was accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission as the “Accredited
Bonafide Professional Organization of Architects in the Philippines” pursuant to the
PRE-DESIGN SERVICES in what phase of the architectural design services does the implementing rules and regulations of Presidential Decree No. 223
feasibility study is conducted
DAMPER ia device used to control airflow, while a chiller water plant is a system that
BIDDING/NEGOTIATION PHASE After completion of working drawings, specifications cools water for air conditioning purposes
and other documents and upon submission to client, what stage is next
BLACK This color represents Authority and Power
unethical action with respect to the Architect's responsibility to the people ADJACENT TO EACH OTHER ON THE COLOR WHEEL Define Color Wheel
YELLOW AND PURPLE Color that represent complementary color
NO If an ALE passer fails to take his/her oath with any member of the Board or
authorized representative present, will he still be able to practice architecture
P100,000 according to Section 29, a person who violates any of the provisions of RA
9266 and its IRR shall be guilty of misdemeanor. How much is the minimum fine for
such charge
COR has no expiration When is the expiration of Certificate of Registration
BASIC FEE (may kasama yan na kemeru na architect ganon) the Client has already
approved the designs of the typical house models for a subdivision project. The
Architect continued with the preparation of the construction drawings. At this stage, the
Client asked the Architect to prepare also scale models of the different house models
to be used in selling the house and lot packages. How will the Architect charge for them
Under BP 220, the planning consideration will be: a. Observance of hierarchy of
YELLOW warning sign (caution)
MACADAM Under BP 220, the sidewalk or alley must be what finished
BLACK This color represents Authority and Power
1.5 M Under BP 220, the setback in the sides will be provide
BLACK is often associated with dominance and discipline. It is a powerful and 22 SQ. M. The minimum floor area for economic housing will be
authoritative color that commands attention.
18 SQ. M The minimum floor area for socialized housing will be
(analogous) R.A. NO 9514 FIRE CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES OF 2008
YELLOW AND PURPLE Colors represent complementary color DAMPER A normally open device installed inside air duct system which automatically
closes to restrict the passage of smoke or fire.
TINT Involves adding white to a color, which results in a lighter and softer version of
that color. When you lighten a color by adding white, is called mixing a FIRE LANE The portion of a roadway or public-way that should be kept opened and
unobstructed at all times for the expedient operation of fire fighting units.
WHITE is not known to stimulate appetite. It is often associated with cleanliness, purity,
and simplicity, which may not have a direct impact on stimulating hunger or cravings. HOSE BOX A box or cabinet where fire hoses, valves and other equipment are
stored and arranged for fire fighting.
RED energy, passion, or warmth.
JUMPER A piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to bypass a safety device
GREEN serenity, calmness, and warmth
in an electrical system
SPRINKLER SYSTEM An integrated network of hydraulically designed piping
installed in a building, structure or area with outlets arranged in a systematic pattern
PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS Under this rule, housing projects will be mandatory to which automatically discharges water when activated by heat or combustion products
provide. from a fire.
100 SQ.M. BP 220 Parks and playground must be at least STANDPIPE SYSTEM A system of vertical pipes in a building to which fire hoses
can be attached on each floor, including a system by which water is made available
1.5% - 9% BP 220 what is the required minimum slopes of crowns of the roads to the outlets as needed.
10% BP 220 rooms for habitable use shall be provided with windows with a total free VESTIBULE A passage hall or antechamber between the outer doors and the interior
area of openings equal to at least parts of a house or building.
3.5% BP 220 How much in percentage of parks and playgrounds must be allocated ADMINISTRATOR Any person who acts as agent of the owner and manages the use
for 150 and below dwelling units\ of a building for him
4% BP 220 How much in percentage of parks and playgrounds must be allocated for DUCT SYSTEM A continuous passageway for the transmission of air
151-160 dwelling units
TYPE 1 fire resistance for up to 4 hours (are made from reinforced concrete and
protected steel covered in a fire-resistant coating)
TYPE 2 Depending on the materials used 1 to 3 hours walls are either tilt-slab 6.0 SQM Under PD 1096, habitable rooms have a minimum area
construction or reinforced masonry, both fire-resistant. The metal and lightweight
NO If an ALE passer fails to take his/her oath with any member of the Board or
concrete in their roofs are non-combustible, but flammable materials like foam and
authorized representative present, will he still be able to practice architecture
rubber may be present.
P100,000 according to Section 29, a person who violates any of the provisions of RA
TYPE 3 has 2-hour fire resistance, walls are made from non-combustible tilt-slab or
9266 and its IRR shall be guilty of misdemeanor. How much is the minimum fine for
reinforced masonry, while their wooden roofs are flammable.
such charge
TYPE 4 1-hour large pieces of lumber form these buildings’ walls and roofs
COR has no expiration When is the expiration of Certificate of Registration
UAP was accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission as the “Accredited BASIC FEE (may kasama yan na kemeru na architect ganon) the Client has already
Bonafide Professional Organization of Architects in the Philippines” pursuant to the approved the designs of the typical house models for a subdivision project. The
implementing rules and regulations of Presidential Decree No. 223 Architect continued with the preparation of the construction drawings. At this stage, the
Client asked the Architect to prepare also scale models of the different house models
PERCENTAGE FEE AND COST METHOD If the Owner continuously order changes to be used in selling the house and lot packages. How will the Architect charge for them
to the design, what methods of compensation should be use
PRE-DESIGN SERVICES in what phase of the architectural design services does the
CONTRACT DOCUMENTS What do you call Working Drawings, Specifications, feasibility study is conducted
Estimates and General Conditions
BIDDING/NEGOTIATION PHASE After completion of working drawings, specifications
2 After an expiration of how many years from the date of revocation and upon and other documents and upon submission to client, what stage is next
application and for reasons deemed proper and sufficient, reinstate the validity of a
revoked certificate of registration TAKE PART IN PAID ENDORSEMENT OF BUILDING MATERIAL Which is an
unethical action with respect to the Architect's responsibility to the people
Regular Design Services refers to a specific document that is associated with regular
design services. This document likely outlines the scope, requirements, and STUDY THE EXISTING LAWS You were commissioned to do a Master Plan. What
specifications for the design services that are provided in a regular manner should you do first
ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAMMING refers to the process of gathering and analyzing ARCHITECT-IN-CHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION who is directly and professionally
information about a project, including the client's needs, goals, and requirements. This responsible and liable for the construction supervision
process helps architects and designers develop a design solution that meets the
specific needs of the client. CONSULTING ARCHITECT who is professionally and academically qualified and with
exceptional or recognized expertise or specialization in any branch of architect
15 YEARS Under the Civil Code, how long is the liability of the Architect for the regular
design of structures SECTION 20 A duly licensed architect shall affix the seal prescribed by the Board
bearing the registrant's name, registration number, and title "Architect" on all
BUILDING OFFICIAL This individual is responsible for overseeing and enforcing the architectural plans, drawings, specifications and all other contract documents prepared
regulations and standards set forth in the code. They ensure that buildings are by or under his/her direct supervision
constructed and maintained in a safe and compliant manner, and they have the
SECTION 33 Drawings and specifications and other contract documents duly signed,
authority to issue permits, conduct inspections, and enforce penalties for non-
compliance stamped or sealed, as instruments of service, are the intellectual property and
documents of the architect
SECTION 24 Section that states the Re-issuance or Replacement of Revoked or Lost
Certificates of Registration, Professional Identification Card or Special and Temporary
SECTION 28 In what section of RA 9266 can you find the provision that all practicing
architects shall maintain a program of continuing professional development
MISDEMEANOR What offense is committed if a person uses the name of another
architect in his practice without the consent of the latter
SPACE PLANNING The Architect determines the adequate size and appropriate
configuration and assemblage for a proposed project in consideration of the use,
allocation and interface of spaces for given activities
ARCHITECT act or representative in construction for the owner
RA 1096 National Building Code of the Philippines
RA 9266 The Architecture Act of 2004
RA 344 Accessibility Law
RA 9514 Fire Code of the Philippines
BP 220 Socialized and Economic Housing
PD 957 Subdivision and Condominiums
PD 1216 Open Space in Residential Subdivision
RA 1378 Plumbing Law of the Philippines “An Act to Regulate the Trade Of Master
PD 1152 Philippine Environment Code