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Industrial Fans

Delivery program
▲ Centrifugal Fans
▲ Axial Flow Impulse Fans
▲ Sound Protection

TLT-Turbo GmbH
Table of contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3

Field of Application ............................................................................................ 3

Product lines ...................................................................................................... 5

Fan Designs ....................................................................................................... 6

Control Modes and Characteristic Curves ........................................................ 7

Mine ventilation fan

Design and Fabrication ...................................................................................... 9

Fan Inquiry ....................................................................................................... 22

Explanation of Common Fan Terms and Special Problems ............................ 24

Questions Regarding Fan Noise ...................................................................... 28

Introduction Field of Application

The requirements imposed on Industrial Fans from the range have been supplied to Vapor Fans
Fans have noticeably increased over the the following industries: Primary Air Fans
years. The variety of problems that need Dust Transporting Fans
to be tackled when handling gases Steam Generators and Power Stations Booster Fans
requires a comprehensive range of fans Centrifugal and Axial Induced Draft Fans Recirculation Fans
to optimize the selection for each parti- Forced Draft Fans for all pressures Hot and Cold Gas Fans
cular application. Secondary Air Fans
Sealing Air Fans
Decades of intensive research and oper-
ating experience gained during this time
are the basis for our fan range that pro-
vides the best economical choice for
any application. Guiding factors for the
development of this range have been:

• Low Investment Cost

• Low Operating Cost

• High Reliability

• Long Life

• High Noise Attenuation

Centrifugal F. D. fan with inlet vane con-

trol I and inlet silencer.

Cement Industries Steel and Metallurgical Industries Coke Oven Plants
Exhaust, Flue Gas and Forced Draft Fans Fans of all types for: Coke Gas Booster Fans, single and dou-
Cooling Air Fans Sintering Systems (Sinter Plants) ble stage, made of welded steel plate.
Pulverizer Fans Pelletizing Systems (Pellet Plants)
By-Pass Fans Direct Reduction Systems Marine Industries
Dry and Wet Particulate Removal Forced Draft Fans.
Soaking Pits and Walking Beam
Glass Industries
Mining Industries Furnaces
Cooling Air Fans for Glass Troughs
Mine Fans for use above or below Emergency Air Systems
Combustion Air and Exhaust Gas Fans
ground. Centrifugal and axial flow fans Indirect Induced Draft Systems (Power
for all air quantities. Stacks)

Mine ventilation fan

Volume flow V° = 383 m3/s
Depression ∅pSyst = 5400 Pa
Speed n = 440 1/min
Sheft power Psh = 2560 kW

Product lines

Chemical Industries Centrifugal Fans

Roasting Gas Fans Axial Flow Impulse Fans Inlet Vane Controls
Recirculation Fans (Action Type Axial Flow Fans) Support Structures
Cooling Air Fans Indirect l.D. Fan Systems
Intermediate Gas Fans
Silencers (Power Stacks)
Gas Fans
Fans for Calcining and Drying Processes Acoustic Insulation & Lagging
Fans tor HCL Regeneration Systems Sound Enclosures Emergency Air Systems
High Pressure Fan Systems
Process Steam Fans

Double width double inlet exhaust gas Double width double inlet emergency
fan on an electro-melt furnace particu- F. D. fan in a utility power plant.
late removal system
V° = 126 m3/s
Volume flow V° = 350 m3/s
Pressure increase ∅pt
Volume flow
Temperature t = 120 °C = 9320 Pa
Pressure increase ∅pt = 3820 Pa Speed n = 990 1/min
Speed n = 990 1/min Shaft power PSh = 4100 kW
Shaft power PSh = 595 kW

Fan Designs

The fan range of TLT includes:

Single or multiple stage centrifugal fans Double width double inlet centrifugal Axial flow impulse fans with adjustable
with maximum efficiency at pressures fans for high pressure and large flow slotted flaps for high pressures at low tip
up to 80,000 Pa. Standard and heavy volume. Standard and heavy duty speeds.
duty designs are available. designs are available.

The above diagram shows a summary

of the operating ranges for the various
fan designs.

Indirect l.D. fans (power stacks) are

often used for exhaust gases at tempe-
ratures above 5000C

Control Modes and Characteristic Curves

Fan efficiencies around 90% will reduce

operating costs to a minimum level.
However, not only are the fan efliciencies
at the maximum operating point or
design point of importance but also effi-
ciencies across the system operating
range have great significance.
The most effective type of fan control is
obtained by variation of the fan speed.
Since speed control can only be achie-
ved with high cost drive systems we
commonly utilize inlet vane control for
both centrifugal and axial flow fans. In
the diagrams shown, the 100% point
( V° = 100% and ∅Pt = 100%) represents
the optimum point. For various reasons
the optimum point may not always be
identical with the design point.

Characteristic curves of a centrifugal

fan with speed control

Characteristic curves of a centrifugal

fan with inlet vane control

Model tests in the laboratory have provi-
ded the data needed to determine spe-
cific performance characteristics of our
tans, in particular in view of the effects of
different control systems. These perfor-
mance characteristics enable the plan-
ner to predetermine the specific beha-
vior of the fan in a system. Precise pre-
dictions can be made regarding the ope-
ration of fans operating as single units or
in parallel.
If performance verification of large fans
is required, tests can be conducted eit-
her in the field or in some cases on our
test stand.

Characteristic curves of an axial flow

impulse fan with inlet vane control.

Inlet vane control for a gas recirculation

fan, largely gas-tight design; inlet dia-
meter D = 2730 mm Ø

Design and Fabrication

With few exceptions, the large variety of Axial flow impulse fan with slotted flap
available fan types nearly always permits adjustment, shown during production.
direct coupling of the fan to the drive
motor. We prefer this arrangement Volume flow V° = 660 m3/s
because system reliability is optimizied Temperature t = 156 °C
by avoiding interconnecting equipment Pressure increase ∅pt = 6520 Pa
such as gear boxes, belt drives, etc. The Speed n = 590 1/min
basic design flexibility of our fans per- Shaft power PSh = 5480 kW
mitting alterations to or replacement of
Diameter D = 4220 mm Ø
the impeller enables us to match actual
operating conditions if it is found during
operation that they differ from the condi-
Inlet vane control:
tions on which the original design data
Diameter D = 4800 mm Ø
are based.
Furthermore, slotted blade tip adjust-
ment on centrifugal fan wheels or slotted
flap adjustment on axial flow impulse
fans are, in many cases, a simple means
to meet specific operating conditions.

Double width double inlet I. D. fan for

waste heat boiler, fan support of lateral-
ly flexible base frame design.
Volume flow V° = 180 m3/s
Temperature t = 245 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 4420 Pa
Speed n = 990 1/min

F.D. fan with inlet silencer in a steel mill.

Volume flow V° = 77 m3/s
Temperature t = 30 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 7260 Pa
Speed n = 990 1/min
Shaft power PSh = 650 kW
Efliciency η = 84 %
Diameter D = 2400 mm Ø

High gas temperature or particulate
matter entrained in the gas stream
require specific attention in fan selec-
tion and design. In such cases we often
recommend emphasizing increased reli-
ability in lieu of maximized efficiencies.

Axial flow impulse I.D. fan designed for

vertical installation, shown in the manu-
facturing stage.

Impeller and shaft of an axial flow

impulse fan during balancing operation.

Double width double inlet gas fan in
electro-metallurgical plant.
Volume flow V° = 195 m3/s
Temperature t = 230 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 3720 Pa
Speed n = 740 1/min
Shaft power PSh = 875 kW
Motor power PM = 1100 kW

Double width double inlet sintering gas

fan in steel plant.
Volume flow V° = 366 m3/s
Temperature t = 160 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 14200 Pa
Speed n = 990 1/min
Efficiency η = 84 %
Shaft power PSh = 5900 kW
Motor power PM = 6500 kW

Left: Impeller for a single stage F.D. fan
Volume flow V° = 4.8 m3/s
Temperature t = 20 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 31400 Pa
Speed n = 2980 1/min
Diameter D’ = 1250 mm Ø
Impeller mass mImp = 210 kg

Right: Rotor for a two-stage gas fan

Volume flow V° = 1.03 m3/s
Temperature t = 100 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 28500 Pa
Speed n = 2980 1/min
Diameter D’ = 865 mm Ø
Impeller mass mImp = 140 kg
(both impellers)

Rotor for a mine fan

Design volume flow V° Des = 41 7 m3/s
° mas
(Maximum volume flow V = 500 m3/s)
Temperature t = 20 °C
Depression ∅pSyst = 5890 Pa
Speed n = 420 1/min
Impeller diameter D’lmp = 5280 mm
Impeller mass mlmp = 14000kg
Shaft mass mSh = 9900 kg

Rotor for a double width double inlet
sintering gas fan.
Shaft attachment: Centerplate of impel-
ler is bolted between flanges of a divi-
ded shaft, centered on a very small dia-
Volume flow V° = 265 m3/s
Temperature t = 160 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 16650 Pa
Speed n = 990 1/min
Shaft power PSh = 5230 kW
Impeller mass mImp = 11000 kg
Shaft mass mSh = 11000 kg

Rotor for an axial flow impulse fan

(I. D. fan for a utility power station)
Volume flow V° = 660 m3/s
Temperature t = 156 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 6520 Pa
Speed n = 590 1/min
Diameter D = 4220 mm Ø
Impeller mass mlmp = 12100 kg
Shaft mass msh = 5200 kg
(Hollow shaft)

Below and right, foreground: Rotor of Right, background: Rotor of DWDI (dou- Volume flow V° = 125 m3/s
SWSl (single width single inlet) flue gas ble width double inlet) flue gas fan for a Temperature t = 350 °C
fan for a steel mill. Torque transfer: hub cement kiln. Torque transfer: integral Pressure increase ∅pt = 6770 Pa
shaft with key. Erosion protection: hub with body bound bolts. Speed n = 990 1/min
Bolted wear liners coated with wear Diameter D = 3160 mm ø
resistant welds.
Volume flow V° = 39.5 m3/s
Temperature t = 150 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 13550 Pa
Speed n = 1145 1/min
Diameter D = 3030 mm ø

Left hand side of the picture: Rotor coa-

ted with Saekaphen for a two-stage
coke gas fan.
Volume flow V° = 3.9 m3/s
Tempersture t = 25 °C Pressure
increase ∅pt = 19650 Pa
Speed n = 2970 1/mm
Diameter D = 1224 mm ø

Right hand side of the picture: Rubber

lined impeller for a flue gas fan behind a
venturi scrubber.
Volume flow V° = 17.6 m3/Is
Temperature t = 72 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 9810 Pa
Speed n = 1485 1/min
Diameter D = 1874 mm ø

SWSI (single width single inlet) fan, sup- Volume flow V° = 50 m3/s
ported on both sides, during shop Temperature t = 30 °C
assembly Pressure increase ∅pt = 5870 Pa
• Rotor of Incoloy Speed n = 1000 1/min
• Housing and inlet box are lead coated Diameter D = 2160 mm ø
• Dual fixed bearing system with flexible
support structure Lead coated inlet box of the scrubber

Two-stage F. D. fan for a waste gas

combustor, the fan system consisting of
two fans arranged in line with one com-
mon motor drive.

To minimize spare part requirements the

rotors are identical in design (1st stage
and 2nd stage).
Volume flow V° = 5.1 m3/s
Temperature t = 26 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 53900 Pa
Speed n = 2985 1/min
Shaft power PSh = 331 kw

SWSI (single width single inlet) gas re- SWSI (single width single inlet) gas re-
circulation fan, supported on both circulation fan, supported on both
sides, installed in a utility power plant. sides, installed in an utility power plant
supported by integral base with vibra-
Volume flow V° = 167 m3/s tion isolators.
Temperature t = 350 °C Volume flow V° = 142 m3/s
Pressure increase ∅pt = 2360 Pa Temperature t = 361 °C
Speed n = 720 1/min Pressure increase ∅pt = 7850 Pa
Efficiency η = 85,5 % Speed n = 990 1/min
Shaft power PSh = 457 kW Shaft power PSh = 1360 kW
Diameter D = 3280 mm ø

DWDI (double width double inlet) gas re- DWDI (double width double inlet) gas
circulation tan with concrete tilled inte- recirculation tan during shop assembly.
gral base frame and vibration isolators. Volume flow V° = 250 m3/s
Volume flow V° = 124 m3/s Temperature t = 340 °C
Temperature t = 300 °C Pressure increase ∅pt = 3470 Pa
Pressure increase ∅pt = 9615 Pa Speed n = 715 1/min
Speed n = 1490 1/min Shaft power PSh = 1100 kW
Shaft power PSh = 1410 kW Motor power PM = 1300 kW
Diameter D = 2320 mm ø Diameter D` = 3200 mm ø

SWSI (single width single inlet) raw mill
fan for the cement industry, supported
on one side (AMCA arrangement 8).
Volume flow V° = 114 m3/s
Temperature t = 90 °C
Pressureincreaso ∅pt = 5700 Pa
Speed n = 745 1/min
Impeller diameter DImp = 3350 mm ø

SWSI (single width single inlet) cement

kiln exhaust gas fan, supported on one
side (AMCA arrangement 8), fan support
of laterally flexible base frame design.
Volume flow V° = 133 m3/s
Temperature t = 100 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 4600 Pa
Speed n = 745 1/min

Our economical production facilities are
equipped with modern machinery. For
example, a numerically controlled flame
cutting machine and a metal spinning
machine are used for the processing of
sheet metal.

NC flame cutting machine, with punch

tapes automatically produced via elec-
tronic data processor.

Balancing machine for fan rotors up to

30000 kg and 5000 mm Ø

Metal spinning machine for radii of inlet

nozzles, impeller side plates and spin-
ning flanges.

A selection of varios designs from our
fan range is shown below.

SWSI (single width single inlet) forced

draft fan, supported on one side (AMCA
arrangement 8), with inlet vane control,
arranged on an integral supporting
structure with vibration isolators.

DWDI (double width double inlet) fan ar-

ranged on an integral supporting struc-
ture with vibration isolators.

SWSI (single width single inlet) sintering
gas fan, rotor supported on both sides,
with fluid drive, fan supported by an
integral steel frame.

Two-stage coke gas fan with oil lubrica-

ted roller bearings sealed with carbon
packing glands. Speed: 2950 1/min.

Axial flow impulse fan (induced draft

fan) with inlet vane control and possibi-
lity of adjusting the slotted flaps indivi-
dually during down-time.

Fan Inquiry:

As a fan manufacturer TLT works closely The following set of conditions at tan Types of Fan Design and Installation
with the architect I engineer and/or the inlet to be supplied by the customer pro-
final user to optimize fan selection for vides the basis for fan selection and
each specific application. design: Radial-flow fans are normally of the sin-
gle-inlet type up to approx. 100 m /s;
in some cases the double-inlet type is
1. Identification of the plant and the process in the system for which the fan is to 3
used from 60-70 m /s already. The actu-
be used:
al limit between single- and double-inlet
type is mainly determined by the relevant
2. Volume flow: V° or V° SC **) in m /s case of need, the suitable fan type, the
required ratio volume/specific energy
3. Temperature: t in °C and the speed.

4. System-related pressure increase: ∅pSyst in Pa

∅pSyst = Pt4 - Pt1*) We built single-stage radial-flow fans for
a specific energy of more than 40000
(Pressure distribution: Fan suction side / discharge side) J/kg. It depends on the case of need,
temperature, volume/pressure ratio and
5. Fan inlet pressure measured the possible speed from what pressure
against barometric pressure (+/-) P1 in Pa increase the fan has to be of the double-
stage type.
6. Elevation: h in m above
see level
7. Mains frequency (Standard frequency): fMains in Hz The most favourable installation of the
fans is that on an elevated concrete sub-
8. Permissible noise level: structure. This results in shont bearing
Sound pressure level at a defined distance: Lallow in dB (A) pedestals and the motor can be placed
on a low frame or even directly on plates
or sound power level: L W allow in dB (A)
which are embedded in the concrete.
This simple, rugged kind of installation is
9. Information on the fluid handled: less susceptible to vibration and therefo-
9.1 Type of gas: re best suited to sustain high imbalance
δ δ 3
9.2 Density of gas: or SC **) in kg/m forces due to wear or dust caking.
(if necessary supply gas analysis with moisture content)
3 3
9.3 Particulate content of the gas: St or StSC **) in g/m ; mg/m
If the substructure has to be made of
9.4 Dust characteristics: steel corresponding plate cross sec-
S: Probability of build-up tions have to be used in case of larqe
V: Probability of erosion base-to-centre heights to achieve a suf-
9.5 Corrosion: ficient vibration resistance. Thus the fan
K: Probability of corrosion due to weight and the costs are increased
10. Type of preferred fan
(see following sketches and explanation)
Fans which have to be installed on sub-
11. Additional information: structures susceptible to vibrations, as
e.g. in the structure or on a building roof
have to be vibration-isolated.

*) See also section"Pressure Definitions". dynamic pressure components having
"The system-related pressure increase been ignored, however.
∅pSyst", as defined by us, is often referred
to as"static pressure increase ∅pstat“, the **) The index "sc" identifies the standard
condition (t = 0°C, p =101325 Pa).

For this purpose, the compact type of con- isolators is recommended if higher imbalan- machine mass. Normally, the isolation efficien-
struction is suitable which is a frameless, self- ces are expected. cy is above 90%. For speed-controlled fans it
supporting structure utilizing the rigidity of the is therefore absolutely necessary to indicate
almost totally enclosed suction boxes and The vibration isolators reduce the amplitudes the lowest required (reasonable) speed, as
housing. The vibration isolators are installed of the dynamic forces (alternating loads from then accordingly "soft" springs have to be
under the "hard" points such as housing the imbalance rotating with the fan rotor). The used.
walls. so-called isolation efficiency depends on the
The installation of the fan on an elevated con- distance of the exciter frequency (= fan speed)
crete base resting on vibration and the natural frequency of the
spring mass system of vibration isolator -

Some installation examples:

Elevated concrete base without frame below the Vibration-isolated installation with elevated concre-
motor - rugged, simple installation. te block on vibration dampers.

Elevated concrete base with low frame. Compact type of construction, selfsupporting
struc-ture, placed directly on vibration dampers.

Explanation of Common Fan Terms and Special

The following definitions of fan termino- mic pressure pd (analogy: kinetic ener- A1 = A4
∅pSyst = pt4 - pt1
logy may facilitate communication bet- gy).
ween the fan manufacturer and custo-
pt = ps + pd With A1 = A4 and disregarding compres-
Meaning of Symbols: sibility it follows that Pd4 = Pd1 and there-
p Pressure (This definition is in accordance with fore:
∅pSyst = (ps4 + pd4) -(ps1 + pd1) ∅ps
Pressure Difference or Increase VDMA-standard 24161)
pV Pressure Loss, Resistance
V° Volume Flow at Inlet Condition To move the design volume flow the fan
A Cross Sectional Area must generate - within the specified fan The dynamic pressure Pd is under-
I Length terminal points - a pressure increase stood to be based on the average gas
equivalent to the total resistance of the velocity in a cross section.
m° Mass Flow
c Gas Velocity system. This equivalent pressure increa-
pd = _ . c
δ se is defined by us as system-related
pressure increase ∅pSyst.
f Compressibility Factor 2

∅pSyst = pt4 - pt1

Y Specific Delivery Work Example: Dynamic pressure at terminal
PSh Shaft Power point 4: δ δ
η ° 2. 2
pd4 = _4 . c 4 = _1 ( __
) f
T Absolute Temperature (Kelvin) 2 2 A4
If the cross sections 1 and 4 (Figure D-
Adiabatic Exponent 1) represent the terminal points of the Pressure losses pV caused by fan
fan the system-related pressure increa-
se ∅pSyst will then be the difference of
Indexes: com-ponents between the cross sec-
t total tions A1 and A4, for example inlet box,
s static the total pressures at the terminal
louver, inlet vane control, diffuser will be
d dynamic points 1 and 4. This system-related
considered by us when sizing the fan.
1, 2, 3, 4, markings of the cross pressure increase which is in fact the
The design pressure ∅pt, the parameter
sections concerned pressure increase required by the
(terminal points) customer is often incorrectly still refe-
red to as static pressure increase determining fan size, is the sum of the
∅pstat unfortunately ignoring the dynamic system-related pressure increase and
the pressure losses of the fan compo-
Pressure Definitions pressure difference existing in most
cases. The probable cause of disregar-
∅pt = ∅pSyst + pV = pt3 - pt2
The energy transmitted through the fan
impeller to the volume flow is needed to ding this dynamic pressure increase lies
overcome the system resistances. in the generally used method of measu-
ring the static pressures in ducts by Our characteristic curves show the
design pressure ∅pt, as this pressure
These resistances can comprise the fol-
lowing: means of holes drilled in the duct walls
• Friction losses perpendicular to the direction of flow. In differential represents a parameter defi-
• Back pressure from pressurized such cases the dynamic pressure diffe- ned by tests for a specific fan type at
rential at the terminal points has to be given operating conditions, whereas the
system-related pressure increase ∅pSyst
• Velocity changes at system inlet and added to the result of the static pressu-
outlet and within the system re measurement to obtain the correct varies with the losses pV which arise
• Draft forces due to density differentals system-related pressure increase.
In cases where no specific data relative depending on the fan components
• Geodetic head differences which are used.
mostly negligible. to gas velocities, desired duct cross
In determining the fan design pressure
∅pt other losses are considered in addi-
The sum of the above mentioned re- sections or special installation require-
sistances as far as they occur in the ments such as for mine fans are given
system concerned, represent the total we will determine the fan based on the tion to the above mentioned pressure
system resistance. According to assumption that the cross sections A1 losses pV if special design conditions
Bernoulli this total and A4 are equal and the total pressure are specified involving inlet and outlet
resistance is to be understood as total increase between these terminal points pressure losses, e. g. pressure losses in
pressure. This pressure pt (analogy: total represents the system-related pressure the case of silencers and turning bends,
energy) comprises static pressure ps loss ∅pSyst stated by the customer. outlet pressure losses in the case of
mine fans etc.
(analogy:potential energy) and the dyna-

Fan Power and Efficiency Operating a fan at a temperature signifi-
The fan design pressure ∅pt of our fans
∅pt operation = _____ . ∅pt design
cantly below design temperature will
cause the shaft power requirement to
is equal to the total pressure increase
between the cross sections A2 and A3. increase as a function of density or as a Tcold
ratio of the absolute temperatures.
With this design pressure, and the Should a different gas with higher densi- δ
= ________ . ∅pt design
design volume flow V° at fan inlet condi- ty be handled the shaft power require- alternativ gas
tions, the power requirements at the fan δ
shaft PSh and the efficiency η will be
ment will increase with the ratios of the design
determined, optimum inlet conditions Influence of Mass and Mass Inertia
being a prerequisite. PSh operation
Tdesign . PSh design
= _____ Erosion, corrosion and system-related
δ Tcold contamination causing build-up can
° . ∅pt . f ° .Y ________
alternativ gas posibly lead to imbalances due to un-
PSh= _______
η η
= _____
V m = δ . PSh design even mass distribution. For such cases
impellers with large masses are advan-
tageous because the shifting of the gra-
Since such operating conditions often vity center caused by the imbalance is
3 occur at start-up the louvers or inlet smaller.
V° in m /s
2 vanes need to be closed in these cases. For the start-up time of a fan the deter-
in Pa = N/m The pressure increase of the fan will mining factor is the inertia of the rotating
f <1 also rise as a function of lower tempera- mass. This start-up time is of importan-
η <1 tures or higher gas densities. This must ce relative to temperature increases of
m in kg/s be considered when designing flues and the electrical drive system causing limi-
Y in J/kg = Nm/kg ducts, expansion joints, etc. tations of the number of system start-
PSh in W = Nm/s ups.

Figure D-1: Marking of the Cross Sections and Reference Planes

Influences of Temperature and Density

A noticeable temperature rise will
occur across fans with high pressure
increase, in particular when the fan ope-
rates in a throttled condition and at low
efficiency. The adiabatic temperature
increase ∅tad is:

∅tad = T2 . [ (p3/ps)


The real temperature increase is:

∅tad ≈ _______
∅t = ___
η 1250 . η
∅pt in Pa
∅t in °C
η < 1

Examples of Various Fan Arrangements in a System with
Corresponding Pressure Distribution (Figures D-2 to D-4)
∅pt = ∅pSyst + ∑ pV
∅pSyst = ∅pSyst, s + ∅pd

Meaning of Symbols Used in Equations:

∅pt Total Pressure Increase Between Cross Sections 2 and 3

∅pSyst System Resistance-Related Total Pressure Increase

∅pSyst, s System Resistance-Related Static Pressure Increase

pd Dynamic Pressure (Velocity Pressure)

∅pd Dynamic Pressure Difference (Velocity Pressure Difference)

pV Pressure Loss(es)

pV In Pressure Loss at Fan Inlet

Behavior of
pV Box Inlet Box Pressure Loss Total Pressure

pV Dif Diffuser Pressure Loss Static Pressure

pV Out Outlet Pressure Loss Dynamic Pressure

(Velocity Pressure)
A Cross Section

1, 2, 3, 4 Marking of Cross Sections Concerned (Terminal Points)

Figure D-2: Open Inlet Fan (e.g. Forced Draft Fan)

Figure D-3: Fan Connected to Ducts at Fan Inlet and Disscharge (e.g. Induced draft Fan)

Figure D-4: Exhaust Fan (e.g. Mine Fan)

Questions Regarding Fan Noise

1. First Fundamentals
With progressing industrialization man is
faced with increasing environmental pro-
blems. Noise emitted by fans belongs in
this category.
The following will give guidance in the
problem area of noise emitted by fans as
well as the flow in the connecting flues
and ducts.
The sound [“Schall“] ) perceived by the
human ear is the result of oscillation of
particles of an elastic medium in the
frequency range of about 16 to 16,000
hertz (Hz). One hertz is one oscillation
per second. Depending upon the
medium in which the sound travels we
distinguish air sound, body sound, and
Discharge silencer for two centrifugal water sound [“Luftschall, Körperschall,
forced draft fans, designed as absorp- Wasserschall“].
tion type silencer, level reduction by 15 A pitched tone [“Ton“] is defined as
dB. Fan data: Below: sound oscillating as a sinusoidal func-
Volume flow V° = 2 x 62
m /s Double width double inlet centrifugal for- tion (compression and depression). With
Temperature t = 50 °C ced draft fan with disc silencers and increasing amplitude sound will be per-
Pressure Increase ∅pt = 8120 Pa cover for noise treatment of the fan inlet ceived as being louder and with increa-
Speed n = 1490 1/min noise (shown during shop assembly). sing frequency it will be perceived as
being higher. The tone in Figure 2 (sound
pressure P2) is perceived as higher and
generally louder than the tone in Figure 1
(sound pressure P1).
For additional details see paragraph 2.
A clang [“Klang“] is created by the
harmo-nic interaction of several tones.
Noise [“Geräusch“, “Rauschen“] is de-
fined as statistical sound pressure distri-
bution across the perceivable frequency
range. A noise annoying the human ear
is called an “excessive noise“ [“Lärm“].

)The terms in square brackets [ ] are
the equivalent German words.

2. Human Noise Perception Because the shape of the curves chan- As the same units are applied to all
Sound pressure is exactly measurable ges with frequency as well as sound sound parameter levels it is important to
with instruments. The physiological pressure one was faced with the pro- properly identify the type of the sound
effect on humans is much more difficult blem of designing a handy measuring parameter level referred to, that means
to determine. The human ear, for exam- instrument for an objective measuring of to distinguish, for example, between
ple, will perceive two tones of equal the loudness of sound. This was the sound pressure level and sound power
sound pressure yet different frequency impetus behind the search for a different level.
as unequally loud. evaluation system. An additional reason
Numerous tests were made on listeners lies in the fact that the phon curves can
in order to compare the loudness of only be used to evaluate single tones. Sound Pressure Level L
tones at different frequencies and diffe- There is, however, a difference between [“Schalldruckpegel“ L]
rent sound pressures with those of a the human ear's perception of single The sound pressure level L (most com-
1000 Hz tone. In particular the objective tones and its perception of noise. monly also called sound level) quanti-
was to identify the sound pressure px The solution, which takes these factors fies the sound pressure measured at a
1) into account and which has been inter- specific point.
(measured in dB) at a frequency of 1000 nationally accepted, is found in the so-
Hz at which the sound pressure pn (mea- called “A“ sound evaluation curve. The
sured in dB) and the frequency fm (mea- curve represents an approximation of By definition:
sured in Hz) would evoke the same per- the phon curve in midrange of the sound
ception in the listener with respect to pressure level. To give consideration to 2
p p
loudness. As a result of these tests, cur- the fact that single tones are perceived
2) L = 10 lg ___2 = 20 lg __ in dB
ves of constant loudness (stated in as being more annoying than broad p0 p0
phone) were identified over the frequen- band noise, a higher reduction is impo-
cy range. By definition sound pressure sed on single tones in addition to the
level and loudness coincide in terms of total noise level requirements, for exam-
figures at 1000 Hz. Graphs in Figure 3 ple such a typical single tone is the with p = effective value of sound pres
show these curves of equal loudness. “blade passing tone“ [“Schaufelton“] of a sure at measuring point in Nim2
-5 2
fan whose frequency is calculated with p0 = 2x10 N/m
the number of blades and the fan speed = 20 µ Pa
2 · 10 µ bar
expressed in Hz. This blade passing -4
tone and its integer multiples (harmo-
nics) form the so-called “blade passing
(reference sound pressure, the audible
frequencies“ [“DrehkIang“].
threshold for 1000 Hz pitch)

3.Fundamentals of Acoustics Evaluated Sound Pressure Level LA

(= Sound Pressure Level Evaluated Ac-
Units of Sound Parameters
cording to Evaluation Curve“A“)
In acoustics it is common to work with
[“Bewerteter Schalldruckpegel“ LA]. The
levels, i.e. it is common not to use the
original parameters with their correspon- evaluated sound pressure level LA -
ding units, but Iogarithmical parameter expressed in dB (A) - is obtained by
ratios using the logarithm to the base 10, adding at the various frequencies a ∅L
the corresponding units being be (B) or from the evaluation curve “A“ (see Fi-
decibel (dB). gure 4) to the measured sound pressure
effective value level L at the corresponding frequencies.
of sound parameter The evaluation curve and the evaluation
level = Ig ___________________ in B procedure are defined in DIN standard
1) of sound reference value 45633, sheet 1.
The sound pressure is often referred to as
parameter of sound parameter
sound pressure level, see specifics under
paragraph 3 "Fundamentals of Acoustics".
effective value
level = 10 Ig ________________
The reason for the special nuisance created in dB
by a single tone is its information content of sound reference value
(Example: Tones produced by sirens, warn- parameter
ing and mating calls in the animal world).

Baffles of the absorptive discharge silen- Three-stage absorptive silencer for
cer of a forced draft fan (after approxi- ambient air inlet to a forced draft fan
mately 11,000 operating hours); fan per- (Volume flow
formance data are shown on the right. 3
V° = 433 m /s, pressure increase
Below: Close up photograph of the baffle wall~ ∅pt = 8250 Pa) in a power station.
after approximately 11,000 operatinc Design point V° = 60%
hours. Attenuation to sound pressure level
70dB (A).

Discharge silencer designed as a reso-
nant silencer (λ/4-silencer or interfer-
ence silencer) for two induced draft fans
in a power plant (volume flow V° = 2 x
660 m3/s, pressure increase ∅pt = 6520
Pa), insertion loss = 33 dB at the fre-
quencies of 118/236 Hz (blade passing
frequency and first harmonic).

Baffles (shown at center right) and baffle

walls (shown below) of the above silen-
cer installation after approximately
11,000 operating hours.

tical mean:
Relationship Between Sound
L ≈ _ · ∑
Pressure Level and Sound Power
1 i=n
Li Level
n i=1 The sound power W is not measured
directly but is calculated using the mea-
sured sound pressure p, sound particle
velocity ν (molecular movement veloci-
Any components that protrude beyond
ty), [“Schallschnelle“ ν] and the measu-
the surface but contribute little to the
emission can be neglected. Sound
ring surface S:
reflecting boundaries, such as floors
and walls, are not incorporated within
As can be seen in Figure 4, the numeri- the measuring surface. The measure-
cal values for LA are significantly below
using ν = ____
ment points shall be sufficient in num- p
the L values at low frequencies and δ
ber and evenly distributed over the ·c
have a much smaller impact at higher enveloping surface. The number δ
frequencies. = air density
depends on the size of the sound sour-
c = air sound velocity
ce and the uniformity of the sound field.
_ Surface
_ Sound Pressure
Level L and LA it follows that:
_ Because of the logarithmical parameter p

_ L und ratios used in acoustics the measuring W = ____ δ
LA] surface in m , will be related to a refe- δ
Assuming that = constant
_ surface sound pres- rence area to define the measuring c = constant
sure level L (= the sound pressure level surface level LS [“Meßflächenmaß“ LS] the proportional relationship obtained is:
at the enveloping measuring surface) is as the characteristic parameter:
1) 2
defined as the energetic mean of multi-
LS = 10 Ig S in dB
W ~ p · S.
ple sound level measurements over the
measuring surface S with elimination
S0 In terms of expressing the above equa-
of extraneous noise and room effects S = Measuring surface in m2 tion in acoustic level parameters the fol-
(reflections). S0 = 1 m (reference area) lowing important equations can be
_ obtained: _ _
LW ≈ L +10 Ig S
LA is the “A“ evaluated measuring sur-
_ _ __ = L + LS in dB
Sound Power Level LW
face sound pressure level. [“Schall-Leistungspegel“ Lw]
LWA ≈ LA +10 Ig S
The measuring surface S is an assumed _ _ __ = LA + L_S in dB
area encompassing the sound source at
a defined distance (mostly one meter). The value of the total sound power radi- S0
This enveloping surface comprises sim- ating from a sound source is given by The sound power level LW can be ap-
plified surfaces such as spherical, cylin- the sound power level LW. proximated by the sum of the measu-
drical and square surfaces generally fol- ring surface sound pressure level L and
lowing the shape of the sound produ- LW = 10 Ig W in dB the measuring surface level LS.
cing equipment. W0
W = gas-borne acoustical power From the above relationship it can be
emitted as air sound in watts deduced that with a given sound power
To calculate the energetic mean of all W0 = 10-12 watts (reference sound level a spherical or a semispherical
sound level measurements taken over power at audible threshold at sound dispersion (ideal sound disper-
the envelope surface (taking into 1000Hz) sion) the sound pressure level will dimi-
account the time interval of testing) the nish by 6 dB for every doubling of the
following formula is to be used: Evaluated Sound Power Level LWA distance from the sound source.
L = 10 lg ( _ · ∑ 10
1 i=n 0.1 Li [“Bewerteter Schall-Leistungspegel“ LWA]
) When an evaluation, similar to the one Through absorption of the sound in the
n i=1 air and on the ground this value will
described in the example, of the sound
pressure level is conducted, using the increase and through reflection of the
If the difference between the individual sound by obstructions it will be redu-
evaluation curve “A“, the evaluated
sound levels is smaller than 6 dB the ced. Furthermore, weather conditions
sound power level LWA will be obtained
formula below can be used as an can cause either an increase or decrea-
approximation representing the arithme- from the sound power level LW. se of the sound pressure level reduc-

Sound Intensity Level LI
[“Schall-lntensitatsspegel“ LI] Acoustics Electrotechnics
At this point mention should be made N = Output
of the so-called sound intensity I
[“Schall-Intensitat“ I] which is the sound
W=p·ν·S U = Voltage
power relative to the reference area of 1 I = Amperage
=I R = Resistance
W watts S
I = ___ in ______
S I=p·ν
m N =U·I

ν = Ι = ___
With this definition an analogy to elec-
tricaltechnology can be made:
The sound intensity is proportional to R
the square of the sound pressure.
= ν ·
2 2
N = ___
U = I2 · R
The definition of the corresponding ____ 2 δ
I = δ
·c ·c
Ι ~p
sound intensity level LI is as follows: 2

LI = 10 lg ___ in dB N ~U

-12 2
with l0 = 10 watts/m The sound intensity is proportional to the
(reference sound intensity) square of the sound pressure

4. Sound Analysis
The “total sound level“ or “sum sound
level“ of noise is derived from the loga-
rithmic addition of a multiple of single
sound levels at different frequencies
(Figure 5). In order to perform noise
measurements, the audible frequency
range has been divided into 10 octave

The width of the octave is identified

such that the ratio of the upper limiting
frequency of the spectrum f0 to the
lower limiting frequency fU is 2:1.
Octave: =2
The corresponding ratio for the “terz“

= √2
___ 3

Three “terz“ together make up an octa-
The individual center frequencies of the 31.5 Hz 1,000 Hz
Center frequencies are determined by: octave band are at: 63 Hz 2,000 Hz
fm = √fU · f0
125 Hz 4,000 Hz
250 Hz 8,000 Hz

fm = √ 2 · fU = ___
f0 500 Hz 16,000 Hz


fm = √ 2 · fU =6___
6 f0
In practical application, the first and last
octave bands mostly play a secondary
role. Commercially available sound mea-
surement instruments to measure sound
levels in dB and dB (A) are equipped with
adjustable octave and “terz“ filters to
conduct frequency analyses. If the octa-
ve band analysis proves inadequate the
more selective “terz“ analysis should be
employed, the octave band width being
devided into 3 “terz“ band widths.
In the case of single tones or noises ex-
tending over one “terz“ band only, the
“terz“ band and the octave band analy-
ses will give the same figures.
The example in Figure 5 shows an octa-
ve band and “terz“ band analysis.
operating at almost equal speed in a
For a more selective analysis of a noise
common duct system. In this case
spectrum, narrower band filters can be
sound wave superposition results in
employed to further divide the noise
periodic sound level variations called
spectrum (search tone analyzer).
beats. The beat frequency is determined
by the difference in the operating speeds
of the two fans.
With reference to the diagram in Figure 7
it can be seen that for a level difference
of more than 10 dB practically no level 6. Noise Developement in Fans
increase will result. For the special case The operating noise of a fan comprises
of two sound sources with equal levels various sound components.
5.Addition of Levels (level difference 0) a level increase of 3
To determine the total level LtOt, partial In boundary zones of confined fast
dB will result (see also Figure 6). moving gas flow, eddy currents occur as
levels L (sound pressure level or sound The case where two superimposed sin- the result of the influence of the viscosi-
power level) will be added in accordance gle tones of equal sound pressure p1, ty of the gas. On fans these eddy cur-
with the following equation: equal frequency f1, and equal phase ϕ rents occur at the blade discharge

Ltot = 10 lg ∑ 10
i=n 0.1 Li are to be added requires special consi- edges. The resulting noise caused by the
deration. Deviating from the above des- rotating impeller is referred to as “eddy
i=1 cribed summation a total level 6 dB hig- current noise“ and is considered the “pri-
her than the sound pressure level of the mary noise“. Superimposed on this
When adding sound pressure levels it noise is the “self-noise of highly tur-
must be considered that all individual single tone will be obtained:
bulent flow“ in the fan housing and
sound pressure levels have one common ducts. “Eddy current noise“ and “self-
reference point. noise“ [“Wirbelgeräusch und
In the specific case where n sound sour- p1 2 p1
ces have equal sound power W1, the Ltot = 10 lg ( 2· __ ) = 20 lg 2 · __
Strömungsrauschen“] display a broad
p0 band frequency spectrum. the sound
total level Lw10 can be determined by power increasing approximately with the
the following: 5th to 7th power of the impeller tip
LW tot = LW1 + 10 lg n = L1 + 20 lg 2 speed. In addition to broad band noise,
“pulsation noise“ [“Pulsationsgeräusch“]
For a number of sound sources the level occurs at different frequencies caused
increase can also be determined using If a difference in phase of 1 80 degrees by periodical pressure Oscillations of the
exists (ϕ = 0 ; ϕ = 180°) or /2 interfe-
the diagram in Figure 6. 1 0 2 λ medium due to the relative movement
In the special case of two single sound between the impeller and a stationary
sources with different levels, the total rence results, the tones eliminate each fixture exposed to the flow. “Pulsation
level is obtained by adding the differen- other (see Figure 8). noise“ will occur when the flow in the
ce of the individual levels to the higher These two occurances are of practical
level. importance in the case where two fans

closed environment of the impeller is Relative to noise radiation to the sur- Respective sound power
disturbed by obstructions with protru- roundings it is necessary to differentiate levels are LWSL and LWDL.
ding edges (cut off in centrifugal fans between
and stationary guide vanes in axial flow
fans). For fans such disturbing noise is - the primary sound power radiating To determine these individual sound
also referred to as “blade passing tone“ withi against the gas stream through powers at the measuring surface at a
[“Schaufelton“] or “blade passing fre- the fan outlet/inlet area (“gas-borne distance of one meter from the fan (defi-
quencies“ [“Drehklang“], where the main sound“) ned in section 3) an approximation can
disturbing frequency (base frequency) is - and the secondary sound power be made to calculate the sound power,
the product of blade number times revo- radiating from the fan components emitted in the form of air sound, by
lutions per second. Integer multiples of (“body sound“) being excited by the means of the following equation:
the base frequency can also occur as sound energy of the gas stream.
harmonics. The occurrence of the LWi = Li + 10 lg S
“blade passing frequencies“ (base fre- Primarily emitted sound powers are WS S0
quency + harmonics) can, depending on and WD. where, for the respective individual
the type and intensity of the disturban- components under consideration:
ce, cause a significant increase of the LWS: Level of the sound power
i = S, SL, D, DL, G, U
sound power in individual frequency radiating against the gas stream With the example of a forced draft fan
ranges. through the inlet area. (with and without sound protection)
LWD: Level of the sound power Figures 10.1 through 10.4 graphically
radiating with the gas stream depict the various sound components,
through the outlet area. described above.
7. Sound Pressure- and For primary and secondary sound sour-
Sound Power Level of Fans Secondary emitted sound powers are: ces sound emissions are symbolized by
The sound pressure level Lofthefans WG, WU, WSL and WDL. arrows of different color and correspon-
can be pre-determined using fan tip LWG: The sound power WG transmitted ding sound power levels are symbolized
speed, fan impeller diameter, and certain by arrows of different lengths.
to housing walls evokes structure-
constants. Depending on fan type and
borne sound (body sound) that
performance data, average evaluated
radiates in the form of air sound to
sound pressure levels LA between 90
the surroundings. The respective
and 110 dB (A) are common (these sound power level is LWG.
values are usually measured at a distan- 8. Sound Protection
LWU: The structure-borne sound (body
ce of one meter from the fan and at an The noise generated by the fan can be
sound) of the housing is trans- reduced through the installation of
angle of 45 degrees to the flow direc-
mitted through sound conduction sound enclosures or acoustical insula-
to fixed components of the tion and lagging, on the one hand
housing (especially supports) (“sound insulation“)[“Schalldämmung“]
As an approximation the “A“-sound-
from where it radiates in the form and silencers on the other (“sound
power levels can be pre-determined
of air sound. The respective attenuation“) [“Schalldämpfung“].
according to the following equation:
sound power level is LWG. When a silencer [“Schalldämpfer“] is in-
° p
LWA = K + 10 lg __
V + 20 lg __0 in dB (A) LWSL, The sound powers WS, stalled, the sound propagation in the
V° 0 p duct system is reduced without essenti-
whereby: LWDL: WD radiating
p = Total pressure difference in µ bar al influence on the gas stream. (Values
p0 = 100 µ bar
as gas-borne sound through the
LWS and LWD are reduced by converting
inlet and outlet area of the fan
V° = Volume in m3/hr evokes structure-borne sound sound energy to thermal energy.)
3 The installation of acoustic insulation
V° 0 = 1 m /hr (body sound) in the duct system
K ≈ 11 dB (A) for centrifugal fans with which is not connected to the fan and lagging [“Schallisolierung“] or
mechanically, but by expansion sound enclosures [“Schallhauben“]
curved, backward inclined
joints, and is therefore provides extensive protection to the
K ≈ 16 dB(A) for axial flow fans. acoustically separated. This body area surrounding the fan from the propa-
sound in turn radiates to the gation of air sound caused by the struc-
The total sound power W produced by
surroundings in the form of air ture-borne sound (body sound) of the
the fan or the respective sound power
sound. fan components excited by the sound
level Lw are used as the basis for deter-
energy of the gas stream.
mining the sound propagation of fan (Values LWG, LWSL, LWDL are

reduced by the reflection of sound ener-
gy back to the noise source and in addi-
tion partially by conversion to thermal
Depending on individual requirements,
sound attenuation in fans can be achie-
ved by untuned absorption silencers or
resonant silencers tuned to certain fre-
quencies (these resonant silencers are
also known as interference, chamber or
λ/4 silencers).
For both types of silencers, baffles [“Ku-
lissen“] are arranged within a housing,
parallel to the direction of flow.
The attenuation principle chosen (friction
or reflection with interference) determi-
nes the design of the baffles.
In the case of absorption silencers the
space between the baffle walls, built of
perforated plate, is filled with sound ab-
sorbing mineral wool.
The molecules in the gas stream excited
to produce sound oscillations are impe-
ded by the mineral wool packing in the
baffles such that the sound energy pene-
trating the perforations is converted to
thermal energy by the friction of the
The absorption silencer is used for redu-
cing the noise level of a wide band
sound spectrum. Continued trouble free
operation of this silencer can only be
achieved if it is used in a relatively clean
environment. In a dust laden atmosphe-
re the dust will block the perforations in
the baffle walls, thus reducing effective-
In dust laden air or gas streams reso-
nant silencers (λ/4 silencers, interfe-
rence silencers or chamber silencers)
are used. This type of silencer, however,
has only limited effectiveness in reducing
broad band noises. According to its atte-
nuation principle, this silencer primarily
reduces protruding single tones. By
adding sound absorbing mineral wool
mats to the baffle chamber plates a cer-
depth of the chamber t; this dimension wall of the chamber, is reflected and
travels another distance of λ/4 back to
tain broad band attenuation is obtained
in addition to the single tone attenuation must be approximately 1/4 of the wave
the sound source where the reflected
sound wave, traveling 2 x λ/4 or λ/2
(see Figure 9). The effectiveness of the length of the pitch to be attenuated (t =
single tone attenuation is explained by λ/4) to cause the following action:
At a distance λ/4 from the outer baffle
the principle of reflection and interferen- relative to the next following sound
ce. The most important dimension when wave, arrives with a 180 degrees phase
wall the sound wave hits the solid back displacement and thus causes interfe-
designing a resonant silencer is the
rence (tone elimination).

Axial flow impulse induced draft fan in a
power plantwith heat-sound insulation
and lagging and discharge silencer.
Volume flow V° = 660 m /s
Temperature t = 156 °C
Pressure increase ∅pt = 6520 Pa

Speed n = 590 1/min

Shaft power PW = 5480 kW ▼

Axial flow induced draft fan (axial flow

impulse fan) with heat-sound insulation
and lagging and discharge silencer for
reducing the sound level emitted from
the stack outlet.

Sound Radiation of a Forced
Draft Fan without Sound
Protection (Figure 10.1.)
LW Total sound power generated
by fan
LWD Gas-borne sound power radiat-
ing in flow direction through the
discharge area
LWDL Sound power radiating from the
discharge duct as air sound
due to LWD and body sound
LWS Gas-borne sound power radiat-
ing against flow direction
through the inlet area.
LWSL Sound power radiating from the
inlet duct as air sound due to
LWS and body sound transmis-
sion (Figure 10.2. and 10.3.)
LWG Sound power radiating from the
fan housing as air sound due to
body sound excitation through
the sound energy in the gas
LWU Sound power radiating as air
sound from the support struc-
ture due to body sound con-
duction from the fan housing
LWM Sound radiation by attached or
neighboring machinery (for in-
stance fan motor drive)

Sound Protection of a Forced

Draft Fan by Means of Inlet Silencer
and Acoustic Insulation and
Lagging (Figure 10.2.)
- Attenuation of the sound power
LWS through an inlet silencer
- Insulation of the sound power
LWG, LWDL, LWSL through
acoustic insulation and lagging.
Since no reduction of the gas-
borne sound energy occurs
inside the system the sound
will radiate at full level from all
surfaces where there are gaps
in the acoustic insulation and
- The sound power LWD radiates Sound attenuation: Sound energy penetrates through porous walls and is con-
(through absorption) verted to thermal energy through viscosity friction. Sound
into the duct system.
Sound insulation: energy strikes non-porous walls and is reflected.

Sound Protection of a Forced
Draft Fan by Means of Inlet and
Discharge Silencers and Acoustic
Insulation and Lagging (Figure 10.3.)

In addition to the protection shown in

Figure 10.2. the air-borne sound power
LWD radiating through the discharge area
is reduced by a discharge silencer.

Sound Protection of a Forced

Draft Fan by Means of Sound
with Integrated Inlet Silencer
(Figure 10.4.)

- The sound powers LWG LWU

radiating from the fan as air
sound as well as the sound
power LWM radiating from the
motor are insulated by the

- The silencer integrated in the

sound enclosure attenuates the
sound power LWS
radiating from the inlet area of
the fan to the allowable value.

- The sound power LWDL radiating

to the environment from the
discharge duct can be
reduced either by acoustic
insulation and lagging (in this
case, however, the sound
power LWD radiates into the duct
system) or through the addition
of a discharge silencer.

For the design of sound enclosures

appropriate ventilation must be assured
to remove fan and main drive generated
heat so that the maximum permissible
temperature within the sound enclosure
can be maintained. If necessary, forced
ventilation has to be used (for example
for hot gas fans).

Our contacts: Always in
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Telephone: +49 (6332) 80 80 Telephone: +61 (8) 92 79 14 02
Facsimile: +49 (6332) 80 82 67 Facsimile: +61 (8) 92 79 11 06
Email: tlt@tlt.de Email: tlt@iinet.net.au

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D-36251 Bad Hersfeld / Germany Facsimile: +31 (38) 37 56 112
Telephone: +49 (6621) 95 00 Email: info@markhoven-engineer-
Facsimile: +49 (6621) 95 01 00 ing.com
Email: industrie@tlt.de
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Email: tlt-ft@tlt.de Email: mashy@vip.163.com

Oberhausen TLT-Turbo GmbH England KKK Limited

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Telephone: +49 (208) 85 92 - 0 Telephone: +44 (1933) 23 10 80
Facsimile: +49 (208) 85 92 - 2 50 Facsimile: +44 (1933) 23 10 90
Email: c.mayer@tlt.de Email: kkk.limited@agkkk.de

Austria TLT-Turbo GmbH

Am Stadtpark 3 / 1734
A-1030 Wien / Austria
Telephone: +43 (1713) 40 30 10
Facsimile: +43 (1713) 40 30 30
Email: mmayer@tltwien.at

Russia TLT-Turbo GmbH

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117 420 Moscow / Russia
Telephone: +7 (9) 57 18 72 31
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Email: tlt-moskau@sovintel.ru


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E-28020 Madrid / Spain
Telephone: +34 (9) 15 98 37 60
Facsimile: +34 (9) 15 55 13 41
Email: info@madrid.pasch.es
your immediate vicinity
TLT-Turbo GmbH
Industrial Fans
Am Weinberg 68
36251 Bad Hersfeld/Germany

Phone: + 49.6621.950-0
Fax: + 49.6621.950-115

E-mail: industrie@tlt.de
Website: www.tlt.de

© 2008 by TLT-Turbo GmbH · 6th edition 08/08/PDF/Bopp · Subject to error and modifications.

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