International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences: Corresponding Author
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences: Corresponding Author
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences: Corresponding Author
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A dangerous new mutation that makes some bacteria resistant to almost all antibiotics has
become increasingly common throughout the world. Experts in antibiotic resistance called
the gene mutation, named NDM-1(New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase), “worrying” and
“ominous” and they feared it would spread globally. The spreading of this is increasing day
by day. So, the scarcity of the antibiotics and the need of these in the present condition
show the target to the world. The potential of NDM-1 to be a worldwide public health
problem is great, and co-ordinated international surveillance is needed.
Homosapiens is an alien species on earth. This unless we have divine powers to bring the
planet belongs to bacteria. There are more dead back to the life3.
bacteria on earth than all other living organisms.
The human body contains more number of The new superbug
bacteria than human cells themselves. We lived Experts have warned that a new type of
with arrogant optimism that we had conquered drug resistant super bug, they have called
infections, at least the bacterial infections, if not NDM-1 and it could spread worldwide.
the viruses. How wrong we were! Bacteria have
finally reclaimed their premier status and New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM-1)4
superiority and won the war against humans. is a gene that makes bacteria resistant to
They are literally mocking our intellect, antibiotics of the carbapenem family12. It
knowledge and antibiotic weaponry1. encodes a type of beta-lactamase enzyme
When we are called to manage patients called a carbapenemase10. It is found on
with severe infections due to pan resistant bugs, plasmids - DNA structures that can be easily copied
we do really wonder whether we are living in pre- and transferred between different bacteria -
Alexander Fleming years without antibiotics and suggesting "an alarming potential to spread and
then with a shock, but no surprise, realize that diversify among bacterial populations"5. Bacteria
we have reached the end of antibiotic era2. Still, that carry this gene are often referred to by
the Indian medical community remains in a state news reporters as "super bugs"6. There are
of denial. We have not yet taken the issue of currently no new drugs in the research
antibiotic resistance seriously. We believe that pipelines that aim to stop NDM-1. Some strains
Dr. Fleming has discovered penicillin only early of E.coli and Klebsiella pneumonia8 are known
this morning and consider antibiotic resistance a carriers of the gene, but the gene can be
problem of next century where in fact antibiotics transmitted from one strain of bacteria to
are dead and the foul smell of decay is already another through horizontal gene transfer.
around us, It is too late to save antibiotics,
1. Abdul Ghafur.K.K, Journal of the Association Report on Development Pipeline. Clin Infcet
of Physicians of India, March 2010, vol 58. Dis 2009; 48:1-12.
2. Cesar A. Arias. Antibiotic-Resistant Bugs in 4. Kumarasamy et. al. (2010). "Emergence of
the 21st Century —A Clinical Super- a new antibiotic resistance mechanism in
Challenge.NEJM 2009, 360:439-443. India, Pakistan, and the UK: a molecular,
3. Helen W. Boucher, et al. Bad Bugs, No biological, and epidemiological study". The
Drugs: No ESKAPE! An Update from the Lancet Infectious Diseases doi:
Infectious Diseases Society of America -IDSA 10.1016/S1473-3099(10)70143-2.