Question 1118460
Question 1118460
Question 1118460
1. Highlight any two problems faced by the European countries after the Second World War. [2]
2. Explain any two causes which led to the formation of ASEAN. [2]
3. How are India and China emerging as great economic powers? [2]
4. Highlight any two factors that establish European Union as a Nation State. [2]
5. State the full form and significance of BRICS. [2]
6. The objective of ASEAN is not restricted only to accelerate economic growth. Explain the statement. [2]
7. When was the ASEAN regional forum established? What were its main objectives? [2]
8. What led to the formation of the European Union? [2]
9. Give any two reasons why regionally and globally China has become an economic power to reckon with. [2]
10. Mention the agreements signed between India and ASEAN. [2]
11. How did relations improve after the conflict of 1962 between India and China? [2]
12. Explain India’s improving relationship with China. [2]
What was Marshall Plan? How did it pave the way for the formation of OEEC (Organisation of European [2]
Economic Cooperation)?
14. State any two features of the European Union that make it an influential organisation. [2]
15. Which two differences between India and China led to an army conflict in 1962? [2]
16. State any two strengths that make the 21st century Israel an important emerging global power. [2]
17. Highlight the purpose of Marshall Plan. [2]
18. Describe the emergence and growth of the European Union after the ruin of their economies and the destruction [2]
of European States in 1945.
19. Which four common symbols make the European Union look like a nation state? [2]
20. Explain the Vision 2020 of the regional organization ASEAN. [2]
21. What are the objectives of establishing regional organisations? [2]
22. Mention any two steps taken by China to improve its economy during 1978-1998. [2]
31. Why did India and China both, view 'themselves as rising powers in global politics inspite of tension between [4]
them? Substantiate your answer by giving any four events that have brought cordiality in their relationship.
32. Explain the political, diplomatic influence of European Union as a supernational organisation. [4]
33. What were the objectives behind the formation of the ASEAN in 1967? [4]
34. Explain the role of emerging alternative centres of power in transforming the different countries into prosperous [4]
35. What are the objectives behind the formation of ASEAN? [4]
36. Describe significant characteristics of ASEAN. [4]
37. Describe the effects of the rise of the Chinese economy. [4]
38. Explain any two major policy decisions made by the Chinese government to open and develop its economy. [4]
39. “Chinese economy has been recognised at the global level”. Justify. [4]
40. What role has been played by European Union in solving the problems of the European countries? [4]
41. What led to the evolution of the EU from an economic union to an increasingly political one? [4]
42. How has the European Union evolved, over time from an economic union to an increasingly political one? [4]
43. Describe any two similarities and two differences between USA and the EU. [4]
44. Evaluate the importance of any two objectives of ASEAN. [4]
45. Explain any four significant changes that have taken place in Indo-China relations since the end of the Cold War. [4]
46. In which four ways did the new economic policy of China benefit its economy? [4]
47. Explain any four strengths of the European Union that make it an influential regional organisation. [4]
Highlight any four factors that have made the European Union to act as a Nation State. [4]
49. Mention any four common features of European Union. [4]
50. Mention any four significant changes in Indo-China relations that have taken place after the Cold War. [4]
51. Explain any four features of ASEAN. [4]
52. How can the Euro pass a danger to the US Dollar? [4]
53. Describe India-China relations from 1947 to 1962. [4]
54. Describe any two aspects each of cordiality and tension in the relationship between India and China. [4]
55. “China has emerged as third alternative to world power”. Examine. [4]
56. How did China end its political and economic isolation? [4]
57. Why India and China both view themselves as rising powers in global politics in spite of tensions between [4]
them? Substantiate your answer by mentioning events that have brought cordiality in their relationship.
58. Explain the economic and military influence of the European Union. [4]
59. Describe any two major issues of conflicts between India and Pakistan leading to the war of 1971 [4]
69. Carefully study the following two pictures (or posters) and answer the questions that follow : [4]
i. In which year the bipolar structure of world politics ended? What became clear for America's dominance?
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Which two associations of nations emerged in Europe and Asia?
ii. What is indicated by the First Poster (or picture)?
iii. What is being indicated by the second photograph?
70. Study the picture given below and answer the questions that follow: [4]
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i. The given cartoon is related to which country?
ii. Which two symbols in this cartoon helped in identifying the country?
iii. What message does this cartoon convey to the world?
72. Study the map given below and answer the following questions : [5]
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a. Write full form of ASEAN.
b. Write an objective of this organisation.
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c. Write the number of its member countries.
d. Write name of any two founder members of it.
e. Write name of any two countries who jointed it later on.