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Lesson 4

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> MER with Frehon 105) Sorehmes the -tacher des rater On rportert Caster to to mechonial O79) solo J Tor example: ch m pipe choweler tebe | Avens in the pipe ory lot B(e = Ws,0 u ate) + gaa +F A For liquiel flows in straignt epes te fazhonc| losses ovo comelated in Jers of the Cannig. proton laclorsds gs a fanchor of thu Reynolds number, e+ Qe Fann ing Erehon factor § defined a2 a cimersionless vol fora strarph> dbes , ane its relahonship +2 pressure drops » flew rates Orc! eome tne focters may be understeed by considenry. tun mechanical crepy balance Applied to O stroup at cechor Sf pipes Fxouple + For a Neptonion furl p Wat is the fren term Fon te mechanical every) balonce for sade Pow Wo tube? © ae) je PL _s p '— Pa ‘ 3 e ie ——— ‘ io) --~-! 2 force 07 woth =—fre 07 Suid Bepin with He mechoniat enepy balance : Ae 4+ bt) +ahe = Ws ¢ a a ® There % 00 pune or moving ports i our chosen splem =) Wejon =O ® MWe pipe wil hae a constort flow mate vel canter Cross Sechonal even =) Qt- G =O pe @® Tre ppe s horizontol 3 Bo - R= O Nechania| enerpy- baloree become Pa— Pa 4F=0 f the fatheral term © _ Par fe Friern n Stead Faso pre Pp Flaw in Prpes o sre fanninp Erichen poctor F'5 dapred Ps voll Foree = (fe- ) RR? (27RL) [de low The relahon wodl force 3 (Pape) AR uo obbained 5 womenhen balence on +VO slraupwr pipe cai Friuter Factor Fannity ay mensional onalyas delle vs that for steady flow ¥ @ Rapin Pid ina tube , the Fforniry Prichon fecto & only © Guunchen a} the diverenter quntiy poo D /y which 1s. Peynokls number Example : What 6 the relahonship between the Fonning frrnon factor gang the Reynolds nnurvber Be tor sleacly , Laminar flow in o hibe ? he result for Mouton Puads s calles fae Hagen - Porseuille eqn 28 L Qn lous Pi- Po = Se eae Bran th o habe ) Wie (yc a © Plew vale m the tube Bou » averyge | tui velociny The Fanning freho factor : foe Com mor flow In a tbe 7 g. Gch) be spon > 2b (ov)* 2 (bavl*p = tbe = de P Vou d Re eres for = 1b /py Fanny Grichen Factor m Steady louuner For laminar flow 3 = 6 /py for turesentd flow = comrelahon: | Colebrook formula ~ mo bee / by 48), e( e+ ek 2:26] Colebrok - Sd een see ee forcalos a Surface roupness Peroweter une = k/D > for uortaus rnatencls a” piven in Table pion 28 corre Cohen 1 pleted In Fipure 240.3 Cp 88) Th acldthon te Wall drop in straipht pipes , Hwe oe mony other sowces q feaho m ppg, sypleus: valuess Garhngs » pumps» expansions ancl cortrachews Ve ot souweer farton. For values 1 fithngs expansions ainel contractors the dala correlahens +e results Grom scl analyses ray ye wrttien in +he follows, form: Kp Cau)? Fre kp Qo) ache prom Fethngs Tre trehon coethuents Ker are dibferen+ Ror evey type oy value, Yttwp etc. ( oot af Table 2.10-1) (pp 293 / Georkspls ) the ferhon = for a wmelete Piping, syptem will be equk to the frchon due to rhe strayeh? papes plus ne 4richen ame to tach ob the values, fithngs , expansions and contrachors Hat are Present im the Flow loe Fp = 4G Ew TB] Systane OF fs | | = pipe septs where? cag to be wee in exponsions od convechons 15 the foster cuarpe Selocity On expensior Cupsireorn veloc fe glowastremn a Conacho) average velocihg. nw the steayoltt pipe For expansions ond contrachons , 2 Key = 4 (4 a expansion tom Ai toe ket = SE (1-8) oman tenn Ag > upsiveon Cross Sechorce| oea i ‘ 4 Ao = Clounstraon ® Ker cot « Ux ote thet hoy aa type oth shed ( ty thins Stun faclon losses m low Frou a shratewnt pre om ke coleatate 4 Using " fannry Preher factor”, Houewer yf tho valocty gy the fdud & chayecl m the diechon or rrogmimce ,oclelihenet father less occurs, dos ilegsrsh Freres a) +H the Ces sechor a ppe =o Ae s very gradually ) aw, a ae or Ab extra lossse oe MWeured. —Is55) +f the choye & svdelen ) F results J 2 le z m addiherak tosses clue oo ~ Le 27\ edehe s frre d. Ths fnchomt Goss cn be colealoted by AML Lotlouys be turbulent flow mM beth sechor jroo 2 a Pea loeh muna (FB) URL SEY fal a 20 yy t K €Kpansiorn— Ayal loss coe fheumt Ip the flows toner jn both tech. d= Yo en Len the cross—sechen ef pipe © ) i srdeenlg- cecluaed j addihoral Archon losses oravs due K edie s o velo an 2 fp morta #° hee oss (1 2 WL Ke, Be he, a) 2a = yo oa b TT otel for debs For hubvlent Plow her ° loss Coen : Ken O8F (* - fa aA For dower flow l= Va La rn FB ingat ool Blues Pye +tvps orel values also chetrbs the nornal flow pres a pe ae cone ade. Preherel Awss. Th a chat pipe wth men Fittwps , tre frichen joss rom thee farhyps covlel be Grester Hen thee straigyt ‘pe. 2 as ov. Veloct ym the spe y= & be Lendip te ee re / a lose acter for Prhp or Yale Table 2-10- 1 fee Lona Ce yoluns read geod for ER Or ee ef du v2 Ce ye eee ate yFhe yy thas 2 445 4 all yeloeme? Ce some Ca = 97 — lap De ake th) ata (afte + bex B\s Sole Exp 21-6 J 210-% 20.02 Plmia Talus ale the elect of Pathe [sm 12m Rowanber 9 rh = 0:33 kple Allow sunen € Ue dlr 2 &= 45" % Terolent Jb ~» = " o g oe Frond <= B= 0.07smle ase iy yaad I tf F 2 ° 2 Shawkt pipes DDFS 2 Iswe MWe Sen 29 124242346 = 43m Lu plte) = Fomy Porton factors ove found Bom Colebrao a dr J. 0.007693 2 sb=5e gb 0,00648

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