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June 2019 MS - Paper 2 (F) Edexcel Physics GCSE

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Mark Scheme

Summer 2019

Pearson Edexcel
In Physics (1PH0) Paper 2F

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Summer 2019
Publications Code 1PH0_2F_1906_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2019

General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first
candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what
they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their
perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should
always award full marks if deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark
scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the
candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by
which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a
candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an
alternative response.

Mark schemes have been developed so that the rubrics of each mark scheme reflects the characteristics
of the skills within the AO being targeted and the requirements of the command word. So for example
the command word ‘Explain’ requires an identification of a point and then reasoning/justification of the

Explain questions can be asked across all AOs. The distinction comes whether the identification is via a
judgment made to reach a conclusion, or, making a point through application of knowledge to
reason/justify the point made through application of understanding. It is the combination and linkage of
the marking points that is needed to gain full marks.

When marking questions with a ‘describe’ or ‘explain’ command word, the detailed marking guidance
below should be consulted to ensure consistency of marking.

Assessment Command Word


Strand Element Describe Explain

AO1 An answer that combines the An explanation that links

marking points to provide a logical identification of a point with
description reasoning/justification(s) as

AO2 An answer that combines the An explanation that links

marking points to provide a logical identification of a point (by
description, showing application of applying knowledge) with
knowledge and understanding reasoning/justification (application
of understanding)

AO3 1a and An answer that combines points of

1b interpretation/evaluation to
provide a logical description

AO3 2a and An explanation that combines

2b identification via a judgment to
reach a conclusion via

AO3 3a An answer that combines the

marking points to provide a logical
description of the

AO3 3b An explanation that combines

identifying an improvement of the
experimental procedure with a
linked justification/reasoning

Question Answer Mark

1(a) (3)

One mark for each correct line.

More than one line from a box on the left loses the mark
for that box.

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1(b) 2.5(A) Accept (1)
2 (A)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

1(c) substitution (1) (3)
(Q=)0.9 x 50

evaluation (1) award 2 marks for the

45 correct answer without

If no substitution seen
4.5 or 450 scores 1 mark

unit (1) independent mark

C, c, As

Accept recognisable
spellings of coulomb

(Total for Question 1 = 7 marks)


Question Answer Mark

2(a) C 3 (1)

C is the only correct answer.

A is incorrect because it does not include the pressure

of the water above the diver.

B is incorrect because it only includes the pressure of

10m of water above the diver.

D is incorrect because it includes the pressure 0r 30m of

water above the diver.

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
2(b) An explanation to include the following (3)

MP1: (as the balloon rises) it gets bigger accept balloon

(1) bursts

Any two from:

MP2: (because) density of air decreases / air gets thinner

fewer (air) particles (in the atmosphere) accept a
(1) named
component of

MP3: pressure (outside the balloon)

decreases (1)

MP4: pressure inside (balloon) is greater

than pressure outside (1)

Two from MP2,

MP3 and MP4
can still be
awarded even
if MP1 is not.

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

2(c) (3)
(area) = 6.0 x 2.0 award one mark for 6.0 x
= 12 (1) 2.0 seen with no
alternative area

substitution (1) Accept 15000/(any value)

(P= ) 15 000 for this mark.

evaluation (1) accept 1250 (Pa)


award full marks for the

correct answer without

(Total for Question 2 = 7 marks)


Question Answer Mark

3(a) C cobalt (1)

C is the only correct answer.

A is incorrect because aluminium is not magnetic.

B is incorrect because carbon is not magnetic.

D is incorrect because copper is not magnetic.

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

3(b) An answer that combines four of IGNORE use of apparatus (4)
the following points. not specified in the list (Iron
nails etc)
MP1: Put wire {through card /
near card / under card / over card
/ round rolled up card } (1) filings

MP2: Put iron filings on card /

around wire (1)

MP3: Connect wire to power pack

One wire is acceptable (1)

MP4: Switch on or reference to

current / charges flowing (in wire)
NOT in filings (1) marking points can be
scored from a diagram

MP5: Filings attracted / moving /

see if wire attracts filings (1)

MP6: Pattern seen in filings – filings show shape of field

circles / lines / onion (1)

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
3(c) (3)

MP1: any (vertical) line from pole to pole

ignore lines
outside of the
magnets for
MP1 and MP2

MP2: at least two further equidistant

judge by eye
straight, (vertical) lines from pole to pole

MP3: arrow on any line, north to south

any arrow
south to
north, no
mark awarded
for MP3

(Total for Question 3 = 8 marks)


Question Answer Mark

4(a)(i) B (1)
increase increase

B is the only correct answer.

A is incorrect because as the pressure of the gas

increases the number of particles colliding with the walls
of the container does not stay the same.

C is incorrect because as the pressure of the gas

decreases the number of particles colliding with the walls
of the container does not stay the same.

D is incorrect because as the pressure of the gas

decreases the number of particles colliding with the walls
of the container does not increase.

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
4(b) 296 (°C) accept 23 (1)
+ 273

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
4(c) (2)

(i) anomalous point (1)

ringed or other

(ii) curve touches one part of the cross for

each of the points, excluding the ignore curve
anomalous point (1) beyond 260 kPa
and beyond

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
4(c)(iii) A description that combines the
following points (2)

the line will be higher (1) Allow for one

mark all data will
be higher
have a similar shape (1)

allow the
pressure will be
higher for the
same volume for
2 marks

allow the
volumes will be
higher for the
same pressure
for 2 marks

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
4(d) substitute (1) Allow 8.00 x 14.5 (3)
8.00 x 14.5 = P2 x 1160 =116 for one
rearrangement (1)
8.00 x 14.5 ( =P2)

0.1 (MPa) award full marks
for the correct
answer without

(Total for Question 4 = 9 marks)


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(a) (2)

downwards arrow (1)

Anywhere below the
Plus any one from: support

the same length as top arrow (1)

Judge by eye
from the bottom of the spring or
from the weight (1) Judge by eye

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(b)(i) substitution (1) allow substitution and (3)
4.0=k x 0.06 rearrangement in
either order
rearrangement (1)
4.0 (=k) F
0.06 (k=)

allow values that round

evaluation (1) to 67 (N/m)
67 (N/m)
award full marks for
the correct answer
without working

POT error 2 marks


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(b)(ii) (measurement of) original Accept measure length (2)
length (1) of spring for 1 mark
(measurement of) final length

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

5(c) substitution (1) (3)

(E=) ½ x 250 x 0.30(2) accept 37.5, 37, 38 only

11 (1) accept 11.25, 11.2, 11.3

award full marks for the

correct answer without

no POT error in
unit (1)
joule(s)/J independent mark
j , Nm

(Total for Question 5 = 10 marks)


Question Answer Mark

6(a) A melting (1)

A is the only correct answer.

B is incorrect because the change from solid to liquid is not


C is incorrect because the change from solid to liquid is not


D is incorrect because the change from solid to liquid is not


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(b)(i) 29(g) (1)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(b)(ii) 25(cm3) (1)

Question Answer Mark

6(b)(iii) D density = mass (1)

D is the only correct answer

A is incorrect because the equation density =mass+

volume is incorrect

B is incorrect because the equation density =mass –

volume is incorrect

C is incorrect because the equation density =mass x

volume is incorrect

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(b)(iv) Any two improvements from: (2)

use balance that reads to one Accept use more

or more decimal places/more accurate/precise
decimal places (1) balance in this context

use tare/zero balance for first Allow reset for tare

measurement (1)

use measuring cylinder with Allow more accurate/

smaller divisions (1) different scale /
different divisions /
thinner measuring
use larger volume of liquid (1)
Allow use more liquid /
larger mass of liquid
repeat and average (1)

read measuring cylinder at

eye level (1) Allow avoid parallax
error / read from
bottom of meniscus

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(c)(i) substitution (1) (2)
(∆Q) = 1.5 x 4200 x 50

evaluation (1) accept 315 000 (J)

320 000 (J) 310 000 (J)

award full marks for the

correct answer without

320 000 000

315 000 000
310 000 000 score 1
mark (mass in grams)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

6(c)(ii) substitution (1) accept substitution and (3)
3500 = 670 000 rearrangement in either
t order

rearrangement (1)
(t=) 670 000

evaluation (1)
190(s) accept any answer that
round to 190(s)

power of ten error

award 2 marks

award full marks for the

correct answer without

(Total for Question 6 = 11 marks)


Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(a)(i) An explanation that combines:- (3)

rub the rod with a cloth (1) allow clean off the rod
or friction (with the

(so)electrons (1) allow negative charges

for electrons

are moved (from rod to cloth) (1) movement of positive

charges can only score
the first mark

‘electrons are positive’

can score a maximum
of one mark

movement of
unnamed charges can
score third mark

Question Answer Mark

7(a)(ii) B R (1)

B is the only correct answer.

A is incorrect because ball Q is coated with a conducting

material but is uncharged ,a negative charge will be
induced on it and it will be attracted not repelled by a
positively charged rod.

C is incorrect because ball S is an insulator and is

uncharged and will not be repelled by a positively charged

D is incorrect because ball T has a negative charge and

will be attracted not repelled by a positively charged rod.

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

7(b) An explanation that includes May be seen on (3)
any three of the following points diagram

ground is charged (by induction)


charge on ground is positive (1) Award two marks for

‘the ground is
positively charged’

allow electric charge

electric field builds up (between or voltage or potential
cloud and ground) (1) difference for electric

air becomes a
air is ionised (1) conductor

allow charge for ions

electrons travel to the
ground/positive ions travel to
the cloud (1)

Question Answer Mark

7(c)* Answers will be credited according to candidate's (6)
deployment of knowledge and understanding of the
material in relation to the qualities and skills outlined in
the generic mark scheme.
The indicative content below is not prescriptive and
candidates are not required to include all the material
which is indicated as relevant. Additional content included
in the response must be scientific and relevant.
AO1 6 marks

• friction as fuel flows through pipe
• build-up of (electrostatic) charge
• potential difference between nozzle and plane
• causes spark
• explosion or fire

use of metal wire

• potential is the same on both objects
• no electric field
• earths excess charge
• constant safe discharge
• no imbalance of electrons

• No rewardable material.
• Demonstrates elements of physics understanding, some of which is inaccurate.
Understanding of scientific ideas lacks detail. (AO1)

• Presents an explanation with some structure and coherence. (AO1)

• Demonstrates physics understanding, which is mostly relevant but may include some
inaccuracies. Understanding of scientific ideas is not fully detailed and/or developed. (AO1)

• Presents an explanation that has a structure which is mostly clear, coherent and logical.

• Demonstrates accurate and relevant physics understanding throughout. Understanding of

the scientific ideas is detailed and fully developed. (AO1)

• Presents an explanation that has a well-developed structure which is clear, coherent and
logical. (AO1)

Level Mark Additional Guidance General additional guidance – the

decision within levels
Eg - At each level, as well as content,
the scientific coherency of what is stated
will help place the answer at the top, or
the bottom, of that level.

0 No rewardable material.

Level 1 1–2 Additional guidance Possible candidate responses

Two unlinked statements make a spark/ explosion/fire

there is static electricity
fuel is flammable
metal wires conduct charge(electricity)
could get an electric shock
Level 2 3–4 Additional guidance Possible candidate responses
A spark is produced because there is
Limited explanation a build up of static charge ( electricity )
linking facts about or
dangers build up of static charge
OR prevented(electricity)because the metal
linking facts about why wire takes the charge to earth(ground)
using metal wires is safer

Level 3 5–6 Additional guidance Possible candidate responses

Spark is caused by the build up
Detailed explanation of charge (static electricity)
about dangers AND
the build up is prevented
by the metal wire taking the charge
why using metal wires is
to earth (ground)

(one may be stronger

than the other but both
should feature for level 3)

(Total for Question 7 = 13 marks)


Question Answer Mark

8(a) The only correct answer is B: work done= force x (1)
distance moved in direction of force

A is incorrect because the equation would be

dimensionally inconsistent

C is incorrect because the equation would be

dimensionally inconsistent

D is incorrect because the direction of the distance

moved is incorrect

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(b)(i) substitution (1) allow g=9.8(1) m/s2 (2)
(∆GPE =) (0.0)46 x 10 x 2.05

evaluation (1)
0.94(3) (J) 0.9 (J)
values that round to
0.92 or 0.93
(from using g = 9.8 or

do not award for 1(J)

no POT error in

award full marks for the

correct answer without

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(b)(ii) recall (1) (3)
(KE =) ½ x m x v2

substitution (1)
(KE =) ½ x (0.0)46 x 3.52

evaluation (1) allow answers that

0.28 (J) round to 0.28 e.g.
0.28175 (J)

allow max 2 marks for

POT error
eg 0.00028

award full marks for

the correct answer
without working

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(b)(iii) Any value between 0.8 (m) (1)
and 0.95 (m) inclusive

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(b)(iv) An explanation linking (2)

(the ball) has lost energy (1)

identification of what has accept

happened to that energy (energy) dissipated
(1) or
(transferred to)
surroundings /
thermal energy
heat / sound
system is not 100%
bounce is not (100%)
squashing (the ball
or the ground)

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

8(c) A description to include: (2)

as the bounce number increases

the height decreases/negative
correlation (1)

non-linear (1) allow not in even

steps / not
proportional / not a
straight line

height/it (nearly)
halves each time
scores 2 marks

(Total for Question 8 = 11 marks)


Question Answer Mark

9(a) (1)

The only correct answer is D

A is incorrect because that is the symbol for a diode

B is incorrect because that is the symbol for a light
dependent resistor
C is incorrect because that is a symbol for a motor

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
9(b)(i) recall and substitution into V = IR (1) accept substitution (3)
5.0 = 0.26 x R and rearrangement
in either order

rearrangement (1)
(R =) 5.0 (R =) V
0.26 I

scores 2 marks

evaluation (1) accept answers

19 (Ω) that round to 19
(Ω) (eg 19.23)

accept answer
written in table if
not written on
answer line.

award full marks

for the correct
answer without

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

9(b)(ii) a comment that includes the (3)
following points

idea that resistance increases

with potential difference (1)

idea that doubling the potential idea that equal

difference does not result in increments of
doubling of resistance (1) potential difference
do not cause equal
increments of

reverse argument e.g.

if student was correct
then equal
increments of p.d.
would cause equal
OR increment of
V = constant x R is not supported
by this data (1) if student was correct
then current would
be constant
correct processing of data from
the table to support either of the ignore simple quoting
above mark points (1) of data for this mark

Question Answer Mark

9(c) Answers will be credited according to candidate's (6)
deployment of knowledge and understanding of the
material in relation to the qualities and skills outlined
in the generic mark scheme.
The indicative content below is not prescriptive and
candidates are not required to include all the
material which is indicated as relevant. Additional
content included in the response must be scientific
and relevant.

• the batteries store energy as chemical energy

• the energy is transferred to electrons to make
them flow/move
• the current is a flow of electrons
• the electrons flow through the metal/filament
• the electrons collide with the ions in the lattice
• the collisions make the ions vibrate more
• the increased vibrations makes the
lattice/filament hotter
• the heat energy is dissipated to the surroundings
• the ions give out/emit light


• No rewardable material.
• Demonstrates elements of physics understanding, some of which is
inaccurate. Understanding of scientific ideas lacks detail. (AO1)

• Presents an explanation with some structure and coherence. (AO1)

• Demonstrates physics understanding, which is mostly relevant but may

include some inaccuracies. Understanding of scientific ideas is not fully
detailed and/or developed. (AO1)

• Presents an explanation that has a structure which is mostly clear,

coherent and logical. (AO1)

• Demonstrates accurate and relevant physics understanding throughout.

Understanding of the scientific ideas is detailed and fully developed.

• Presents an explanation that has a well-developed structure which is

clear, coherent and logical. (AO1)

Level Mark Additional Guidance General additional guidance – the

decision within levels
Eg - At each level, as well as content,
the scientific coherency of what is stated
will help place the answer at the top, or
the bottom, of that level.

0 No rewardable material.

Level 1 1–2 Additional guidance Possible candidate responses

unlinked statements Particles move through the wire

Batteries store energy
Lamp gives off heat

Level 2 3–4 Additional guidance Possible candidate responses

Limited explanation Electrons move through the wire/lamp

linking facts about OR
particles The particles moving in the wire are
OR electrons
linking facts about OR
energy transfers Particles collide in the wire
Chemical energy (stored) in battery
Energy dissipated / {released as light or
thermal} energy in surroundings
Energy is transferred electrically (from
battery to lamp)
Level 3 5–6 Additional guidance Possible candidate responses

Detailed explanation one from

about particles electrons move through the wire/lamp
energy transfers. the charged particles are electrons
(one may be stronger particles collide in the wire
than the other but both
should feature for level 3) AND

one from
chemical energy (stored) in battery
energy dissipated / {released as light
or thermal} energy in surroundings

(Total for Question 9 = 13 marks)


Question Answer Mark

10(a) The only correct answer is B: force Q (1)

A is incorrect because the moment of force P about

the axle is zero.

C is incorrect because moment of force R about the

axle is zero.

D is incorrect because moment of force S about the

axle is zero.

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

10(b)(i) recall of moment = force x may be implied in a (3)
distance calculation

(moment of force from person 300 (Nm)

=) 600 x 0.5
(moment of weight of rock =) 360 (Nm)
1800 x 0.2

moment of force from person independent mark

is less than moment of weight accept reverse
of rock. argument

Question Answer Additional guidance Mark

10(b)(ii) An explanation that links (2)

increase distance between person use longer lever /

and pivot/ reduce distance hold lever nearer the
between rock and pivot / increase end / move pivot
force from person (1) nearer to rock / get
someone to help to

increase the moment of the force value of new distance

from the person / decrease the and calculation of
moment of the weight of the rock new moment

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
10(c)(i) (In every second), accept use of (2)
distance moved by chain around gear ratio seen or
large gear = distance moved by implied e.g. 4:1 or
chain around small gear 4/1 or 48:12 or
(1) 48/12 or
converse e.g. 1:4
2 x 48 = turns x 12

rearrangement and evaluation (1)

8 (turns each second)

award full marks
for the correct
answer without

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
10(c)(ii) An explanation linking (3)

reduces friction/amount of thermal (oil provides)

energy transferred (1) lubrication

extra useful energy is available/less less energy

input energy is required (1) wasted

efficiency = useful energy

transferred (by the bicycle) ÷ total
energy supplied (to the bicycle) (1)
allow for the last
two mark points;
less input energy
is required to
produce the
same output
for 2 marks
more output
energy is
available for the
same input
for 2 marks

(Total for Question 10 = 11 marks)


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