Cadex: Learning Canonical Deformation Coordinate Space For Dynamic Surface Representation Via Neural Homeomorphism
Cadex: Learning Canonical Deformation Coordinate Space For Dynamic Surface Representation Via Neural Homeomorphism
Cadex: Learning Canonical Deformation Coordinate Space For Dynamic Surface Representation Via Neural Homeomorphism
Figure 1. We model the deformable surface through a learned canonical shape (the middle shape) and factorize the deformation (orange
arrow) by learnable continuous bijective canonical maps (green bidirectional arrows) that provide the cycle consistency and topology
preservation. Visual results are from the test set on dynamic animals, human bodies and articulated objects.
tecture and representation that enable a competitive re-
construction of every frame and the recovery of consis-
tent correspondence across frames. Our approach is rooted
in the factorization of deformation (Sec. 3.1). If we as-
sume that the topology does not change during deformation,
all deformed surfaces of one instance can be regarded as
equivalent through continuous bijective mappings (home-
omorphisms). This allows us to factorize the deforma- Figure 2. (A) Problem definition: A list, or a set of deformed sur-
tion between two frames by the composition of two con- faces S = {Si } of one instance should be represented by 1.) one
tinuous invertible functions such that one maps the source canonical 3D surface U (in the green box) and 2.) the consistent
frame into a common 3D Canonical Deformation Coordi- deformation between surfaces (yellow arrows); (B) Model-based
nate Space (CaDeX) while another maps it back to the des- methods: Si is obtained through the skinning function (green ar-
rows) from the template mesh [31]; (C) Implicit-flow methods:
tination frame. Such a factorization and its implementa-
the first frame serves as the reference shape and the deformation is
tion (Sec. 3.2) is novel, simple, and efficient (compared to modeled by Neural-ODEs [36] or MLPs [50].
ODEs [36]) while it guarantees cycle consistency, topol-
ogy preservation, and, if necessary, volume conservation works can express detailed template shapes based on tem-
(Sec.3.3). The canonical shape embedded in the CaDeX plate meshes [32, 38, 48, 52] or skeletons [12, 27, 51], and
can be regarded as the representative element, while the can learn more detailed skinning functions [8,48,52] or for-
associated invertible mappings that transform between de- ward deformations [38]. However, they rely on the strong
formed frames and the CaDeX are the canonical maps. assumption of canonicalization through the pose, skeleton,
Therefore, we model the reference surface directly in the and template mesh, which makes them limited to specific
CaDeX via an implicit field [33] (Sec. 3.4), which can be categories, and insufficient for modeling the rich dynamic
optimized together with the canonical maps during training. 3D world. Our method does not rely on any hard-wired
In summary, our main contributions are: (1) A novel template mesh or skeleton, and the same architecture is uni-
general representation and architecture for dynamic sur- versal for all shape categories.
faces that jointly solve the canonical shape and consistent
Model-Free Dynamic Representation: Recent works [6,
deformation problems. (2) Learnable continuous bijective
24, 36, 50] extend the success of static 3D representa-
canonical maps and canonical shapes that jointly factorize
tions [9, 33, 40] to 4D by modeling the deformation be-
the shape deformation, and are novel, simple, efficient, and
tween frames. Fig. 2C illustrates how the two closest works
guarantee cycle consistency and topology preservation. (3)
to ours, O-Flow [36] and LPDC [50], are related to our
A novel solution to the dynamic surface reconstruction and
problem formulation. First, our method differs from O-
correspondence tasks given sparse point clouds or depth
Flow [36] and LPDC [50] in the representation of the space
views based on the proposed representation. (4) We demon-
deformation. We represent the deformation through a novel
strate state-of-the-art performance on modelling different
canonical map factorization that is efficient and guarantees
deformable categories: Human bodies [5], Animals [57]
real world properties based on conditional neural home-
and Articulated Objects [53].
omorphisms [14, 15], while O-Flow [36] uses a Neural-
ODE [7] that also guarantees the production of a well-
2. Related Work behaved deformation (see [22] for details) but with higher
Proposed neural representations for static 3D geome- computational complexity than ours. LPDC [50] replaces
try [9, 11, 17, 18, 20, 26, 33, 34, 37, 40, 43, 56] are promising, the Neural-ODE [7] by a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) to
but most of them do not involve modeling of deformations. learn correspondences in parallel. However, the MLP de-
A few recent approaches represent or process 3D shapes via formation [20, 41, 44, 50] has difficulty to model a home-
deformation [13, 22, 23, 25, 59], but they focus on static 3D omorphism or express real world deformation properties.
shape collections that do not meet the requirements (e.g, ef- Note that both O-Flow [36] and LPDC [50] compute the
ficiency) for processing 4D data. We will focus our related reference surface in the first frame, which turns out to be a
work on dynamic representations of deformable geometry. random choice, since the shape can be in an arbitrary defor-
Model-Based Dynamic Representation: Many success- mation state in the first frame. Our reference shape is mod-
ful 3D parametric models for specific shape categories have eled in the learned canonical space induced by the canonical
been introduced, for example, the morphable model [4] and map, which is more stable and can be optimized (Fig. 1).
FLAME [30] for faces, SCAPE [1] and SMPL [31] for hu- I3DMM [58] learns a near neutral/mean canonical tem-
man bodies, and MANO [47] for hands . These model- plate from human head scans, which limits its expressive
based representations (Fig. 2B) suffer from limited expres- ability. CASPR [46] and Garment Nets [10] learn a canon-
sivity, which can be mitigated by neural networks. Net- icalization of deformable objects, but rely on the ground
truth canonical coordinate supervision, which is often inac- the Canonical Deformation Coordinate Space (CaDeX)
cessible. Other neural dynamic representations include the of the sequence S = {Si }. The homeomorphisms Ht that
learned embedded graph [6] first proposed in [49] and para- transform [xt , y t , z t ] to [u, v, w] are called canonical maps.
metric atlases [2]. Beyond 4D data, A-SDF [35] models the Since CaDeX is globally shared across time, we model the
general articulated objects with a specially designed disen- canonical shape (surface) U directly in CaDeX instead of
tanglement network, but it cannot model correspondence. selecting an input frame as is the case in [36, 50]. Taking
Instead, our method achieves stronger disentanglement by advantage of neural fields [54], we model U as a level set of
explicitly modeling the deformation. an occupancy field [33]:
Invertible Networks for 3D representation: Many
works [3, 7, 14, 15, 19, 28, 39] have been proposed to con- U=\left \{\, [u,v,w]\,|\,\text {OccField}([u,v,w])=l\, \right \}, \label {eq:canonical_shape} (1)
struct invertible networks for generative models. In 3D deep where l is the surface level. Using the inverse of each canon-
learning, Neural-ODE [7] is widely used as a good model ical map Hi at time ti , we can directly obtain each deformed
of deformation [22, 23, 25, 36] or transformation of point surface at time ti in the input 3D space as:
cloud [56]. ShapeFlow [25] learns a “Hub-and-spoke” sur-
face deformation for 3D shape collection via ODEs, but is S_i=\left \{\, \mathcal H^{-1}_i([u,v,w]) \,|\, \, \forall [u,v,w] \in U \, \right \}.\label {eq:deformed_shape} (2)
inefficient when applied to the 4D data since every frame
The correspondence/deformation Fij that associates any
needs to be lifted to the “hub” through integration. Besides
coordinate (for both surface and non-surface points) from
ODEs, I-ResNet [3] is used in [21] to build invertible defor-
the 3D space at time ti to the 3D space at time tj can be
mation for shape editing. Our method is inspired by Neural-
factorized by the canonical maps as:
Parts [42] where Real-NVP [15] is used to model the defor-
mation from a sphere primitive to a local part. While we [x^{j},y^{j},z^{j}] = \mathcal F_{ij}([x^{i},y^{i},z^{i}]) = \mathcal H_j^{-1}\circ \mathcal H_i ([x^{i},y^{i},z^{i}]). \label {eq:flow}
also use Real-NVP [15] for its simplicity and efficiency, we (3)
have two distinct differences compared to [42]: Our canon- Note that Ht must be invertible; otherwise, the above defor-
ical shape is a learned implicit surface instead of a fixed mation function cannot be defined. By now, any surface that
sphere that can only capture local parts; we use the inverse is topologically isomorphic to the deformable instance sat-
of the Real-NVP to close the factorization cycle, while [42] isfies the above definitions, leading to infinitely many valid
uses the inverse in a complementary training path. canonical shapes and maps. In the following, we will opti-
mize the canonical shapes and maps predicted by the archi-
3. Method tecture in Fig. 3 subject to the priors from the dataset.
As in Fig. 2A, given a sequence1 of point cloud observa- 3.2. Canonical Map Implementation
tions of one deforming instance, our goal is to reconstruct
Neural Homeomorphism One key technique of our im-
a sequence of surfaces. Instead of directly solving a corre-
plementation is an efficient way to parameterize and learn
spondence map between two frames during reconstruction,
the homeomorphism between coordinate spaces. Unfor-
we propose an architecture (Fig. 3) where the interframe
tunately, the widely used Neural-ODEs [7] do not meet
correspondence is computed via a pivot canonical shape.
our efficiency requirements since a full integration would
We will call the map between a surface in any deformed
have to be applied to every frame. Inspired by [42], we
frame and the canonical shape a canonical map.
utilize the Conditional Real-NVP [15] (Real-valued Non-
3.1. CaDeX and Canonical Map Volume Preserving) or the NICE [14] (Nonlinear Indepen-
dent Component Estimation) normalizing flow implemen-
Let us denote [xi , y i , z i ] ∈ R3 as the 3D coordinates tations to learn the homeomorphism. Taking the more gen-
of the input 3D space2 , in which a deformed surface Si at eral NVP [15] as an example (Fig. 3-C), with the network
time ti is embedded. Consider a continuous bijective map- being a stack of Coupling Blocks [15], we apply NVP to 3D
ping (homeomorphism) Hi : R3 7→ R3 at time ti that maps coordinates. During initialization, each block is randomly
each deformed coordinate to its global (shared over differ- assigned an input split pattern; for example, a block always
ent time frames) 3D coordinate [u, v, w] = Hi ([xi , y i , z i ]). splits [x, y, z] to [x, y] and [z]. Given a condition latent code
Note that [u, v, w] has no index of time and can be seen c, each block takes in 3D coordinates [x, y, z] and outputs
as a globally consistent indicator of each correspondence the transformed coordinates [x′ , y ′ , z ′ ] by changing one part
trajectory across time in the input 3D space. Hence, we based on the other part in the input coordinate split:
name [u, v, w] the canonical deformation coordinates of
the position [xi , y i , z i ] at time ti and call the uvw 3D space \left [x',y',z'\right ] = \left [x, y, z\exp (s_\theta (x,y|c))+t_\theta (x,y|c)\right ] (4)
1 Ora set, but for conciseness, we will only refer to the sequence. where sθ (·|c) : R2 7→ R and tθ (·|c) : R2 7→ R are scale
2 The superscript i refers to the time index. and translation predicted by any network conditioned on c.
Figure 3. (A) Canonical Map (Sec. 3.2): A sequence (or a set) of input point clouds is first sent to the Deformation Encoder generating
deformation embeddings ci for each frame. Then the canonical map H can transform any coordinate (e.g. a yellow point in the point cloud,
a blue query position for implicit field or a purple source point for correspondence) from any deformed frame to the canonical coordinate
via H conditioning on the corresponding deformation embedding. The correspondence prediction (right bottom) can be obtained by
directly mapping back the canonical coordinate through H −1 . (B) Canonical Shape Encoder-Decoder (Sec. 3.4): All input multi-frame
point clouds are first transformed to the canonical space via H and are directly unioned to aggregate a canonical observation. The global
geometry embedding g (unique across frames) is encoded via a PointNet [45] ϕ, and the occupancy value for the canonical coordinate of a
query position at ti (blue point) is predicted through a standard OccNet [33] ψ. During training, the occupancy is supervised by LR , and
the correspondence can be optionally supervised by LC (Sec. 3.5). (C) The Real-NVP [15] invertible architecture of H (Sec. 3.2).
Such a block models a bijection since the inverse can be Note that on the right side of Eq. 6, the input coordinates
immediately derived as: and the deformation embedding have the index ti since
they come from each deformed frame. However, after ap-
\left [x,y,z\right ] = \left [x', y', \frac {z'-t_\theta (x',y'|c)}{\exp (s_\theta (x',y'|c))}\right ]. (5) plication of the canonical map, the coordinates on the left
side are independent of the index because there is only one
global CaDeX for this sequence. Finally, the correspon-
Therefore, the whole stack of blocks is invertible. If the
dence/deformation between two deformed frames (Eq. 3)
activation functions in each block are continuous, then the
can be implemented as:
whole network models a homeomorphism. NICE [14] is
simply removing the scale freedom from the NVP block, i.e: [\hat {x}^{j},\hat {y}^{j},\hat {z}^{j}] = H^{-1}\left ( H([x^{i},y^{i},z^{i}]\,; \,c_{i}) \,;\, c_{j}\right ) \label {eq:corr_pred} (7)
sθ (·|c) ≡ 0. Note that the inverse of NVP and NICE is as
simple as the forward, which induces our desired efficiency where [x̂j , ŷ j , ẑ j ] is the mapped position at time tj of the
and simplicity, and enables using the definition in Eq.3. original position [xi , y i , z i ] at time ti . Regarding the choice
H architecture Note that in Eq. 2, each deformed sur- of H, Real-NVP [15] can provide more flexible defor-
face Si has a different canonical map Hi that associates Si mation since it has one more degree of freedom (scale);
with U . We implement them with the conditional real-NVP NICE [14] guarantees volume conservation (Sec. 3.3) that
or NICE, denoted by H (noncalligraphic). Given the vec- results in a more regularized deformation.
tor ci that encodes the deformation information at time ti Deformation Encoder To obtain the per-frame deforma-
such that Hi (·) ≡ H(· ; ci ), where the network H is shared tion embedding ci that is used as the condition of H, we
across different time frames. The canonical deformation co- demonstrate two kinds of inputs and three encoder types
ordinates are predicted as (Fig. 3-A, boxes marked with H): (Fig. 3-A, orange box). One direct approach is to employ a
PointNet that summarizes the deformation code separately
[u,v,w] = H([x^{i},y^{i},z^{i}]\,;\, c_{i}). \label {eq:cdc} (6) per frame (PF). If the input is a sequence of point clouds,
we can alternatively use the ST-PointNet variant proposed to obtain a canonical aggregated observation. Given the de-
in [50] to get the deformation code (ST). The ST encoder formation embedding ci per-frame, the canonical observa-
processes the 4D coordinates and applies the pooling spa- tions are merged via set union as:
tially and temporally. If the input is a set without order, we
develop a 2-phase PointNet to obtain a global set deforma- \bar {X} = \bigcup _{t_i}\{\, H([x_j^{i}, y_j^{i}, z_j^{i}]\,;\, c_{i})\,|\, \forall [x_j^{i}, y_j^{i}, z_j^{i}] \in X_i \,\}. (9)
tion code (SET), and then use a 1-D code query network
to output the deformation embedding ci taking the query
articulation angle and the global deformation code as in- The global geometry embedding g of the sequence S is en-
put. Since these are not our main contributions, we refer the coded by a PointNet ϕ: g = ϕ(X̄).
reader to the supplementary for details on these encoders. Geometry Decoder Given the global geometry embed-
ding g, we obtain the canonical shape encoded in g via an
3.3. Properties of the Canonical Map occupancy network [33] that takes g as well as the query po-
The novel factorization and its implementation induce sition [u, v, w] in the CaDeX as input, and predicts the oc-
the following desired properties of real world deformation: cupancy in the CaDeX: ô = ψ([u, v, w]; g), where the de-
Cycle consistency: The deformation/correspondence be- coder ψ is an MLP. However, the ground truth ([u, v, w], o∗ )
tween deformed frames predicted by our factorization supervision pair is unavailable in the CaDeX since the
(Eq. 3, 7) is cycle consistent (path-invariant). The reason canonical shape is not known in advance and is learned dur-
is that every canonical map maps any deformed frame in ing training. Available types of supervision are the query-
the sequence (or set) to the global CaDeX of this sequence occupancy pairs ([xi , y i , z i ], oi∗ ) in each deformed coordi-
(or set), and the canonical maps are invertible: nate space where the deformed surface Si is embedded at
each time ti . Therefore, we predict the occupancy field of
\begin {aligned} \mathcal F_{jk}\circ \mathcal F_{ij} &= \mathcal H_k^{-1}\circ \mathcal H_j \circ \mathcal H_j^{-1}\circ \mathcal H_i = \mathcal H_k^{-1}\circ \mathcal H_i = \mathcal F_{ik}. \end {aligned} any deformed frame through the canonical map via Eq. 6:
Topology preserving deformation: Since our factorization \hat {o} = \psi \left (H([x^{i}, y^{i}, z^{i}]\,;\, c_{i})\,;\, g\right ) \label {eq:occ_pred} (10)
(Eq. 3, 7) is a composition of two homeomorphisms, the
induced deformation function is thus a homeomorphism as
3.5. Losses, Training, Inference
well, and therefore never changes the surface topology. Our model is fully differentiable and is trained end-to-
Volume conservation (NICE): If H is implemented by end. Following Eq. 10, the main loss function is the recon-
NICE [14], then the predicted deformation preserves the struction loss in each deformed frame:
volume of the geometry, which can be proved by the fact
that the determinant of the Jacobian of every coupling block
\mathcal L_{R} = \frac {1}{T}\sum _{i=1}^T{ \frac {1}{M_i} \sum _{j=1}^{M_i} BCE \left [ \psi \left (H(p_j^{i}; c_{i}); g\right ) , o_j^{i*} \right ] \label {eq:l_recon} } (11)
in NICE [14] is 1 (see Supp. for more details).
Continuous deformation if c is continuous: Some appli-
cations require the sequence S = {S} to be dense on time where T is the total number of frames that have occupancy
axis, for example, modeling continuous deformation across field supervision and Mi is the number of queried positions
time [36]. In this case, the deformation codes c become a at each frame. We denote by pij the j th query position in
function of time c(t). Since all activation functions we are frame ti , and by oi∗
j the corresponding ground truth occu-
using in the canonical map are continuous, it is obvious that pancy state. Optionally, if the ground truth correspondence
if c(t) is continuous, then the predicted deformation in Eq. 7 pairs are given, we can utilize them as a supervision signal
must be continuous across t. via Eq. 7. The additional correspondence loss reads:
3.4. Representing Canonical Shape
\mathcal L_{C} = \frac {1}{|\mathcal Q|}\sum _{(p_k^{i},p_k^{j})\in \mathcal Q} {\left \| H^{-1}\left ( H(p_k^{i};c_{i}) ;c_{j}\right ) - p_k^{j} \right \|_l} \label {eq:l_corr} (12)
Geometry Encoder We represent the canonical shape in
the CaDeX by a standard Occupancy Network [33]. The
canonical map brings additional benefits for encoding the
where Q is the set of ground truth correspondence pairs: pik
global geometry embedding (Fig. 3-B). Denote the ob-
is the source position (Fig. 3 purple coordinate) in frame ti
served point cloud at time ti as Xi = { [xij , yji , zji ] | j =
and pjk is the ground truth corresponding position in frame
0, 1, . . . , Ni }3 , where [xij , yji , zji ] is the 3D coordinate of tj ; and k is the index of all supervision pairs. We denote by l
each point in the point cloud. The observations from dif- the order of the error norm. Note that the cycle consistency
ferent ti ’s are partial, noisy, and not aligned. We overcome guaranteed by our method (Sec. 3.3) does not depend on
such irregularity by using the same canonical map (Sec.3.2) LC . The overall loss function is L = wR LR + wC LC ,
3 Note here the superscripts are still the index of the time, the subscripts where wC can be zero if no correspondence supervision is
are the index of the points in the cloud. provided. Note that there is no loss directly applied to the
predicted canonical deformation coordinates [u, v, w]. This Method
Seen Individual Unseen Individual
gives the maximum freedom to the canonical shape to form IoU↑ CD↓ Corr↓ IoU↑ CD↓ Corr↓
a pattern that helps the prediction accuracy. All patterns of PSGN-4D [16] - 0.108 3.234 - 0.127 3.041
the canonical shape emerge automatically during training ONet-4D [33] 77.9% 0.084 - 66.6% 0.140 -
(see the Supplement for an additional discussion). O-Flow [36] 79.9% 0.073 0.122 69.6% 0.095 0.149
LCR [24] 81.8% 0.068 - 68.2% 0.100 -
During training, our model is trained directly from LCR-F [24] 81.5% 0.068 - 69.9% 0.094 -
scratch with the mandatory reconstruction loss (Eq. 11). For Ours 85.5% 0.056 0.100 75.4% 0.074 0.126
efficiency, at each training iteration, we randomly select a
subset of frames in the input sequence and supervise the Table 1. Results on D-FAUST [5] human bodies, trained without
occupancy prediction. If the ground-truth correspondence correspondence supervision.
supervision is also provided, we predict the corresponding
position of surface points in the first frame for every other Seen Individual Unseen Individual
frame and minimize the correspondence loss in Eq. 12. IoU↑ CD↓ Corr↓ IoU↑ CD↓ Corr↓
During inference, our model generates all surfaces of a PSGN-4D [16] - 0.101 0.102 - 0.119 0.131
sequence in parallel after a single marching cubes mesh ex- O-Flow [36] 81.5% 0.065 0.094 72.3% 0.084 0.117
LPDC [50] 84.9% 0.055 0.080 76.2% 0.071 0.098
traction. Directly marching the CaDeX is intractable since Ours(NICE) 85.4% 0.051 0.082 75.6% 0.070 0.104
it is learned. However, by using Eq. 10 as a query function, Ours(ST) 86.7% 0.046 0.077 78.1% 0.063 0.095
we can extract the mesh (V0 , E0 ) in the first frame, which Ours(PF) 89.1% 0.039 0.070 80.7% 0.055 0.087
is equivalent to marching the CaDeX given the canoni-
cal map. The equivalent canonical mesh in the CaDeX is Table 2. Results on D-FAUST [5] human bodies, trained with cor-
(Vc , Ec ) = (H(V0 ; c0 ), E0 ). Then any mesh in other frames respondence supervision.
can be extracted as:
field as well as the optional surface point correspondence
(\mathcal V_i, \mathcal E_i) = (H^{-1}(\mathcal V_c;c_{i}),\mathcal E_c). \label {eq:gen_mesh} (13) are provided. Our default model is configured by using
the ST-encoder (Sec. 3.2) and an NVP homeomorphism.
Note that all meshes above share the same connectivity E0 , The following tables and sections assume such a configu-
so the mesh correspondence is produced. Eq. 13 can be ration if not otherwise specified. We test the performance
implemented in batch to achieve better efficiency. of the PF-encoder and the NICE homeomorphism variants
as well. The experiments are divided into training without
4. Results correspondence (Tab. 1) and training with correspondence
(Tab. 2) tracks for fair comparison between methods. The
To demonstrate CaDeX as a general and expressive rep- testing set has two difficulty levels: unseen motion and un-
resentation, we investigate the performance in modeling seen individuals [36].
three distinct categories: human bodies (Sec. 4.1), animals Quantitative comparisons in Tab. 1, 2 indicate that our
(Sec. 4.2) and articulated objects (Sec. 4.3). Finally, we ex- method outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a signifi-
amine the effectiveness of our design choice in Sec. 4.4. cant margin. The qualitative comparison in Fig. 4 shows the
Metrics: To measure our performance for shape and cor- advantage of our method in capturing fast moving parts and
respondence modeling, we follow the paradigm of [36, 50] shape details (marked with red). We attribute such improve-
and use the same metrics: evaluating the reconstruction ac- ments to two main reasons: First, our factorization of the
curacy using the IoU and Chamfer Distance, and the motion deformation and its implementation provide a strong regu-
accuracy by correspondence l2 -distance error. larization that other approaches like O-flow [36] can only
Baselines: We compare with the closest model-free dy- achieve with an ODE integration. Additionally, supervising
namic representations. The main baselines described in a per-frame implicit reconstruction in our model is equiva-
Sec. 2 are: O-Flow [36] and LPDC [50] for sequence in- lent to the dense cross-frame reconstruction supervision in
puts and A-SDF [35] for articulated object set inputs. [50]. Second, our shape prior is stored in the learned canon-
ical space (marked green in Fig. 4), which is relatively sta-
4.1. Modeling Dynamic Human Bodies
ble across different sequences as shown in the figure. When
We first demonstrate the power of modeling the dynamic training without correspondence (Tab. 1), our method can
human body across time. We use the same experiment learn the correspondence implicitly and reach a similar re-
setup, dataset, and split as [24, 36, 50]. The data are gen- construction performance as [50] in Tab. 2, which is trained
erated from D-FAUST [5], a real 4D human scan dataset. with dense parallel correspondence supervision. Compar-
Following the setting of [36], the input is a randomly sam- ing the different configurations of our method in Tab. 2, the
pled sparse point cloud trajectory (300 points) of 17 frames NICE [14] version has a performance drop since the defor-
evenly sampled across time. The ground-truth occupancy mation is strongly regularized to conserve the volume, but
Figure 4. Left: Human body modeling (Sec. 4.1); Right: Animal body modeling (Sec. 4.2). The left top figure marked in the green box is
our canonical shape, the first input is not displayed. The colors of the meshes encode the correspondence. More results are in the the Supp.
Seen individual Unseen individual Input Method IoU↑ CD↓ Corr↓ t(s) θ (deg)
Input Mehtod
IoU↑ CD↓ Corr↓ IoU↑ CD↓ Corr↓ A-SDF [35] 55.2% 0.127 - 3.44 3.38
O-Flow [36] 70.6% 0.104 0.204 57.3% 0.175 0.285 PCL LPDC [50] 49.2% 0.171 0.230 0.53 3.00
PCL LPDC [50] 72.4% 0.085 0.162 59.4% 0.149 0.262 Ours 58.9% 0.118 0.160 1.12 2.75
Ours 80.3% 0.061 0.133 64.7% 0.127 0.239 A-SDF [35] 53.9% 0.127 - 3.65 5.06
O-Flow [36] 63.0% 0.131 0.250 49.0% 0.228 0.374 Dep LPDC [50] 46.4% 0.195 0.269 0.54 4.85
Dep LPDC [50] 58.4% 0.160 0.249 45.8% 0.261 0.388 Ours 56.4% 0.116 0.161 1.26 4.34
Ours 71.1% 0.094 0.186 55.7% 0.175 0.301
Table 4. Results on Shape2Motion [35, 53] articulated objects,
Table 3. Results on DeformingThings4D [57] animal bodies, PCL PCL and Dep correspond to the input types. The average perfor-
and Dep correspond to the input types. mance across 7 categories is reported, we refer the readers to our
supplementary for the full table. t is the surface generation average
this is achieved by freezing half of the capacity (scale free- time and θ is the average angle prediction error.
dom). We note that the naive per-frame encoder (PF) works
better compared to the spatial-temporal encoder [50] (ST). observation can be attributed to our design of the canoni-
A potential reason is that the per-frame encoder provides a cal observation encoder (Sec. 3.4) that explicitly aggregates
higher canonicalization level since when deciding the de- observations in the CaDeX.
formation code ci , no information from other frames can be
considered, so the PF encoder might avoid overfitting. 4.3. Modeling Articulated Objects
We extend CaDeX from modeling the 4D nonrigid sur-
4.2. Modeling Dynamic Animals
face sequence to representing semi-nonrigid articulated ob-
We experiment with a more challenging setting: mod- ject sets. We generate the dataset and inputs as in Sec. 4.2
eling different categories of animals with one model. We from [35] based on Shape2Motion [53], which contains 7
generate the same supervision types as Sec. 4.1 based on categories of articulated objects with 1 or 2 deformable
the DeformingThings4D-Animals [57] dataset (DT4D-A). angles. We configure the model with the SET encoder
We use 17 animal categories and generate 2 types of input (Sec. 3.2) that produces the global dynamic code and then
observations: Sparse point cloud input as Sec. 4.1 as well use the articulation angle to query the deformation code for
as the monocular depth video input from a randomly posed each frame (for details, see the Supplement). During train-
static camera. We assume that the camera view point esti- ing, we input the sparse point cloud of 4 randomly sampled
mation problem is solved so all partial observations live in deformed frames of one object and then use the ground-
one global world frame. All models are trained across all truth angle to query per-frame deformation codes; finally,
animal categories. We refer the reader to the supplementary the model predicts the occupancy field for 4 seen (input)
material for more details. Such a setting is more challenging frames and 4 unseen frames. We supervise both LR and
because animals have both large shape and motion variance LC . For completeness, we also predict the articulation an-
across categories. Additionally, the models are required to gles of the input frames by a small head in the encoder
aggregate information across time and hallucinate the miss- and supervise them. Each category is trained separately for
ing parts in depth observation inputs. Quantitative results all methods. Note that A-SDF [35] demonstrates the auto-
of both the sparse point cloud input and the depth input in decoder setup, but it only solves half of our problem without
Tab. 3 as well as the qualitative results in Fig. 4 indicate that correspondence. Simultaneously solving the shape and the
our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in these correspondence leads to difficulties when applying an auto-
challenging settings. In addition to the reasons mentioned decoder with optimization during testing, so we leave this
in Sec. 4.1, the improvement when predicting from depth as a future direction. For fair comparison, we adapt A-SDF
IoU↑ CD↓ Corr↓ t(s)
Full 66.5% 0.128 0.223 1.8
MLP 61.9% 0.161 0.303 20.5
No G-Enc 63.4% 0.141 0.216 1.7
Table 5. Ablation study, t is the average surface generation time.
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