OA English Grade6 Answer Key (Ch1-9)
OA English Grade6 Answer Key (Ch1-9)
OA English Grade6 Answer Key (Ch1-9)
A n I n t e g r a t e d l e a r n i n g s o l ut i o n
Part A
Part of the combo pack, not to be sold separately
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Teacher’s Resource 17
7. The Brahmaputra flows through Tibet, India surprise! The cupboard opened into a meadow
and Bangladesh. with daffodils all around. Scared and surprised,
8. The house with the red door is locked. Alice slowly stepped into the world before her.
9. Sid and I asked our English teacher for an extra As she looked around, the White Rabbit popped
class. up before her and waved at her. A surprised Alice
10. My father asked me to buy groceries from the knelt and shook its hand. The rabbit asked her to
supermarket. follow him. They passed through a dark forest lit
up by fireflies. Alice had never even dreamt of a
ANALYSING world like this!
1. subject: Joseph; verb: called; object: his friends The White Rabbit snapped his finger, and a table
2. subject: Lily; verb: has visited; object: Italy and two chairs appeared before them. The rabbit
3. subject: Monika; snapped its finger again. This time, the table was
verb: is reading; object: a book full of pies and cakes and mugs of chocolate shake.
4. subject: We; verb: will reach; object: Mumbai Suddenly, everything around her started shaking.
5. subject: Susan’s family; verb: is going; object: A scared Alice closed her eyes tightly. She was in
– Sri Lanka her bed when she opened her eyes. It was all a
6. subject: Kiran; verb: could not solve; object: the dream!
7. subject: The Brahmaputra; verb: flows; object:
– Tibet, India, Bangladesh (Answer will vary.)
8. subject: The house with the red door; verb: is; 1. Take a strip of paper 6–8 inches long and 3/4
no object inches wide.
9. subject: Sid and I; verb: asked; object: our subject: you (implied); verb: Take; object: a strip
English teacher of paper 6–8 inches long and 3/4 inches wide
10. subject: My father; verb: asked; object: me 2. Peel a boiled egg.
subject: you (implied); verb: Peel; object: a
EVALUATING boiled egg
Alice was beginning to get very bored. She and her 3. Light the strip of paper and drop it into the
sister were sitting under the trees. Her bottle.
sister was reading. Alice had nothing to do. Once subject: you (implied); verb: Light, drop; object:
or twice she looked into her sister’s book. It had the strip of paper
no pictures or conversations in it. 4. Quickly place the egg on top of the mouth of
Alice tried to think of something to do. It was a the bottle.
hot day. She felt very sleepy and bored. She was subject: you (implied); verb: place; object: the
still sitting and thinking. Suddenly a White Rabbit egg
with pink eyes ran past her. 5. See how the egg smoothly slides down the
CREATING subject: you (implied); verb: see, slides; object:
(Answers will vary.) the egg
Alice jumped up immediately and followed the
White Rabbit. The White Rabbit ran down the
stairs and into the living room. Alice followed (Answers will vary.)
him quickly. The White Rabbit then ran into the 1. Elephants and dogs are Raima’s favourite
cupboard in the corner and shut the door behind animals.
him. Alice giggled. She thought she could catch 2. Raima is a huge fan of rock songs.
the rabbit. Alice tiptoed to the cupboard and 3. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S.
slowly opened the door. She was in for a huge Lewis is her favourite book.
32 Teacher’s Resource
4. Matilda is Raima’s favourite literary character. 2. Meera and I walked back from school today.
5. Blue is the colour she loves most. 3. The Sun is around 150 million kilometres away
6. Raima and I learn the guitar together. from the Earth.
4. The President of India resides at the Rashtrapati
(Answers will vary.) 5. The actor’s latest film was shot entirely on a
1. Harry Potter studied magic at Hogwarts. ship.
44 Teacher’s Resource
C. 1. d; 2. e; 3. h; 4. g; 5. f; 6. a; 7. b; 8. c; 9. j; 10. i APPLYING
D. 1. How beautiful the rain is! 1. i; 2. ii; 3. i; 4. ii; 5. i; 6. iii; 7. i; 8. i; 9. i; 10. iii
2. What an interesting storybook Oliver
3. How pretty your dress is! 1. Please stand in the queue.
4. How well Pradeep can sing! 2. Place the jar of jam on the top shelf.
5. How kind you are! 3. What a cloudy morning!
6. What a great actor she is! 4. Do you know anything about the Mississippi
7. What a fantastic writer J.K. Rowling is! River?
8. What a beautiful painting it is! 5. John plays the piano, doesn’t he?
E. 1. Whom did Lillie call over for dinner? 6. The stranger never returned to the lodge.
2. Have you ever been to Russia?
3. What book are you reading?
4. Will we reach Jaipur by 8 a.m.? (Answers will vary.)
5. Where are these tourists going? 1. Please stand up and state your name.;
6. Has Sharbani completed her homework? imperative
7. Who will water the plants while we are 2. Stand in queue.; imperative
away? 3. Aanya built this shelf herself.; declarative
8. Where did Rajesh bring the puppy from? 4. This jam is lovely, isn’t it?; question tag
9. How many shirts has Manish bought 5. I am not a morning person.; negative
from the market? 6. Is it cloudy today?; interrogative
10. What did Ramya have for breakfast? 7. Do I know you?; interrogative
8. I don’t want anything.; negative
Worksheet 3.2 9. How well John plays the fiddle!; exclamatory
A. 1. e; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; 5. f; 6. c 10. What a beautiful piano!; exclamatory
B. 1. doesn’t she?; 2. doesn’t he?; 3. isn’t she?; 11. Have you ever spoken to a stranger?;
4. didn’t he?; 5. aren’t I?; 6. aren’t they?; interrogative
7. doesn’t he?; 8. have they?; 9. were you?; 12. This book must be returned by Wednesday.;
10. didn’t it?; 11. am I?; 12. doesn’t she?; imperative
13. aren’t you?; 14. didn’t she?; 15. didn’t he?;
16. weren’t they? CREATING
(Answers will vary.)
LANGUAGE IN ACTION A Visit to Thirumalai Nayak Palace in Madurai
REMEMBERING I visited a historical monument in Madurai with
1. There are four types of sentences—declarative my class last week. Which historical monument in
sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative Madurai? Well, we visited the Thirumalai Nayak
sentences and exclamatory sentences. Palace, and saw the light and sound show there.
Teacher’s Resource 45
Built as a home in 1635 for King Thirumalai Nayak, 2. Please do not litter in the nature park.
the palace was designed by an Italian architect. (imperative)
Our guide told us that the original palace was 3. What should you do if you get separated from
bigger, but it got destroyed over the years. He your class? (interrogative)
said the king’s grandson removed jewels and 4. Remember, no fighting! (exclamatory)
woodcarvings from the palace to use them in a
grand palace he was building in Tiruchirappalli! ASK YOUR BUDDY
However, that could never happen. In the late (Answers will vary.)
1800s, the palace was renovated by Lord Napier. 1. Cricket was invented in England, wasn’t it?
It was declared as a national monument after
2. These shoes are made for running, aren’t they?
3. Glasgow is not the capital of Ireland, is it?
Today, the palace is known for its grand gates, 4. Henry has never visited India, has he?
which lead to the central hall. The central hall is
5. Our principal is hosting the annual day this
full of pillars that are over 80 feet tall! The circular
year, isn’t she?
garden and the dance hall are the other attractions.
6. Meera had biryani for dinner, didn’t she?
Many famous films have been shot in the palace,
7. Robin Williams had acted in over 80 films,
the guide told us.
hadn’t he?
A VALUE FOR YOU 8. Nazma moved to Hungary in 1997, didn’t she?
9. We didn’t know that Zubair wouldn’t come to
(Answers will vary.)
class today, did we?
1. The nature park rules require that you to wear
10. Kaia solves the Rubik’s Cube in less than ten
your school ID at all times. (declarative)
seconds, doesn’t she?
Teacher’s Resource 57
A. 1. Mahesh did not go to school today. 2. ‘Be’, ‘am’, ‘is’, ‘are’, ‘was’, ‘were’, ‘being’ and
‘been’ are the different forms of the ‘be’ verb.
2. Sammy was waiting for his friend.
3. (Answers may vary.) Regular verbs are those
3. Sammy’s friend has arrived.
that add ‘-ed’ to the base form to make the past
4. What were they doing? simple and the past participle forms. A few
5. They were playing football. examples of regular verbs are ‘jump–jumped’
6. Do you like tennis? and ‘chase–chased’.
7. He has not slept since yesterday. UNDERSTANDING
8. Mom did not go to the market. 1. true
9. Did all of you finish your homework? 2. Broken is the past participle form of the verb
10. All the players have not come. ‘break’.
B. 1. Did; 2. Does; 3. Were; 4. Is; 5. Is; 6. Have; APPLYING
7. Has; 8. Did
(Answers will vary.)
C. 1. Has Yogi solved the maths problem? 1. The winter had come at last.
2. Does she exercise every evening? 2. The statue that stood at the entrance was
3. Has Somya got a gift for his brother? grandiose.
4. Are the two sisters going home tomorrow? 3. I’ve never eaten spaghetti before.
5. Have we not finished our lunch? 4. That song was sung by the Beatles.
5. The children were found playing in a nearby
6. Did they go to the park this morning?
7. Is Uncle Ron driving his car?
6. The money was paid in advance.
8. Does Uncle Ron have a driving licence? 7. I’m sorry but this seat is already taken.
9. Is Amita sitting in the dark? 8. Have we met before, Colonel Chatterjee?
10. Has Becky cleaned her room? 9. By the time I reached, Priya was gone.
10. Ms Rao’s vintage car was sold for a huge
Worksheet 6.2 amount.
A. 1. agreed; 2. played, won; 3. rained; 4. met;
5. drove; 6. reached; 7. chose; 8. travelled; ANALYSING
9. bought; 10. buried The verbs ‘be’, ‘do’ and ‘have’ are irregular verbs
B. 1. hurry–hurried–hurried; 2. follow–followed– as they do not take ‘-ed’ after them to make the
followed; 3. stand–stood–stood; 4. sing–sang– past tense and the past participle forms. The past
sung; 5. fight–fought–fought; 6. let–let–let; tense and past participle forms of the verbs ‘be’,
7. wear–wore–worn; 8. become–became– ‘do’ and ‘have’ are was/ were–been (be); did–done
become; 9. beat–beat–beaten; 10. shut–shut– (do); and had–had (have).
LANGUAGE IN ACTION 1. Have you seen Ronaldo’s new bike?
REMEMBERING 2. Does he have a new bike?
1. Auxiliary verbs help modify the main verb and 3. Has Sailu finished her homework?
are used before the main verb when we form 4. Do peacocks make nests on trees?
continuous and perfect tenses, passive voice, 5. Do you go to the library every Wednesday?
negative sentences and questions. Auxiliary 6. Has your friend left?
Teacher’s Resource 85
6. Pour three cups of water and give the 10. Taste the soup for seasonings and add more if
vegetables a stir. Allow it to boil. required. Also add some vinegar for flavour.
7. Add salt and crushed black pepper according Transfer the soup to serving bowls, and serve
to taste. hot.
8. Add the slurry you had prepared. Keep stirring
so that it mixes well without forming lumps. ASK YOUR BUDDY
9. Stir and cook till the mixture thickens. This (Answers will vary.) 1. shed–shed; 2. awake–
might take around eight minutes. awoken; 3. write–written; 4. cast–cast; 5. weave–
woven; 6. go–gone; 7. tread–trodden; 8. fell–felled;
9. burn–burnt; 10. ride–ridden
98 Teacher’s Resource
are not biodegradable, which means they cannot Diganta: Hi, Ananya! The call for annual day
decompose. This can adversely affect our immune participations, right? Yes.
system and even lead to cancer. We must ensure Ananya: So, will you be taking part?
that we don’t dump plastic waste everywhere.
Diganta: I don’t know, Ananya. I would love to.
Plastic dumped in sea kills nearly 100,000 turtles
But …
and marine animals every year.
Ananya: But what? Look, the exams are due in
We should think of moving on to more eco-
April. Shouldn’t we all have fun now?
friendly alternatives like wood and glass, and even
bioplastics. Reusing plastic can be a good step at an Diganta: I know ... and even I want to … but what
individual level. Switching to jute and cloth bags, would I take part in?
instead of the plastic ones, would also be a good Ananya: You can dance, act, can’t you?
step towards a plastic-free world. Diganta: Oh, how I wish I could! It’s either books
or music for me.
A VALUE FOR YOU Ananya: Oh yes! You can play the guitar, right?
(Answer will vary.) And you sing too!
• Ma, may I help? I can do the dishes while you Diganta: Yes, but I can’t go solo. I’m afraid I
hang the clothes out to dry. might freeze onstage.
• You can’t lie to me, Dhruv. In fact, you Ananya: Shall we perform as a band this time?
shouldn’t lie at all. I can play the drums and Ramya can
• Hello, ma’am/sir. Could you please tell me the play the keyboard.
way to the town library? Diganta: We may even get Kathir to play the
• Hi, Jishnu. Would you be going to the book flute. We could then improvise some
fair tomorrow? songs.
Ananya: That sounds fantastic. We would be our
ASK YOUR BUDDY school’s first-ever band! But we must
(Answer will vary.) register by Friday.
Ananya: Hi, Diganta! Did you get the circular Diganta: What are we waiting for, then? Let’s
as well? get rolling!
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First Action Tense Second Action Tense
It was raining heavily. Past continuous tense Sheela woke up. Simple past tense
Marty was sleeping. Past continuous tense Lizzie called him. Simple past tense
I was going to school. Past continuous tense I saw an elephant. Simple past tense
(Answer will vary.)
Venetian merchant, explorer and writer Marco Polo
was one of the first Europeans to explore Asia. He
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