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ChS BABS S171 O/OF7 |S HAJAL©., Talk about the following sign. S 100M (QRS SAU SHS UES SAt Holl BO OSS BSO|LY SAIS St apSsicy. Attached to a noun indicating location, (2) expresses the meaning ‘toward! (direction or destination) + QBFOs 7H. + lf HS BAAS 712. SHO] Qe BAIS OE '7t al BAO] Sie Als} =’ BAO] APOE “SIP BECL ‘When the preceding noun ends ina consonant other than ‘=, ‘2.2 isused. Aftera vowel-ending noun or ‘2" ending noun, 2" is used. + B+ Op gyor RE + BASS + APA + 2 ARAL g (QUES PHO BS LEH OH APB SPIS SICH (~ Ses 48) “{2)2' can also be used to indicate a tool, instrument or method, (* see Grammar 48) 22eM2}2 (1) 171 721881 HIZES AHPALAIQ. Complete the table below. om ogoe 4 az | ae | | 1S alee 7 ot 2 [ A : Ce = si we | aes : xi: basement ELD SLES AS DEAL. choose the appropriate one. O 7: SSSO] OCI? Lb 0E@/22) 1000/83 72. @ 7k: Ot SAO] O{COH] QLO12? U: 3S 0] NOR. 3S(E/OE) THQ. © 7: HES) Bel M, Alea O/C? U: 280 UHL, 26(S/LB) SAQA, @ 7: HES) Aiea, O1C 0 ALL? Ur Alo ALP AOI QUOD. APFAE/OS) OH. © 7t: Of BStOHl Hf aH? Up BAKS/O2) HHS 712. CHEHS SHISHYAI. complete the dialogues, het 2c} yey Ech Septet Jk O| BAO] SHO] SUMP Uf: AZO YWOH2, 7k APSO! OOH WSL U: ZS}OH 2012. : | 7k IS ofc a2 fi af, U: HI ARPA 012, 0 e nal 7k SSI2O| OCI ELI? @ Ql oes eo 5 f | Us iatMe 7801 Glog. BH Sil AHS AS SOp HS(1-4)S MAAC. Listen carefully, choose the correct one and write the number (1-4) for each dialogue. J 22EM(2)2 (1) 173 03 e9(2)=2497 (1) EEE (S)aaH2? on ‘“(Q)eth2?'= SIEM BO} HOLS] SIo}s LYEHYO| RojoAl AESEICE (2) 24.27’ js attached to the stem of action verbs and is used to ask the listener's intention or desire to do something, itis mostly used in colloquial speech, + 7k S810] Zo] ZeHe7 Ub S0rg, 20] 742. + 7k 20] AFI BBeHQ? U S02. A] LF YOR IY AIOLQ, HAO! le SUSAN “SAO? 7} Ba WHO] se SAS AfOKS -22977} ECL When the preceding action verb ends in a consonant, 2127" verb, “- 22427" is used, + Ct+ Ba2Q? — yeaya? + ACh + 2aHQ? — aa¥Q7 is used. After a vowel-ending action 161 242 _£_$< ee FHEALAL®. Complete the table below. SUS #712? Salt ~22h2? SIC} Sea? JIC ena? ect OfAICH ict otc} act Beate ac 7ictalct ach “SC * 2 B2t SA BY 02)01 FISHAIS. Pay attention to the ‘2 irregular verb’. (* Grammar 02), (a17/)2t ZO] CHES SHISHAAIQ, Complete the dialogs as shown in the example below. | wp 7k Ss AAO YRS Hf eeH.a7 ) | | Lp S02, AE Woe Sopsy2. © 7: ELA SA SAO Us Sore, ZO] 72. @ 7: 20 Ur: S02, ME ABS HQ, 07 Ads AD Us Me AMIS Ot SOR. SAS OAL HOR, O 7b FBO Lh O/H, ALS SAO] ZED AAIBE CHE O50] Qt012 * 03 BRE (©} 22427 (1) 117 16 581882 (2)2eH2 (2) -(Q)e4Q’= SHSAO BO BSE Met] Of AS S W2H0] WSS LYEHLHO! ‘~(Q)eHQ?S SHA HH BOLE MAYS SIA] SS OH ASS. O4OHAY APgetct, *-(2) 22} is attached to the stem of action verbs. ‘-(2) 22H" is used with the first person and expresses the speaker's intention or desire to do something while ‘-(2) 22427’ is used to ask the listener's intention or desire to do something. Its frequently used in colloquial speech. + 7k SHO A AeaHeH2? U: & UBsHA| Hol] USA2. + 7k BRO] Aee4e? Ub OLIg. Ae Yes Heete. BAO] Qe SASAOS -SAHL'7t ST LAO Sic SASAE -eae’7p Bett ‘When the preceding action verb ends in a consonant, 2H is used. After a vowel-ending action verb, "22H" is used. + ACh + Bae — gale + OAICE + 222 — OfeHe. GED (27/21 Ho] cists etastalale. Complete the dialogs as shown in the example below. = : : qe) 7k BEL 2 Ag? Lp AS Aoi 7eHe, ee ey eee ty © 7: UY Be] Heel] Se MBS a 71012? Up Mie © JE AA, BAS 7410127 Ub Me © 7: FAO BUT Zo] S44 Aa? Ur ofU2., © 7 QS QF SAHA 20] SHAMIL? Lp Oletahe. ChSa} 20] CHsHS LISA. Complete the following dialog as shown in the example below. | 7k 2AM, 2218 ASAUIS. SAO] BB 2012. Lr aag7 aS GO Ages 2 7k OF. OLN] UAL, Tt ASAI. Uf 224 4], Te] Pa] AHS OPA, AsO Sate 7k: AILS OF} OHACUM A= SAS OFA. Lp Te AHS Bulate Set StS @ 2 JE Ul, BOHR, (2)=242 (2) 1 59 901281 OF AUSAUCL ASSO] SAS SUI? Here is a coffee shop. What do people do in a coffee shop? DE SA Hol 0 SAS USSU 2 BAVt OF Ol SSA ats Vet ASE. “"isattached to a noun and expresses the meaning ‘also, too, or and’ It can be used twice or more, after ‘two or more nouns. + BAO YS YT we Qo}. + THO AYO] OQ, ABE Wo, SRO FO}, S401 HO S'7t BOM S/E, ‘O1/7F, “B/S'S AAI BEC TAL “OW, “OAT, (QVES| SSUES “OE, “OAS, (CVE Ae AC. When “is attached to the topic, subject or object of the sentence, it replaces the topic particle “2/, subject particle ‘0|/F' anc object particle “S/. That is, f=’ cannot be attached toa topic particle, subject particle, or object particle, However, it can be attached to a location or direction particle('OH", “OAT, (O)2") such as ‘OHS, OHAIE and (O)ZE" ‘BeY7} ABO 7EQ. PALE A BtOI EQ. CLAS SHOE HL. SOS a2. OO] SSS AL. ASE LSS AL. DAA HS ARAL. YOME YS ABIL, GSB = Hs Ba 28s asso. Choose two words from the following picture and complete the sentences. Sm Soo" 0 Be Dexigner Eep,. fir 2 y 2 o __OU7E NO. & 01g, e a & og, ° oUF HO. _S yo, Cn OURS, ERE, © Ut 2/8 F012. og. 29m 1 91 921 881 GEEED HSS SSSHAALE. complete the dialogues © 7k: SoH FXO] YoIa? oe a __.. aA, 80) © 7: Bud Foo] Bota? ub oo a 2. © 7 EABOIA SS BI0127 ub ob Ga) © 7: HIHOHAOLA FOS AED? Gots @R,F4) © 7: 24 BAB Bova? uo O77 +7} SAAS SUMP UL Sao] aw|As SUC. @ 7k 57} O10F71B SHR? Us SAE OPIS Oh © 7 +7} TAH YOj2? Ub LEHEO| AHS OQ. 290M | 93

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