To Compress or Not To Compress - Self-Supervised Learning and Information Theory: A Review
To Compress or Not To Compress - Self-Supervised Learning and Information Theory: A Review
To Compress or Not To Compress - Self-Supervised Learning and Information Theory: A Review
arXiv:2304.09355v5 [cs.LG] 21 Nov 2023
Deep neural networks excel in supervised learning tasks but are constrained by the need
for extensive labeled data. Self-supervised learning emerges as a promising alternative,
allowing models to learn without explicit labels. Information theory, and notably the
information bottleneck principle, has been pivotal in shaping deep neural networks. This
principle focuses on optimizing the trade-off between compression and preserving relevant
information, providing a foundation for efficient network design in supervised contexts.
However, its precise role and adaptation in self-supervised learning remain unclear. In
this work, we scrutinize various self-supervised learning approaches from an information-
theoretic perspective, introducing a unified framework that encapsulates the self-supervised
information-theoretic learning problem. We weave together existing research into a cohesive
narrative, delve into contemporary self-supervised methodologies, and spotlight potential
research avenues and inherent challenges. Additionally, we discuss the empirical evaluation of
information-theoretic quantities and their estimation methods. Overall, this paper furnishes
an exhaustive review of the intersection of information theory, self-supervised learning, and
deep neural networks.
1. Introduction
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have revolutionized fields such as computer vision, natural
language processing, and speech recognition due to their remarkable performance in super-
vised learning tasks (Alam et al., 2020; He et al., 2015; LeCun et al., 2015). However, the
success of DNNs is often limited by the need for vast amounts of labeled data, which can
be both time-consuming and expensive to acquire. Self-supervised learning (SSL) emerges
as a promising alternative, enabling models to learn from data without explicit labels by
leveraging the underlying structure and relationships within the data itself.
Recent advances in SSL have been driven by joint embedding architectures, such as Siamese
Nets (Bromley et al., 1993), DrLIM (Chopra et al., 2005; Hadsell et al., 2006), and SimCLR
(Chen et al., 2020a). These approaches define a loss function that encourages representations
of different versions of the same image to be similar while pushing representations of distinct
images apart. After optimizing the surrogate objective, the pre-trained model can be
employed as a feature extractor, with the learned features serving as inputs for downstream
supervised tasks like image classification, object detection, instance segmentation, or pose
estimation (Caron et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2020a; Misra and van der Maaten, 2020; Shwartz-
Ziv et al., 2022b). Although SSL methods have shown promising results in practice, the
theoretical underpinnings behind their effectiveness remain an open question (Arora et al.,
2019; Lee et al., 2021a).
Information theory has played a crucial role in understanding and optimizing deep neural
networks, from practical applications like the variational information bottleneck (Alemi
et al., 2016) to theoretical investigations of generalization bounds induced by mutual
information (Steinke and Zakynthinou, 2020; Xu and Raginsky, 2017). Building upon
these foundations, several researchers have attempted to enhance self-supervised and semi-
supervised learning algorithms using information-theoretic principles, such as the Mutual
Information Neural Estimator (MINE) (Belghazi et al., 2018b) combined with the information
maximization (InfoMax) principle (Linsker, 1988). However, the plethora of objective
functions, contradicting assumptions, and various estimation techniques in the literature
can make it challenging to grasp the underlying principles and their implications.
In this paper, we aim to achieve two objectives. First, we propose a unified framework
that synthesizes existing research on self-supervised and semi-supervised learning from an
information-theoretic standpoint. This framework allows us to present and compare current
methods, analyze their assumptions and difficulties, and discuss the optimal representation
for neural networks in general and self-supervised networks in particular. Second, we explore
different methods and estimators for optimizing information-theoretic quantities in deep
neural networks and investigate how recent models optimize various theoretical-information
In addition to the main structure of the paper, we dedicate a section to the challenges and
opportunities in extending the information-theoretic perspective to other learning paradigms,
such as energy-based models. We highlight the potential advantages of incorporating these
extensions into self-supervised learning algorithms and discuss the technical and conceptual
challenges that must be addressed.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 introduces the key concepts in supervised,
semi-supervised, self-supervised learning, information theory, and representation learning.
Section 3 presents a unified framework for multiview learning based on information theory.
We first discuss what an optimal representation is and why compression is beneficial for
learning. Next, we explore optimal representation in single-view supervised learning models
and how they can be extended to unsupervised, semi-supervised, and multiview contexts.
The focus then shifts to self-supervised learning, where the optimal representation remains
an open question. Using the unified framework, we compare recent self-supervised algorithms
and discuss their differences. We analyze the assumptions behind these models, their effects
To Compress or Not to Compress
Section 5 addresses several technical challenges, discussing both theoretical and practical
issues in estimating theoretical information terms. We present recent methods for estimating
these quantities, including variational bounds and estimators. Section 6 concludes the paper
by offering insights into potential future research directions at the intersection of information
theory, self-supervised learning, and deep neural networks. Our aim is to inspire further
research that leverages information theory to advance our understanding of self-supervised
learning and to develop more efficient and effective models for a broad range of applications.
Although these views often provide different and complementary information about the
same data, directly integrating them does not produce satisfactory results due to biases
between multiple views (Yan et al., 2021). Thus, multiview representation learning involves
identifying the underlying data structure and integrating the different views into a common
feature space, resulting in high performance. In recent decades, multiview learning has been
used for many machine learning tasks and influenced many algorithms, such as co-training
mechanisms (Kumar and Daumé, 2011), subspace learning methods (Xue et al., 2019), and
multiple kernel learning (MKL) (Bach and Jordan, 2002). Li et al. (2018) proposed two
categories for multiview representation learning: (i) multiview representation fusion, which
combines different features from multiple views into a single compact representation, and (ii)
alignment of multiview representation, which attempts to capture the relationships among
multiple different views through feature alignment. In this case, a learned mapping function
embeds the data of each view, and the representations are regularized to form a multiview-
aligned space. In this research direction, an early study is the Canonical Correlation Analysis
(CCA) (Hotelling, 1936) and its kernel extensions (Bach and Jordan, 2003; Hardoon et al.,
2004; Sun, 2013). In addition to CCA, multiview representation learning has penetrated a
variety of learning methods, such as dimensionality reduction (Sun et al., 2010), clustering
analysis (Yan et al., 2015), multiview sparse coding (Cao et al., 2013; Jia et al., 2010;
Liu et al., 2014), and multimodal topic learning (Pu et al., 2020). However, despite their
promising results, these methods use handcrafted features and linear embedding functions,
which cannot capture the nonlinear properties of multiview data.
The emergence of deep learning has provided a powerful way to learn complex, nonlinear,
and hierarchical representations of data. By incorporating multiple hierarchical layers, deep
learning algorithms can learn complex, subtle, and abstract representations of target data.
The success of deep learning in various application domains has led to a growing interest in
deep multiview methods, which have shown promising results. Examples of these methods
include deep multiview canonical correlation analysis (Andrew et al., 2013) as an extension
of CCA, multiview clustering via deep matrix factorization (Zhao et al., 2017a), and the deep
multiview spectral network (Huang et al., 2019). Moreover, deep architectures have been
employed to generate effective representations in methods such as multiview convolutional
neural networks (Liu et al., 2021a), multimodal deep Boltzmann machines (Srivastava and
Salakhutdinov, 2014), multimodal deep autoencoders (Ngiam et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2015),
and multimodal recurrent neural networks (Donahue et al., 2015; Karpathy and Fei-Fei,
2015; Mao et al., 2014).
Two main categories of SSL architectures exist: (1) generative architectures based on
reconstruction or prediction and (2) joint embedding architectures (Liu et al., 2021b). Both
architecture classes can be trained using either contrastive or non-contrastive methods.
To Compress or Not to Compress
and maximizing the entropy of the distribution relative to a prior. Vector quantized
variational auto-encoders (VQ-VAE) employ binary stochastic variables to achieve
similar results (Van Den Oord et al., 2017).
• Contrastive Methods: Contrastive methods utilize data points from the training
set as positive samples and generate points outside the region of high data density as
contrastive samples. The energy (e.g., reconstruction error for generative architectures
or representation predictive error for JEA) should be low for positive samples and
higher for contrastive samples. Various loss functions involving the energies of pairs or
sets of samples can be minimized to achieve this objective.
We now present a few concrete examples of popular models that employ various combinations
of generative architectures, joint embedding architectures, contrastive training, and non-
contrastive training:
objective function in many contrastive learning methods:
" T +
ef (x) f (x )
Ex,x+ ,x− − log P
k = 1K ef (x)T f (xk )
where x+ is a sample similar to x, xk are all the samples in the batch, and f is an encoder.
However, contrastive methods heavily depend on all other samples in the batch and require a
large batch size. Additionally, recent studies (Jing et al., 2021) have shown that contrastive
learning can lead to dimensional collapse, where the embedding vectors span a lower-
dimensional subspace instead of the entire embedding space. Although positive and negative
pairs should repel each other to prevent dimensional collapse, augmentation along feature
dimensions and implicit regularization cause the embedding vectors to fall into a lower-
dimensional subspace, resulting in low-rank solutions.
To address these problems, recent works have introduced JEA models with non-contrastive
methods. Unlike contrastive methods, these methods employ regularization to prevent the
collapse of the representation and do not explicitly rely on negative samples. For example,
several papers use stop-gradients and extra predictors to avoid collapse (Chen and He, 2021;
Grill et al., 2020), while Caron et al. (2020) employed an additional clustering step. VICReg
(Bardes et al., 2021) is another non-contrastive method that regularizes the covariance
matrix of representation. Consider two embedding batches Z = [f (x1 ), . . . , f (xN )] and
Z ′ = [f (x′ 1), . . . , f (x′ N )], each of size (N × K). Denote by C the (K × K) covariance
matrix obtained from [Z, Z ′ ]. The VICReg triplet loss is defined by:
1 X X 2
L= Ck,k′ + γ∥Z − Z ′ ∥2F /N.
α max 0, γ − Ck,k + ϵ +β
K ′
k=1 k ̸=k
To Compress or Not to Compress
A sufficient statistic captures all the information about Y in X. Cover (1999) proved this
However, the sufficiency definition also encompasses trivial identity statistics that only ”copy”
rather than ”extract” essential information. To prevent statistics from inefficiently utilizing
observations, the concept of minimal sufficient statistics was introduced:
Definition 3 (Minimal sufficient statistic (MSS)) A sufficient statistic T is minimal if, for
any other sufficient statistic S, there exists a function f such that T = f (S) almost surely
In essence, MSS are the simplest sufficient statistics, inducing the coarsest sufficient partition
on X. In MSS, the values of X are grouped into as few partitions as possible without
sacrificing information. MSS are statistics with the maximum information about Y while
retaining the least information about X as possible (Koopman, 1936).
(Turner and Sahani, 2007), speech recognition (Hecht et al., 2009), and deep learning (Alemi
et al., 2016; Shwartz-Ziv and Tishby, 2017).
Let X be an input random variable, Y a target variable, and P (X, Y ) their joint distribution.
A representation T is a stochastic function of X defined by a mapping R P (T | X). This
mapping transforms X ∼ P (X) into a representation of T ∼ P (T ) := PT |X (· | x)dPX (x).
The triple Y − X − T forms a Markov chain in that order with respect to the joint probability
measure PX,Y,T = PX,Y PT |X and the mutual information terms I(X; T ) and I(Y ; T ).
Within the IB framework, our goal is to find a representation P (T | X) that extracts as much
information as possible about Y (high performance) while compressing X maximally (keeping
I(X; T ) small). This can also be interpreted as extracting only the relevant information
that X contains about Y .
The data processing inequality (DPI) implies that I(Y ; T ) ≤ I(X; Y ), so the compressed
representation T cannot convey more information than the original signal. Consequently,
there is a trade-off between compressed representation and the preservation of relevant
information about Y . The construction of an efficient representation variable is characterized
by its encoder and decoder distributions, P (T | X) and P (Y | T ), respectively. The efficient
representation of X involves minimizing the complexity of the representation I (T ; X) while
maximizing I (T ; Y ). Formally, the IB optimization involves minimizing the following
objective function:
where β is the trade-off parameter controlling the complexity of T and the amount of relevant
information it preserves. Intuitively, we pass the information that X contains about Y
through a “bottleneck” via the representation T . It has been shown that:
To Compress or Not to Compress
Several issues arise with the population risk. Firstly, it remains unclear which loss function
is optimal. A popular choice is the logarithmic loss (or error’s entropy), which has been
numerically demonstrated to yield better results (Erdogmus, 2002). This loss has been
employed in various algorithms, including the InfoMax principle (Linsker, 1988), tree-based
algorithms (Quinlan, 2014), deep neural networks (Zhang and Sabuncu, 2018), and Bayesian
modeling (Wenzel et al., 2020). Painsky and Wornell (2018) provided a rigorous justification
for using the logarithmic loss and showed that it is an upper bound to any choice of the loss
function that is smooth, proper, and convex for binary classification problems.
In most cases, the joint distribution P (X, Y ) is unknown, and we have access to only n
samples from it, denoted by Dn := (xi , yi ) | i = 1, . . . , n. Consequently, the population risk
cannot be computed directly. Instead, we typically choose the predictor that minimizes the
empirical population risk on a training dataset:
L̂P (X,Y ) (f, ℓ, Dn ) = [ℓ(yi , f (xi ))]
The generalization gap, defined as the difference between empirical and population risks, is
given by:
Interestingly, the relationship between the true loss and the empirical loss can be bounded
using the information bottleneck term. Shamir et al. (2010) developed several finite sample
bounds for the generalization gap. According to their study, the IB framework exhibited
good generalizability even with small sample sizes. In particular, they developed non-uniform
bounds adaptive to the model’s complexity. They demonstrated that for the discrete case,
|X| log n
the error in estimating mutual information from finite samples is bounded by O √
where |X| is the cardinality of X (the number of possible values that the random variable X
can take). The results support the intuition that simpler models generalize better, and we
would like to compress our model. Therefore, optimizing eq. (1) presents a trade-off between
two opposing forces. On the one hand, we want to increase our prediction accuracy in our
training data (high β).
On the other hand, we would like to decrease β to narrow the generalization gap. Vera
et al. (2018) extended their work and showed that the generalization gap is bounded by the
square root of mutual information between training input and model representation times
log n
n . Furthermore, Russo and Zou (2019) and Xu and Raginsky (2017) demonstrated that
the square root of the mutual information between the training input and the parameters
inferred from the training algorithm provides a concise bound on the generalization gap.
However, these bounds critically depend on the Markov operator that maps the training set
to the network parameters, whose characterization is not trivial.
Achille and Soatto (2018) explored how applying the IB objective to the network’s parameters
may reduce overfitting while maintaining invariant representations. Their work showed
that flat minima, which have better generalization properties, bound the information with
the weights, and the information in the weights bound the information in the activations.
Chelombiev et al. (2019) found that the generalization precision is positively correlated with
the degree of compression of the last layer in the network. Shwartz-Ziv et al. (2018) showed
that the generalization error depends exponentially on the mutual information between the
model and the input once it is smaller than log 2n - the query sample complexity. Moreover,
they demonstrated that M bits of compression of X are equivalent to an exponential factor
of 2M training examples. Piran et al. (2020) extended the original IB to the dual form,
which offers several advantages in terms of compression.
These studies illustrate that the IB leads to a trade-off between prediction and complexity,
even for the empirical distribution. With the IB objective, we can design estimators to
find optimal solutions for different regimes with varying performance, complexity, and
3. Information-Theoretic Objectives
Before delving into the details, this section aims to provide an overview of the information-
theoretic objectives in various learning scenarios, including supervised, unsupervised, and
self-supervised settings. We will also introduce a general framework to understand better
the process of learning optimal representations and explore recent methods working towards
this goal.
In our model, we use a learned encoder with a prior P (Z) to generate a conditional
representation (which may be deterministic or stochastic) Zi |Xi = Pθi (Zi |Xi ), where i = 1, 2
To Compress or Not to Compress
represents the two views. Subsequently, we utilize various decoders to ’decode’ distinct
aspects of the representation:
For the supervised scenario, we have a joint embedding of the label classifiers from both
views, Ŷ1,2 = Qρ (Y |Z1 , Z2 ), and two decoders predicting the labels of the downstream task
based on each individual view, Ŷi = Qρi (Y |Zi ) for i = 1, 2.
For the unsupervised case, we have direct decoders for input reconstruction from the
representation, X̄i = Qψi (Xi |Zi ) for i = 1, 2.
For self-supervised learning, we utilize two cross-decoders attempting to predict one represen-
tation based on the other, Z˜1 |Z2 = qη1 (Z1 |Z2 ) and Z˜2 |Z1 = qη2 (Z2 |Z1 ). Figure 1 illustrates
this structure.
The information-theoretic perspective of self-supervised networks has led to confusion
regarding the information being optimized in recent work. In supervised and unsupervised
learning, only one ’information path’ exists when optimizing information-theoretic terms:
the input is encoded through the network, and then the representation is decoded and
compared to the targets. As a result, the representation and corresponding information
always stem from a single encoder and decoder.
However, in the self-supervised multiview scenario, we can construct our representation
using various encoders and decoders. For instance, we need to specify the associated random
variable to define the information involved in I(X1 ; Z1 ). This variable could either be based
on the encoder of X1 - Pθ1 (Z1 |X1 ), or based on the encoder of X2 - Pθ2 (Z2 |X2 ), which
is subsequently passed to the cross-decoder Qη1 (Z1 |Z2 ) and then to the direct decoder
Qψ1 (X1 |Z1 ).
To fully understand the information terms, we aim to optimize and distinguish between
various ”information paths,” we marked each information path differently. For example,
I,P (X1 ),P (Z1 |X1 ),P (Z2 |Z1 ) (X1 , Z2 ) is based on the path P (X1 ) → P (Z1 |X1 ) → P (Z2 |Z1 ). In
the following section, we will ”translate” previous work into our present framework and
examine the loss function.
Unsupervised Self-Supervised Unsupervised
Supervised Prediction Supervised Prediction
Reconstruction Predication Reconstruction
Complexity Complexity
sufficiency of Z for Y as the amount of label information retained after passing data through
the encoder:
Definition 4 Sufficiency: A representation Z of X is sufficient for Y if and only if
I(X; Y |Z) = 0.
Federici et al. (2020) showed that Z is sufficient for Y if and only if the amount of information
regarding the task remains unchanged by the encoding procedure. A sufficient representation
can predict Y as accurately as the original data X. In Section 2.4, we saw a trade-off
between prediction and generalization when there is a finite amount of data. To reduce the
generalization gap, we aim to compress X while retaining as much predicate information on
the labels as possible. Thus, we relax the sufficiency definition and minimize the following
The mutual information I(Y ; Z) determines how much label information is accessible and
reflects the model’s ability to predict performance on the target task. I(X; Z) represents the
information that Z carries about the input, which we aim to compress. However, I(X; Z)
contains both relevant and irrelevant information about Y . Therefore, using the chain rule
of information, Federici et al. (2020) proposed splitting I(X, Z) into two terms:
I(X; Z) = I(X; Z|Y ) + I(Z; Y ) (4)
| {z } | {z }
superfluous information predictive information
The conditional information I(X, Z|Y ) represents information in Z that is not predictive
of Y , i.e., superfluous information. The decomposition of input information enables us to
compress only irrelevant information while preserving the relevant information for predicting
Y . Several methods are available for evaluating and estimating these information-theoretic
terms in the supervised case (see Section 5 for details).
To Compress or Not to Compress
The study of representation compression in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) for supervised
learning has shown inconsistent results. For instance, Chelombiev et al. (2019) discovered
a positive correlation between generalization accuracy and the compression level of the
network’s final layer. Shwartz-Ziv et al. (2018) also examined the relationship between
generalization and compression, demonstrating that generalization error exponentially de-
pends on mutual information, I(X; Z). Furthermore, Achille et al. (2017) established that
flat minima, known for their improved generalization properties, constrain the mutual
information. However, Saxe et al. (2019) showed that compression was not necessary for
generalization in deep linear networks. Basirat et al. (2021) revealed that the decrease in
mutual information is essentially equivalent to geometrical compression. Other studies have
found that the mutual information between training inputs and inferred parameters provides
a concise bound on the generalization gap (Pensia et al., 2018; Xu and Raginsky, 2017).
Lastly, Achille and Soatto (2018) explored using an information bottleneck objective on
network parameters to prevent overfitting and promote invariant representations.
However, the LMIB method has a significant limitation: it utilizes linear projections for
each view, which can restrict the combined representation when the relationship between
different views is complex. To overcome this limitation, Wang et al. (2019) proposed using
deep neural networks to replace linear projectors. Their model first extracts concise latent
representations from each view using deep networks and then learns the joint representation
of all views using neural networks. They minimize the objective:
L = αIP (X1 ),P (Z1 |X1 ) (X1 ; Z1 ) + βIP (X2 ),P (Z2 |X2 ) (X2 ; Z2 ) − IP (Z2 |X2 ),P (Z2 |X1 ) (Z1,2 ; Y )
Here, α and β are trade-off parameters, Z1 and Z2 are the two neural networks’ represen-
tations, and Z1,2 is the joint embedding of Z1 and Z2 . The first two terms decrease the
mutual information between a view’s latent representation and its original data representa-
tion, resulting in a simpler and more generalizable model. The final term forces the joint
representation to maximize the discrimination ability for the downstream task.
To Compress or Not to Compress
Here, β and βy are hyperparameters that balance the trade-off between the relevance of M
to the labels and the compression of Z into M .
where I(X; Z) is the information determined by the encoder q(z|x) and I(Z; X̄) is the
information determined by the decoder q(x|z), i.e., the reconstruction error. In other
words, unsupervised IB is a special case of supervised IB, where labels are replaced with the
reconstruction performance of the training input. Alemi et al. (2016) showed that Variational
Autoencoder (VAE) (Kingma and Welling, 2019) and β-VAE (Higgins et al., 2017) are
special cases of unsupervised variational IB. Voloshynovskiy et al. (2020) extended their
results and showed that many models, including adversarial autoencoders (Makhzani et al.,
2015), InfoVAEs (Zhao et al., 2017c), and VAE/GANs (Larsen et al., 2016), could be viewed
as special cases of unsupervised IB. The main difference between them is the bounds on the
different mutual information of the IB. Furthermore, unsupervised IB was used by Uğur
et al. (2020) to derive lower bounds for their unsupervised generative clustering framework,
while Roy et al. (2018) used it to study vector-quantized autoencoders.
Voloshynovskiy et al. (2020) pointed out that for the classification task in supervised IB, the
latent space Z should be sufficient statistics for Y , whose entropy is much lower than X.
This results in a highly compressed representation where sequences close in the input space
might be close in the latent space, and the less significant features will be compressed. In
contrast, in the unsupervised setup, the IB suggests compressing the input to the encoded
representation so that each input sequence can be decoded uniquely. In this case, the latent
space’s entropy should correspond to the input space’s entropy, and compression is much
more difficult.
4. Self-Supervised Multiview Information Bottleneck Learning
How can we learn without labels and still achieve good predictive power? Is compression
necessary to obtain an optimal representation? This section analyzes and discusses how
to achieve optimal representation for self-supervised learning when labels are not available
during training. We review recent methods for self-supervised learning and show how they
can be integrated into a single framework. We compare their objective functions, implicit
assumptions, and theoretical challenges. Finally, we consider the information-theoretic
properties of these representations, their optimality, and different ways of learning them.
One approach to enhance deep learning methods is to apply the InfoMax principle in a
multiview setting (Linsker, 1988; Wiskott and Sejnowski, 2002). As one of the earliest
approaches, Linsker (1988) proposed maximizing information transfer from input data to
its latent representation, showing its equivalence to maximizing the determinant of the
output covariance under the Gaussian distribution assumption. Becker and Hinton (1992)
introduced a representation learning approach based on maximizing an approximation of
the mutual information between alternative latent vectors obtained from the same image.
The most well-known application is the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) Infomax
algorithm (Bell and Sejnowski, 1995), designed to separate independent sources from their
linear combinations. The ICA-Infomax algorithm aims to maximize the mutual information
between mixtures and source estimates while imposing statistical independence among
outputs. The Deep Infomax approach (Hjelm et al., 2018) extends this idea to unsupervised
feature learning by maximizing the mutual information between input and output while
matching a prior distribution for the representations. Recent work has applied this principle
to a self-supervised multiview setting (Bachman et al., 2019; Henaff, 2020; Hjelm et al.,
2018; Tian et al., 2020a), wherein these works maximize the mutual information between the
views Z1 and Z2 using the classifier q(z1 |z2 ), which attempts to predict one representation
from the other.
However, Tschannen et al. (2019) demonstrated that the effectiveness of InfoMax models is
more attributable to the inductive biases introduced by the architecture and estimators than
to the training objectives themselves, as the InfoMax objectives can be trivially maximized
using invertible encoders. Moreover, a fundamental issue with the InfoMax principle is that
it retains irrelevant information about the labels, contradicting the core concept of the IB
principle, which advocates compressing the representation to enhance generalizability.
To resolve this problem, Sridharan and Kakade (2008) proposed the multiview IB framework.
According to this framework, in the multiview without labels setting, the IB principle of
preserving relevant data while compressing irrelevant data requires assumptions regarding
the relationship between views and labels. They presented the MultiView assumption, which
asserts that either view (approximately) would be sufficient for downstream tasks. By this
assumption, they define the relevant information as the shared information between the
views. Therefore, augmentations (such as changing the image style) should not affect the
To Compress or Not to Compress
Additionally, the views will provide most of the information in the input regarding down-
stream tasks. We improve generalization without affecting performance by compressing the
information not shared between the two views. Their formulation is as follows:
Assumption 1 The MultiView Assumption: There exists a ϵinfo (which is assumed to
be small) such that
As a result, when the information sharing parameter, ϵinfo , is small, the information shared
between views includes task-relevant details. For instance, in self-supervised contrastive
learning for visual data (Hjelm et al., 2018), views represent various augmentations of the
same image. In this scenario, the MultiView assumption is considered mild if the downstream
task remains unaffected by the augmentation (Geiping et al., 2022). Image augmentations
can be perceived as altering an image’s style without changing its content. Thus, Tsai et al.
(2020) contends that the information required for downstream tasks should be preserved in
the content rather than the style. This assumption allows us to separate the information into
relevant (shared information) and irrelevant (not shared) components and to compress only
the unimportant details that do not contain information about downstream tasks. Based
on this assumption, we aim to maximize the relevant information I(X2 ; Z1 ) and minimize
I(X1 ; Z1 | X2 ) - the exclusive information that Z1 contains about X1 , which cannot be
predicted by observing X2 . This irrelevant information is unnecessary for the prediction task
and can be discarded. In the extreme case, where X1 and X2 share only label information,
this approach recovers the supervised IB method without labels. Conversely, if X1 and X2
are identical, this method collapses into the InfoMax principle, as no information can be
accurately discarded.
Federici et al. (2020) used the relaxed Lagrangian objective to obtain the minimal sufficient
representation Z1 for X2 as:
and the symmetric loss to obtain the minimal sufficient representation Z2 for X1 :
where β1 and β2 are the Lagrangian multipliers introduced by the constraint optimization.
By defining Z1 and Z2 on the same domain and re-parameterizing the Lagrangian multipliers,
the average of the two loss functions can be upper bounded as:
L = −IP (Z1 |X1 ),Q(Z2 |Z1 ) (Z1 ; Z2 ) + βDSKL [p(z1 | x1 )||P (z2 | x2 )]
where DSKL represents the symmetrized KL divergence obtained by averaging the expected
value of DKL (p(z1 | x1 )||p(z2 | x2 )) and DKL (p(z2 | x2 )||p(z1 | x1 )). Note that when the
mapping from X1 to Z1 is deterministic, I(Z1 ; X1 | X2 ) minimization and H(Z1 | X2 )
minimization are interchangeable and the algorithms of Federici et al. (2020) and Tsai et al.
(2020) minimize the same objective. Another implementation of the same idea is based on
the Conditional Entropy Bottleneck (CEB) algorithm (Fischer, 2020) and proposed by Lee
et al. (2021b). This algorithm adds the residual information as a compression term to the
InfoMax objective using the reverse decoders q(z1 | x2 ) and q(z2 | x1 ).
In conclusion, all the algorithms mentioned above are based on the Multiview assump-
tion. Utilizing this assumption, they can distinguish relevant information from irrelevant
information. As a result, all these algorithms aim to maximize the information (or the
predictive ability) of one representation with respect to the other view while compressing
the information between each representation and its corresponding view. The key differences
between these algorithms lie in the decomposition and implementation of these information
Dubois et al. (2021) offers another theoretical analysis of the IB for self-supervised learning.
Their work addresses the question of the minimum bit rate required to store the input but
still achieve high performance on a family of downstream tasks Y ∈ Y. It is a rate-distortion
problem, where the goal is to find a compressed representation that will give us a good
prediction for every task. We require that the distortion measure is bounded:
Accessing the downstream task is necessary to find the solution during the learning process.
As a result, Dubois et al. (2021) considered only tasks invariant to some equivalence relation,
which divides the input into disjoint equivalence classes. An example would be an image
with labels that remain unchanged after augmentation. This is similar to the Multiview
assumption where ϵinf o → 0. By applying Shannon’s rate-distortion theory, they concluded
that the minimum achievable bit rate is the rate-distortion function with the above invariance
distortion. Thus, the optimal rate can be determined by minimizing the following Lagrangian:
Using this objective, the maximization of information with labels is replaced by maximizing
the prediction ability of one view from the original input, regularized by direct information
from the input. Similarly to the above results, we would like to find a representation Z1
that compresses the input X1 so that Z1 has the maximum information about X2 .
To Compress or Not to Compress
to retain all the information from both X1 and X2 by making the representations invertible.
In this section, we attempt to explain this phenomenon.
We begin with the InfoMax principle (Linsker, 1988), which maximizes the mutual information
between the representations of random variables Z 1 and Z 2 of the two views. We can lower-
bound it using:
The bound is tight when q(z1 |z2 ) = p(z1 |z2 ), in which case the first term equals the
conditional entropy H(Z1 |Z2 ). The second term of eq. (7) can be considered a negative
reconstruction error or distortion between Z1 and Z2 .
In the supervised case, where Z is a learned stochastic representation of the input and Y is
the label, we aim to optimize
aggressive data augmentation or multiple downstream tasks or modalities, sharing all the
necessary information can be challenging. For example, if one view is a video stream while
the other is an audio stream, the shared information may be sufficient for object recognition
but not for tracking. Furthermore, relevant information for downstream tasks may not be
contained within the shared information between views, meaning that removing non-shared
information can negatively impact performance.
Kahana and Hoshen (2022) identified a series of tasks that violate the Multiview assumption.
To accomplish these tasks, the learned representation must also be invariant to unwanted
attributes, such as bias removal and cross-domain retrieval. In such cases, only some
attributes have labels, and the objective is to learn an invariant representation for the
domain for which labels are provided while also being informative for all other attributes
without labels. For example, for face images, only the identity labels may be provided, and
the goal is to learn a representation that captures the unlabeled pose attribute but contains
no information about the identity attribute. The task can also be applied to fair decisions,
cross-domain matching, model anonymization, and image translation.
Wang et al. (2022) formalized another case where the Multiview assumption does not
hold when non-shared task-relevant information cannot be ignored. In such cases, the
minimal sufficient representation contains less task-relevant information than other sufficient
representations, resulting in inferior performance. Furthermore, their analysis shows that in
such cases, the learned representation in contrastive learning is insufficient for downstream
tasks, which may overfit the shared information.
As a result of their analysis, Wang et al. (2022) and Kahana and Hoshen (2022) proposed
explicitly increasing mutual information between the representation and input to preserve
task-relevant information and prevent the compression of unshared information between
views. In this case, the two regularization terms of the two views are incorporated into the
original InfoMax objective, and the following objective is optimized:
L= min −IP (Z1 |X1 ) (X1 ; Z1 ) − IP (Z2 |X2 ) (X2 ; Z2 ) − βIP (Z1 |X1 ),P (Z2 |Z1 ) (Z1 ; Z2 ). (9)
P (Z1 |X1 ),p(Z2 |X2 )
Wang et al. (2022) demonstrated the effectiveness of their method for SimCLR (Chen
et al., 2020a), BYOL (Grill et al., 2020), and Barlow Twins (Zbontar et al., 2021) across
classification, detection, and segmentation tasks.
To Compress or Not to Compress
is relevant for the downstream task, we cannot separate relevant and irrelevant information.
Furthermore, the learning algorithm’s nature requires that this information be protected by
explicitly maximizing it.
As datasets continue to expand in size and models are anticipated to serve as base models for
various downstream tasks, the Multiview assumption becomes less pertinent. Consequently,
compressing irrelevant information when the Multiview assumption does not hold presents
one of the most significant challenges in self-supervised learning. Identifying new methods
to separate relevant from irrelevant information based on alternative assumptions is a
promising avenue for research. It is also essential to recognize that empirical measurement
of information-theoretic quantities and their estimators plays a crucial role in developing
and evaluating such methods.
The mutual information between the input and representation is infinite, leading to ill-posed
optimization problems or piecewise constant outcomes (Amjad and Geiger, 2019; Goldfeld
et al., 2018). To tackle this issue, researchers have proposed various solutions. One common
approach is to discretize the input distribution and real-valued hidden representations by
binning, which facilitates non-trivial measurements and prevents the mutual information
from always taking the maximum value of the log of the dataset size, thus avoiding ill-posed
optimization problems (Shwartz-Ziv and Tishby, 2017).
Measuring Information in High-Dimensional Spaces
Estimating mutual information in high-dimensional spaces presents a significant challenge
when applying information-theoretic measures to real-world data. This problem has been
extensively studied (Gao et al., 2015; Paninski, 2003), revealing the inefficiency of solutions
for large dimensions and the limited scalability of known approximations with respect to
sample size and dimension. Despite these difficulties, various entropy and mutual information
estimation approaches have been developed, including classic methods like k-nearest neighbors
(KNN) (Kozachenko and Leonenko, 1987) and kernel density estimation techniques (Hang
et al., 2018), as well as more recent efficient methods.
Improving mutual information estimation can be achieved using larger batch sizes, although
this may negatively impact generalization performance and memory requirements. Alterna-
tively, researchers have suggested employing surrogate measures for mutual information, such
as log-determinant mutual information (LDMI), based on second-order statistics (Erdogan,
2022; Ozsoy et al., 2022), which reflects linear dependence. Goldfeld and Greenewald (2021)
proposed the Sliced Mutual Information (SMI), defined as an average of MI terms between
one-dimensional projections of high-dimensional variables. SMI inherits many properties
of its classic counterpart. It can be estimated with optimal parametric error rates in all
dimensions by combining an MI estimator between scalar variables with an MC integrator
(Goldfeld and Greenewald, 2021). The k-SMI, introduced by Goldfeld et al. (2022), extends
the SMI by projecting to k-dimensional subspace, which relaxes the smoothness assumptions,
improves scalability, and enhances performance.
To Compress or Not to Compress
learning, predictive information H(Y |Z) measures the amount of information that can be
extracted from Z about Y given access to all decoders p(y|z) in the world. Recently, Xu
et al. (2020) introduced predictive V-information as an alternative formulation based on
realistic computational constraints.
Investigating energy-based models for self-supervised learning from both theoretical and
practical perspectives can open up numerous promising research directions. For instance, we
could directly apply tools developed for energy-based models and statistical machines to
optimize the model, such as Maximum Likelihood Training with MCMC (Younes, 1999),
score matching (Hyvärinen, 2006), denoising score matching (Song et al., 2020; Vincent,
2011), and score-based generation models (Song and Ermon, 2019).
To Compress or Not to Compress
7. Conclusion
In this study, we delved deeply into the concept of optimal representation in self-supervised
learning through the lens of information theory. We synthesized various approaches, high-
lighting their foundational assumptions and constraints, and integrated them into a unified
framework. Additionally, we explored the key information-theoretic terms that influence
these optimal representations and the methods for estimating them.
While supervised and unsupervised learning offer more direct access to relevant information,
self-supervised learning depends heavily on assumptions about the relationship between data
and downstream tasks. This reliance makes distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant
information considerably more challenging, necessitating further assumptions.
Despite these challenges, information theory stands out as a robust and versatile framework
for analysis and algorithmic development. This adaptable framework caters to a range of
learning paradigms and elucidates the inherent assumptions underpinning data and model
With the rapid growth of datasets and the increasing expectations placed on models to
handle multiple downstream tasks, the traditional Multi-view assumption might become less
reliable. One significant challenge in self-supervised learning is the precise compression of
irrelevant information, especially when these assumptions are compromised.
Future research avenues might involve expanding the Multi-view framework to include more
views and tasks and deepening our understanding of information theory’s impact on facets
of deep learning, such as reinforcement learning and generative models.
In summary, information theory is a crucial tool in our quest to understand better and
optimize self-supervised learning models. By harnessing its principles, we can more adeptly
navigate the intricacies of deep neural network development, paving the way for creating
more effective models.
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