Krasnow 1997
Krasnow 1997
Krasnow 1997
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Institute qf Marine and Coastal Sciences
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903-0231
ABSTRACT: In estuaries, organic coatings play an important role in the aggregation o f mineral particles. Particles
acquire adhesive surfaces through the activities of bacteria and microalgae in the sediment and water colunm. Eventually,
they may become incorporated into larger aggregates and structures, such as tubes, constructed by infannal benthic
animals. Where these structures are large enough, and the adhesive bonds between particles strong enough, individual
particles may remain in place at bed shear stresses otherwise strong enough to cause sediment transport. This study
examined the aggregation of particles during tube'building by the ubiquitous tanaid crustacean Leptochelia dubia. Particle
size selection and rates of tube building were determined as functions o f animal size, temperature, and the presence or
absence of bacteria and microalgae. These data were used to model seasonal patterns of sediment binding by a popu-
lation of L. dubia in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, taking into account seasonal changes in sizes and abundance of animals. Rates
of tube building (mass of sediment per day) increased with animal size, but temperature had no effect. The m o d e l
indicated that the field population of L dubia bound sediment into tubes at a gross rate of 350 g m ~ d -1, averaged over
a 2-yr period. Seasonally, gross rates of tube building were predicted to range from 70 g m 2 d 1 (during late winter-
early spring) to 600 g m -2 d -1 (during autmnn). When constructing tubes from sterile sediments, small animals selected
silt-sized particles while large animals discriminated against these particles. The presence of microbes in sediments
tended to reduce particle selectivity.
id crustaceans (notably amphipods and tanaids) fide. Water temperature varies seasonally from 6~
are numerically the most important tube-building to 16~ Air temperature ranges from 0 ~ to 30~
macrofauna in most sedimentary habitats. In the (Davis 1981). Hours of sunlight range from 12.2
Bay of Fundy, maldanid and spionid polychaetes d -1 in June to 6.0 d -1 in December. Sediment at
incorporate up to 50% of the upper 5 cm of inter- the study site is a well sorted, very fine sand with
tidal sediment into tubes (Featherstone and Risk a median diameter of 96 p~m (G. Ditsworth, United
1977). Resin casts of intertidal sediment from the States Environmental Protection Agency, Newport,
Clyde Estuary, Scotland, reveal densely packed Oregon, unpublished data). Pennate diatoms dom-
tubes and burrows of the amphipod Corophium vol- inate the sediment microalgal community (Am-
utator and the polychaete Nereis diversicolor (Mead- spoker and Mclntire 1978). Numerically abundant
ows et al. 1990). Flume experiments showed high macroinfauna are tanaid (Leptochelia dubia) and
densities of juvenile Corophium volutator reduce amphipod (C0rophium salmonis and Eobrolgus spino-
bedload transport rates by binding sediment into sus) crustaceans, bivalve molluscs (Macoma balthi-
their burrow walls (Grant and Daborn 1994). Ag- ca), polychaete worms (Malacocerus glutaeus, Lum-
gregations of sabellariid worms create geological brineris sp., Pygospio elegans, and unidentified capi-
formations called "worm reefs" (Main and Nelson tellids) and unidentified naidid oligochaetes (Kras-
1988; Pawlik et al. 1991). The types and sizes of now 1992). Nematodes, harpacticoid copepods,
materials incorporated into tubes appear to de- and ostracods dominate the meiofaunal fraction of
pend on the availability of particles in the sur- the community.
rounding environment and on the selectivity and Tanaids used in experiments were females and
particle-handling capabilities of the species in- juveniles greater than 0.8 mm carapace length.
volved (Featherstone and Risk 1977; Lewis 1968; Male L. dubia were excluded because they have re-
Gr~mare 1988; Self and Jumars 1988). duced mouthparts, do not feed, and build tubes at
Tanaid crustaceans are distributed in benthic a slower rate than females or juveniles (Mendoza
habitats ranging from the deep sea to the intertidal 1982; Highsmith 1983). Furthermore, while sea-
(Sieg and Winn 1981; Holdich and Jones i983; sonally abundant, males are less than 15% of the
Sieg 1986). On the high-energy tidal flat of an Or- year-round population (Krasnow 1992). To stan-
egon estuary, the tube-building tanaid Leptochelia dardize the physiological condition of the experi-
dubia achieves year-round densities of approxi- mental animals, only tanaids with guts at least half
mately 150,000 m -2 (Krasnow 1992). By virtue of full were used.
its high abundance and extensive tube-building ac-
tivities, L. dubia is expected to affect the granulo- VISUAL OBSERVATIONS OF TUBE-BUILDING
metric and hydrodynamic properties of the sedi- BEHAVIOR AND TUBE CONSTRUCTION
ment in which it lives. In the present study, we ex- We observed tube-building behavior of animals
perimentally determined rates of tube building in sediment composed of crushed kryolite (a so-
and particle-size selection by L. dubia as functions dium, aluminum, fluoride mineral). Because of its
of animal size, temperature, and the presence or refractive index, kryolite in seawater is virtually
absence of bacteria and microalgae in the sedi- transparent, making it easy to observe the activities
ment. of animals below the surface. Particle size was gen-
erally similar to sand from the field site, and ani-
Materials and Methods mals readily built tubes with the kryolite particles.
Tube microstructure was studied using scanning
ORGANISMS AND STUDY SITE electron microscopy. Tubes built from clean sand
Tanaids used in the laboratory and field exper- (previously heated at 500~ were fixed in 0.2 Ixm-
iments were collected from a site on the intertidal filtered glutaraldehyde at a final concentration of
sandflat just east of the Oregon State University 2.5%. Preparation of fixed samples for SEM fol-
Hatfield Marine Science Center on Yaquina Bay, lowed standard procedures (Wardell 1988).
Oregon (44~ 124~ The study site en-
closed an area of 640 m 2 located at an elevation of
+1.0 m above mean lower low water. Yaquina Bay Experimental Conditions
is a seasonally well-mixed estuary (Kulm 1965). A 3 • 3 factorial experimental design was used
Freshwater inputs to the bay are low during sum- to estimate rates of tube building and particle-size
mer so that salinities of 30-33% are maintained (P. selection by L. dubia. Factors investigated were tem-
Henchman, Oregon State University, Hatfield Ma- perature (T1 = 5~ T2 = 10~ and T3 = 20~
rine Science Center, Newport, Oregon, unpub- and sediment treatment (A = sterile sediment, and
lished data). During winter, rainfall and increased B and C = two different cultures containing sedi-
river flow reduce salinity to as little as 6%0 at low ment-associated microbes).
536 L. D, Krasnow and G. L. Taghon
For each cell in the 3 X 3 e x p e r i m e n t a l design, meiofauna, a n d silt particles) was p o u r e d o n t o the
40 tanaids were assigned at r a n d o m to individual sterilized f o u n d r y sand in acrylic culture dishes.
60-mm d i a m e t e r petri dishes, which were half-filled T h e culture m e d i u m (Guillard's f / 2 , diluted to
with e x p e r i m e n t a l sediment. T h e e x p e r i m e n t last- f / 2 0 to p r o m o t e bacterial adhesion) was d r a i n e d
ed 24 h. T h e t e m p e r a t u r e s e n c o m p a s s e d those t h r o u g h the 20-~m Nitex mesh o n the b o t t o m o f
m e a s u r e d at the study site d u r i n g a calendar year the culture dishes and r e f r e s h e d every o t h e r day.
(Davis 1981). Because only t h r e e temperature-con- At the same time that the culture m e d i u m was
trolled r o o m s were available, this factor could n o t changed, the sand was gently b u t t h o r o u g h l y
be replicated. Dishes were placed, in r a n d o m or- stirred to p r e v e n t the build-up o f anoxic condi-
der, u n d e r a rack o f f o u r alternating standard and tions. Particles smaller than 32 p.m d i a m e t e r were
wide-spectrum Sylvania Gro-Lux fluorescent bulbs. o m i t t e d f r o m the e x p e r i m e n t a l s e d i m e n t because
Light intensity u n d e r each rack averaged 110 + 18 some fraction o f t h e m would have b e e n lost
IxE m 2 s-1 (Li-Cor LI-1000 Data L o g g e r light me- t h r o u g h the mesh d u r i n g the drainage p r o c e d u r e .
ter, 4"tr m o d e l SPH Q u a n t u m sensor). P h o t o p e r i o d It was o u r i n t e n t that the microbial culture
was 12L:12D. r e a r e d at 17~ contain h i g h e r standing stocks o f
Tanaids were provided with o n e o f three exper- bacteria and microalgae than the culture r e a r e d at
imental sediments in which to build a tube: sterile 10~ Microalgal standing stocks were estimated as
sand, sand p r e c u l t u r e d at 17~ for 6.5 wk, and sand chlorophyll a content, m e a s u r e d by the m e t h o d o f
p r e c u l t u r e d at 10~ for 4 wk. Commercial f o u n d r y L o r e n z e n (1967). Bacterial standing stocks were es-
sand, p r e d o m i n a t e l y silica a n d free o f detrital or- timated by direct counts using epifluorescence mi-
ganic material, was used as the substrate. Sand was
croscopy. Samples were p r e p a r e d for c o u n t i n g fol-
separated into < 63 ~t, 63-125 p~, 125-250 Ix, 250-
lowing the p r o c e d u r e described by M o n t a g n a
500 ~t, and >500 Ixm fractions by dry sieving.
Grains 32-63 ~zm in d i a m e t e r (coarse silt) were
separated f r o m the <63 ~ m fraction by b e a k e r de-
cantation (Wills 1988). (Grains less than 32 txm in Particle Size Measurements and Rates of Tube Building
d i a m e t e r were omitted f r o m the e x p e r i m e n t a l sed- At the e n d o f the e x p e r i m e n t , the contents o f
i m e n t for logistical reasons, cited below.) T h e sep- each dish were fixed with b u f f e r e d 0.2-ktm-filtered
arated size fractions were r e m i x e d in lots o f 600 g f o r m a l d e h y d e in seawater (final concentration,
to create a particle-size class distribution approxi- 5%). Evaporation caused some dishes to lose water,
mating that f o u n d in the field (G. Ditsworth, Unit- such that the sand was n o l o n g e r completely sub-
ed States E n v i r o n m e n t a l Protection Agency, New- merged. These dishes were discarded, r e d u c i n g
port, O r e g o n , u n p u b l i s h e d data). the sample size per s e d i m e n t - t e m p e r a t u r e treat-
T h e 600 g lots o f reconstituted sand were ster- m e n t f r o m 40 at the start o f the e x p e r i m e n t to 21-
ilized by heating at 500~ for 4 h, a p r o c e d u r e
36 at its conclusion. After fixation, samples were
which did n o t lead to any substrate toxicity as de-
rinsed o n a 300-l~m screen and e x a m i n e d u n d e r a
t e r m i n e d by a larval mussel d e v e l o p m e n t assay
dissection microscope. Tanaids picked f r o m the
(Krasnow 1992). Sediment-associated microalgae
samples were stored in 95% ethanol. Total cara-
and bacteria were cultured on sterilized sand to
pace length was m e a s u r e d to the nearest 0.01 m m
create the two nonsterile s e d i m e n t treatments. Mo-
using a Zeiss Videoplan II Image Analysis System.
bile, epipelic diatoms a n d their associated micro-
bial flora were isolated f r o m field sediments by a T u b e material was ashed at 500~ for 4 h and
modification o f the m e t h o d o f de J o n g e (1980). A weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg. After weighing, the
0.5-cm d e e p layer o f s e d i m e n t was placed in a mineral particles f r o m each tube were spread into
clean glass pan. T h e s e d i m e n t was covered with a casting resin o n a glass microscope slide. Diame-
2-mm layer o f sterile f o u n d r y sand. Two layers o f ters o f the first 100 particles e n c o u n t e r e d along a
lens tissue were gently pressed into the top o f the r a n d o m l y chosen transect were m e a s u r e d to the
sand, t h e n the c o n t a i n e r was covered with trans- nearest 1 I~m with the Zeiss image analyzer, con-
p a r e n t plastic wrap a n d placed u n d e r a rack o f flu- n e c t e d by video c a m e r a to a c o m p o u n d micro-
orescent bulbs (110 ~zE m -2 S-1, constant illumi- scope. Grains varied in shape f r o m spherical to
nation) at 20~ After 24 h, the lens tissue a n d ad- acicular a n d for many, there was n o obvious, single
h e r e n t material were gently agitated in a b e a k e r o f d i a m e t e r to be measured. T h e r e f o r e , the "project-
sterile f / 2 0 algal growth m e d i u m (Guillard 1975). e d d i a m e t e r " o f each grain was estimated as the
T h e suspension was p o u r e d t h r o u g h 37-1~m mesh d i a m e t e r o f a circle with the same area as that o f
Nitex | fabric to remove the lens tissue fibers, sand, the particle viewed normally to a plane surface o n
the macrofauna, and most o f the meiofauna. T h e which the particle is at rest in a stable position (Al-
r e m a i n i n g suspension (diatoms, bacteria, small len 1975).
Tube Building by a Tanald 537
Rate of Tube Breakdown tubes were separated and ashed for 4 h at 500~
A separate laboratory experiment was conducted Total carapace lengths of tanaids and the projected
to measure the rate at which tubes break down to diameters of sediment particles were measured as
constituent sediment particles under quiescent before.
conditions. A tube fragment at least 2 cm long was STATISTICALANALYSES
placed on each of one h u n d r e d twenty, 55-mm dia.
circles cut from 1.0-mm Nitex mesh. Each circle Statistical Software
had been previously rinsed, dried, weighed to the Data were analyzed using Statistix (Analytical
nearest 0.01 mg (tare weight) and set in the bot- Software, Tallahassee, Florida).
tom of a small glass petri dish. Tanaids were re-
moved from the tube fragments and after 5 min Particle Size Selection
air-drying, wet weights of tubes were measured. For the field experiment, selection for coarse silt
The petri dishes with the tube fragments were sub- (32-62 pan) and fine sand (125-249 Ixm) was ex-
merged in a laboratory water table flushed contin- amined by plotting the arcsine-transformed pro-
ually with unfiltered seawater (12~ which intro- portion of each size class in tubes against tanaid
duced both microbes and meiofauna. Illumination length. We did not use this method for data from
was provided by a 75-W General Electric "Plant the laboratory experiment because we discovered,
Gro-and-Sho" fluorescent bulb with photoperiod after the fact, that the proportions of silt and sand
12L:12D. At each of three time intervals, 7d, 14d, in the different sediment treatments were not con-
and 28d, 30 randomly selected dishes were re- sistent due to a defect in a sieve (see Results).
moved from the water table. Tube fragments that Therefore, particle selection for tubes constructed
remained on the Nitex mesh were ashed for 4 h in the laboratory experiments was examined using
at 500~ Percent loss of material from a tube at Vanderploeg and Scavia's Relativized Index of
each sampling interval (t = x) was calculated as Electivity, E* (Lechowicz 1982). E* measures an in-
dividual animal's likelihood of choosing a particle
as a function of both its abundance and the abun-
percent lossvx_ = (1 ~jAFDWt-x~]00
dances of the other particles present. E* ranges
between +1 (maximum preference) and - 1 (total
Thirty tubes were set aside at t = 0 for the deter- avoidance). A value of 0 indicates random selec-
mination of the ratio of wet weight to ash-free dry tion for a particle size class. Electivity indices were
weight. This relationship was used to estimate the plotted against tanaid length. Because E* is not
initial ash-free dry weight (t = 0) of the tubes. amenable to parametric regression analysis (Le-
chowicz 1982), smoothed scatterplots of E* against
Particle Size Selection and Rate of Tube Building in the tanaid length were created using LOWESS, a ro-
Field bust, locally weighted regression algorithm (Cleve-
A method was devised for determining rates of land 1979).
tube building by tanaids in the field, to allow com-
parison with the laboratory results. Approximately Rate of Tube Building
300 tanaids were placed on sterile sand inside plas- For each cell in the 3 • 3 factorial experiment,
tic rings (1 cm high • 2.6 cm wide), giving a den- a least-squares linear regression equation which
sity of 550,000 animals m -2. Tanaids built tubes best fit the relationship between the square-root
overnight in this s e d i m e n t in the l a b o r a t o r y transformed ash-free dry weights of tubes and an-
(10~ The light-colored foundry sand incorpo- imal lengths was calculated. Analysis of residuals
rated into the tube served as a marker for its ensured that the data conformed to the assump-
length at the time of its transplantation to the field, tions of parametric testing. Next, a multiple linear
t = 0. The following day at low tide, the rings and regression with indicator variables to identify tem-
their contents were transferred to the study site. perature and sediment treatments was used to
The contents of each ring were gently shaken into compare the regression functions for the separate
a 1-cm-deep hole in the sediment. A thin layer of cells. Preliminary experiments showed that rate of
natural sediment was transported over the foundry tube building was a linear function of tanaid
sand plugs during the succeeding flood tide. After length. Thus, length was used as a covariate. The
24 h, 8-cm diameter cores, centered on each plug, three-way interaction was significant so the main
were taken and fixed with 10% buffered formalin treatment effects could not be tested. However, be-
in seawater. Fixed samples were gently washed on cause there were no replicate measurements of the
a 300-wm sieve. Tanaids were removed from 50 rate of tube building for a tanaid of a given size in
tubes with segments of both foundry sand and a given temperature-sediment treatment cell, the
field sediment. The field sediment portions of error term in the multiple regression model may
538 L.D. Krasnow and G. L. Taghon
,'~ , , , ,
",5' "" , , " , , ' , ' ', ," " " ,, '" " " " " ' ~ ~,,~!)~'
Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrograph of clean sand grains b o u n d in a web of m u c u s by Leptocheha dubia. Scale bar represents 100 p~m.
golden brown. In contrast, the surface of culture (250-500 p~m) composed an average of less than
II sediment was bright green and the flora were 3% of the particles in tubes. Tanaids did not use
more evenly divided between cyanobacteria and grains larger than 500 p~m.
the diatoms Stauroneis, Navicula, and Nitzschia soci- When given sterile sediment to construct tubes,
alis. More importantly, the two cultures produced small tanaids showed positive selection for silt-size
morphologically different types of mucus. Culture particles at both 5~ and 20~ (Fig. 2). Small tan-
I, dominated by diatoms, produced mucus in aids either avoided using sterile fine sand (at 5~
sheets and "wads" embedded with sediment. Cul- or showed random selection (at 20~ Conversely,
ture II produced mucus in strings. It was some- the largest tanaids avoided using sterile silt but
times difficult to distinguish sediment particles showed positive selection for sterile fine sand (Fig.
bound by microbes in culture II during the prein- 2). The presence of a microbial community in the
cubation period from material bound by tanaids sediment resulted in some shifts in these size-selec-
during the experiment. For this reason, rates of tion patterns. Small tanaids showed less positive se-
tube building may have been overestimated for lection (at 5~ or slightly negative selection (at
tanaids in culture II sediment. Particle-size selec- 20~ for silt-size particles in culture I sediment.
tion was not analyzed for tanaids that built tubes Fine sand with a microbial coating was not as
in culture II sediment. strongly avoided. Large tanaids also altered some-
Particle-size selection was examined in four of what their selectivity patterns on culture I sedi-
the nine treatment cells: 5~ sterile sediment; 5~ ment, showing less avoidance of silt. Selection of
culture I sediment; 20~ sterile sediment; and fine sand was not notably different.
20~ culture I sediment. The bulk of the particles
incorporated into tubes were in the size class "very C O R R O B O R A T I O N OF PARTICLE SELECTION
fine sand" (63-125 ~m) with different patterns in EXPERIMENT
the use of silt (32-63 ~m) and fine sand (125-250 Although E* corrects mathematically for the dif-
p~m) by small and large tanaids. Medium sand ferences in particle availability inadvertently
Laboratory, sterile 10.6 -+ 0.8 19.3 _+ 0.6 61.2 _+ 0.4 5.2 + 0.5
Laboratory, culture I 21.6 -+ 0.7 34.5 -+ 0.3 40.0 -+ 0.7 1.3 + 0.3
Field 38.2 -4- 0.3 28.8 -+ 0.1 28.8 + 0.4 2.5 -+ 0.4
540 L . D . Krasnow and G L Taghon
5oc 0.0
-0.4 sterile
9 coo i
-0.8 -04
t I I t I 9 I I F I I I I
0,4 --
9 9 9 ~e
0.0 20~
x -0.4
' (1)
0 8 9
"" -0.8 -0.4
i i i i i ~ I I I I I I
__.m 0.4--
LU ee
0.0 5~
culture I 0.0
-0.4 e e
-0.8 -0.4
e l l l J I I
0,4 --
-0 8 -0 4
I I I I I t I I I I I I
caused by the defective sieve, results may still be out o f nine large tanaids in sterile sediment, the
biased by differences in a tanaid's behavioral re- p r o p o r t i o n o f silt in tubes was 4% or less. In pre-
sponse. A s e c o n d e x p e r i m e n t was c o n d u c t e d to cultured sediment, the a m o u n t o f silt in tubes o f
verify trends in grain-size selection. Twelve tanaids, large tanaids varied f r o m 5% to 23%. Results for
o n e per dish, were selected for each o f four sedi- these two s e d i m e n t treatments were significantly
m e n t t r e a t m e n t - t a n a i d size class c o m b i n a t i o n s different (Rank Sum Two-Sample Test, p = 0.02,
(sterile sediment, small tanaids; sterile sediment, n = 9). Thus, the p r e s e n c e o f microbes a p p e a r e d
large tanaids; p r e c u l t u r e d sediment, small tanaids; to increase the rate at which large tanaids incor-
p r e c u l t u r e d sediment, large tanaids). In this case, p o r a t e d silt into tubes. Silt c o m p o s e d an average
care was taken that the p r o p o r t i o n s o f silt and sand o f 45% (range 34-56%) o f the grains in the tubes
were the same in the sterile a n d p r e c u l t u r e d sedi- o f small tanaids in sterile s e d i m e n t and 22% -+ 8%
m e n t mixtures. "Small" tanaids r a n g e d f r o m 0.8 in tubes built in s e d i m e n t with microbes. We did
m m to 1.0 m m carapace length. " L a r g e " tanaids n o t c o m p a r e these m e a n s statistically because only
were 3.4 4.2 mm. Tanaids built tubes for 24 h at two small tanaids built tubes in sterile sediment.
18~ Fine sand c o m p o s e d 12% -+ 1% o f the particles
T h e r e was n o significant difference in the per- available in the second e x p e r i m e n t , with n o signif-
cent composition o f silt-size particles ( m e a n = 18.2 icant difference in the availability o f fine sand be-
-+ 0.2% SE) between the sterile and p r e c u l t u r e d tween the sterile a n d p r e c u l t u r e d s e d i m e n t mixes
s e d i m e n t mixes (Rank Sum Two-Sample Test, p = (Rank Sum Two-Sample Test, p = 0.25, n = 9).
0.44, n = 4 slides, 100 grains p e r slide). For seven T h e overall m e a n p e r c e n t fine sand in tubes built
Tube Building by a Tanaid 54.1
E o.o
-" 0- 0.2
5~ I sediment 10~ I sediment 20~ I sediment
Y = O 0 2 2 X - 0 . 0 0 0 8 9 (p < 0,001} Y = 0.022 X + 0.0045 (p < 0.001) Y = 0 0 1 8 X + 0 , 0 0 7 6 (p < 0 0 0 1 )
r2= 0 73 r2= 0.29 r2= 0 26
o II
o; ol e%
...Q oo I I I I I I -I~ J I I I k I i i i i i i i
5~ II s e d i m e n t 10~ II s e d i m e n t 20~ II s e d i m e n t
Y = 0 , 0 2 9 X - 0 . 0 0 6 2 (p < 0 0 0 1 } Y = 0,026 X + O 0041 (p < O 001}
r2= 0 56 9 r2= 0 83
rr 9 oi,9
% 9
9 9 e8
01 Q9
o0 9 9
9 8
Y = 0 0031 X + 0 095
r2= 0 013 #
00 [ I I ] I I I I I J I [ I F I I ~ I I I I
5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 0.5 1.5 25 3.5 4 5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4,5
Carapace length, mm
Fig. 3. Rates of tube building as linear functions of tanaid length in the laboratory experiment. Rate of tube building is expressed
in units of grams ash-free dry weight sediment d -l. A square-root transformation of rates of tube building was used to satisfy the
assumptions of parametric least squares regression testing. Significance levels are for slope of regression.
by large tanaids was 9% -+ 2%, with no significant lection by small tanaids was not analyzed statisti-
difference between sediment treatments. Thus, cally because only two small tanaids built tubes in
large tanaids used fine sand at a rate approximately sterile sediment.
equal to its availability. The mean percent fine sand
in the tubes of small tanaids in sterile sediment was RATE OF TUBE BUILDING
5% (range 0-10%), compared to 17% + 11% in
precultured sediment. As before, particle size se- The square root-transformed rate of tube build-
ing was a positive function of tanaid length in sev-
en out of nine cells in the experiment (Fig. 3).
TABLE 2. Analysis of variance comparison of (A) the slopes
and (B) the intercepts (at X = 2.8 mm carapace length) of the Across all seven temperature and sediment treat-
regression equations derived from the laboratory rate of tube ments, larger tanaids bound more sediment into
building experiment. tubes over 24 h than small tanaids. In the experi-
A. Slopes mental cells 5~ culture II sediment and 10~
Source df SS MS F P sterile sediment, no statistically significant relation-
Main effects ship between tanaid size and rate of tube building
Temperature 2 1.718E-04 8.588E-05 0.54 0.62 could be detected. In several of the treatment cells
Sediment 2 3.509E-06 1.754E-06 0.01 0.99 where a significant linear relationship did occur
Treatment (e.g., 10~ culture I sediment and 20~ culture I
Residual 4 6.351E-04 1.588E-04
Total 8 8.103E-04 sediment), scatter around the line indicated a high
B Intercepts
degree of individual variation.
Source df SS MS F P Analyses of Variance were performed for the
Main effects slopes and intercepts of the nine regression equa-
Temperature 2 7.268E-04 3.634E-05 0.22 0.81 tions. In these analyses, the 21 to 36 observations
Sediment 2 1.950E-03 9.75lE-04 5.88 0.06 of each temperature-sediment treatment cell pro-
Treatment vided replication. There was no significant effect
Residual 4 6.670E-04 1.668E-04 of temperature or sediment treatment on the
Total 8 2.690E-03
slopes of the nine regression equations (Table 2).
542 L D. Krasnow and G, L. Taghon
T h e overall m e a n slope was 0.020 g m m -1 d -1 (SE
= 0.003). u2.
Before c o n d u c t i n g the ANOVA for the nine in- "7" o Q
1600 - -
wide enough that silt-size grains slip through easily.
When microbes are present, animals manipulate
the organic film in which small particles are em-
bedded. Small tanaids showed an increased ten-
dency to use fine sand-size particles when these
I I:i tIttI
800 were cultured. Presumably, small tanaids can ma-
nipulate fine sands whether they are discrete par-
ticles or part of an organic-mineral aggregate. Se-
"1~ 400 lection of sands with microbes may reflect their
increased 'value' to small tanaids as food particles
or tube material.
Leptochelia dubia does appear to actively sort par-
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug $ep Oct Nov Dec Jan
ticles. Particles grasped by the gnathopods are
passed to the maxillipeds, sorted, and then moved
to the mouth (food) or to the pereopods (tube
material). Miller (1984) provides a detailed de-
scription of post-capture particle sorting for am-
o~ phipods of the genus Corophium. The first gnatho-
pods transfer particles to the mouth where they are
800 sorted by rapid motions of the maxillipeds and first
and second maxillae and slower movements of the
9 ,', 9
9 : ,~,.,~,~
,, ~, ,
Fig. 6. Tubes of Leptochelia du&a at the edge of a tidal creek near the study site. The pen points to the free ends of the tubes,
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