Succession - Notes
Succession - Notes
Succession - Notes
NOTES (10/11/2021)
- the modal institution is not a condition (Art. Art. 884 – Suppletory Application
881, 1st par.) but when and if it is violated, - The provisions on conditional obligations
the instituted heir is supposed to forfeit the (Arts. 1179-1190 et seq.) govern matters
inheritance; not provided for by this section.
APART FROM CONDITIONAL Art. 885 – Institutions with a Term
INSTITUTION: the estate is demandable - designation of the day or time when the
right away, provided that a bond is effects of the institution of an heir shall
deposited commence (SUSPENSIVE) or cease
(RESOLUTORY) shall be valid.
Remember: A modal institution must - in the first case he shall not enter into
always be applied to a particular property possession of the property until after having
(Hence, the provision which says: I hereby given sufficient security
institute A. He shall not marry is not a modal - legal heir shall be considered as called to
institution) the succession until the arrival of the period
or its expiration
certain portion of the inheritance; or he may
Kinds: be referring to the actual property itself.
(a) suspensive term or ex die — effects (d) The testator cannot deprive his
begin from a certain day (Example: compulsory heirs of their legitime, except in
“beginning 2008”) cases expressly specified by law. Neither
(b) resolutory term or in diem — effects can he impose upon the same any burden,
cease on a certain day (Example: “up to encumbrance, condition, or substitution of
2008”) any whatsoever (Art. 904), except, of
(c) ex die in diem — from a certain day to a course, the condition that the property will
certain day (Example: “beginning 2008 until not be divided for a period not exceeding 20
2009”) years.
- that part of the testator’s property which he accept the legitime — they may accept or
cannot dispose of because the law has reject — for no one can compel another to
compulsory heirs.
Right of Completion of Legitime
(a) To protect the children and the surviving securing that part of their late father’s
widow or widower from the unjustified anger property which has been reserved for them
or thoughtlessness of the other spouse. - they should simply exercise their actio ad
property itself. This means that when a (1) Legitimate children and descendants,
person refers to his legitime from his father, with respect to their legitimate parents and
Purpose: To keep the property in the family “PROPOSITUS” - the descendant (brother
to which the property belongs.” or sister) whose death gives rise to the
reserva, and from whom therefore the third
Modes of Transmission of Reserva degree is counted.
Troncal - absolute owner of the property, with full
1) Transmission from the ascendant, or half freedom to alienate or encumber.
brother or half sister to the propositus must - must be a legitimate descendant (or
be by gratuitous title. legitimate half-brother or half-sister) of the
2) Transmission from the descendant to the origin of the property.
ascendant should be by operation of law.
“RESERVOR” - the ascendant who
- This means that F owns it only till he dies, inherits from the propositus by “operation of
and at his death, it should NOT go to law.” It is he who has the obligation to
anybody whom he desires, but is reserved reserve
by the law in favor of the relatives of M When there is no obligation to reserve –
- relatives must be within the 3rd degree if reservoir/reservista inherited the property
belonging to the line from which the from the descendant not by legal
property came, to be counted from C. succession nor by virtue of the legitime
- transfer must be by OPERATION OF LAW
(legal succession, or the legitime in the case - reservor’s right is similar to that of a
of testamentary succession). fiduciary; reservor is a full owner, subject to
a resolutory condition - If at reservor’s
Origin of the property death, there should still exist relatives
- must be an ascendant or brother or sister. within the third degree of the propositus,
and belonging to the line from which the Extinguishment of the Reserva –
property came, the reservor’s ownership Grounds
over the property is terminated. 1) Death of the reservor.
2) Death of ALL the would-be reservees
What if the reservoir transferred the AHEAD of the reservor (reservista).
property with prejudice to reserves 3) LOSS of the reservable properties,
(meaning, there are relatives within the third provided the reservor had no fault or
degree who are still living) negligence. (Thus, LOSS must be
- the estate of the reservor must reimburse ACCIDENTAL.)
them for whatever they have lost by virtue of 4) Prescription (as when the reservor or
such donation, sale, or pledge. stranger holds property adversely against
the reservees, as FREE from the reserva).
RESERVEES or RESERVATARIOS (Reservor — 30 years for real; 8 years for
- relatives within the third degree (from the personal property, because of his bad faith).
propositus) who will become the full owners
of the property the moment the reservor Art. 892
dies 1.) If only one legitimate child or
- because of such death, the reserve is descendant of the deceased survives =
extinguished the widow or widower shall be entitled to
- reservees inherit the property from the one-fourth of the hereditary estate
propositus, not from the reservor. (had the 2.) In case of a legal separation = the
propositus so desired it, there would not surviving spouse may inherit if it was the
have been any reserve) deceased who had given cause for the
Who are the relatives within 3rd Degree? 3.) If there are two or more legitimate
- the parents of the propositus (1st degree); children or descendants = the surviving
-the grandparents; full and half-brothers; full spouse shall be entitled to a portion equal
and half-sisters of the propositus (2nd to the legitime of each of the legitimate
degree); children or descendants
- the uncles and aunts by blood; the great
grandparents; and the nephews and nieces If there be no children, but there are, say,
of the propositus (3rd degree) 6 grandchildren
- the share of the surviving spouse should
not be the same as the share of each of
said six descendants, but should be
computed on the number of children which 3.) Legitime of the illegitimate children
said grandchildren are supposed to shall be taken from the portion of the
represent, estate at the free disposal of the testator
Art. 893 - If the testator leaves no - no case shall the total legitime of such
legitimate descendants, but leaves illegitimate children exceed that free portion
legitimate ascendants
- surviving spouse shall have a right to one- - the legitime of the surviving spouse must
fourth of the hereditary estate. be fully satisfied first
Art. 894 - If the testator leaves Art. 896 - Illegitimate children who may
illegitimate children survive with legitimate parents or
- surviving spouse shall be entitled to one- ascendants of the deceased
third of the hereditary estate of the - entitled to one-fourth of the hereditary
deceased and the illegitimate children to estate to be taken from the portion at the
another third free disposal
Art. 899 - Surviving Spouse Concurring Art. 901 - When the testator dies leaving
with Legitimate Parents or Ascendants illegitimate children and no other
and Illegitimate Children compulsory heirs
- illegitimate children shall have a right to
1.) Share of Surviving Spouse one-half of the hereditary estate
- surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-
eighth of the hereditary estate of the Art. 902 - Transmission of Hereditary
deceased Rights of Illegitimate Children
- taken from the free portion - rights of illegitimate children are
transmitted upon their death to their
2.) Share of Illegitimate Children descendants
- illegitimate children shall be entitled to - right of representation is given both to
one-fourth of the estate which shall be legitimate and illegitimate descendants of
taken also from the disposable portion. illegitimate children.
Art. 903 - Legitime of Illegitimate Parents
as the Only Compulsory Heirs (legitime of
the parents who have an illegitimate child,
when such child leaves neither legitimate
descendants, nor a surviving spouse, nor
illegitimate children)
- adoptive parents belong to the category of
legitimate parents/legitimate ascendants
- Surviving spouse is considered a stranger
to the estate of his/her parent-in-law
EXC: In cases expressly specified by law.
a condition will)
any proportion he may deem fit. disinherited, for they alone are entitled to
the legitime
Art. 916 - Disinheritance can be effected
only through a will wherein the legal
Section 16 –
cause therefor shall be specified.
Requisites for a Valid Disinheritance
Art. 915 - A compulsory heir may, in
(a) Must be made in a valid will.
consequence of disinheritance, be deprived
(b) Must be made expressly (See Art. 918)
of his legitime = only under causes
(thus, disinheritance is NOT presumed).
expressly provided by law
(c) Must be for a LEGAL CAUSE. (Art. 916).
(The cause must be one authorized by law;
“Disinheritance” - the process or act, thru
hence, even if graver than those set forth in
a testamentary disposition of depriving in a
the law, if it be not one of those
will any compulsory heir of his legitime for
enumerated, the disinheritance will be
true and lawful causes.
ineffective.) (Art. 918; 6 Manresa 620).
(d) Must be for a TRUE CAUSE. (Arts. 917
Purpose: The purpose of disinheritance is
and 918).
not vengeance BUT RETRIBUTION
(e) Must be for an EXISTING CAUSE case of predecease or incapacity, his own
therefore, there can be no conditional or heirs may inherit by representing him).
preventive disinheritance; although the
REVOCATION of a DISINHERITANCE may (b) In case the liabilities of the estate
be conditional. (6 Manresa 623). EQUAL or EXCEED its assets, there would
(f) Must be TOTAL or COMPLETE (not be no hereditary estate, and consequently,
partial). no legitime.
(g) The cause must be STATED in the WILL
itself (Art. 918). (Although the exact words Art. 917 - Burden of Proving the
of the law need not be used [14 Scaevola
Truth of the Cause for
871] nor details given, nor is it essential that
the statement of the fact of disinheritance
- shall rest upon the other heirs of the
and the statement of the cause be made
testator, if the disinherited heir should deny
together in one will or instrument as long as
a necessary connection is proved. [6
- asked the judge to have B declared as
Manresa 621].
disinherited (motion for judicial declaration)
Neither is it essential that the disinheritance
- B filed his opposition to the motion of the
be made in the same instrument by which
the testator provides for the disposition of
his properties mortis causa, for the law
merely says “a will,” meaning “any will”). Art. 918 – Ineffective
A direct line - constituted by the series of Art. 967. Full blood relationship is that
degrees among ascendants and existing between persons who have the
descendants. same father and the same mother.
A collateral line - constituted by the series Half blood relationship is that existing
of degrees among persons who are not between persons who have the same
ascendants and descendants, but who father, but not the same mother, or the
come from a common ancestor. same mother, but not the same father.
Art. 965. The direct line is either Art. 968. If there are several relatives of
descending or ascending. the same degree, and one or some of
them are unwilling or incapacitated to There is no right to represent a voluntary
succeed, his portion shall accrue to the heir. The legitime can be received by
others of the same degree, save the right representation, for after all, it goes to the
of representation when it should take heirs by operation of law.
- EXC: No right of representation in case of Art. 971. The representative is called to
repudiation the succession by the law and not by the
person represented. The representative
Art. 969. If the inheritance should be does not succeed the person
repudiated by the nearest relative, should represented but the one whom the
there be one only, or by all the nearest person represented would have
relatives called by law to succeed, should succeeded.
there be several, those of the following - Property received by representation
degree shall inherit in their own right and cannot be taken by or be held responsible
cannot represent the person or persons for the debts of the person represented.
repudiating the inheritance.
Art. 972. The right of representation
takes place in the direct descending line,
Subsection 2. — RIGHT OF but never in the ascending.
REPRESENTATION In the collateral line, it takes place only
Art. 970 - Representation is a right created in favor of the children of brothers or
by fiction of law, by virtue of which the sisters, whether they be of the full or half
representative is raised to the place and the blood.
degree of the person represented, and
acquires the rights which the latter would Art. 973. In order that representation may
have if he were living or if he could have take place, it is necessary that the
inherited. representative himself be capable of
succeeding / inheriting the decedent.
(a) In intestate succession, the right of
representation when proper covers all that Art. 974 – Inheritance Per Stirpes
the person being represented would have - Whenever there is succession by
inherited. representation, the division of the estate
(b) In testate succession, the right of shall be made per stirpes, in such
representation covers only the legitime. manner that the representative or
representatives shall not inherit more Art. 978. Succession pertains, in the first
than what the person they represent place, to the descending direct line.
would inherit, if he were living or could (a) descends (descendants)
inherit. (b) ascends (ascendants)
- means inheritance by group, all those (c) then spreads (collaterals)
within the group inheriting in equal shares. Thus, the descendants are preferred.
Art. 988. In the absence of legitimate Art. 969 vs. Art. 1018
descendants or ascendants, the - 969 cannot be applied if there are several
illegitimate children shall succeed to the heirs and not all heirs can repudiate
entire estate of the deceased. - if there are several heirs and there are one
or some who repudiates, Art. 1018 applies –
Art. 989. If, together with illegitimate share shall go down to other co-heirs by
children, there should survive way of ACCRETION
descendants of another illegitimate child
who is dead, the former shall succeed in Limitations on the Right to Represent
Right to represent is only available if the
pne who represents is ONE DEGREE
APART from the person being represented
- The legitime of the IC shall be 1/2 of the (c) Survivors: brothers, sisters, nephews,
legitime of the LC and nieces – 1/2 gihapon
Art. 1021. Among the compulsory heirs “Capacity to succeed” - the ability to
the right of accretion shall take place inherit and retain property obtained mortis
only when the free portion is left to two causa.
or more of them, or to any one of them “Person” – may refer to both natural &
and to a stranger. juridical
Art. 1027. The following are incapable of (5) Any physician, surgeon, nurse, health
succeeding: officer or druggist who took care of the
(1) The priest who heard the confession of testator during his last illness;
the testator during his last illness, or
minister of the gospel who extended (6) Individuals, associations and
spiritual aid to him during the same period; corporations not permitted by law to inherit.
(2) The relatives of such priest or (4) Any attesting witness to the execution of
minister of the gospel within the fourth a will, the spouse, parents, or children, or
degree, the church, order, chapter, any one claiming under such witness,
community, organization, or institution spouse, parents, or children;
to which such priest or minister may
belong; Art. 1030. Testamentary provisions in favor
-relatives here are those by consanguinity of the poor in general, without designation
of particular persons or of any community,
(3) A guardian with respect to testamentary shall be deemed limited to the poor living in
dispositions given by a ward in his favor
the domicile of the testator at the time of his corrupt or immoral life, or attempted against
death, unless it should clearly appear that their virtue;
his intention was otherwise. (2) Any person who has been convicted of
The designation of the persons who an attempt against the life of the testator,
are to be considered as poor and the his or her spouse, descendants, or
distribution of the property shall be made by ascendants;
the person appointed by the testator for the (3) Any person who has accused the
purpose; in default of such person, by the testator of a crime for which the law
executor; and should there be no executor, prescribes imprisonment for six years or
by the justice of the peace, the mayor, and more, if the accusation has been found
the municipal treasurer, who shall decide by groundless;
a majority of votes all questions that may (4) Any heir of full age who, having
arise. In all these cases, the approval of the knowledge of the violent death of the
Court of First Instance shall be necessary. testator, should fail to report it to an officer
of the law within a month, unless the
Art. 1031 - Dispositions in Favor of a authorities have already taken action; this
Disqualified Person prohibition shall not apply to cases wherein,
A testamentary provision in favor of a according to law, there is no obligation to
disqualified person, even though made make an accusation;
under the guise of an onerous contract, or (5) Any person convicted of adultery or
made through an intermediary, shall be concubinage with the spouse of the testator;
void. (6) Any person who by fraud, violence,
- one incapacitated either absolutely, or by intimidation, or undue influence should
reason of possible undue influence (Art. cause the testator to make a will or to
1027), or by reason of morality. (Art. change one already made;
1028).]. (7) Any person who by the same means
prevents another from making a will, or from
Art. 1032. - Incapacity by Reason of revoking one already made, or who
Unworthiness supplants, conceals, or alters the latter’s
The following are incapable of succeeding will;
by reason of unworthiness: (8) Any person who falsifies or forges a
(1) Parents who have abandoned their supposed will of the decedent.
children or induced their daughters to lead a
Art. 1033. – Effects of Condonation
The causes of unworthiness shall be have children or descendants, the latter
without effect if the testator had shall acquire his right to the legitime.
knowledge thereof at the time he made The person so excluded shall not
the will, or if, having known of them enjoy the usufruct and administration of the
subsequently, he should condone them property thus inherited by his children.
in writing.
Art. 1036 – Effect of Alienation of
- Basically this is the defense that may be Property Made by Excluded Person
availed of by person accused of Alienations of hereditary property, and acts
unworthiness of administration performed by the excluded
- the mere fact of instituting the person heir, before the judicial order of exclusion,
concerned, or giving him a devise or legacy, are valid as to third persons who acted in
is an IMPLIED CONDONATION good faith; but the co-heirs shall have a
right to recover damages from the
Art. 1034 - How to Judge the Capacity of disqualified heir.
the Heir
- Capacity must be determined from the Art. 1037 – Indemnities to be Reimbursed
time of the death of decedent Excluded Heir
- because it is during such time when The unworthy heir who is excluded from the
ownership is transferred succession has a right to demand indemnity
EXC: In case of a suspensive conditional for any expenses incurred in the
institution, the heir must be capacitated preservation of the hereditary property,
BOTH: and to enforce such credits as he may have
1) at the time of the testator’s death against the estate.
2) at the time the condition is fulfilled (For
example — he must still be alive at that Art. 1038 – Obligation to Return What
time.) Has Been Received (if there is any)
Any person incapable of succession, who,
Art. 1035 - Incapacitated Compulsory disregarding the prohibition stated in the
Heir Can Be Represented preceding articles, entered into the
If the person excluded from the inheritance possession of the hereditary property, shall
by reason of incapacity should be a child or be obliged to return it together with its
descendant of the decedent and should accessions.
He shall be liable for all the fruits and rents certain of the death of the person from
he may have received, or could have whom he is to inherit, and of his right to
received through the exercise of due the inheritance.
Art. 1043 - When Acceptance or
Art. 1040 - Prescriptive Period for Repudiation May Be Made
Declaration of Incapacity and for
Recovery of the Inheritance (a) The heir must be CERTAIN of the death
- “Action for Declaration of Incapacity” of the decedent. (Hence, the act must not
- within five years from the time the be made during the decedent’s lifetime;
disqualified person took possession thereof however, presumed death for purposes of
succession is enough, although of course
Who can bring such action? in such case, there may be a RETURNING).
- Anyone who may have an interest in the
succession (that is, the person who would (b) The heir must be certain of his RIGHT to
inherit in place of the incapacitated heir). the inheritance. (Thus, acceptance by a
legatee, when the will is void, is useless.)
Art. 1047. A married woman of age may Art. 1050. An inheritance is deemed
repudiate an inheritance without the accepted:
consent of her husband. (1) If the heir sells, donates, or assigns his
right to a stranger, or to his co-heirs, or to
Art. 1048. Deaf-mutes who can read and any of them;
write may accept or repudiate the (2) If the heir renounces the same, even
inheritance personally or through an through gratuitously, for the benefit of one
agent. or more of his co-heirs;
Should they not be able to read (3) If he renounces it for a price in favor of
and write, the inheritance shall be all his coheirs indiscriminately; but if this
accepted by their guardians. These renunciation should be gratuitous, and the
guardians may repudiate the same with co-heirs in whose favor it is made are those
judicial approval. upon whom the portion renounced should
devolve by virtue of accretion, the
Art. 1049. Acceptance may be express or inheritance shall not be deemed as
tacit. accepted.
An express acceptance must be
made in a public or private document. Art. 1051. The repudiation of an
A tacit acceptance is one resulting inheritance shall be made :
from acts by which the intention to accept is 1) in a public or authentic instrument,
necessarily implied, or which one would 2) or by petition presented
have no right to do except in the capacity of to the court having jurisdiction over the
an heir. testamentary or intestate proceedings.
Acts of mere preservation or
provisional administration do not imply an - Repudiation should be EXPRESS
acceptance of the inheritance if, through - One who repudiates is deemed never to
such acts, the title or capacity of an heir has have owned or possessed the inheritance
not been assumed.
Art. 1052 - When Creditors May Accept in Art. 1055. If a person, who is called to the
Behalf of Heir same inheritance as an heir by will and
(a) While rights may be waived, still waiver ab intestato, repudiates the inheritance
cannot be allowed, if among other things, it in his capacity as a testamentary heir, he
is prejudicial to a third person with a right is understood to have repudiated it in
recognized by law. both capacities.
(b) The creditors do not accept in their own Should he repudiate it as an intestate
name; they accept in the name of the heir heir, without knowledge of his being a
(or devisee or legatee). testamentary heir, he may still accept it
(c) The creditor cannot accept everything in the latter capacity.
that has been repudiated, they can accept - can still repudiate that portion designated
only to the extent they have been to him as a testamentary heir
prejudiced. - cannot accept both in testamentary and
(d) Even if the creditors accept everything intestate capacity
that has been repudiated, the renouncing
heir is not considered as having accepted Art. 1056.
— he is still a renouncer, and cannot GR: The acceptance or repudiation of an
therefore be represented. inheritance, once made, is irrevocable,
and cannot be impugned
- creditors will not be allowed to accept in EXC: When it was made through any of
the name of the heir if they have not been the causes that vitiate consent, or when
prejudiced an unknown will appears.
Art. 1085 – Equality shall be observed in Art. 1089. The titles of acquisition of
the partition of the estate ownership of each property shall be
delivered to the co-heir to whom said
Art. 1086 – Indivisible Object property has been adjudicated.
- object may be adjudicated to one of the -
- provided he shall pay the others the Art. 1090. When the title comprises two or
excess in cash more pieces of land which have been
- Any of the heirs can demand that thing be assigned to two or more co-heirs, or when it
sold in pub. auction + strangers allowed to covers one piece of land which has been
bid (maski isa ra sa ila) divided between two or more co-heirs, the
title shall be delivered to the one having
Art. 1087 - Reimbursement must be the largest interest, and authentic copies
made of: of the title shall be furnished to the other co-
(1) income and fruits heirs at the expense of the estate. If the
(2) useful and necessary expenses interest of each co-heir should be the
(3) damages thru malice or neglect same, the oldest shall have the title.
- Who reimburses each other? Co-heirs.
Subsection 2. — EFFECTS OF
Art. 1088 - Legal Redemption by Co- PARTITION
Heirs – Requisites:
(a) there must be two or more heirs; Art. 1091. A partition legally made
(b) one must sell his hereditary rights; confers upon each heir the exclusive
(c) the buyer must be a stranger; ownership of the property adjudicated to
(d) the sale must be before partition; him.
(e) at least one co-heir must demand the -relatives who are neither compulsory heirs
nor voluntary heirs nor devisees or legatees Art. 1096. The obligation of warranty
cannot question a judicial partition made as among co-heirs shall cease in the
a consequence of a validly probated following cases:
(1) When the testator himself has made
Art. 1092. After the partition has been the partition, unless it appears, or it may
made, the co-heirs shall be reciprocally be reasonably presumed, that his
bound to warrant the title to, and the intention was otherwise, but the legitime
quality of, each property adjudicated. shall always remain unimpaired;
(2) When it has been so expressly
Warranties : stipulated in the agreement of partition,
1.) Warranty against eviction (of the title) unless there has been bad faith;
2.) Warranty of quality & hidden defects (3) When the eviction is due to a cause
subsequent to the partition, or has been
Art. 1093. The reciprocal obligation of caused by the fault of the distributee of
warranty referred to in the preceding the property.
article shall be proportionate to the
respective hereditary shares of the co-
heirs; but if any one of them should be Subsection 3. — RESCISSION AND
insolvent, the other co-heirs shall be NULLITY OF PARTITION
liable for his part in the same proportion,
deducting the part corresponding to the Art. 1097. A partition may be rescinded
one who should be indemnified. or annulled for the same causes as
Those who pay for the insolvent heir - presence of fraud, excusable mistake, or
shall have a right of action against him inadvertence makes a partition annullable
for reimbursement, should his financial - an action for partition among co-heirs does
condition improve. NOT prescribe, this is true only as long as
one or some of them do not hold the
Art. 1094. An action to enforce the property in question under an adverse title.
warranty among coheirs must be
brought within ten years from the date Art. 1098. A partition, judicial or extra-
the right of action accrues. judicial, may also be rescinded on
account of lesion, when any one of the
co-heirs received things whose value is
less, by at least one-fourth, than the proportionately obliged to pay to the person
share to which he is entitled, considering omitted the share which belongs to him.
the value of the things at the time they
were adjudicated. Art. 1105. - Intrusion
- The lesion or damage must be at least 1/4, A partition which includes a person believed
otherwise rescission will not lie. to be an heir, but who is not, shall be void
only with respect to such person.
Art. 1100. The action for rescission on
account of lesion shall prescribe after
four years from the time the partition ---------------------------------------------------------
was made. Prohibition to Alienate
- - can be exercised on the free portion only;
as long as not exceeding 20 yrs
Art. 1101 - Option of the Suing Heir - The condition can be imposed only on the
The defendant heir, despite a proper ground free portion, never on the legitime. (Art. 904)
for rescission, is still given an option: -vs-
(a) indemnification
(b) or a new partition Prohibition to Divide
- can be applied to both the legitime & free
Art. 1103. The omission of one or more portion
objects or securities of the inheritance shall
not cause the rescission of the partition on Permanent heirs can demand partition
the ground of lesion, but the partition shall anytime and w/o prescription
be completed by the distribution of the
objects or securities which have been Right of redemption exists only if the sale is
omitted. made to a stranger and not to a co-heir
Art. 1104 -
Partition made with preterition of any of the
compulsory heirs shall not be rescinded,
unless it be proved that there was bad faith
or fraud on the part of the other persons
interested; but the latter shall be