PW3 R&W Unit3
PW3 R&W Unit3
PW3 R&W Unit3
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2. Which region had the fastest percentage urban growth from 1950 to 1990?
How about from to 2015?
3. Which regions are projected to urbanize fastest between now and 2050?
there are over 30 cities of more than 10 as populations rise and migration from
million people. These dense areas can have rural areas continues. ln fact, two-thirds of
more than 500 inhabitants per square mile the world's population may live in cities
(over 195 people per square kilometer). by 2050.
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Growing Urbanization
Percentage of population living in urban areas of
more than 300,000 people, 1950-2050
90 North America
Latin America and
the Caribbean
70 Europe
@ 60
G Global average
a) 50 Asia
@ flfyi63
o- 40
30 -.
- 10
1 9s0 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050
With a population of about 3 million
people, Dubaiis the most populous
city in the Ukited Arab Emirates.
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Reading 1
j.'^'.i? 1T: | ft," words and phrases in blue below are used in Reading t. Read the sentences. Then
^ match thecorrectform ofeachword orphraseto itsdefinition.
to cover a huge area
3. money that a person earns
4. (adj) able to achieve a significant amount
or result
5. (v)to usually do something or be a certain way
6. (n)a huge amount or number of something in
one place
7. (n) an area outside of a large city that
has homes and businesses
PREDIcTING c Read the title and the headings in the reading passage.
what do you thinkthe passage
is mainly about? Check your idea as you read.
l' a. a comparison of large cities in the past and those in the present
b. the environmental chailenges that growing cities are facing
c. the positive impacts of urbanization on people and the environment
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A crowded street \
Myeongdong, Seoul l
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Consider this: in 1800, less than 3 percent of the world's population lived in
ides, but by 2050, this could increase to over 66 percent. The trend is clear and
*re conclusion inescapable-humans have become an urban species.
In the Lgth and early Z}thcenturies, large urban areas began to grow and
;:read. Many people viewed cities largely in negative terms-crowded, dirty,
.:nhealthy places full of disease and crime. People feared that as cities got
rrgger,living conditions would get worse. Recent decades, however, have seen
: u-idespread change in attitudes toward urbanization.l Many experts believe
:rar urbanization is good news. Although negative aspects such as pollution and
,rban slums remain serious problems, many urban planners now believe big
:rries might hetp solve the problem of Earth's growing population.
t York
BRAZIL Cape Town
Madrid t
I o
The amount of greenhouse 9as
CHINA o emissions per person in dense cities as
36o Paulo compared to their national average
Because most of the woild's population will live in cities, it's important to plan and manage
cities well so they can benefit society.
n 1. Urbanization has a lot of benefrts, such as the easy exchange of ideas and the
reduction of human impact on the environment.
n 2. Seoul experienced many problems as a result of its rapid population growth
between 1960 and 2000.
E 3. Seoul's successful urbanization is an example of how urbanization can bring positive
impacts to cities and countrles.
tr 4. Although some cities have managed to urbanize well, urban planners today are
concerned with managing the expansion of large cities.
tr 5. The second half of the 20th century saw many people in the United States moving
out of cities.
E 6. Careful long-term planning is key to growing cities that can accommodate the
world's future population.
u N D E R sTA N D I N GJ U.t.f, each section of the reading passage to its main idea.
1. Paragraph{ a. Urbanization is better for the environment.
2. Paragraph C b. By reducing distance, cities bring largely positive benefits.
_3. Paragraph D c. Proper urban planning can bring positive results to crties.
_4. Paragraphs F-G d. Recently, attitudes toward living in cities have become
more positive.
_5. Paragraph J
IDENTIFY]NG f[ Rnr*"r the questions below with information from the reading passage.
1. According to Edward Glaeser, what are two benefits of living in cities? (paragraph C)
2. According to Stewart Brand, what is one benefit of dense cities? What is one example
he gives? (paragraph D)
I nead the following quotes from the passage. Which main or supporting idea from the CRITICAL THINKING:
paragraph does each quote support? Discuss with a partner. ANALYZING QUOTES
1. 'They value knowledge over space. That's what the modern city is all about."
(paragraph C)
3. "When income rises, people have money to buy more space." (paragraph l)
4. "lt would be a lot better for the planet fif people are] in dense cities built around the
elevator rather than in sprawling areas built around the car." (paragraph.J)
,t: E Do you think that city life is mainly beneficial? Why or why not? Complete the sentence CRITICAL THINKINGT
below. lnclude at least two reasons. Then share your ideas with a partner. JUSTIFYING YOUR
Overall, I think urbanization has a positive / negative impact on human societies because
READING SKILL Analyzing Visual lnformation
When you first look at a graph, read the title, subtitle, caption, and/or legend (key).
Ask yourself what information is being presented. What do the lines, colors, or
symbols mean? What the purpose of the graph?Then underline important words
in the title or caption that tell you about the content. Ask yourself how the graph
supports the ideas in the reading passage. How does it help you understand the
author's ideas better?
ANALYZING VISUAL Work with a partner. Look at the graph below and answer the questions.
1. Look at the title, subtitle, and legend. What is the main purpose of the graph?
2. Underline the sentence in the reading passage that the graph relates to.
3. How does the graph support the sentence in the reading passage?
-* g6ufh (61s3
40,000 4r Spain
,*,,*",., Portugal
United Kingdom
1 980 1 985 r 990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
lGross Domestic Product (GDP) is the amount of goods and services produced in one year.
ANALYZING VISUAL Look at the infographic in the reading passage and answer the questions. Discuss your
INFORMATION answers with a partner.
t I
shelter in London is
converted into i'farm.
, nead the title and the photo caption. Why do you think people would create farms
- underground? Discuss with a partner.
I Read the information aboutfood miles-the distance food travels from where it's LEARNING ABOUT
produced to people's plates-and answer the questions'
THE To P lc
-1ow big an rmpact do "food miles" have on the environment? ln some parts of the
consumers. ln 201 6, the United Kingdom imported about half of its food
from other
to towns and
:ountries. This food is flown or shipped into the country and then transported
: ties in trucks. Food transportation trucks produce a quarter of transport-related
global warming. And with an expanding population, these
]as emissions-a maior cause of
ssues are only likely to increase. lf producers and consumers are
serious about slowing
; your food locally could reduce "food miles "
3lobal warming, growing-and buying-more
3. What do you think is one way to help reduce "food miles" where you live? Note your
idea and discuss with a Partner.
The words and phrases in bold below are used in the video. Read the sentences.
IN CONTEXT match the correct form of each word or phrase to its definition.
LEDs save money and energy because they use 90 percent less power than
traditional light bul bs.
The distribution of food by air and land can cause greenhouse gas emissions
utilizing new farming technologies-such
By as hydroponic farming-we can use
fewer resources to produce the food we need
UNDERSTANDING A ffi Watch the video. Check (/)the reasons Steven Dring and Richard Ballard built an
MAIN IDEAS underground ftrm.
! t . to make young people aware of how food is grown
E Z. to grow new tYPes of Plants
E :. to cut down on food miles
[ 4. to help solve environmental problems
fl S. to provide food for the growing population of London
I 6. to use less water than traditlonal farming
B ffi Watch the video again. For each statement below, circle T for true, F for false, or NG
DETAILS if the information is not given.
St"r"n Dring got kids in the U.K. who think that spaghetti is grown
says, "We've still
THE VIDEO on trees." Why is this a problem? How can the underground farm help solve it? Discuss
with a Partner.
CRITICAL THINKING: f Wft.t challenges do you think underground farms in cities might face? Think of two
EVALUATING ideas. Then share them with a partner.
Reading 2
I -le words in blue below are used in Reading 2. Complete the sentences with the
:orrect words. Use a dictionary to help you.
attempt basically consumption ent ance
increasingly industrial majority safety
phenomenon varied
One way to improve the of city neighborhoods is to have
regular police patrols.
of urbanization is becoming
common as more and more cities continue to grow and develop
What kinds of information about the cities do you think he collected? Discuss with
partner. Then check your ideas as you read.
Vhen architect and urban planner Richard
\Turman learned that the maiority of Earth's
population lived in cities, he became curious.
He wondered what the effects of global
urbanization will be. \7ith a group of business
and media partners,'Wurman set out on a five-
year study-a project called 19.20.21-to collect
information about urbanization, focusing on
the world's largest urban concentrations, or
The projecr's aim is to standardize the
way information about cities-such as health,
education, transportation, energy consumption,
and arts and culture-is collected and shared.
The hope is that urban planners will be able to
use these objective data to enhance the (hality
of life for people in cities while reducing the
environmental impact of urbani zation.
* [ Orr. has to understand
Q: Cities are increasingly challenged to sustain didn't seem to work very well. And yet the
their infrastructure and service. Can they survive reasons for doing it seemed justified at that
as they are now? moment ... It shows that the attempt to make
Wurman: Nothing survives as it is now. things better often makes things worse.'We have
All cities are cities for the moment, and our to understand before we act. And although
thoughts about how to make them better there are a lot of little ideas for making things
are thoughts at the moment. There was great better-better learning, increased safety,
passion 30 years ago for the urban bulldozer,3 cleaner air-you can't solve the problem with a
that we had to tear down the slums, tear down collection of little ideas. One has to understand
the old parts of cities, and have urban renewal. them in context and in comparison to other
That lasted for about 10, 15 years, until it places.
The maps above show the distribution of green spaces in three major cities.
A Choose the best alternative title for the reading MAIN IDEAS
a. An ldea for Sharing Urban Data
b. An ldea for lmproving Urban Areas
i Match each section in the passage to its purpose' PURPOSE
Paragraph B a. to state what the proiect wants to achieve
b. to give reasons why more people are moving to
-L 2. Paragraph C
3. Paragraph D c. to give advice on how cities should manage their
-- ParagraPhs F -t
of data included in the project and
-4. G ' ;ri:','Jfi;:'J'0es
-5.Parasraph e. to explain the challenges Wurman faced when
. data is collected from the world's largest cities
of over e.__- people
' study focuses on cities with populations
transportation' how much 'o-- they consume' etc
' looks at how people use
draw (paragraph C) F)
pop out (paragraph
slum (paragraph G)
flock (paragraph C) 1
relative to (paragraph D) l
. Things that draw people to a city make them want to go there / stay away
2. When people flock to a place, they go in small / large numbers.
3. Relative fo something means in comparison with / connected to it.
ANALYZING VISUAL Look at the maps in the reading passage and answer the questions below.
L What do the maps show?
2. Which city has the greatest amount? Which has the least?
3. How might this information be useful for cities?
CRITICAL THINKING: Read the statements below. which of the people in this unit-Glaeser, Brand, Angel,
SYNTHESIZING or wurman-would agree most strongly with each one? write a name for each
statement. More than one answer is possible. Then share your answers with a partner.
l. Overall, people living in cities have a smaller
carbon footprint.
A Read the sentences (a-c) and notice the underlined verbs. Match each sentence to the NOTICING
most suitable description.
a. ln20lT,StevenDringandRichardBallardsetupanundergroundfarminLondon.
b. Richard Wurman's team has created an online exhibit for the Urban Observatory.
c. Edward Glaeser has written a number of books about cities.
We use the simple past to describe actions that began and ended in the past.
The Highline-a green space in New York City-opened to the public in 2009,
Note:To form the present perfect, use have or has and the past participle of
a main verb.
1. Large numbers of people moved / have moved to Seoul during the 1950s.
2. ln the 1950s, the South Korean government invested / has invested in local
companies such as Samsung and Hyundai rn order to support the country's economic
3. Before the 20th century, South Korea was / has been one of the world's poorest
cou ntries.
4. Overall, life improved / has improved for South Koreans during the past few
5. In 1961, the life expectancy in South Korea was 51 years. Since then, it increased /
has increased to 79 years.
WRITING SKILL Writing an lntroductory Paragraph
Read the following pairs of thesis statements. Choose the one in each pair that you
think is better. Share the reasons for your answers with a partner.
1. a. Life is a lot better in Philadelphia than it was a few years ago for several good
b. Life is a lot bett4r in Philadelphia today because there rs less crime and more job
2. a. Two recent changes have improved the city of San Pedro: new streetlights and
better roads.
b. Most resrdents of San Pedro are very pleased with the recent infrastructure
Choose the best opening hook for each essay topic. Then discuss with a partner.
b. lmagine this: lt's B a.m. You have 30 minutes to get to your job on the other side of
town. The traffrc is terrible-you'll never make rt.
E Match the topics in exercise D to their thesis statements below. One statement is extra.
a. With the introduction of a new subway line and increased housing in the city,
there should now be fewer cars on the roads durrng peak hours.
- b. ln response to the problem, the government has set stricter rules on where you
can leave your car in the city center.
- C. To ensure the well-being of all road users, city planners have now put more
stoplights and created more areas where cars can't go.
- d. The increased number of garages in the central district has made it easier for
drivers to find a space to leave their cars when they visit.
WRITING SKILL Writing a Concluding Paragraph
Here are two ways to leave the reader with a final thought.
. Make a prediction:The effects of these improvements to life in Morristown may
encourage more people to move here.
. Ask a question: Wilt these improvenrynts inspire city officials to make even more
environmentally friendly changes in Morristown?
GOAL You are going to write a problem-solution essay on the following topic:
Describe a problem that a city or town had, and explain one thing that was
done to solve it.
BRAINSTORMING Think of a city or town that is better to live in now than it used to be. Make a list of
improvements that were made. Think about areas such as housing, environmental
issues, traffic, public transportation, and job opportunities. Do research if necessary.
Step 1 Choose the problem that you want to write about. Note it in the outline, and
note two effects of the problem as your supportinq ideas.
Step 2 Describe the best solution to the problem. Note two ways it helped solve the
Step 3 Write a thesis statement that states the problem and the solutron. Add a hook to
your rntroduction.
Step 4 Write a summary statement and add a frnal thought for the concluding paragraph.
Thesis Statement:
The Problem:
The Solution:
Concluding Paragraph
Summary Statement:
! Ur" the information in your outline to write a first draft of your essay.
The draft below is similar to the one you are going to write. Follow the steps to
create a better second draft'
1. Add the sentences (a-c) in the most suitable spaces.
a. lt was dirty and dark, with a lot of noise from the cars rushing overhead.
b. What other improvements might make the city an even more beautiful place to
live and visit?
c. Imagrne your shock when you visit San Francisco for the first trme, and you have
to walk under an ugly freeway to get to the bay.
2. Now fix the following problems (d-f) in the essay.
d. Cross out one sentence that does not relate to the topic sentence in paragraph B.
c -
ln 1989, part of the freeway has been destroyed by an earthquake;two years later, the city
authorities decided to take the whole thing down and renovate the area. One way that
this has helped make San Francisco.more beautiful is by giving people access to the bay.
people are able to walk or jog along the Embarcadero or just enjoy views of the Bay Bridge,
the water, and the hills and neighboring cities on the other side of the bay.Tearing down
the freeway has also allowed residents and tourists to see the beautiful Ferry Building, one
of San Francisco's most important buildings. The Ferry Building was closed for decades,
but since the renovation, it has been open, and now houses great shops and restaurants.
The once ugly Embarcadero has become a place that residents and tourists want to visit.
The removal of the Embarcadero freeway has made the waterfront area attractive
and accessible for both visitors and San Franciscans. Today, most people don't even
remember the old freewaY.
REVISED DRAFT Now use the questions below to revise your essay.
n Does your tntroductory paragraph have an interesting hook and a clear thesis
tr Did you include enough details to explain the problem and the solution in your
body paragraphs?
tr Does your concluding paragraph have a summary statement and a finalthought?
Read the information below.
ln sentences using the present perfect, remember to:
. use the correct form of have.
. use the correct form of the past participle of the main verb.
Correct one mistake with the present perfect in each of the sentences (1-5).
1 . The city have made a lot of changes over the past years.
2. Residents have enjoy the renovattons to the city center and the public parks.
3. The new subway system has make it easier to get across town.
4. lt is now safer for people to rrde their bikes to work because the government has
add bicycle lanes to busy streets.
5. San Francisco city planners has created a beautiful walkable area alongside the bay.
FINAL DRAFT Follow these steps to write a final draft.
1. Check your revised draft for mistakes with the simple past and the present perfect.
2. Now use the checklist on page 253 to write a final draft. Make any other necessary
Answer the following questions. 3. Do you remember the meanings of these words?
Check (/) the ones you know. Look back at the unit
1. Why might living in cities be better than living in the
and review the ones you don't know.
suburbs? List two reasons.
Reading 1: