Scoring of Rorschach Inkblot Test
Scoring of Rorschach Inkblot Test
Scoring of Rorschach Inkblot Test
Plate-VII Plate-VIII
K Plate-VII Plate-VIII
Only Inkblot kgr
Ink d
blot Are
+ a
Only White Background Area
6. Whatever is the nature of White Background Area, it
remains the same for the purposes of scoring.
7. There are some „only white background areas‟ that
are commonly extracted by the subjects. Also there are a
„only white background areas‟ that are
uncommonly extracted by the subjects for
8. The symbol for White Background Area is S, derived from
the white space.
9. Remember that White Background Area (S) is never
scored as standalone. It is an addition and hence suffixed
to Total Blot Area, Common Blot Area or Uncommon Blot
Area, whatever is the case.
10. The possible scoring for white background area is as under:
a. Total Blot Area + White Background Area = Ws
b. Common Blot Area + White Background Area (or only
Common White Background Area) = Ds
c. Uncommon Blot Area + White Background Area (or
only uncommon white background area) = Dds.
11. It is not recommended to prefix the white background
area symbol to the Blot Area Symbols e.g. sW, sD, sDd.
12. The examples of White Background Area scoring is
provided in following figures:
Only White
Total Blot Area + White Background Area =
Background Area = Ws Ds
Common Blot
Area + White
Background Area
= Ds
Only Uncommon
White Background
Area= Dds
13. All possible scoring for Blot Areas, thus would be as under:
a. Total Blot Area = (W)
b. Common Blot Area = (D)
c. Uncommon Blot Area = (Dd)
d. Total Blot Area + White Background Area = (Ws)
e. Common Blot Area + White Background Area (or
Select White Background Areas only) = Ds
f. Uncommon Blot Area + White Background Area
(or select White Background Areas only) = Dds
14. A response will carry only one scoring for Blot Area. This
scoring is entered in the response sheet in the column
designated as L (Location). For example, a subject
responded as Butterfly to Total Blot Area of Plate-I, then
enter W in the L column in the same row in which
response is entered in the response sheet.
15. Cut off W is never scored in this system.
Response-1: Mice
Enquiry: Looks like a mice. Legs, face, tail
Comment: Only parts of mice have been mentioned.
Hence, the attribute is Shape.
The Concept of Shape Appropriateness:
1. Shape appropriateness is determined for each and
every response attribute.
2. In shape appropriateness, it is judged if shape of the
perceived object resembles the contours of the
extracted blot area.
3. If a perceived object match with the contours of the
extracted blot area then it is to be scored as Shape
4. If a perceived object does not matches with the shape
of the blot area, it is scored as Shape Inappropriate.
5. The scoring for Shape Appropriate response is the + sign
6. The scoring for shape inappropriate responses is the –
Examples of Shape Appropriate Objects:
Response-1: Bat
Comment: The perceived object-Bat
matches/resembles with the shape of the Total Blot Area
selected for this response. Hence, the scoring will be
Shape Appropriate.
Response-3: Monkey
Comment: The part blot area extracted for Response-3
(monkey) does not match with the shape of a monkey,
hence it shall be scored as Shape Inappropriate Response.
7. If a perceived object is shape appropriate then just add a
plus sign after the scoring of response attribute
8. If a perceived object is shape inappropriate then just add
a minus sign after the scoring of response attribute.
9. If the attribute is shape and the perceived object is shape
appropriate then score it as F+ and enter it in the D
column of response sheet.
10. If the attribute is shape and the perceived object is shape
inappropriate then score it as F- and enter it in the D
column of response sheet.
11. Guidelines to Determine Shape Appropriateness:
a. You yourself can judge the appropriateness of a
perceived object.
b. If you are in doubt about the shape appropriateness,
then show the extracted blot area to at least three of
your friends and ask them if the perceived object
resembles the shape of the blot area. Score the
response based upon the opinion of majority. If
majority says, appropriate score it as plus, otherwise
score it as minus.
c. In case of extreme uncertainty you may skip the
scoring of shape appropriateness.
d. A comprehensive list of shape appropriate and shape
inappropriate responses for each blot areas on every
Rorschach Plate is provided by Beck et al. (1961).
e. A sample list of shape appropriate and inappropriate
responses is also provided in this manual.
Object Attribute – Human Action:
1. A human being, mythological being, animal or inanimate
object engaged in any human muscular action, emotion,
posture is scored as Human Action attribute. The symbol
for Human Action is Capital (upper case) M derived from
2. Human Action is scored if any of the following conditions
is met:
A. The perceived object is a human being and engaged in
any action, posture, emotion. For example, a human is
sitting, lying, bent forward, smiling, facing other
human being, talking, feeling sad, laughing, hiding
behind a tree.
B. If the perceived object is an animal who is engaged in
the activities of human being, then Human Action is
scored. For example, an animal laughing, sad, in
competition with other animal, dancing, thinking.
C. If an animal is engaged in an activity which is not
typical of its species, then Human Action is scored. For
example, an ant is barking, a dog is climbing the tree,
a rat is flying
D. If the perceived object is an inanimate object which is
made to move by a human being either directly or
through any device. A flying airplane, a toy dancing
through the remote
E. All human emotions like sadness, depression, joy,
disgust, anxiety, fear are scored as human action.
Such emotions may constitute standalone response or
may be attributed to a human being or an animal.
F. Human action is also scored for super-human beings
or mythological entities like a fairy is dancing,
Spiderman climbing a wall, flying baital.
G. The actions in photographs, statues, dolls, comics are
also scored as human action. For example, a statue in
saluting posture.
H. An animal performing the trained activities of a human
being would be scored as M. For example, dancing
I. Human action may be present in complete human
being or part of the human being. For example,
grinding teeth, staring eyes, fist, finger pointing at
J. Human action may be present in any blot area i.e total
blot area, part blot area or white background area.
3. Human Action is not scored in following conditions:
A. If the perceived object is a human being and not
engaged in any action, posture, emotion; then Human
Action attribute is not scored. For example, a human
being, here are his legs, arms, face. (Comment: There
is no reference to any action, hence human action
attribute is not scored).
B. If the perceived object is an animal engaged in an
activity typical of its species anatomically, human
action is not scored. For example, a barking dog, a
monkey climbing on a tree, a running rabbit, bird
flying, a sleeping cat. (Comment: All these are species
specific behaviors hence human action is not scored).
C. If the perceived object is an inanimate one and
engaged in its own actions not mediated by human
being, then Human Action is not scored. For example,
wind is blowing, thunder storm, leaves moved by wind,
flowing water
4. FM and lower case m are never scored in this system.
Examples of Human Action Responses:
Two Ladies Dolls
A Flying Bat
Two Rats Climbing a Tree
Human Faces
Object Attribute – Chromatic Color:
1. The attribute of Chromatic Color is scored when the
perceived object is qualified with any color (hue) other than