SOP For Online Fraud
SOP For Online Fraud
SOP For Online Fraud
Collect the face book account ID/URL of suspect/fake profile.
Open the account, collect screen shots/URL of the accounts.
Prepare a notice U/s 91 Cr.P.C, scan the notice copy and upload
the same in Facebook Law Enforcement Agency portal by
attaching profile URL IDs and screen shots.
• Threatening
• Defamation
• Fraud
If it’s a regular working Indian number, then CITSU/ State cyber cell
should find its ISP to seek CAF details U/S 91 Cr.P.C from the
concerned ISP. Also, seek details from WhatsApp through its portal .
However, at times we have issues in filling details with the portal. For
example, when Whats app suggests that no user was present at the
time of request.
Then, we can seek info from WhatsApp at the following email IDs -
Write a request to ISP U/s 91 Cr.P.C to provide the CAF details of the
number, to whom the IP address was allocated or the landline
broadband connection which used this particular IP Address.
Again from CAF details the accused can be identified. This additional
step will be useful, in the following scenarios –