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Information Security Lecture 2

Lecture 2 Title : Security Services, Mechanisms and Techniques.

Lecture Outlines:
2.1 Security Services.
2.2 Security Mechanism
2.3 Security Techniques

Objectives :
After studying this lecture, you will be able to discuss:
✓ Essential Security services to be provided by communication system.
✓ Methods/mechanisms that can ensure various services.
✓ Techniques to realize security goals.

Information Security Lecture 2

2.1 Security Services.

Security Service is processing or communication service that enhances the security
of the data processing systems and the information transfers of an organization. The
services are intended to counter security attacks, and they make use of one or more security
mechanisms to provide the service.
X.800 (Security Architecture for OSI)* divides these services into many categories and
specific services (see Table 2.1). Figure 7 below shows all specific services and the
category they belong to.

Figure 6 : All specific services and the category they belong to

* Used as references to systematically evaluate and define security requirements.

Information Security Lecture 2

Table 2.1: Category of services and specific tasks

Service and Definition Specific Tasks

Data C onfide ntiality - Protection of 1. Connection confidentiality (prevents the
data from unauthorized disclosure (from release of any user data transmitted over
passive attacks) the TCP connection).
2. Connectionless confidentiality.
3. Selective field confidentiality
(message or even specific fields
4. Traffic flow confidentiality (protection
of traffic flow from analysis).
Data Integrity - Assurance that data is as 5.
1. Connection integrity with recovery.
sent by authorized entity (contains no 2. Connection integrity without recovery.
modifications, insertion, deletion, or replay) 3. Selective field connection integrity.
4. Connectionless integrity.
(As with confidentiality, integrity can apply to
5. Selective field connectionless integrity.
a stream of messages, a single message, or
selected fields within a message)
Authentication - Assurance that 1. Peer entity authentication
communicating entity is the one that it (for participating entities).
claims to be from. 2. Data origin authentication
(for the corroboration of the source of a
message (sender)
Non repudiation -provides protection 1. Non repudiation of origin
against one of the entities from denying all or
part of the communication. 2. non repudiation of destination

(It prevents either sender or receiver from

denying message transmission or receipt of

Information Security Lecture 2

Access Control - Prevention of unauthorized

use of a resource.
(each entity trying to gain access must first be
identified, or authenticated, so that access
rights can be tailored to the individual)
Availability of Service - A system is available
if it provides services according to the system
design whenever users request them).

2.2 Security Mechanisms

Security mechanism is process (or a device incorporating such a process) that is
designed to detect, prevent, or recover from a security attack.
The mechanisms are divided into those that are implemented in a specific
protocol layer, such as TCP or an application-layer protocol, and those that are not
specific to any particular protocol layer or security service. These mechanisms are
called “specific security mechanisms” and “ pervasive security mechanism”.

2.2.1 Specific Security Mechanisms

Some techniques for realizing security are listed here.
1. Encripherment: This is the process of using mathematical algorithms to transform

data into a form that is not readily intelligible.

2. Digital Signature: Data or cryptographic transformation of a data unit is appended

to the data, so that the recipient of the data unit is convinced of the source and
integrity of the data unit and this can also serve to protect the data against forgery
(e.g., by the recipient).
3. Access Control: A variety of mechanisms are available that enforce access rights to

4. Data Integrity: A variety of mechanisms may be used to assure the integrity of
Information Security Lecture 2

a data unit or stream of data units.

5. Authentication Exchange: This is a mechanism intended to ensure the identity

of an entity by means of information exchange.

6. Traffic Padding: The insertion of bits into gaps in a data stream is called traffic

padding. This helps to thwart traffic analysis attempts.

7. Routing Control: enables selection of particular physically secure routes for

certain data transmission and allows routing changes, especially when a breach of
security is suspected.
8. Notarization: This is the use of a trusted third party to assure certain properties of a

data exchange.

2.2.2 Pervasive Security Mechanisms

These are the mechanisms that are not specific to any particular OSI security
service or protocol layer.
1. Trusted Functionality: The process that which is perceived to be correct with

respect to some criteria (e.g., as established by a security policy).

2. Security Label: This is the technique of marking of a bound to a resource (which

may be a data unit) that names or designates the security attributes of that resource.
3. Event Detection: Detection of security-relevant events such as forgery, denial of

sending or receiving of data, alteration of data etc. is another important essential

4. Security Audit Trail: Data can be collected and potentially used to facilitate a

security audit, which is an independent review and examination of system records

and activities.
5. Security Recovery: This deals with requests from mechanisms, such as event
handling and management functions, and takes recovery actions.

Information Security Lecture 2

Table 2.2, based on one in X.800, indicates the relationship between security
services and security mechanisms.

2.3 Security Techniques

Mechanisms discussed in the previous section are only theoretical recipes
to implement security. The actual implementation of security goals needs some
techniques. Two techniques are prevalent today: one (cryptography) is very general
and the other one (steganography) is specific.

2.3.1 Cryptography
Some security mechanisms listed in the previous section can be implemented
using cryptography. Cryptography, a word with Greek origin, means “secret
writing”. However, we use the term to refer to the science and art of transforming
messages to make them secure and immune to attacks. Although in the past
cryptography referred only to the encryption and decryption of messages using secret
keys, today it is defined as involving three distinct mechanisms: symmetric-key
Information Security Lecture 2

encripherment, asymmetric-key encripherment, and hashing. We will briefly discuss

these three mechanisms here.

• Symmetric-key Encipherment :
In symmetric encipherment, an entity, say Alice, can send a message to other
entity, say Bob, over an insecure channel with the assumption that an adversary, say
Eve, cannot understand the contents of the message by simply eavesdropping over
the channel. Alice encrypts the message using an encryption algorithm. Bob decrypts
the message using a decryption algorithm. Symmetric-key encipherment uses a single
secret key for both encryption and decryption. Encryption/decryption can be thought
of as electronic locking system. In symmetric-key enciphering, Alice puts the
message in a box and locks the box using the shared secret key; Bob unlocks the box
with the same key and takes out the messages.

• Asymmetric Encipherment
In asymmetric encipherment, we have the same situation aas the symmetric-
key encipherment, with a few exceptions. First, there are two keys instead of one;
one public key and one private key. To send a secure message to Bob, Alice firsts
encrypts the message using Bob‟s public key. To decrypts the message, Bob uses his
own private key.
• Hashing
In hashing, a fixed-length message digest is created out of a variable-length
message. The digest is normally much smaller than the message. To be useful, both
the message and the digest must be sent to Bob. Hashing is used to provide check
values, which were discussed earlier in relation to providing data integrity.

Information Security Lecture 2

2.3.2 Steganography
This is the art of hiding messages in another form. Message is not altered as in
encryption. A text can hide a message. For example, “red umbrella needed” may
mean the message “run”. The first letter of each word in the text becomes the
message. An image can also be used for hiding messages. Digital images are after all
binary information. Suppose the image is grey image. The least significant bit of
consecutive eight pixels may be altered to be a specific bit pattern of a character.
We will discuss this technique of steganography in detail in the unit to come.

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