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St. Jude

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Perpetual Novena to Saint Jude Thaddeus

Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5

Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 9

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

L. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. Send forth the
spirit, and they shall be created;

A. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let Us Pray

O GOD, who didst teach the hearts of Thy faithful people by sending them the light of Thy Holy Spirit.
Grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things, and evermore to rejoice in His Holy
Comfort through Christ Our Lord. AMEN.

The Epistle of Saint Jude ...verse 3:

L. O MY REDEEMER, has that terrible hour come upon us in which there remain but few Christians
animated by the spirit of faith; that moment in which Thy just wrath will withdraw Thy protection from us?
Have the vices, the evil habits of our age at last irrevocably moved Thy justice to vengeance!

A. O Author and Perfecter of our faith, / we entreat Thee / in the bitterness of our contrite Heart / not to
permit the beautiful light of faith / to be estinguished in us. / Recall Thy former mercies, / cast a
compassionate glance on the vine / which was watered / by the sweat of the apostles, / irregated by the
precious of thousands / and thousand of martyrs / and by the tears of so many noble penitents, / and
fructified by the prayers / of so many innocent confessors and virgins.

L. Divine Mediator, look upon those zealous souls who, raising themselves incessantly to Thee, pray for
the support of our most precious treasure, the true faith. Arrest, O just God, the sentence of our rejection;
turn away Thy glance from our vices and fix it on the adorable Blood which purchased our salvation when
shed on the Cross and daily begs it for us on the Altars.

A. We beseech Thee, / preserve us in the true Catholic faith. / Sin afflicts us, / disappointments consume
us, / misfortunes oppress us; / but preserve Thy holy faith in us; / because, enriched with this precious
gift, / we will willingly bear every pain / and will let nothing alter our happiness. / On the contrary, / without
the supreme treasure of the faith / our misfortune will be unspeakable and immense.

L. O good Juses, Author of our Faith, preserve it pure in us; keep us firm in the bark of Peter, faithful and
obedient to his successor and Thy vicar here on earth so that the unity of Holy Church may be preserved,
sanctity promoted, the Apostolic See free and protected, and the universal Church extended for the
benefit of souls.
A. O Jesus, / Author of our Faith, / humble and convert the enemies of Holy Church; / grant peace and
true unity / to all Christian kings and princes / and to all the faithful; / strengthen adn support us all in Thy
holy service / so that we may live for Thee / and die in Thee. / O Jesus, / Author of our faith, / for Thee I
live / and for Thee I die. AMEN.

Novena Prayers


I firmly believe / that Thou art really and corporally present / in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. / I
adore Thee here present / from the very depths of my heart, / and I worship Thy sacred presence / with all
possible humility. / O my soul, / what joy to have Jesus Christ / always with us, / and to be able to speak
to Him / heart to heart / with all confidence. / Grant, O Lord, / that I / having adored Thy divine Majesty /
here on earth / in this wonderful Sacrament, / may be able to adore It eternally in heaven. AMEN


St. Jude Thaddeus, / true relative of Jesus and Mary, / I salute thee through the most Sacred Heart of
Jesus! / Through this Heart / I praise and thank God / for all the graces He has bestowed upon thee. /
Humbly prostrate before thee, / I implore thee through this Heart / to look down upon me / with
compassion. / Oh, despise not my poor prayers; / let not my trust be confounded! / To thee God has
granted the priviledge/ of aiding mankind in the most desperate cases. / Oh, come to my aid, / that I may
praise the mercies of God! / All my life I will be grateful to thee / and will be thy faithful client / until I can
thank thee in heaven. AMEN.

L. Blessed Apostle, with confidence we invoke thee!

A. Blessed Apostle, with confidence we invoke thee!

L. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, aid us in our distress!

A. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, aid us in our distress!

Pray for us, / that before death / we may expiate all our sins / by sincere repentance / and the worthy
reception fo the Holy Sacraments!

Pray for us, / that we may appease the Divine Justice / and obtain a favorable judgement!

Pray for us, / that we may be admitted / into the company of the blessed / to rejoice in the pressence of
our God forever.

Most Holy Apostle, / St. Jude Thaddeus, / faithful servant and friend of Jesus, / the name of the traitor
who delivered thy beloved Master / into the hands of His enemies / has caused thee to be forgotten by
many, / but the Church honors / and invoke thee universally / as the patron of hopeless cases / and of
things despaired of.

Pray for me / who am so miserable; / make us, I implore thee, / of that particular privilege accorded to
thee / to bring visible and speedy help / where help is almost despaired of. / Come to my assistance / in
this great need / that I may receive / the consolations and succor of heaven / in all my necessities, /
tribulations and sufferings, / particularly (here make your request) / and that I may bless God with thee /
and all the elect forever.
I promise thee, / O Blessed Jude, / to be ever mindful / of this great favor / and I will never cease to honor
thee / as my special and powerful patron / and to do all in my power / to encourage devotion to thee.

L. St. Jude, Pray for Us!

A. And for those who invoke thy aid!

Let Us Pray


Thou relative of Jesus Christ, / thou glorious apostle and martyr, / renowned for thy virtues and miracles, /
faithful and prompt intercessor of all who honor thee and trust in thee! / Thou art a powerful patron and
helper in grievous afflictions. / I come to thee and entreat thee from the very depths of my heart; / come to
my aid with thy powerful intercession, / for thou hast received from God the privilege / to assist with thy
manifest help, / those who almost despair of all hope. / Look down upon me; / my life is a life of crosses,
my days are days of tribulation / and my heart is an ocean of bitterness. / All my paths are strewn with
thorns / and scarcely one moment passes / but is witness of my tears and sighs; / uneasiness,
discouragement, mistrust / and almost despair prey upon my soul. / Thou canst not forsake me in this sad
plight. / I will not depart from thee until thou hast heard me. / Oh! hasten to my aid, / I will be grateful to
thee all my life. / I will honor thee as my special patron, / I will thank God for the graces bestowed upon
thee / and will encourage devotion to thee according to my power. AMEN

L. St. Jude, Pray for Us!

A. And for those who invoke thy aid!

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.


The Epistle of Saint Jude …verse 6:

L. Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle, that we perish not in the fearful judgement.

A. Saint Michael, first champion of the Kingship of Christ, Pray for Us.

L. O Jesus! Life-spring of the soul! The Father’s Power and Glory bright! Thee with the Angels we extol;
From Thee they draw their life and light.
A. Thy thousand, thousand hosts are spread, Embattled o’er the azure sky; But Michael bears Thy
standard dread, And lifts the mighty Cross on high

L. He in chat sign the rebel powers. Did with their dragon prince expel: And hurled them from the
heaven’s high towers, Down like a thunderbolt to hell.

A. Grant us with Michael still, O Lord. Against the Prince of Pride to fight; So may a crown be our
reward, Before the Lamb’s pure throne of light.

L. To God the Father and the Son and Holy Paraclete to Thee,

A. As evermore hath been before. Be glory through eternity. AMEN.

L. O glorious Prince of the heavenly host, Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the
fearful warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world
of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come thou to the assistance of men, whom Almighty God created
immortal, making them in His own image and likeness and redeeming them et a great price from the
tyranny of Satan.

A. Fight this day the battle of the Lord with thy legions of Holy Angels, even as of thou didst fight
against Lucifer, the Leader of the proud spirits and all his rebel angels, who were powerless to
stand against thee, neither was their place found any more in heaven. And that apostolic angel,
transformed into an angel of darkness who still creeps about the earth to encompass our ruin,
was cast headlong into the abyss together with his followers.

L. But behold, that first enemy of mankind, and a murderer from the beginning, has regained his
confidence. Changing himself into an angel of light, he goes about with the whole multitude of the
wicked spirits to invade the earth and blot out the Name of God and of His Christ, to plunder, to slay and
to consign to eternal damnation the souls that have been destined for a crown of everlasting life. This
wicked serpent, like an unclean torrent, pours into men of depraved minds and corrupt hearts the
poison of his malice, the spirit of lying, impiety and blasphemy, and the deadly breath of impurity of
every form of vice and iniquity.

The Epistle of Saint Jude …verse 7:

L. O good Jesus, I know that every perfect gift and above all others, that of chastity depends on the
powerful action of Thy divine Providence; I know that without Thee a creature can do nothing.

A. This is why I bessech Thee to defend, by Thy grace, the purity of my soul and of my body. And if I
have ever received any impression whatsoever of a sentiment capable of soiling this ineffable
virtue, do Thou, O supreme Master of my faculties, blot it out from my soul that with a clean
heart I may advance in Thy love and in Thy service, offering myself chaste all the days of my life
on the most pure altar of Thy Divinity. It is the Cross that I adore. The Cross of the Lord is with
me. The Cross is my refuge.

L. Jesus, Lover of chastity, Mary Mother most pure, and Joseph, chaste guardian of the Virgin, to you I
come at this hour, begging you to plead with God for me.

A. I earnestly wish to be pure in thought, word, and deed in imitation of your own holy purity.
Obtain for me, then, a deep sense of modesty which will be refected in my external conduct.
Protect my eyes, the windows of my soul, from anything that might dim the luster of a heart
that must mirror only Christ-like purity. And when the “Bread of angels becomes the Bread of
men” in my heart at Holy Communion, seal it forever against the suggestions of sinful pleasures.
Heart of Jesus, Fountain of all purity, have mercy on us.

L. Confirm me, O God, by the grace of Thy Holy Spirit. Grant me power to be strengthned In the inner
man, and to cast out of my heart all unclean thoughts; not to be drawn away with various desires but to
view all things as passing away, and myself also as passing with them. For nothing is lasting under the
sun, where all is vanity and affliction of spirit. Oh, how wise is he who judges in this way.

A. Grant me, O Lord, celestial wisdom, that I may learn above all things to seek Thee and to find
Thee; above all things to relish Thee and to love Thee, and to understand all other things as they
are, according to the order of Thy wisdom. Grant that I may prudently avoid all impure
temptation and patiently endure those I cannot avoid, resisting to the end by the power of Thy
Grace. AMEN.

The Epistle of Saint Jude …verse 10:

L. O Lord Jesus, Let me know myself.

Let me know Thee and desire nothing but Thee alone.

A. Let me hate myself and love Thee.

And do all things for the sake of Thee.

L. Let me humble myself and exalt Thee.

And think of nothing but Thee alone.

A. Let me die to myself and live in Thee.

And take whatever happens as coming from Thee.

L. Let me foresake myself and walk after Thee.

And ever desire to follow Thee.

A. Let me flee from myself and turn to Thee.

That thus I may merit to be defended by Thee.

L. Let me fear for myself.

Let me fear Thee and be among those who are chosen by Thee.

A. Let my distrust myself and trust in Thee.

And ever obey for the love of Thee.

L. Let me cleave to nothing but only to Thee.

And ever be poor for the sake of Thee.

A. Look upon me that I may love Thee.

Call me that I may see Thee.

And forever possess Thee. AMEN.

L. O most holy Virgin Mary, who didst bear Jesus our Savior and didst shed the everlasting Light upon the
world, O Mother of divine knowledge, whose merciful intercession hath procured the grace of increasing
in knowledge and piety for countless minds that were rude and ignorant, I choos thee as the guide and
patroness of my studies.

A. By thine intercession, O Mother of fruitful studies, may the Holy Spirit fill my spirit with light and
fortitude, prudence and humility; may He give me a good will, intelligence, memory and ability
in sufficient measure, and above all, a spirit of docility both inmind and heart, that I may
proceed in all things according to the counsels of divine Wisdom.

L. Defend me good Mother, against the spirit of pride and presumption of vain curiosity and instability;
keep me from every occasion of stumbling, from all erroneous opinion, and from all things that might
corrupt my faith and disturb the clearness of my understanding, the purity of my heart, and the peace of
my soul.

A. Grant, O Mary, that under thy protection, I may ever be submissive to the direction and
teachings of Holy Church, my mother, and many advance in the way of the truth and virtue
surely, courageously and without wavering; at length may I attain to the knowledge, the love
and the everlasting possession of Jesus Christ, thy Son, our Lord. AMEN.


The Epistle of Saint Jude …verse 15:

L. Day of wrath and doom impending,

David’s word with Sibyl’s blending,

Heaven and earth in ashes ending!

A. O what fear man’s bosom redenth,

When from heaven the Judge descendeth,

On whose sentence all dependeth!

L. Wondrous sound the trumpet flingeth,

Through earth’s sepulchres it righeth,

All before the throne it bringeth.

A. Death is struck, and nature quaking,

All creating is awaking,

To its Judge an answer making.

L. Lo! The book exactly worded,

Wherein all hath been recorded;

Thence shall judgement be awarded.

A. When the Judge His seat attaineth,

And each hidden deed arraigneth,

Nothing unavenged remaineth.

L. What shall I, frail man, be pleading?

Who for me be interceding,

When the just are mercy needing?

A. King of majesty tremendous,

Who dost free salvation send us,

Fount of pity, the befriend us!.

L. Think kind Jesus! – my salvation

Caused Thy wondrous Incarnation;

Leave me not to reprobation.

A. Faint and weary Thou hast sought me,

On the Cross of suffering bought me,

Shall such grace be vainly brought me?

L. Rigtheous Judge! For sin’s pollution

Grant Thy gift of absolution

Ere that day of retribution

A. Guilty, now I pour my moaning,

All my shame with anguish owning;

Spare, O God, thy suppliant groaning!

L. Through the sinful woman shriven,

Through the dying thief forgiven,

Thou to me a hope hast given.

A. Worthless are my prayers and sighing,

Yet, good Lord, in grace complying,

Rescue me from fires undying.

L. With Thy sheep a place provide me,

From the goats afar divided me,

To Thy right hand do thou guide me.

A. When the wicked are confounded,

Doomed to shame and woe unbounded,

Call me, with thy Saints surrounded.

L. Low I kneel, with heart’s submission,

See, like ashes my contrition!

Help me in my last Condition!

A. Ah! That day of tears and mourning!

From the dust of earth returning

Man for judgement must prepare him:

Spare, O God, in mercy spare him!

Lord, all-pitying, Jesus blest,

Grant them thine eternal rest. AMEN.


The Epistle of Saint Jude …verse 20:

L. O Holy Spirit, who on the solemn day of Pentecost didst suddenly descend upon the Apostles
gathered in the Upper Room in parted tongues as it were fire and didst so enlighten their minds, inflame
their hearts, and strengthen their wills, that henceforth they went through the entire world and
courageously and confidently proclaimed everywhere the teaching of Christ and sealed it with shedding
of their blood, renew, we beseech thee, the wondrous outpouring of Thy grace in our hearts also.

A. How grievously our minds are afflicted with Ignorance concerning the nature and dignity of
those divine truths which from the object of faith without which no man may hope for salvation.
How far may man go astray from a just estimation of earthly goods, which too often are put
before the soul itself. How often our hearts do not beat with love of the Creator as they ought,
but rather with an ignoble lust for creatures. How often are we lead by a false respect for
human judgement, when we ought to profess openly the precepts of Jesus Christ and to reduce
them to action with a sincere heart and with the loss, if need be, of our worldly substance. What
weakness we manifest in embracing and carrying with a serene and willing heart the crosses of
this life, which make alone the Christian a worthy follower of his divine Master.

L. O Holy Spirit, enlighten our minds, cleanse our hearts, and give new strength to our wills; to such a
degree, at least, that we may clearly recognize the value of our soul, and in like manner, despise the
perishable goods of this world; that we may love God above all things, and, for the love of Him, our
neighbor as ourselves; that we may not only be free from fear in professing our faith publicly, but rather
may glory in it; finally, that we may accept only prosperity but also adversity as from the hand of the
Lord, with all confidence that He will turn all things into good for those who lovingly tend towards Him.
Grant, we beseech Thee, that we, by constantly answering the sweet impulses of Thy grace and doing
that which is good with a presevering heart, may deserve one day to receive the rich reward of glory
everlasting. AMEN.


The Epistle of Saint Jude …verse 21:

L. I love Thee, O Jesus, who are perfect charity; who in Thine essence art true God and true man; in
whom are contained the treasures of the Divinity and all the fullness of grace which descends to us upon
this earth.

A. I love Thee, Dear Jesus, who for love of me, hast made Thyself like unto me; enkindle within me
the flame of Thy sacred love, which Thou didst bring from heaven, that loving Thee, I may grow
into Thy likeness.

L. I love Thee, Divine Jesus, my Lord and Master, because Thou has redeemed and freed me, poor slave
of sin, by Thy Precious Blood. Of Thy sweet mercy, grant that I may enjoy the full fruit of Thy

A. O sweetest Jesus, I implore that I may love Thee more and more!

L. Most loving Redeemer, at Thy departure from this world Thou didst not wish to leave us orphans. In
Thy compassionate love Thou didst institute the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, wherein Thou hast
given Thyself in order to draw our hearts to Thee and enrich us with the plentitude of Thy graces. In this
sacred mystery it is Thy desire to hear our prayers and to be our refuge in every need, our support in all
difficulties, our comfort in every affiction.

A. Thou art wonderful, O Lord, in all Thy works, but in none more wonderful than in the Sacrament
of Thy love. With deepest reverence and awe we behold the divine Majesty, whom heaven and
earth cannot contain, enclosed under the humble appearance of bread. Here the Creator and
Ruler of the entire universe condescends to dwell with the children of men and invites the poor
and needy to come to Him.
L. O Jesus, our Advocate, both High Priest and Lamb of God forever, It was for our redemption and
sanctification that Thou didst offer Thyself upon the altar of the Cross. In Thy boundless love Thou didst
desire that this sacrifice of salvation should be daily renewed throughout the entire world until the end
of time that through the merits of Thy Passion we may obtain the forgiveness of our sins and be filled
with Thy grace and blessing.

A. In every place there is a Sacrifice and there is offered to My name a clean oblation. The holy
Mass is our only means of worthily adoring and thanking our heavenly Father. Through this
sacrifice the divine justice is unceasingly honored and appeased and the trasures of grace are
opened to us. O God, how impenetrable is Thy wisdom; how infinite Thy power; how boundless
Thy goodness and love!


The Epistle of Saint Jude …verse 23:

L. Ask what Thou wilt, O dearest Lord,

Nothing will we deny;

But only give us countless souls

For Thee before we die.

A. Let others pray about themselves,

Thy grace leads many ways;

Give us souls ‘tis thus Thy Spirit in us prays.

L. A life-long sorrow, if thou wilt,

And sharp enduring pain;

All, all were light, if souls for Thee

Might be the precious gain.

A. Tears will be sweet, for Thou has wept,

And blood, if need must be;

No cost too great purchase souls,

O dearest Lord, for Thee.

L. Whatever be the price, O Lord,

This grace to us impart:

A. Souls from the world and sin set free,

Souls for Thy Sacred Heart.

L. Eternal God, Creator of all things, remember that the souls of infidels have been created by Thee and
formed to Thine own image and likeness.

A. Behold, O Lord, how to Thy dishonor hell is being filled with these same souls. Remember that
Jesus Christ, Thine only Son, has suffered a most cruel death for their Salvation. Do not permit,
we beseech Thee, O Lord that Thy divine Son be despised any longer by infidels, but rather be
Thou appeased by the prayers of Thy saints and of the Church, the most holy spouse of thy Son,
and vouchsafe to be mindful of Thy mercy. Forget their idolatry and infidelities; bring them also
to know Him whom Thou didst send, Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord, who is our health, life and
resurrection, through whom we have been redeemed and saved, to whom be all glory forever.

L. Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, deliver the holy souls in purgatory.

A. Almighty and everlasting God, who seekest not the death of sinners, but always that they may
live: graciously receive our prayer, and deliver the heathen from the worship of idols and gather
them into Thy Holy Church unto the praise and glory of Thy name. Through Christ our Lord.


The Epistle of Saint Jude …verse 25:

L. We pray Thee, O almighty and eternal God, who through Jesus Christ has revcaled Thy glory to all
nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world,
may continue with unchanging faith in the confession of Thy Name.

A. We pray Thee, who alone art good and holy, to endow with heavenly knowledge, sincere zeal,
and sanctity of life, Our Sovereign Pontiff, the vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ; likewise our beloved
bishop; all other bishop, prelates, and pastors of the Church; and especually those who are
appointed to exercise among us the functions of the holy ministry, and conduct Thy people in
the ways of salvation

L. We pray Thee, O God of might, w”sdom’ and justice, through whom authority is rightly administered,
laws are enacted and judgement decreed, assist with Thy Holy Spirit of Counsel and Fortitude the
President of the Philippines, that her administration may be conducted in righteousness and be
eminently useful to Thy people over whom he presides by encouraging due respect for virtue and
religion, by a faithful execution of the laws in justice and mercy, and by restraining vice and immorality.
Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress and shine forth in all the
proceeding and laws framed for our rule and government so that they may tend to the preservation of
peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and useful knowledge;
and may perpetuate to us the blessings of equal liberty.

A. We pray for His Honor, the Mayor of Manila, for the members of the Board, for all judges,
magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare that they may
be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with
honesty and ability.

L. We recommend likewise to Thine unbounded mercy all our brethren and fellow-citizens throughout
the Philippines that they may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Thy most
holy law, that they be preserved in union and in that peace which the world cannot give, and that after
enjoying the blessings of this life, they may be admitted to those which are eternal.

A. Finally, we pray to Thee, O Lord of mercy, to remember the souls of Thy servant departed who
are gone before us with the sign of faith and repose in the sleep of peace: the souls of our
parents, relatives, and friends; the souls of those who, when living, were devotees of St. Jude,
and particularly of such as lately deceased; the souls of all benefactors who proved their claim
to our grateful and charitable remembrance. To these, O Lord, and all who rest in Christ, grant,
we beseech, a place of refreshment, light, and everlasting peace, through the same Jesus Christ,
our Lord and Savior. AMEN.

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