Eco-Design Forever Pan
Eco-Design Forever Pan
Eco-Design Forever Pan
Forever Pan
1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................1
3 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT................................................................................6
3.1 System boundaries and reference flow...............................................................................6
3.2 LCA Inventory......................................................................................................................6
3.3 Life-cycle impact assessment and interpretation.................................................................7
7 REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................15
8 APPENDIX..............................................................................................................................................IV
8.1 Appendix 1: Survey results.................................................................................................IV
8.2 Appendix 2: Materiality analysis.........................................................................................VI
8.3 Appendix 3: Issue prioritization..........................................................................................VI
8.4 Appendix 4: Definition of SDG’s.........................................................................................VI
8.5 Appendix 5: Impact flow non-stick pan...............................................................................IX
8.6 Appendix 6: Impact flow copper-ceramic pan.....................................................................X
Figure 1 Base product........................................................................................................................2
Figure 2 Composition of the pan body...............................................................................................2
Figure 3 Materiality map.....................................................................................................................5
Figure 4 Base product process tree...................................................................................................6
Figure 5 Process Tree base average nonstick pan...........................................................................6
Figure 6 Impact characterization of nonstick pan..............................................................................8
Figure 7 Thermal conductivity of copper compared to aluminum....................................................10
Figure 8 Process tree improved product..........................................................................................11
Figure 9 Copper - Ceramics impact characterization.......................................................................13
Figure 10 Overall comparison..........................................................................................................13
Table 1 Inventory of data for base product........................................................................................7
Table 2 EcoDesign checklist..............................................................................................................8
Table 3 MET Matrix..........................................................................................................................10
Table 4 Data inventory for improved product...................................................................................11
1 Introduction
During the design process, technical, aesthetic, economic, ecological, and social aspects of a
product or a service are mediated to fulfil a customer’s need. During the eco-design process,
environmental impacts occurring during all stages of the life cycle of the product, or the service are
taken into consideration, and it is sought to lower their impact to the minimum possible while
maintaining the same functionality.
In the case of non-stick skillets – the product that this group has chosen – this is important,
because the material that makes them non-stick is polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), commonly
known as Teflon. Teflon pans are widely used, for its relative low cost and hydrophobic properties,
and they are easy to clean. However, so-called PFCs (per- and polyfluorinated chemicals) are
often used as auxiliaries in the manufacture of Teflon, and these can be released into the
environment during manufacturing and when the products are disposed of. They are not
biodegradable, accumulate in nature as well as in the human body and are suspected of being
In addition, Teflon releases harmful particles and acidic gases, which is toxic to human body if
heated at a temperature over 280°C(536°F). Other aspects of concern regarding the product are
the energy and water consumption required during its use phase, and the raw material extraction
and production— Most non-stick pans use aluminum and steel as a base material which are
associated with several environmental and social issues.
The project has been started with research regarding pans and skillets and the materials used.
Following that, related sustainability issues have been identified and prioritized with the help of a
materiality map. In the next step, a life-cycle assessment has been performed. To define the usage
scenario, a survey has been carried out among fellow students. Secondary sources helped to
define the product specifications, transport, and production process. After carrying out the life-cycle
analysis with the help of SimaPro, the EcoDesign checklist and MET matrix have been used to
identify solutions to tackle the most important issues related to the original product. The original
product has then been compared to the proposed solution using SimaPro and improvements have
been interpreted. As a last step, an internal and external communication strategy has been
developed using marketing principles.
To understand our Eco-design approach, multiple factors are considered in order to make this
product viable. Following Professors Michael Porter’s model, the following characteristics should
be presented (Goyal, 2020):
Substitute product is cheaper than industry product (Per functional unit for this specific case)
Consumer switching costs are low
Substitute product quality is equal or superior to industry product quality
Substitute performance is equal or superior to industry product performance
For the changes in design, the four aspects of the life cycle are considered and weighed up by the
impact they may present:
Raw material extraction: The use of recyclable materials is considered. Since most of the
components needed are food safe metals and alloys, there is not much room for improvement in
terms of sourcing. However, there is room for improvement in terms of material type, the inclusion
of a more durable and conductive material like copper.
Manufacturing: The omission of Teflon as the nonstick hydrophobic agent, and its replacement for
the next best option, ceramic coating is our target in this phase. The manufacturing process should
be therefore done following the model for perfect substitutes in order to have a competitive
Use: According to multiple analyses (Tefal, 2011), the use phase is the critical phase in terms of
environmental impact for any type of cookware. Since the cleaning process is unavoidable, the
aspect left to tackle is the energy efficiency in terms of time needed to reach temperature and the
energy needed to maintain the temperature.
End of life: The end of life of most accessory products is similar, a trash bin. Yet, the processes of
circular economy are difficult to implement when there is no incentive for the end user. Thus, a
marketing strategy focused on circular economy is designed in this project.
To be competitive and comparative with the substitute proposal, the most common and market
available type of nonstick pans was chosen to be part of the assumption. These pans follow a
patented process that was replicated for it is the most efficient in terms of productivity, and
therefore, resource optimization. (South Korea Patente nº WO 2004/019742 A1, 2004)
Following the description, the composition of the base product would be the following:
It can be noted from the graph that all sustainability issues are in the top right area of the map,
which represents that all of them are important to both internal and external stakeholders.
According to the map, the four most critical issues are “Customer health and safety,” “Health and
safety at work,” “Responsible raw material sourcing,” and “Energy consumption.” The health and
safety issues for both customers and workers are highly related to the use of Teflon in non-stick
coating. As mentioned, there is a concern of toxicity released during manufacturing process and
improper use. Therefore, a solution for this issue should be considered. Since the production of a
non-stick pan is material and energy intensive, the sustainability regarding raw material sourcing
and energy consumption are considered as the second most critical issues. To minimize the
environmental impacts, the aluminum is replaced with copper, and the use of 100% renewable
energy is to be implemented at the manufacturing plant. Businesses producing pans can therefore
contribute significantly to the following SDG’s:
Transport Per FU Per FU
Grams Kg Kg/Km
(KM) (Material) (Transport)
Aluminum 471 0,471 100 47,1 0,431318681 0,043131868
Steel 199 0,199 2400 477,6 0,182234432 0,437362637
Silicone 80 0,08 2200 176,0 0,073260073 0,161172161
Plastic 80 0,08 2200 176,0 0,073260073 0,161172161
Teflon 15 0,015 2200 33,0 0,013736264 0,03021978
Plastics 175 0,175 2200 385,0 0,16025641 0,352564103
Km Mean
From factory to port 18608,9 Boat
(Shanghai - Marseille)
From port to city 1051,6 Train
(Marseille - Rennes)
Use phase (FU)
Energy 1,564 MJ
Water 1500 g
Soap 1 g
After an average usage time of three years, the final destination of a pan is usually the landfill.
3.3 Life-cycle impact assessment and interpretation
The results of the LCA performed by SimaPro are as follow.
Figure 55 Impact characterization of nonstick pan
As how the impacts are allocated, the software showed that the biggest impacts occur both in the
use and manufacturing phases: For the use phase, the impact of soap its greatly the impact of
energy use. For manufacturing, although Teflon represents a great threat for human health and
ecotoxicity, aluminum still is the main issue. The hypothesis that was assumed to explain why, is
that due to the need of Teflon to fulfill its mission the lifespan of the product is cut shorter than what
it would normally be for a non-coated aluminum pan, which has a lifespan virtually around 20 years
before deformation by heat (AbulFadl Mostafa MohameSharaf Ashraf, Mahmoud, & El-Saeid,
Energy 10. The coating process is 11. Reduction of 12. Increased need
moved to France (cleaner energy needed of energy and
energy). to reach transportation for
temperature and recoating
maintain it process
Toxicity 13. The emissions of PFC’s 14. The emissions of 15. Reduced, almost
are eliminated. chlorine are eliminated, solid
reduced emissions of
These 15 changes and impact were included having three main points in mind, that correlate with
the materiality issues spotted:
1. Energy and soap consumption during
use phase: The use of copper, a more 450
thermal conductive material, can 400
potentially reduce the energy consumption
between 39 and 41%, according to the 350 min
thermodynamic principle of conduction Cop
illustrated Figure 6 Thermal conductivity of Log-
copper compared to aluminum. The 250 (Cop
per )
second consideration was the inclusion of
a lid to create a semi closed system, this 200
-200 6 0Thermal
Figure 200 conductivity
400 600 of 800 1000
copper compared to
would reduce the cooking time around
25% (Corporate editorial team entergy,
2021). Although additional energy will be used for the recoating, this will extend the lifespan of the
product and make it way more durable. The implementation of a ceramic instead of Teflon coat will
make the product dishwasher safe and reduce the need for soap around 20% if one of every three
times a dishwasher is used.
2. Reduce impact on human health: Teflon itself can be toxic (Schwarcz, 2015) when heated
above 260 Celsius. For that reason, the implementation of a safer and less impactful alternative
like ceramic coating, specifically polydimethylsiloxanes (Jollie, 2019), is applied. Yet, a tradeoff
between life cycle phases took place, by removing Teflon from production the impact in human
health was almost eliminated, but there was an increase in ozone layer depletion during the use
phase for the need of transportation in order to fulfill the recoating process to surpass the lifespan
of the base product.
3. Create a network of circular economy: The compound
material from which pans are made of is a very valuable but
hard to recycle. For that reason, to separate the cooking
plate composed by aluminum, copper and steel raw
materials would be hard to implement. Nonetheless, the
reuse or refurbishing of this valuable material is possible by
recoating it or reshaping it when deformation has taken
At the end, the new process will include the reuse of very
valuable materials, as well as a very extended lifespan for
the product. The manufacturing process in terms of
transformation will remain the same, it will continue to be
done in China until the coating step, the coating will take
place in an industrial setting at Rennes, that will be a
refurbishing facility and reverse logistics neuralgic center. A
summary of the new LCA inventory can be found in the
following table.
Table 4 Data inventory for improved product
2. Health and Safety at work: Employee health and safety was taken into consideration by
omitting hazardous material in the original product, and using recycled metals for
production, this ensures that none of the employees were harmed during metal extraction
processes. As mining of metals such as Aluminium, Copper, Gold, etc can increase the
chances of the employees contracting respiratory disorders (Electronics TakeBack
Coalition, 2022). Hence, it caused increased air pollution which in turn leads to Global
Warming. Using recycled metals in production helps reduce these risks and warrant the
employees safety. Apart from air pollution the metal extraction and casting process also
impacts toxicity (mainly human toxicity, freshwater ecotoxicity, and marine ecotoxicity)
Figure 8 Copper - Ceramics impact characterization. Apart from that terrestrial ecotoxicity
which is higher in the improved product compared to other impacts (it is due mostly due to
transportation and then recoating process). the impacts on majority of the environmental
issues have been reduced. Hence the proposed product is considerably improvised, safe,
and more efficient.
3. Responsible Raw Material Sourcing: As mentioned earlier, instead of using materials that
have higher impact on the environment and compromise employee health and safety, the
new product is made from recycled materials and resources that are less polluting and
more efficient. To keep this cycle going, reuse of the improvised product or similar
compound materials is proposed. As in the original pan, recycling is very difficult due to
toxicity and mechanical subjection of Teflon, but in the new proposal ceramics was used,
the separation process is easier but the goal would be to reuse the compound material for
remanufacturing and reprocess of new cookware, hence as per reading, the overall
impacts are in negative (Figure 9 Overall comparison) instead of cradle to grave model, the
proposal follows cradle to cradle model of circular economy. Here, In the proposal product
the impact on Abiotic Depletion is reduced as rather than using the materials present in the
environment, the materials are being reused.
4. Energy Consumption: The energy efficiency of copper is more than Aluminium, as copper
is more conductive. Thereby, using copper-ceramics pan helps reduce the amount of
energy required by 39-41% Figure 6 Thermal conductivity of copper compared to
aluminum. Another factor is the use of renewable energy in the use phase, as through
analysis it was found that it has a huge impact on the environment as well, as per Appendix
6: Impact flow copper-ceramic pan, the energy impact in the use phase is in Green.
7 References
AbulFadl Mostafa MohameSharaf Ashraf, M., Mahmoud, M., & El-Saeid, M. H. (2019). foods,
Impact of household cooking on release of fluorinated compounds PFOA and PFOS from
Tefal coated cookware to. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 24-35.
Bong-Ki, B. (2004). South Korea Patent No. WO 2004/019742 A1.
Caballero Villanueva, D. (2016, June 26). Eficiencia Energética en el Taller de Pintura de
Volkswagen Navarra S.A. E.T.S. de Ingeniería Industrial, Informática y de
Telecomunicación. Pamplona , Navarra, Spain: Universidad Publica de Navarra.
Corporate editorial team entergy. (2021, November 11). Entergy news room. Retrieved from Does
Putting Lids on Pots Really Cook Food Faster?:
Electronics TakeBack Coalition. (2022, March 27). Resources. Retrieved from Where’s The Harm
– From Materials Extraction?:
Global Steel Trade Monitor. (2018). Steel Imports Report: France . Washintong D.C: Department of
commerce, United States of America .
Goyal, A. (2020). A Critical Analysis of Porter’s 5 Forces Model of. Journal of Emerging
Technologies and Innovative Research, 7(7), 149-152.
Jollie, M. (2019, May 3). IGL Coatings Blog. Retrieved from The science of ceramic coatings :
MVO Nederland. (2022). CSR Risk Check tool. Retrieved from
Olav. (2022, March 18). The coated copper core pan. Retrieved from Olav catalog :
Schwarcz, J. (2015, May 15). The Right Chemistry: No, don't worry about Teflon pans. The
Montreal Gazette.
Sonesson, U., Janestad, H., & Raaholt, B. (2003). Energy for Preparation and Storing of Food-
Models for calculation of energy use for cooking and cold storage in households . MAT 21,
Tefal. (2011). Health & Environment commitments. Rumily : Tefal Corporation . Retrieved from
8 Appendix
8.1 Appendix 1: Survey results
What is the
How stove Last time you used
base on Which
How often setting your pan, what
your life as size is
deep is you you'll purpose did you use
Time of answer a student
the pan
the pan
use consider for?
right now in you
you use? this correct (reheat/cook/fry;
Rennes. Do use?
pan? when using what type of meal)
you own a
your pan?
28/02/2022 times a 7
9:44 Yes Deep 24 week
28/02/2022 times a
11:28 Yes Medium 28 week 5
28/02/2022 times a
11:28 Yes Medium 26 week 5 To make a stir fry
28/02/2022 times a
13:14 Yes Medium 30 week 5 Vegetable orzotto
28/02/2022 times a 7
13:17 Yes Medium 28 week Fry
28/02/2022 times a 7
15:59 Yes Medium 26 week Fry
28/02/2022 times a 7
16:01 Yes Medium 24 week Idk
28/02/2022 once a
11:33 Yes Medium 26 day I made quesadillas
28/02/2022 once a
13:30 Yes Deep 32 day 2 Cook
than to cook chickent
28/02/2022 once a beaf, eggs, reheat
16:00 Yes Medium 26 day
28/02/2022 once a
20:02 Yes Medium 22 day 2 Cook cordon bleu
28/02/2022 once a
21:14 Yes Medium 26 day 5 cook eggs
28/02/2022 once a
21:51 Yes Medium 24 day 2 Fry vegetables
28/02/2022 per I cooked an
22:04 Yes Medium 26 mont 5 omelette.
28/02/2022 times a 7
8:59 Yes Medium 32 week Cooking meat
28/02/2022 times a
11:33 Yes Medium 24 week 5 Reheat
28/02/2022 times a
13:15 Yes Medium 24 week 5 Cooking/ pancakes
28/02/2022 times a
13:23 Yes Medium 28 week 5 Cook
28/02/2022 times a
18:42 Yes Medium 22 week 5 Cook vegetables
28/02/2022 times a 7
20:11 Yes Medium 24 week Egg
28/02/2022 times a 7
11:28 Yes Medium 22 week Cook eggs
Cook eggs.
28/02/2022 times a 7
11:28 Yes Medium 24 week
28/02/2022 times a
19:59 Yes Medium 20 week 2 Cook; fried rice
28/02/2022 times a
20:02 Yes Medium 24 week 2 Cook
Last time you used your pan, what purpose did you use
Most popular: Eggs
for? (reheat/cook/fry; what type of meal)
3.9 By 2030, reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous
chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination