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RfB2F TG Unit 10 Test

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B2 First Unit 10 Test

Crime and punishment
Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 The judge acquitted / sentenced the thief because there wasn’t enough evidence.
2 You have to be very careful to avoid being the target of online identity mugging / fraud.
3 The boy was accused of shoplifting / vandalism but he had only forgotten to pay for his items.
4 It appears that the mugger / burglar entered through an open window at the back of the house.
5 The driver has been sentenced / ordered to pay a fine of £300 to cover court costs.
6 You must be careful of internet trafficking / piracy when you search for music or films.
7 Instead of paying a fine, the woman must do 50 hours of community / prison service.
8 The vandal / fraudster who smashed the shop windows hasn’t been found yet.

Paraphrasing and recording

Complete the gaps in each sentence with an appropriate word. The beginning of each word has been
given to help you.
1 What’s the hourly ra______ for working at a supermarket check-out?
2 There is a lot of fr______ available information on the internet so everyone has access.
3 I don’t know how to br______ the bad news that he didn’t get the job.
4 The accident was the fa______ of the driver in the blue car.
5 The writer is a fo______ detective, so she knows all about police work.
6 Police officers aren’t well paid, co______ to popular belief.
7 I prefer to study al______ rather than with others.
8 Judges in courts need to work strictly wi______ the law.

Phrasal verbs
Complete the sentences with the correct answers (A, B or C).
1 People who get ______ with cheating in exams do it again and again!
A away B along C up
2 Unfortunately, my brother got kicked ______ of his flat last week.
A off B back C out
3 Don’t believe everything he says; he makes it ______ most of the time!
A in B up C out
4 Tracy was ______ off her new bag to her classmates.
A backing B showing C making
5 My aunt ______ over yesterday for a cup of coffee and a chat.
A came B ran C made

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B2 First Unit 10 Test

6 I had to own ______ to breaking the window because I was to blame.

A round B down C up
7 I think we’ve ______ out of sugar, could you get some more?
A come B run C gone
8 He backed ______ his story by providing evidence of where he was.
A off B down C up

Language focus
Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 A woman is being / will have been charged with identity fraud after she was caught using someone else’s
2 New York was / is known as The Big Apple.
3 The new motorway will have been / was being built by the end of the year.
4 The manager had / should be picked up at the airport this afternoon.
5 The burglar has been / was arrested by the police last night.
6 Josie was hit with / by a ball from the football game.
7 I think the grass was / has been cut since yesterday.
8 The email said that all staff will be / had been required to show their ID cards from tomorrow.
9 Mark said that he was being / had been contacted on two previous occasions.
10 The cleaner didn’t realise he must be / was being recorded on that day.
11 Countless songs and albums will have been / are downloaded each day.
12 The young lady has been / is fined £100 for stealing some clothes.

Infinitives after passives

Complete the sentences with the correct answers (A, B or C).
1 Hundreds of people are known ______ taken in by the fraud.
A to have being B had been C to have been
2 It ______ that the gang took more than a million gold bars from the bank.
A believes B is believed C is being believed
3 Jennie ______ a big present for her birthday tomorrow.
A is expected B expects C has expected
4 The burglar ______ to be operating in rural villages.
A is being thought B thinks C is thought
5 Thousands of large bees ______ to be heading to our shores.
A is reporting B have reported C are reported
6 The principal ______ that every student deserves an education.
A is believed B believes C has been believed

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B2 First Unit 10 Test

7 The doctor ______ to do her rounds early in the morning.

A has been expecting B is expected C is to expect
8 It ______ that the crime took place in the middle of the night.
A understands B understood C is understood
9 We ______ that you could benefit from some extra tuition.
A are felt B feel C are feeling
10 The manager ______ about the situation and will be in contact shortly.
A was knowing B is known C knows

Word formation
Participle adjectives and adverbs
For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to
form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your
Example: (0) SURPRISING
A lucky find
I was making my way to work along my local high street when
something (0) ______ happened. As I was walking past the SURPRISE
newsagent, I kicked something on the floor. I looked down and
saw a wallet. I took it into the shop, but (1) ______, they couldn’t DISAPPOINT
recall the customer who might have dropped it. Not (2) ______, SURPRISE
I looked inside and found an ID with a phone number. I called
but after (3) ______ attempts, nobody picked up. It was particularly VARY
(4) ______ when I received a call back on my phone, and it was the PLEASE
wallet’s owner. They were extremely (5) ______ that I had found it RELIEF
because they were worried. I was (6) ______ when they offered me SHOCK
some money for finding it, which I refused. I told them that it was
(7) ______ enough just to get it back to them. We arranged to meet REWARD
near my office and I was very (8) ______ to be able to give it back EXCITEMENT
to them and see their happy face.

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B2 First Unit 10 Test

Reading and Use of English

Part 4 Key word transformation
For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given. Write the missing words in CAPITAL LETTERS. Here is an example (0).
0 I’m sure Tim failed the test because he looks very upset.
Tim MUST HAVE FAILED THE TEST because he looks very upset.

1 The book was too boring, so I didn’t finish it.

The book ………………………………………, so I didn’t finish it.
2 I thought the film was rather disappointing.
I was ……………………………………… the film.
3 We’ll have sent out all the reports by the end of the day.
All the reports ……………………………………. by the end of the day.
4 There are no police officers in sight.
I ……………………………………… police officers.
5 People think that Richard III was killed in battle.
Richard III ……………………………………. killed in battle.
6 They are treating the patient in a special clinic.
The patient ……………………………………. in a special clinic.

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B2 First Unit 10 Test

Reading and Use of English

Part 5 Multiple choice
You are going to read an extract from a novel. For questions 1–6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which
you think fits best according to the text.

A lucky break
I had been sent on interesting stories in the past: a local grandmother doing something incredible to
raise money for charity, or a kid who had won first prize in a spelling bee – you know, the kind of
feel-good stories that everyone likes to write and read about. But this particular story was something
completely different, and I found myself getting much more benefit from it than I’d ever done before.
Some money had been stolen from the West Central Bank in the early hours of a foggy morning in
November. The town was an unremarkable one: sleepy enough not to be noticed, but busy enough to
hold a large sum of money in the town bank. My editor had called me before I had even left my
apartment, and seeing as I lived a few blocks away, she told me it was my story and if I made a good
job of it, it may even make the front page. None of my stories had made the front page before – they
were relegated to the middle pages in tiny columns where nobody, not even the most intense readers,
bother to look.

I don’t know what I was expecting when I reached the crime scene, but it certainly wasn’t a couple of
officers standing guard outside the bank. You would’ve thought that a bank robbery of more than
$100,000 would attract a bigger police presence. They had, however, prevented customers and
onlookers from getting close to the gaping hole in the side of the building. I hid my notebook in my
jacket pocket so the officers wouldn’t suspect the real reason I was there. I’d already jotted down
what the situation looked like from the outside, but I just needed to get a few more details and then
I’d be set for the initial story. As I knew the area well, I went to the back of the building to see if there
was any way I could get closer to the action. As I had feared, there was an officer standing in the
alleyway which led to the back of the bank, but he didn’t seem to be taking much notice of what was
going on around him.

It turned out that Joe, the officer in the alley, hadn’t quite grasped the idea of not talking to the
press. He didn’t even seem too worried about me taking my phone out and taking a few snaps of the
scene from the outside. He told me about the suspects, of which there was very little information,
and how they had probably got away in a stolen car. I started to tire of his ongoing chat, and while
looking around, I noticed a tyre mark on the ground outside the building, which I dutifully snapped
with my phone. It was probably going to be nothing, but it did appear to be out of place. At the side
of the building was a discarded coffee cup that looked fresh, and when I pointed this out to Joe, he
wordlessly and carefully picked it up and put it in an evidence bag.

The story ran the next day, and because of the tyre track, it did make the front page. An exclusive, no
less. Little did I realise that I’d be contacted by the police for a copy of the photo I’d taken, and
although I protested, I eventually gave in and sent it to them. After that, I thought nothing of it and
went back to writing feel-good stories that would just be ignored again. That was until I got a call
from Joe, the officer I spoke to at the scene. It appears that I had provided them with the evidence
they needed to research and make an arrest. The coffee cup had DNA all over it, and they were able
to link the tyre track to a stolen car in another town. I was able to write another front-page story and
my editor is even talking about promotion. Who would’ve known that a tyre track and an old coffee
cup would help to further my career?

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B2 First Unit 10 Test

1 From the first paragraph, we understand that the writer

A is an editor for a newspaper.
B lives in a big city.
C did not enjoy her work.
D had not previously worked on big stories.

2 What does the reader understand about the location of the West Central Bank?
A It is in a bustling city.
B The writer lives close by.
C The writer lives next to it.
D It is in a small village.

3 What does the writer find surprising when she reached the crime scene?
A There was an officer at the rear of the building.
B Onlookers were inspecting the hole in the building.
C There weren’t more officers present.
D The route to the back of the bank.

4 What does the word it refer to in line 27?

A the coffee cup
B the bank building
C the writer’s phone
D the tyre track

5 When the writer was called by the police, she

A reluctantly did what they requested.
B refused to speak to them.
C was expecting their call.
D thought nothing of their call.

6 What can the reader infer from the final paragraph?

A The suspects are still on the run.
B The writer may get a better job.
C The writer will work for the police again.
D The writer will become a police officer.

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B2 First Unit 10 Test

Part 3 Multiple matching
You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about jury service. For questions 1–5,
choose from the list (A–H) what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There are three extra
letters which you do not need to use.

A This person took their role as a jury member very seriously. Speaker 1
B This person enjoyed making lots of new friends. Speaker 2
C This person found the job unexpectedly exciting. Speaker 3
D This person realised they couldn’t avoid doing jury service. Speaker 4
E This person spent a lot of time arguing with other jury members. Speaker 5
F This person admitted being scared of the criminal.
G This person disliked the periods of time spent doing nothing.
H This person’s experience of jury duty led to a career change.

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B2 First Unit 10 Test

Part 2 Article
You have seen this announcement on a local news website.
How big a problem is crime in your area?
We would like to post articles about how people in this area feel about the level of crime.
Is it increasing or decreasing?
Is there anything you would like the police to do?
Write your article and we will post the three most interesting articles on the site next month.

Write your article in 140–190 words in an appropriate style.






















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B2 First Unit 10 Test

Part 2 Long turn
1 Being a good friend
Student A: Look at photographs 1 and 2. They show people helping their friends in different situations.
Compare the photographs and say why you think these people are helping their friends in different
Student A talks on his/her own for about 1 minute.
Student B: Why is it important for a person to be a good friend?
Student B talks on his/her own for about 30 seconds.

Why do you think these people are helping their friends in these different situations?

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B2 First Unit 10 Test

2 Crime
Student B: Look at photographs 3 and 4. They show people committing a crime.
Compare the photographs and say why these people are committing crimes.
Student B talks on his/her own for about 1 minute.
Student A: Do you think these crimes should have equal punishment?
Student A talks on his/her own for about 30 seconds.

Why do you think these people are committing crimes in these different situations?

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