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 Requirements

 Design
 Choose Connector Features
 Determine Object Types
 Define Schemas
 Implementing the openconnector
 Create the Project, Package and Class
 Write the Required Methods
 Compile and Deploy
 Integration with IdentityIQ
 Define the ConnectorRegistry Entry
 Define the Connection Parameters XHTML Page
 Create the Application
 Testing
 Managing Third-Party Libraries for Custom Connectors
 Connector Instantiation
 Appendix A: Example Memory Connector
This document describes how to create a custom connector using SailPoint’s
openconnector framework.

IdentityIQ includes many connectors through which it can connect to external

systems, both to read their data and to process provisioning requests. Occasionally,
however, installations may need to create a custom connector to connect to an
application for which IdentityIQ does not have a built-in connector.

Unless direct provisioning is required, custom connectors are seldom necessary

because user data is generally available through extracts, reports, database
connections, etc. IdentityIQ’s built in connectors can consume data from delimited
file extracts, database connections (JDBC), and SOAP, just to name a few. Even in
cases where the data extract is not in a readily digestible format, rules provided with
these available connectors can parse or otherwise pre-process the data to prepare it
for recording in IdentityIQ; the developer writing the rules must, of course, be familiar
with file parsing in Java. However, when provisioning is required or if these built-in
features do not meet the business need, writing a custom connector using the
openconnector framework is a good option.


The writer of the connector should be proficient in Java, comfortable working within
the constraints of a software framework, and versed in the use of an IDE such as
Eclipse or Netbeans. The writer should have at least completed the SailPoint
Fundamentals of IdentityIQ Implementation training course.

Connector design involves identifying the features the connector will support, the
object types it will read or provision, and the object schemas.

Choose Connector Features

The first step in connector design is determining the desired features for the
connector. Available features are:

o AUTHENTICATE: will the connector support authenticating a user and

password combination against the resource

o CREATE: will the connector be able to create a resource object (e.g.

account or group)

o DELETE: will the connector be able to delete a given resource object

(by ID)

o DISCOVER_SCHEMA: will the connector report schemas (account or

group) to IdentityIQ when queried, including both attribute names and
types (valid types are BOOLEAN, DATE, INT, LONG, PERMISSION,

o ENABLE: will the connector support enabling or disabling of a resource


o GET: will the connector be able to read and return a map of a specific
resource object (by ID)

o ITERATE: will the connector return an iterator of resource objects

(possibly a filtered set)

o PERMISSIONS: will the connector return permission attributes

o SET_PASSWORD: will the connector set the password of a resource


o UNLOCK: will the connector be able to unlock a resource object

o UPDATE: will the connector support updates of resource objects

NOTE: These features are listed as an enumeration in the openconnector.connector

class, but this enumeration is not currently used in determining connector
functionality; it is provided only as a connector design guide. The Application object
also has a Feature enumeration, specified as the FeaturesString attribute of the
application definition, which is used to control the functionality available through the
connector (as discussed in the Integrating with IdentityIQ section of this document).
The Connector Feature enumeration overlaps with but is not identical to the
Application Feature enumeration. They correlate as shown here:

Connector Features Enumeration

opposite of NO_RA
applications unless
ITERATE no specific feature:

Determine Object Types

The next design decision is to choose the object types the connector will support.
Generally these are account and group, though new object classes can be defined
if required.

Define Schemas
For each of the object types to be supported, the final step is to define the object
schemas and the datatypes of their attributes. The connector‘s schema can support
any of these data types:

 Boolean
 Date
 Int
 Long
 Permission (SailPoint class with rights and targets)
 Secret (an attribute that should not be logged or displayed to any end users)
 String
Implementing the

The custom connector architecture uses the openconnector framework provided by

SailPoint in the openconnector package. All custom connectors must inherit from
openconnector.AbstractConnector, which in turn implements the
openconnector.Connector interface. The connectors are stateful and require
configuration, use, and finally closure. The connector SDK, which includes the
openConnector classes and the javadocs, is included in the IdentityIQ zip file for any
GA version, in the /integration/connector/openConnector.zip file.

Using the openconnector framework, developers must implement separate methods

for different types operations. These methods are automatically called by the
AbstractConnector class’ provision() method after it parses the provisioning plan
passed to it. This simplifies development since it relieves the developer of the
responsibility for parsing and interpreting the provisioning plan in the custom
connector’s code. The provision() method can, of course, be overridden with custom
logic in the connector, but it is usually preferable to leverage the built-in functionality.

To create a custom connector based on this framework, complete these steps:

1. Create the Java project, package, and class.

2. Write the methods for the required features.
3. Compile and deploy.

Create the Project, Package and Class

1. Start a new Java project, adding all the IdentityIQ libraries to the build path
(these are located in IIQ’s WEB-INF/lib directory), or leverage the services
standard build infrastructure (documented and available from Compass) for
the build process.
2. Create a new package called openconnector.
3. Create a new class in the openconnector package with the desired class
name for the new connector. This image illustrate how to do this in Eclipse,
but any IDE can be used.
Figure 1: Create Java Class

Write the Required Methods

Implement the methods required to support the selected features. Methods marked
with an asterisk (*) are required for any custom connector, regardless of the feature
set chosen. However, the custom connector can simply defer to the
AbstractConnector’s default behavior instead of implementing its own version of the
method when that method has been defined in the AbstractConnector class.
AbstractConnector’s provided functionality for each of these methods is noted below.
In some cases, AbstractConnector provides some default functionality that can be
used or overridden by the custom class. In other cases, it contains no method or
contains a method that throws an unsupported operation exception, both of which
require the method to be written in the custom connector class for the operation to
be supported.
Method Description

getSupportedObjectTypes() * Should return a list of the connector's supported object types

Should return the list of supported features for the connector

getSupportedFeatures() NOTE: This method is not currently used by IdentityIQ; instead, the
FeaturesString is used to determine the connector's supported fea

Should set up any configuration information which might be helpfu

connector functionality; this is called only once during connector co

configure() * NOTE: The default behavior is helpful since it makes the connecto
other methods, so if this method is implemented in the custom con
its super method as well.

Should set the object type, which can influence the read, iterate, a
the connector when the methods supporting those functions conta
setObjectType() *
each object type; is called by the OpenConnectorAdapter to set the
before executing operations

close() Should perform any required steps to close the connection to the a
Should determine if the resource is accessible; e.g. connect to the
testConnection() *
credentials pulled from the connector configuration
discoverSchema() Should return the schema (attributes and data types) of the curren
Should connect to the application with the credentials provided in t
attempt to authenticate to the application with that user id and pass
Should refresh the account or group in IdentityIQ corresponding to
identity to match its current values in the application (i.e. targeted a
This can also be used in preparation for an update operation to en
latest data from the application before performing any updates.

Should return an iterator over the accounts/groups in the applicatio

accounts/groups based on a specified filter)
provision() Should parse the provisioningPlan and drive provisioning activities

NOTE: Most custom connectors will not implement this method bu

AbstractConnector’s provision method to do the plan parsing.
delete() ^ Should delete the object from the application based on the native i
Should create an account (or group) in the application given a nati
create() ^
attribute values
update() ^ Should update the values for the specified account or group, match
enable() ^ Should enable the object on the application based on native identif
disable() ^ Should disable the object on the application based on native identi
unlock() ^ Should unlock the account on the application based on native iden
Should set/reset the account password on the application, given a
password, optional current password, and expiration date
* Required method

^ These methods each accept a hashmap of options which can influence the
operation. Any arguments passed in the request (within the provisioning plan) are
passed to the target method by the provision() method to be used as needed by the

NOTE: Methods can throw any of the following exceptions: ConnectorException,

AuthenticationFailedException, UnsupportedOperationException,
ObjectAlreadyExistsException, ObjectNotFoundException, or

Compile and Deploy

Compile the connector and deploy it in the IdentityIQ installations WEB-INF/lib

The example ant build script below could manage that compilation and deployment.
(Replace directory names and project name with names appropriate to the specific

<project name="ProjectName" default="jar" basedir=".">

<property name="tomcat.home" value="../tomcat"/>
<property name="lib.dir"
value="${tomcat.home}/webapps/identityiq/WEB-INF/lib"/> <property
name="src.dir" value="src"/>
<property name="dest.dir" value="build/classes"/>
<property name="jar.dir" value="build/jar"/>
<path id="classpath">
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="build"/>
<target name="compile">
<mkdir dir="${dest.dir}"/>
<javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${dest.dir}"
<target name="jar" depends="compile">
<mkdir dir="${jar.dir}"/>
<jar destfile="${jar.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar"
<target name="deploy" depends="jar">
<copy file="${jar.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar" todir="$
<exec executable="/bin/bash">
<arg value="${tomcat.home}/bin/shutdown.sh"/>
<exec executable="/bin/bash">
<arg value="${tomcat.home}/bin/startup.sh"/>

Integration with IdentityIQ

The final step in the implementation process is integrating the connector class with
IdentityIQ. The class must be connected to an application type in IdentityIQ, and an
application must be defined with that application type so the class will be used for
interacting with the resource. This involves these steps:

1. Define the connector type in the ConnectorRegistry.

2. Define the .xhtml page which specifies required and optional connection
3. Create an application which uses the connector.

Define the ConnectorRegistry Entry

Create a ConnectorRegistry entry to define the application type. This is commonly
done by creating and importing an XML file which modifies the ConnectorRegistry.
Alternatively, the ConnectorRegistry could be manually edited through the debug
page or a whole copy of the ConnectorRegistry could be edited in XML and
reimported with the new connector type defined in it.
Figure 2: Accessing the Connector Registry

The application definition for each connector in the ConnectorRegistry generically

looks like this:

<Application connector="sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter"
<entry key="connectorClass" value="[FULLY QUALIFIED CUSTOM
<Schemas> (optional; one per object type, defining all the
attributes for each)
<Schema displayAttribute="UserID" groupAttribute="Groups"
identityAttribute="UserID" nativeObjectType="account"
<AttributeDefinition name="UserID"
remediationModificationType="None" required="true" type="string"/>
<ProvisioningForms> (optional; one form per provisioning
policy needed, naming all applicable fields)
<Form name="account" objectType="account" type="Create">
<Field displayName="User ID" name="UserID"
required="true" section="" type="string"/>

These key attributes must be recorded in the application definition in the


 The connector attribute must be specified as

‘sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter’. This tells IdentityIQ to use that
class as a bridge to the internal SailPoint connector architecture from the
custom openconnector implementation.
 The connectorClass attribute in the attributes map specifies the fully
qualified class name of the custom connector class.
 The name and type values for the connector registry entry are usually the
same value and reflect the name or type of application with which the
connector interacts.
 The FeaturesString list of features in the application definition is based on
the Feature enumeration in the Application object; it tells IdentityIQ what
operations the connector is configured to support. The features which can be
enabled for custom connectors are:
o AUTHENTICATE: supports pass-through authentication
o DIRECT_PERMISSIONS: supports returning Permission objects
o DISCOVER_SCHEMA: supports discovering schemas for users and
o ENABLE: supports reading whether account is enabled or disabled,
and if PROVISIONING is also specified, supports account
enable/disable operations
o NO_RANDOM_ACCESS: does not support random access (e.g.
getObject() methods) – random, or targeted, access is assumed
possible by default and must be turned off with this option if it is not
desired or supported
o UNLOCK: supports reading whether account is locked or unlocked,
and if PROVISIONING is also specified, supports account unlock
o PROVISIONING: supports write functionality (e.g. account creation or
deletion, entitlement update, unlock/enable/disable if those features are
enabled too)
o PASSWORD: supports password updates (only applicable with
 The Schemas element (optional) can predefine account or group schemas for
the application type.

Provisioning policies can be optionally be pre-specified in the connector definition to

support provisioning, if provisioning is enabled in the FeaturesString. In 7.0+, this is
done with a <ProvisioningForms> element and pre-7.0 it is done with a <Templates>
element. The XML example below adds the CustomConnectorTest connector
definition to the registry. It also illustrates predefining an account schema and a
group schema as well as an account creation provisioning policy.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE sailpoint PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<ImportAction name="merge">
<Configuration name="ConnectorRegistry">
<entry key="applicationTemplates">
<Application connector="sailpoint.connector.OpenConnectorAdapter"
name="CustomConnectorTest" profileClass=""
<entry key="authSearchAttributes">
<entry key="compositeDefinition"/>
<entry key="connectorClass"
<entry key="division" value="IT"/>
<entry key="formPath" value="CustomConnectorTest.xhtml"/>
<entry key="nativeChangeDetectionAttributeScope"
<entry key="nativeChangeDetectionAttributes"/>
<entry key="nativeChangeDetectionEnabled">
<entry key="nativeChangeDetectionOperations"/>
<Schema displayAttribute="username" groupAttribute="groups"
identityAttribute="username" instanceAttribute=""
nativeObjectType="account" objectType="account">
<AttributeDefinition name="username"
remediationModificationType="None" type="string"/>
<AttributeDefinition name="firstname"
remediationModificationType="None" type="string"/>
<AttributeDefinition name="lastname"
remediationModificationType="None" type="string"/>
<AttributeDefinition name="email"
remediationModificationType="None" type="string"/>
<AttributeDefinition multi="true" name="groups"
remediationModificationType="None" type="string"/>
<AttributeDefinition name="disabled"
remediationModificationType="None" type="boolean"/>
<AttributeDefinition name="locked"
remediationModificationType="None" type="boolean"/>
<AttributeDefinition name="password"
remediationModificationType="None" type="string"/>
<Schema displayAttribute="name" identityAttribute="name"
instanceAttribute="" nativeObjectType="group" objectType="group">
<AttributeDefinition name="name"
remediationModificationType="None" type="string"/>
<AttributeDefinition name="description"
remediationModificationType="None" type="string"/>
<Form name="account" usage="Create">
<Field displayName="User Name" name="username" type="string">
<Source>return identity.getName(); </Source>
<Field displayName="First Name" name="firstname" type="string">
<Source>return identity.getFirstname(); </Source>
<Field displayName="Last Name" name="lastname" type="string">
<Source>return identity.getLastname(); </Source>
<Field displayName="Email Address" name="email" type="string">
<Source>return identity.getEmail(); </Source>
<Field name="disabled" type="boolean" value="false"/>
<Form name="Group Creation" usage="CreateGroup">
<Field displayName="Group Name" name="name" type="string"/>
<Field displayName="Description" name="description"

In a pre-7.0 installation, the <ProvisioningForms> section above would instead be a

<Templates> section like this.

<Template name="account" usage="Create">
<Field displayName="User Name" name="username" type="string">
<Source>return identity.getName(); </Source>
<Field displayName="First Name" name="firstname" type="string">
<Source>return identity.getFirstname(); </Source>
<Field displayName="Last Name" name="lastname" type="string">
<Source>return identity.getLastname(); </Source>
<Field displayName="Email Address" name="email" type="string">
<Source>return identity.getEmail(); </Source>
<Field name="disabled" type="boolean" value="false"/>
<Template name="Group Creation" usage="CreateGroup">
<Field displayName="Group Name" name="name" type="string"/>
<Field displayName="Description" name="description"

Define the Connection Parameters XHTML

Usually, some parameters are required to define the connection to the target
resource (e.g. host, port, username, password, etc.). To allow these parameters to
be specified through the UI for each application that uses this connector, an .xhtml
page must be written to define how the Application Configuration user interface will
request and record those parameters. This file must be placed in the [IdentityIQ
Installation Directory]/define/applications directory and must be
referenced in the application definition’s XML as the "formPath" entry (see the
example above). The page's contents are automatically rendered in the application
definition page through the FacesServlet. In 6.4+, this content appears on the
Application's Configuration tab, and pre-6.4, it appears on the application's Attributes

NOTE: If the application connection details will never be configured through

IdentityIQ but instead the connection parameters will be specified in the Application
XML object only and imported into the system, this .xhtml page is not strictly
required. However, without it, the connection parameters for the application cannot
be modified through the IdentityIQ user interface.

The example below illustrates definition of two required fields: input1 and input2. The
CustomConnectorTest (described in Appendix A and attached to this document for
download) is a memory connector which actually requires no connection parameters,
so these two fields are defined just for illustration.


"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<!-- (c) Copyright 2008 SailPoint Technologies, Inc., All Rights
Reserved. -->
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<script type="text/javascript">
helpKey = 'APPLICATION';
function getFieldValue(field) {
var val = null;
var fileName = $(field);
if ( fileName ) {
val = fileName.value;
return val;
Ext.onReady(function () {
// This is our validation hook
Page.on('beforeSave', function() {
var input1 = getFieldValue('editForm:input1');
Validator.validateNonBlankString(input1, "Input1 cannot be
var input2 = getFieldValue('editForm:input2');
Validator.validateNonBlankString(email, "Input2 cannot be
var errors = Validator.getErrors();
if (errors && errors.length > 0) {
var errorDivTop = $('formErrorsTop');
var errorDivBottom = $('formErrorsBottom');
return false;
//return false will kill cancel the save
return true;
<h:outputText styleClass="sectionHeader"
value="CustomConnector Test Settings"/><br/><br/>
<div id='formErrorsTop' class="formError" style="display:none"/>
<div id="accountSettiåçngs" class='spContent'>
<table class="spTable" style="border:0px" cellspacing="0">
<td class='titleColumn certScheduleTitleCol' valign="center">
<h:outputText style='padding:5px' value="input1"/>
<h:outputText styleClass="requiredText" value="*"/>
<td class="certScheduleHelpCol" valign="middle">
<h:graphicImage id="imgHlpHostName" styleClass="helpIcon"
<td valign="center">
<h:inputText id="input1"
size="20" disabled="#{!sp:hasRight(facesContext,
<td class='titleColumn certScheduleTitleCol'>
<h:outputText style='padding:5px' value="input2"/>
<h:outputText styleClass="requiredText" value="*"/>
<td class="certScheduleHelpCol">
<h:graphicImage id="imgHlpPort" styleClass="helpIcon"
url="/images/icons/dashboard_help_16.png" alt="input2"/>
<h:inputText id="input2"
size="20" disabled="#{!sp:hasRight(facesContext,
<div id='formErrorsBottom' class="formError" style="display:none"/>

Create the Application

Finally, an Application object must be created for the application, using the custom
connector type. Use the IdentityIQ user interface to create the application, selecting
the appropriate Application Type to tie it to the connector registry configuration and
specifying any connection parameters through the Configuration (6.4+) or Attributes
(6.3 and before) tab UI.

Alternatively, a copy of the same application definition XML that was added to the
connector registry could be independently imported as an application object with any
required connection parameters hard coded into its attributes map to avoid having to
define the .xhtml page at all. The name attribute specified in the application definition
is the name displayed in IdentityIQ to represent the specific application instance;
hence, unlike in the ConnectorRegistry, it value is often different from the type value
in the individual application definition.


The integration console (run iiq integration from the [IdentityIQ Install
Directory]/WEB-INF/bin directory) can be used to test the various features of your
connector including aggregation and provisioning. From within the console, use
the list command to view all configured integration connectors; the new application
should be listed. Type use <app name> to start testing the new adapter/connector.
Type ? at any point to list all available commands.

A couple of the IIQ console commands are also useful for testing connectors. Use
the connectorDebug command to test read operations; and use provision to test a
provisioning plan directly against your connector (NOTE: The provision command
fully executes provisioning of the provisioning plan - it is not a simulation).

Managing Third-Party
Libraries for Custom

IdentityIQ version 7.3p3+ and 8.0+ includes a separate class loader for third party
libraries required by connectors. If your custom connector requires third-party
libraries, they should be included in the IdentityIQ deployment under a separate
folder: WEB-INF/lib-connector/[connectorName]. This prevents collisions with
IdentityIQ’s required versions of those libraries and with other custom connectors’
required versions as well.

 Create a subfolder in the WEB-INF/lib-connector folder, per custom

connector, named for that connector (e.g.
WEB-INF/lib-connector/XYZCustomConnector). The lib-connector folder is a
default part of the IdentityIQ application structure beginning in 7.3p3.
 Save a copy of the required third-party libraries for the custom connector into
that connector-specific folder, along with the custom connector jar file.
 In your Application definition for each application that uses your custom
connector, add a connector-classpath entry to the Attributes map; this entry
can point to the jars individually or to the folder, as shown below. This adds
the specified jar file, or all jars in the folder, to the classpath for the
connector. NOTE: You can optionally add this entry to the attributes map of
the Application definition for the custom connector in the ConnectorRegistry
before you create any individual applications from it and this information will
be included in those applications automatically when you select this connector
in the Application Definition UI pages.

<!-- IIQ filePathPrefix = Directory Path including /WEB-INF -->

<entry key="connector-classpath">
1.9.jar</String> <!-- path of single jar -->
<String>\lib-connectors\ JDBCCustom\</String> <!-- path
of folder, all jars under the folder will be added to classpath -->

 Ensure that all third party libraries used

o Are from an authentic/trusted source
o Do not incur legal obligations
o Are free from known security vulnerabilities
o Are compatible with the supported JDK versions of IdentityIQ
 Do not pack the openconnector framework or sailpoint.connector in your
custom connector jar file.
 Do not pack log4j or aspect libraries in the custom connector jar file.
 Do not use a different version of log4j or aspect, as these are initiated by the
IdentityIQ framework and using a different version will lead to classcast

Connector Instantiation
The proper way to instantiate a connector in your implementation-specific code is:

Connector connector = ConnectorFactory.getConnector(application, null);

This is particularly important in 7.3p3 and later versions because of the separate
class loader support. ConnectorClassloader is plugged into the ConnectorFactory to
load the connector classes, and instantiation of a connector through some other
means will bypass this support.

Appendix A: Example
Memory Connector

An example custom connector, implemented with the openconnector framework, is

available for download from Compass to use as a model for developing other custom
connectors. It is designed to read and write data from an application which is simply
a hashmap stored in memory. It pre-creates a few accounts which allow it to be
aggregated and automatically correlated with the data in the SailPoint Provisioning
Training VM or the Fundamentals of IdentityIQ Implementation Training VM. The
data in the application, other than the 3 hard- coded accounts, will be flushed any
time the application server is restarted, so the application itself has limited
usefulness in a real installation, but the artifacts provide solid examples of the pieces
required to implement a custom connector.

To deploy the memory connector into one of these two training VMs, complete the
following steps:

1. Download the CustomConnectorTest.zip package from Compass into the VM

and unzip it.
2. Copy the CustomConnectorTest.xhtml file to the
/home/spadmin/tomcat/webapps/IdentityIQ/define/applications directory.
3. Import the CustomConnectorTest.xml file into the IdentityIQ instance; this
updates the connector registry to add the new connector type.
4. Copy the CustomConnectorTest.java file to the
/home/spadmin/ProvisioningTraining (or ImplementerTraining)/src directory.
From the /home/spadmin/ProvisioningTraining (or ImplementerTraining)
directory, run the ant clean and ant deploy commands to compile the
connector and automatically place it in the tomcat runtime. The ant
deploy command will also bounce the application server.
5. Log in to IdentityIQ as an administrator (e.g. spadmin) and configure a new
application (Applications -> Application Definition in IdentityIQ
7.0+; Define -> Applications in 6.4 and earlier versions), choosing
the CustomConnectorTest application type as its connector. Specify the
required attributes on the Attributes tab and save the application definition.
6. Create and execute an account aggregation task and a group aggregation
task for the application. Three new accounts and two groups will be
aggregated. Two of the accounts will correlate to existing users
(Catherine.Simmons and Aaron.Nichols) and one will not; this third account
can be used to test delete operations. (NOTE: Correlation is done based on
the nativeIdentity value matching an Identity name – this is IdentityIQ’s default
correlation algorithm when no other correlation config/rule is specified.)
7. Test various operations against the application through LifecycleManager;
new accounts can be created, entitlements can be updated, accounts can be
disabled/enabled, etc.

To deploy the memory connector into an IdentityIQ instance unrelated to the training
instances, complete the following steps:

1. Download the CustomConnectorTest.zip package from Compass (attached to

this document) and unzip it.
2. Copy the CustomConnectorTest.xhtml file to the [IdentityIQ installation
directory]/define/applications directory.
3. Import the CustomConnectorTest.xml file into the IdentityIQ instance; this
updates the connector registry to add the new connector type.
4. Compile the CustomConnectorTest.java file against the IdentityIQ jar files and
deploy it into the IdentityIQ installation, as generically described in
Implementing the openconnector above. Stop and restart the app server.
5. Log in to IdentityIQ as an administrator (e.g. spadmin) and configure a new
application (Applications -> Application Definition in IdentityIQ
7.0+; Define -> Applications in 6.4 and earlier versions), choosing
the CustomConnectorTest application type as its connector. Specify the
required attributes on the Attributes tab and save the application definition.
6. Create and execute an account aggregation task and a group aggregation
task for the application. Three new accounts and two groups will be created;
the accounts will most likely not correlate to existing users. Optionally, the
CustomConnectorTest.java file could be modified before compilation to
specify account names which would correlate to existing users in the target
7. Test various operations against the application through LifecycleManager;
new accounts can be created, entitlements can be updated, accounts can be
disabled/enabled, etc.

To use this example as a model for implementing other custom connectors, examine
the .java file for examples of how to implement each of the custom connector
methods. These, of course, will contain different logic in other custom connectors,
allowing them to work with the API for the target application or whatever other
infrastructure is available to connect to and communicate with the application.

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