Albumin - Globulin Ratio
Albumin - Globulin Ratio
Albumin - Globulin Ratio
Id 221101164
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Program Technology medical laboratories
Course code MLT311
Albumin/globulin ratio
Define albumin/globulin ratio
The albumin/globulin ratio (A/G ratio for short) is a test that compares
the concentrations of albumin and globulin in the blood
This test is useful when your healthcare provider suspects you have
.liver or kidney disease
Albumin and globulin are proteins that are naturally found in the
serum, the lIquid part of your blood that doesn’t includeincludee blood
cells or clotting components
Overview of Serum Proteins
.Albumin is the most common protein found In the bloodstream
Its main function is to maintain osmotic pressure, the mechanism that
prevents fluids from leaking out of the blood vessels and into
surrounding tissues
Albumin binds many analytes for transport In blood, including
unconjugated bilirubin, steroids, ions such as calcium and magnesium,
.fatty acids, and drugs
Globulins are a class of proteins found In the blood whichh come in
several forms. Alpha and beta globulins act as transporters and can
inhibit some enzymes. Gamma globulins, the Immunoglobulins, act as
antibodies. They bind to pathogens like viruses and play a vital role In
the immune system
Both albumin and globulin are primarily made In the liver, although
.some types of globulin are created by whIte blood cells
A/G Ratio = Albumin in g/dL / (Total Protein in g/dL – Albumin in g/dL)