The Euler Number of Bloch States Manifold and The Quantum Phases in Gapped Fermionic Systems
The Euler Number of Bloch States Manifold and The Quantum Phases in Gapped Fermionic Systems
The Euler Number of Bloch States Manifold and The Quantum Phases in Gapped Fermionic Systems
Fermionic Systems
Yu-Quan Ma,1 Shi-Jian Gu,2 Shu Chen,3 Heng Fan,3 and Wu-Ming Liu3
School of Applied Science, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
Department of Physics and ITP, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics,
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
(Dated: November 5, 2018)
We propose a topological Euler number to characterize nontrivial topological phases of gapped
fermionic systems, which originates from the Gauss-Bonnet theorem on the Riemannian structure
arXiv:1202.2397v3 [cond-mat.str-el] 26 Jul 2013
of Bloch states established by the real part of the quantum geometric tensor in momentum space.
Meanwhile, the imaginary part of the geometric tensor corresponds to the Berry curvature which
leads to the Chern number characterization. We discuss the topological numbers induced by the
geometric tensor analytically in a general two-band model. As an example, we show that the zero-
temperature phase diagram of a transverse field XY spin chain can be distinguished by the Euler
characteristic number of the Bloch states manifold in a (1+1)-dimensional Bloch momentum space.
I. INTRODUCTION [19]. Indeed, recent studies [20–22] have shown that the
ground state geometric tensor can provide a unified ap-
proach of the fidelity susceptibility [23] and the Berry
Since the discovery of the Berry phase [1, 2] contained
curvature to demonstrate the singularity and scaling be-
in the quantum state with cyclic adiabatic evolutions and
haviors exhibited in the vicinity of quantum critical point
the topological Chern number interpretation for the adia-
batic pumping [3, 4] and the quantized Hall conductance
On the other hand, the properties of the ground state,
[5–7], the geometric and topological properties have been
i.e., some physical response function, can be insensi-
playing increasingly important roles in quantum physics.
tive to local perturbations and the system can undergo
Recently, new topological phases described by the Z2
a topological phase transition [28], which is beyond the
numbers have been found in quantum spin Hall effect
Landau’s second order phase transitions paradigm with
and in topological insulators [8–11]. A significant ques-
the pattern of symmetry breaking and local order pa-
tion is whether there exists other quantum numbers to
rameters. One of the best known examples is the integer
characterize the topological phases. In this paper, we in-
quantum Hall effect, where the Hall conductivity is ex-
troduce a new topological quantum number–Euler num-
pressed as the first Chern number in the units of e2 /h. To
ber to characterize the topological phase of a gapped
our knowledge, the previous studies on the ground state
fermionic ground state, which is based on the Gauss-
geometric tensor are trapped in the local properties, i.e.,
Bonnet theorem on the Riemannian structure established
the fidelity susceptibility and the partial derivatives of
by the real part of the quantum geometric tensor [12, 13]
Berry phase, and then only the phase boundaries can be
in momentum space.
witnessed by this approach [29–32]. Some works have
As a Hermitian metric induced on the quantum states show that the ground state Berry phases protected by
manifold, the quantum geometric tensor originates from some symmetry can been used as local order parameters
defining a local U (1) gauge invariant quantum distance to study various topological phases [33, 34]. The Z2 num-
between two states in a parameterized Hilbert space. ber characterization as a quantized Berry phase of Bloch
This effort results in a Riemannian structure of the quan- states for spin chain systems has been proposed in our
tum states manifold, and the corresponding Riemannian recent work (see Ref.[35]).
metric is given by the real part of the geometric ten- In this work, we introduce a topological Euler num-
sor. Remarkably, its imaginary part, canceled out in the ber, based on a quantum geometric tensor defined in the
quantum distance, was later found to be just the Berry Bloch states manifold, to characterize quantum phases
curvature up to a constant coefficient. of a gapped fermionic ground state. We discuss this ap-
The geometric tensor has recently drawn a lot of at- proach analytically in a general two-band model. As an
tention in characterizing the novel collective behaviors example, we show that there exists a topological quantum
of quantum many-body systems in low temperature [14– phase transition in a transverse field XY spin-1/2 chain
18]. As a more general covariant tensor than the Berry in (1+1)-dimensional momentum space. We show that
curvature on the Hilbert space geometry, the quantum the phase diagram can be distinguished by the topologi-
geometric tensor defined on the ground-state manifold is cal Euler characteristic number, meanwhile, a nontrivial
naturally expected to shed some light on the understand- Z2 number is also obtained by the integral of the Berry
ing of quantum phase transitions in many-body systems curvature as the imaginary part of the geometric tensor
over half of the Brillouin zone, which is converted from Berry curvature Fµν for the Bloch state |un (k)i is given
the first Chern number for the time-reversal invariant by Fµν = −2Imh∂µ un (k)| [1 − |un (k)i hun (k)|] |∂ν un (k)i.
Bloch Hamiltonian. The topological invariant on the U (1) line bundle of all
occupied bands is the first Chern number
1 X
Ch1 = Fµν dk µ dk ν . (2)
To begin with, we introduce the notion of quan- What is more interesting is that there exists another
tum geometric tensor in Bloch momentum space, which topological invariant —the Euler characteristic number,
can be derived from a gauge invariant distance be- which originates from the Gauss-Bonnet theorem on the
tween two Bloch states on the U (1) line bundle in- 2D closed manifold established by the Riemannian met-
duced by the quantum adiabatic evolution of the Bloch ric Gµν for the Bloch state |un (k)i. The theorem states
state |un (k)i of the n-th filled band. The quantum that the number χ M2 := 2π
KdA is a topological
distance between two P states |un (k+δk)i and |un (k)i invariant named Euler characteristic number and equals
is given by dS 2 = µ υ
µ,υ h∂µ un (k) dk |∂υ un (k) dk i, to 2 (1 − g) with genus g for a closed smooth manifold,
µ ν
where µ, ν denote the components k and k , respec- where K is the Gauss curvature and dA is the element of
tively. The term ∂µ un (k) can be decomposed as area of the surface. In two dimensions, the Euler number
∂µ un (k) = Dµ un (k) + [1 − P(k)] ∂µ un (k) , where of all occupied bands can be calculated using the metric
Pn (k) = |un (k)i hun (k)| is the projection operator and Gµν as follows
|Dµ u (k)i = Pn (k) ∂µ un (k) is the covariant deriva-
1 X
tive of |un (k)i on the line bundle. Under the condi-
Rn det Gµν
n dk µ dk ν ,
χ= (3)
tion of the quantum adiabatic evolution, the evolution 4π n Bz
of |un (k)i to |un (k + δk)i will undergo a parallel trans-
port, then we have Dµ un (k) = 0. Finally, we can ob- where the Rn is the Ricci scalar curvature asso-
tain dS 2 = µ,υ h∂µ un (k)| [1 − Pn (k)] |∂ν un (k)i dk µ dk υ .
ciate to the Bloch state |un (k)i and here the metric
The quantum geometric tensor is given by n
Gµν =Reh∂µ un (k)| [1 − |un (k)i hun (k)|] |∂ν un (k)i. The
Ricci scalar curvature R can be calculated by the follow-
Qnµν = h∂µ un (k)| [1 − Pn (k)] |∂ν un (k)i . (1) ing standard steps: R = G ab Rab , and Rab = Racb c
, where
the Riemannian curvature tensor Rabc = ∂b Γac − ∂a Γdbc +
d d
The geometric tensor can be rewritten as Qnµν = Gµν n
− Γeac Γdbe − Γebc Γdae , and the Levi-Cività connection Γabc can
n n n
iFµν /2, where Gµν =ReQµν can be verified as a Rie- be calculated by Γabc = 21 G ad (∂b Gdc + ∂c Gbd − ∂d Gcb ).
mannian metric, or called the Fubini-Study metric,
which establishes a Riemannian manifold of the Bloch
states, and then P the quantum distance can be writ- III. ANALYTICAL RESULTS IN TWO-BAND
ten as dS 2 = n µ υ
µ,υ ReQµν dk dk . The term Fµν =
−2ImQnµν is canceled out in the summation of the dis-
tance due to its antisymmetry, but can associate to
Here let us consider a 1D translational invariant
a 2-form F n = n µ
dk ν , which is noth-
µ,υ µν dk ∧
fermionic system with two bands separated by a fi-
ing but the Berry curvature. The geometric tensor is
nite gap. The Hamiltonian can be written as H =
also a local response function of the Bloch state, we PPBC † † †
find that the Gµν n
can be associated to a distance re- l,l′ ∈N Ψl,l′ Hl,l′ Ψl,l′ , where Ψl,l′ = cl , cl′ denotes a
sponse as lim∆k→0 (∆S/∆k) =
2 P n µ ν pair of fermionic creation and annihilation operators on
µ,υ Gµν ∂k k ⊗ ∂k k
which is just the concept of fidelity susceptibility, and the sites l and l′ , Hl,l′ is a 2×2 Hermitian matrix, and the
Fµν can be associated to a phase response function as periodic boundary condition (PBC) has been imposed.
−1 −1 In spite of its simplicity, this model has a wide range of
P σ→0 (|u n (k)iFinal − |un (k)iInitial ) |un (k)iInitial σ =
n µ ν applications, such as the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamil-
µ,υ µν k∂ k ∧ ∂k k , where σ is the area element en-
tonian in superconductivity and graphite systems.
closed by a cyclic path in the momentum space.
In order to obtain an appropriate definition of geo-
Now we consider the topological properties of the
metric tensor to describe the ground state of the system
geometric tensor in momentum space. Note that the
in a 2D manifold, we can perform the system a local
Brillouin zone has the topology of torus if we take
U (1) gauge transformation with H(ϕ) = g(ϕ)Hg(ϕ)+ by
the periodic gauge |un (k)i = eiG·r |un (k + G)i, and Ql−1 †
then the ground state satisfies |Ψ (k)i = |Ψ (k + G)i, a time-depended twist operator g(ϕ) = j=1 eiϕ(t)cj cj ,
where G is the reciprocal lattice vector. Without loss and here ϕ (t) is a real function of time t. Note
of generality, we consider a gapped fermionic Hamilto- that the terms c†l c†l′ and cl cl′ exist in the Hamiltonian
nian in 2D momentum space, where the unique Bloch H, so we have [g(ϕ), H] 6= 0 which ensure this op-
state |un (k)i forms a U (1) line bundle on a torus T 2 eration is nontrivial. Meanwhile, this operation does
formed by the 2D Brillouin zone. The corresponding not change the system’s energy spectrum, but endows
the system with the topology of a torus in (1+1)- system is given by the following Hamiltonian HS =
dimensional momentum space. After the Fourier trans- − l∈N (1 + γ) sxl sxl+1 + (1 − γ) syl syl+1 + hszl , where N is
formations cl = √1N k eikl ak and c†l = √1N k e−ikl a†k ,
the total sites of the spin chain, γ is the anisotropy pa-
the Hamiltonian H(ϕ) is transformed into H(ϕ) = rameter in the in-plane interaction and h is the transverse
P †
T magnetic field. It is well known that the system under-
k∈Bz k,ϕ H(k, ϕ)Ψ k,ϕ , where Ψ k,ϕ = a k,ϕ , a −k,ϕ . goes a transition from a paramagnetic to a ferromagnetic
The Hamiltonian H(k, ϕ) can be generally written as phase at h = ±1, which belongs to the universality class
H(k, ϕ) = ǫ (k)I2×2 + 3α=1 dα (k, ϕ) σ α , where I2×2 is of the transverse Ising model. The ferromagnetic order in
the 2 × 2 identity matrix and σ α are the three Pauli the XY plane is in the x-direction (y-direction) if γ > 0 (
matrices, represent the pseudo-spin degree of freedom. γ < 0) and |h| < 1. Now we subject the system to a local
The energy gauge transformation HS (ϕ) = g(ϕ)H S g(ϕ) by a time-
qP spectrum is readily obtained as E± (k) = Q iϕ(t)s z
3 2
depended twist operator g(ϕ) = l e l , which in fact
ε (k) ± α=1 dα (k, ϕ), and the corresponding eigen- makes the system rotate on the spin along the z-direction,
vector is so that we have g(ϕ)sxl g(ϕ)† = sxl cos ϕ (t) − syl sin ϕ (t)
and g(ϕ)syl g(ϕ)† = syl cos ϕ (t) + sxl sin ϕ (t). This op-
1 d1 − id2
u (ϕ, k)± = p , (4) eration extends the Hamiltonian into (1+1)-dimension
2d (d ∓ d3 ) ±d − d3
without changing its energy spectrum. Meanwhile, we
assume ϕ (0) = 0, ϕ (T ) = π and we have HS (0) =
where d = 2
α=1 dα (k, ϕ). The Hamiltonian can HS (T ) and if we adopt the periodic gauge |un (k)i =
† eiGl |un (k + G)i, G is the reciprocal lattice vector. Then
be diagonalized as H(ϕ) = k∈Bz E+ (k)αk,ϕ αk,ϕ +
† the system has a topology of torus T 2 in the (1+1)-
E− (k)βk,ϕ βk,ϕ , where the quasi-particle operators are
† † dimensional Bloch momentum space. After the standard
αk,ϕ = u (ϕ, k)+ Ψk,ϕ and βk,ϕ = u (ϕ, k)− Ψk,ϕ . calculation steps, we can transform the spin Hamilto-
The ground state |GSi is the filled fermion sea nian HS into a free fermion Hamiltonian as H (k, ϕ) =
Q † † P3
|GSi = k∈Bz β−k,ϕ βk,ϕ |0i. Note that if ϕ (0) = 0 ǫ (k, ϕ)I2×2 + α=1 dα (k, ϕ) σ α , where ε (k, ϕ) = 0,
and ϕ (T ) = π, then we have H(0) = H(T ) and if we d1 (k, ϕ) = 21 γ sin k sin 2ϕ, d2 (k, ϕ) = 12 γ sin k cos 2ϕ,
adopt the periodic gauge |un (k)i = eiGl |un (k + G)i, and d3 (k, ϕ) = − 21 (h + cos k). Here the Riemannian
G is the reciprocal lattice vector. Then the system metric is given by
has a topology of torus in the (1+1)-dimensional mo-
γ 2 (1+h cos k)2
mentum space. There exists a quantum geometric 1 (h+cos k)2 +γ 2 sin2 k 0
tensor Qkϕ induced on the momentum space Qkϕ = Gkϕ = 2γ 2 sin2 k
4 0
h∂k u− | [1 − |u− i hu− |] |∂ϕ u− i. More specifically, sub- (h+cos k)2 +γ 2 sin2 k
stituting Eq. (4) into the Berry curvature Fkϕ = (7)
−2ImQkϕ = h∂k u− |∂ϕ u− i − h∂ϕ u− and then we can obtain the Ricci scalar R = 8 by the
h |∂k u− i, we cani ver- standard procedures. Finally, the Euler number is given
1 ˆ
ify the relation that Fkϕ = d · ∂k dˆ × ∂φ dˆ , dˆ
2 kϕ by
denotes the unit vector d/d. The Riemannian met- Z ~
ric Gkϕ =ReQkϕ = 21 h∂k u− |∂ϕ u− i + 21 h∂ϕ u− |∂k u− i 2 d · ∂k d~ × ∂φ d~
χ = dkdϕ
−h∂k u− |u− ihu− |∂ϕ u− i. The calculation of Gkϕ is te- π d3
dious, but we find that
rhthere exists a icorrespondence re-
√ 2
Z πu u γ 4 (1 + h cos k)2 sin2 k
lation as det G = dˆ · ∂k dˆ × ∂ϕ dˆ /4, and then we = uh i3 dk. (8)
0 (h + cos k) + γ 2 sin2 k
have det G = (F /2) . Finally, we can calculate the Euler
number as follows
In Fig. (1), we show the properties of the Berry cur-
Z r 2
χ= R dˆ · ∂k dˆ × ∂φ dˆ dkdϕ, (5)
and the first Chern number
Ch1 = dˆ · ∂k dˆ × ∂φ dˆ dkdϕ. (6)
2.0 1.0
Euler number
1.6 0.8
= 1
0.6 (0,1]
0.8 0.4
0.4 0.2
0.0 0.0
-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
h h
FIG. 2: (color online) The Euler number as a characterization FIG. 3: (color online) (Left) The gapless point (red dot) en-
of the phase diagram of a transverse field XY spin chain as a closed in the torus is converted into a monopole in the d-space
function of the transverse field h and the anisotropy parame- (Right), and corresponds to a topological sphere of the ground
ter γ. state Riemannian manifold with the Euler number χ = 2.
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