Buslaw2 Reviewer
Buslaw2 Reviewer
Buslaw2 Reviewer
Corpora&on Defined
• A corpora(on is an ar(ficial being created by opera(on of law, having the right of
succession and the powers, a:ributes and proper(es expressly authorized by law or
incident to its existence. (Sec. 2 RCCP)
A.ributes of a Corpora&on
1. Ar(ficial being
2. Created by opera(on of law
3. Has the right of succession
4. Has the powers, a:ributes and proper(es expressly authorized by law or incident to
its existence
b. Dis(nc(ons
1. A partnership is created by mere agreement of the partners; while
corpora(on cannot be created by mere agreement of the par(es but requires
authority from the sovereign power, express or implied.
2. A partnership cannot be formed by one person; while a corpora(on sole and
One-Person Corpora(on is formed by one person.
3. A partnership may by agreement of the partners do any lawful act; while a
corpora(on can exercise only the powers expressly granted it by the law or
incident to its existence.
4. In a partnership all the general partners are liable with their separate
property for partnership debts; while the members of a corpora(on are not
so liable.
5. A partnership may be dissolved by the partners at any (me; while the
corpora(on cannot be dissolved without the consent and authority of the
state. (1 Fletcher 18-19)
6. A partnership can be formed for an indefinite period; while the corpora(on
under the Revised Corpora(on Code of the Philippines have perpetual
existence, unless license to do business is revoked based on the law.
7. In a partnership, a partner cannot transfer his interests to another without
the consent of the other partners; while a stockholder in a corpora(on can
transfer his share to another without the consent of the other stockholders.
(18 C.J.S. 918)
8. A partnership begins from the moment of the execu(on of the contract of
partnership; while a corpora(on begins to have corporate existence and its
juridical personality acquired from the date of the issuance of the cer(ficate
of incorpora(on by the SEC.
9. A partnership has no right of succession; while a corpora(on has a right of
succession. (Sec. 2 RCCP)
10. In a partnership, all the general partners are, unless otherwise agreed, agents
of the firm; while a corpora(on acts through its Board of Directors. (Art.
1803, N.C.C.)
Advantages of a Corpora&on
1. Capacity to act as a legal en(ty.
2. Con(nuity of life.
3. The liability of the stockholders for the debts of the corpora(on is limited to their
fully paid investment in the corpora(on.
4. There is be:er management as the best service may be extracted from the bigger
membership of a corpora(on.
5. There is more unified form of control which is reposed in the Board of Directors.
6. Transferability of shares even without the consent of the other stockholders.
7. There is a greater source of capital.
Disadvantages of a Corpora&on
1. A corpora(on is subject to greater governmental control.
2. Frequent and varied reports are required of corpora(ons.
3. A corpora(on may not engage in any other business other than the business
specified in the Ar(cles of Incorpora(on.
4. Minority stockholders may be at the mercy of majority stockholders.
5. A corpora(on cannot transact business in another state unless it obtains a license for
that purpose.
6. It involves double taxa(on.
7. Outstanding stock cannot be more than the authorized capital stock.
8. Credit corpora(on is limited on account of limited liability of stockholders.
9. There is a greater possibility of abuse of power.