A Paste your recent
Government of Balochistan possport size eelor
photographwith gum|
a rag a ee
ert LB
Gees Eid
Junior Drawing Master (JDM) (BPS-14)
Eligibility Criteria:
‘A. Isyour age according tothe preseribed age limit for the desired Post as on 17-09-2023 Dyes [D1 No
B. Do you have relevant / prescribed Qualification as mentioned in Advertisement? O Yes ||] No
‘C. Do you have Local/Domiciled of Baluchistan? Dyes | Ci No
Ifyour reply is “Yes” to A, B & C above, only then please proceed further. Otherwise you are not eligible to apply.
POTTS ogee C EEN Use CAPITAL letters and leave spaces between words.
1, Name in Full]
02. Father’s Name:
03. Candidate CNIC #: 5 =] Satan rmrone
05. Date of Birth: DD MM Year
04. Gender: |[ ] Male Female or ot Duet | -
06. Email Address: 07. Marital Status:|[__] Married Unmarried
lo8. Are you Hafiz e Quran? Yes ||[_] No ‘09. Are you Claim Age Relaxation? Yes ||[_] No
10. Postal Address:
epee las a i aghast Fa
City: District:
11, Personal Mobile No: (Pather/Guardian Mobile No)
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42, Are you a Serving Government Employee? [[ ya, | [[—] No] Total Continuous Job Experience -2S#S Months Days.
yes, please atach NOC son closing dat of applications -
tg. Are you a serving employee of i No. [Total Continuo Job Experience SH Months) Das
Baluchistan Education Department? es (Jason closing date of applications: : -
yes, please attach NOC Non Mest
|14- Religion:|[_] Muslim INon Mustim ] please Specify:
is i imori 1fYes,
45. Are you applying against 5% Minority Quotaa[|_]¥es | [_] No] pies speci
16. Are you applying against 5% Disability Quot{[ ]yes |[_]No | If Yes,
fe plese sac Socal Welare Dit Cerise Please Specity: 4
47. Are you applying against your Husband’s Domi
Llves | [ED No] conputeasinansyass stated [L]¥es
18, Husband's Name:
19. Husband’s Domicile District
Page 0120. District of Local/Domicile: Fin on'y one Desired Box for Local District (Mandatory)
os test candidate will appea onli thie Dome Dis
for. C1 Awaran 2.1 ala 03, Khuzdar 04D] tasbela
01.[] Kalat Division
fos. 5] Mastung| 06, Cy Sikanderabaa
‘02.[_] Kharan Division fox. chai 2. karan 03, Nosh 04] Washuk
03.[_] Loralai Division for. 2] Barkan oa] bux 03, L] Masaka 04 C] bora
04-[]Makran Division or Gawadar 2. Koch Turbat) | [03.-] Panjgooe
fot. 5) satarabad oa] shet Mags’ |[o3.C]Kacehioten || 04.) Nasirabaa
05. 2] Sohbatpur 06. Usta Munammad
(06.(] Quetta Division [01.5] Chaman 2, Kita Ancuian | [09.-] Pishin 04.) aucta
fot, E] Dera Bast oz Hamat 03, Konia 04.0 Sti
07-[] Sibi Division
os Zara
08, Zhob Division for. E] kita Satatan [02 []sheran 03. Zhob
21. Applying against Union Council: (Mandatory) -/G-2 Aviedsmin
Dey ~ :
Oo Oo oO
‘Metropolitan / Muncipal Corporation / Muncipal Commit
Meh al ehertioky
uc Cope: ‘Tehsil:
(As por district vacancy statement)
22. Applying against Open Meri
Village: Metropolitan / Muncipal Corporation / Muncipal Committee / Union Council:
(spre of tn Dept al greet)
Tehsil: District:
23. Academic Information: (eas tac attested copies ofyour academic and profesional crtcaes at this stage)
Note 1, University wil net sue Rell No Sips to those who have nt ildin thor acadomi record properly
Satan tnotsSonvec tke gres its take Otte aunesorey anrsorcpacepay
5 ous gr tare SS Rosch eating candidates are not sie
Page 0224. Professional Qualification: (Mandatory)
25. Bank Online Deposit of Rs: 980/- from Designated Bank Branches
Deposit Date
Bank Code
“Note: Applic
tion Form will not be entertained without Original Deposit Slip (SBK Copy)
26. Undertaking By The Applicant:
D sidiw of
declare and affim that have read and understood the instructions and conditions to apply for the post of
in the schools education department Goverment of Balochistan and that | have filled-up
Picture 2
Affix your recent
passport size color}
do, hereby, solemnly
the application form as per instructions and affirm that | willbe allowed forthe test provisionally In case,
‘any information contained herein is found at any stage to be missing, untrue, false or forged, my] _ Photograph
‘candidature can be canceled at any stage (even after my employment, if so revealed later), and | shall |] _ With Open face _
bearall project financial costand would be liable to legal action, ent Bly?
wae ten®s
Candidate's Signature
Date: Thumb Impression
27. Check List Provide the following documents according to the check lst other wise Application Form will not be entertained
2. Original Bank Deposit Sip (SBK Copy)
1. Application Form, along with 03 Passport size color photograph to be attached.
5. Metric Degree & DMC. 6. Intermediate Degree & DMC
9, B.Ed Degree & DMC[_] 10. M.Ed Degree & DMC[_]11. Any other
3. CNIC Copy[_] 4. Local/Domicile Certificate
7. Graduation Degree & DMC [“] 8. Master Degree & DMC|
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1. Please fill the application form properly with complete and correct information.
2. Please do not leave any field blank in the online application form and do not OVERWRITE any
information on the printed version of the online-filled form otherwise your application will be rejected.
3. Incorrect or false information may result in cancellation of your candidature at any stage.
4. Upon successful submission of online application, a prescribed deposit slip (having token number, project
code and candidates’ personal information) will be generated. Take a printout of the generated deposit
slip and deposit the prescribed test fee and service charges if applicable, as per methods prescribed
Any branch of HBL, NBP, UBL, and ABL.
Upon successful submission of fee, keep the original deposit slip (candidate copy) duly signed and
stamped and send the same with your printed application form (separate challan against each post).
5. Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited in test center premises.
6. The documents that are to be uploaded online need to be clear and the original documents shall be
scanned clearly for online verification whereas the documents to be attached with printed form shall be
sent completely to the address PO BOX 101 GPO QUETTA otherwise your candidature may be cancelled.
7. The printed application form shall be sent to the above-mentioned address separately against each post.
8. Application Fee (Service Charges)/Bank charges is non-refundable/non-transferable to another category.
9. Information about Roll No Slip/Test date/Test Center will be communicated to the candidates via SMS,
Website & Email.
10. Candidates must not provide ported/converted mobile number as their contact number. In case a
candidate has converted his mobile sim to other network or blocked the promotional messages on his
phone, he may not receive any message from SBK. Further, if the mobile phone is powered off or out of
network coverage for 3 hours, the message from SBK will be automatically expired without delivering.
11. Test Date, Time and Venue will be mentioned on Roll Number Slip. No Separate Call Letter will be issued
to the candidates for the screening test.
12. If you do not receive your roll no slip or result online, you will follow University's procedures and register
your complaint on University's online complaint form.
13. By-hand submission of application form is not allowed directly to the university.
ast date for Fees Submission is 17" March, 202:
HELP LINE V2 ee LLL og tpaieatto
www: sbkwu.edupk a
UN-03111007748 | minicuscrateore | Address:
el ere mc eke cc) PACs Comey
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Page 05“SBK SBK Women's University, Balochistan
Branch Name: Date:
Branch Code:
{Pease depot nin iy one bank & el
1UE, sBk women's Unvensty
"NC. SBK women's University
Ae _3-3(3014856440)
“Nol: Appicaion Form wil note enatsines whol Orga Dapoal Sip (SAK Cx
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apy), This Challan form canbe dopo through cash management and
‘Bonien Crarges)ank charges isnot relondsaion anslerabe fo other category
Project 1D 1001
Applicant Father
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ompliacelalsnlingaeceut number and amaun depostog
‘srocorctypntdalin wncntebankwllnetbe responce”
Last date for foo submission EDIE NEE
‘Applicants Signature
Bank Cashier
Bank Officer
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