SmartGuard QuickStart
SmartGuard QuickStart
SmartGuard QuickStart
Loading USB drivers .......................................................................................................... 3 Configuring the USB driver in RSLinx .............................................................................. 7 Communicating to PVP600 over DeviceNet .................................................................... 13 Configure Communications between a PanelView Terminal and SmartGuard 600 Controller over and EtherNet/IP Network ........................................................................ 41 Configuring the SmartGuard 600 and DeviceNet safety I/O modules as standard slaves 45 Explicit Messaging of the SmartGuard 600 over DeviceNet............................................ 60 Explicit Messaging of the 1791DS modules from Logix ................................................. 66 Configure EtherNet/IP Target IO in RSNetWorx for DeviceNet Software ..................... 73 Setup EtherNet/IP Communications between a Logix5000 Controller and the SmartGuard 600 Safety Controller........................................................................................................ 77 Explicit Message of the SmartGuard 600 Controller over EtherNet/IP with a MicroLogix Controller .......................................................................................................................... 79 SmartGuard Wiring Diagrams: Common Safety Devices ................................................ 83
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart
First, you will have to load the SmartGuard USB drivers onto your PC. The files are shown in the image below; in case you ever need to search for them. Note the folder you put them into, as you will browse to it later.
Attach USB cable between SmartGuard600 and PC. The following Wizard should appear.
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart
Browse to the folder that the SmartGuard USB drivers were placed into. Obviously, the following image is simply an example of such a browse.
Select OK, then NEXT The SmartGuard drivers are loaded, and then the following window appears if successful.
Select FINISH.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Open RSLinx 2.51 or later.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Select the SmartGuard USB Driver from the Available Driver Types pulldown.
Select OK.
SmartGuard Quickstart
There is a Select Interface pulldown on this window with only one selection. Select 1752 SmartGuard USB Port. The MAC Address and Baud Rate should automatically fill in with the proper information if the SmartGuard is connected properly on the USB link. The OK button will highlight as well. Select OK.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Close the Configure Drivers window. Open RSWho within RSLinx and select the SmartGuard driver (see below) to initiate browsing the DeviceNet network connected to the SmartGuard. In this example, there is a single 1791DS safety I/O module on DeviceNet with the SmartGuard controller.
The nice images of the 1791DS and SmartGuard (1752) show up because I had previously loaded the proper EDS files using the EDS Hardware Installation Tool.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Open RSNetWorx, create a new project, and hit the Online icon. When the following window appears, select the SmartGuard driver and hit OK.
If you have created a new project in RSNetworx, you will see the following message. Hit OK.
SmartGuard Quickstart
RSNetWorx also finds both the SmartGuard and 1791DS module on the DeviceNet network. Note that the exclamation mark represents an issue with the safety network number of the 1791DS module.
SmartGuard Quickstart
PVP has a RN10C card that is the DeviceNet scanner. The SmartGuard 600 is a DeviceNet slave.
The following from the SmartGuard users manual describes the limitations.
As a standard slave, the controller can perform standard I/O communication with 1 standard master for up to 2 connections, using up to 16 bytes per connection.
SmartGuard Quickstart
The two (2) connections can be selected from the 4 types, but only one connection of each type can be made. For example, one (1) polled connection and one (1) COS connection can be made, but not two (2) polled connections. Note that both Polled and COS/Cyclic allow both input and outputs (read and write) in a single connection. A Polled connection that uses both inputs and outputs can have 16 Bytes of input data and 16 Bytes of output data. And if you add a second connection, that can have an additional 16 Bytes as well. My testing discovered that if you use the Polled connection, and then added a COS/Cyclic connection, the output of this connection is grayed out. This means that the maximum data configuration is as follows:
This configuration allows 32 Bytes of input data (16 via Polled and 16 via COS or Cyclic) and 16 bytes of output data via the Polled connection. This configuration was tested and found to work. It is documented later in this document.
SmartGuard Quickstart
How to read BOOLs from the SmartGuard and display them on the PVP600 Open up the SmartGuard Slave I/O configuration tab. Tags that are being read by the PVP should be entered into the IN tab.
In this case, a single 4 byte tag has been created and will use a polled connection. These 4 bytes are can be read by the PVP.
SmartGuard Quickstart
But you have access to all 32 bits of the DWORD within SmartGuard editor. The sample SmartGuard code is controlling two (2) of the 32 bits. Note that those 2 tags are BOLD in the taglist because they are being used in code.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Just download this configuration to the SmartGuard 600 controller. For the PVP DeviceNet scanner, you must configure the scan list. The SmartGuard 600 must be added to the scan list.
Then select the Edit I/O Parameters button, and verify it is configured as follows. Recall that our example has a 4 byte polled connection that will be an input to the PVP.
Because the Automap on Add button on the scanlist page was checked the following mapping occurred automatically. But either way, verify that the 4 bytes of input data are mapped as follows.
SmartGuard Quickstart
That is all you have to do in the PVP DeviceNet Scanner. Just download this configuration to the PVP. The next step is to configure the RN10C DeviceNet Scanner. The shortcut in RSLinx Enterprise should appear similar to what follows.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Note that the slot number of the RN10C is slot 2. I am unsure if it has to be slot 2, but suggest you use the same. Right click on the RN10C and select properties. Configure the properties as below.
The PVP in this example is configured for DeviceNet node 7. The SmartGuard in my example had the dip switches set for auto-sensing. (left/left/left/right from top to bottom). So you can select the baud rate that it correct for your application. Then select the I/O configuration tab on this scanner properties window.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Set the length to 4 bytes to match what the scanner is reading from the SmartGuard. It now should appear as below.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Right click on 0-3 Bytes and select Add Alias. To read a BOOL that represents bit 0 of the first byte, configure it as below.
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart
Lets add a second BOOL that represents bit 1 of the first byte. Right click on 0-3 Bytes and select Add Alias. Configure it as follows.
SmartGuard Quickstart
All that is left now is to create the PVP graphic that reads these Alias tags. This example will use two (2) mulistate indicators that read the two aliases.
The tags for each of the multistate indicators can be browsed using RSLinx Enterprise. Select the tags as shown below:
Save your project, generate a Runtime file and download it to the PVP.
Observations: - There are three (3) downloads that must take place for this to operate: o RSNetworx to SmartGuard o RSNetworx to RN10C DeviceNet Scanner o Runtime file (.mer) to PVP It appeared that the download to the RN10C DeviceNet Scanner must be done last. If changes to the RN10C device properties do not show up in the View Studio tag browser (even after Refresh All Folders); stopping/restarting the RSView Enterprise service from the Device Manager does get the tag browser to update.
SmartGuard Quickstart
How to Read/Write from/to the SmartGuard from the PVP concurrently This example is going to show how to use two (2) maintained pushbuttons on a PVP screen to control two (2) tags within the SmartGuard 600 controller. To accomplish this, a single BYTE of data will actually be sent from the PVP to SmartGuard. BYTE is the smallest piece of data that can be sent. There is no concept of a BOOL in either the PVP Scanner Properties or the SmartGuard controller. Even if you create a BOOL tag in the SmartGuard to accept data from the PVP, it uses a BYTE of data. There also are NO ANALOG values within the SmartGuard controller that you can access programmatically. All the instructions are BOOLEAN with the exceptions of timers and counters. But the presets for the timers and counters are NOT accessible programmatically. The presets are parameters within the instructions that cannot be changed online. This means that there is NO reason to send anything but BOOLean data values to the SmartGuard. And since the smallest data type within the SmartGuard is a BYTE, I see no reason to ever send less than a BYTE from the PVP to SmartGuard, even if you only are using a couple bits. The example that follows configures a BYTE of output data to be sent to the SmartGuard, but only uses two (2) buttons. If you need to send more than 8 BOOLs to the SmartGuard from the PVP, just edit the following example and change 1 BYTE to X BYTEs in all the output parameters. Open up the SmartGuard Slave I/O configuration tab. Tags that are being read by the PVP should be entered into the IN tab. Tags that are being written to by the PVP should be entered into the OUT tab.
SmartGuard Quickstart
In this case, a polled connection with 4 bytes that can be read and 1 byte that can be written to will be used.
But you have access to all the bits of both the DWORD and BYTE within SmartGuard editor.
SmartGuard Quickstart
The sample SmartGuard code shown below is using two (2) bits in both buffers. Note that those 4 tags are BOLD in the taglist because they are being used in code. The Input tab is being shown in the image below. The SG_to_PV tags are located in the Output tab.
That is all you have to do in the SmartGuard 600. Just download this configuration to the SmartGuard 600 controller.
SmartGuard Quickstart
For the PVP DeviceNet scanner, you must configure the scan list. The SmartGuard 600 must be added to the scan list.
Then select the Edit I/O Parameters button, and verify it is configured as follows. Recall that our example has a polled connection that will read 4 bytes and write 1 byte between the SmartGuard and PVP.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Because the Automap on Add button on the scanlist page was checked the following mapping occurred automatically. But either way, verify that the 4 bytes of input and single byte of output data are mapped as follows.
That is all you have to do in the PVP DeviceNet Scanner. Just download this configuration to the PVP. The next step is to configure the RN10C DeviceNet Scanner. The shortcut in RSLinx Enterprise should appear similar to what follows.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Note that the slot number of the RN10C is slot 2. I am unsure if it has to be slot 2, but suggest you use the same. Right click on the RN10C and select properties. Configure the properties as below.
The PVP in this example is configured for DeviceNet node 7. The SmartGuard in my example had the dip switches set for auto-sensing. (left/left/left/right from top to bottom). So you can select the baud rate that it correct for your application.
Then select the I/O configuration tab on this scanner properties window.
SmartGuard Quickstart
The configuration of the input block is covered in the How to Read BOOLs section of this document. Refer to that section to configure the data that will be read from the SmartGuard and displayed on the PVP. We will now show you how to configure the data that will be written from the PVP screen to the SmartGuard. Right click on Output and select Add Address Block.
Set the length to 1 byte to match what the scanner is writing to the SmartGuard. It now should appear as below.
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart
Right click on 0-0 Bytes and select Add Alias. To write a BOOL to bit 0 of the first byte, configure it as below.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Lets add a second BOOL to write to bit 1 of the first byte. Right click on 0-0 Bytes again and select Add Alias. Configure it as follows.
Hit OK to accept these properties. All that is left now is to create or add to the PVP graphic that writes these Alias tags. SmartGuard Quickstart 34
This example will use two (2) Maintained buttons to write the two aliases. They are circled below:
The tags for each of the maintained buttons can be browsed using RSLinx Enterprise. Select the tags as shown below:
Save your project, generate a Runtime file and download it to the PVP.
SmartGuard Quickstart
COS versus POLLED The examples above used Polled to read/write data over DeviceNet. I was able to change all the appropriate settings from Polled to COS and all still worked just fine. I have documented the changes required in SmartGuard and DeviceNet Scanner properties. Note NO changes in Factory Talk View are required. The screens do not care how the scanner gets the data over DeviceNet. The following edits take place in the SmartGuard Slave I/O configuration.
SmartGuard Quickstart
The following edits take place in the RN10C DeviceNet Scanner configuration in RSNetWorx.
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart
Maximum Connection Sizes I created a Polled connection with 16 Bytes input and 16 Bytes output. I added a second connection (cyclic) with 16 Bytes input. The following images show the changes required to support this configuration. Within SmartGuard
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SmartGuard Quickstart
For Input assemblies you can add predefined status data to your assembly by selecting the corresponding check boxes.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Select New under the Routing I/O section allows you to add status information from distributed safety I/O to the Input assembly:
The tags you create are accessible within your logic program in the SmartGuard:
SmartGuard Quickstart
When your assemblies have been configured they will be displayed on this tab.
From the Communications Setup Ethernet dialog, press Insert on your keyboard to insert a new node.
SmartGuard Quickstart
In the cells, define a Node Name, enter the Node Address of the SmartGuard, and define the node type as Generic CIP.
Click OK to confirm the Communications Setup. The next step is to define tags within the PanelView tag database that will access the target I/O assemblies in the SmartGuard 600. Open the Tag Editor in the Application Explorer.
In the new tag cells, enter a Tag Name, a Data Type, and Node Name (which matches the Node Name you defined for the SmartGuard in the Communications Setup). In this example, we will choose DINT as the data type.
The next step is to define the CIP service, class, instance and attribute codes for the tag in order to access the correct target I/O assemblies in the SmartGuard controller. There can be up to 4 target I/O assemblies configured in the SmartGuard (2 input and 2 output).
SmartGuard Quickstart
For Input Assemblies, the CIP message codes are as follows: Service: 0xE Get Single Attribute Class: 4 Instance: 100 or 101 (Input1 or Input2 respectively) Attribute: 3
For Output Assemblies, the CIP message codes are as follows: Service: 0x10 Set Single Attribute Class: 4 Instance: 102 or 103 (Output1 or Output2 respectively) Attribute: 3
This example shows a CIP message code that accesses Input Assembly 1 of the SmartGuard Controller:
The Member field will always be defined as 1. The maximum size of a single member tag defined in the PanelView is a DINT (4 bytes). A target I/O assembly in the SmartGuard can be as large as 16 bytes. In order to access all of the bytes in the target assembly, it may be required that you create up to 4 DINT tags, where an Offset is defined for each tag to correspond with the target bytes of said tag.
ConfiguringtheSmartGuard600andDeviceNetsafetyI/O modulesasstandardslaves
Configuring the SmartGuard 600 and DeviceNet safety I/O modules as standard slaves, even though a safety connection exists between the two devices. A typical architecture has the SmartGuard 600 configured as a safety scanner with a connection to a 1791DS safety I/O module slave. Both devices can also concurrently be configured as standard slaves to a standard scanner (such as a 1756-DNB) to obtain status. This application note will describe the steps required to configure the standard side of this architecture. Part 1: configure the SmartGuard 600 as a standard slave to a 1756-DNB. When the 1756-DNB scanlist is viewed, notice that the SmartGuard 600 does not appear in the list of available devices.
SmartGuard Quickstart
This is because no data has been placed in the SmartGuard 600 Slave I/O tab. Once you place data in the slave I/O tab, it will appear in the available devices. The standard data is configured in the Slave I/O tab of the SmartGuard 600. This tab is circled below:
SmartGuard Quickstart
Select New (circled above) to add data. The following window appears.
Notice there are two tabs; OUT and IN. These are in relation to the scanner. The OUT tab is data that will be sent from the Scanner to the SmartGuard 600. Reset buttons are one example of this type of data. The IN tab is data sent from the SmartGuard 600 to the Scanner. This is typically status data. SmartGuard Quickstart 47
The first selection is which I/O type of connection to use; Poll, Bit-Strobe, COS, or Cyclic. The following information should be helpful in determining which type to use.
As a standard slave, the controller can perform standard I/O communication with 1 standard master for up to 2 connections, using up to 16 bytes per connection.
The two (2) connections can be selected from the 4 types, but only one connection of each type can be made. For example, one (1) polled connection and one (1) COS connection can be made, but not two (2) polled connections. Polled, COS, and Cyclic allow both input and outputs (read and write) in a single connection. Bit-Strobe only allows data to be sent to the Scanner. A connection that uses both inputs and outputs can have 16 Bytes of input data and 16 Bytes of output data. And if you add a second connection, that can have an additional 16 Bytes of inputs as well. My testing discovered that if you use the Polled connection, and then added a COS/Cyclic connection, the output of this connection is grayed out. This means that the maximum data configuration is as follows:
SmartGuard Quickstart
This configuration allows 32 Bytes of input data (16 via Polled and 16 via COS or Cyclic) and 16 bytes of output data via the Polled connection. This configuration was tested and found to work. Once the type of connection has been selected, the data to be sent over this connection is chosen. If you wish to send the data values and channel status, then there are predefined boxes that can be checked. General Status is 8 bits of data: Bit0 Input Power Supply Voltage status
OFF- Power supply is ON (Normal) ON Power supply error or OFF Bit1 Output Power Supply Voltage status OFF- Power supply is ON (Normal) ON Power supply error or OFF Bit2 Standard I/O comms error flag OFF No error ON Error Bit3 Standard I/O comms Status flag OFF comms stopped or error ON comms normal Bit4 Safety I/O comms error flag OFF No error ON Error Bit5 Safety I/O comms Status flag OFF comms stopped or error ON comms normal Bit6 Operating Mode Flag OFF Not in RUN mode ON RUN mode Bit7 Controller Status Flag OFF Error ON Normal Local Input Status Status of the 16 local inputs (OFF channel fault) (ON-normal) Local Output status Status of the 8 local outputs (OFF channel fault) (ON-normal) Test Output / Muting Lamp status Status of the 4 test outputs Local I/O Input Monitor Current Data Value of the 16 local inputs Local I/O Output Monitor Current Data Value of the 8 local outputs
SmartGuard Quickstart
None, any, or all of the above can be selected. If all are selected, see below, 8 bytes of data are required. The following screen appears after OK is selected. Notice this is a Polled connection.
If you wish to add tags that are being controlled programmatically to the data send to the scanner using the Input Polled connection, click on the Edit button circled above. Select the Input tab and the following should re-appear.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Enter the name of the tag that will be sent to the Scanner. This tag will then appear in the standard outputs of the SmartGuard 600 and can be used programmatically. For example, if I call the tag, DATA_to_SCANNER, and make it a DWORD, then the following will appear in the SmartGuard editor.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Notice that since the tag was a DWORD, 32 bits are available to use within the SmartGuard program. BYTE is the smallest piece of data that will be sent to the Scanner. There is no concept of a BOOL in the SmartGuard controller. Even if you create a BOOL tag in the SmartGuard to be sent to the Scanner, it uses a BYTE of data. The suggestion is to use BYTE, WORD, or DWORD to create 8, 16, or 32 tags that can be used programmatically. The input tab will appear as follows after the DWORD is added.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Hit Apply, then OK to close the SmartGuard properties. Take a look at the 1756-DNB scanlist and you will see that the SmartGuard 600 [1752L24BBB] has appeared in the available device list.
Place the SmartGuard in the scanlist, and select Edit I/O Parameters. The following should appear.
SmartGuard Quickstart
As expected, the Polled connection of the Scanner will read 12 bytes of data from the SmartGuard. The mapping of these 12 bytes defaults to the following.
If you wanted to send data from the Scanner to the SmartGuard, you would do the following. Again, resets are one example of this type of data. Return to the SmartGuard Slave I/O tab, and select edit to add data to the Polled connection. Verify that you are in the OUT (output) tab circled below.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Notice that the Status and Local I/O monitor are grayed out because this is data sent from the Scanner to the SmartGuard Slave. Select New and the following window appears.
Enter the name of the tag that will be sent from the Scanner. This tag will then appear in the standard inputs of the SmartGuard 600 and can be used programmatically. For example, if the tag is called, DATA_from_SCANNER, and made a DWORD, then the following will appear in the SmartGuard editor.
SmartGuard Quickstart
As with outbound data, BYTE is the smallest piece of data that can be received. There is no concept of a BOOL in the SmartGuard controller. Even if you create a BOOL tag in the SmartGuard to accept data from the Scanner, it uses a BYTE of data. There also are NO ANALOG values within the SmartGuard controller that you can access programmatically. All the instructions are BOOLEAN with the exceptions of timers and counters. But the presets for the timers and counters are NOT accessible programmatically. The presets are parameters within the instructions that cannot be changed online. This means that there is NO reason to send anything but BOOLean data values to the SmartGuard. And since the smallest data type within the SmartGuard is a BYTE, there is little reason to ever send less than a BYTE from the Scanner to SmartGuard, even if you only are using a couple bits. After the tag is added, the input connection will appear as shown below.
SmartGuard Quickstart
There are now 12 bytes being sent to the Scanner and 4 bytes being sent to the SmartGuard. Hit apply, then OK, and open the scanlist of the 1756-DNB. Edit the I/O parameters of the SmartGuard and they should appear as shown below.
That completes the slave configuration for the SmartGuard controller. Now lets configure the standard slave configuration for the 1791DS safety I/O module. The 1791DS module should automatically appear in the 1756-DNB list of available devices.
SmartGuard Quickstart
The reason is that the 1791DS module has pre-configured options for reading standard data. They are as follows. To view them, open the properties of the 1791DS module and select the I/O data tab. These sizes and data contained within them cannot be altered.
SmartGuard Quickstart
These will appear differently based on which safety I/O module has been selected, but in general the Bit-Strobe and Polled connection provide the I/O data values and channel status. Note that the Polled connection even has the ability to write standard data to the I/O module. This only is used if the Test Outputs have been configured as standard outputs, and those standard outputs can then be controlled from the Scanner. COS and Cyclic provide Power Status, which cannot be obtained from Bit Strobe or Polled. To select one of these connection types, move the 1791DS module into the 1756-DNB scanlist and select Edit I/O Parameters. You should see something similar to the following window.
Any of the four (4) connection types will work individually. In fact, two connections can be made simultaneously to the 1791DS module. The input and output sizes cannot be changed because the sizes are fixed within the 1791DS module. That completes the slave configuration for the 1791DS safety I/O module.
SmartGuard Quickstart
If you are going to obtain input data, output data, and general status from the SmartGuard 600, this is generally done by placing the SmartGuard into the scanlist of a DeviceNet Scanner. . When configured as a slave, you can easily select the types of status and data to obtain by simply checking the appropriate boxes as shown below. This is described in chapter 4 of this document
But these types of data and status can also be obtained from the SmartGuard 600 using explicit message instructions.
SmartGuard Quickstart
The example above shows three separate MSG instructions. The first reads the input data and input status for the 16 local SmartGuard input channels. The second reads the General Status information. The third reads the output data for the 8 local SmartGuard output channels and the four (4) test outputs. Input Data and Input Status The MSG instruction is configured as shown below.
The Source Element is an array of SINT[4] with the following values. The value of 4 enables the reading of 4 bytes; two for the 16 input data channels and two for the status of the16 input channels.
The Destination is also an array of SINT[4] to hold these 4 bytes of data. The input data will be in the first 2 bytes (0/1), and the input status will be in the last 2 bytes (2/3).
SmartGuard Quickstart
No Source element is required because the service type is GET ATTRIBUTE SINGLE. The Destination is a single SINT, because the General Status returns just a single byte of information. This byte is described in detail in chapter 4 of this document.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Output Data and Test Output Data The MSG instruction is configured as shown below.
The Source Element is an array of SINT[4] with the following values. The value of 2 enables the reading of 2 bytes; one for the 8 output data channels and one for the 4 test outputs. The upper 4 bits of the second byte are reserved.
The Destination is an array of SINT[2] to hold both bytes of data. The output data will be in the first byte(0), and the test output data will be in the 2nd byte(1).
As discussed earlier, the data above can easily be read by putting the SG in scan list of DNet scanner. The more likely scenario is to use the explicit messaging to read more specific data such as lock/unlock status as well as individual fault codes for input and output channels. The following example shows how to read whether the SmartGuard 600 is locked or unlocked.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Lock Status
No Source element is required because the service type is GET ATTRIBUTE SINGLE. The Destination is a single SINT, because the General Status returns just a single byte of information. A value of 1 in bit0 of this byte indicates the SmartGuard is locked. A value of 0 represents unlocked.
The following is an example that shows how to read fault code for an input channel. The status (NORMAL/FAULTED) of the channel would typically be obtained by putting the SmartGuard in the scanlist of a scanner or doing the explicit message for input data/status described earlier in this section. If the channel status is faulted, the following explicit message can be used to obtain the fault code for that individual channel.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Input Channel Fault Code The MSG instruction is configured as shown below. Note that a value of 5 in the instance field represents channel 4. Instances begin at 1; channels begin at 0.
No Source element is required because the service type is GET ATTRIBUTE SINGLE. The Destination is a single SINT, because the Fault Code returns just a single byte of information.
Value = 2 typically would be a pulse test fault Value = 4 typically means that dual channel devices are diverse Value = 5 typically means that the channels partner (dual channel) has faulted
Refer to the SmartGuard Users Manual for more information on data that can be read via explicit messaging.
SmartGuard Quickstart
It is common for users to use the implicit I/O connection to read the combined status of the inputs and outputs. If the combined status bit indicates an issue, then the user can utilize explicit messaging to gather detailed status information to the point level. The 1791DS Users Manual (1791DS-UM001x) shows the different assemblies that can be read from the module. An example from this manual is show here:
The values of the safety inputs, safety input status, safety output status and muting lamp status are examples of data that can be explicitly read from these modules. The following example uses assembly 344 to explicitly read from the 1791DSIB8xOBV4 module.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Every time run_msg has a LO to HI transition, the message instruction is sent. Configure the MSG as shown here:
836 is the decimal equivalent of 344(hex). DS_IB8xOBV4_status is a standard tag and a DINT.
Because assembly 836 requires 4 bytes, a single DINT tag works perfectly. When the message is done, the data appears as shown:
SmartGuard Quickstart
Note that you have to match up the assembly to the data above. For example, bit 8 shows the status of safety input channel 0.
A UDT can be used to easily describe the bits. The following UDT was created for assembly 836.
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This new tag was placed into the Destination of the MSG instruction.
SmartGuard Quickstart
Now when the message is run, the data appears in the UDT as shown:
The tagnames are much more descriptive. Please take note of the fact that this status is NOT safe data. Do not use the first byte in safety logic. Just use it for HMIs.
SmartGuard Quickstart
If the channel status bit goes LO; then you can use the following explicit messages to get detailed information about the specific channel fault.
The MSG instruction is configured as shown below. Note that a value of 5 in the instance field represents channel 4. Instances begin at 1; channels begin at 0.
SmartGuard Quickstart
No Source element is required because the service type is GET ATTRIBUTE SINGLE. The Destination is a single SINT, because the Fault Code returns just a single byte of information.
Value = 2 typically would be a pulse test fault Value = 4 typically means that dual channel devices are diverse Value = 5 typically means that the channels partner (dual channel) has faulted
Refer to the 1791DS Users Manual for more information on data that can be read via explicit messaging. SmartGuard Quickstart 72
ConfigureEtherNet/IPTargetIOinRSNetWorxfor DeviceNetSoftware
Follow these steps to create standard EtherNet/IP target I/O assemblies: 1. In RSNetWorx for DeviceNet software, right-click the SmartGuard controller and choose Properties. 2. Select the EtherNet/IP Target I/O tab.
SmartGuard Quickstart
4. Under I/O type, select either Target Input or Target Output. Target Input means that this data is produced by the SmartGuard controller and read be the originating device. Target Output means that this data is produced by the originating device and is sent to the SmartGuard controller. If you have checked Target Input, you can include the following status information in the I/O assembly.
Tag Name General Status Local Input Status Local Output Status Test Output/Muting Lamp Status Data Size Byte Word Byte Attribute Type Non-safety
5. Add status information for input types by checking the Status checkboxes. 6. Add local I/O monitor data for input types by checking the appropriate Local I/O Monitor checkbox.
Tag Name Local Input Monitor 1 (Inputs 07) Local Input Monitor 2 (Inputs 815) Local Output Monitor (Outputs 07) Data Size Byte Attribute Type Non-Safety
Output types cannot include local I/O monitor data. You can only read and input and output values; you cannot directly write to them. 7. Add Routing I/O data for the modules. If the SmartGuard controller is controlling safety DIO modules on the DeviceNet network, using the Routing I/O feature lets the values of the I/O points on the DIO modules to be passed to a standard controller or an HMI interface on the EtherNet/IP network. Modules only appear in the routing I/O table after they have been added to the Safety Scan list and you have pressed Apply. a. b. c. d. Under Routing I/O, click New. Expand the node you would like to add routing data for. Expand one of the listed assemblies. Select the byte you would like to add.
SmartGuard Quickstart
e. Click OK. f. Repeat steps a. . . e to add additional Routing I/O. 8. Under I/O Tag, Click New to create an I/O tag. Multiple I/O tags can be defined in an I/O assembly. I/O tags up to 16 bytes can be defined in each I/O assembly. The I/O tags here can be used in the Logic Editor. For example, you can use a signal from an HMI interface to perform a Circuit Reset function. You would define the tag here, and then be able to use it in your SmartGuard logic. The following dialog box appears.
9. Enter a name for the tag and check the type. The choices are BOOL, BYTE, WORD, or DWORD. 10. Click OK. The following dialog box appears. SmartGuard Quickstart 75
11. Create a tag name for each bit in an I/O assembly. a. Under I/O Tag, select the applicable assembly and click Edit Comment. b. Expand the node that you would like to add routing data for. c. Enter a comment for each bit in the tag. The tag name comments entered here are displayed in the Logic Editor. 12. Click OK to return to the EtherNet/IP Target I/O tab. You can create additional input or output assemblies needed for your application by repeating steps 2. . .11. 13. To save your configuration, choose File>Save.
SmartGuard Quickstart
SetupEtherNet/IPCommunicationsbetweenaLogix5000 ControllerandtheSmartGuard600SafetyController
Once you have configured the data to be shared in the SmartGuard controller, you can now use the RSLogix 5000 software and the standard generic profile to exchange that data with a Logix5000 controller. Follow these steps to connect to the controller. 1. Right-click the Ethernet network in the controller organizer and choose New Module.
SmartGuard Quickstart
3. Click OK. 4. On the New Module dialog, set the parameters as needed. This dialog shows the instance values for an input/output connection.
The table provides the instance values for an input/output connection and input only connection. Connection Type Input/Output Input only Input (SmartGuard to Logix) Output (Logix to SmartGuard) Input Output Instance Number 100, 101 102, 103 100, 101 199
5. Click OK.
SmartGuard Quickstart
ExplicitMessageoftheSmartGuard600Controllerover EtherNet/IPwithaMicroLogixController
Follow these steps to program a MicroLogix controller to explicitly message the EtherNet/IP target assemblies in the SmartGuard controller. 1. Launch RSLogix 500 software. 2. Open a new file. 3. Select the controller.
4. In the Channel Configuration dialog box, set the IP address of the MicroLogix controller: a. Right-click Channel Configuration and choose Open.
SmartGuard Quickstart
In the Data File dialog, configure an Extended Routing Information data file: a. Right-click Data Files and choose New.
SmartGuard Quickstart
In the Create Data File dialog, enter an available File number and choose Extended Routing Information for the Type.
c. 6.
Click OK.
7. 8.
Select Setup Screen to configure the message. The MSG dialog box opens. Configure the message with the following properties:
SmartGuard Quickstart
The Service attribute should be configured as one of the following: Read Assembly if you are reading an input assembly in the SmartGuard controller. Write Assembly if you are writing to an output assembly in the SmartGuard controller.
The instance value corresponds to the input/output EtherNet/IP target assemblies in the SmartGuard controller. Enter the Instance number based on this table.
Instance Number 100 (EtherNet/IP Input 1 in SmartGuard) 101 (EtherNet/IP Input 2 in SmartGuard) 103 (EtherNet/IP Output 1 in SmartGuard) 104 (EtherNet/IP Output 2 in SmartGuard) Connection Type Input (SmartGuard to MicroLogix) Input (SmartGuard to MicroLogix) Output (MicroLogix to SmartGuard) Output (MicroLogix to SmartGuard)
The message size (in bytes) should be configured to match the target assembly size in the SmartGuard controller. 9. 10. Click the MulitHop tab. Configure the routing to target the IP address of the SmartGuard 600 controller.
Click OK. Verify your changes to the project. Download the project to the MicroLogix controller. Place the MicroLogix controller in Run mode. The status information from the SmartGuard controller now populates the N7 file of the MicroLogix controller.
SmartGuard Quickstart
EStop/DryContacts CAT2 CAT3 CAT4
TongueInterlocks/DryContacts CAT4
SmartGuard Quickstart
GuardShield CAT4
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart
SmartGuard Quickstart