Detecting Malicious Websites Using Machine Learning
Detecting Malicious Websites Using Machine Learning
Detecting Malicious Websites Using Machine Learning
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Al Tamimi, Saeed Ahmad, "Detecting Malicious Websites Using Machine Learning" (2020). Thesis.
Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from
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Detecting Malicious Websites Using Machine
Data Analytics
RIT Dubai
Data Analytics
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The growing use of the internet resulted in emerging of new websites every day (Total number of
Websites - Internet Live Stats, 2020). Web surfing has become important for everyone regardless
of their occupation, age or location. However, as the use of the internet is increasing so is the
vulnerability to malware attacks through malicious websites (Softpedia, 2016). Identifying and
dealing with such malicious website has been quite difficult in the past as it is quite challenging to
separate good websites from bad websites. However, by using machine learning algorithms on
large datasets it is now possible to detect such websites beforehand. Classifiers trained using
algorithms such as logistic regression and Support Vector Machine (SVM) can be used to detect
malicious websites and the users can be warned about the risk before they visit such sites. This
project focuses on using a variety of different classification algorithms to distinguish whether a
website is malicious or not using the Kaggle Malicious and Benign Website Dataset. We have
showcased that it is possible to detect malicious websites with a reasonable amount of certainty
(90% of the 75 malicious websites in the test set were identified) using machine learning models.
We have also determined the features that were critical in predicting the likelihood of a website
being malicious. Most of our key features are easily available (URL Length, number of Special
characters, Country, Age of website).
This will help in safe web surfing and better user experience. By timely reporting malicious
websites, the users will be able to avoid any violation and serious privacy breach. The users will
also be able to avoid any illegal activities that they can get involved in. Labelling malicious
websites will also help to eliminating fraud, as users become victim of attacks that use
blackmailing and false information to get monetary advantage of their victim. For example,
ransomware attacks are getting quite common. Systems get infected by such viruses through
surfing malicious websites.
Background of the Study
The number of websites on the internet is increasing at a rapid rate. In 2018, there were over 1.6
Billion websites on the world wide web (Total number of Websites - Internet Live Stats, 2020).And
as the time passes the number is increasing.
Figure 1: The total number of websites over the time (Total number of Websites - Internet Live
Stats, 2020)
Figure 1 above shows the number of websites over time. However, as the internet is expanding so
is the risk of malware attacks to web services. Corrupt web developers release malware through
their websites to hack personal computers and servers and breach privacies for blackmailing, fraud,
and theft. These attackers ask for ransom money and can create serious problems for the victims.
Attackers can publish private data of their victims, can steal money from their accounts (Jang-
Jaccard and Nepal, 2014).
Figure 2 below shows the top ten categories of websites that have malicious content and can
potentially harm their user (Softpedia, 2016). As can be observed the list of categories below
contain some of the most common websites that can have a lot of utility and can make life of a
user easier. When malicious, these can become a nightmare for the user. These websites such as
gambling, shopping and business all prompt users for credit card information. This information
can easily get in the hands of the wrong people and can cause financial harm to the users.
• Disrupts operations and automated programs that maybe handling some important processes
• Steals sensitive information.
• Provides unauthorized access to system resources to other malicious software’s
• Reduces computer or web browser speeds by increasing dummy processes
• Creates network connectivity issues
• Cause frequent freezing or crashing.
Proposed Solution
All websites whether they are malicious or benign have a lot data associated with them.
Historically it has been very difficult to properly analyze this data due to low computing power
and primitive analytics techniques. However, with the recent developments in the fields of
computer science, data analysis and machine learning, handling, and analyzing large quantities of
data is no longer difficult. In this project, I will use supervised machine learning on the data
commonly generated by websites across the internet to predict whether a website is malicious or
Machine Learning
Machine learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence which deals with teaching computers the
ability to learn and improve from experience (Kersting, 2018). The primary aim is for the machine
to be able to access data and use it to learn and discover patterns in it which can then be used to
make predictions, perform categorization and clustering(Kersting, 2018). ML is broadly classified
into two types – supervised and unsupervised machine learning:
• Supervised Machine learning uses a labelled set of examples to learn patterns and
relationships between the data and the outcome. It then uses these learnings to make
predictions for new data (Kersting, 2018).
• Unsupervised Machine Learning tries to uncover the hidden structure from data that is
unlabeled. Here it is not about figuring out the right output but instead the focus is on drawing
inferences from the datasets (Kersting, 2018).
In this project we will use Supervised Machine Learning to learn patterns that will help us in
predicting whether a website is malicious or benign. We will do this using the labelled dataset
available at Kaggle. Below I describe a few supervised learning algorithms that we will use to train
our machine learning model.
Logistic Regression
LG is a machine learning algorithm used to train classifiers. It is basically the logistic/sigmoid
function layered on top a linear regression model. Mathematically it is represented as below:
𝑧 = 𝑤𝑥 + 𝑏
𝑦 = 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑚𝑜𝑖𝑑(𝑧)
𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑚𝑜𝑖𝑑(𝑧) =
1 + 𝑒 −𝑡
Logistic regression calculates the probability of a binary outcome and by setting a threshold, it
classifies the data points into either outcome. Our data will have a binary outcome as we must
decide whether a website is malicious or not.
• For continuous variables such as ‘gre’ and ‘gpa’ the coefficient column tells us the change in
the log-odds of admission per unit change in the predictor variable.
• Categorical variables like rank have a slightly different interpretation. Here the categories of
the variable are compared to one reference category of the same variable.
• Variables and their coefficients can be deemed statistically significant based on the p-value
column according to pre-defined error rate.
SVM is not restricted to binary outcomes, though we can use it for our purpose. SVM will use
kernel tricks to classify websites into malicious or benign/safe category. Kernel techniques include
sigmoid, linear, polynomial and radial. There are several other techniques, but we can focus on
these. Figure below shows a typical plot of support vector machine (Shihong, Ping and Peiyi,
In Figure 4, the red line represents the decision boundary generated using SVM. The dashed lines
represent the support vectors. Any data point lying beyond the positive support vector is classified
to the blue class while any data point lying beyond the negative support vector is classified to the
green class.
A tree has the following structure: - The root node is the first node where the dataset is split. This
node often contains the most important variable in distinguishing the classes present in the dataset.
- The terminal node are nodes at the bottom of the tree which contain the outcome. - The branch
nodes are intermediate nodes at which the data is split as we move from root node to terminal
node(Pandey, 2019).
There are two common measures using which the algorithm decides how to split the dataset at any
particular node:
• Gini Index calculates the probability of two items from different subsets of the data belonging
to the same class. The lower the probability the better the split.
• Information Gain uses a mathematical formula to calculate the amount of information gained
by a particular split. Splits with larger information gain are favored.
The decision tree algorithm outputs a probability value for any observation belonging to a specific
class. This type of algorithm forms the foundation behind some of the best performing algorithms
in machine learning like Random Forests, Gradient Boosters etc.
Random Forest
Random forests are group of machine learning models. This means that they use predictions made
by many weak models and combine them to generate the actual prediction. In the case of random
forests, the weak models are trained as decision trees. The random forest method also uses the
technique of bagging. What this means is that for training each decision tree in the forest, a random
sample of size N is sampled from the original training data. Along with sampling from training
observations a random sample of features is also sampled. This means that no single tree is trained
using all training data and features. This randomness ensures that each decision tree is uncorrelated
to other decision trees. All decision trees are trained independently of each other (Breiman, 2001;
Fawagreh, Gaber and Elyan, 2014).Once each individual tree has decided, a collective decision is
taken using a voting method. The process of bagging is further shown in Figure 6.
In (Ikinci, 2008), the authors claim to provide an internet scale solution to detect malicious
websites. Using Monkey-Spider project, authors were able to use subtle attributes of websites to
detect malicious websites. Misspelled domain names of popular domains or “typosquatting” was
an important indicator for their purpose. A limitation of their study in its current form is that they
could only perform crawling of HTML content with data extraction as the focus due to resource
constraints. Another limitation is that the crawler recrawls popular websites multiple times leading
to inefficiency. The authors demand that after a lot of server security research, there is a need to
shift to client security research to make web surfing a good experience for the users and make the
internet a safe place for visitors.
In (United States Patent: 8850570, n.d.), the applicants provide a patent to detect malicious
websites using a filter score that is calculated using likelihood function. This is done by analyzing
the software that is downloaded in result of opening the website and whether the software tries to
access sensitive information or not.
“Using website URL features such as textual properties, link structures, webpage contents, DNS
information, and network traffic detects malicious websites exploiting state-of-the-art machine
learning algorithms”(Choi, Zhu and Lee, 2011). The authors state that most traditional methods
are aimed at targeting a single type of malicious attack, while their approach not only detect a
malicious attack but also identifies its type. The authors used a SVM to detect malicious URLs
and a Multi-Label k-Nearest Neighbor approach for identifying the type of attack. They achieved
>90% accuracy in each task.
In (Heiderich, Frosch and Holz, 2011), the authors provide a novel approach to create a JavaScript
tool that detects malicious software’s present online that can harm user’s computers. The algorithm
does not only detect but also mitigates by changing suspicious elements, so that the software’s
become harmless. This tool was shown to perform its task with very low overheads meaning that
it could be deployed on devices with low computing power like smartphones. One limitation for
this study was the relatively high false positive rate. The tool also depends on the attacker using
native DOM methods and the user using a relatively recent web browser version.
The authors of(Eshete, Villafiorita and Weldemariam, 2011), use practical solution to detect
malicious websites. A holistic approach is proposed to effectively and efficiently detect malicious
websites. Their major focus is to increase the quality of features extraction techniques.
In summary, there have been a variety of different approaches that have been tried in the literature.
Each study has its own set of limitations and one thing that has been common across all of them is
that they use fairly simple machine learning models and their feature set doesn’t contain
demographic information such as country of registration and dates of registration.
CRISP-DM (Cross-industry standard process for data mining)
Business understanding
In this section the aim is to gain some domain knowledge and learn about how malicious websites
are usually identified. The literature review we have performed should help in this section. The
characteristics such as length of the URL, number of special characters, operating system from
which the website is fetched, number of bytes transferred, and number of IPs connected to the
honeypot have been shown to help identify malicious websites.
Data understanding
This data (Malicious and Benign Websites | Kaggle, no date) set contains 1781 websites and 21
columns. These attributes can help to detect the malicious websites. We will also understand how
many numerical and categorical variables we have and what their distributions are.
NUMBER_SPECIAL_C “The count of the special characters in the URL, for instance (/,%,
HARACTERS #, &)” (Malicious and Benign Websites | Kaggle, no date).
DIST_REMOTE_TCP_P “The number of the ports detected and different to TCP” (Malicious
ORT and Benign Websites | Kaggle, no date).
SOURCE_APP_BYTES “The source of the app bytes” (Malicious and Benign Websites |
Kaggle, no date).
REMOTE_APP_BYTES “The remote app bytes” (Malicious and Benign Websites | Kaggle,
no date).
APP_PACKETS “Complete number of IP created while the correspondence between
the honeypot and the server” (Malicious and Benign Websites |
Kaggle, no date).
DNS_QUERY_TIMES “DNS packets generated during the communication between the
honeypot and the server” (Malicious and Benign Websites | Kaggle,
no date).
TYPE “Represent the type of web page analyzed (1 is for malicious
websites and 0 is for benign websites)” (Malicious and Benign
Websites | Kaggle, no date).
These attributes can help the classification algorithms defined above to detect the malicious
The dataset selected for this study is called “Malicious and Benign Websites”. It is available on
Kaggle (Malicious and Benign Websites | Kaggle, no date). The dataset contains 1781 websites
and 21 columns i.e. attributes for each website. The explanation of each attribute shown below:
Data preparation
In this section we will clean and prepare the data for further analysis. Handling missing values,
outliers and inaccurate data will be the primary focus. The data we get for the project is not fit for
analysis and needs to be prepared.
The dataset contains 1781 records of websites and 21 variables associated with each website. There
are 4 categorical variables, 15 numerical variables and 2 Date variables. We observed that the
“URL” variable has 1781 unique values which means that it is unique for each website in the
dataset. Such a variable is of no use for our analysis and hence we remove it from the dataset. We
also observed that many columns had a ‘None’ value. This represents the fact that the value for
that column is unknown and thus missing. We reloaded the dataset by encoding the value ‘None’
as missing.
Overall, I found missing values in 2 Date type variables, 4 categorical variables and 1 numerical
variable. Out of these we discarded 1 numerical variable and 1 categorical variable due large
amount of missing information. For the remaining 3 categorical variable we encoded the missing
value to a new category called “Unknown”. For the 2 Date type variable the missing values were
encoded to the mean date of the distribution of those 2 Date variables. This meant that now our
dataset consisted of 18 variables with no missing values. An additional variable called
“APP_PACKETS” was also removed as it contained duplicate values to another variable called
Figure 8: Missing value proportions across the dataset
Univariate analysis for Outlier Removal and feature simplification
For numerical data, I considered those observations as outliers which lied beyond the 95th
percentile in the distribution of the concerned variable. All values for a variable which were greater
than the 95th percentile of that variable were made equal to the 95th percentile. Univariate analysis
for individual variables is described below.
This variable describes the number of characters present in the URL. As seen in Figure 9, the
original distribution had a few values greater than 100 which were skewing the distribution. After
outlier treatment the distribution looks much better. Similar plots for other numerical variables can
be found in the appendix.
Figure 9: Univariate distributions before and after outlier treatment for URL Length
This variable initially had 9 different categories. On inspection we found that many of those
categories were different versions of the same category or misspelled versions of the same
category. Thus, this variable was simplified the variable “Charset” into fewer categories:
• If the value contains the word ‘iso’ then the charset type is ISO.
• If the value contains the word ‘utf’ then the charset type is UTF.
• If the value contains the word ‘ascii’ then the charset type is ASCII.
• If the value contains the word ‘windows’ then the charset type is Windows.
Figure 10: Frequency Distribution for the variable “CHARSET” after simplification
The variable initially had 239 different categories. On inspection we simplified the variable as
follows: - If the value contains the word ‘apache’ then the server type is Apache - If the value
contains the word ‘nginx’ then the server type is nginx - If the value contains the word ‘microsoft’
then the server type is Microsoft - Other non-missing values are represented by the value “others”.
Figure 11: Frequency Distribution for the variable “SERVER” after simplification
The variable initially had 49 different categories. On inspection we simplified the variable as
follows. • If the country is ‘us’ then it is labelled as USA. • All other countries have been labelled
into others.
Figure 12: Frequency Distribution for the variable “WHOIS_COUNTRY” after simplification
These variables represented the dates on which a website was first registered and last updated
respectively. We converted these variables into numeric variables counting the number of months
that have passed since the dates. The new variables are called ‘site_age’ and ‘update_age’
After performing the missing value treatment, outlier handling and feature simplification and
engineering, the data preparation phase was over. The next step is the modeling phase which is
broken into three parts.
In modeling phase, we will start by performing exploratory analysis on the data. This means that
we will use graphs and charts to understand which columns have a relationship with the target
column. This will allow us to pick the relevant columns for our model. Once the exploratory
analysis is finished, we will train a classifier using a variety of different machine learning
algorithms. Some algorithms that we can try are:
• Logistic Regression
• Decision Trees
• Random Forest
Once all models have been trained, we will choose the best one using the evaluation method.
Data Partitioning
In order to evaluate the models we build, we need to separate the dataset into two parts, one big
portion which we will use for training our models and another smaller portion which will be used
to evaluate the models we build on data that the model has not seen before. For this project I went
with a 65:35 split, with 65% of the observations for training and 35% for evaluating the models.
Figure 13: Example visualization used for exploring the relationships between numerical and
categorical variables
• Relationship between two categorical variables
– To visualize such relationships, I use a combination chart as shown below.
– The bar plot on the top represents the frequency distribution of various categories in
the categorical variable.
– The stacked bar plot at the bottom of the combination chart then represents each
category as a 100 percent and shown what proportion of the observation in each
category were malicious (red) and benign (green)
– The way I interpret this chart is that websites whose CHARSET is UTF have the
highest propensity to be malicious.
– While the proportion of malicious websites in the ‘Windows’ category is quite high
the actual number of observations in that category is very low.
Similarly, I performed visualization for each variable in the dataset. The full set of charts can be
found in the appendix. I present some of the more important charts in the results section.
Figure 14: Example visualization used for exploring the relationships between two categorical
Machine Learning
Logistic Regression
Starting with the simplest model, we built a multivariate binary logistic regression model with the
variable ‘Type’ as the target variable and all remaining variables in the dataset as predictor
variables. We also used 5-fold cross validation for training to reduce the chances of overfitting.
On inspection of the model summary, a second multivariate binary logistic regression model was
built using only those predictor variables who were determined to significantly (p-value < 0.05)
affect the target variable in the first model. This was done to simplify the model and prevent
Decision Tree
The decision tree was trained recursively using the CART method deployed in the RPART module
of R. The decision tree was trained using only the features that were found significant by the
logistic regression model to reduce overfitting and simplify the model.
Random Forest
The algorithm was used to train a classification model using the “randomforest” package in R
implemented using Caret. This implementation is the same as in the original random forest paper
5-fold cross validation was used in order to reduce overfitting.
Since this is a classification problem, we will use the confusion matrix to evaluate the models we
train. A confusion matrix is a 2-dimensional table that puts the actual value of an observation on
the rows while the predicted values of an observation are on the columns (Tharwat, 2018). An
example of a confusion matrix for binary classification (classification problem with only two
possible outcomes) is shown in Figure 12.
• True Positive: These are observations that we predicted as ‘YES’ and were actually ‘YES’ as
well. These are present on the bottom right cell of the matrix in Figure 12.
• True Negative: These are observations that we predicted as ‘NO’ and were actually ‘NO’ as
well. These are present on the top left cell of the matrix in Figure 12.
• False Positive: These are observations that we predicted as ‘YES’ and were actually ‘NO’.
These are present on the top right cell of the matrix in Figure 12. These are also known as
Type I error for a model.
• False Negative: These are observations that we predicted as ‘NO’ and were actually ‘YES’.
These are present on the bottom left cell of the matrix in Figure 12. These are also known as
Type II error for a model.
• Recall: This tells us how many of the actual positive observations in our database were we
able to predict correctly. This is also known as Sensitivity of a model.
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 =
𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
- Precision: This tells us how many of the observations that we have predicted to be positive are
actual positives.
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
• Specificity: This tells us how many of the actual negative observations in our dataset we were
able to predict correctly.
𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 =
𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
• Accuracy: This tells us how many observations we predicted correctly regardless of whether
they are negative or positive.
𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 =
𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 + 𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑁𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒
• F1-Score is a measure that measure the balance between recall and precision of a model
simultaneously. It is an important measure as it can be difficult to compare models with high
recall and low precision to models with low recall and high precision. We will be using the
F1 Score to evaluate the models we train.
2 ∗ 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 ∗ 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
𝐹1 =
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 + 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙
For this project, we will need to ensure that our models are able to detect as many of the malicious
websites as possible, even if it comes at the cost of predicting some benign websites as malicious.
This is because classifying a malicious website as benign is very costly while classifying a benign
website as malicious is not that costly.
Each model except the SVM gave the probability of a website being malicious or not. We set a
threshold of 20% such that any website whose probability of being malicious was more than 20%
was classified as malicious. This low threshold was chosen keeping in mind that it is more
important to correctly classify malicious websites as compared to correctly classifying benign
The results and predictions generated by models trained using each algorithm were tabulated as a
confusion matrix. The models were compared based on F1-score on the test data, which strikes a
balance between precision and recall values.
The model will be stored in a file for further deployment
R, RStudio and a variety of R libraries were used for this project
Exploratory Data Analysis
Based on the visualizations we did in the Exploratory data analysis part the following features
showed significant relationship with the target variable.
• URL Length
• Number of Special Characters
• Server
• Charset
• Country
• Dist Remote TCP Port
• Remote IPs
• Remote App Packets
• Source App Bytes
• Site Age
Table 2. Coefficients summary table for logistic regression with all variables. The variables not
found to significantly affect the target are highlighted in red
Predictor Coefficient Standard_Error Z_Value P_Value
(Intercept) -3.017 1.342 -2.249 0.025
URL_LENGTH -0.156 0.021 -7.423 0.000
NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS 1.101 0.129 8.560 0.000
CHARSETISO 1.835 1.083 1.694 0.090
CHARSETUnknown 18.198 17730.372 0.001 0.999
CHARSETUTF 2.122 1.065 1.993 0.046
CHARSETWindows 4.765 1.915 2.488 0.013
SERVERMicrosoft 0.314 0.611 0.513 0.608
Predictor Coefficient Standard_Error Z_Value P_Value
SERVERnginx -0.116 0.325 -0.358 0.721
SERVEROthers -0.912 0.551 -1.655 0.098
SERVERUnknown -19.621 921.506 -0.021 0.983
WHOIS_COUNTRYUSA -1.301 0.310 -4.193 0.000
TCP_CONVERSATION_EXCHANGE 7.511 2.720 2.762 0.006
DIST_REMOTE_TCP_PORT -0.811 0.139 -5.846 0.000
REMOTE_IPS -0.178 0.113 -1.581 0.114
APP_BYTES -0.001 0.008 -0.107 0.915
SOURCE_APP_PACKETS -7.509 2.711 -2.770 0.006
REMOTE_APP_PACKETS 0.188 0.061 3.087 0.002
SOURCE_APP_BYTES 0.000 0.000 -3.805 0.000
REMOTE_APP_BYTES 0.001 0.008 0.145 0.885
APP_PACKETS 0.019 0.017 1.125 0.261
DNS_QUERY_TIMES 7.218 2.558 2.822 0.005
site_age -0.012 0.002 -4.739 0.000
Update_age -0.047 0.018 -2.647 0.008
Table 2 shows the variables that show a significant relationship with a website being malicious or
not. The logistic regression output can be interpreted as follows:
• “URL_LENGTH” has a coefficient of -0.156. The negative sign signifies that an increase in
URL length is associated with decrease in probability of a website being malicious.
• “NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS” has a coefficient of 1.101. The positive sign means
that an increase in this variable is associated with an increase in the probability of a website
being malicious.
• Any increase in a variable with a p-value < 0.05 and a positive coefficient will increase the
probability of the website being malicious.
• Any decrease in a variable with a p-value < 0.05 and a negative coefficient will increase the
probability of the website being malicious.
Logistic Regression with a variable selected according to p-value
Table 3. Coefficients summary table for logistic regression with a subset of variables. The
variables not found to significantly affect the target are highlighted in red
Predictor Coefficient Standard_Error Z_Value P_Value
(Intercept) -4.814 1.086 -4.434 0.000
URL_LENGTH -0.151 0.019 -7.811 0.000
NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS 1.070 0.119 8.959 0.000
CHARSETISO 1.963 1.003 1.958 0.050
CHARSETUnknown -1.852 10754.013 0.000 1.000
CHARSETUTF 2.018 0.980 2.060 0.039
CHARSETWindows 4.284 1.783 2.403 0.016
SERVERMicrosoft 0.178 0.577 0.308 0.758
SERVERnginx -0.123 0.305 -0.403 0.687
SERVEROthers -1.056 0.539 -1.958 0.050
SERVERUnknown -15.790 810.065 -0.019 0.984
WHOIS_COUNTRYUSA -1.101 0.283 -3.895 0.000
DIST_REMOTE_TCP_PORT -0.518 0.104 -4.974 0.000
REMOTE_IPS -0.160 0.094 -1.694 0.090
REMOTE_APP_PACKETS 0.150 0.030 5.049 0.000
SOURCE_APP_BYTES 0.000 0.000 -4.600 0.000
site_age -0.013 0.002 -5.523 0.000
Table 3 shows the variables that show a significant relationship with a website being malicious or
not. The logistic regression output can be interpreted as follows:
• “URL_LENGTH” has a coefficient of -0.151. The negative sign signifies that an increase in
URL length is related with decrease in probability of a website being malicious given that all
other variables are kept the same.
• “NUMBER_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS” has a coefficient of 1.070. The positive sign means
that an increase in this variable is related with an increase in the probability of a website being
malicious given that all other variables are kept the same.
• Any increase in a variable with a p-value < 0.05 and a positive coefficient will increase the
probability of the website being malicious given that all other variables are kept the same.
• Any decrease in a variable with a p-value < 0.05 and a negative coefficient will increase the
probability of the website being malicious given that all other variables are kept the same.
Decision Tree
Random Forest
The most important variable according to the SVM based model is the ‘site_age’. This is followed
Model Comparison
Table 5. Comparison of Model metrics on the training set
Training Algorithm Sensitivity Specificity Precision Recall F1 Balanced.Accuracy
Logistic_Full 0.89 0.92 0.60 0.89 0.72 0.91
Logistic_Partial 0.89 0.91 0.57 0.89 0.69 0.90
Decision_Tree 0.87 0.91 0.58 0.87 0.69 0.89
Random_Forest 1.00 0.99 0.95 1.00 0.98 1.00
Support_Vector_Machine 0.56 0.98 0.81 0.56 0.66 0.77
Here we can see the performance comparison for all models on the training set. It is easy to see
that all models except SVM show reasonably high accuracy. When evaluated according to the F1-
score, we see that the Random forest-based model outperforms the rest followed by logistic
Figure 19: Confusion Matrix for the Random forest model on the testing dataset
Variables important in detecting malicious websites
We used a variety of different variables to train classification models based on 4 different
algorithms. Across the four different models, we observed a few variables that were considered
critical by all. Since these variables are being considered important by each model, it is worth
investigating this importance.
Site age
It was seen quite clearly that the age of a website had an effect on the likelihood of a website being
malicious or not. Older websites were predicted as more likely to be malicious than newer ones
given all other information remained the same. This again makes sense as older website created
using legacy code may possess many insecure bits of code that can leave it open to malicious
We observed that all types of CHARSET except ASCII were heavily associated with increasing
the probability of a website being malicious. One reason for this can be the tight constraints used
by the ASCII CHARSET as compared to UTF-8 charsets.
We observed that websites with country as USA were less likely to be malicious as compared to
those with other countries. This can be because of better cyber security measures in the USA as
compared to the rest of the world.
The best F1-score we achieved on the test set was equal to 0.78. This is score while fairly decent
can definitely be improved upon. One clear way of improving this will be to use sampling
techniques to tackle the problem of class imbalance as only 12% of the websites in our data were
malicious. Oversampling of the malicious websites can help in allowing the model to learns
patterns that increase the likelihood of a website being malicious much better(Guo et al., 2008).
Another way of improving the model performance could by using newer and more sophisticated
training algorithms such as gradient boosters and neural networks.
We cleaned and prepared a dataset containing malicious and benign websites and used it to train a
classification model which predicts whether a website will be malicious or not based on a selection
of features. We have showcased that it is possible to detect malicious websites with a reasonable
amount of certainty (90% of the 75 malicious websites in the test set were identified) using
machine learning models. We have also determined the features that were critical in predicting the
likelihood of a website being malicious. Most of our key features are easily available (URL Length,
number of Special characters, Country, Age of website). Further improvements can be made on
our results by using sampling techniques to deal with class imbalance and using more sophisticated
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Exploratory Plots for Numerical Variables
Exploratory Plots for Categorical Variables
Confusion Matrices
Logistic Regression with All Variables
Training Set
Testing Set
Logistic Regression Subset
Training Set
Testing Set
Decision Tree
Training Set
Testing Set
Support Vector Machine
Training Set
Testing Set
Random Forest
Training Set
Testing Set